Sunday, 28 June 2015

Devon bibliography: 1974


Acland, Anne. Broadclyst. The church of St John the Baptist, Broadclyst. 1974. p726.5/BRO/ACL .- Subjects: Devon.

Adams, Cedric Vyvyen Anthony. Exeter. Shapenmut, priestess of Thebes. [1974]. pB/EXE/614.64/ADA.- Subjects: Devon.

Arber, Muriel A. North Devon. The cliffs of North Devon. 1974. p551.45/DEV/ARB : 551.45/BN/ARB : D550/ARB.- Subjects: Devon.

Area Museum Council for the South West. Report of the Area Museum Council for the South West 1973-1974. 1974. p069.062/WES/ARE .- Subjects: Devon.

Atlas ... Atlas of breeding birds in Devon. 1974. x912.1598/DEV/ATL : sx912.1598/DEV/ATL : sx912.1598/DEV/ATLg : 912.1598/B/SIT : I/S : : .- Subjects: Devon.

Ayre, Henry G. Arlington. The parish and church of Saint James, Arlington. [1974?]. p726.5/ARL/AYR .- Subjects: Devon.

Baker, Daisy. Travels in a donkey trap. 1974. sDEV/1974/BAK : B/1974/BAK .- Subjects: Devon.

Barrett, Susan. Rubbish. [1974]. s823/BAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Barrington, G J. Saint Austell. The St. Austell China Clay area : a statement of policy by the Cornwal . 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Beale, P.B. Dartmoor. Some effects of water abstraction on the fauna of two Dartmoor rivers. 1974. Not acquired WSL : UEX.- Subjects: Devon.

Beck, Tony. Plymouth. The Fine Tubes strike. 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Beer, Trevor. Devon's wild flowers. 1974. s582.13/DEV/BEE : p582.13/DEV/BEE.- Subjects: Devon.

Beer, Trevor. Devon's birds. 1974. p598.2/DEV/BEE.- Subjects: Devon.

Beer, Trevor. Devon's wild flowers. 1974. s582.13/DEV/BEE : p582.13/DEV/BEE.- Subjects: Devon.

Beer, Trevor. North Devon. Devon's northern footpaths. 1974. p796.51/NORE : 796.51/BN/BEE .- Subjects: Devon.

Beer, Trevor. Devon's fossils, pebbles & shells. 1974. s560/DEV/BEE : DP560/BEE.- Subjects: Devon.

Benton, John Anthony. Moretonhampstead. The parish church of Saint Andrew, Moretonhampstead. 1974. p726.5/MOR/BEN .- Subjects: Devon.

Better ... Better pubs in Devon. 1974. s647.95/DEV/BET .. . Better... Better pubs in Devon. 1974. Not acquired WSL : 647.95/B/BET : .- Subjects: Devon.

Bittaford Methodist Chapel. Ugborough. Bittaford Methodist Church : a hundred years of witness . 1974. px287.1/UGB/BIT .- Subjects: Devon.

Book ... South Devon. The book without a title : no. 2 : poetry by young people in South Devon . 1974. p821.008/DEV/BOO.- Subjects: Devon.

Booker, Frank. Tavistock. The story of Morwellham. 1974. pB/MOR 9/0001/BOO .- Subjects: Devon.

Bray, Lilian Ada. Tiverton. Tiverton walk-about. [1974]. p720.9/TIV/BRA.- Subjects: Devon.

Brent, Peter. Plymouth. Captain Scott & the Antarctic tragedy(Intro by Sir Vivian Fuchs). 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Brixham ... Torbay. Brixham [accommodation] 1974. 1974. s647.94/BRI/BRI : s647.94/BRI/BRIr.- Subjects: Devon.

Bussell, Greader E. Feniton. To the islands of Patteson. 1974. s920/BUS.. . Button, Nigel.W. A Devon industrial railway. 1974. 385.5/DEV/BUT.- Subjects: Devon.

Buying ... Exeter. Buying a house in Exeter and area. 1974. p643/EXE/BUY.- Subjects: Devon.

Bynon ... Bynon family. 1974. Not acquired WSL : D929 PEDFILE.- Subjects: Devon.

Calendar .. [ed. Potts, Richard]. A calendar of Cornish glebe terriers 1673-1735. 1974. PER : 333.323/C/CAL : C333/CAL : 18/NS/19.- Subjects: Devon.

Camborne ... Camborne-Redruth. Camborne-Redruth, Cornwall : the official guide . 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Chawleigh. Parish. Chawleigh. Chawleigh notes...collected between 1958-74. [1974]. fB/CHA 9/0001/CHA : fB/CHA 9/0001/CHAr.- Subjects: Devon.

Chitty, Michael. Exeter. Industrial archaeology of Exeter : a guide. Rev ed . 1974. sB/EXE/609/CHI : sB/EXE/609/CHIr : spB/EXE/609/CHI : 609/EXE/CHI.- Subjects: Devon.

Chitty, Susan. Bideford. The beast and the monk : a life of Charles Kingsley . 1974. s828/KIN : s828/KIN.- Subjects: Devon.

Clamp, Arthur L. Dartmoor. A pictorial guide to Northern Dartmoor. [1974?. sB/DAR 5/1970/CLA : BX:DAR 5/1974/CLA : AD1974 : CLA.- Subjects: Devon.

Cluer, Andrew. Plymouth. Plymouth & Plymothians : photographs & memories . 1974. xB/PLY/1840/PLY : sxB/PLY 1/1840/CLU : sxB/PLY/1840/PLYg : .- Subjects: Devon.

Cody, Paul. Newton Abbot. A history of Newton Abbot. [1974?. sxB/NEW 1/0001/COD.- Subjects: Devon.

Coleridge's ... Coleridge's variety : bicentenary studies . 1974. s828/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Collman, Morris. Devon long ago. 1974. pDEV/0001/COL : spDEV/0001/COL : B /0001/COL : DP900/COL : .- Subjects: Devon.

Combe ... Combe Martin. Combe Martin on Devon's golden coast at the western gateway to Exmoor National Park. [1974?]. sB/COM 3/1974/COM.- Subjects: Devon.

Community Council of Devon. Annual report and statement of accounts 1973-74. 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Copley, W.L. Plymouth. Plymouth's water supply. [1974?]. s628.1/PLY/COP.- Subjects: Devon.

Cornwall Conservation Forum. Cornwall's choice : a reply to the South West Economic Planning Council's A strategic settlement pattern for the South West . 1974. BH stack, c/t WSL : xCOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Cotsford, E.J. Charles. Local history of Charles. [1974?]. pB/CHA 5/0001/COT : spB/CHA 5/0001/COT.- Subjects: Devon.

Countryside Commission. outh Devon. South Devon coast path. 1974. p796.51/SOU/COU .- Subjects: Devon.

Crediton Urban District Council. Crediton. Guide to Crediton & District. [1974?. Not acquired WSL : Tiv pZ/CRE 1974 183.- Subjects: Devon.

Crossing, William. Dartmoor. Crossing's Amid Devonia's alps : or, wanderings & adventures on Dartmoor . 1974. B/DAR 5/1874/CRO : sB/DAR 5/1874/CRO : sB/DAR 5/1874/CRO.- Subjects: Devon.

Dartington ... Dartington. Dartington Hall and its work. 1974. Not acquired WSL : 333.3/DAR/DAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Deacon, Lois. Dartmoor. Dartmoor with a difference. 1974. sB/DAR 5/1974/DEA : sB/DAR 5/1974/DEAg : DEA : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, Eric R. Lynmouth. The Lynmouth flood disaster. 1974. s551.48/LYN/DEL : DEL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. Long summer day : Book 1 of A horseman riding by . 1974. Edition not acquired : D823/DEL.- Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. Budleigh Salterton. Theirs was the kingdom. 1974. Not acquired WSL.- Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. Budleigh Salterton. All over the town. 1974. s823/DEL : D823/DEL.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of Education and Science. Public library services in mainly rural areas : a report on present and future provision in Devon and Cornwall . 1974. sx027/WES/DEP : sx027/WES/DEPg.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Salcombe. List of buildings of ... historic interest ... Salcombe .... 1974. sx720.9/SAL/DEP.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Exeter. List of buildings of ... historic interest ... Exeter. 1974. (Image) sxB/EXE/720.9/DEP.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Ottery St. Mary. List of buildings ... of historic interest : urban district of Ottery St.Mary . 1974. sx720.9/OTT/DEP.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Teignmouth. Teignmouth harbour revision (draft) order 1974 ... report of the public inquiry held ... 28 October .... [1974]. x387.1/TEI/TEI.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon ... Devon events '74. 1974. p790.1/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Association of Parish Councils. Annual report and statement of accounts for the year 1973/74. 1974. p352.0072206/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Cattle Breeders' Society. Davy's Devon herd book. Volume 97 : 1974 . 1974. sPER/DAV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Centre for Further Education. Dartington. Calendar of courses 1974. 1974. p374/DAR/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Centre for Further Education. Dartington. Calendar of courses 1974. 1974. p374/DAR/DEV : DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Conservation Forum. Housing in Devon : architectural considerations . 1974. x728/DEV/DEV : sx728/DEV/DEV : 363.5/B/DEV : sx728/DEV/DEVg : .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Standing orders. 1974. s352.000684/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Lieutenancy. 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Amenities & Countr. Devon Library Services : byelaws, rules and regulations . 1974. p025.5674/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Corporate Man.Team. Memorandum ... on South West Economic Planning Council's report entitled A strategic settlement pattern for the South West. 1974. BH stack c/t WSL : DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. East Devon Area Ed. Exeter. Further education 74-75 : a guide to evening classes and other educational facilities in Exeter . 1974. sB/EXE/374/DEV : DEV/EAS.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Committee. Audio-visual aids : 16mm cine film catalogue . 1974. px011/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Dept. County primary schools : instrument of management... . [1974]. p372.12/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Dept. County primary schools : instrument of management and rules of management . [1974?. p344.071/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Engineer's Dept. Transport policies and programme : 1st submission 1975-76 . 1974. sx380.5/DEV : sx380.5/DEVr.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Estates Surveyor. Employment in Devon : report of the County Estates Surveyor to the Economy and Employment Committee 25th September 1974 . 1974. px331.125/DEV/DEV : 331.1/B/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Devon county development plan : written statement, 1974 . 1974. sx711.3/DEV/1974 : sx711.3/DEV/1974g .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Tourist Office. Angling in Devon. [1974?. p799.12/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Tourist Office. Devon camping/csravan sites 1974. 1974. p796.54/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Dept. Budget 1974. 1974. sx352.12/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Dept. Resources budget (revenue) 1974-75. 1974. sx352.12/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Cricket Club. Devon County Cricket Club year book 1974 (with 1973 results). [1974]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon General. South Devon. Bus and coach timetable : 5 May 1974 until 3 May 1975 . 1974. s388.322042/SOU/1974.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Library Services. Subject index.. 1974. sx025.48/DEV/DEV : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Probation and After-care Committee. Report. 1974-. p364.63/DEV/DEV : p364.63/DEV/DEVr.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Record Office. County archivist's report. 1st April, 1972 to 31st March, 1973 and 1st April, 1973 to 31st March, 1974. 1974. p352.164/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon River Authority. A guide to angling facilities in the area.. 1974. p799.12/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Constabulary. Annual report of the Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall for the year ended 31st December, 1973. 1974. s363.2/WES/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon's ... Devon's Atlantic coast. 1974. Not acquired WSL : DP910/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devonport ... Plymouth. Devonport carnival souvenir programme : 150 years 1824-1974 . 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Doidge, B.C. Combe Raleigh. The church and parish of Combe Raleigh, Devon : a history . 1974. 726.5/COM/DOI : spx726.5/COM/DOI.- Subjects: Devon.

Drake, J.H. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe and Lundy : information folder no. 1 . 1974. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/121 : BHo sB/LUN/LAN/121r.- Subjects: Devon.

Duffield, Oliver E. Bicton. Duffields of Bicton. 1974. 920.2/DUF.- Subjects: Devon.

Ellacott, Kathleen. Braunton. A Song of Braunton and other verses. 1974. s821/ELL : 821 /ELL : D821/ELL.- Subjects: Devon.

Elliott, R.L. Plymouth. Plymouth industrial, commercial & services guide 74-75. 1974. sx380.1025/PLY/1974.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter ... Exeter. Exeter and district, Devonshire : accommodation list and other information 1974 . 1974. pB/EXE/647.94/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter ... Exeter. Exeter air day, Saturday, 6th July, 1974 : official programme . 1974. pB/EXE/387.7074/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Area Training Organisation. Report to the Lord James Committee on the education of teachers. [1974?. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Exeter. Report on the cost effectiveness of a number of functions of the City's Parks section. 1974. sxB/EXE/352.73/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Exeter. Annual report upon the School Health Service for the year ended 31st December, 1973. 1974. sB/EXE/371.7/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Exeter. [A short history of the education service in Exeter ]. 1974. sB/EXE/379.153/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Environmental Hlth. Exeter. The environmental health service in Exeter : annual report . 1974-. sxB/EXE/363.7/EXE : sxB/EXE/363.7/EXEr.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Planning Department. Exeter. Exeter and area transportation study : report on the study by Exeter City Planning Officer containing the recommendations ... . [1974?. pxB/EXE/711.7/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Planning Department. Exeter. Central riverside : detailed advisory plan . 1974. sxB/EXE/711.4/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Planning Department. Exeter. Southern strategic route : validation report . 1974. sxB/EXE/711.73/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Planning Department. Exeter. Exeter : a strategy for growth . 1974. sxB/EXE/711.4/1974 : sxB/EXE/711.4/1974g.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Tourist Information. Exeter. Exeter official guide. [1974]. B/EXE/1974/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Department. Exeter. Estimates 1974-75. 1974. sxB/EXE/352.12/1974 : sxB/EXE/352.12/1974g.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter College. Exeter. Part-time day and evening courses 1974-75. 1974. pB/EXE/378/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter College. Exeter. G.C.E. at Exeter College. 1974. sxB/EXE/373.2/EXE U : sxB/EXE/373.2/EXE Ur.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter College. Exeter. Prospectus 1974-75. 1974. sB/EXE/378/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Council for Voluntary Service. Exeter. Annual report. 27th : July 1973-June 1974 . 1974. sB/EXE/361.7062/EXE : sB/EXE/361.7062/EXEr.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter District Council. Exeter. Capital programme 1973-74. [1974?. sxB/EXE/352.12/EXE : sxB/EXE/352.12/EXEr.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter District Council. Exeter. Estimates 1974-75. [1974?. sxB/EXE/352.12/EXE : sxB/EXE/352.12/EXEr : xEXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Education Committee. Exeter. Education in the city 1871-1974. 1974. pB/EXE/370/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Museums. North Devon. North Devon pottery. [1974?. px738.3/DEV/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Museums. Exeter. Exeter silver. [1974?. pxB/EXE/739.23/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter School. Exeter. Prospectus 1974. 1974. sB/EXE/373/EXE : EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Fairclough, Tony. More Great Western steam in Devon. 1974. s385.361/DEV/FAI.- Subjects: Devon.

Farquharson-Coe, A. Devon's folklore and legends. 1974. p398.2/DEV/FAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Farson, Daniel. North Devon. Out of step. 1974. Not acquired WSL : 920 /FAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Ford, H.L. Diesels on the Devon main line. 1974. s385.366/DEV/FOR : s385.366/DEV/FORg : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Foster, Murray T. Cullompton. A brief description of the church of St.Andrew, Cullompton. 1974. p726.5/CUL/FOS .- Subjects: Devon.

Freeman Fox and Associates. Exeter. Exeter and area : proposal for a transportation study, May 1974 . 1974. Not acquired WSL : FRE.- Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Exeter. Annual report. 44th : to 31st March, 1974 . 1974. sPER/FRI : FRI.- Subjects: Devon.

Gay, John. Barnstaple. Poetry and prose. 1974. s828/GAY : s828/GAYr : 821/GAY.- Subjects: Devon.

Glyn-Jones, Anne. South Devon. Devon as a retirement area : implications for county social services . 1974. p305.26/DEV/GLY : GLY.- Subjects: Devon.

Gray, Mary. Dartmoor. Devon's Dartmoor. 1974. sB/DAR 5/1974/GRA.- Subjects: Devon.

Gray, Mary. South Devon. Devon's southern footpaths. 1974. s796.51/SOU/GRA.- Subjects: Devon.

Gray, Mary. North Devon. Devon's northern coast. 1974. pDEV/1974/GRA : BN /1974/GRA.- Subjects: Devon.

Gray, Mary. Devon's churches. 1974. p726.5/DEV/GRA : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Gray, Patricia. Plymouth. A history of Stoke Damerel parish church. 1974. sx726.5/PLY/GRA.- Subjects: Devon.

Green, Christina. Dartmoor. Beatrice Chase : my Lady of the Moor : souvenir booklet . 1974. 920/CHA : s920/CHA : 920/CHA .- Subjects: Devon.

Greenaway, Joyce. Exeter. Eight hundred years of the people and parish of St.David, Exeter. 1974. B/EXE/726.5/GRE : B/EXE/726.5/GREr .- Subjects: Devon.

Grigg, T.R. Grigg family of North Devon. 1974. Not acquired WSL : D929.2/GRI O.- Subjects: Devon.

Guild ... The Guild of Devonshire Ringers 1874 - 1974. 1974. px789.5/DEV/GUI.- Subjects: Devon.

Hall, Jean. Exeter. Exeter canal and quays. 1974. pB/EXE/386.47/HAL.- Subjects: Devon.

Harding, Anthony John. Ottery St. Mary. Coleridge and the idea of love : aspects of relationship in Coleridge's thought and writing . 1974. s828/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Harvey, L.A. Dartmoor. Dartmoor. 1974. s500.9/DAR/HAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Hatley, Jan. Paignton. The Paignton Zoo identikit for young naturalists. 1974. px590.744/PAI/HAT.- Subjects: Devon.

Helston ... Helston. Helston and district and the Lizard Peninsula official guide. [1974]. sC/HEL 7/1974/HEL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Hill, L.A.K. Fremington. The Old Barn, Fremington near Barnstaple. 1974. p728/FRE/HIL : BN:FRE/1954/HIL : DP728FRE/HIL : `.- Subjects: Devon.

Hodgson, A.R.S. Ilsington. Pomeroy of Ingsdon Manor, Ilsington, Devon. 1974. px929.2/ING.- Subjects: Devon.

Home Office. Newton Abbot. Report on a fatal accident.... 1974. s625.733/NEW/HOM.- Subjects: Devon.

Hoskins, W.G. Exeter. Two thousand years in Exeter. 1974. B/EXE/0001/HOS .- Subjects: Devon.

Ilfracombe ... Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe on glorious Devon's ocean coast. 1974. sB/ILF/1974/ILF.- Subjects: Devon.

Interim ... Plymouth. Interim report on the wreck discovered in the Cattewater, Plymouth on 20 June, 1973. 1974. px623.8885/PLY/INT .- Subjects: Devon.

Jackson, William. Exeter. William Jackson of Exeter : a short sketch of my own life (1802) . 1974. p920/JAC.- Subjects: Devon.

Jenkin, A.K.Hamilton. Mines of Devon. Volume 1 : the southern area . 1974. 622.34/DEV/JEN : 622.34/DEV/JENg : 622.3/BX/JEN : D622/JEN .- Subjects: Devon.

Kidson, C. The pleistocene stratigraphy of Barnstaple Bay. 1974. Not acquired WSL : DP560/KID.- Subjects: Devon.

Kingdom, Anthony Richard. South Hams. The Yealmpton branch : (S.Hams light railway) . 1974. s385.5/SOU/KIN : I/S : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Kingdom, Anthony Richard. The railways of Devon : a pictorial survey . 1974. s385.361/DEV/KIN : s385.361/DEV/KINg : D385/KIN .- Subjects: Devon.

Kingsford, R.C.D. Compulsory education and curriculum reconstruction. 1974. s375.001/WES/KIN.- Subjects: Devon.

Knapman.... family and kin, Knapman. 1974? . 21/KNAPMAN.- Subjects: Devon.

Knill, Thomas A. Links of Knill : a genealogy . 1974. Not acquired WSL : D929 PEDFILE.- Subjects: Devon.

Langham, A.F. Lundy. A catalogue of Lundy postal history. 1974. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/787.- Subjects: Devon.

Langhorne, Elizabeth. Plymouth. Nancy Astor and her friends. 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Larn, Richard. Devon shipwrecks. 1974. 623.8885/DEV/LAR : 623.8885/DEV/LARr : D363/LAR : I/S : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Larn, Richard. Devon shipwrecks. 1974. s623.8885/DEV/LAR : s623.8885/DEV/LARr : 363.123/B/LAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Lefebvre, Molly. Ottery St. Mary. Samuel Taylor Coleridge : a bondage of opium . 1974. s828/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Legg, Rodney. Ghosts of Dorset, Devon and Somerset. 1974. 133.1/WES/LEG : 133.1/A/LEG.- Subjects: Devon.

Lemarchand, Elizabeth. Alibi for a corpse. 1974. s823/LEM.- Subjects: Devon.

Lemarchand, Elizabeth. Buried in the past. 1974. s823/LEM.- Subjects: Devon.

Lethaby, William Richard. Barnstaple. Architecture, mysticism and myth. 1974. 720.924/BAR/LET.- Subjects: Devon.

Liskeard ... Liskeard. Liskeard & district guide : descriptive matter and historical . [1974]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Local Government Operational Research Unit. Exeter. Proposals for the first phase of a joint transportation study of Exeter and area. 1974. pxB/EXE/711.7/LOC.- Subjects: Devon.

Lockyear, Harold. Hartland. Home in Hartland. 1974. Not acquired WSL : BT:HAR7/1974/LOC : .- Subjects: Devon.

Lundy Field Society. Lundy. Field course in sublittoral marine ecology, Lundy July 27-April 1974 : report . 1974. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/589.- Subjects: Devon.

Lydford, J [ed. Owen, Dorothy M]. John Lydford's book. 1974. Not acquired WSL : D091/LYD : 18/NS/20 : 920/LYD.- Subjects: Devon.

Majdalany, Fred. Eddystone. The red rocks of Eddystone. 1974. s623.8942/EDD/MAJ : : : .- Subjects: Devon.

Mann, William. Plymouth. Lettering & lettering display. 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Marten, Clement. The Devonshire dialect : being a collection of reminiscences,anecdotes, customs and traditions in which the Devonshire dialect is seen to be an important part of the character of the Devonshire people . 1974. p427/DEV/MAR : 427 /B/MAR : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Masefield, John. Jim Davis. 1974. s823/MAS.- Subjects: Devon.

Mayo, Ronald. Westward Ho!. The Story of Westward Ho! (from fashionable watering-place to self-service resort). 1974. B/WES 7/1853/MAY : pB/WES 7/1853/MAY : BT:WES7/0001/MAY.- Subjects: Devon.

McDonald, Kendall. Thurlestone. Just-a-Cottage. 1974. s301.34/DEV/MCD.- Subjects: Devon.

Milne, Christopher. Dartmouth. The enchanted places. 1974. 920/MIL.- Subjects: Devon.

Minchinton, Walter. Devon at work : past and present . 1974. 338/DEV/MIN : s338/DEV/MIN : s338/DEV/MINg : 609/B/MIN : D609/MIN .- Subjects: Devon.

More... More Great Western steam in Devon. 1974. s385.361/DEV/FAI .- Subjects: Devon.

Morgan, Eileen. Dartmoor. Beatrice Chase of Widecombe (my Lady of the Moor). 1974. s828/CHA.- Subjects: Devon.

Morrish, F.J. Kenton. All Saints' Church, Kenton. 1974. p726.5/KEN/MOR .- Subjects: Devon.

Moulton, Robert D. Lundy. Lundy rock climbs : a guide book to rock climbing on Lundy . 1974. s796.522/LUN/MOU : s796.522/LUN/MOUr.- Subjects: Devon.

Mullion ... Mullion. Mullion, South Cornwall, holiday brochure. [1974]. sC/MUL/1974/MUL : sC/MUL/1974/MULg : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

National Association of Local Govt. Off. Exeter. Devon County Branch : rules and constitution . [1974]. p331.88/DEV/NAT.- Subjects: Devon.

National Trust. Devon and Cornwall 1974. 1974. pWES/1974/NAT : BHo sB/LUN/LAN/184.- Subjects: Devon.

National and Local Government Off. Assoc. Devon County Branch : rules and constitution . [1974]. p331.88/DEV/NAT.- Subjects: Devon.

Naturalist ... A naturalist in Devon. [1974]. p500.9/DEV/ANA.- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon College. Barnstaple. College prospectus. 1974. 378/BAR/Nor.- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon College. Barnstaple. College prospectus : details of part-time courses available 1974-1954 . 1974. s378/BAR/NOR.- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon Railway Preservation Society. North Devon. The centenary of the Barnstaple Ilfracombe line, 1874-1974. 1974. p385/DEV/NOR : 385 /ILF/NOR : D385/LOC : .- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. Black ey'd Susan. 1974. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1974.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. Hedda Gabler. [1974]. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1974.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. Hay Fever. 1974. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1974 : TP B/Exeter/ Northcott Theater/1974.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. Arms and the man. [1974]. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1974 : TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1974.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. Much ado about nothing. [1974]. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1974.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. An inspector calls. 1974. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1974.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. Fiddler on the roof. 1974. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1974 : TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1974.- Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Tiverton. The official guide to Tiverton and district. [1974?]. sB/TIV/1974/OFF.- Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Newton Abbot. Official guide to Newton Abbot : the ideal centre . [1974]. sB/NEW 1/1974/OFF.- Subjects: Devon.

Owen, T.R. Braunton. St. Brannock's Church, Braunton. 1974. Edition not acquired : DP900BRA/OWE : .- Subjects: Devon.

PTRC (UK) Limited. Exeter. Exeter and area transportation study : consultant's proposal . 1974. BH stack nis WSL : PTR.- Subjects: Devon.

Paignton ... Paignton. Paignton [accommodation] 1974. 1974. s647.94/PAI/PAI : s647.94/PAI/PAIr.- Subjects: Devon.

Pearce, Susan M. Exeter. Redman of North America : a catalogue of the North American Indian collections ... . 1974. pB/EXE/970.1/PEA.- Subjects: Devon.

Pearce, Susan M. Exeter. Masks of Africa exhibiton : 1 February-31 May, 1974 . 1974. pB/EXE/731.75/PEA.- Subjects: Devon.

Pepperell, Algernon. Chawleigh. Chawleigh notes. [1974]. fB/CHA 9/0001/CHA.- Subjects: Devon.

Pettit, Paul. Dartmoor. Prehistoric Dartmoor. 1974. B/DAR 5/0005/PET : sB/DAR 5/0005/PET : sB/DAR 5/0005/PETg : 936.2/DAR 5/PET .- Subjects: Devon.

Peyronnet, G. Les sources de l'histoire medievale de la Bretagne en Angleterre. 1974. p944.1/ DEV/PEY.- Subjects: Devon.

Pike, John R. South Devon. South Devon walkabout : 11 circular walks fully described . 1974. p796.51/SOU/PIK.- Subjects: Devon.

Pike, John R. Paignton. Paignton, Torbay : a bibliographical guide . 1974. B/PAI/0001/PIK : p016/PAI//PIK : 016/PAI/PIKg : 016/PAI/PIK : .- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth ... Plymouth. Plymouth official guide 1974. 1974. sB/PLY 1/1974/PLY.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth ... Plymouth. Plymouth : ancient port - modern resort . 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Plymouth. Plymouth and environs transportation study : survey report . 1974. x711.7/W : xPLY.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Chief Officers. Plymouth. Air transportation facilities for Plymouth : initial report of Chief Officers' group to the Transportation Committee ... 1974 . 1974. BH stack nis WSL : PLY.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth District Council. Plymouth. District Council minutes 1973-1974. 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth Joint Services. Plymouth. Official time-table of Plymouth Joint Services : 1st April 1974 until further notice . 1974. p388.322042/PLY/1974.- Subjects: Devon.

Powys, Llewelyn. A baker's dozen. 1974. s824/POW.- Subjects: Devon.

Preece, Clem. Wheels to the West : the personal story of a life devoted to public transport from the days of the pioneering twenties . 1974. s388.322/WES/PRE .- Subjects: Devon.

Prideaux, John Denys Charles Anstice. North Devon. Lynton & Barnstaple Railway album. 1974. 385.5/DEV/PRI : s385.5/DEV/PRI : s385.5/DEV/PRIg : D385/PRI : 385.5/LYN 7/PRI.- Subjects: Devon.

Rankin. Laird. Appledore. The Nonsuch. 1974. Not acquired WSL : 387.2/APP/RAN : .- Subjects: Devon.

Rolt, Lionel Thomas Caswall. South Devon. the potters' field. a history of the South Devon ball clay industry. 1974. 622.361/DEV/ROL : s622.361/DEV/ROL : s622.361/DEV/ROL : s622.361/DEV/ROLg : 622.3/BX/ROL .- Subjects: Devon.

Rowe, Nicholas. Lamerton. The tragedy of Jane Shore. 1974. s822/ROW.- Subjects: Devon.

Rural ... Rural change and urban growth 1500-1800 : essays in English regional history... . 1974. s920/HOS : DP631.- Subjects: Devon.

Russell, Percy. Dartmouth. Flavel Memorial United Reformed Church (formerly Congregational) : a short history...Congregational Church in Dartmouth.Rev ed. . 1974. p285.8/DAR/RUS.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint ... Dunsford. St. Mary's Church, Dunsford, Devon. [1974?]. p726.5/DUN/ST.M .- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Austell ... Saint Austell. St. Austell Bay : Borough of St. Austell with Fowey official guide . [1974]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Loye's College. Exeter. Annual report. 37th : 1973 . 1974. sB/EXE/371.916/St.L : sB/EXE/371.916/St.Lr.- Subjects: Devon.

Sambourne, Roy Charles. Plymouth. Plymouth : 100 years of street travel . [1974]. 388.4/PLY : 388.4/PLYg : SAM + : I/S : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Sampford Peverell Church of England School. Sampford Peverell. Sampford Peverell C of E School 1874-1974. [1974]. p372/SAM/SAM.- Subjects: Devon.

Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick and Partners. Plymouth. Plymouth and environs transportation study : survey report, February 1974 . 1974. sx711.7/PLY/SCO.- Subjects: Devon.

Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick and Partners. Exeter. Exeter and area transportation study : project report : 2nd draft, September 1974 (Technical report ; no. 74063 . 1974. sxB/EXE/711.7/SCO P.- Subjects: Devon.

Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick and Partners. Exeter. Exeter and area transportation study : project report, September 1974 . 1974. sxB/EXE/711.7/SCO : sxB/EXE/711.7/SCOg.- Subjects: Devon.

Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick and Partners. Plymouth. Plymouth and environs transportation study : final report . [1974?. sx711.7/PLY/SCO : sx711.7/PLY/SCOg.- Subjects: Devon.

Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick and Partners. Plymouth. Plymouth and environs transportation study : data analysis report , June 1974 . 1974. sx711.7/PLY/SCO : sx711.7/PLY/SCOg.- Subjects: Devon.

Seale-Hayne College. Newton Abbot. Prospectus 1974-75. 1974. s630.711/NEW/SEA : s630.711/NEW/SEAr.- Subjects: Devon.

Seaton ... Seaton. Seaton official guide including Beer, Colyton and surrounding district. [1974]. sB/SEA/1974/SEA.- Subjects: Devon.

Shebbear College. Shebbear. [Prospectus]. 1974. px373.22/SHE/SHE : 373.222/BT:SHE 1/SHE.- Subjects: Devon.

Sherwood, B.R. Lundy. A proposal to restore the rhopalocera of Lundy. 1974. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/654.- Subjects: Devon.

Sidmouth ... Sidmouth. Sidmouth official guide. [1974]. sB/SID 5/1974/SID.- Subjects: Devon.

Skinner, B.G. Brixham. Henry Francis Lyte : Brixham's poet and priest . 1974. 920/LYT : s920/LYT : s920/LYTg.- Subjects: Devon.

Somers Cocks, John Vernon. Dartmoor. The Dartmoor bibliography : non-fiction : supplement no. 1 - Summer 1974 . 1974. 016/DAR/SOM : s016/DAR/SOM : 016/DAR/SOMg : 016/DAR 5/COC : 016.94235 .- Subjects: Devon.

South ... South Devon. South Devon : Torquay, Paignton, Brixham, Dartmouth, Salcombe, Kingsbridge . 1974. sDEV/1974/SOU : sDEV/1974/SOUg.- Subjects: Devon.

South Hams Countryside Unit. Slapton. Slapton Sands nature trail. [1974]. p500.9/SLA/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South Hams Countryside Unit. Slapton. Slapton Ley nature trail. [1974]. p500.9/SLA/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South West Arts. Annual report 1973-74. 1974. px706.2/WES/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South West Water Authority. Exeter. Exeter's water supply. [1974]. pxB/EXE/628.1/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South West Way Association. [Sectional guides to the South West Way]. 1974. px796.51/WES/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South Western Electricity Consultative Council. Report 1974. 1974. p621.31061/WES/SOU .- Subjects: Devon.

Statutes 1974. Local ; c.32. Torquay. Torquay Markets Act 1974. 1974. s348.022/1974/LOC/32.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1974 ; no. 27. Yealm River. The Yealm fishery (variation) order 1974. 1974. s346/STA/1974/0027.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1974 ; no. 122. Brompton Regis. The Devon River authority (Wimbleball Reservoir) order 1974. 1974. s346/STA/1974/0122.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1974 ; no. 124. Haddeo River. The Devon River authority (River Haddeo discharge) order 1974. 1974. s346/STA/1974/0124.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1974 ; no. 165. The Devon and Cornwall Police (amalgamation) order 1974. 1974. s346/STA/1974/0165.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1974 ; no. 1395. Littlehempston. The South West water authority (Littlehempston) order 1974. 1974. s346/STA/1974/1395.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1974 ; no. 1851. The Exeter-Launceston-Bodmin trunk road (Exeter to Okehampton diversion and slip roads. 1974. s346/STA/1974/1851.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1974 ; no. 2104. Bridestowe. The Exeter-Bodmin trunk road (Bridestowe by-pass) order 1974. 1974. s346/STA/1974/2104.- Subjects: Devon.

Stevens, C.E. The sacred wood. [1974?. p291.35/DEV/STE.- Subjects: Devon.

Stoker, Hugh. Sea fishing in South Devon. 1974. s799.16/SOU/STO.- Subjects: Devon.

Story ... Honiton. The story of John Graves Simcoe, First Lieutenant governor of Upper Canada and guide...Wolford Memorial Chapel, Honiton.... [1974]. p920/SIMr.- Subjects: Devon.

Story ... Exmouth. The story of the Exmouth lifeboats, 1803-1974. 1974. p614.864/EXM/MOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Sutcliffe, E.W. Payhembury. Payhembury. 1974. pB/PAY/0001/SUT.- Subjects: Devon.

Sweetman, David. Plymouth. Captain Scott. 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Tavistock ... Tavistock. Tavistock Rural District, Devonshire : official guide 1973-74 . 1974. Not acquired WSL : DP910/TAV.- Subjects: Devon.

Teignmouth ... Teignbridge. Teignmouth and Dawlish, South Devon. [1974]. pxB/TEI 4/1974/TEI .- Subjects: Devon.

Temple, James H.. The mighty oak : the story of the Devon and Dorset Mission . [1974]. px287.1/WES/TEM : spx287.1/WES/TEM.- Subjects: Devon.

Templer, C.R. Exeter. The history of [Wyvern] Barracks. [1974]. pxB/EXE/355.71.- Subjects: Devon.

Tiverton District Council. Planning & T. Mid Devon. Industry report. 1974. px338/MID/TIV .- Subjects: Devon.

Tiverton District Council. Planning Dept. Mid Devon. First policy review 1974 : written statement and commentary ; adopted by the district council 27th March, 1974 . [1974]. x711.3/DEV/TIV : sx711.3/DEV/TIVr.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay ... Torbay. Torbay : Torquay, Paignton, Brixham . [1974]. sB/TOR 1/1974/TOR : sB/TOR 1/1974/TORg : TOR +.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay Borough Council. Torbay. Official year book 1974. 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Torquay ... Torquay. Torquay accommodation 1974. 1974. s647.94/TOR/TOR .- Subjects: Devon.

Transport 2000. Devon Branch. A transport policy for Devon. 1974. px711.7/DEV/TRA : px711.7/DEV/TRAr : xTRA.- Subjects: Devon.

Transport Planning Associates. Exeter. Exeter and area transportation study proposal. 1974. sxB/EXE/711.7/TRA P.- Subjects: Devon.

Tribute ... A tribute to Ronald Duncan by his friends. 1974. s828/DUN : 828/B/TRI : D828/DUN.- Subjects: Devon.

Trump, Harold J. Teignmouth. The port of Teignmouth and the Teignmouth Harbour Commission, 1836- 1932. 1974. px387.1/TEI/TRU.- Subjects: Devon.

Truro ... Truro. Truro : the official handbook of the city and rural district . [1974]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Truro ... Truro Diocesan directory A.D. 1974. 1974. NIS : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. University list : session 1974-75 . 1974. pB/EXE/378/UNI.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. Calendar 1974-1975. 1974. sB/EXE/378/UNI : sB/EXE/378/UNIr.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. Annual report 1973-1974. 1974. sB/EXE/378/UNI.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. Index to theses accepted for higher degrees. 1974. sB/EXE/013.375/UNI : sB/EXE/013.375/UNIr.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter Library. Exeter. Union list of current publications at the University of Exeter, 1974. 1974. sxB/EXE/015/UNI.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter Library. Exeter. Index to theses received for higher degrees. Supplement 2 : 1973 . [1974?. Not seen.- Subjects: Devon.

Voorhees, Alan M., and Associates Ltd. Exeter. Exeter and area transportation study proposal. 1974. Not acquired WSL : VOO.- Subjects: Devon.

Warburton, R. Newton Abbot. The history of Newton Abbot power station. 1974. 621.3121/MEW/WAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Ward, Paul R. A study of private nursing homes in Exeter and Devon and some comparisons with private old peoples homes : report PR-13-1974 . 1974. px362.61/DEV/WAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Western National Omnibus Company Ltd. Bus and coach timetable : Devon : 5 May 1974 until 3 May 1975 . 1974. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Westmacott, Mary. Churston Ferrers. A daughter's a daughter : a novel of romance and suspense . 1974. s823/WES.- Subjects: Devon.

Westward ... Westward Ho!. Westward Ho! with Bideford and district : official guide to Westward Ho!, Bideford and Appledore and district . 1974. sB/WES 7/1974/WES.- Subjects: Devon.

Whiting, Richard. Whiting of Wood. a mediaeval landed family. 1974. 21/WHITING.- Subjects: Devon.

Woolacombe ... Woolacombe. Woolacombe & Mortehoe official guide 1974. 1974. sB/WOO 5/1974/WOO.- Subjects: Devon.

Workers' Educational Association. Exeter. Exeter Branch programme winter 1974. 1974. sB/EXE/374/WOR : sB/EXE/374/WORr.- Subjects: Devon.

Working Party on Teaching Practice. Exeter. Report of the Working party on teaching practice. 1974. sB/EXE/370.733/WOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Youings, Joyce. Exeter. Early Tudor Exeter : the founders of the county of the city . 1974. B/EXE/352.0903/YOU : pB/EXE/352.0903/YOU : I/S : 5/YOU.

Skeleton records to be extended and typescripts and articles to be removed to separate files. Place descriptor to be removed to end of record.

This page last updated 28 June 2015. .