Sunday, 28 June 2015

Devon bibliography: 1973


Adams, Cedric Vyvyen Anthony. Exeter. The butterfly collection of the Royal Albert Memorial Museum : its history and development : exhibition Oct.1973-March 1974 . 1973. sB/EXE/595.789/ADA : sB/EXE/595.789/ADAr.- Subjects: Devon.

Ager, Derek V. Lyme Bay. The coast of south Devon and Dorset between Branscombe and Burton Bradstock. 1973. s551.45/WES/AGE.- Subjects: Devon.

Alcock, N.W. Medieval houses in Devon & their modernization. 1973. 728/DEV/ALC.- Subjects: Devon.

Ancient ... Langton Matravers. Ancient order of Purbeck marblers and stonecutters : articles of agreement . 1973. p338.632/PUR/ANC.- Subjects: Devon.

Ansell, Michael. Sir. Bideford. Soldier on : an autobiography . 1973. 920/ANS : 920/ANSr.- Subjects: Devon.

Antony ... Antony House. 1973. Edition not acquired : I/S : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Appleyard, Marie Evelyn. Rhymes of delight. 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Area Museum Council for the South West. Report of the Area Museum Council for the South West 1972-1973. 1973. p069.062/WES/ARE.- Subjects: Devon.

Ash, A K. Store cattle and sheep markets in Devon and Cornwall. 1973. px381.4162/WES/ASH : px381.4162/WES/ASHr .- Subjects: Devon.

Assizes. Assize roll, county of Devon 1358. 1973. sx347.02/DEV/ASS.- Subjects: Devon.

Automobile Association. North Devon. Day drives in North Devon and Exmoor. 1973. p796.78/NOR/AUT.- Subjects: Devon.

Automobile Association. South Devon. Day drives in South Devon. 1973. p796.78/SOU/AUT.- Subjects: Devon.

Badawi, Mohamed Mustafa. Ottery St. Mary. Coleridge : critic of Shakespeare . 1973. s828/COL : s828/COLg.- Subjects: Devon.

Baker, C.Jane. Exeter. Exeter : the place and the people . 1973. sxB/EXE/907.4/BAK : sxB/EXE/907.4/BAK.- Subjects: Devon.

Balfour, D. & Sons. South Devon. Feasibility study and report on methods of refuse treatment and disposal(south area) : summary of conclusions and recommendations . 1973. px628.44/DEV/BAL P.- Subjects: Devon.

Barber, James. Plymouth. No 33 St Andrew's Street, Plymouth : a record during . 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Barnard, V. Tiverton. Inns of the Tiverton area, 1822-1903. 1973. 647.94/DEV/BAR : Tiv BAR 151.- Subjects: Devon.

Barnard, V.G. Tiverton. Inns of the Tiverton area, 1822-1903. 1973. 647.94/DEV/BAR : 647.94/DEV/BARr.- Subjects: Devon.

Barnstaple ... Barnstaple. Barnstaple. 1973. sB/BAR/1973/BAR : DP910BAR/BAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Beaford Centre. Beaford. Annual report 1971-2. 1973. sx707/BEA/BEA : sx707/BEA/BEAr : 706 /BEA 3/BEA.. . Bed ... Bed and breakfast in south and south-west England : the tourists' handbook 1973 . [1973]. s647.94/WES/BED : s647.94/WES/BEDg.- Subjects: Devon.

Bell, Leslie Jinman. Instow. Instow of the twin rivers. 1973. Not acquired WSL : DP900INS/BEL.- Subjects: Devon.

Bell, Neil. Bredon and Sons. 1973. s823/BEL.- Subjects: Devon.

Bennett, A.E. Exeter. Local Government reorganisation : a consideration of organisatio nal structures...Exeter District Council . 1973. xB/EXE/352.16/BEN.- Subjects: Devon.

Bideford ... Bideford. Bideford Rural Distric : the official guide. . [1973?]. pB/BID/1973/BID.- Subjects: Devon.

Bideford Town Council. Bideford. Bideford : Quater-Centenary 1573-1973 . 1973. Not acquired WSL : BT:BID/1573/BID.- Subjects: Devon.

Boldy, Duncan. The elderly in grouped dwellings : a profile . 1973. p363.59/DEV/BOL.- Subjects: Devon.

Bone, Michael. Barnstaple. Barnstaple's industrial archaeology : a guide . 1973. 609/BAR/BON : sp609/BAR/BON : 609/BAR/BON : D609.- Subjects: Devon.

Bone, Quentin. Exeter. Henrietta Maria, queen of the cavaliers. 1973. 920/HEN.- Subjects: Devon.

Bradbeer, Doris M. Exeter. Joyful schooldays : a digest of the history of the Exeter Grammar Schools . 1973. B/EXE/373.24/BRA : sB/EXE/373.24/BRA : sB/EXE/373.24/BRAg : 5/BRA.- Subjects: Devon.

Bradbeer, Grace. South Hams. The land changed its face : the evacuation of Devon's South Hams 1943-44 . 1973. B/SOU 2/1943/BRA : sB/SOU 2/1943/BRA : sB/SOU 2/1943/BRAg .- Subjects: Devon.

British Legion. Devon County Branch. Devon County official handbook 1973. 1973. s355.115/DEV/BRI : 355.115/DEV/BRI : s355.115/DEV/BRIg .- Subjects: Devon.

Brixham ... Torbay. Brixham [accommodation] 1973. 1973. s647.94/BRI/BRI : s647.94/BRI/BRIr.- Subjects: Devon.

Brown, Theo. Postbridge. Tales of a Dartmoor village : some preliminary notes on the folklore of Postbridge . 1973. s398/POS/BRO : s398/POS/BROr : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Burton, S.H. Devon villages. 1973. sDEV/1973/BUR : sDEV/1973/BURg : B/1973/BUR : D9101973/BUR .- Subjects: Devon.

Bypaths ... Sidmouth. Bypaths around Sidmouth.. [1973]. p796.51/SID/BYP.- Subjects: Devon.

Canning, Elizabeth V. Slapton. The natural history of Slapton Ley Nature Reserve : 6 studies on the parasites . 1973. p574.524/SLA/CAN.- Subjects: Devon.

Cannon, D.V. Ashford. The history of Ashford. 1973. B/ASH 4/0001/CAN : sB/ASH 4/0001/CAN : BN:ASH/0001/CAN : DP900ASH/CAN .- Subjects: Devon.

Careers ... Exeter. Careers convention at Exeter School, 7pm to 9pm Thursday 8th November, 1973. 1973. pxB/EXE/371.425/CAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Central Electricity Generating Board. Fremington. East Yelland power station. 1973. p621.31213/FRE/CEN : DP621.- Subjects: Devon.

Channing-Renton, E.M. Plymouth. At random : being further episodes in my life . [1973?. s750.924/CHA.- Subjects: Devon.

Charig, Peter. Slapton. Slapton : the village past and present including the church, the chantry and the village . [1973]. pB/SLA/0001/CHA.- Subjects: Devon.

Charig, Peter. Slapton. Slapton : the village past and present including the church, the chantry and the village . 1973. pB/SLA/0001/CHA .- Subjects: Devon.

Chope, R.Pearse. Hartland. Farthest from railways : an unknown corner of Devon . 1973. BT:HAR 7/1973/CHO.- Subjects: Devon.

Christie, Agatha. Churston Ferrers. Postern of fate. 1973. s823/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Christie, Agatha. Churston Ferrers. Cards on the table. 1973. s823/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Christie, Agatha. Churston Ferrers. Poems. 1973. s821/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Christie, Agatha. Dartmoor. The Sittaford mystery. 1973. s823/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Christie, Agatha. Churston Ferrers. Akhnaton : a play in three acts . 1973. s822/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Clamp, Arthur L. Dartmoor. A pictorial guide to Eastern Dartmoor. 1973. sB/DAR 5/1973/CLA : BX:DAR5/1973/CLA : AD1973 : CLA : .- Subjects: Devon.

Claughton, Peter F. Metalliferous mines in the North Devon. 1973. Edition not acquired : DMSS/622/CLA.- Subjects: Devon.

Coleridge, Alwyne H.B. . the family tree of the reverend John Coleridge, born 1719. 1973 . 21/COLERIDGE.- Subjects: Devon.

Combe ... Combe Martin. Combe Martin on the coast at the western gateway to Exmoor National Park. [1973?]. sB/COM 3/1973/COM U : sB/COM 3/1973/COM.- Subjects: Devon.

Community Council of Devon. Annual report and statement of accounts 1972-73. 1973. p361.06/DEV/COM : 361.06/B/COM : .- Subjects: Devon.

Conservation Society. Devon Branch. The motorway into Devon : the challenge accepted . [1973]. s388.12/DEV/COM : 388.12/B/CON.- Subjects: Devon.

Cornelius, D.B. Devon and Cornwall : a postal survey 1500-1791 . 1973. x383/WES/COR : x383/WES/CORr : 383 /A/COR : D383/COR.- Subjects: Devon.

Cornwell, John. Ottery St. Mary. Coleridge, poet and revolutionary, 1772-1804 : a critical biography . 1973. 828/COL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Crediton ... Crediton. Crediton and district official guide. [1973?]. pB/CRE 7/1973/CRE.- Subjects: Devon.

Croyde ... GeorgehamBraunton. Croyde Bay and Braunton, Devon, incorporating Saunton, Georgeham and Heanton : official guide . [1973?]. pB/GEO 3/1973/CRO.- Subjects: Devon.

Curtis, Douglas. Dartmoor. Dartmoor to Cambridge : the autobiography of a prison graduate . 1973. s920/CUR .- Subjects: Devon.

Dartington Amenity Research Trust. Llangorse Lake : a recreation survey . 1973. sx333.7844/GEN/DAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Dartmoor National Park Committee. Dartmoor. Dartmoor National Park policy plan , 1973. 1973. sx719.32/DAR/1973 : sx719.32/DAR/DAR : sx719.32/DAR/1973g.- Subjects: Devon.

Davies, D.P. Exeter. The bombing of Exeter. 1973. pxB/EXE/1942/DAV : spxB/EXE/1942/DAV : spxB/EXE/1942/DAV : spxB/EXE/1942/DAV.- Subjects: Devon.

Davies, Elvet Talfryn. Tourism on Devon farms : a physical and economic appraisal . 1973. sx338.4764794/DEV/DAV : x338.4764794/DEV/DAVr.- Subjects: Devon.

Dawlish Arts Festival Committee. Dawlish. Dawlish Arts Festival. 20th : 1973 . 1973. p791/DAW/DAW.- Subjects: Devon.

Deacon, Lois. Dartmoor. An angel from your door : the story of Kitty Jay of Jay's grave, Dartmoor. & They of the house-to bed! : a true story of Dartmoor . [1973]. s823/DEA .- Subjects: Devon.

Deacon, Lois. Dartmoor. Dartmoor with a difference. 1973. sB/DAR 5/1973/DEA : sB/DAR 5/1973/DEAg : 307.72/DAR 5/DEA .- Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. Budleigh Salterton. The dreaming suburb. 1973. s823/DEL.- Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. The headmaster : Book 2 of To serve them all my days . 1973. Not acquired WSL : D823/DEL.- Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. Late spring : Book 1 of To serve them all my days . 1973. Edition not acquired : D823/DEL.- Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. The green gauntlet : Book 3 of A horseman riding by . 1973. Not acquired WSL : D823/DEL.- Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. Post of honour : Book 2 of A horseman riding by . 1973. Edition not acquired : D823/DEL.- Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. Budleigh Salterton. Give us this day. 1973. s823/DEL.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Lynton. List of buildings of special architectural or historic interest urban district of Lynton, Devon. 1973. sx720.9/LYN/DEP.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Sandy Gate. The M5 motorway Sandy Gate to Pearce's Hill section, A38 trunk road diversion Pearce's Hill to Wobbly Wheel...inquiry 13th & 23rdFeb. 1973. sx388.12/DEV/DEP.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Sidmouth. List of buildings of ... historic interest ... Sidmouth .... 1973. sx720.9/SID/DEP.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Ilfracombe. List of buildings ... of historic interest : urban district of Ilfracombe . 1973. sx720.9/ILF/DEP.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Great Torrington. List of buildings of special architectural or historic interest : borough of Great Torrington, Devon . 1973. sx720.9/GRE/DEP : sx720.9/GRE/DEP.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Bideford. List of buildings special architectural or historic interest : borough of Bideford, Devon . 1973. sx720.9/BID/DEP : sx720.9/BID/DEPg.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Ashburton. List of buildings of ... historic interest : Urban District of Ashburton, Devon . 1973. sx720.9/ASH/DEP.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Northam. List of buildings ... of historic interest : urban district of Northam . 1973. sx720.9/NOR/DEP : 720.9/BT:NOR 1/DEP.- Subjects: Devon.

Dev... Devon, Dorset and Somerset authors today : being a checklist of authors born ... residing ... addresses ... pseudonyms . 1973. s820.922/WES/HAN : 016.809/A/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Archaeological Society. Proceedings no. 31, 1973. 1973. PER : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Cattle Breeders' Society. Davy's Devon herd book. Volume 96 : 1973 . 1973. sPER/DAV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Centre for Further Education. Dartington. Calendar of courses 1973. 1973. p374/DAR/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. The motorway into Devon : the challenge : the need for action now . 1973. p388.12/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. New Devon : a special edition on the new County Council : an information sheet...on re-organization . 1973. px352.005/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Honiton. Honiton report. 1973. sx711.4/HON/DEV : sx711.4/HON/DEVr .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Electoral Reg. Off. Devon County Council elections - 12th April 1973. 1973. px324.65/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Electoral Reg. Off. List of the polling districts and polling places for County Council elections. 1973. px324.65/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Sidmouth. Sidmouth outline plan review and town centre map, May 1973. 1973. px711.4/SID/1973 .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Bideford. Bideford town centre plan. 1973. px711.4/BID/1973 : 711.4/BID/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Annual survey of holiday development 1973 1966. 1973. sx338.4791/DEV/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Modbury. Modbury outline development plan. [1973]. px711.4/MOD/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Devon county development plan (county area) : second review : written statement : as adopted ... Jan, 1972. . 1973. sx711.3/DEV/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Newton Abbot. Devon county development plan : amendment no.15.(1972) : the town map of Newton Abbot ... first review : amendment 16 ... . 1973. px711.4/NEW/1973 .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Ivybridge. Ivybridge : outline plan review and town centre report . 1973. px711.4/IVY/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Exmouth. Development plan : [amendment no.17].Exmouth and Lympstone town map, first review Amendment no.18.Exmouth Central...written stat . 1973. px711.4/EXM/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Ottery St. Mary. Ottery St. Mary urban district - town ward : outline development plan report . 1973. sx711.4/OTT/1973 : sx711.4/OTT/1973g .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Barnstaple. Barnstaple outline plan report. 1973. sx711.4/BAR/DEV : 711.4/BAR/1973 .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Tourist Office. Devon camping/caravan sites 1973. 1973. p796.54/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Department. Budget 1973. 1973. sx352.12/DEV/DEV : sx352.12/DEV/DEVr : xDEV/TRE.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Department. Revenue estimates 1973-74. 1973. sx352.12/DEV/DEV : sx352.12/DEV/DEVr.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Department. Capital estimates 1973-74. 1973. sx352.12/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Cricket Club. Devon County Cricket Club year book 1973 (with 1972 results). [1973]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Library. Author bibliographies : books listing works by and about individual writers in the Headquarters collection . 1973. s013.8/GEN/DEV : 012 /*/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Fire Brigade. Fire protection leaflets. 1973-. px614.84/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon General. South Devon. Bus and coach timetable : 6 May 1973 until 4 May 1974 . 1973. s388.322042/SOU/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Labour Party. Devon : the future ; Labour party manifesto for County Council elections 1973 . 1973. p329.02/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon River Authority. Annual report for the year ended 31st March 1973. 1973. sx628.1061/WES/SOU : sx628.1061/WES/SOUr.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon River Authority. A guide to angling facilities in the area.. 1973. p799.12/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Constabulary. Annual report of the Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall for the year ended 31st December, 1972. 1973. s363.2/WES/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Constabulary. Exeter. Ceremonial opening of the training college by H.R.H. Princess Alexander, Thursday, 17th May, 1973. 1973. pB/EXE/363.22/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon, Exeter and Torbay Probation Area. Report of the Combined Probation Committee for the year 1972. [1973]. p364.63/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Dillon, Francis. Plymouth. A place for habitation : the pilgrim fathers and their quest . 1973. s973.22/PLY/DIL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Ditmas, E.M.R. The legend of Drake's drum. 1973. s398.356/DEV/DIT.- Subjects: Devon.

Documentary Research Limited. Holidays in the west country by people living in the West Midlands. 1973. Not acquired WSL : 338.4791/A/DOC.- Subjects: Devon.

Documentary Research Limited. Holidays in the west country by people living in the West Midlands. 1973. sx338.4791/WES/1973 : 338.4791/A/DOC : .- Subjects: Devon.

Doe, P.M. The craft of music : an inaugural lecture delivered ... University of Exeter on 2 November 1972 . 1973. B/EXE/378.1796/UNI U.- Subjects: Devon.

Dower, Michael. Recreation, tourism and the farmer. 1973. p333.76/GEN/DOW.- Subjects: Devon.

Du Maurier, Daphne. The Du Mauriers. 1973. s929.2/DUM.- Subjects: Devon.

Dyson, Watson. Axminster. The Chatton Estate Axminster, Devon and the families associated with it. 1973. x728.8/AXM/DYS : x728.8/AXM/DYSr.- Subjects: Devon.

Elburton ... Plymstock. Elburton Methodist Church, Plymouth (King Street) circuit : opening of the new hall...Saturday 17th February, 1973... . 1973. p287.1/PLY/ELB.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter ... Exeter. Exeter air day, Saturday, 7th July, 1973 : official programme . 1973. pB/EXE/387.7074/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter ... Exeter. Exeter freemen 1266-1967.. 1973. PER/DEV : sB/EXE/929.3/DEV : sB/EXE/929.3/DEVr : 18/ES/1 : 352/EXE/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Exeter. Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for 1972. 1973. sB/EXE/614/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Exeter. Civil emergency plan 1973. 1973. xB/EXE/363.34/EXE : xB/EXE/363.34/EXEr.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Exeter. Annual report upon the School Health Service for the year ended 31st December, 1972. 1973. sB/EXE/371.7/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Exeter. Further education 73-74 : a guide to evening classes and other educational facilities . 1973. sB/EXE/374/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Engineer's Department. Exeter. Report on investigation of the Pin Brook catchment area and measures for flood alleviation. 1973. sxB/EXE/711.762/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Planning Department. Exeter. Central riverside : detailed advisory plan . 1973. sxB/EXE/711.42/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Social Services Dep. Exeter. Social services ten year development plan 1973-1983. 1973. sxB/EXE/361.63/EXE : sxB/EXE/361.63/EXEr.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Department. Exeter. Estimates 1973-74 : with detailes of Accounts for 1970-71 and 1971-72 . 1973. sxB/EXE/352.12/1973 : sxB/EXE/352.12/1973g.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Department. Exeter. Review of the city's finances for the year ended 31st March 1973. 1973. sB/EXE/352.17/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Fire Brigade. Exeter. Report '72. [1973]. sB/EXE/363.37/EXE : sB/EXE/363.37/EXEr : EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter College. Exeter. Prospectus 1973-74. 1973. sB/EXE/378/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter College. Exeter. Part-time day and evening courses 1973-74. 1973. pB/EXE/378/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Council of Social Service. Exeter. Annual report. 26th : July 1972-June 1973 Became Exeter Council for Voluntary Service . 1973. sB/EXE/361.7062/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Flower Show Committee. Exeter. Exeter Flower Show, Bury Meadow Pleasure Grounds, 9, 10 & 11 August 1973 : programme and schedule . 1973. pB/EXE/635.9074/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Fairclough, Tony. Great Western steam in Devon. 1973. 385.361/DEV/FAI : 385.361/B/FAI : .- Subjects: Devon.

Falmouth. Falmouth. Falmouth. 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Farm ... Farm management survey 1972-73 : summary of financial results on 220 farms in Cornwall, Devon and Dorset . 1973. sx338.13/WES/FAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Foot, Michael. Copplestone. Aneurin Bevan, a biography; Vol 2, 1945-1960. 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Fowey ... Fowey. Fowey, Cornwall : official guide . [1973]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Fox, Aileen. Exeter. Exeter in Roman times. 1973. pB/EXE/0043/FOX : spB/EXE/0043/FOX : BX:EXE/0043/FOX .- Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Exeter. Annual report. 43rd : to 31st March, 1973 . 1973. sPER/FRI : FRI.- Subjects: Devon.

Fundamental ... Exeter. Fundamental rights : a volume of essays to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Law School in Exeter, 1923-73 . 1973. s342.085/GEN/FUN : s342.085/GEN/FUNg .- Subjects: Devon.

Gamester, E.R. South Molton. South Molton and district official guide. [1973]. sB/SOU 5/1973/GAM : sB/SOU 5/1973/GAMg.- Subjects: Devon.

Gardiner, Rena. Calstock. Cotehele. 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Geographers' A-Z Map Co.Ltd. Torbay. Geographers' street plan of Torquay, Paignton, Brixham. 199[1973]. p912/TOR/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

George, Noel. Seaton. Notes on Seaton parish church. 1973. 726.5/SEA/GEO.- Subjects: Devon.

Goaman, Muriel. Bideford. Bideford quater-centenary, 1573-1973. 1973. Not acquired WSL : DP394BID/GOA.- Subjects: Devon.

Golden ... Appledore. The Golden Hinde. 1973. Not acquired WSL : 387.2/APP/GOL : : .- Subjects: Devon.

Goodman, Hilda Mary. Plymouth. The history of Greenbank Hospital, Plymouth : a miscellany . 1973. sx362.11/PLY/GOO : sx362.11/PLY/GOOr : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Griffiths, G.D. Teignmouth. History of Teignmouth. 1973. B/TEI 7/0001/GRI : B/TEI 7/0001/GRI : sB/TEI 7/0001/GRI : sB/TEI 7/0001/GRIg : BX:TEI 7/0001/GRI .- Subjects: Devon.

Griffiths, Michael. Exeter. Cathedral Close Excavations. The Exeter City Archaeological Field Unit Report. 1973. B/EXE/0005/GRI : B/EXE/0005/GRIr.- Subjects: Devon.

Guide ... Plymouth. A guide to the industrial archaeology of Plymouth and Millbrook, Cornwall. 1973. 609/PLY/GUI : p609/PLY/GUI.- Subjects: Devon.

Guide ... Buckland Monachorum. A Guide to St.Andrew's Church, Buckland Monachorum.. 1973. p726.5/BUC/GUI : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Hamblin, Eleanor. Leading lights of Devon : fighting men, explorers, colonizers, scientists, founders of schools and colleges, educationalists . 1973. p920.02/DEV/HAM : sp920.02/DEV/HAM : 920.02/B/HAM .- Subjects: Devon.

Harrison, F.M.W. Exeter. Reginald Anthony Colmer Symes, one of Scunthorpe's greatest citizens, 1877-1933. [1973]. s920/SYM.- Subjects: Devon.

Harvey and Co Ltd. Hayle. Illustrated & descriptive catalogue of machinery, tools & general ironwork. 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Hawke, Kathleen. Cornish sayings, superstitions and remedies. 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Hayter, Alethea. Ottery St. Mary. Voyage in vain : Coleridge's journey to Malta in 1804 . 1973. s828/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Henry, Margaret Dodds Snell. From Devon to Ontario : for those of the present and future generations who may care . 1973. p929.2/SNE : 929.2/SNE : D929.2/SNE.- Subjects: Devon.

History ... Ilfracombe. The history and legend of Chambercombe Manor, Ilfracombe, Devon. [1973?. p728.67/ILF/HIS : 728.67/ILF/HIS : .- Subjects: Devon.

Holidays ... Holidays in the sun for Devon, Cornwall, Somerset and Dorset 1973. 1973. s/WES/1973/HOL.- Subjects: Devon.

Honiton Borough Council. Honiton. Presentation of the honorary freedom of the borough to Alderman Francis William Claude Tucker, J.P., Wed., the 4th. April, 1973. 1973. p342.08/HON/HON.- Subjects: Devon.

Hope, Vyvyan. Exeter. Exeter Cathedral : a short history and description . 1973. B/EXE/726.6/HOP : sB/EXE/726.6/HOPr : 726.6/EXE/HOP .- Subjects: Devon.

Hope-Simpson, Jacynth. The gunner's boy. [1973]. s823/HOP.- Subjects: Devon.

Hopkins ... Hopkins family. 1973. Not acquired WSL : D929 PEDFILE.- Subjects: Devon.

Howard, A. J. [ed.]. The Devon Protestation returns 1641. 1973. x929.3/DEV/1641 : sx929.3/DEV/1641 : 929.3320/B/DEV : D314/1641DEV : 19/HOW/1; 19HOW/2.- Subjects: Devon.

Hughes, Ted. North Tawton. Crow : from the life and songs of the crow . 1973. s821/HUG.- Subjects: Devon.

Hurst, J.R. Exeter. The history of the Exeter District Teachers' Association founded in 1873.... 1973. sB/EXE/331.88113/HUR : sB/EXE/331.88113/HURr : HUR.- Subjects: Devon.

Hurst, J.R. Exeter. The best thanks of the association ... Exeter District Teachers'. 1973. sB/EXE/331.88117111 : 371.106/BX:EXE/HUR.- Subjects: Devon.

Ilfracombe ... Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe on glorious Devon's ocean coast. [1973]. sB/ILF/1973/ILF : sB/ILF/1973/ILFg.- Subjects: Devon.

Ilfracombe Publicity Association. Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe 1973, gateway to Devon's golden coast : street plan and summary of accommodation . 1973. p912/ILF/1973.. . Institute of Geological Sciences. Hartland. Magnetic results 1970 : Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick . 1973. sx538.79/HAR/INS.- Subjects: Devon.

Institute of Geological Sciences. Hartland. Magnetic results 1969 : Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick . 1973. sx538.79/HAR/INS.- Subjects: Devon.

Iredale, Roger. Exeter. Turning bronzes. 1973. s821/IRE.- Subjects: Devon.

Ireland, Phyllis. Exeter. The history of St.Nicholas Priory, Exeter : a cell of Battle Abbey . [1973]. sB/EXE/726.7/IRE.- Subjects: Devon.

James, N.D.G. Bicton. A pictorial guide to Bicton Gardens, East Budleigh, Devon. 1973. p712.5/BIC/JAM.- Subjects: Devon.

Jordan, William B. Newton Abbot. Paupers : the making of the new claiming class . 1973. 368.4062/DEV/JOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Kelly's ... Exeter. Kelly's tradefinder of Exeter 1973. 1973. sB/EXE/380.1025/1973 : 8/EXE/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Kelly's ... Torbay. Kelly's directory of Torbay including Torquay, Paignton and Brixham - 24th edition 1973. 1973. s380.1025/TOR/1973 : s380.1025/TOR/1973r.- Subjects: Devon.

Kelly's ... Exmouth. Kelly's directory of Exmouth.. 1973. s380.1025/EXM/1973 : s380.1025/EXM/1973r.- Subjects: Devon.

Kingsleys ... The Kingsleys : a biographical anthology . 1973. 929.2/KIN : s929.2/KIN : s929.2/KINg : 929.2/KINr : KIN.- Subjects: Devon.

Knight, George Wilson. Exeter. The mutual flame : on Shakespeare's sonnets and The phoenix and the turtle . 1973. s828/KNI.- Subjects: Devon.

Lacey, Robert. Sir Walter Ralegh. 1973. 920/RAL : 920 /RAL : D92/RAL.- Subjects: Devon.

Laczynski, Marek. Exeter. Faces of fear : poems and etchings . 1973. s821/LAC : s821/LACg.- Subjects: Devon.

Lamb, Trixie M. Newton Abbot. The ancient tower of St.Leonard's, Newton Abbot. 1973. p726.597/NEW/LAM : sp726.597/NEW/LAM.- Subjects: Devon.

Lewes, F.M.M. Exeter. Exeter - university and city : a study of the economic and social interactions .. . 1973. xB/EXE/378.103/LEW : xB/EXE/378.103/LEWg : xLEW.- Subjects: Devon.

Liskeard ... Liskeard. Liskeard & district guide : descriptive matter and historical . [1973]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Litson ... Litson family. 1973. Not acquired WSL : D929 PEDFILE.- Subjects: Devon.

Lowing, Anne. Wembury. Melyonen. 1973. s823/LOW.- Subjects: Devon.

Lowther, C.P. Exeter. Studies in disability in Exeter and Edinburgh. 1973. pB/EXE/362.4/LOW : LOW.- Subjects: Devon.

Lundy ... Lundy. Lundy, Bristol Channel : the official guide . [1973]. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/178.- Subjects: Devon.

Lundy Field Society. Lundy. Lundy conservation plan. [1973?. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/717.- Subjects: Devon.

Lykiard, Alexis. The stump. 1973. s823/LYK.- Subjects: Devon.

Lynton ... Lynton. Lynton, Lynmouth. [1973]. sB/LYN 7/1973/LYN : sB/LYN 7/1973/LYNg.- Subjects: Devon.

Mackenzie, Evelyn. Up anchor. 1973. s821/MAC : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Marten, Clement. The Devonshire dialect. 1973. A/V 15 filing cab .- Subjects: Devon.

Marten, Clement. The Devonshire dialect : being a collection of reminiscences, anecdotes, customs and traditions in which the Devonshire .. . 1973. 427/DEV/MAR : s427/DEV/MAR : s427/DEV/MAR : 427/DEV/MARg : 427/B/Mar.- Subjects: Devon.

Maynard School. Exeter. Prize giving 17th December 1973 : successes of past and present girls 1972-1973 . 1973. pxB/EXE/373.22/MAY.- Subjects: Devon.

Maynard School. Exeter. Maynard 1973. 1973. pxB/EXE/373.22/MAY.- Subjects: Devon.

Maynard School. Exeter. Prospectus 1973-1974. 1973. sB/EXE/373.22/MAY.- Subjects: Devon.

Melrose, K.M.C. Bovey Tracey. Bovey Tracey parish church, Devon, Diocese of Exeter. [1973]. p726.5/BOV/MEL.- Subjects: Devon.

Menzies, Ian. Exeter. L' influence de la Chambre gouvernante d'Exeter a la fin du seizieme siecle, illustre par le cas de John Levermore. 1973. pxB/EXE/352/1550.- Subjects: Devon.

Meyer, Isidore S. Plymouth. The Hebrew exercises of Governor William Bradford. 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Minchinton, Walter E. Industrial archaeology in Devon.. 1973. p609/DEV/MIN : p609/DEV/MIN : 609/B/MIN .- Subjects: Devon.

Mitchell, Gladys. Lundy. The murder of Busy Lizzie. 1973. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/055.- Subjects: Devon.

Modbury ... Modbury. Modbury Baptist Church. [1973?. p286/MOD/MOD.- Subjects: Devon.

Model Shipwright. Plymouth. Modelling the Golden Hinde. 1973. s623.8201/PLY/MOD : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Moreton, Michael. Exeter. The parish church of St.Mary Steps in the city and diocese of Exeter. 1973. pxB/EXE/726.5/MOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Morgan, Eileen. Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1723-1792, first president of the Royal Academy : a biography . 1973. p750.924/REY : MOR : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Mullion ... Mullion. Mullion, South Cornwall, holiday brochure. [1973]. sC/MUL/1973/MUL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

National Trust. Devon and Cornwall 1973. 1973. pWES/1973/NAT.- Subjects: Devon.

National Trust. Plympton St. Mary. Saltram, Plympton, Devon. 1973. p728.8/PLY/NAT : p728.8/PLY/NAT.- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon College. Barnstaple. College prospectus : details of full-time courses available 1973-1974 . 1973. s378/BAR/NOR.- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon College. Barnstaple. College prospectus : details of part-time courses available 1973-1974 . 1973. s378/BAR/NOR.- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon Movement. Barnstaple. Planning to what purpose? : Barnstaple outline plan from the North Devon point of view . 1973. p711.4/BAR/NOR : 711.4/BN:BAR/1973 : DP711/BAR.- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon Museum Project. Prospect for our Past : Proposals for a museum service for North Devon . 1973. 069/B/NOR.- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon Volunteers. Bideford. Bideford's Guide for the Disabled. 1973. BT:BID/1973/NOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. Mrs Warren's profession. 1973. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. Armstrong's last goodnight : an exercise in diplomacy . 1973. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. The owl and the pussycat went to see.... 1973. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1974 : TP B/Exeter/ Northcott Theater/1974.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. Bingo : scenes of money and death . 1973. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. Pink Champagne. 1973. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1973 : TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Nos ... Nos voisins d'outre-Manche = Our neighbours across the Channel. 1973. px301.29/DEV/NOS : px301.29/DEV/NOSr : D328/NOS : 907/B/NOS.- Subjects: Devon.

Notes ... Bovey Tracey. Notes on the Parish Church of SS Peter and Paul and St Thomas of Canterbury, Bovey Tracey. 1973. Not acquired WSL : DP900/BOU : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

O'Casey, Eileen. Sean. 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Office of Population Censuses & Surveys. Census 1971, England and Wales : county report : Somerset . 1973. sx312/SOM/1971 : x312/SOM/1971r.- Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Axminster. Official guide to the rural district of Axminster 1973-1974. 1973. sB/AXM 3/1973/OFF : BX:AXM/1973/OFF : .- Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Exmouth. The official 1973 guide to Exmouth. 1973. sB/EXM 7/1973/OFF : sB/EXM 7/1973/OFFg.- Subjects: Devon.

Orchard, F.T.A. Yarcombe. The Yarcombe story. [1973?. sB/YAR 3/0001/ORC : ORC.- Subjects: Devon.

Paignton ... Paignton. Paignton [accommodation] 1973. 1973. s647.94/PAI/PAI : s647.94/PAI/PAIr.- Subjects: Devon.

Parkin, O.M. Barnstaple. Green pastures. 1973. Not acquired WSL : D821/PAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Parsons, R.Keith. Okehampton. Accounts of early Methodism in Okehampton. 1973. s287.1/OKE/PAR U : s287.1/OKE/PAR Ur.- Subjects: Devon.

Pearce, Susan M. Exeter. Arts of Polynesia : a catalogue of the Polynesian collections in the Exeter Museums and art gallery . 1973. sB/EXE/709.011/PEA.- Subjects: Devon.

Pennington, Robert Roland. Stannary law : a history of the mining law of Cornwall and Devon . 1973. 343.077/WES/PEN : s343.077/WES/PEN : s343.077/WES/PEN : s343.077/WES/PENg : 343.077/A/PEN .- Subjects: Devon.

Penzance ... Penzance. Penzance and district. 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Pike, John R. Torquay. Torquay, Torbay : a bibliographical guide . 1973. 016/TOR/PIK : s016/TOR/PIK : s016/TOR/PIK : s016/TOR/PIK : 016/TOR7/PIK : DP900/TOR .- Subjects: Devon.

Pike, John R. Brixham. Brixham, Torbay : a bibliographical guide . 1973. B/BRI/0001/PIK : sB/BRI/0001/PIK : 016 /BRI/PIK .- Subjects: Devon.

Plant, Terry. Torquay. Saga of the twilight nights. [1973?. s920/PLA : 920/PLAr : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth ... Plymouth. Plymouth official guide 1973. 1973. sB/PLY 1/1973/PLY : sB/PLY 1/1973/PLYg.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth Borough Council. Plymouth. City of Plymouth Directory of Services. 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth College of Art and Design. Plymouth. Prospectus 1973-4. 1973. p707.11/PLY/PLY : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth College of Domestic Science. Plymouth. Prospectus. [1973]. s640.711/PLY/PLY.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth College of Further Education. Plymouth. College of Further Education, Plymouth : Department of electrical engineering : session 1973-74 . 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth Conservative Party. Plymouth. Plymouth - a city with a future : an analysis of five years of Tory rule and plans for the future . [1973]. p329.02/PLY/PLY.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth Public Libraries. Plymouth. Catalogue of part songs, choral works & orchestral parts in sets. [1973?. s783.6 U : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth Public Library. Plymouth. Periodicals currently taken at the Central Library. 1973. Not aquired.- Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Telephone directory. Section 293 : Exeter, Torbay and North Devon 1973 . 1973. sx384.6025/AE293/'73.- Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Postcodes : Exeter and district . 1973. 383/DEV/POS : 383/DEV/POSr.- Subjects: Devon.

Reed, Margaret A. Pilton. The roads and footpaths of Pilton. [1973]. s388.1/PIL/REE : 388.1/PIL/REE : DP900PIL/REE : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Rennes ... Exeter. Rennes. 1973. pxB/EXE/944.15/REN.- Subjects: Devon.

Resort ... Paignton. Resort Services Department, County Borough of Torbay, Paignton, Torbay, Devon. 1973. s647.94/PAI/RES.- Subjects: Devon.

Rhodes, Mike. In inns in Devon : a selective guide to hotels, inns and restaurants throughout the county . [1973]. 647.94/DEV/RHO : 647.94/DEV/RHOr.- Subjects: Devon.

Roche, T.W.E. Plymouth. The Golden Hind. 1973. s910.41/PLY/ROC : s910.41/PLY/ROCg : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Rose, Lilian. Atherington. St. Mary's, Atherington, Umberleigh, North Devon. 1973. Not acquired WSL : 726.5/BN:ATH/ROS.- Subjects: Devon.

Rowe, Nicholas. Lamerton. The tragedy of Jane Shore. 1973. s822/ROW.- Subjects: Devon.

Rowe, Vernon A. Exe estuary. The Exe estuary. 1973. px383/DEV/ROW.- Subjects: Devon.

Royal Albert Memorial Museum. Early Devon painters, 40 years on : [catalogue of an exhibition at the] Royal Albert Memorial Museum, 13 Dec. 1972-11 Feb. 1973 . [1973]. 750/DEV/ROY : 750/DEV/ROYr : D927/ROY.- Subjects: Devon.

Royal British Legion. Devon County Branc. Official handbook 1973. 1973. 355.115/B/BRI.- Subjects: Devon.

Ryan, Louise. Harford. An obscure place : a history of Stowford in the parish of Harford Devon . 1973. B/HAR 3/0001/RYA : sB/HAR 3/0001/RYA : sB/HAR 3/0001/RYA : sB/HAR 3/0001/RYAg : BX:HAR 3/0001/RYA .- Subjects: Devon.

Saint ... Shebbear. St. Michael & All Angels, Shebbear, Devon. [1973?]. p726.5/SHE/St.M.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint ... Atherington. St. Mary's Atherington, Umberleigh, North Devon. 1973. Not acquired WSL : DP900ATH/SAI.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Austell ... Saint Austell. St. Austell Bay : Borough of St. Austell with Fowey official guide . [1973]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Bridget Nurseries. Exeter. [ Catalogue] 1972-73. 1973. pB/EXE/635.9029/ST.B.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Leger-Gordon, D. Portrait of Devon. 1973. DEV/1973/St.L : DEV/1973/St.Lg : D900/SAI .- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Leger-Gordon, D. Dartmoor. Under Dartmoor hills. 1973. B/DAR 5/1973/ST.L : B/DAR 5/1973/ST.L : B/DAR 5/1973/ST.Lg : BX:DAR5/1973/SAI : .- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Leger-Gordon, Ruth E. Dartmoor. Witchcraft and Folklore of Dartmoor. 1973. 398/DAR/St.L : s398/DAR/St.L : s398/DAR/St.Lg : 398 /DAR 5/STL .- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Loye's College. Exeter. Annual report. 36th : 1972 . 1973. sB/EXE/371.916/St.L.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Luke's College. Exeter. Prospectus 1973-1976. 1973. sB/EXE/370.73/St.L.- Subjects: Devon.

Samaritans. Exeter Branch. Annual report. 9th : 1972 . 1973. sPER/SAM.- Subjects: Devon.

Schmitz, Christopher J. Teign Valley. The Teign Valley lead mines. 1973. s622.344/DEV/SCH : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick and Partners. Plymouth. Plymouth and environs transportation study : home interview manual . 1973. BH stack c/t WSL : SCO.- Subjects: Devon.

Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick and Partners. Plymouth. Plymouth and environs transportation study : project report, July 1973 . 1973. sx711.7/PLY/SCO.- Subjects: Devon.

Seale-Hayne Agricultural College. Newton Abbot. Guide to the college farm and research work in progress 1973. 1973. p630.711/NEW/SEA .- Subjects: Devon.

Seale-Hayne College. Newton Abbot. Prospectus 1973-74. 1973. s630.711/NEW/SEA.- Subjects: Devon.

Seaton ... Seaton. Seaton official guide including Beer, Colyton and surrounding ... [1973]. sB/SEA/1973/SEA.- Subjects: Devon.

Short ... Chudleigh. A short guide to the church of St.Martin & St.Mary, Chudleigh, Devon. 1973. p725.5/CHU/SHO .- Subjects: Devon.

Sidbury ... Sidbury. Sidbury Church and parish. [1973?]. p726.5/SID/SID : sp726.5/SID/SID.- Subjects: Devon.

Sidmouth ... Sidmouth. Sidmouth church and parish. [1973?. p726.5/SID/SID : p726.5/SID/SIDr.- Subjects: Devon.

Sidmouth ... Sidmouth. Sidmouth official guide. [1973]. sB/SID 5/1973/SID : sB/SID 5/1973/SIDg : SID +.- Subjects: Devon.

Simcoe, Elizabeth Posthuma. Honiton. The diary of Mrs John Graves Simcoe, wife of the First Lieutenant- Govenor of the Province of Upper Canada,1792-6 ; with notes ... 1973. s920/SIM : 920/SIMr.- Subjects: Devon.

Skinner, Henry. Bratton Fleming. King of the valley. 1973. Not acquired WSL : DP821/SKI.- Subjects: Devon.

Smith, Lorna. Devon newspapers : a finding list . 1973. s016.07/DEV/DEV : s016.07/DEV/DEV : 016.07/B/DEV : DP070/SMI : 016.07235 .- Subjects: Devon.

Smith, T.W. Dolton. St. Edmund's church, Dolton. 1973. Not acquired WSL : 726.5/BT:DOL/SMI.- Subjects: Devon.

Some ... Barnstaple. Some notes on the parish church of Saint Peter, Barnstaple. [1973?]. p726.5/BAR/SOM .- Subjects: Devon.

South Devon Flock Book Association. The flock book of the South Devon Flock Book Association. Volume 70 : rams nos. 40713-40973; flock nos. 20-619 . 1973. sPER/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South Devon Technical College. Torquay. Adult education courses 1973-74. 1973. p374/TOR/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South West Devon Water Board. Abstract of accounts for the year ended 31st March 1973. 1973. p628.1061/DEV/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South Western Arts Association. Annual report. 17th : 1972 . 1973. px706.2/WES/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South Western Electricity Consultative Council. Report 1973. 1973. p621.31061/WES/SOU .- Subjects: Devon.

South Western Naturalists Union. Plymouth. Proceedings : Plymouth 1966; edited by E J Beer . 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

South Western Sports Council. Coastal recreation in South West England : a report of a working party established to study the recreation potential ... coasts . 1973. sx333.784/WES/SOU : sx333.784/WES/SOUr : 333.784/A/SOU .- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1973 ; no. 508. Exeter. The cessation of approved institutions (Farringdon House School) order 1973. 1973. s346/STA/1973/0508.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1973 ; no. 511. Exeter. The cessation of approved institutions (Northbrook School) order 1973. 1973. s346/STA/1973/0511.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1973 ; no. 629. The North Devon (water charges) order 1973. 1973. s346/STA/1973/0629.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1973 ; no. 1183. The East Devon water order 1973. 1973. s346/STA/1973/1183.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1973 ; no. 2196. The Devon sea fisheries district (constitution of committee and expenses) (variation) order 1973 [Draft statutory instrument]. 1973. s346/STA/1973/2196.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1973 ; no. 2196. The Devon sea fisheries district (constitution of committee and expenses) (variation) order 1973. 1973. s346/STA/1973/2196.- Subjects: Devon.

Stephan, John. Buckfastleigh. Buckfast Abbey : a short history and guide . 1973. p726.7/BUC/STE : p726.7/BUC/STE.- Subjects: Devon.

Stevens, John. Plympton. Plympton in the past. [1973?. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Stokes, D.C. Barnstaple. The Barnstaple area and resources for learning. 1973. px371.3/DEV/STO.- Subjects: Devon.

Sutton, Anna. Sidmouth. A story of Sidmouth and the villages of Salcombe Regis, Branscombe, Sidbury and Sidford. 1973. B/SID 5/0001/SUT : sB/SID 5/0001/SUT : sB/SID 5/0001/SUTg .- Subjects: Devon.

Teignmouth ... Teignmouth. Teignmouth, sunny South Devon. [1973]. sxB/TEI 7/1973/TEI : sxB/TEI 7/1973/TEIg : xTEI +.- Subjects: Devon.

Teignmouth Amateur Boxing and Athletic Club. Teignmouth. Boxing tournament to celebrate the opening of the new headquarters by Henry Cooper 29 Nov, 1973 : souvenir programme . 1973. p796.83/TEI/TEI : sp796.83/TEI/TEI.- Subjects: Devon.

Thomas, Griff. Topsham. Mask of Anubas. 1973. s822/THO.- Subjects: Devon.

Thomas, Rosemary. Meavy. St. Peter's Church, Meavy, Devon. 1973. p726.5/MEA/THO : sp726.5/MEA/THO.- Subjects: Devon.

Thomson, George Malcolm. Sir Francis Drake. 1973. s920/DRA .- Subjects: Devon.

Tiverton ... Tiverton. Tiverton & district official guide. [1973?. Not acquired WSL : Tiv pH/1973 80.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay ... Torquay. Torbay development plan : central area studies : Torquay, June 1972 . 1973. sx711.4/TOR/1972.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay ... Torquay. Torbay development plan : central area studies : Torquay, May 1973 . 1973. sx711.4/TOR/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay ... Paignton. Torbay development plan : central area studies : Paignton . 1973. sx711.4/PAI/1973 .- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay ... Torbay. Torbay : Torquay, Paignton, Brixham . [1973]. sB/TOR 1/1973/TOR : sB/TOR 1/1973/TORg : TOR +.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay Borough Council. Torquay - Paignton - Brixham accommodation list 1973. 1973. p647.94/TOR/TOR .- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay Borough Council. Torbay. Official year book 1973. [1973]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay Borough Council. Torbay. Angling in Torbay & district. 1973. p799.12/TOR/TOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay Library Services. South Devon. The hundred of Heytor 1973 : a guide to the printed sources ... . 1973. 016/HEY/TOR : s016/HEY/TOR : 016/HEY/TOR : DP016/HEY .- Subjects: Devon.

Torquay ... Torquay. Torquay accommodation 1973. 1973. s647.94/TOR/TOR : s647.94/TOR/TORr : TOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Trewin, J.C. Plymouth. Portrait of Plymouth. 1973. B/PLY 1/0001/TRE : sB/PLY 1/0001/TRE : sB/PLY 1/0001/TREg : BX:PLY 1/1973/TRE .- Subjects: Devon.

Troake, R.P. Slapton. The natural history of Slapton Ley Nature Reserve. 7 : the hydrology of the Slapton Wood stream : a preliminary report . 1973. p551.483/SLA/TRO : sp551.483/SLA/TRO.- Subjects: Devon.

Truro ... Truro. Truro : the official handbook of the city and rural district . [1973]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Truro ... Truro Diocesan directory A.D. 1973. 1973. s283.025/COR/TRU : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Tull, Christopher S. Cruwys Morchard. Cruwys Morchard : the church, parish and people . 1973. pB/CRU/0001/TUL.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. University list : session 1973-74 . 1973. pB/EXE/378/UNI.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. Calendar 1973-1974. 1973. sB/EXE/378/UNI : sB/EXE/378/UNIr.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. Annual report 1972-1973. 1973. sB/EXE/378/UNI.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Inst. of Biometry. Exeter. Needs of the elderly for health and welfare services : seminar ... March 1972 . 1973. sx362.6/DEV/UNI.- Subjects: Devon.

Wadebridge and Padstow R. D. C.. North Cornwall. Camel Coast, Cornwall. 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Wallis, P.J. A preliminary guide to Devonshire book subscription lists. 1973. p015/DEV/WAL .- Subjects: Devon.

Waterhouse, Ellis. Plympton St. Maurice. Reynolds. 1973. sx750.924/REY : s750.924/REYg.- Subjects: Devon.

Welsford, A.E. Tiverton. A church and its people through 900 years : St. Peter's Tiverton, 1073-1973 . 1973. 726.5/TIV/WEL : s726.5/TIV/WEL : s726.5/TIV/WELg : 726.5/BX:TIV/WEL : DP900TIV/WEL .- Subjects: Devon.

Western National Omnibus Company Ltd. Bus and coach timetable : Devon : 6 May 1973 until 4 May 1974 1973 . 1973. s388.322042/DEV/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Western Regional Assoc. for the Blind. Annual report. 60th : 1st April 1972 to 31st March 1973 . 1973. s362.41/WES/WES.- Subjects: Devon.

Westlake, Roy J. South Devon. 1973. sDEV/1973/WES : sDEV/1973/WES : sDEV/1973/WESg : D910/WES .- Subjects: Devon.

Westlake, Roy J. Dartmoor. Dartmoor. 1973. sB/DAR 5/1973/WES : sB/DAR 5/1973/WES : sB/DAR 5/1973/WESg : BX:DAR5/1973/WES : .- Subjects: Devon.

Westmacott, Mary. Churston Ferrers. The rose and the yew tree : a novel of romance and suspense . 1973. s823/WES.- Subjects: Devon.

Westward ... Westward Ho!. Westward Ho! with Bideford and district : official guide to Westward Ho!, Bideford and Appledore and district . [1973]. sB/WES 7/1973/WES : sB/WES 7/1973/WESg : BT:WES/1973/WES : .- Subjects: Devon.

Williams, Neville. Francis Drake. 1973. 920/DRA : s920/DRA : s920/DRA .- Subjects: Devon.

Wooden, Joseph L. Exeter. A history of Exeter, Ontario. 1973. 971.35/EXE/WOO : s971.35/EXE/WOO.- Subjects: Devon.

Woolacombe ... Woolacombe. Woolacombe & Mortehoe official guide 1973. 1973. sB/WOO/1973/WOO.- Subjects: Devon.

Workers' Educational Association. Exeter. Exeter Branch programme winter 1973. 1973. sB/EXE/374/WOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Working Party on Planning Functions. County of Devon : town and country planning in the new authorities: report . 1973. px711.3/DEV/1973.- Subjects: Devon.

Wright, Eugene. Plympton. History of Plympton (Mass), 1940. 1973. Not acquired WSL : I/S.

Skeleton records to be extended and typescripts and articles to be removed to separate files. Place descriptor to be removed to end of record.

This page last updated 28 June 2015