Wednesday, 5 December 2018


First draft. The contents of this listing, which contains details of about 560 theses, were derived largely from a keyword search on "Devon" in COPAC, eliminating records by persons named Devon, works on Devon Island and other "noise". It retains some items which are published books based on a thesis by the author. The content of many records has to be tidied up and locations and subject data have to be added. The arrangement is by the date the thesis was presented, each year subdivided by the author. Searching for individual keywords can, of course, be undertaken by using the CTRL+F command.

University of Exeter. PhD Theses with Devon in title listed on Open Research Exeter. - Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 1997-date. - Accessed December 2018 595 titles listed. - Not all incorporated in following listing. -
Copies: EXU. -
Subjects: Devon.

Tuckerman, Alfred On the author of the Eikon basilike attributed to John Gauden Berlin H.S.Hermann 1874. - [4],57,[2]p ; 22cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Leipzig, 1874
Copies: WSL: p920/GAU
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Gauden, John Works. Monarchy

Jusserand, J. J. De Josepho Exoniensi vel Iscano : accedunt De bello trojano poematis liber I, necnon notulæ, sæculo XIII conscriptæ, nunc primum e codice manuscripto in Nationali Bibliotheca asservato, depromptæ / J. J. Jusserand. - Paris Librairie Hachette, 1877. - 138 p. ; 22 cm. - Thesis -- Lyons. -
Copies: The London ; University of Cambridge. -

Gaebler, Moritz Hermann Ûber die Autorschaft des angelsächsischer Gedichtes von Phoenix Halle E.Karras 1880. - 41p ; 23cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Leipzig
Copies: WSL: p829.1/PHO
Subjects: Old English poetry.

Rossger, Richard Über den syntaktischen Gebrauch des Genitivs in Cynewulfs Crist Elene und Juliana... Thesis (Ph.D) University of Leipzig Halle Ehrhardt Karras 1885. - 38p ; 24cm
Copies: WSL: s429.52/WES/ROS
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Cynewulf Genitive. Usage

Leiding, Hermann Die Sprache der Cynewulfschen Dichtungen Crists, Juliana und Elene Gottingen [s.n.] 1887. - 79p ; 21cm Thesis (P.h.D) University of Gottingen, 1887
Copies: WSL: s829.4/CYN
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Cynewulf Critical studies.

Cremer, Matthias Metrische und sprachliche ... Phoenix ... Cynewulffrage Bonn Universitats Buchdrucke 1888. - 51p ; 22cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Bonn, 1883
Copies: WSL: s829.4/CYN
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Critical studies.

Hicketier, Fritz Fünf Rätsel des Exeterbuches von Fritz Hicketier Halle Erhardt Karras 1888. - [2],37,[3]p ; 23cm Thesis (Ph.D) - Friedrich-Wilhelms-University, Berlin, 1888
Copies: WSL: s398.6/GEN/HIC
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Riddles Critical studies.

Planer, Johannes Untersuchungen uber den syntaktischen Gebrauch des Verbums in dem angelsachsischen...Phoenix. Thesis (Ph.D) University Leipzig Leipzig C.W.Vollrath 1890. - 50p ; 22cm
Copies: WSL: p429.52/WES/PLA
Subjects: Westcountry. Old English poetry. Exeter Book. Phoenix Verbs. Usage

Hertel, Bruno Der syntaktische Gebrauch des Verbums in dem angelsächsischen Leipzig Max Hoffmann 1891. - 55p ; 23cm Gedichte Crist... Thesis (Ph.D) University of Leipzig
Copies: WSL: p429.5/GEN/HAR
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Crist Verbs. Syntax

Hale, Edward Everett Die Chronologische Anordnung der Dichtungen Robert Herricks Edward Everett Hale Halle C.A.Kaemmerer & Co 1892. - 54p ; 23cm Hale Jr. Thesis (Ph.D) University of Halle-Wittenberg
Copies: WSL: p821/HER
Subjects: Devon. Dean Prior. Writers. Herrick, Robert Poetry. Criticism

Muller, Hugo Uber die angelsächsischen Versus Gnomici Hugo Muller Jena Ant.Kampfe 1893. - 56p ; 22cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Jena, 1893
Copies: WSL: s829.1/GNO
Subjects: Westcountry. Old English poetry. Gnomic verses

Gehler, Victor Das Verhältnis von Fords Perkin Warbeck zu Bacons Henry VII Halle C.A.Kaeminerer & Co 1895. - 54p ; 22cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Halle-Wittenberg
Copies: WSL: p822/FOR
Subjects: Westcountry. Writers. Ford, John Drama. Critical studies

Gaehde, Christian John Wolcot (Peter Pindar) : sein Leben und seine Werke : erster from Thesis (Ph.D) University of Leipzig 1899]. - 41p ; 23cm Part of thesis from: Forschungen zur englischen […]
Copies: WSL: p821/PIN
Subjects: Devon. Kingsbridge. Writers. Pindar, Peter Works. Poetry

Madert, August Die sprache der altenglischen Rätsel des Exeterbuches ... Cynewulf Marburg Heinrich Bauer 1900. - 131p ; 24cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Marburg, 1900
Copies: WSL: s829.4/CYN ; University of Oxford. -
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Cynewulf Critical studies.

Forstmann, Hans Das altenglische Gedicht Guthlac der Einsiedler .. Halle Erhardt Karras 1901. - 26p ; 22cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Bonn
Copies: WSL: p829.1/GUT
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Guthlac. Critical studies.

Schwarz, Franz Cynewulfs Anteil am Christ : eine metrische Untersuchung K”nigsberg Hartungsche Buchd 1901. - 106p ; 24cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of K”nigsberg, 1905
Copies: WSL: p829.4/CYN
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Cynewulf Meter. Critical studies.

Stieger, Friedrich Untersuchungen uber die syntax in dem angelsachsischen [...] Jungsten Gericht. Thesis (Ph.D) Rostock University Rostock Carl Hirstorff 1902. - 130p ; 23cm
Copies: WSL: p429.52/WES/STI
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Last Judgment. Syntax

Swearingen, Grace Fleming Die englische Schriftsprache bei Coverdale mit einem Anhang über ihre weitere Entwicklung... Weimar R.Wagnersohn 1904. - 92p ; 23cm Thesis(Ph.D) University of Berlin
Copies: WSL: p421/GEN/SWE
Subjects: Westcountry. Exeter Diocese. Bishops. Coverdale, Miles Translations. Language

Prollius, Max Über den syntaktischen Gebrauch des conjunctivs in den Cynewulf ... Juliana und Crist. Marburg Thesis (Ph.D) Marburg University, 1888 1905. - 59,[1]p ; 23cm
Copies: WSL: p429.59/WES/PRO
Subjects: Westcountry. Old English poetry. Exeter Book Conjuctive. Syntax

Maringer, Ferdinand S.T.Coleridge's Asthetik und Poetik : 1 Teil by Ferdinand Freiburg C.A.Wagner 1906. - 84p ; 21cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Freiburg in Breisgan
Copies: WSL: p828/COL
Subjects: Devon. Ottery Saint Mary. Writers. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Poetry. Criticism

Behrend, Alfred Nicholas Rowe als Dramatiker Alfred Behrend Leipzig August Hoffmann 1907. - 65,[2]p ; 23cm MATCH BEHNIC1907 Thesis (Ph.D) University of Konigsberg, 1907
Copies: WSL: p822/ROW
Subjects: Devon. Lamerton. Writers. Rowe, Nicholas Drama. Critical studies

Flehinger, Arthur Hartley Coleridge von Arthur Flehinger Bruchsal M.J.Stoll 1907. - 101p ; 23cm Thesis (PhD) University of Freiburg
Copies: WSL: s828/COL
Subjects: Devon. Writers. Coleridge, Hartley Critical studies.

Schwarz, Ferdinand H Nicholas Rowe's Fair penitent : a contribution to lit.analysis Berne Buchler & Co 1907. - 84p ; 21cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Berne, 1906
Copies: WSL: p822/ROW
Subjects: Devon. Lamerton. Writers. Rowe, Nicholas Drama. Critical studies

Schlotterose, Otto. Die altenglische Dichtung Phoenix von Otto Schlotterose Halle Ehrhardt Karras 1908. - 55p ; 22cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Bonn, 1908
Copies: WSL: p829.1/PHO
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Phoenix Texts

Warth, Johann Josef von der Metrisch-sprachliches und textkritisches zu Cynewulfs Werke Halle Erhardt Karras 1908. - 55p ; 24cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Bonn, 1908
Copies: WSL: p829.4/CYN
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Cynewulf Critical studies.

Bersch, Georg S.T.Coleridges Naturschilderungen in seinen Gedichten G.Bersch Marburg R.Friedrich's Univer 1909. - 110p ; 22cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Marburg, 1909
Copies: WSL: p821/COL
Subjects: Devon. Ottery Saint Mary. Writers. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Poetry. Critical studies

Borgwardt, Paul The royal convert von Nicholas Rowe 1707 von Paul Borgwardt Rostock W.H.Winterberg 1909. - Thesis (Ph.D) University of Rostock 1909
Copies: WSL: p822/ROW
Subjects: Devon. Lamerton. Writers. Rowe, Nicholas Works. Drama

Stahl, Ludwig Nicholas Rowe's drama the Ambitious stepmother, 1700 Rostock Cowl Hinstorff 1909. - 88p ; 21cm Thesis (Ph.D) Rostock University, 1909
Copies: WSL: p822/ROW
Subjects: Devon. Lamerton. Writers. Rowe, Nicholas Drama. Critical studies

Kopas, Wilhelm Die Grundzüge der Satzverknupfung in Cynewulfs Schriften Breslau H.Fleischmann 1910. - 88p ; 21cm Thesis (P.h.D) University of Breslau, 1910
Copies: WSL: p829.4/CYN
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Cynewulf Critical studies.

Wolf, Louise Elisabeth Rowe in Deutschland von Louise Wolf Heidelberg Marcus Zoller 1910. - 89p ; 23cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Heidelberg, 1910
Copies: WSL: p828/ROW
Subjects: Westcountry. Writers. Rowe, Elisabeth Travels to Germany

Heath, Sidney. The story of Ford Abbey, from the earliest times to the present day / by Sidney [sic] Heath. - London Francis Griffiths, 1911. - 78, [2] p. 25 plates. : ill. ; 25 cm. - Chapter 6 about the dissolution, chapter 8 on post disolution owners and occupiers. -
Copies: University of York. -

Thomas, Ivor. D. Sc. papers of Ivor Thomas Ivor Thomas 1 v 1911. - Thesis, D. Sc. University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1911. Contents: Paper 1. The British carboniferous orthotetiae -- Paper 2. the trilobite fauna of Devon and Cornwall -- Paper 3. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntris der Devonishen Fauna Argentiniens -- Paper 4. a new Devonian trilobite and lamellibranch from Cornwall --
Copies: National Library of Wales

Schneider, Robert Satzbau und Wortschatz der altenglischen Rätsel des Exeterbuches Breslau H.Fleischmann 1913. - 84p ; 24cm Thesis (Ph.D) Breslau University, 1913
Copies: WSL: p829.1/EXE
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Exeter Book Texts

Wiegert, Hans. " Jim an' Nell" von W. F. Rock : Eine Studie zum Dialekt von Devonshire / Von Hans Wiegert. - Berlin Mayer & Müller, G.m.b.H. Palaestra Bd.137. - Inaug.-diss.--Berlin. - 1921. - 344 p ; 24 cm. - In: Brandl (A.) and Schmidt (E.) Palaestra, etc. Bd. 137. 1898, etc. 8º. -
Copies: BL ; University College London ; University of Cambridge ; University of Glasgow. -

Lewis, George Randall The stannaries : a study of the English tin miner by G.R.Lewis Cambridge,Mass. Harvard U.P. 1924. - xviii,299p ; 23cm Harvard Economic Studies Vol III. Thesis for an undergrad.course
Copies: WSL: 622.3453/WES/LEW ; TOR: I/S
Subjects: Westcountry. Tin mining

Bajwa, Kapur Singh Kapur Singh Bajwa Leeds 1925. - [i],vii,111 leaves; 3 plates Photograph attached to title-page. Inserted is letter of commendation, dated August 20th, from Sir Michael O'Dwyer, Budleigh Salterton, Devon. Thesis--[Leeds?], [c.1925].
Copies: University of Leeds Libraries

Blomé, Bertil The place-names of North Devonshire Uppsala Appelberg 1929. - xx,189pp By due permission of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Uppsala to be publicly discussed in English ... on Wednesday, May 15th, 1929 ... for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Thesis (Ph.D.)--Uppsala. Bibliography: p. [v]-xiii.
Copies: National Library of Wales ; Newcastle University ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; The National Archives ; University College London ; University of Cambridge ; EXU ; University of Leicester Library (Spec
Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Place-names.

Hoskins, W.G The rise and decline of the serge industry of the South West .. : Typescript 1929. - [87] leaves : ill ; 36cm Thesis (Ph.D.). Donor: The author
Copies: WSL: sx677.31/WES/HOS ; BAR: 677.31/A/HOS
Subjects: Westcountry. Serge industry

Tidmarsh, William George The petrology and relations of the Permian lavas of Devonshire London Thesis (Ph.D.) University of London 1931. -
Copies: WSL: ms551.756/DEV/TID
Subjects: Devon. Permian strata Lavas. Petrology

Annis, L. G [Published work submitted for the degree of M.Sc.] L.G. Anniss 1 box file containing published papers 1932]. - Published papers on the geology of the Chudleigh area, South Devon. Thesis (M.Sc.) - University of Bristol, 1932. University of Bristol Libraries

Dollar, A.T.J Lundy geology : fellowship thesis : Typescript 1933?]. - 1 vol ; 27cm Lacks plates
Copies: WSL: BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/630
Subjects: Devon. Lundy. Geological features.

Morris, Stanley Thomas. A study of some economic aspects of the sheep industry of Devon : with special reference to changes in the practice of sheep farming on the red loams of Mid-Devon Stanley Thomas Morris 1 v 1936. - Submitted in June. Thesis, M.Sc. University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1936.
Copies: National Library of Wales
Subjects: Devon. Sheep farming.

Sillick, C.B.Muriel City-Port of Plymouth : an essay in geographical interpretation [s. l.] Thesis (Ph.D.) 1936. - viii,[ii],[10],263p,
Copies: PLY: I/S
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Ports. Geographical aspects

Audrey M. Baker Figure paintings on rood screens in churches of Norfolk & South Devon 1v. (various pagings) ; 26cm A Thesis (PhD)--University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 1937. 1937. - Includes bibliography. Courtauld Institute of Art Library

Hoskins, W.G The ownership and occupation of the land in Devonshire, 1650-1800 London Thesis (PhD.) - University of London, [ 1938]. - [5],192p,plates : aps ; 26cm
Copies: WSL: sx333.32/DEV/HOS
Subjects: Devon. Land tenure. 1650-1800

Hüfner, Werner. Das Landvolk von Devonshire in der neueren englischen Literature; unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner sozialen Bedingungen, seines Brauchtums und seines Charakters Halle-Wittenberg Inaug.-Diss 1938. - Literaturverzeichnis: p. 114-117
Subjects: Devon. Rural life. Literary depiction.

Hotchner, Cecilia A. Wessex and Old English poetry : with special consideration of The ruin / by Cecilia A. Hotchner. - [Lancaster, Pa. Lancaster press, inc. 1939]. - Thesis (Ph. D.)--New York university, 1939. - v, 146 p. ; 19 cm. -
Copies: Senate House, University of London ; Society of Antiquaries of London ; Trinity College Dublin ; University of Exeter ; University of York. -
Subjects: Westcountry. Old English poetry. Local associations.

Milne, Alec Some ecological aspects of the estuaries of the Dee, Aberdeen, and the Tamar, Devon 1939. - Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: University of Aberdeen Libraries

Gillespie, J. T Presbyterianism in Devon and Cornwall in the seventeenth century [Durham] 1943 Thesis (M.A.) - University of Durham, 1943. -
Copies: Durham University Libraries

Bohman, Hjördis Studies in the ME dialects of Devon and London by Hjo¨rdis Bohman Go¨teborg Aktiebolaget Pehrssons fo¨rlag [ 1944] xiv, 363 p. ; 25 cm Inaug.-diss.--Gothenburg Bibliography: p. [vii]-xiv.
Copies: BL ; Durham University ; King's College London ; National of Scotland ; National of Wales ; Royal Holloway, University of London ; Senate House, University of London ; Trinity College Dublin ; University of Aberdeen ; University of Cambridge ; University of Edinburgh ; University of Leeds ; University of Liverpool ; University of Nottingham ; University of Oxford ; University of Sheffield. -

Tucker, Roy D. The development of Quarter Sessions government in Devon in the nineteenth century and the transition to county council government Roy D. Tucker 216 p Thesis (MA) University of London 1949. 1949. - Senate House Libraries, University of London

MacCaffrey, Wallace Trevethic. The civic community of Exeter, 1550-1603 / Wallace Trevethic MacCaffrey. - Harvard Harvard University PhD thesis - 1950. - 437 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. -
Copies: BL ; University of Leicester. -

Thrupp, John. Devon quarter sessions 1800-1830 by J. Thrupp Birmingham University of Birmingham 1950 Thesis (B.A.)--University of Birmingham, 1950. 1950. - 50 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill., facsims. ; 34 cm Dissertation is presented as part of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts of Birmingham University, 1950
Copies: University of Birmingham Libraries

Youings, Joyce A The disposal of monastic property in land in the county of Devon, with special reference to the period 1536-1558 by Joyce A. Youings London Thesis (PhD) University of London 1950. 1950. - 307 leaves
Copies: BL ; Senate House Libraries, University of London

Cawthron, Donald James.. - The episcopal administration of the diocese of Exeter in the fourteenth century with special reference to the registers of Stapeldon, Grandisson and Brantingham / [London] [s.n.] 1951. - Thesis: (MA) University of London, 1951. - 403 leaves. - Contents: Leaves 350-390 are appendices. -
Copies: Senate House, University of London ; University of Exeter. -

Mildenberger, Kenneth. Three comparative studies in Anglo-Saxon poetry and iconography : Christ, Descent into hell, and Azarias / by Kenneth Mildenberger. - New York Thesis--New York University. - 1951. - vi, 159 leaves, 25 leaves of plates : ill. - Bibliography: leaves 152-159. -
Copies: University of Manchester. -

Whiteman, E. A. O. The episcopate of Dr. Seth Ward, Bishop of Exeter (1662 to 1667) and Salisbury (1667 to 1688/9) with special reference to the ecclesiastical problems of his time / by E.A.O. Whiteman. - Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1951. - 1951. - 2 volumes (vi, 587, ix leaves) : maps ; 27 cm. 2 folded leaves of maps in pocket (vol. 1), 1 map on folded leaf in pocket (vol. 2). - Bibliography: leaves 542-587. -
Copies: University of Oxford. -

Borwick, M A country boarding school near Axminster, Devon Liverpool Thesis Report, Liverpool University 1952 1952. -
Copies: University of Liverpool Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Axminster. Boarding schools.

Stephens, Nicholas. Erosion cycles in south west Devon by Nicholas Stephens 3 v 1952. -
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries

Sargent, J R A An hotel and plage at Watermouth, North Devon Liverpool Thesis Report, Liverpool University 1953 1953. -
Copies: University of Liverpool Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Ilfracombe. Hotels. Watermouth.

Amudachari Parthasarathy The superficial deposits of the Devon valley, Clackmannanshire, Scotland : their geology and physical properties Amudachari Parthasarathy London Thesis (Ph.D.)--Department of Engineering Geology, Imperial College London, 1954. 1954. -
Copies: Imperial College London Library

Middleton, Gerard Vine The Middle and Upper Devonian of selected areas of south Devon Gerard Viner Middleton London Thesis (Ph.D.)--Department of Geology, Imperial College London, 1954. 1954. -
Copies: Imperial College London Library

Goldring, Roland The upper Devonian and lower Carboniferous in the Barnstaple area of North Devon by Roland Goldring 1 v. (various pagings) 1955. - Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Bristol, 1955.
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries

Stubbings, Michael. The marine platforms of South Devon 1955. - p. ; cm M.Sc.(Geography) 1955 QMC.
Copies: Queen Mary University of London Library

Bone, Margaret Calendar of deeds of the Worth family of Washfield, Devon London Thesis (Dip.Arch.Admin.)--University of London 1956. - [2], ii, 236 leaves : geneal. tables ; cm
Copies: Senate House Libraries, University of London ; University College London Library
Subjects: Devon. Washfield. Families. Worth Family Documents. Calendars

Farrar, J. M. P Deeds and documents of the Yonge family of Puslinch in the parish of Newton Ferrers, Devon : a list [2], vii, 197 leaves : geneal. tables ; cm 1956. - Diploma in Archive Administration. Thesis. Senate House Libraries, University of London

Clark, E.A.G. The estuarine ports of the Exe and Teign : with special reference to the period 1660-1860 : a study in historical geography by E.A.G.Clark PhD (Arts), 1957. - 3 v Contents: Volume 3, leaves i-clxiv are appendices.
Copies: Senate House Libraries, University of London

Ravenhill, William Lionel Desmond. An analysis of the dwelling sites established in Cornwall and Devon between the fifth and the eleventh centuries and their contribution to the modern settlement pattern Thesis: (University of London), 1957. - 266 leaves : 9 maps (folded) Folded maps in end pocket. Contents: 7 leaves of appendices. Offprints of 2 published papers are in an end pocket. -
Copies: Senate House Libraries, University of London
Subjects: Devon. Settlements. 400-1100

Stott, Bernice Dartmouth and Salcombe - a comparative study in urban development in the estuaries of South Devon Liverpool Thesis B.A., Liverpool University 1957 1957. -
Copies: University of Liverpool Libraries

Ashwin, Donovan Percy The structure and sedimentation of the Culm sediments between Boscastle and Bideford, North Devon Donovan Percy Ashwin London Thesis (Ph.D.)--Department of Geology, Imperial College London, 1958. 1958. -
Copies: Imperial College London Library

House, Michael Robert The Devonian goniatites of Devon and Cornwall Durham 1958 Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Durham 1958. 1958. -
Copies: BL ; Durham University Libraries

Roberts, John Charles. The parliamentary representation of Devon and Dorset, 1559-1601 by John Charles Roberts [183] leaves Thesis (MA) University of London, 1958. -
Copies: Senate House Libraries, University of London

Stevens, W. B. Seventeeth-century Exeter : a study of industrial and commercial development, 1625-1688 by W.B. Stevens ; with a foreword by W.G by W.G. Hoskins Exeter University of Exeter 1958 University of Exeter 1958. - xxvi, 203p : charts, maps History of Exeter and South West Research Group. Publications Based on the author's thesis (Ph.D.) - Institute of Historical Research, London 1954.
Copies: London School of Economics ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; St. Andrews University Libraries

Westcott, Margaret R The estates of the Earls of Devon, 1485-1538 Exeter Thesis (M.A.) - University of Exeter 1958. - [1],iii,324 leaves ; 33cm
Copies: WSL: sx333.3/DEV/WES ; EXU. -
Subjects: Devon. Estates. Courtenay Estates Management 1485-1538

Brockett, Allan A Nonconformity in Exeter 1650-1875 by Arthur Allan Brockett Exeter Thesis (M.A.) - University of Exeter 1959. - 1959|vii,550p ; 27cm
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/285/BRO
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Nonconformists. 1650-1875

Hart, Robert C. The phonology of the dialect of Hemyock in East Devon by Robert C. Hart Leeds Thesis B.A.--Leeds University, 1959. 1959. - xix, 115 leaves : ill Includes bibliographical references. Microfilm. Leeds : University Library, Photographic Service. 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm.
Copies: University of Edinburgh Libraries

Selleck, Albert Douglas. The history of the Society of Friends in Plymouth and West Devon from 1654 to the early nineteenth century 226 leaves, plates Thesis: (MA) University of London 1959. 1959. - Senate House Libraries, University of London

Sparkes, M. M. Calender of documents of the Mallock familyof Cockington, Devon M.M. Sparkes London Thesis (Dip.Libr.)--University of London, 1959. 1959. - [300] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm UCLTHESES.
Copies: University College London Library
Subjects: Devon. Cockington. Families. Mallock Family Documents. Calendars

Birks, Anthony E A regional description of the South Hams in Devonshire : No details 1960. - 71, (13)p Typescript thesis
Copies: PLY: I/S
Subjects: Devon. South Hams. Geography.

Killick, Jock Bowden The history of Beer Church of England (voluntary aided) primary school, Devon Exeter Thesis (Dip.Ed.) - Exeter University, Institute of Education. 1960. - 159p
Copies: EXU

Marsden, B. S. The establishment of the geographic incidence of the retired population in Devon and Cornwall, and an examination of the role of amenities in this distribution by B.S. Marsden Leeds 1960 [2],iii,157 leaves; with 3 maps in pocket at end 1960. - Thesis (M.A.) -- University of Leeds (Department of Geography), 1960.
Copies: University of Leeds Libraries

Nicholls, Laura M The Trading communities of Totnes and Dartmouth in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries : Typescript 1960. - 186p ; 30cm Thesis submitted for the degree of.M.A (Exeter)
Copies: WSL: sx380.1/DAR/NIC
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Trade History 1480-1600. -

Nicholls, Laura M The Trading communities of Totnes and Dartmouth in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries : Typescript 1960. - 186p ; 30cm Thesis submitted for the degree of.M.A (Exeter)
Copies: WSL: sx380.1/DAR/NIC
Subjects: Devon. Totnes. Trade History 1480-1600. -

Bradshaw, Michael John. Aspects of the geomorphology of north-west Devon 1961. - p. ; cm M.A.(Geography) 1961 QMC.
Copies: Queen Mary University of London Library
Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Geomorphology.

Bailey, R. G. The ecology of an East Devon river : with special reference to the fish population Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Biological Sciences Department. 1962. -
Copies: EXU

Swarbrick, E. E Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Culm Measures between the Rivers Mole and Exe, North Devon London Thesis(PhD)--University of London (King's College), 1962 1962. -
Copies: King's College London Library

Bryan, Michael. Justices of the peace in Devon and Cornwall, 1361-1461 by Michael Bryan Birmingham Thesis (B.A.)--University of Birmingham, [Department of History], Medieval and Modern History, 1963. - 71 p. ; 26 cm A dissertation submitted as part of the requirements for the degree of B.A. with Honours in Medieval and Modern History, March 1963 Bibliography: p. 68-71.
Copies: University of Birmingham Libraries

Cassidy, Irene. The Episcopate of William Cotton, Bishop of Exeter, 1598-1621 : with special reference to the state of the clergy and the administration of the ecclesiastical courts / Irene Cassidy. - 1963. - iii, 221, viii leaves ; 27 cm -
Copies: University of Oxford. -

D. Brunsden A contribution to the geomorphology of the River Dart D. Brunsden Thesis(PhD)--King's College London, 1963. - 241 leaves : ill., plates, maps ; 27 cm 3 maps in back pocket. Contents: Leaves 133-192 are appendices.
Copies: King's College London Library
Subjects: Devon. Dart River. Geomorphology.

Harvey, John The development of local examinations in Devon county secondary schools, their relationship to the certificate of secondary education and some considerations of particular problems resulting from the growth of extended courses Exeter Thesis (Dip.Ed.) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1963. - 2 (246p)
Copies: EXU

Taverner, R.L. school and community in Okehampton 1600-1903 R.L.Taverner Wales Thesis (M. A.) - University of Wales 1963. - 138p ; 31cm
Copies: DRO: 25/TAV
Subjects: Devon. Okehampton. Towns 1600-1903

Warne, Arthur. Church and society in eighteenth century Devon by Arthur Warne Leeds 1963 [1],iv,334 leaves 1963. - Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Leeds (School of History), 1964. Plan in pocket at end.
Copies: University of Leeds Libraries

Hilton, Alan P The Devon leaving certificate later known as the Devon secondary schools examination Exeter Thesis (Dip.Ed.) - Exeter University, Institute of Education. 1964. - 120p
Copies: EXU

Maslen, John. A history of the local feelings, on the Education Act of 1870, and its implimentation (sic) in the Parish of St.Thomas the Apostle, Devon Exeter Thesis (Dip.Ed.) - Exeter University, Institute of Education. 1964. - 93p
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Education. Legislation. Implementation 1870

Walker, Roger Geoffrey. Some aspects of the sedimentology of the shale grit and grindslow shales (Namurian R1c, Derbyshire) and the Westward Ho! and Northam formations (Westphalian, North Devon) Roger Geoffrey Walker 1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 27 cm 1964. - D.Phil. University of Oxford, 1964. Includes bibliographic references. University of Oxford Libraries

Blunden, John Russell Agricultural enterprise on the red loams and culm measures of Devon - an analytical survey Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geography Department. 1965. - 2 v
Copies: EXU. -

Clemeau, Carol. Joseph of Exeter's Bellum Troianum : a literature study and English translation / by Carol Clemeau Esler. - Typescript. - Thesis (Ph. D.)--Bryn Mawr College, 1965. - 1965. - 301 leaves ; 28 cm. - Includes bibliographical references (leaves 297-301). Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. -
Copies: University of Edinburgh. -

Holwill, Frederick James Winsor The stratigraphy and coral fauna of the Ilfracombe beds in North Devon Frederick James Winsor Holwill London Thesis (Ph.D.)--Department of Geology, Imperial College London, 1965. 1965. - 2 v. Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: BL ; Imperial College London Library

Scrutton, Colin Thomas. Growth and variation studies in devonian corals / by Colin Thomas Scrutton. - 1965. - 2 volumes : illustrations, maps, photographs ; 27 cm -
Copies: University of Oxford. -

Tamblin, Jean Lilian. The stereochemistry of some ß-aryproblems of industrial location in Plymouth / Jean Lilian Tamblin. - Thesis(M.A) --King's College London, 1965 - 230 leaves, plates : ill., map ; 27 cm. -
Copies: King's College London. -

Baldwin, Jennifer M. The Exeter conspiracy, 1538 / Jennifer M. Baldwin. - Birmingham University of Birmingham Thesis (B.A.)--University of Birmingham, Medieval and Modern History, 1966. - 60 p. ; 26 cm. - Bibliography: p. 58-60. -
Copies: University of Birmingham. -

Clarke, Richard H. The sea-bed off Southeast Devon by Richard H. Clarke 125 leaves : ill. ; 34 cm 1966. - Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Bristol, 1966.
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries

Horsfield, Robert Alan. John de Grandisson, bishop of Exeter, 1327-69 / by Robert Alan Horsfield. - Leeds 1966. - Thesis (M.A.) -- University of Leeds (Department of History), 1966. - xvi,330 leaves. -
Copies: University of Leeds. -

Newton, Robert Victorian Exeter, 1837-1914 / Robert Newton. - Exeter University of Exeter [1966]. - 5 v. - [Ph.D. thesis, University of Exeter, 1966] -
Copies: University of Leicester Library (Special Collections)

Smith, M. G. A study of the administration of the Diocese of Exeter during the episcopate of Sir Jonathan Trelawny, Baronet, 13 April 1689-14 June 1707 / [Reverend M.G. Smith]. - [1965]. - Thesis (B.D.)--University of Oxford, 1965. - 1966. - vi, 320 leaves ; 27 cm. - Bibliographical references: leaves [312]-320. -
Copies: University of Oxford. -

Wykes, Violet. Out of school reading in the Junior school, with special reference to a Devon rural school Exeter Thesis (Dip.Ed.) - Exeter University, Institute of Education. 1966. - 59p
Copies: EXU

Attwooll, James Wilfred Soils of the Parish of Aylesbeare, Devon Liverpool Thesis B.A., Liverpool University 1967 1967. -
Copies: University of Liverpool Libraries

Crawford, Jane. Guthlac : an edition of the Old English prose life together with the poems in the Exeter Book / [Jane Crawford]. - [1967]. - Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1967. - 3 v. (iv, 1381, 1381a, 1382-1430 leaves) ; 29 cm. - Bibliography: leaves 1382-1430. -
Copies: University of Oxford. -

Goodridge, J. C. The historical geography of the copper mining industry in Devon and Cornwall from 1800 to 1900 1967. -
Copies: Senate House Libraries, University of London

Hill, Harry David The denudation chronology of the East Lyn drainage basin, North Devon Liverpool Thesis B.Sc., Liverpool University 1967 1967. -
Copies: University of Liverpool Libraries

Isherwood, Jean Rowen. Late thirteenth century jurisdiction in Devon Jean Rowen Isherwood Birmingham University of Birmingham, 1967. - 74 p. ; 26 cm Thesis (B.A.)--University of Birmingham, Medieval and Modern History, 1967. Bibliography: p. 72-74.
Copies: University of Birmingham Libraries

Kew, John E. The land market in Devon, 1536-1558 Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, History Department. 1967. -
Copies: EXU

Richardson, David. The Diocese of Exeter in 1821 : Bishop Carey's replies to queries before visitation / by David Richardson. - Birmingham University of Birmingham 1967. - Thesis (B.A.)--University of Birmingham, [Department of History], Medieval and Modern History, 1967. - 75 p. ; 26 cm. - Bibliography: p. 73-75. -
Copies: University of Birmingham. -

Wheway, Derek James Periglaciation in North Devon Liverpool Thesis B.A., Liverpool University 1967 1967. -
Copies: University of Liverpool Libraries

Fletcher, William Kenneth Geochemical reconnaissance in relation to copper deficiency in livestock in the Southern Pennines and Devon William Kenneth Fletcher With an additional volume of maps. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Department of Geochemistry, Imperial College London, 1968. 1968. -
Copies: Imperial College London Library

Jones, Trevor Prince. Rural depopulation in an area of South Devon since 1945 Trevor Prince Jones 1968. - 268 leaves ; 26 cm
Copies: London School of Economics Library

Mackellar, C. Muscular hypertrophy in South Devon cattle C. Mackellar [S.l.] Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, 1968. - 53 p. + statistical appendix Title from cover. Thesis presented for the Diploma of Fellowship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries

Phillips, Evan D The establishment of the Certificate of Secondary Education : its development in Devon secondary schools Exeter Thesis (Dip.Ed.) - Exeter University, Institute of Education. 1968. - 2 v (175p)
Copies: EXU

Taverner, Ronald Lynden The corporation and community of Okehampton 1623-1885 Ronald Lynden Taverner London Thesis (Ph.D.) 1968. - 197p ; 31cm PHD thesis, . 8 chapters + bibliography and notes
Copies: DRO: 25/TAV
Subjects: Devon. Okehampton. Towns 1623-1885

Whitman, Frank Herbert.. - The influence of the Latin and the popular riddle traditions in the Old English Riddles of the Exeter Book / Thesis (Ph.D.)- University of Wisconsin. - 1968. - 257p. - Ann Arbor UMI 1968. -
Copies: University of Exeter. -

Burwash, Dorothy English merchant shipping, 1460-1540 [Devon] David & Charles Reprints [ 1969, c1947]. - xii, 259 p. : ill., map ; 22 cm ISBN: 0715343866 ; 9780715343869 Originally published by the University of Toronto Press. Thesis--Bryn Mawr College. David & Charles reprints. Bibliography: p. 237-249.
Copies: BL ; City of London, Guildhall ; Durham University ; London School of Economics ; Queen Mary University of London ; Queen's University Belfast ; St. Andrews University ; The National Archives Librar

Chesher, John A. The geology of the middle Teign valley, South-East Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geology Department. 1969. -
Copies: EXU

Conlee, John Wayne. Artistry in the Riddles of the Exeter Book / Ann Arbor UMI 1969. - Thesis (Ph.D.)- University of Illinois. - 1969. - 256p. -
Copies: University of Exeter. -

Gateley, Clare R.F Politics in Devon, 1760-1820 by Clare R.F. Gateley Birmingham University of Birmingham 1969 Thesis (B.A.)--University of Birmingham, [Department of History], Medieval and Modern History, 1969. 1969. - 58 p. ; 26 cm No author's signature. Bibliography: p. 56-58.
Copies: University of Birmingham Libraries

Gilmore, Judith M A study of the papers of the Fortescue family of Castle Hill, Barnstaple, from 1809-1841 ... Judith M. Gilmore [Roehampton?] Thesis - Froebel Institute 1969. - 53 leaves ; 32cm Thesis examination No. 3057
Copies: DHC: sx929.2.FOR
Subjects: Devon. Filleigh. Families. Fortescue family 1809-1841

Gilmore, Judith M A study of the papers of the Fortescue family of Castle Hill, Barnstaple, from 1809-1841 ... Judith M. Gilmore : Thesis - Froebel Institute 1969. - 53 leaves ; 32cm Thesis examination No. 3057
Copies: DHC: sx929.2.FOR
Subjects: Devon. Filleigh. Families. Fortescue family 1809-1841

Northway, A.M The Devon fishing industry, 1760-1860 Thesis (M.A.) - Exeter University, Economic History Department. 1969. -
Copies: EXU

Rowland, D. Studies on the plant ecology of the pebble bed commons in East Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Biological Sciences Department. 1969. -
Copies: EXU

Courdomy, Francoise Crediton : a market town in Devon : Typescript 1970. - [12],109p : ill, maps ; 31cm
Copies: DHC: x309.1/CRE/COU
Subjects: Devon. Crediton. Social conditions -1970

Gowers, Ian W. Puritanism in the county of Devon between 1570 and 1641 Exeter 1970 Thesis (M.A.) - Exeter University, History Department. 1970. -
Copies: EXU

Greenwood, Brian. Sediment studies and the discrimination of certain environments of depostion Brian Greenwood 2 v 1970. -
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries

Keir, Gillian I. The ecclesiastical career of George Neville, 1432-76 / Gillian I. Keir. - 1970. - 235 leaves, 18 unnumbered leaves ; 26 cm -
Copies: University of Oxford. -

Kerridge, D. S. Growth centre policy in rural areas : North Devon Exeter Thesis (M.A.) - Exeter University, Sociology Departnment. 1970. -
Copies: EXU

Riddolls, B. W. Devonian and Carboniferous geology south and west of Newton Abbot, Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geology Department. 1970. -
Copies: EXU

Walker, A.R Torbay : a study of land use, traffic and their inter- relationships A.R.Walker. - Thesis (BA) : Thesis (BA) Univ. of Durham 1970. - 63 leaves ,plates
Copies: WSL: sx388.31/TOR/WAL
Subjects: Devon. Torquay. Road traffic Relation to land use

Fisher, Philip. An epidemiological and statistical survey of perinatal mortality in Devon, Exeter and Plymouth with special regard to the effectiveness of special care baby units in reducing neonatal mortality among low birthweight infants Exeter Thesis (M.Sc.) - Exeter University, Mathematics Department. 1971. -
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. Perinatal mortality.

Fox, H. S. A A geographical study of the field systems of Devon and Cornwall Cambridge Doctoral Thesis - University of Cambridge. 1971. - pp. 415
Copies: BL
Subjects: Westcountry. Field systems.

Henson, Michael R The Permo-Triassic rocks of south Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geology Department. 1971. -
Copies: EXU ; BL

Jeffery, Keith G. Deformation analysis in the Combe Martin-Ilfracombe region (North Devon) Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geology Department. 1971. -
Copies: EXU

Matthews, Keith A Who was who of families engaged in the fishery and settlement of Newfoundland. 1660-1840 Saint Johns Thesis (PH.D.) - Memorial University of Newfoundland 1971. - 465 leaves ; 30cm
Copies: WSL: sx301.328718/WES/MAT ; DRO: 19/MAT
Subjects: Westcountry. Migration to Newfoundland. 1660-1840

Spooner, D. J. Industrial development in Devon and Cornwall, 1939-67 Cambridge Doctoral Thesis - University of Cambridge. 1971. - pp. 329
Copies: BL

Walling, Desmond Eric. Instrumented catchments in South-East Devon : some relationships between drainage basin characteristics and catchment response Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geography Department. 1971. -
Copies: EXU

Williams, John Arthur. The conodont faunas of the Baggy and Pilton Beds, North Devon [Great Britain] University College of Swansea 1971 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University College of Swansea, 1971. 1971. - Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: BL

Bohstedt, John Howard riots in England 1790-1810 : with special reference to Devonshire a thesis presented by John Howard Bohstedt thesis Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A 1972. - ix, 457p : charts ; 28cm
Copies: WSL: 364.13/GEN/BOH
Subjects: Westcountry. Riots. . 1790-1810

Collison, M.P.D The Courtenay Cartulary, from Powderham Castle, Devon Exeter Thesis (M.A.) - Exeter University, History Department. 1972. -
Copies: EXU

Fuller, Frederick W. T. The history of Saint Luke's College, Exeter, [1839-1970] Vol. 2 1886-1933 / by F. W. T. Fuller. - [Exeter] [Saint Luke's College] 1970. - Thesis (M.Litt.) - University of Bristol, 1972. - p. 254-503 : ill., 1 folded plan ; 26 cm. - Includes bibliographic references. -
Copies: University College London. -

Fuller, Frederick W. T. The history of Saint Luke's College, Exeter, [1839-1970] Vol. 3 1934-1970 / by F. W. T. Fuller. - [Exeter] [Saint Luke's College] 1970. - Thesis (M. Litt.) - University of Bristol, 1972. - p. 504-786 : ill., 2 folded plans ; 26 cm. - Includes bibliographic references. -
Copies: University College London. -

Fuller, Frederick W. T. The history of Saint Luke's College, Exeter, [1839-1970] Vol. 4 Appendices, statistics, bibliography, index / by Frederick Fuller. - [Exeter] [Saint Luke's College] 1970. - Thesis (M.Litt.) - University of Bristol, 1972. - p. 787-[950] : ill., 1 folded plan ; 26 cm. - Bibliography p. 940-943. -
Copies: University College London. -

Fuller, Frederick W. T. The history of Saint Luke's College, Exeter, 1839-1970 Vol. 1 1839-1885 / by F. W. T. Fuller. - Exeter Saint Luke's College 1970. - Thesis (M.Litt.) - University of Bristol, 1972. - 1972. - xii, 253 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. - Includes bibliographic references. -
Copies: University College London. -

Robotham, D. J. Population change in Britain, 1600-1841 : the example of Topsham, Devon Exeter Thesis (M.A.) - Exeter University, History Department. 1972. -
Copies: EXU

Sellman, Roger Raymond. Public elementary education in rural Devon, 1833-1903 : the locality and the state Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, History Department. 1972. -
Copies: EXU

Vowles, Susan Jane A study of the relationship between the vegetation and intensity of use of the footpaths on Kipling Tors, North Devon Liverpool Thesis B.A., Liverpool University 1972 1972. -
Copies: University of Liverpool Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Westward Ho! Footpaths. Kipling Tors Environmental effects

Elliott, Trevor. The sedimentology of the Great Limestone Cyclothem in Northern England and Westphalian sequences in Devon Trevor Elliott Doctoral Thesis - University of Oxford. 1973. - 3 vols. (pp. 511) Supervisor: Dr. H.G. Reading.
Copies: BL ; University of Oxford Libraries. -

King, F. P. The new internationalism : Allied policy and the European peace, 1939-1945 F. P. King [Newton Abbot, Eng.] David & Charles [1973] 230 p ; 22 cm 1973. - ISBN: 0208013997 (Archon) Library of politics and society Based on authors thesis (M.A.), University of Keele.
Copies: BL ; Imperial War Museum ; King's College London ; London School of Economics ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; St. Andrews University ; The London ; Trinity College Dublin ; University of Aberdeen ; University of Birmingham ; University of Br

Reynolds, David.. - The role of the narrator in the so-called "Elegies" of the Old English Exeter Book / [Cardiff] University of Wales Thesis (M.A.) - University of Wales. - 1973. - 210p ; 28cm. -
Copies: Cardiff University ; University of Exeter. -

Williamson, Craig.. - The Old English riddles of the Exeter Book .. : a dissertation .. / [University Park University of Pennsylvania Dissertation (Ph.D) - University of Pennsylvania. - 1973]. - 2v(396p; 327p.). -
Copies: University of Exeter. -

Chudleigh, Arthur Timothy Knighton Realised and potential land uses of two North Devon parishes Thesis B.A., Liverpool University 1974 1974. -
Copies: University of Liverpool Libraries

Douglass, Diane Woodward.. - The riddling mode in Old English verse.. : a dissertation.. / (New York University of New York) Dissertation(Ph.D)-New York University. - 1974. - 197p. -
Copies: University of Exeter. -

James, Kerry Elizabeth Property, politics and prestige in rural Devon Kerry Elizabeth James London : Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of London, 1974. 1974. - 459 leaves : ill. ; 31 cm University College London. UCLTHESES.
Copies: University College London Library

Conner, Patrick Wayne. A contextual study of the Old English Exeter Book : a dissertation.. / [Baltimore, Md. University of Maryland] 409p. - Facsimile reprint by xerography by University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, 1979. - Dissertation (Ph.D.) - University of Maryland. - 1975. -
Copies: University of Exeter. -

Davidson, John W An examination of disused railway lines and their future : with special reference to South Devon by John W. Davidson London Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of London, 1975. 1975. - iv, 68 leaves, [7] leaves of plates : ill. ; 30 cm.+ 9 maps
Copies: University College London Library
Subjects: Devon. South Devon. Disused railways. Use

Goddard, Jane A survey of three diagnostic units in the South Devon area attached to primary schools, with particular reference to the role of the educational psychologists as diagnostician and developer of language remediation programmes Exeter Thesis (M.Ed.) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1975. - 163p
Copies: EXU

Haney, John Louis The German influence on Samuel Taylor Coleridge : an abridgment of a thesis by John Louis Haney New York Hasket House 1975. - iii,44p ; 21cm
Copies: WSL: s828/COL
Subjects: Devon. Ottery Saint Mary. Writers. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Critical studies.

Holtom, Maurice John. The community college concept, with special reference to the colleges of Devon and including a study of the Clyst Vale Community College Exeter Thesis (Dip.Ed.) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1975. - 45p
Copies: EXU

Howard, Margery St. Sidwells : a building with a future? by Margery Howard Milton Keynes Thesis - Open University 1975. - 25p,plates Photocopy
Copies: DHC: xB/EXE/726.5781/HOW
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Methodist chapels. Saint Sidwells Methodist Church Architectural features 1975

Hulbert, John. An investigation into the concepts used by senior police officers when considering the problems of crowd violence [S.l.] Devon & Cornwall Constabulary 1978 A dissertation for the degree of M.Sc. in Applied Psychology, U. of Aston, 1975. -
Copies: University of Aberdeen Libraries

Jember, Gregory Kirk.. - An interpretative translation of the Exeter riddles : a dissertation.. / Denver University of Denver Thesis (Ph.D)- University of Denver. - 1975. - 228p. -
Copies: University of Exeter. -

Stone, Eluned The transition from full-time home to full-time school...(Plowden, 1967, para.358(e)) : a study of the ways in which four North Devon schools deal with the problem of easing the entry of children Exeter Thesis (Dip.Ed.) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1975. - 118p
Copies: EXU

Browne, T. J Low Flow Characteristics of Streams in Devon 1976. -

Chanin, P. R. F The Ecology of the Feral Mink (Mustela vison Schreber) in Devon 1976. -

Kirk, John Marshall 1941-1976. A critical edition of the Old English Gnomic poems in the Exeter book and ms. Cotton Tiberius B. i / by J. M. Kirk, Jr. - [s.l.] Middlebury, Vt [s.n.] distributed by Mrs. Alison Kirk, [ 1976]. - 194 leaves ; 28 cm. - The author "was in the process of revising his thesis ...". Bibliographies: leaves 129-139. -
Copies: University of Oxford. -

Stephenson, John Arthur Post 1945 development in the education medical services in Devon and Plymouth Exeter Thesis (M.A.) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1976. - 134p
Copies: EXU

Sutcliffe, Peter John Christopher. Recent Sediments in the Taw-Torridge Estuary, North Devon Peter John Christopher Sutcliffe London Doctoral Thesis - University of London. 1976. - 2 v. (304 leaves) : ill., graphs, tables ; 31 cm Includes 15 maps in pouch at back
Copies: BL

D'Abbs, Peter H. N. Rural depopulation and rural industrialization : a case study of North Devon Exeter Thesis(M.A.) - Exeter University, Sociology Department. 1977. -
Copies: EXU

Hooke, J. An analysis of changes in river channel patterns : the example of streams in Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geography Department. 1977. -
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Devon. Rivers. Channel patterns

Morris, B.E The south-western estates of Syon Monastery in the later middle ages B.E.Morris Canterbury Thesis (M.A.) - University of Kent at Canterbury 1977. - 2 vols ; 30cm
Copies: WSL: sx333.324/DEV/MOR
Subjects: Devon. Monastic estates. Disposal 1536-1558

Parsons, Stuart R The standard of living of the working class in the south-west of England during the Industrial Revolution, 1750 to 1850 : with special reference to the county of Devon Exeter 1977. - 359p
Copies: EXU

Punch, Maurice. Progressive retreat : a sociological study of Dartington Hall School 1926-1957 and some of its former pupils Maurice Punch Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1977. - x, 185p ; 24cm. - ISBN: 0521211824 Originally presented as the author's thesis, University of Essex. Bibliography: p.176-179. - Includes index. -
Copies: BL ; Brunel University London ; Cardiff University ; King's College London ; London School of Economics ; National of Scotland ; National of Wales ; Newcastle University ; Queen's University Belfast ; Senate House, University of London ; The London ; Trinity College Dublin ; University College London ; University of Aberdeen ; University of Birmingham ; University of Bristol ; University of Cambridge ; University of Exeter ; University of Leeds ; University of Leicester ; University of Liverpool ; University of Nottingham ; University of Oxford ; University of Reading ; University of Southampton ; University of Warwick. -

Susser, Bernard Jews of Devon and Cornwall from the middle ages until the early twentieth century. PhD thesis Univ of Exeter 1977. - 421p ; 36cm ; in 2 binders
Copies: PLY ; EXU ; BL. -
Subjects: Westcountry. Jews.

Anderson, James Edward. Strange, sad voices : the portraits of Germanic women in the Old English "Exeter Book; a dissertation.. / Lawrence University of Kansas 1978. - Xerox facsimile of original typescript, issued by University Microfilms, 1978. - Dissertaton (Ph.D)- University of Kansas. - 1978. -
Copies: University of Exeter. -

Bregazzi, Peter Raymond. Biology and management of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and pike (Esox lucius L.) in Slapton Ley, Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Biological Sciences Department. 1978. -
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Devon. Slapton. Lakes. Slapton Ley. Fish. Management

Burrough, R. J The biology and management of roach (Rutilus rutilus L) and rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus L) in Slapton Ley, Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University. 1978. - 260p
Copies: EXU

Drage, Elaine M. Bishop Leofric and the Exeter Cathedral Chapter, 1050-1072 : a reassessment of the manuscript evidence / Elaine M. Drage. - Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1979. - 1978 [i.e. 1979]. - 7, viii, 452 leaves, [16] leaves of plates : facsims. ; 31 cm. - BLDSC: D29189/80. - Leaves 290-303 printed on verso. - Bibliography: leaves 428-452. -
Copies: University of Oxford. -

Gendeh, Amar Singh Some aspects of diagenesis of the new red sandstone at Exmouth in south Devon Exeter Thesis (M.Sc.) - Exeter University, Geology Department. 1978. - 146p
Copies: EXU

Hooper, Ian Robert. The history and development of counselling in Devon Exeter Thesis (B.Phil.) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1978. - 47p
Copies: EXU

Runge, Kurt O. Clovelly, North Devon: A Medieval English village that survived into modern times [Newark, De.] Principal faculty advisor: Gerald M. Straka. 1978. - 87 l. ; 28 cm Map and facsimiles. Thesis (M.S.) - University of Delaware. Includes bibliography.
Copies: V\&A Libraries

Smith, Christine Rita. Management studies of two contrasting coarse fisheries in Devon Exeter Thesis (M.Sc.) - Exeter University, Biological Sciences Department. 1978. -
Copies: EXU

Tobin, P.J The Southcottians in England, 1783-1895 Manchester Thesis (MA) University of Manchester 1978. - 285p ; 30cm
Copies: WSL: sx289.9/WES/TOB
Subjects: Westcountry. Southcottian church 1783-1895

Tyldesley, Christopher John. The crown and the local communities in Devon and Cornwall from 1377 to 1422 Exeter University of Exeter 1978 Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Exeter, Department of History. 1978. - 251p
Copies: EXU

Wise, Margaret Hilary. The feeding ecology of otters and mink in Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Biological Sciences Department. 1978. -
Copies: EXU ; BL

Bailey, A. D Sandwave mobility in start Bay, Devon [S.l.] University of Bath 1979 pp. 193 1979. - Doctoral Thesis - University of Bath. BL

Christine Maggs & Keith Hiscock Field survey of sublittoral habitats and species in north-east Cornwall (Tintagel Head to the Devon border) Christine Maggs & Keith Hiscock Banbury NCC, 1979. - 1 negative ; 11x15cm South-West Britain sublittoral survey no. 282.
Copies: Natural History Museum Library

Coles, Steven Douglas Chartism and radical politics in Devon and Exeter 1790-1848 Exeter Thesis (M.A.) - Exeter University, History Department. 1979. - 96p
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Devon. Radicalism. 1790-1848

Evans, Ashley Francis. The Taw Estuary region in North Devon : a survey of Saxon and Domesday settlement Birmingham University of Birmingham 1978 Dissertation (B.A)- University of Birmingham, School of History, 1979. 1979. -
Copies: University of Birmingham Libraries

Foot, Adrian George. A study of juvenile crime in Devon with particular reference to the factors affecting delinquency rates in secondary schools Exeter Thesis (M.Sc.) - Exeter University, Mathematical Statistics and Operational Research Department. 1979. - 84p
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. Crime. Secondary schools

Hempton, Terence William. The police liaison scheme for schools in Devon and Cornwall Exeter Thesis (B.Phil.) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1979. - 93p
Copies: EXU

Higham, R. A The castles of medieval Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, History Department. 1979. - 342p
Copies: EXU ; BL. -

Radford, N. W. An Investigation of Some Sources of Error in Applied Geochemical Data From South Devon, England Leicester Doctoral Thesis - University of Leicester. 1979. - pp. 383
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. South Devon. Geochemistry. Data errors

Shahidullah, Kazi. Literacy in Mid-nineteenth century Devon and Suffolk [S.l.] Univ. of Brit. Columbia 1979 Canadian theses on microfiche no. 42738 M.A. Thesis. 1979. -
Copies: BL

Sirianos, John. A gravity survey South West of Tavistock : Devon-Cornwall by John Sirianos Thesis (M.Sc.) -- University of Leeds (Department of Earth Sciences), 1979. - viii, 63, lix leaves Maps in pocket at back.
Copies: University of Leeds Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Gravity.

Brierley, John Exeter, 1939-1974 : the reconstruction of a city John Brierley : Typescript 1980. - viii,225 leaves : ill ; 31cm Thesis (M.A.) University of Manchester
Copies: WSL: sxB/EXE/711.4/BRI
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Town planning 1939-1974

Freeman, Claudine The settlement development of Doddiscombsleigh, Devon Thesis 1980. - 48 leaves : ill,maps ; 30cm
Copies: WSL: sxB/DOD/0001/FRE
Subjects: Devon. Doddiscombsleigh. Land use.

Fukuchi, Michael Seiji.. - A study of Old English riddles : a dissertation.. / Iowa City University of Iowa Xerox facsimile by University Microfilms, 1981. - Dissertation (Ph.D)- University of Iowa. - 1980. - 481p. -
Copies: University of Exeter. -

Göbel, Helga. Studien zu den altenglischen Schriftwesenrätseln / Helga Göbel. - Würzburg : Königshausen + Neumann, 1980. - xiv, 638 p. ; 21 cm. - ISBN: 3884790404. - Epistemata. Reihe Literaturwissenschaft Bd. 7.. - Thesis (doctoral) - Universität München, 1977. - Originally presented as the author's thesis (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, 1977). Includes text of twelve riddles from the Exeter book in the original Old English with German translation and commentaries. Bibliography: p. 607-615. Text in German, quotations in Anglo-Saxon. Includes the texts of 12 riddles, with German translantions. -
Copies: BL ; Durham University ; Senate House, University of London ; University of Cambridge ; University of Exeter ; University of Oxford. -

Grant, Alison E. The North Devon pottery industry of the later seventeenth century University of Exeter 1980 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1980. -
Copies: EXU ; BL. -

Murgatroyd, A. L. Fluvial transport in the Narrator Brook, Devon : a summary of sources Plymouth Polytechnic 1980 1980. -
Copies: BL

Pickford, John Graham The variability of geomagnetic micropulsations in Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Physics Department. 1980. - 182p
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Geomagnetism.

Roberts, S. K Participation and performance in Devon local administration 1649-1670 Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, History Department. 1980. - 350p
Copies: EXU ; BL

Tinggal, Serudin bin Haji Physiologic populations of Plasmodiophora Brassicae woron. in Devon and Cornwall 1980. - 294p
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Botany.

Umenweke, Meshach Otuodichukwu. Microplankton and biostratigraphy of the southern English middle and upper Albian (Gault and Upper Greensand) Meshach Otuodichukwu Umenweke ix, 407 [49] leaves : ill., fig., charts ; 31 cm Thesis(Ph.D)- King's College London, 1980 1980. - Bibliographical references included. Summary: This thesis presents the first detailed account of dinoflagellate cysts of Albian age in England. It is primarily designed to provide precise stratigraphic information concerning their distribution in this stage. The stratigraphic importance of d
Copies: King's College London Library

Vlymen, Christopher David van The water balance, physico-chemical environment and phytoplankton studies of Slapton Ley, Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Biological Sciences Department. 1980. - 247p
Copies: EXU ; BL

Bearman, Robert Charters of the Redvers family and the Earldom of Devon in the twelfth century : edited texts with a study of the family and their estates University of London 1981 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1981. - 625 leaves ; 3 maps in back pocket Issue no.: D70560/82, BLLD URL:
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Families. Redvers Family Charters 1100-1200

Birks, John Douglas Stenson. Home range and territorial behaviour of the feral mink (Mustela vison Schreber) in Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Biological Sciences Department. 1981. -
Copies: EXU ; BL

Bouquet, M. R. The sexual division of labour : the farm household in a Devon parish University of Cambridge 1981 1981. -
Copies: BL

Colin Moore and John Brown Community versus crime Colin Moore and John Brown London Bedford Square Press, 1981. - x, 150 p. : maps ; 23 cm ISBN: 0719910595 ; 0719910609 (pbk.) Later developed as Moore's M.Sc. thesis, Cranfield Institute of Technology.
Copies: BL ; Cardiff University ; Durham University ; London School of Economics ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; Newcastle University ; Queen's University Belfast ; Senate House Libra

Davey, John Clifford. Hydrogeology of the Permian aquifers in Central and East Devonshire by John Clifford Davey 1981 3 v 1981. -
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries

Gerouki, F. The geochemistry and mineralogy of stream sediments as indicators of mineralisation in South Devon University of Leicester 1981 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1981. -
Copies: BL

Greeves, T.A.P The Devon tin industry, 1450-1750 : an archaeological and historical survey by Thomas Anthony Patrick Greeves. Exeter Ph.D Thesis, Exeter 1981. - 415p : ill,maps ; 30cm
Copies: WSL: sx622.3453/DAR/GRE
Subjects: Devon. Tin mining 1450-1750. -

Greeves, Thomas Anthony Patrick The Devon tin industry 1450-1750 : an archaeological and historical survey by Thomas Anthony Patrick Greeves Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, History Department. 1981. - 415p
Copies: EXU ; BL

Keats, W Alteration and replacement of wolframite in the Hemerdon, tungsten deposit, Devon Council for National Academic Awards 1981 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1981. -
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Hemerdon. Tungsten deposits. Wolframite

McLeod, Andrew Robert Studies on the primary production and photosynthesis of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel at Slapton Ley, Devon, 1977-1979 Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Biological Sciences Department. 1981. - 189p
Copies: EXU ; BL

Morgan, Mary-Jane South Molton 1850-1870 : the decline of a rural market town? Manchester Univ. of Manchest 1981]. - 60p ; 30cm [photocopy] Thesis for B.A. Hons. degree, School of Modern Hist. & Economics
Copies: WSL : sxB/SOU 5/1850/MOR ; BAR : BN:SOU 5/1850/MOR ; NDA: DMSS/900/MOR
Subjects: Devon. South Molton. History. 1850-1870

Pitts, John. The landslides of the Axmouth-Lyme Regis Under-cliffs National Nature Reserve, Devon 1981. - 3 v (710 leaves, 49 leaves of plates) Issue no.: D70456/81, BLLD
Copies: Senate House Libraries, University of London

Robinson, Jennifer The North Devon Link Road is essential to the expansion of South Molton Jennifer Robinson [s. l.] Thesis 1981. - 82p : maps ; 30cm
Copies: WSL : sx388.11/SOU/ROB ; BAR: 388.1/SOU 5/ROB
Subjects: Devon. South Molton. Roads North Devon Link Road

Willcock, Alan Doidge The upper Palaeozoic successions and structures between Buckfastleigh and Ivybridge, South Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geology Department. 1981. - 175, xxxviip
Copies: EXU ; BL

Williams, Richard County and municipal government in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset, 1649-1660 by Richard Williams. [2], Bibliography and appendixes Bristol University of Bristol 1981 Photocopy of thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Bristol, 1981. 1981. -
Copies: University of Sheffield Libraries

Arscott, L. An assessment of the influence of engineering works on the morphology of the beach at Exmouth / by L. Arscott. - [Unpublished 1982]. - Thesis (undergraduate) - U.C.L., Geography C40 course, 1982. - iii,96 leaves ; 30cm. -
Copies: University College London. -
Subjects: Devon. Exmouth. Coastal engineering. Environmental aspects.

Buglass, Anthony Microfacies analysis of middle Devonian limestones, Torquay, South Devon by Anthony Buglass Newcastle upon Tyne University of Newcastle upon Tyne 1982 2 v. : ill. ; 30 cm 1982. - Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Newcastle upon Tyne. 1982. BL microfilm no.: D51920/84.
Copies: BL ; Newcastle University Libraries

Castle, C. Middle and upper devonian condont biostratigraphy of the Torquay area, South Devon University of Hull 1982 1982. -
Copies: BL

Craig, L. E The Ordovician rocks of North Devon University of Oxford 1982 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1982. -
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Ordovician strata.

Donald Frederick Leech An evaluation of some uses in Devon of school broadcasts with children aged 5-13 years Donald Frederick Leech Aberystwyth Thesis (M.Ed.) -- University of Wales Aberystwyth, 1982. 1982. - 1 vol
Copies: National Library of Wales
Subjects: Devon. Schools Broadcasting

Drummond, M. E The geology of the Devonian limestones of the Brixham-Dartington area, South Devon by M. E. Drummond Newcastle upon Tyne University of Newcastle upon Tyne 1982 113 p. : ill. ; 30 cm 1982. - Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Newcastle upon Tyne. 1983. BL microfilm no. : D47222/83.
Copies: BL ; Newcastle University Libraries

Gerrard, Anthony John William Slope form, soil and regolith characteristics in the basin of the River Cowsic, Central Dartmoor, Devon London PhD (Sci) 1982 KC. 1982. - 2 v (784 leaves, 24 leaves of plates) URL: Contents: Leaves 609-750 appendices.
Copies: BL ; King's College London ; Senate House Libraries, University of London

Slade, Edward Roy. The development of French within the school curriculum with particular reference to certain schools in the county of Devon (1900-1920) Edward Roy Slade Cardiff Thesis (M.Ed.) -- University of Wales Cardiff, 1982. 1982. - 125 leaves
Copies: National Library of Wales ; Cardiff University Libraries

Turner, Peter John. Aspects of the evolution of the hercynides in central south west England Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geology Department. 1982. - 2 v
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Devon. Palaeozoic strata. Tectonic deformation. Hercynides

Walden, Stephanie The potential for the reconstruction of soil resources at the Hemerdon mine, Plymouth, Devon Stephanie Walden Thesis (M.Sc.)--Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College, London 1982. 1982. -
Copies: Imperial College London Library

Alexander, Jean Hydrogeological investigations in a granite catchment, Dartmoor, Devon Plymouth Polytechnic 1983 1983. -
Copies: BL

Buck, Mark. Politics, finance, and the church in the reign of Edward II : Walter Stapeldon, Treasurer of England / Mark Buck. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1983. - ix, 253 p. ; 22 cm. - ISBN: 0521250250. - Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought 3rd ser., v. 19. - A revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)-- Gonville and Caius College, 1979. Bibliography: p. 232-244. -
Copies: Birkbeck, University of London ; BL ; Brunel University London ; Cardiff University ; City of London, Guildhall ; Durham University ; King's College London ; Lambeth Palace ; National of Scotland ; National of Wales ; Newcastle University ; Queen Mary University of London ; Queen's University Belfast ; Royal Holloway, University of London ; Senate House, University of London ; The London ; The National Archives ; Trinity College Dublin ; University College London ; University of Aberdeen ; University of Bristol ; University of Cambridge ; University of Edinburgh ; University of Exeter ; University of Glasgow ; University of Leeds ; University of Leicester ; University of Liverpool ; University of Manchester ; University of Nottingham ; University of Oxford ; University of Reading ; University of Sheffield ; University of Southampton ; University of St Andrews ; University of Wales Trinity Saint David ; University of Warwick ; University of York. -

Corser, Christina A catalogue of Norman fonts in Devon Christina Corser Exeter Thesis (M.Phil) - University of Exeter 1983. - 5 vol. in 3 : ill ; 31cm
Copies: WSL: sx729.91/DEV/COR
Subjects: Devon. Fonts. 1050-1200

David John Maguire The inception and growth of blanket peat : a study of northern Dartmoor David John Maguire 1983 ix, 201 leaves 1983. -
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries

Durrance, Eric Michael Radiological indications of hydrothermal circulation in south east Devon 1983. -

Grant, Alison. North Devon pottery : the seventeenth century by Alison Grant [Exeter] University of Exeter 1983 1983. - xvi,156p,[20]p of plates : ill.(some col.), 1facsim.,geneal.tables,maps ; 24cm ISBN: 0859891291 Includes index. Based on the author's thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Exeter. Bibliography: p143-150.
Copies: National Museum Wales ; BL ; British Museum ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; Society of Antiquaries of London ; The London ; Trinity College Du

Ibrahim, H. J Radioactive occurences in the Start area, South Devon, England Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Bristol 1983. - 1983. -
Subjects: Devon. South Devon. Uranium deposits.

Julier, Guy. The west front screen of Exeter Cathedral : architecture and sculpture under Bishop Grandisson / [Manchester the Author] Thesis (Undergraduate) - Manchester University, History of Art Department. - 1983. - 49 leaves. -
Copies: University of Exeter. -

Leonard, Andrew Jeremy. The diagenesis of new red sandstone deposits in south and east Devon Exeter 1983 406p Back pocket contains program listing, output data and reprint of a paper by the author in Proceedings of the Ussher Society. 1983. - Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geology Department.
Copies: BL ; EXU
Subjects: Devon. New red sandstone. Dating.

Williams, Adrian John An examination of the commercial value of the use of microcomputer based planning techniques on a small mixed farm in Devon Aberystwyth THESIS (M.Sc.) - ABERYSTWYTH, 1983. 1983. - 1 v
Copies: National Library of Wales
Subjects: Devon. Farms. Management. Use of computers

Andriette, Eugene A The counties of Devon and Exeter in the Civil War period 1640 - 1646 Ann Arbor University Microfi 1984. - 390p ; 21cm Thesis (Ph.D) University of Wisconsin, 1968
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1640/AND
Subjects: Devon. Wars. Civil War 1640-1646

Beer, David Frank The countries sweet simplicity : Devonshire life in the poetry of Ann Arbor, Michigan UMI 1984. - vii,228p ; 21cm Robert Herrick. Thesis (Ph.D) University of New Mexico, 1972
Copies: WSL : s821/HER ; PLY: I/S
Subjects: Devon. Dean Prior. Writers. Herrick, Robert oetry. Critical studies.

Caldwell, Theodore Devonshire from the accession of Queen Elizabeth ... Civil War Ann Arbor University Microf 1984. - 290p ; 21cm Thesis (Ph.D) Yale University, 1934
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1558/CAL
Subjects: Devon. History. 1558-1640

Dobson, S.M. An analysis of the role of linkages in peripheral area development : The case of Devon and Cornwall Plymouth Polytechnic 1984 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1984. -
Copies: BL
Subjects: Westcountry. Economic conditions. Peripherality

Finch, Greg P The experience of peripheral regions in an age of industrialisation : the case of Devon, 1840-1914 Greg Finch 1984 345 leaves, [1] leaf of plates (1 folded) : ill., maps ; 31 cm 1984. - BLDSC reference no.: D55824/85. Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1984. Bibliography: leaves 334-345.
Copies: University of Oxford Libraries

Haslam, Graham An administrative study of the Duchy of Cornwall, 1500-1650 Ann Arbor Univ. Microfilms Thesis [Ph.D.] - Louisiana State University 1984. - Thesis [Ph.D.] - Louisiana State University
Copies: WSL: s333.1/WES/HAS
Subjects: Westcountry. Crown lands. Duchy of Cornwall Management 1500-1600. -

Jackson, P. C. Sedimentology, stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of some lower carboniferous hemipelagic sequences / P. C. Jackson. - Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1984. - 2 v. : ill., photogr. ; 31 cm. - BLDSC: D56524/85. - Includes bibliographical references. Contents: Vol.1. Text -- Vol.2. Photographs, appendices, charts. -
Copies: University of Oxford. -
Subjects: Devon. Carboniferous strata. Sediments. Fossils.

Leehane, N. J. D The application of an environmental baseline study in the design of a hard rock quarry in Devon N.J.D. Leehane Thesis (M.Sc.)--Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College, London 1984. 1984. -
Copies: Imperial College London Library

Peart, M. R Sediment sources in two Devon catchments Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geography Department. 1984. - 452p
Subjects: Devon. Rivers. Sediments. Sources.

Stroud, Carole Anne Sex roles and stress in adolescence as observed in counselling consultations in a Devon school Exeter Thesis (M.Ed.)-Exeter University, School of Education. 1984. - 216p
Copies: EXU

Taylor, James Stephen Poverty in rural Devon 1780-1840 James Stephen Taylor Ann Arbor Univ.Microfilms 1984. - 298leaves ; 21cm Thesis(Ph.D.)-Stanford University, 1966
Copies: WSL: s301.441/DEV/TAY
Subjects: Devon. Rural areas Poverty 1780-1840

Allan, John Philip The provision of local education authority community education in Devon : urban and rural responses Exeter Thesis (M.Phil.) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1985. - 189p
Copies: EXU

Faerden, I The social impact of seasonal employment in Devon and Cornwall Plymouth Polytechnic 1985 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1985. -
Copies: BL

Ling, K. A The ecological impacts of a marina on the Exe estuary, Devon K.A. Ling Thesis (M.Sc.)--Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College, London 1985. 1985. -
Copies: Imperial College London Library

Palfrey, Ian. The royalist war effort in Devon, 1642-6 by Ian Palfrey Birmingham University of Birmingham 1985 Thesis (M.A.) - University of Birmingham, Dept of History. 1985. -
Copies: University of Birmingham Libraries

Richmond, P.R The State and the role of the housing association sector in rural areas : A case study in Devon University of Exeter 1985 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1985. -
Copies: EXU ; BL

Thornton, Richard Christopher. Sediment-associated nutrients and their contribution to the nutrient loads of Devon catchments Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geography Department. 1985. - 409p
Copies: EXU ; BL

Broadhead, Rosalind Ray Perceptions of world studies in a Devon comprehensive school Exeter Thesis(M.Ed.) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1986. - 195p
Copies: EXU

Higgs, Roger. A facies analysis of the Bude formation (Lower Westphalian), SW England / Roger Higgs. - 1986. - 3 volumes : illustrations, maps, photographs ; 31 cm. - BLDSC: D69027/86. - Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, Includes bibliographical references. Contents: Vol.1. Text and appendix -- Vol.2. Tables and figures -- Vol.3. Enclosures. -
Copies: University of Oxford. -
Subjects: Westcountry. Bude formation. Sedimentation and deposition.

Hockey, John. Squaddies : portrait of a subculture by John Hockey Exeter University of Exeter 1986 1986. - 184p. ; 21cm ISBN: 0859892484 (pbk) Includes index. Based on the author's thesis (Ph.D.) - [Lancaster University?]. Bibliography: p173-182.
Copies: BL ; Imperial War Museum ; King's College London ; London School of Economics ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; Trinity College Dublin ; UCL Institute of Education Library, University

Jackson, Peter William. Nonconformists and society in Devon 1660-1689 Exeter 1986 390p 1986. - Thesis (Ph.D)- Exeter University, Dept. of History.
Copies: BL ; EXU

Winter, D.M The survival and re-emergence of family farming : A study of the Holsworthy area of west Devon Milton Keynes University of Open 1986 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1986. -
Copies: BL

Doherty, Mervyn John William A study of education : towards an "Educational relationship" through the partnership of Community Education and Community Colleges : comparison between some practices of Community Colleges in England and the United States with specific references to Dev by Mervyn John William Doherty Original typescript 1987 1987. -
Copies: University of Southampton Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Community colleges. Partnerships

Griffiths, T.A.Q The development of rural postal services : with particular reference to Devon, 1790-1905 Exeter Thesis (M.Phil)- Exeter University, Economic History Department. 1987. -
Copies: EXU

Keeley, by Patrick J A Devon family and their estates over three centuries : the Northcotes of Hayne, c. 1520-1783 by Patrick J. Keeley Oxford Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1987. 1987. - v, 303, [15] folded leaves of maps : ill., maps ; 31 cm BLDSC reference no.: D77263/89. Bibliography: leaves 291-303.
Copies: BL ; University of Oxford Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Families. Northcote Family Estates

Lofty, Jacqueline The role of employment in tourism : a case study of Totnes, Devon Jacqueline Lofty Thesis (M.Sc.)-UWIST, 1987. 1987. -
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries

Patterson, Richard. Chartism in Devon, 1838-1865 Exeter Thesis (M.Phil.) - Exeter University, History and Archaeology Department. 1987. - 399p
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. Chartism. 1838-1865

Saka, Hakan Aydin. Base metal dispersion patterns in stream sediments in the Bray-Mole-Yeo drainage system, North Devon, SW England / by Hakan Aydin Saka. - Reading x,161 leaves : ill(some col.plates) ; 30cm. - Thesis (M.Phil.) - University of Reading, Department of Geology. - 1987. - 2 transparencies in pocket at end. -
Copies: University of Reading. -

Walmsley, Joan Mary. A study of the importance of John Reynolds, merchant of Exeter, to popular, minor prose fiction, 1620 - 1660 / University of Wales, Ph.D.thesis, 1987. -
Copies: University of Wales Trinity Saint David. -

Allison, David Edward. Parental involvement in education : a study of some practices in Somerset and Devon Exeter Thesis (M.Ed) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1988. - 35p
Copies: EXU

Beavis, Ian C. Insects and other invertebrates in classical antiquity by Ian C. Beavis Exeter, Devonshire University of Exeter 1988 1988. - xv, 269 pages ; 24 cm ISBN: 0859892840 Consists of a revised version of a thesis originally submitted to the Unierstiy of Exeter for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in September 1984--p. [ix] Revision of author's thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Exeter, 1984. Includes bibliographic references and index
Copies: National Museum Wales ; BL ; British Museum ; Cardiff University ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; Natural History Museum ; Newcastle University ; Royal Society ; Senate H

Bolton, Nicola The rural population turnround : a case study of North Devon Thesis submitted... for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy [s.l.] N. Bolton 1988. - x,413p,14 plates ; 30cm
Copies: BAR: 304.62/BN/BOL ; BL. -
Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Population Growth 1960-1988

Gray, Todd. Devon's coastal and overseas fisheries and New England migration, 1597-1642 Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, History Department. 1988. - 370p
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. Fishing industries. Migration to New England. 1597-1642. -

James, A.E.C. Stress in the ambulance service : An investigation into the sources of occupational stress perceived by managerial, control and operational staff of the Devon ambulance service University of Bradford 1988 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1988. -
Copies: BL

Johnson, Christine Naomi Co-ordinating services for under-fives in Devon Exeter Thesis (M.Ed.) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1988. - 169p
Copies: EXU

Jones, W. S. Marcus. Legal development and constitutional change in Sierra Leone (1787-1971) by W. S. Marcus Jones Ilfracombe, Devon Stockwell 1988 1988. - 330p ; 22cm (pbk) ISBN: 0722322100 Revision of thesis (Ph.D.)--London University.
Copies: BL ; Durham University ; London School of Economics ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; SOAS Library, University of London ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; Trinity College Dublin ; University of Cambridge ; University of Oxford ; University of Warwick Libraries

Kelm, Ursula Elisabeth Dorothea. The metamorphism of the Devonian and Carboniferous strata in north Devon and west Somerset by Ursula Elisabeth Dorothea Kelm 1988 293 leaves 1988. - Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Bristol, 1988.
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries

Lawer, Diana W Get your skates on : 19th century provision of public skating facilities in the Three Towns Birmingham Thesis (Dip Lib) 1988. - 34p : ill ; appendices
Copies: PLY: I/S
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Skating facilities 1801-1900

Mosley, Pamela Dorothy Primary teachers attitudes towards INSET within an academic council group in East Devon Exeter Thesis (M.Ed.) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1988. - 145p
Copies: EXU

Nute, Alan Fraser. A study of management in community colleges in Devon Exeter Thesis (M.Ed.) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1988. - 77p
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. Community colleges. Management

Sharpe, Pamela Gender-specific demographic adjustment to changing economic circumstances : Colyton 1538-1837 University of Cambridge 1988 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1988. -
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Colyton. Demography. Effect of economic change.

Skedgell, Graham Information technology and planning : the application of information technology to planning practice ; a Devon case study Graham Skedgell Cardiff Thesis(M.Sc.)-UWCC,1988. 1988. - 48 leaves
Copies: National Library of Wales ; Cardiff University Libraries

Thomson, Wendy Trying to make welfare work : the echo behind the silence Wendy Thomson 1988 493, 34, 24 leaves 1988. - Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Bristol, 1989.
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries

Travis, J.F The rise of holidaymaking on the Devon Coast, 1750 to 1900, with particular reference to health and entertainment University of Exeter 1988 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1988. -
Copies: EXU ; BL

Beard, David Malcolm McGoldrick Microcomputing in schools with special reference to a Devon survey Exeter Thesis (M.Phil) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1989. - 2 v
Copies: EXU

Day, Tony. Getting closer to the consumer? : locality planning in Exeter Health District / Tony Day. - 1989. - 163 leaves. - Thesis (M.P.P.S.) - University of Bristol, 1989. -
Copies: University of Bristol. -

Holman, Isobel Margaret. A comparative study of women in industry and education in North Devon, reasons for and for not getting into management Exeter Thesis (M.Ed) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1989. - 145p
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Women. Management roles

King, Miles P. An investigation into the status and ecology of the Shore Dock (Rumex rupestris) in Devon and Cornwall Miles P. King [S.l. s.n.] 1989 1989. - 1 v. ; 30cm M.Sc. dissertation in conservation, UCL.
Copies: University College London Library
Subjects: Westcountry. Shore dock Ecology

Lepine, David Nicholas. The canons of Exeter Cathedral, 1300-1455 / Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, History Department. - 1989. - 373p. -
Copies: BL ; University of Exeter. -

Marshall, Barbara Ann Education for a Multicultural Society : some aspects of in-service work towards multicultural education in Devon Exeter Thesis (M.Ed) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1989. - 133p
Copies: EXU

McHugh, Maureen. Moisture regimes, redox/podzolic characteristics and profile morphology of stagnopodzols, stagnohumic gley soils and their reclaimed counterparts in Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D)- University of Exeter, Department of Geography. 1989. - 542p
Copies: EXU ; BL

McKintosh, Beryl E. Perceptions of teachers, headteachers, and advisors in regard to special educational needs in primary schools in Plymouth, Devon Exeter Thesis (M.Ed)-Exeter University, School of Education. 1989. - 95p
Copies: EXU

Venn, Patricia Mary. 'Not all swans are white', grant related in-service training in Devon Exeter Thesis (M.Ed) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1989. - 131p
Copies: EXU

Woodrow, Susan. The needs of care leavers - do we really care? : a study of the relationship between legislative policy and practice in Devon and Avon by Susan Woodrow 1989 iv, 103 leaves 1989. - Thesis (M.P.S.) - University of Bristol, 1989.
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries

Ashbridge, David A. J. Processes of river bank erosion and their contribution to the suspended sediment load of the River Culm, Devon, England Exeter Thesis (Ph.D)- University of Exeter, Department of Geography. 1990. - 381p
Copies: EXU ; BL

Boucher, Susan de Lancey Redefining rural space : the policies and politics of economic development in Devon London Thesis: (MPhil) University of London 1990. 1990. - 135 leaves
Copies: Senate House Libraries, University of London ; University College London Library

Carley, J. D. F. The Norman conquest of Devon and Cornwall, 1067-1086 by J.D.F. Carley 1989 [i.e. 1990] ix, 203, [11] leaves, [1] leaf of plates : map ; 31 cm 1990. - Supervisor: Dr John Frederick Arthur Mason. Thesis (M.Litt.)--University of Oxford, 1990. Includes bibliography.
Copies: University of Oxford Libraries

Edmund, Janw Alison. A consideration of the implications of implementing the national curriculum in small schools in Devon and of the services available to them Exeter Thesis (M.Ed.) - Exeter University, School of Education. 1990. - 150p
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. Schools Curriculum

Fowkes, E. Stuart. The resurgence of Roman Catholicism in South and East Devon Exeter Thesis (M.Phil.) - Exeter University, School of English. 1990. - 341p
Copies: EXU

Knight, Richard Robert William Aspects of the micropalaeontology of Devonian strata of north Devon by Richard Robert William Knight Southampton Thesis (Ph.D.) 1990. -
Copies: BL ; University of Southampton Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Devonian strata. Microfossils

Miller, D. J. Relict periglacial phenomena within the Tamar Basin, West Devon and East Cornwall : their significance with regard to quaternary environmental reconstruction Exeter Thesis (Ph.D)- University of Exeter, Department of Geography. 1990. - 2 v
Copies: EXU ; BL. -

Moloney, Anthony Matthew Joseph. Teachers' perceptions of personal, social and moral education in South Devon Exeter Thesis (M.Ed)- Exeter University, School of Education. 1990. - 157p
Copies: EXU

Nie, Pin Ecology of the helminth parasites of the eel Anguilla anguilla in Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D) - Exeter University, Biological Sciences Department. 1990. -
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Eel parasite communities.

Candidate no. 105. Costume and textile collections in Devon : An analysis of the provision of information and forms of display, educational potential and curatorial intent in interpretation within the museum and country house environment Thesis (Museums Association Diploma) - 1991. 1991. - 63 leaves, 12 plates ; 30cm Name of candidate no. 105 not given.
Copies: University College London Library

Creak, Susan The Late Quaternary history of the River Erme, south Devon Polytechnic South West 1991 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1991. -
Copies: BL

Dawson, Anthony Michael Politics in Devon and Cornwall, 1900-1931 Ph.D.(London) thesis 1991 LSE. - 1991. - 402 leaves. - Bibliography: leaves 382-402. Contents: Leaves 353-381 are appendices. URL. -
Subjects: History

Dean, Andrew Upper palaeozoic palynomorphs from the low grade metamorphic rocks of Devon and Cornwall Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Earth Resources Centre. 1991. - 486p
Copies: EXU ; BL

Furniss, Martin Okehampton : development or decline? Martin Furniss Plymouth Thesis (B.A. Humanities) - College of St. Mark and St. John 1991. - 1 vol : ill,maps ; 30cm
Copies: WSL: sx330.9/OKE/FUR
Subjects: Devon. Okehampton. Economic conditions.

Joyce, P.F. General practitioners and community mental health teams for the elderly : an evaluation of G.P. satisfaction with the services provided by the South Devon Healthcare Community Mental Health Teams for the Elderly, and a preliminary investigation of the dec Exeter Thesis (M.Sc.) - Exeter University, Psychology Department. 1991. - 68p
Copies: EXU

Keown, Anthony. The planning and design of a new village housing by Anthony Keown 81 leaves Diploma - UWCC, 1991. 1991. - Spine title: New village housing.
Copies: Cardiff University. -

Mellergaard, Anja Barn conversions : the study of the conversion of historic farm buildings in the South Hams, Devon by Anja Mellergaard 77 leaves Diploma - UWCC, 1991. 1991. -
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries
Subjects: Devon. South Hams. Barns. Conversions

Morgan, Nigel John. Perceptions, patterns and policies of tourism : the development of the Devon seaside resorts during the twentieth century with special reference to Torquay and Ilfracombe Exeter Thesis (PhD) - Exeter University, Economic and Social History Department. 1991. - 2 v
Copies: EXU ; BL

Nix, Michael A maritime history of the ports of Bideford and Barnstaple 1786-1841 submitted by Michael Nix Leicester Thesis (Ph.D) - Leicester University 1991. - xiv,527 leaves ; 30cm
Copies: WSL: sx387/BID/NIX
Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Shipping 1786-1841

Norwood, Stephanie Joy Bal maidens : a study of Victorian female workers in the West Country Wolverhampton Thesis (B.Ed) - Wolverhampton Polytechnic 1991. - iii,67p ; 30cm
Copies: PLY: I/S
Subjects: Westcountry. Mines. Personnel. Women

Price, Erica. Police decision making in Devon and Cornwall submitted by Erica Price (nee Jacoby). Exeter 1991 [251p] 1991. - Thesis (M.Phil.) - Exeter University, Police and Criminal Justice Studies Centre.
Copies: EXU

Ratkowitsch, Christine. Descriptio picturae : die literarische Funktion der Beschreibung von Kunstwerken in der lateinischen Grossdichtung des 12. Jahrhunderts / Christine Ratkowitsch. - Wien Verlag der O¨sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1991. - 373 pages : 1 color illustrations ; 24 cm. - ISBN: 3700118716. - Wiener Studien. Beiheft 15. - Arbeiten zur mittel- und neulateinischen Philologie 1. - The author's Habilitationsschrift -- Universität Wien, Sommersemester 1990. Includes bibliographical references (p. [356]-364) and indexes. -
Copies: BL ; Queen's University Belfast ; Senate House, University of London ; University College London ; University of Aberdeen ; University of Birmingham ; University of Cambridge ; University of Edinburgh ; University of Exeter ; University of Glasgow ; University of Leeds ; University of Manchester ; University of Oxford ; University of St Andrews. -

Seago, Robert David. Tectonics and sedimentation in the Devonian and carboniferous rocks of SW Devon, England Polytechnic South West 1991 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1991. -
Copies: BL

Speight, H M. Local government and politics in Devon and Cornwall, 1509-49, with special reference to the South-Western Rebellion University of Sussex 1991 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1991. -
Copies: BL

Swales, Victoria Marie The role of county council smallholdings in rural areas with particular reference to Devon and other south-west counties Victoria Marie Swales 1991 1991. -
Copies: University of Edinburgh Libraries

Wright, Christopher The controls on grading and shape variation of beach gravels on the Dorset and Devon coasts, South-West England Christopher Wright St Andrews Dept of Geology 1991 viii,79p : ill 1991. - Geology Dept dissertation, March 1991.
Copies: St. Andrews University Libraries

Cooper, Kathy. North Devon community mental health care : a caseload analysis Exeter Thesis (M.Sc.) - Exeter University, Psychology Department. 1992. - 64p
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Mental health services. Caseloads. Analysis. 1992. -

Garrett, Keith John. The role of sediment-associated transport in the nutrient budget a small Devon catchment Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geography Department. 1992. - 348p
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Devon. Rivers. Sediments. Nutrients.

Lidiard, Henrietta M. Geochemical aspects of copper, cobalt and iodine responsive diseases in the mineralised area of Heasley Mill, North Devon / Henrietta M. Lidiard. - Reading Appendix 24 & 25 in pocket at back. - Thesis (PhD.) - University of Reading, Postgraduate Research Institute for Sedimentology. - 1992 (i.e. 1993). -
Copies: BL ; University of Reading. -

Manley, David Surf beach management : the development of a unique leisure environment (study area - North Devon with reference to NSW, Australia) 1992. -
Copies: University of Sheffield Libraries
Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Surfing. Beaches. Management.

Miliorizos, Marios. Tectonic evolution of the Bristol Channel Borderlands Marios Miliorizos Thesis (Ph.D.) - UWCC, 1992. 1992. - 3 v Microfilmed by BLDSC ref DX195856.
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries
Subjects: Westcountry. Bristol Channel. Tectonics.

Mortimer, Christine Mary. Parental involvement in primary schools in Devon : [M.Phil Thesis, 1992] Exeter Thesis (M.Phil) -Exeter University, School of Education. 1992. - 236p
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. Primary schools. Parental involvement.

Potter, Jonathan Graham. External investment and the manufacturing economy of Cornwall and Devon University of Cambridge 1992 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1992. -
Copies: BL
Subjects: Westcountry. Manufacturing industries. Investment.

Stoyle, Mark. Divisions within the county community of Devonshire, 1600-1646 / by M.J.D. Stoyle. - 1992. - iii, 408 leaves : ill., maps ; 31 cm. - Pocket inside rear cover contains 11 loose leaves of illustrative matter. - BLDSC: D178505/94. - Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1992. - Bibliography: leaves 387-408. -
Copies: University of Oxford. –
Subjects: Devon. Gentry. Political culture. 1600-1646. -

Webster, Margaret Elise Graham. The Hospitals of medieval Devon Exeter Thesis (M.Phil.) - Exeter University, History and Archaeology Department. 1992. - 382p
Copies: EXU

Wolffe, Alicia Mary The gentry government of Devon, 1625-1640 Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, History Department. 1992. - 356p
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: History

Xu, Li Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Upper Carboniferous, NW Devon Xu Li 1992. - 2 v. : ill. ; 31 cm 1992. - BLDSC reference no.: D174503. Supervisor: Dr. H. G. Reading. Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1992. Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Carboniferous strata. Sediments.

Yallop, H. J. The history of the Honiton lace industry H.J. Yallop Exeter University of Exeter 1992 1992. - xi,352p. : ill.(some col.), facsims., ports. ; 23cm ISBN: 0859893790 (pbk) Includes index. Revised version of doctoral dissertation of the same title - University of Exeter, 1987. Bibliography: p273-286.
Copies: BL ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; The London ; Trinity College Dublin ; University of Birmingham ; University of Cambridge ; EXU ; University of Leeds ; University o

Bates, Paul David. Finite element modelling of floodplain inundation / Paul David Bates. - 1992. - xix, 220 leaves, 1 leaf of plates. - Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Bristol, 1993. -
Copies: University of Bristol. -
Subjects: Devon. Culm River. Flood forecasting. Hydraulic modelling.

Cummins, Brian D Transport for the mobility impaired population : prospects for institutional coordination by Brian D. Cummins 159 leaves Transport. 1993. - Thesis (M.Sc.) - UWCC, 1994. Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru
Copies: Cardiff University ; National Library of Wales

Edward Smyth The Culm grasslands of Devon : a conservation report [London] [unpublished] 1993 (various p.) : ill. (some col.) ; 30cm 1993. - Thesis (M.Sc. Conservation) - University College London, 1993.
Copies: University College London Library
Subjects: Devon. Culm grasslands. Conservation.

Hawkey, Kate. Peer supervision in the school-based P.G.C.E. course at Exeter University / Kate Hawkey. - Thesis (M.Ed.) - University of Bristol, 1994. - 1993. - 103 leaves. -
Copies: University of Bristol. -
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Universities. University of Exeter. Teacher training. Placements. Peer supervision.

Hodgson, Robert Lovelace Penrose. Deformations observed in a coastal mudslide derived from Permo-Triassic mudrock in East Devon: implications for stability Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, School of Engineering. 1993. -
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Devon. East Devon. Permo-Triassic strata. Mudslides.

Kelly, Michael Patrick. The implementation of policy : an examination of decision making in practice : the erection of agricultural workers dwellings in North Devon Exeter 1993 3 v 1993. - Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geography Department.
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Agricultural workers. Housing. Policies.

Mawdsley, Katherine Ann The provision of gypsy sites by county councils : a proposed policy for devon by Katherine Ann Mawdsley Diploma - UWCC, 1993. 1993. - 1 v
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Traveller sites. Provision. Policies.

Simm, David John The deposition and storage of suspended sediment in contemporary floodplain systems : a case study of the River Culm, Devon University of Exeter 1993 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1993. -
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Devon. Rivers. Culm River. Sediments. Deposition.

Watson, Helen. Devolved funding and selection of academic materials : a case study of Exeter University / [Watson, Helen]. - 1993 -
Copies: University of Sheffield. -
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Universities. University of Exeter. Funding. Materials selection.

Whelan, Michael John. Numerical modelling of small catchment nitrogen dynamics with particular reference to the Slapton Wood catchment, South Devon Michael John Whelan Leeds 1993 [3], xxvi, 459 leaves 1993. - Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Leeds (School of Geography), 1993.
Copies: BL ; University of Leeds Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Slapton. Rivers. Nitrogen. Measurement.

Withers, S. P Traffic and parking in historic towns : an environmental strategy for Totnes Diploma - UWCC, 1993. 1993. - 83 leaves + map in back cover
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Totnes. Traffic management. Envionmental aspects.

Bath, Glynis Anne Healthy eating in the context of the Health-Promoting School: an investiagtion in Devon primary schools THESIS (M.Sc.) - COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 1994. 1994. -
Copies: National Library of Wales
Subjects: Devon. Primary schools. Pupils. Nutrition.

Epps, Marc An essay concerning the discovery of the cause of the endemial colic of Devonshire / by Marc Epps. - 1994. - 49 leaves : illustrations, facsimiles, portraits ; 31 cm -
Copies: Wellcome. -
Subjects: Devon. Cider industry. Lead Poisoning. 1700-1800. -

Hutchinson, Michael Andrew. Environmental management in Devon and Cornwall's small and medium-sized enterprise sector University of Plymouth 1994 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1994. -
Copies: BL
Subjects: Westcountry. Businesses. Environmental management.

Jeans, Michael Stanley. The evaluation of the use of resources in local social services offices : a study in organisational change by Michael Stanley Jeans 1994 2 v 1994. - Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Bristol, 1994. Also available from the British Library as microform DX184362.
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries
Subjects: Westcountry. Social services. Resources. Use. Evaluation.

Nicholas, Andrew Paul Modelling overbank deposition on floodplains : a case study of the River Culm, Devon University of Exeter 1994 1994. -
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Devon. Rivers. Culm River. Floodplains. Sediments. Deposition.

Papatolios, Konstantinos Thomas Hydrogeology of wetlands in a low permeability terrain in Devon, South West England by Konstantinos Thomas Papatolios Birmingham University of Birmingham 1994 Thesis (Ph.D) - University of Birmingham, School of Earth Sciences. 1994. -
Copies: BL ; University of Birmingham Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Wetlands. Hydrology.

Price, Karen The implications of developing wind energy in Devon Karen Price 104 leaves Diploma - UWCC, 1994. 1994. - Spine title : Wind farm developments.
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Wind energy. Implementation.

Roques, Simon Charles. A watchful eye or the Bedlam of Ex? : the motivations and role of John Prideaux in the early Stuart church / by Simon Charles Roques. - [Oxford] 1994. - 55 p. ; 30 cm. - Final honours school thesis in Modern history, 1994. - 1994. - Born in Stowford, master of Exeter College, Oxford. Includes bibliography. -
Copies: University of Oxford. -
Subjects: Devon. Stowford. Theologians. Prideaux, John. 1578-1650. -

Soper, Roger Clive. An investigation into the current status of the "Health Promoting School" concept within secondary schools of Devon and Cornwall THESIS (M.Sc.) - COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 1994. 1994. -
Copies: National Library of Wales
Subjects: Devon. Secondary schools Health education

Steele, Margaret W. (Margaret Walvoord). A study of the books owned or used by John Grandisson, Bishop of Exeter (1327-1369). DPhil. University of Oxford. 1994. -
Subjects: Westcountry. Exeter Diocese. Bishops. Grandisson, John. Books. 1327-1369. -

Stoyle, Mark. Loyalty and locality : popular allegiance in Devon during the English Civil War by Mark Stoyle Exeter University of Exeter Press 1994 1994. - xvi,330p,(8)p of plates : ill., 1facsim.,maps ; 24 cm ISBN: 0859894282 ; 0859895009 ; 9780859894289 ; 9780859895002 Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral) -- University of Oxford, 1992 - preface. Bibliography: p307-319. - Includes index. -
Copies: BL ; Cardiff University ; Durham University ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; Newcastle University ; Queen Mary University of London ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; The London ; Trinity College Dublin ; University College London ; University o
Subjects: Devon. Wars. Civil War. Allegiance.

Stubbs, Christopher. Increasing reading comprehension : the comparative effectiveness of using print and computers to transform text with year 9 students in a Devon secondary school Exeter Thesis (M Ed)- Exeter University, School of Education. 1994. - 129p
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. Secondary schools Reading comprehension.

Anthony Harris The Collegiate Church of Ottery St.Mary / Anthony Harris. - Dissertation: (MA) University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art) 1995 1995. - 52 leaves : ill ; 31cm Includes bibliography
Copies: Courtauld Institute of Art. -
Subjects: Devon. Ottery Saint Mary. Churches.

Armstrong, J. C The development of two Georgian seaside resorts : Weymouth and Sidmouth J.C. Armstrong 43 leaves : ill ; 31cm Dissertation: (MA) University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art) 1995 1995. - Includes bibliography Courtauld Institute of Art Library
Subjects: Devon. Sidmouth. Seaside resorts. Development. Compared with Weymouth. 1760-1830. -

Berry, Amanda. Patronage, funding and the hospital patient, c. 1750-1815 : three English regional case studies / Amanda Berry. - 1995. - vii, vi, 288 leaves, [8] leaves of plates (5 folded) : ill., facsims. ; 31 cm. - BLDSC: D186365/95. - Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1995. - Bibliography: leaves 272-288. -
Copies: University of Oxford. -

Charlton, Rosemary Anne. An investigation into the effect of lateral hillslope inputs on floodplain hydraulic model predictions Rosemary Anne Charlton 1995 xiv, 269 leaves 1995. - Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Bristol, 1996.
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Culm River. Floodplains. Hillslope hydrology

Curd, Andrea To what extent can a study of the distribution of erratic pebbles thought to have originated from the Pebble Bed at Budleigh Salterton, Devon, help to formulate a structure for debate on the quaternary evolution of the south coast of England? 47 leaves B.Sc (Geog) 1995 KC 1995. -
Copies: King's College London Library
Subjects: Devon. Budleigh Salterton. Pebblebeds. Erratic pebbles. Evidence for Quaternary coastal evolution.

Dawson, Keith. Town defences in early modern England / Thesis (Ph.D) - Exeter University, Geography Department. - 1995. - 299p. -
Copies: BL ; University of Exeter. -

Eatough, Richard. Environmental appraisal of politics for sustainable plans : a case study of South Hams District Council by Richard Eatough 56 leaves + Appendix in pocket at end Diploma - UWCC, 1995. 1995. - Spine title : Environmental appraisal of plans. Cardiff University Libraries
Subjects: Devon. South Hams. Planning. Sustainability

Fox, Warwick Toward a transpersonal ecology : developing new foundations for environmentalism Warwick Fox Dartington Green Books 1995 xv, 380 pages ; 24 cm 1995. - ISBN: 1870098579 Originally published: Boston : Shambhala, 1990.. Includes index and bibliographical references. A Resurgence Book
Copies: Cardiff University ; Durham University ; London School of Economics ; Queen's University Belfast ; University of Edinburgh ; EXU ; University of Glasgow ; University of Leeds ; University of Manche

Goodwin, M Jane. Soil:plant relationships of species-rich Molinia caerulea dominated communities of the Culm Measures, North Devon, with special reference to phosphorus cycling University of Plymouth 1995 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1995. -
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Culm grasslands. Moor grasses. Phosphorus.

Lee, Jeanette Rosalie. Devon Pauper Lunatic Asylum 1828 to 1861 Exeter Thesis (M.Phil.) - Exeter University, History and Archaeology Department. 1995. - 2v
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. Mental hospitals. Devon Pauper Lunatic Asylum. 1828-1861. -

McLean, Peter James. The effect of synoptic scale weather and topography on road surface temperatures in Devon University of Plymouth 1995 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1995. -
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Roads. Surface temperatures. Effect of weather.

Melville, A. The introduction of housing management compulsory competitive tendering to Teignbridge District Council : planning the change process involved in forming an internal contract team A. Melville 119p Strategic Management and Housing. 1995. - Thesis (M.Sc.) - UWCC, 1995.
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Teignbridge. Housing. Management. Competitive tendering.

O'Brien, Jennie Lynne. A reassessment of the excavations at Windmill Hill cave, Brixham, Devon (1858-59), and some suggestions as to the age of the archaeological horizons by an analysis of the associated faunal remains Jennie Lynne O'Brien [Place of publication not identified] 1995 92 p. : ill. ; 29 cm 1995. - BA Dissertation, May 1995. Includes bibliography: p. 86-92.
Copies: British Museum Library
Subjects: Devon. Brixham. Caves. Windmill Hill Cave Archeological excavation.

Viney, Victoria. A new settlement for Devon? : an analysis of possible policy formulation for a new settlement in the county Victoria Viney 90 leaves Diploma - UWCC, 1995. 1995. -
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries
Subjects: Devon. New towns. Policies.

Copies: University of Sheffield. -

Anthony John Kemp The geochemistry of metalliferous concretions and their associated Permo-Triassic sediments from Budleigh Salterton, Devon 1996 xx, 296 leaves 1996. - Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Bristol, 1996.
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries

Cusack, Janet The rise of aquatic recreation and sport : yachting and rowing in England and South Devon, 1640-1914 University of Exeter 1996 1996. -
Copies: EXU ; BL

Flower-Smith, Ruth Priscilla. Landowners on the Devon and Somerset border, 1660-1715 Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, History and Archaeology Department. 1996. - 338p : ill, maps, geneal
Copies: EXU ; BL

Greer, Matthew James Addison. The effect of moisture content and composition on the compressive strength and rigidity of cob made from soil of the Breccia measures near Teignmouth, Devon by Matthew James Addison Greer 1996 256 leaves 1996. - Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Plymouth, 1996.
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries

Greet, Michael J. " Necessary emptions" : the household account book of Henry Courtenay, Earl of Devon, later Marquis of Exeter, 2 June to 25 November 1525 / by Michael J. Greet. - 55 leaves. - Thesis (M.A.) _ University of Bristol, 1996. - 1996. -
Copies: University of Bristol. -

Laws, Emma Powderham Castle : a case-study of an eighteenth-century aristocratice private library Aberystwyth Thesis (MScEcon) 1996. - iv,88 leaves : ill ; 30cm
Copies: WSL: sx027.1/POW/LAW
Subjects: Devon. Powderham. Houses. Powderham Castle Libraries 1700-1800

Nicholls, Bryan. The economic and social power of two landed families in nineteenth century rural Devon with particular reference to their provision of labourers' housing Exeter Thesis (M.Phil.) - Exeter University, Economic History Department. 1996. - 2v
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. Estates. Workers. Housing. Policies.

Sell, Paul Robert. The social consequences of Parliamentary enclosure in East Devon Exeter Thesis (M.Phil) - Exeter University, Geography Department. 1996. - 292p
Copies: EXU

Seymour, Robert A The conservation of Devon longhouses / Robert A. Seymour. - Oxford Oxford Brookes University 1996. - 45 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. - Thesis (M.Sc.) - Oxford Brookes University, 1996. -
Copies: Cardiff University. -

Tingle, Martin. The prehistoric exploitation of flint at Beer Head / Martin Tingle. - Reading Thesis (PhD.) - University of Reading, Department of Archaeology, 1996. -
Copies: BL ; University of Reading. -

Andrews, Gavin John. Private residential care for elderly people : a socio-spatial study in Devon of the impacts of care in the community policy in the 1990s by Gavin John Andrews 1997 305 leaves : ill 1997. - Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Nottingham. Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: University of Nottingham Libraries

Clark, Robin. The integration of cloud satellite images with prediction of icy conditions on Devon's roads University of Plymouth 1997 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1997. -
Copies: BL

David A. Price An integrated approach to modelling floodplain hydraulics, hydrology and nitrate chemistry David A. Price 1997 xvi, 242 leaves 1997. - Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Bristol, 1997.
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Culm River. Riparian zones Mathematical models

Edith Chopin Review and promotion of Torbay geological SSSIs : South East Devon 89 leaves Applied Environmental Geology. 1997. - Thesis (M.Sc.) - UWC, 1997.
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries

Elizabeth Brown The influence of the far east at Dartington Hall, Devon 38 leaves : ill ; 31cm Dissertation: (MA) University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art) 1997 1997. - Includes bibliography Courtauld Institute of Art Library

Howard, J A survey to determine water quality in terms of point source pollution conducted on the Taw Estuary and Croyde Bay, North Devon. Volumes 1 and 2 Southampton Thesis 1997. - University of Southampton School of Ocean and Earth Science 3rd Year Project, 64pp. & appendices.
Copies: University of Southampton Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Taw Estuary. Water quality

James, Jeanne Medieval Chapels in Devon Exeter Thesis (University of Exeter 1997? Accessed December 2018. -
Subjects: Devon. Chapels.

MacGregor, Robert A. The geochemistry of selenium in sedimentary environments : examples from the UK and Jordan / Robert A. MacGregor. - Reading Thesis (PhD.) - University of Reading, Postgraduate Research Institute for Sedimentology. - 1997 (i.e. 1996). -
Copies: BL ; University of Reading. -

Nelson, Daphne Marie.. - The Exeter Book Riddles : variations of an enigma / Thesis(Ph.D.) - University of Oregon. - 1997. - 290p. - Ann Arbor UMI 1977. -
Copies: University of Exeter. -

Price, Edwin Are male sexual offenders normal men, or can they be viewed as a deviant sub-group of men? [Great Britain] University of Plymouth 1997 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 1997. 1997. - Includes bibliographical references. Devon Probation Service URL:
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Sex offenders.

Ryle, James Sustainable tourism development in North Devon - towards an integrated policy framework James Ryle Thesis (M.Sc.) - Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College, London 1997. 1997. -
Copies: Imperial College London Library

Sharman, M.C Hangings and haranguings : popular writings in eighteenth century Exeter [Draft] M.C.Sharman Exeter Thesis (M.A.) - University of Exeter 1997. - 1 vol ; 30cm
Copies: WSL: sxB/EXE/398.5/SHA
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Popular literature 1700-1800

Stott, Rachel E. Potassium delivery to rivers : a case study of the Gara catchment, Devon / Rachel E. Stott. - Reading 1997 ((i.e. 1998). - Thesis (PhD.) - University of Reading, Postgraduate Research Institute for Sedimentology. - 1997. -
Copies: BL ; University of Reading. -

Swiderska, Camilla Rural transport policy : a strategy for North Devon Camilla Swiderska Thesis (M.Sc.) - Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College, London 1997. Thesis (M.Sc.) - Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College, London, 1997. -
Copies: Imperial College London Library

Burden, Rachel Jane. A hydrological investigation of three Devon sand dune systems : Braunton Burrows, Northam Burrows and Dawlish Warren University of Plymouth 1998 1998. -
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Sand dunes

Causey, Hannah L. E Scheme worthwhileness in Torcross and Beesands, Start Bay, South Devon London QMW 1998 [142] leaves ; cm 1998. - Geography Dept. 3rd year dissertation - independent geographical study.
Copies: Queen Mary University of London Library

Faunch, Christine Jennie Margaret. Church monuments and commemoration in Devon c.1530-c.1640 Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, School of English. 1998. - 3 vols
Copies: EXU ; BL

Hamling, Tara Jayne. Decoration and devotion : religious representation in West Country decorative plasterwork c.1590-c.1660 by Tara Jayne Hamling Birmingham University of Birmingham 1998 iv, 124 leaves : ill., facsim. ; 30 cm 1998. - Thesis (M.Phil) - University of Birmingham, Department of Art History, School of Historical Studies, Faculty of Arts, 1999.
Copies: Society of Antiquaries of London ; University of Birmingham Libraries

Insley, Charles. The Anglo-Saxon charters of Exeter : an edition and commentary / Charles Insley. - 1998. - 388 leaves ; 31 cm. - BLDSC: D203679/00. - Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1998. - Bibliography: leaves 350-366. -
Copies: University of Oxford. -

Jones, Jason M Phonological and lexical change in the dialects of east Devon and west Somerset, 1948-1995 1 v Thesis (Ph.D.) - Swansea, 1998. -
Copies: National Library of Wales

Mossom, Julie Copper and arsenic contamination of soils and selected plants in an area of intensive mining : a pilot study of the disused Devon Great Consols Mine UK Julie Mossom Thesis (M.Sc.) - Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College, London 1998. 1998. -
Copies: Imperial College London Library

Tingle, Martin. The prehistory of Beer Head : field survey and excavations at an isolated flint source on the South Devon coast Martin Tingle ; with contributions from S. Carter ...[et al.] Oxford Archaeopress 1998 117p. : ill.(some col.), maps,plans ; 30cm 1998. - BAR British series 270 ISBN: 0860548856 (pbk) ISSN: 0143-3032 Includes bibliography: p. 111-117.
Copies: National Museum Wales ; BL ; British Museum ; Durham University ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales

Cooper, J. P. D. Propaganda, allegiance and sedition in the Tudor south-west, c. 1497-1570 / J.P.D. Cooper. - xi, 278, [19] leaves : plates ; 31 cm. - Oxford : Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1999. - 1999. - BLDSC: D206067/00. - Includes bibliography. -
Copies: University of Oxford. -
Subjects: Westcountry. Political culture. 1497-1570. -

Dinan, Claire Rachel. A marketing geography of sustainable tourism - with special reference to Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geography Department. 1999. - 347p
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Devon. Tourism Sustainability

Doyle, Ian Keith An investigation into the degree and extent of contamination from past mining activity in the area of South Zeal, Devon by Ian Keith Doyle Thesis (M.Sc. and D.I.C.)--Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College London, 1999. 1999. -
Copies: Imperial College London Library
Subjects: Devon. South Zeal. Mines. Pollution. Effect of commuters.

Gärtner, Thomas. Klassische Vorbilder mittelalterlicher Trojaepen / von Thomas Gärtner. - Stuttgart B.G. Teubner 1999. - 580 p. ; 24 cm. - Beiträge zur Altertumskunde Bd. 133. - ISBN: 3598776829. - Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universität zu Ko¨ln, 1998. Includes bibliographical references (p. [557]-560) and index. -
Copies: BL ; Senate House, University of London ; University of Cambridge ; University of Oxford. -

Gross, L.C Current flows and sedimentation due to an offshore breakwater in Sidmouth, Devon Southampton Thesis 1999. - University of Southampton School of Ocean and Earth Science, 3rd Year Project Report, 40pp. & appendices.
Copies: University of Southampton Libraries

Ross, John. The autecology of the meadow thistle (Cirsium dissectum L. Hill) on Devon Rhos pastures, with particular reference to the effect of major environmental variables on the population dynamics University of Plymouth 1999 Thesis (Ph.D.) 1999. -
Copies: BL

Bailey, Tamsin Rebecca Medieval boroughs of south Devon in their regional context by Tamsin Rebecca Bailey Birmingham University of Birmingham 1999 Thesis (M.Phil) - University of Birmingham, Department of Medieval History, 2000. 2000. -
Copies: University of Birmingham Libraries

Clifford, Jessica. A re-evaluation of the screen paintings in the chapel and chancel of the church of St. John the Baptist, Ashton, Devon Dissertation (MA)--University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2000. - 56 leaves : ill., ; 31cm Bibliography : leaves 31-34
Copies: Courtauld Institute of Art Library
Subjects: Devon. Ashton. Churches. Saint John the Baptist Screens. Paintings

Dewa, Roberta Jean. The Old English elegies : coherence, genre, and the semantics of syntax. - University of Nottingham 2000. - Mode of access: World Wide Web. -
Copies: British. -

Goodhew, Steven Michael Rhyder The thermal properties of cob buildings of Devon Plymouth Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Plymouth 2000 2000. -
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Cob. Thermal properties.

Morton, Thomas A geochemical exploration of Mary Tavy, West Devon to assess the impacts of arsenic mining on the area Thomas Morton Thesis (M.Sc.)- -Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College, London 2000. 2000. -
Copies: Imperial College London Library
Subjects: Devon. Mary Tavy. Arsenic mines. Environmental effects

Nicholls, Daniel John The source and behaviour of fine sediment deposits in the River Torridge, Devon and their implications for salmon spawning Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geography Department. 2000. - 323p
Copies: EXU ; BL

Phillips, Ian Douglas. The occurrence, dynamical structure and prediction of drought events over Devon and Cornwall over a forty year period Birmingham Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Birmingham 2000 2000. -
Copies: BL ; University of Birmingham Libraries

Shelton, Nicola Jane Childhood mortality and the public health response in Victorian and Edwardian Devon and Cornwall by Nicola Jane Shelton Liverpool Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Liverpool 2000 2000. - Thesis number DX 218680.
Copies: Wellcome Library
Subjects: Westcountry. Child mortality. 1837-1910

Standing, Simon. The architectural expression of Anglican rituals as disseminated through a photographic enquiry of six Devon churches Plymouth Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Plymouth 2000 2000. -
Copies: BL

Wood, Barry Christian faith and nurture in rural Devon 2000. -
Copies: University of Sheffield Libraries

Zhao, Hongxin. Epidemiological studies of childhood onset type 1 diabetes in Devon and Cornwall Plymouth Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Plymouth 2000 2000. -
Copies: BL
Subjects: Westcountry. Children. Diabetes. Epidemiology.

Barr, Stewart Wilson. Factors influencing household attitudes and behaviours towards waste management in Exeter, Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geography Department. 2001. - 2 v
Copies: EXU ; BL

Walker, Peter Decline and change in some West Devon market town parishes ... Thesis (PhD) Univ. Exeter 2001. - 290p : map ; 30cm Uncorrected proof copy
Copies: WSL: sx301.32/WES/WAL ; EXU. -
Subjects: Devon. West Devon. Demography. 1841-1891

Andrews, Ivan G A case study of educational activity conducted by local United Reformed churches in Devon Ivan G. Andrews Exeter University of Exeter 2002 Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Exeter, Aug 2002. 2002. - 266p
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Devon. United Reformed Church. Educational activities

Burls, Robin J Society, economy and lordship in Devon in the age of the first two Courtenay earls, c. 1297-1377 2002]. - 279 leaves, [21] leaves of plates : geneal. tables, maps ; 31 cm Supervisor: Professor R.R. Davies. Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 2002. BLDSC reference no.: D218988/03. Bibliography: leaves 270-279.
Copies: University of Oxford Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Aristocracy. Courtney family. Estates. 1275-1377. -

David N. Pearce The operation of the 1930 Mental Treatment Act in local psychiatric hospitals : the introduction of voluntary patients and new treatment regimes in the Devon Mental Hospital, 1931-1938 David N. Pearce Exeter, 2002. - 158p Thesis (M.Phil) - Exeter University, Department of History.
Copies: EXU

Griffiths, Sarah. Geohazards associated with old, abandoned metalliferous mine workings in West Devon Sarah Griffiths Thesis (M.Sc.) - UWC, 2002. - 241 leaves Applied Environmental Geology.
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries

Hall, Carly What effect have historical mining activities exerted on river quality in South West Devon? Manchester University of Manchester 2002. - 37p Thesis (M.Sc.), - University of Manchester,2002 University of Manchester Libraries

Lawson, Eleanor. Studies in the dialect and palaeographical materials of the medieval West Country / Eleanor Lawson. - 2002. - Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Glasgow, 2002. - 588 p. : ill., maps ; PDF file. - Includes bibliographical references (p. 374-386). Print version also available. Electronic reproduction. Glasgow : Enlighten: Theses, 2009. -
Copies: University of Glasgow. -

Mawby, Rob. C. Policing images : policing, communication and legitimacy Rob C. Mawby Cullompton Willan Publishing, 2002. - ix, 214 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm ISBN: 9781903240717 (hbk) ; 9781903240724 (pbk) Includes bibliographical references (p. 198-209) and index. Originally presented as the author's thesis (Ph. D.) -- Staffordshire University.
Copies: BL ; Cardiff University ; Durham University ; King's College London ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; Newcastle University ; Queen's University Belfast ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; Trinity College Dublin ; University College London ; University of Aberdeen ; University

Rowe, Helen Caroline The heritage in heritage tourism : a case study of Devon 1940-2000 Helen Caroline Rowe Exeter University of Exeter 2002 Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Exeter, Nov 2002. 2002. -
Copies: EXU ; BL

Spoerer, Simon eter. Checking standards : a comparison of standards, method and practice under Social Services Directorate regulatory and purchasing accreditation systems in Devon in the run up to the Care Standards Act 2000 Simon Peter Spoerer Exeter 2002. - 2 v Thesis (M.Phil.) - Exeter University, Social Work Department.
Copies: EXU
Subjects: Devon. Social services Standards 2000

Alison Wakefield Selling security : the private policing of public space Alison Wakefield Cullompton, Devon, UK ; Portland, Or. Willan Publishing, 2003. - xxiv, 252 p ; 24 cm ISBN: 1843920492 Author's thesis: PhD,(Cambridge?) -p.xvi. Includes bibliographical references and index. BL ; Durham University ; King's College London ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; Newcastle University ; Queen's University Belfast ; Trinity College Dublin ; University of Aberdeen ; University of Birmingham ; University of Bristol ; University of Edinburgh

Cooper, J. P. D. Propaganda and the Tudor state : political culture in the Westcountry J.P.D. Cooper Oxford Clarendon Press 2003 xii, 283 p. : ill. ; 22 cm 2003. - Oxford historical monographs. ISBN: 0199263876 Based on the author's thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1999. Based on the author's thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1999. Includes bibliography and index. Summary: "This book offers a fresh understanding of the substance behind the rhetoric of English Renaissance monarchy. Dr. Cooper examines the relationship between the Tudor monarchy and its subjects in Cornwall and Devon, and the complex interaction betw BL ; Cardiff University ; Durham University ; King's College London ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales

Limbert, Darren. The morphology and chronology of crop-mark enclosures in lowland Devon : landscape contect and characterization by Darren Limbert Thesis (M.Phil.) - Exeter University, Archaeology Department. 2003. - 265 p. : ill. (maps, charts, tabs.)
Copies: EXU

Lobley, Matt On the edge or back from the brink? Adaptability and change on family farms Exeter Centre for Rural Policy Research, University of Exeter 2003. -

Lobley, Matt The state of agriculture in Devon: a report for Devon County Council / Matt Lobley, Allan Butler, Donald Barr Exeter Centre for Rural Policy Research, University of Exeter 2003. - ISBN 1 870558 75 8 CRR Research Report 5

Scott, Dawn Michelle The physiology and behaviour of fish from a freshwater, eutrophic lake, Slapton Ley, Devon Dawn Michelle Scott Exeter University of Exeter 2003 Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Exeter, Jul 2003. 2003. - 289p Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Biological Sciences Department. EXU ; BL. -

Winter, Michael Some ethnographic reflections on the 2001 Foot and Mouth Disease epidemic: a case study from Devon Exeter Centre for Rural Policy Research, University of Exeter 2003-09
Subjects: Foot and Mouth Disease. Social aspects

Coventry, Kathryn Anne. Specification development for the use of Devon cob in earthen construction by Kathryn Anne Coventry Plymouth University of Plymouth 2004 2004. - 1 v. ; 31 cm Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2004. BL

Curtis, Devon Elizabeth Anne. Power-sharing to peace ? : external actors and the promotion of power-sharing agreements in Burundi Ph.D. (London) thesis LSE, 2004. - 274 leaves Bibliography: leaves 242-274.
Copies: London School of Economics ; Senate House Libraries, University of London

Elaine Crawley Doing prison work : the public and private lives of prison officers Cullompton Willan, 2004. - xvi, 281 p. ; 24 cm ISBN: 9781843920359 ; 1843920352 ; 9781843922162 (pbk.) ; 1843922169 (pbk.) Originally presented as the author's dissertation (Ph.D.), Keele University, 2000.
Copies: BL ; Cardiff University ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; Newcastle University ; Queen's University Belfast ; Trinity College Dublin ; University of Birmingham ; University of Bristol ; University of Edinburgh ; University of Glasgow

Grainger, Maria. Site investigation techniques : ground investigation for construction of a supermarket in Ilfracombe, Devon Maria Grainger 168 leaves + CD-ROM Applied Environmental Geology. 2004. - Accompanied by CD-ROM. Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cardiff University, 2004. Cardiff University Libraries

Guilbert, Steven. A study of various aspects and elements of salmon netting on four Devonshire rivers by Steven Guilbert 2004. - v, 290 leaves : ill., maps ; 30 cm Thesis (PhD)--University of Nottingham, 20045. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 268-285).
Copies: University of Nottingham Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Rivers Salmon netting

Guilbert, Steven. A study of various aspects and elements of salmon netting on four Devonshire rivers / by Steven Guilbert. - 2004. - Thesis (PhD)--University of Nottingham, 2004. - v, 290 leaves : ill., maps ; 30 cm. - Includes bibliographical references (leaves 268-285). -
Copies: University of Nottingham. -

Lobley, Matt The impact of CAP reform on Devon's agriculture: final report to Devon County Council / Matt Lobley and Allan Butler Exeter Centre for Rural Policy Research, University of Exeter 2004. - ISBN 1870558 77 4 CRR RESEARCH REPORT 6
Subjects: Devon. Agriculture. Effect of European common agricutural policy. 2004. -

Lund, Kathleen Elizabeth. Devon : a study in survival By Kathleen Elizabeth Lund Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2004. 2004. -
Copies: EXU ; BL

Martin, Rachel What is the impact of domestic violence on the workplace, with specific reference to Devon County Council? Rachel Martin 2004. - 1 v. (various pagings) Thesis (M.Sc.) - University of Bristol, 2005.
Copies: University of Bristol Libraries

Bennett, Jennifer Ann. Late Pleistocene and Holocene fluvial geomorphology of the River Exe, Devon, UK Jennifer Ann Bennett Exeter University of Exeter 2005 1 v. ; 31 cm 2005. - Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2005. British Library

Bradford, Gareth Nicholas. New communities, sustainability and participation in the planning process : the case of the East Devon new community Gareth Nicholas Bradford 2005 1 v 2005. - Thesis (M.Sc.) -- Cardiff University, 2005. Cardiff University ; National Library of Wales

Browne, Nigel Organs, organ-builders and organists in nineteenth century Devon. - 2005. - 311 p. - URL. -
Copies: University of Exeter. -

Cannell, Judith. The archaeology of woodland exploitation in the greater Exmoor area in the historic period Judith A. Cannell Oxford Archaeopress 2005 vi, 291 p : ill, maps ; 30 cm + 1 CD-ROM 2005. - British archaeological report; British series 398 ISBN: 1841718777 Originally published as the author's thesis--University of Exeter, 2004.
Copies: National Museum Wales ; BL ; Durham University ; Newcastle University ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; Society of Antiquaries of London ; St. Andrews University ; The London ; Trin

Frampton, Nicholas. School travel in South Devon and the implications for lowering private car use Nicholas Frampton Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cardiff University, 2005. - 106 leaves
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries
Subjects: Transport and Planning.

Hawkins, Charlotte. Vegetation history and land use change over the past 10,000 years in three study areas of lowland Devon : the Blackdown Hills, the Clyst Valley and Hartland Peninsula Charlotte Hawkins Exeter 2005. - 235 p Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Geography Department. EXU

Kerr, Clementine. The Jesse Reredos in Christchurch Priory in Hampshire : A review of its architectural setting, its stylistic affiliations with the west fac¸ade image screen at Exeter Cathedral and its iconographic content. - Dissertation (MA)--University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2005. - 47 leaves : ill., ; 30cm. - Bibliography : leaves 42-47 -
Copies: Courtauld Institute of Art. -

Mannings, Stephen Foreign news gathering and reporting in the London and Devon press - the Anglo-Zulu war, 1879 : a case study Stephen Mannings Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2005. - 205 p EXU ; BL

Moore, Thmas Habitat management for the common dormouse (Muscardinus avellanrius) in Andrew's Wood (South Devon) Thomas Moore 2005. -
Copies: University of Edinburgh Libraries

Shaw, Jennifer Penelope Biochemical responses to pollutants in Mytilus sp : relationships and biomarker implications by Jennifer Penelope Shaw Birmingham University of Birmingham, 2005. - 192 p. : ill., charts ; 30 cm In collaboration with the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, West Hoe, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 3HD, U.K. Thesis (PhD.)--University of Birmingham, Faculty of Science, School of Biosciences, 2007.
Copies: University of Birmingham Libraries
Subjects: Westcountry. Mussels. Pollutants. Biochemical responses

Stein, Jack. The importance of the tin industry in Cornwall and South Devon : 100BC - 700AD Jack Stein Thesis (M.A.) - Cardiff University, 2005. 2005. - 76 leaves Early Celtic Studies.
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries

Easter, Clive James Church monuments of Devon and Cornwall c1660-c1730 By Clive James Easter Plymouth University of Plymouth, 2006. - 1 v. ; 31 cm Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2006 BL

Grubb, Peter. Investigating the value of agency in delivering high quality design in the current development control system : a case study of East Devon District Council Peter Grubb Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cardiff University, 2006. - 99 leaves Planning Practice and Research. CPT508
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries

Hess, Susan Jane Civilian evacuation to Devon in the Second World War By Susan Jane Hess Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2006 2006. - 1 v. ; 31 cm BL ; EXU

Holmes, Jamie A study of meteorological effects on surging within the Dart estuary, Devon, UK Jamie Holmes Southampton Thesis 2006. - 64 p. ; 30 cm University of Southampton Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Dart Estuary. Surges Meteorological; effects

Robbins, Keith Agricultural change and farm incomes in Devon: an update / Keith Robbins, Allan Butler, Martin Turner and Matt Lobley Exeter Centre for Rural Policy Research, University of Exeter 2006. - CRR Research Report No. 17
Copies: EXU. -
Subjects: Devon. Farms. Income

Ryder, Lucy Change and continuity : a study in the historic landscape of Devon Lucy Ryder Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2006 2006. - 2 v. ; 31cm EXU ; BL
Subjects: Devon. Landscapes.

Stoodley, Louise Workforce remodelling : an analysis of how 4 secondary schools in Devon implemented changes to the roles of teachers and support staff Louise Stoodley 99 leaves Dissertation: MA in Educational Leadership and Management. University of London (Institute of Education) 2006. 2006. - UCL Institute of Education Library, University of London

Turner, Sam. Making a Christian landscape : the countryside in early medieval Cornwall, Devon and Wessex / Sam Turner. - Exeter University of Exeter Press 2006. - xviii, 218 p., 16 p. of col. plates : ill., maps ; 25 cm. - ISBN: 9780859897853 (pbk.) ; 0859897850 (pbk.) ; 9780859897747 ; 0859897745. - Based on author's thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of York - URL. - Includes bibliographical references (p. 191-212) and index. -
Copies: Bangor University ; BL ; Cardiff University ; Durham University ; Historic England ; National of Scotland ; National of Wales ; Newcastle University ; Senate House, University of London ; Society of Antiquaries of London ; The London ; Trinity College Dublin ; University College London ; University of Aberdeen ; University of Bristol ; University of Cambridge ; University of Exeter ; University of Leeds ; University of Leicester ; University of Oxford ; University of Reading ; University of Sheffield ; University of Southampton ; University of St Andrews ; University of Sussex ; University of York. -

Anna Souhami Transforming youth justice : occupational identity and cultural change Cullompton Wilan, 2007. - ix, 221 pages ; 24 cm ISBN: 9781843921936 ; 1843921936 Ethnographic study of the 'Midlands' Youth Offending Team. Based on the author's thesis (doctoral--Keele University, 2003). Includes bibliographical references (p. 210-217) and index. Summary: Explores the nature of occupational culture, team membership and professional identity through the lived experience of youth justice professionals in the time of transition and change after Crime and Disorder Act 1998 was passed. It also shows ho
Copies: BL ; Cardiff University ; Durham University ; London School of Economics ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; Newcastle University ; Queen's University Belfast ; Trinity College Dublin ; University of Edinburgh ; University of Manchester ; University of Oxford ; University of Sheffield

Butler, Allan Farming in Devon: changes since 2002 and developments in the near future / Allan Butler and Matt Lobley Exeter Centre for Rural Policy Research, University of Exeter 2007. - CRPR Research Report No. 22 This report was commissioned by Devon County Council

Collins, Neil The Provenance of the Pickwell Down sandstone formation, north Devon Neil Collins, Simon Johnson, James McCormack Southampton Thesis 2007. - 44 p., appendices ; 30 cm University of Southampton Libraries

Foster, Claire The distribution, causes and nature of natural landslides in Devon and Cornwall 2007. -

Gagkas, Zisis. Effects of broadleaf woodland cover on streamwater chemistry and risk assessments of streamwater acidification in acid-sensitive catchments in the UK [Great Britain] University of Edinburgh 2007 Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Edinburgh, 2007. - 1 online resource Summary: Acidification of surface waters has been recognised as the major water quality problem in the UK uplands. The adverse effects of conifer afforestation on streamwater chemistry and ecology are well documented in acid-sensitive catchments and have URL: Includes bibliographical references. 14 catchments in north-western and central Scotland ... and northern and south-western England (Ullswater area and Devon).
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Rivers. Acidification. Effect of broadleaf woodland cover.

Lambert, Stephen John. The Environmental Range andTolerance Limits ofBritish Stoneworts (Charophytes) University of East Anglia, 2007. - p. : digital, PDF file Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of East Anglia, 2007. Includes bibliographical references. Intensive studies at three nationally important charophyte sites including Slapton Ley (Devon)
Copies: British Library

Lindgren, Paula. The preservation of organic matter in impact craters Paula Lindgren 2007. - ii, 191 leaves : ill. (some col.), maps ; 31 cm
Copies: University of Aberdeen Libraries

Mortimore, Joanne. Environmental impact assessment of water, sediment and airborne particles from Devon Great Consols in the Tamar River catchment Joanne Mortimore Reading University of Reading 2007 1 v. ; 31 cm 2007. - Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Reading, 2007. BL

Pring, Laura E. Mining-induced surface subsidence associated with coal seams in North Devon by Laura E. Pring Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cardiff University, 2007. - 101 leaves Applied Environmental Geology.
Copies: Cardiff University Libraries

Tamblyn, Shirley. "A rival of Alexander the Great" : Lady Louis Rolle and the development of the cultural landscape at Bicton, 1822-1885 / by Shirley Tamblyn. - Bristol Dissertation (MA in Garden History) - University of Bristol, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology. - 2007. - 107 leaves : illustrations (some colour), maps ; 30 cm. - Includes bibliographical references. -
Copies: University of Reading. -

Wilson, Andrew Northern soul : music, drugs and subcultural identity Andrew Wilson Cullompton Willan Publishing, 2007. - x, 214 p. ; 25 cm ISBN: 9781843922087 (hbk.) Crime ethnography series. Originally presented as the author's dissertation (Ph.D.) -- University of Sheffield. Includes bibliographical references (p. 196-210) and index. An historical ethnography of the 1970s Northern Soul Scene, drawing on the author's personal involvement in this.An account of a unique cultural phenomenon.
Copies: BL ; Durham University ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales

Zmarzly, Rebecca J Justices of the peace in mid-Tudor Devon circa 1538-1570 Texas Thesis (M.A.)--Texas State University-San Marcos 2007. - Includes bibliographical references (leaves 136-139)

Buscombe, Daniel D. Morphodynamics, sedimentation and sediment dynamics of a gravel beach [Great Britain] University of Plymouth 2008 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2008. - Includes bibliographical references. School of Geography URL: Summary: The morphodynamics of a gravel barrier beach in Devon, (Slaptou Sands: tau/S 0.15 - 0.25, D50 2 - 8min), was studied with reference to its sedimentology
Copies: BL

Davey, Nicholas Edward. RACE : Review & Assessment of Commuter Emissions University of the West of England, 2008. - p. : digital, PDF file Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of the West of England, 2008. Includes bibliographical references. Summary: The importance of accurate and representative air quality impact assessment (AQIA) for new developments is becoming increasingly focal with the introduction of the framework for Local Air Quality Management (Air Quality Management Areas and Air Q
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Air quality. Pollution. Effect of commuters. 2008. -

Davies, Andred E The locations and careers of provincial graduate medical practitioners in eighteenth-century England, with particular reference to Devon and Suffolk Andrea E. Davies Exeter 2008. - 2 v Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, School of Humanities and Social Sciences. BL ; EXU

Gray, Georgina Quality of life and well-being after acquired brain injury : the role of social identity, use of coping strategies and cognitive functioning Georgina Gray Exeter : Thesis (D.Clin.Psy.) - Exeter University, School of Psychology. 2008. - 138 p URL:
Copies: BL ; EXU

Hosker, Ian Statistics for social sciences : how to handle and analyse data in social sciences 2nd ed. [S.l.] Studymates c2008 2008. - 156 p. : ill. ; 22 cm Studymates in-focus ISBN: 1842850911 (pbk) Previous ed. entitled: Social statistics : data analysis in social science explained. Publ. 2002. Imperial College London ; UCL Institute of Education Library, University of London ; University of Bristol Libraries

Lobley, Matt Is Devon's agriculture fit for purpose in an era of climate change? A report on a stakeholder jury for Devon County Council / Matt Lobley and Michael Winter Exeter Centre for Rural Policy Research, University of Exeter 2008. - CRPR Research Report No 26
Subjects: Devon. Agriculture. Effect of climate change.

Pugsley, David High Sheriffs of Devon since 1832 2008. -
Subjects: Devon. Sheriffs. 1832-. -

Rügamer, Antje. Die Poetizität der altenglischen Rätsel des Exeter Book / Antje Rügamer. - Hamburg : Kovac, 2008. - 375 p. ; 21 cm. - ISBN: 9783830040743 (pbk.) ; 3830040741 (pbk.). - URL. - Schriftenreihe Schriften zur Mediävistik ; Bd. 14. - Originally presented as the author's doctoral thesis, Universität Mannheim, 2008. Includes bibliographical references (p. 359-371). -
Copies: BL ; University of Oxford. -
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Exeter Book. Phoenix Riddles. Poetics.

Williams, Michael Aufrere Medieval English roodscreens, with special reference to Devon Michael Aufrere Williams Exeter Thesis (Ph.D) University of Exeter 2008. - 416p : col ill ; 31cm Accompanying photographic collection in process of sorting. A handlist of parishes covered is available on request WSL: sx726.529/DEV/WIL
Subjects: Devon. Churches. Rood screens

Dawson, Mark. Plenti and grase : food and drink in a sixteenth-century household Mark Dawson Totnes, Devon Prospect Books, 2009. - 335 p., [8] p. of plates : ill., charts, facsims., geneal. tables, maps, plans, ports., tables ; 26 cm ISBN: 9781903018569 (hbk.) Includes bibliographical references (p. 307-316) and index. Based on the author's thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Nottingham, 2007.
Copies: National Museum Wales ; BL ; Durham University ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; Society of Antiquaries of London ; The London ; Trinity College Dublin ; University of Bristol ; University of Cambridge ; EXU ; University of Leeds ; University of Notti

Donald P. White Elaboration : artisans and information in the Devon Parish, 1450-1550 Donald P. White 2009. - [6], xvi, 393 leaves : ill. ; 31 cm Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Royal College of Art, for the degree of Master of Art, in relation to the History of Design course run jointly by the Royal College of Art and the Victoria and Albert Museum. Thesis (M.A.) -- Royal College of Art, 2009. Bibliography: leaves 383-393.
Copies: V\&A Libraries

Few, Janet Mary Faith, fish, farm of family? : the impact of kinship links and communities on migration choices and residential persistance in North Devon 1841-1901 Janet Mary Few Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, School of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2009. - URL: EXU ; BL

Greener, Rosemary Clare. The rise of the professional gardener in nineteenth-century Devon : a social and economic history Rosemary Clare Greener Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, School of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2009. - 326 p Includes bibliographical references. EXU ; BL

Havelock, Glenn Michael. Palaeosalinity change in the Taw Estuary, south-west England : response to late Holocene river discharge and relative sea-level change University of Exeter, 2009. - 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2009. Includes bibliographical references. Summary: Present models of Holocene estuary evolution are driven largely by changes in relative sea-level (RSL) with little reference to long-term changes in fluvial regime and regional climate. Recent US studies of estuarine sequences have shown that dec URL:
Copies: BL ; EXU

Lobley, Matt Farm incomes in Devon 2007/08 / Matt Lobley, Allan Butler, Michael Winter Exeter Centre for Rural Policy Research, University of Exeter 2009. - CRPR Research Report No 28

Neville, Julia Explaining variations in municipal hospital provision in the 1930s : a study of councils in the far south west 2009. -
Subjects: Westcountry. Hospitals. Local authority provision. 1930-1939. -

Pearn, Michael C The attitudes of disabled and able-bodied visitors to heritage sites : a case study of Devon and Cornwall Michael C. Pearn Exeter : Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, School of Geography. 2009. - 2 v
Copies: EXU ; BL. -
Subjects: Westcountry. Heritage sites. Disabled persons. Attitudes.

Sallowm, Afraa Jalal. ICT access and use in the remote rural town of Hatherleigh (Devon, UK) : towards citizen engagement? by Afraa Jalal Sallowm Plymouth University of Plymouth, 2009. - 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2009. Includes bibliographical references. Summary: Information communication technologies (ICTs) have reached into everyday life. This emphasises the increasing importance of understanding the relationship between ICTs and society (Giddens 1994; Castells 1996; Walsham 2001). Over the last few dec
Copies: BL

Stevens, Daniel. Exercise testing and the physiological responses to exercise in young patients with chronic chest diseases University of Exeter, 2009. - 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2009. Includes bibliographical references. Sponsored by: School of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Exeter ; Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Healthcare Trust Summary: The use of exercise is a valuable tool in the healthcare management of young patients with chronic chest diseases (CCD). Indeed, exercise testing yields important prognostic data which are a strong predictor of survival. Such information can indi URL:
Copies: BL ; EXU

Williams, Tiernan. The flow and mass balance of the Devon Ice Cap, Canada, over the last 500 years Tiernan Williams 2009. - 350 p Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Bristol, 2010. University of Bristol Libraries

Barhoum, Saer Issa. Risk and Farmers' Decisions to Farm Organically : The Case of Devon (UK) University of Plymouth 2010 Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2010. - p. : digital, PDF file Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Farms. Organic farming.

Byng, Gabriel. The function and iconography of the minstrels' gallery of Exeter Cathedral / Gabriel Byng. - Dissertation (MA)--University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2010. - 2010. - 56, [29] leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 31 cm. - Bibliography: leaves 50-56. -
Copies: Courtauld Institute of Art. -
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Cathedrals. Saint Peter. Minstrels gallery. Iconography.

Chesters, Ben. Cranbrook : the east Devon new community - did the planning process address the threat of climate change? Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cardiff University, 2010. - 115 leaves Planning Practice and Research. Cardiff University Libraries

Darlow, Susan Elizabeth Joan. Sustainable heritage management practices at visited heritage sites in Devon and Cornwall University of Plymouth 2010 Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2010. - p. : digital, PDF file Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: BL
Subjects: Westcountry. Heritage sites. Sustainability. Management.

Davies, Simon R. The early Neolithic tor enclosures of Southwest Britain University of Birmingham 2010 p. : digital, PDF file Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Birmingham, 2010. 2010. - URL: Includes bibliographical references. BL
Subjects: Westcountry. Neolithic sites. Tor enclosures.

Harvey, David Broad Down, Devon: archaeological and other stories Sage 2010. -
Subjects: Devon. Southleigh. Archaeological sites. Broad Down

Hopkins, Robert John. Localisation and resilience at the Local Level : The Case of Transition Town Totnes (Devon, UK) University of Plymouth 2010 p. : digital, PDF file Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2010. - Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: BL

Newman, Philip. Environment, antecedent and adventure : tin and copper mining on Dartmoor, Devon, C.1700-1914 University of Leicester 2010 Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Leicester, 2010. - 1 online resource Summary: The tin and copper industries of Dartmoor in Devonshire are investigated through an analysis of the earthworks and ruined structures which constitute the surface evidence of mining. An entirely new body of data has been assembled resulting from f URL: Includes bibliographical references.
Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Tin mining. 1700-1914. -

Pope,Charlotte. Creation of a SuDS approval body : a case study of Devon County Council Manchester University of Manchester, 2010. - 67p Thesis (MPlan) - University of Manchester, 2010 University of Manchester Libraries

Silvestri, Marisa Women in charge : policing, gender and leadership Marisa Silvestri Cullompton ; Portland : Willan, 2010. - viii, 215 p ISBN: 9781843920465 ; 1843920468 Originally presented as the author's thesis (Ph. D.) -- London South Bank University.
Copies: BL ; Cardiff University ; Durham University ; King's College London ; London School of Economics ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales ; Newcastle University ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; Trinity College Dublin ; University of Birmingham ; University of Bristol ; University of Leeds ; Universi

Walls, Samual Hedley The materiality of remembrance : twentieth century war memorials in Devon Samuel Hedley Walls Exeter 2010. - 2 v Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, Archaeology Depertment. URL: EXU

Andrew, Susan Late medieval roof bosses in the churches of Devon 2011. -
Subjects: Devon. Churches. Roof bosses.

Bayer, Olaf J. Lithic scatters and landscape : the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Early Bronze Age inhabitation of the lower Exe valley, Devon University of Central Lancashire 2011 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Central Lancashire, 2011. - Summary: This thesis examines the inhabitation of the lower Exe valley, between the Mesolithic and the Early Bronze Age through the evidence of a series of surface lithic scatters. Research draws on recent confident approaches to surface lithic scatters w URL: Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Exe Valley. Mesolithic sites.

Birkett, Thomas Eric. Rád Rétt Rúnar : reading the runes in Old English and Old Norse poetry / Thomas Eric Birkett. - 2011 [i.e. 2012]. - v, 335 leaves : ill. ; 31 cm. - Supervisor: Dr Heather O'Donoghue. - Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 2012. - Bibliography: leaves 313-335. -
Copies: University of Oxford. -

Digan, Laura. Aspects of vocabulary in selected Old English riddles / by Laura Digan. - Thesis (MPhil(R)) -- University of Glasgow, 2011. - 2011. - 103 p.; PDF document. - Includes bibliographical references (p. 92-103). Print version also available. Electronic reproduction. Glasgow : Enlighten: Theses, 2011. -
Copies: University of Glasgow. -
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Old English poetry. Exeter Book. Phoenix Riddles. Vocabulary.

Duffy, Diane Elizabeth. Historiography, gender and identity in the works of Anna Eliza Bray University of Manchester, 2011. - 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Manchester, 2011. Includes bibliographical references. Summary: This study addresses the writings of Anna Eliza Bray in three different areas, which illustrate her main literary interests: her autobiographical works, her travel writing and her contribution to the historical romance. I begin with an examinatio URL:
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Tavistock. Writers. Bray, Anna Eliza. Novels. Critical studies.

Feaver, Jane An inventory of heaven and another version : William Empson, Sylvia Townsend Warner and the rhapsodic pastoral Jane Feaver Exeter 2011. - 213 p Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, College of Humanities. BL ; EXU
Subjects: Devon. Fiction. Criticism

Garzon Delvaux, Pedro Andres Woodfuel supply chain integration in the South West of England : a transaction costs approach to bioenergy development University of Exeter 2011 Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2011. - 1 online resource Sponsored by: Great Western Research ; Lord Clinton’s Trust Fund ; Clinton Devon Estates Summary: The wood energy market remains nascent in the UK, despite climate change policies and energy security concerns. Transaction costs have been identified as one barrier to woodfuel development. However, few studies provide explicit insights into suc Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: BL
Subjects: Westcountry. Wood fuel. Supply. Management.

Jenkins, John Christopher P Torre Abbey : locality, community, and society in medieval Devon John Christopher Jenkins Oxford Thesis (Ph.D.)--Oxford University, 2011. 2011. - 318 leaves : ill., maps ; 31 cm Includes bibliographical references. BL ; University of Oxford Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Torquay. Abbeys. Torr Abbey. Community aspects.

Malham, Albertine The classification and interpretation of tin smelting remains from South West England. A study of the microstructure and chemical composition of tin smelting slags from Devon and Cornwall, and the effect of technological developments upon the character of University of Bradford, 2011. - p. : digital, PDF file Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Bradford, 2011. Includes bibliographical references. Sponsored by: R. F. Tylecote Memorial Fund, administered by the Historical Metallurgy Society, and the Francis Raymond Hudson Memorial Fund URL:
Copies: British Library
Subjects: Tin Smelting Slag Furnace Devon Cornwall Medieval Post-medieval Blowing houses (Tin mills)

Starr-Keddle, Ruth Elizabeth. The influence of aspect, soil compaction and management on the grassland species composition of roadside verges, in relation to improving slope stability [Great Britain] University of Newcastle Upon Tyne 2011 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 2011. 2011. - Summary: Roadside verge vegetation is a complex, unusual community, poorly understood and researched and a typical example of a “novel ecosystem”. The land has been altered by humans, the topsoil introduced from elsewhere, a seed mixture added and a manag Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Roads. A38. Verges. Grasses. Management. Effect on slope stability.

Waterfield, Ann Elisabeth. A community study of pelvic floor muscle function in women Exeter and Plymouth Peninsula Medical School 2011 Thesis (Ph.D.)--Exeter and Plymouth Peninsula Medical School, 2011. - 1 online resource Used sample of women in both urban and rural areas of south west Devon and north east Cornwall Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon. Women. Pelvic floor mucles

Dawson, David A. The impact of sea-level rise on the London-Penzance railway line University of Plymouth 2012 Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2012. - 1 online resource Summary: The coastal section of the London to Penzance railway line (Dawlish- Teignmouth) lies very close to sea level and has been susceptible to frequent closure during high seas and storm events. As the main railway connection for the southwest of Engl Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: BL

Green, Johanna M. E. Judgement Day I, Resignation A and Resignation B : a conceptual unit in the Exeter Book / Johanna M.E. Green. - 2012. - xi, 226 p. : ill. - Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Glasgow, 2012. - Includes bibliographical references (p. 208-226). Print version also available. - PDF document. -
Copies: University of Glasgow. -

Hart, Jane Elizabeth. An evaluation of the effectiveness of the planning system in securing the retention of village services in rural Devon Bristol Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of the West of England,Bristol, 2012. 2012. - 1 online resource Summary: Despite national and local planning policies that seek to retain rural services, their loss from Devon's villages has led to those communities becoming increasingly less sustainable and self-sufficient. At both the national and the local level th BL
Subjects: Devon. Villages. Services. Effect of planning

Hurth, Victoria Mary Francis. Factors influencing environmentally-significant consumption by higher-income households : a multi-method study of South Devon for social marketing application [Great Britain] University of Exeter 2012 Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2012. - 1 online resource Summary: The aim of this thesis is to identify and examine the factors influencing environmentally-significant consumption (ESC) by higher-income households (HIH) to provide theoretical and social marketing insights. Income is highly related to levels of Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: EXU ; BL

Johns, Stephen. Comparison of two different methods of stereoscopic viewing and the effect of teaching on the assessment of the cup to disc ratio for glaucoma detection Stephen Johns 2012. - 1 electronic resource (1 file: 2.7 MB) Thesis mphil - Cardiff University, 2012. Summary: This study examines the effect of teaching on a group of naive observers asked to determine the cup-to-disc ratio of a series of stereo photographs presented by two different methods using custom software StereoDxT developed at Cardiff University URL:
Copies: National Library of Wales

Karr, Landon Patrick The analysis and interpretation of fragmented mammoth bone assemblages : experiments in bone fracture with archaeological applications Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2012. - 1 online resource Includes bibliographical references. Summary: The study of flaked mammoth bone tools from the Late Pleistocene is a topic that has inspired great interest in the archaeological community for the last 40 years. The interpretation of evidence of culturally modified mammoth bone tools has varie URL:
Copies: BL ; EXU

Moore, Anna Jane. Assessment of sustainable methods of cyathostomin control at The Donkey Sanctuary Devon by Anna Jane Moore 2012. - viii, 76 p. : ill. ; 30 cm
Copies: University of Glasgow Libraries
Subjects: Devon. Salcombe Regis. Donkey sanctuaries. Cyathostomin parasites. Control

Robens, Sarah L. Involvement in practice : an examination of the multiple influences on the construction of service user involvement in mental health care planning Exeter and Plymouth Peninsula Medical School 2012 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--Exeter and Plymouth Peninsula Medical School, 2012. - Pomoted by a mental health service user group in Devon Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: BL
Subjects: Devon.

Sandover, Richard John. Reconstructing the medieval landscape of Devon : comparing the results of cartographic analysis and the Domesday Survey University of Exeter, 2012. - 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2012. Includes bibliographical references. Summary: This thesis sets out to create a map of parts of Devon at Domesday. This will be achieved by pursuing two themes. The first is a map regression that will identify the core farmland (that is the land that was ‘anciently’ enclosed), while the secon URL:
Copies: BL ; EXU

Tompsett, Imogen. Social dynamics in South-West England AD 350-1150 : an exploration of maritime oriented identity in the Atlantic approaches and Western channel region / Imogen Tompsett. - 2012. - Thesis (PhD)--University of Nottingham, 2012. - xiv, 497 leaves : ill., maps (some col.) ; 30 cm. + 1 CD-ROM. - Includes bibliographical references (leaves 472-497). Accompanied by CD-ROM in back pocket with title: Cornwall and Devon database. Online version of the print publication. Data from accompanying CD-ROM not included in online version. -
Copies: University of Nottingham. -
Subjects: Westcountry. Social conditions. 350-1150. -

Ward, Kim Transforming neighbourhoods : an exploration of the neighbourhood management process in Ilfracombe, Devon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2012. 2012. - Neighbourhood management in Ilfracombe which suffers from high levels of deprivation Includes bibliographical references. BL
Subjects: Devon. Ilfracombe. Neighbourhood management.

Wyness, Lynne Diane. Practices, encounters, and narratives : an ethnography of global school partnerships [Great Britain] University of Exeter 2012 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2012. - Partnership, between two primary schools in rural Devon and urban Tanzania Includes bibliographical references. Two primary schools in rural Devon and urban Tanzania.
Copies: BL

Barnett, Jenny A place in the country : the contribution of second homes to North Devon communities Jenny Barnett Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, College of Life and Environmental Sciences. 2013. - URL: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Second homes Social aspects

Batten, Richard Devon and the First World War Richard Batten Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, College of Humanities. 2013. - Accessed December 2018. -
Copies: EXU ; BL
Subjects: Devon. Wars. World War 1 Mobilization

Bryon, Jacqueline. Authority and crime, 1835-1860 : a comparison between Exmouth and Torquay [Great Britain] University of Plymouth 2013 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2013. - Includes bibliographical references. Summary: This thesis explores the impact of crime on seaside resorts in mid-nineteenth century England, together with the implications and challenges presented for authority and control. The evidence is based on a case study of two contrasting south Devon URL:
Copies: British Library
Subjects: Devon. South Devon. Crime. 1835-1860

Carne, Demelza Jane. A comparison of carbon sequestration potential and photosynthetic efficiency in evergreen and deciduous oaks growing in contrasting environments in the Southwest UK [Great Britain] University of Plymouth 2013 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2013. - Includes bibliographical references. Open Air Laboratories 'OPAL' Network via the Big lottery Fund Summary: Global climate change is predicted to alter the weather patterns around the world, as climatic zones shift, forest carbon sequestration projects (e.g. the UK woodland carbon code) need to take into account the specific requirements of planted spe URL: BL
Subjects: Devon. Oaks. Carbon capture

Cooper, Ian David. Networks, news and communication : political elites and community relations in Elizabethan Devon, 1588-1603 [Great Britain] University of Plymouth 2013 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2013. - Includes bibliographical references. Summary: Focusing on the ‘second reign’ of Queen Elizabeth I (1588-1603), this thesis constitutes the first significant socio-political examination of Elizabethan Devon – a geographically peripheral county, yet strategically central in matters pertaining URL: BL
Subjects: Devon. Politics. Communication networks.

Esra, Jo Ann The shaping of 'West Barbary' : the re/construction of identity and West Country Barbary captivity 2013. -
Subjects: Westcountry. Pirates. Captives. Trauma 1600-1650.

Hitchen, Sherrie. Personal budgets for all? : an action research study on implementing self-directed support in mental health services [Great Britain] University of Plymouth 2013 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2013. - Includes bibliographical references. Devon Partnership Trust Summary: Background: The recent political agenda for health and social care requires more client-centred, personalised services. Self-Directed Support, encompassing Direct Payments and Personal Budgets, is designed to provide people with more choice and c URL: BL

Marshall, Charlotte Emily. Species distribution modelling to support marine conservation planning [Great Britain] University of Plymouth 2013 1 online resource Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2013. - Includes bibliographical references. Summary: This thesis explores some important practical considerations concerning the use of species distribution models in marine conservation planning. Using geo-referenced gorgonian distribution data, together with explanatory environmental variables, p British Library
Subjects: Westcountry. Sea waters. Biodiversity. Marine conservation. Modelling.

Solomon, Emma The Devon Active Villages Evaluation (DAVE) trial of a community- level physical activity intervention in rural South-West England : a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial Emma Solomon Exeter Thesis (Ph.D.) - Exeter University, College of Life and Environmental Sciences. 2013. - URL:
Copies: EXU ; BL

Fann, Angela. The impact of the Black Death at Exeter cathedral / Angela Fann. - Dissertation (M.A.)--University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2014. - 101 leaves : illustrations (black and white, and colour), plans (black and white) ; 31 cm. - Bibliography: leaves 46-52. -
Copies: Courtauld Institute of Art. -
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Cathedrals. Saint Peter. Clergy. Bubonic plague. 1364. -

Kuznetsov, Andrei Port sustainability management system for smaller ports in Cornwall and Devon Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2014. - 1 online resource European Social Fund Combined Universities of Cornwall (ESF-CUC) URL: Includes bibliographical references.
Copies: BL
Subjects: Westcountry. Ports. Sustainability. Interviews and data. 2012. -

Lintott, Lucinda Investigating the relationship between Dinophysis species occurrences offshore in the western English Channel and along the Devon and Cornwall coast, with prevailing wind conditions Lucinda Lintott Southampton Thesis 2015. - 55 p. ; 30 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.)
Copies: University of Southampton Libraries
Subjects: Westcountry. English Channel. Dinophysis. Effects of wind conditions.

Phillips, David H Bristol Channel pilot cutters : a thesis David H. Phillips Exton South West Maritime History Society 2015. - [vi],72p : ill(some col) ; 21cm Series: Maritime monographs; no. 7
Copies: DHC: p623.8929/BRI/PHI
Subjects: Westcountry. Bristol Channel. Sailing ships Pilots

Rolfe, Christopher John . Pleistocene sediments of the north Devon coast. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Southampton, 2015. - xxxii, 416 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), maps ; 30 cm. -
Copies: Southamton U. -
Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Coastal regions. Pleistocene sediments.

Abobeker, Shoker. Diaspora, identity and return : the Kurdish diaspora in Devon. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2016. - 1 online resource. -
Copies: EXU. -
Subjects: Devon. Kurdish migrants.

Booth, Jonathan Richard. Changes in benthic community structure in Lyme Bay, Devon, after a long-term closure to towed fishing gears. Thesis (MSc) – Prifysgol Bangor University (Gwyddorau Eigion | Ocean Sciences), 2016. - 86 leaves ; 29 cm. -
Copies: Bangor. -
Subjects: Devon. Lyme Bay. Seabed ecosystems. Effect of towed fishing gears.

Butler, Alan John. Performing LGBT Pride in Plymouth 1950-2012. - Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2016. - 1 online resource. -
Copies: PLU. -
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Non-heterosexual community. Social aspects. 1950-2012. -

Gall, Sarah Caroline. Evaluating the impacts of integrating fisheries and conservation management. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Plymouth, 2016. - 1 online resource. -
Copies: PLU. -
Subjects: Westcountry. Fishing industries. Conservation management.

Osborne, Kate. Illuminating the chorus in the shadows : Elizabethan and Jacobean Exeter 1550-1615. - Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2016. - 3 volumes. - Accessed December 2018. -
Copies: EXU. -
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Social conditions. 1550-1615. -

Hardy, Marion Ruth. Poor travellers on the move in Devon, 1598-c.1800. - Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2017. -
Copies: EXU. -
Subjects: Devon. Tourism. 1598-1800. -

Morris, Lisa Marie. Do Schwartz Center Rounds® hold transformational power? : an investigation into the subjective experiences of panellists in Devon. - Thesis (D.Clin.Psych.)--University of Exeter, 2017. -
Copies: EXU. -
Subjects: Devon. Carers. Stress. Management.

Pearson, Emma. A collaborative study to develop and facilitate a fisher-directed stock assessment of Cancer pagurus in the Inshore Potting Area, south Devon. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Leicester, 2017. -
Copies: Leicester U. -
Subjects: Devon. South Devon. Crabs. Fisheries management.

Maltby, Katherine. Projections and perceptions: Using an interdisciplinary approach to explore climate change impacts on south-west UK fisheries. - Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2018. - Accessed December 2018. -
Copies: EXU. -
Subjects: Westcountry. Fishing industries. Effect of climate change.

Winks, Lewis Toward a relational understanding of outdoor environmental education : a case study of two residential learning settings in South Devon, UK. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Exeter, 2018. -
Copies: EXU. -
Subjects: Devon. South Devon. Outdoor environmental education.

This page last updated 5 December 2018.