Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Devon Bibliography 950-1550 (medieval manscripts)

This listing acts as a prequel to the Devon bibliography proper, taking the story back more than 500 years before the introduction of the printed book into Devon. Its nature however is considerably different. It aims to list manuscripts owned by Devon libraries or individuals, produced in Devon scriptoria or written by Devon authors in the period up to the dissolution of the monasteries. The content is based on surviving manuscripts as well identifiable works recorded in medieval library catalogues or inventories, and other documentary sources. It is in the early stages of compilation and is an extension of the concordance of the medieval inventories of Exeter Cathedral with surviving manuscripts originally attempted in 1987.

There are many problems involved in identifying and listing medieval manuscripts in a format which is compatible with printed books. Medieval cataloguers were often vague about providing details of author and title, or describing the full content of compilation volumes. Works were often wrongly attributed and authors were listed under a bewildering variety of names. This has given rise to problems in assigning standard headings for authors, a problem compounded by the fact that for medieval writers (a period united by the common language of Latin), present-day cataloguers across Europe have very different ideas of how to refer to an individual, as reference to the CERL thesaurus demonstrates only too clearly. I have tended to use the Latin form of the name, except for English writers but have not been entirely consistent in this.

The resulting list, which is still in the early stages of development, represents something very different from the listing of printed and published documents. Being limited to manuscripts once listed as being in Devon libraries or by Devon writers, it represents a cross-section of all European knowledge of the period. It reveals an international coverage, with the common language being Latin, with few works in English or French or by English writers, nor is there any significant level of content relating to Devon. It should be poijnted out that many of the service books were not held in the librarybut in the church itself or the side-chapels, nor does this listing at present take account of archives, which were normally kept in the treasury or a similar location.

The arrangement of the listing is based on R. M. Wilson's magisterial survey "The contents of the medieval library (In The English library before 1700: studies in its history, edited by Francis Wormald and C. E. Wright (University of London, the Athlone Press, 1958, p.85-111) and is at present in the following sections:

A: Bibles
B: Service books
C: Devotional works
D: Law
E: Church fathers (to c. 600)
F: Classical writers (to c.600)
G: Later writers (from c.600)
H: Other subjects
Z: Unassigned
Bible. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 116-117 una Biblia magna in duobus voluminibus 1506 inventory: 207 prima pars Biblie. Fidelis
Bible. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 118 alia Biblia consimilis in duobus voluminibus 1506 inventory: 208 secunda pars Biblie. Datam
Bible. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 322 Biblia. Philippus
Bible. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 335 vetus Biblia de gracili litera de dono [Ricardi Germeyn] 1506 inventory: 48 Biblia. Ad eum Bodl. Auct.D.1.18.
Bible. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 526 Biblia. Tes bonum et malum [in antiqua scaccario]
Bible. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 57 Biblia. Et facti sunt Bodl. Lat. Bib. d.10(?)
Bible. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 128 una Biblia in uno volumine 1506 inventory: 589-591 i Biblia in tribus voluminibus ex dono Edmundi Stafford
Bible. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 625 Biblia. Et Johannem [in capella Sti Edmundi]
Bible. OT. Chronicles. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 152 Psalmorum et pars chronicorum anglie. Beatus vir
Bible. OT. Ecclesiastes. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [272 See Proverbs] 1506 inventory: [324 See Proverbs]
Bible. OT. Exodus. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 306 Communis glosa super Exodum. Quantoque
Bible. OT. Ezekiel. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 49 liber Ezechielis prophetae 1327 inventory: 230 Ezechiel propheta. Hic Ezechiel
Bible. OT. Genesis. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 211 Genesis glosatus. In principio 1506 inventory: 307 liber Genesis glosatus. Creavit Bodl. Auct.D.3.10.
Bible. OT. Genesis. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 219 Genesis glosatus de dono Thome. Deus celum 1506 inventory: 325 Genesis glosatus. Et mater
Bible. OT. Genesis. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 220 Genesis glosatus de dono Petri
Bible. OT. Isaiah. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 51 liber Isaie on sundron 1327 inventory: 284 Ysayas glosatus, inmologion Ancelmis et alia in uno volumine 1506 inventory: 302 Ysaias glosatus. Unde
Bible. OT. Job Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 221 Job glosatus. Vir erat 1506 inventory: 294 Job glosatus. Que de illo
Bible. OT. Kings. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 76 liber Angelomi super regum. Incipit praefacio 1506 inventory: 323 expositio super tres libros regum. Intimatur
Bible. OT. Leviticus. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 279 Leviticus glosatus. Cum autem Moisen 1506 inventory: 318 liber Leviticus. Alitem
Bible. OT. Maccabees. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 60 liber Machabeorum
Bible. OT. Major prophets. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 40 liber iiii prophetarum 1506 inventory: 289 liber quinque prophetarum glosatus. Nabitur
Bible. OT. Minor prophets. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 281 liber xii prophetarum glosate. Non idem ordo 1506 inventory: 308 Lucas super xii prophetas. Unde
Bible. OT. Minor prophets. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 212 liber duodecim prophetarum. Quam quidem
Bible. OT. Proverbs. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 272 liber sapiencie et ecclesiastici in uno volumine glosate. Diligite justiciam 1506 inventory: 324 glosa communis super sapienciam et ecclesiasticum. Festis
Bible. OT. Proverbs. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 309 parabole Salamonis 1506 inventory: 327 parabole Salamonis et cetera glosata. Fructu
Bible. OT. Proverbs. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 297 liber sapientie glosatus sine asseribus
Bible. OT. Psalms. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [152 See Chronicles]
Bible. OT. Song of songs. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 50 cantica canticorum 1327 inventory: 214 cantica canticorum in 1506 inventory: 329 exposicio super canticum canticorum. Quoddam
Bible. OT. Song of songs. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 215 duobus voluminibus. Osculetur me
Bible. NT. Acts. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 217 Actus apostolorum glosati. Primum 1506 inventory: 291 glosa super actus apostolorum. Accipietis Bodl. Auct. D.1.12.
Bible. NT. Acts. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 294 Actus apostolorum cum epistolis canonicis et apocalipsi glosata. Primum quidem 1506 inventory: 304 glosa super actus apostolorum. In multis
Bible. NT. Apocalypse. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [218 See Epistles]
Bible. NT. Epistles. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 224 Epistole Pauli glosate. Paulus servus 1506 inventory: 284 Glosa super epistolas Pauli. Intencione Bodl. Auct. D.1.13
Bible. NT. Epistles. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 241 Epistole Pauli glosate de dono Roberti de Hane. Principia 1506 inventory: 285 Glosa communis super epistolas Pauli. Temptante
Bible. NT. Epistles. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 242 Epistola Pauli glosate de dono ejusdem Roberti 1506 inventory: 507 Epistole Pauli glosate. Predicta
Bible. NT. Epistles. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 216 epistole Pauli glosate per sanctum Anselmum. Paulus servus 1506 inventory: 74 epistole Pauli glosate. Et pax Bodl. ms. Bodl. 725 (Peter Lombard's gloss) Bodleian images: fo 007r etc
Bible. NT. Epistles. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 298 Epistole Jacobi glosate 1506 inventory: 97 Epistole Jacobi glosate. Nemo
Bible. NT. Epistles. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [294 See Acts of Apostles]
Bible. NT. Epistles. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 218 Epistole canonici glosate et apocalipsis Johannis. Apocalipsis Jesu Christi
Bible. NT. Epistles. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 266 Epistole Pauli glosate do dono Henrici episcopi. Prima rerum
Bible. NT. Gospels. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 386 i liber cum evangeliis de dono Johannis de Grandissono. Ysaia propheta BL Cotton Tib.B.v. f.75
Bible. NT. Gospels. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 1-2 ii mycele Cristes- bec ge-bonede 1327 inventory: 210 textus quatuor evangeliorum in asseribus ligneis. Beatissimo 1506 inventory: 525 i evangelium et epistolare. Lite ingemissere
Bible. NT. Gospels. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [391] alius [liber] evangeliorum 1506 inventory: 626 i textus argenteus et deauratus cum crucifixo, Maria et Johanne ac diversis ymaginibus et armis Domini Johannis de Grandissono continens evangelia, ii fo., in textu Ab Jerosolimis.
Bible. NT. Gospels. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 267 unus textus rubius. Principium. Precii iij s. Qui innovatus per dominum Johannem episcopum, videlicet cum cruce, Johanne et Maria argenti deaurati et bene amelati cum duobus scutis ejusdem domini. 1506 inventory: 627 i textus argenteus deauratus cum crucifixo, Maria et Johanne ac iv evangelistis in iv partibus et ii angelis cum thuribilis, supra capud crucifixi annexis cuidam libro, ii fo. in textu Cujus ventilabum
Bible. NT. Gospels. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 628 i textus argenteus cum crucifixo, Maria et Johanne ac iv evangelistis et i manu supra capud crucifixi dante benedictionem annexis cuidam libro, ii fo. in textu Alius aliter
Bible. NT. Gospels. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 629 i textus, ii fo., Dei et audierunt, cum crucifixo, Maria et Johanne ex una parte, et ex
Bible. NT. Gospels. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 630 i textus pro Quadragesima. ii fo. Tus est rex
Bible. NT. Gospels. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 631 i vetus textus. ii fo. Tus est altera cum ymagine beate Marie portantis Filium in brachio dextro
Bible. NT. Gospels. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 632 i casula lignea operata et cooperta cum panno acuali, in qua continetur i textus ex dono Johannis de Grandissono, cum crucifixo, Maria et Johanne ex i parte, et ex alia ymago beate Marie, ii fo., Erat verbum
Bible. NT. Gospels. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 222 Quatuor evangelia glosata. Liber generationis 1506 inventory: 633 textus argenteus et deauratus cum crucifixo, Maria et Johanne, cum iv evangelistis in iv angulis, cum i olla subtus pedem crucifixi, cum hac scriptura subtus eandem romanis literis sculptam: Hic textus est ornatus ex communi erario Leofrici episcopi curialium que ejus, ii fo., semina pulularent Bodl. Auct. D.2.16 Bodleian images: fo 8r etc
Bible. NT. Gospels. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 634 alius textus argenteus et deauratus cum crucifixo, Maria et Johanne ac aliis ymaginibus per circuitum, cum cruce de puro auro tyled per totum, in cujus medio crucifixus imponitur supradictus, ii fo. Operarii
Bible. NT. Gospels. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 22 [Þeos] Englisce Cristes-boc Cambridge U.L. Ii.2.11 (=1070: 22)
Bible. NT. Gospels. Concordances. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 330 liber concordanciarum ex dono Magistri Willielmi Roges 1506 inventory: 301 concordia evangeliarum. Post tabulam quia viderunt
Bible. NT. Gospels. Concordances. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 315 liber concordancium. Descen
Bible. NT. Gospels. Concordances. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 595 i liber concordanciarum ex dono Johannis de Grandissono. xxiv di consilium ejus
Bible. NT. Gospels. Luke and John. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 228 Lucas et Johannis glosati in uno volumine. Fuit in diebus 1506 inventory: 288 glosa super evangelia Luce et Johannis. Rationem Bodl. Auct. D.1.7.
Bible. NT. Gospels. Luke and John. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 282 Johannes glosatus. Hic est Johannes 1506 inventory: 81 Textus glossatus super Johannes. Oculum
Bible. NT. Gospels. Luke and John. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 273 Lucas et Johannes glos ati in uno volumine. Lucas. De dono Ade de Sancta Brigida 1506 inventory: 91 Lucas et Johannes. Cherenti Hebionis Bodl. Auct. D.1.9 (=1327:273)
Bible. NT. Gospels. Luke and John. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 278 Postille super Johannem et Lucam. Omnium poma
Bible. NT. Gospels. Luke. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 226 Tractatus super Lucam. In mense
Bible. NT. Gospels. Luke. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 283 Lucas glosatus non ligatus. Quam quidem
Bible. NT. Gospels. Mark. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 276 Marcus glosatus sine asseribus. Initium evangelii 1506 inventory: 79 Marcus glosatus. In rubro initium
Bible. NT. Gospels. Matthew and Mark. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 227 Mattheus et Marcus de dono Henrici Archidiaconi Totton. Mattheus ex Judeis 1506 inventory: 296 Matheus et Marcus glosatus. Deum sic prima Bodl. ms. Bodl. 494 Bodleian images: fo 131v etc
Bible. NT. Gospels. Matthew and Mark. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 225 Mattheus et Marcus in uno volumine. Mattheus ex Judea
Bible. NT. Gospels. Matthew and Mark. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 243 Mattheus et Marcus glosati in uno volumine de dono ... Roberti [de Hane]
Bible. NT. Gospels. Matthew. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 310 Expositio super Matheum. Deum laborat
Bible. NT. Gospels. Matthew. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 229 Mattheus glosatus in quaternis de v peciis. Mattheus in Judea 1506 inventory: 316 Matheus glosatus. cramentum
Bible. NT. Gospels. Matthew. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 321 Glosa super evangelium Mathei. Fuit
Exeter Cathedral. Liturgy. Ordinals. Ordinale de usu ecclesiae Exoniensis, drawn up by John Grandisson. - SC282.*1–2: Ottery St Mary. College. - B1: MISSALS
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 3-4 ii fulle maesse-bec 1327 inventory: 154-167 quatuordecim missalia 1506 inventory: 375 unum magnum longum et latum missale cum ii clapsis argenteis et iv bollys. Baculum Bodl. ms. Bodl. 579 Bodleian images: fo 100r etc
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 154-155 quorum duo missalia] cum tropariis 1506 inventory: 376 i missale. Enim dalmatica Exeter Cath. 3510,3515
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 157 quartum [missale] notatum 1506 inventory: 377 i missale. De celis
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 158 quintum [missale] vetus notatum 1506 inventory: 378 i missale. Sequentia
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 159 sextum [missale] vetus non notatum 1506 inventory: 379 i missale. Illustres
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 160 septimum [missale] bonum notatum cum tropariis cum multis ymaginibus subtilibus de auro in canone 1506 inventory: 380 i magnum missale. Ad te levavi
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 161 octavum [missale] non notatum 1506 inventory: 381 i missale. Diluculo
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 162 nonum [missale] absque epistolis evangeliis et gradualibus 1506 inventory: 382 i missale. Dominicis
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 163 decimum [missale] absque epistolis et evangel iis de usu ignoto 1506 inventory: 383 i parvum missale de missis in processionibus celebrandis. Diligit me
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 164 undecim [missale] 1506 inventory: 384 i missale. Notas fac
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 165 duodecimum [missale] 1506 inventory: 511 i missale. Induantur
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 166 tercium decimum [missale] 1506 inventory: 535 i missale scilicet usum Romanorum
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 167 decimum quartum [missale] 1506 inventory: 536 i parvum missale. Mundicia
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 168 unum missale novum sine epistolis et evangel iis de grossa litera ... pro quo dedit unum missale cum epistolis et evangeliis qua est in magno altari 1506 inventory: 569 i missale pro diversis missis beate Marie celebrandis per annum post tabula. In pas
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 340 unum missale bonum de dono Johannis Wele quod est ad altare Sancti Johannis 1506 inventory: 570 i missale. Tue visitacione
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [362] i missale pulcrum et magnum ex dono ejusdem episcopi [Johannis] 1506 inventory: 571 i parvum et novum missale. Missam de
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [400] unum missale pro majore altare cum libro epistolarum et evangeliorum 1506 inventory: 572 i integrum missale. Sionem
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 581 i missale. Ad missam
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 582 i missale. Asperges me. ex dono magistri Martini Lechedeken
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 583 i missale. Duplicibus
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 587 i missale. Quod altare
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 610 i missale. Cha usque
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 612 i missale de papiro artis impressione
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 614 i missale. Hec autem
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 616 i missale. Omnibus
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 617 i missale. Me Ysopo
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 618 i missale cum clapsis argenteis et armis Brentyngham. Erat sequatur
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 620 i missale. Celi
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 621 i missale. Deus invicte
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 622 i missale impressorie artis in pergameno. Ecclesie. Ex dono [Domini Johannis Major]
Missal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 156 tercium bonum notatum sine tropario Rylands Latin 24.
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 470 Processionale. Mici et ipsum
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 471 Que et quod
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 472 Tentur celi
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 473 Laudem quia
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 474 Misericordiam tuam
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 475 Ecce ancilla
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 476 Pauperum suorum
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 477 Detur ex te
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 478 Cum tuum
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 479 Veniet
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 480 Luya in introitu chori cum literis rubris scriptis. Justicia
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 481 Aspercione
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 482 i magnum processionale. Deus qui ad
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 483 i processionale ex dono Magistri Henrici Webber assignatum officio precentoris. Cipio et nunc
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 484 processionale. Gloria Patri
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 485 Alleluia
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 486 Nascetur
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 487 In introitu chori. Immensam
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 488 Neribus
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 490 Spiritualis
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 491 [480 may refer to two vol.]
Processional. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 348 unum processionale pro anima dicti Roberti [Aysperton] processionalia xxii
B3: MANUALS Manual. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 169 unum manuale de usu ignoto 1506 inventory: 390 i manuale ex dono Edmundi Stafford. Est judicare
Manual. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 201 unum manuale bonum de dono [B. decani] 1506 inventory: 391 i manuale ex dono Henrici Brokelond. Dignetur
Manual. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 248-265 sexdecim libri manuales benedictionales et capitulares qui non appreciantur que non sunt de usu 1506 inventory: 392 i manuale desserviens choro Accessus
Manual. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 270 unum manuale ex dono Rogeri Gosee. Ordo qualiter 1506 inventory: 393 aliud manuale ex dono Edmundi Stafford. Deus qui
Manual. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 500 manipulus curatorum. Que eos
Manual. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 313-328 sexdecim libri manuales benedictionales et capitulares qui non appreciantur qui non sunt de usu 1506 inventory: 531 i manuale. Tuam super eos cereos
Manual. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 351 unum manuale bonum de dono Ricardi Braylegh decani 1506 inventory: 623 i manuale. Oraciones, ex dono [Domini Johannis Major]
B4: PONTIFICALS (including Benedictionals)
Pontifical/Benedictional. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 18 i deor wurdebletsungboc 1327 inventory: 138 Benedictionalis. Primo 1506 inventory: 388 i pontificale vetus ex dono Willielmi Warwest retro magnum altare. Non vivatis BL Cotton Vesp. xv fos 2-67 (?)
Pontifical/Benedictional. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 248-265 sexdecim libri manuales benedictionales et capitulares qui non appreciantur que non sunt de usu 1506 inventory: 389 i pontificale ex dono Edmundi Lacy. Veritatem Exeter Cathedral 3513 [=1506:389]
Pontifical/Benedictional. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 19-21 iii odre 1327 inventory: 313-328 sexdecim libri manuales benedictionales et capitulares qui non appreciantur qui non sunt de usu 1506 inventory: 524 i liber Leofrici primi Exoniensis episcopi. Benedictio annuli
Epistolary. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 6-7 ii pistel-bec 1327 inventory: 175-176 duo epistolaria 1506 inventory: 387 i epistolarium ex dono ejusdem [Johannis de Grandissono]. Ysaia propheta
Epistolary. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [391] unus liber epistolarum
Epistolary. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [397] i liber epistolarum et evangeliorum
Epistolary. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 177 item unus novus liber epistolarum
Epistolary. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 35 i pistel-boc
Lectionary. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 23-4 ii sumer- raeding-bec 1327 inventory: [382-7] vi legenda
Lectionary. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 25 i winter-raeding-boc
Lectionary. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 36-7 ii for-ealdode raeding-bec swide wake
Coldingham, Geoffrey of (died 1215?), monk of Durham Vita S. Godrici (? anon.). The Life was written soon after 1196 by a Durham monk named Geoffrey, probably to be identified with the chronicler; this is the most widely known Life of St Godric. F10.40b: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 162 legenda sanctorum. Habet sic
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 132 legenda sanctorum. Stabat Johannes 1506 inventory: 37 legenda sanctorum. Igitur
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 133-134 legenda sanctorum in duobus voluminibus quorum unum Stabat Johannes et aliud Clarissimis viris 1506 inventory: 41 legenda sanctorum. Sufferebat
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 143 legenda sanctorum. Tempore quo Maximianus 1506 inventory: 42 legenda sanctorum. Filium Dei
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 153 legenda sanctorum. Post dominice 1506 inventory: 45 legenda sanctorum. Ribus
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 460 i legenda sanctorum ex dono Johannis de Grandissono. Crux que
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 461 legenda sanctorum. Enim regem
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 464 i legenda cum legenda sancti Brannoci. Querit
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 178 legenda de commemoracionibus sanctorum. Cum duodecim 1506 inventory: 51 legenda sanctorum. Ablactatus Bodl. ms. Bodl.389
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 515 i legenda sanctorum ex dono domini Johannis de Grandissono. Lex et verbum Exeter Cathedral 3504-5
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 518 i legenda ex dono magistri Willielmi Ponnestoke. Am judices Exeter Cathedral 3548(D)
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 519 i legenda de sanctis ex dono Johannis de Grandissono. Possidere videbantur
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [378-80] iii legende nove viz de temporali et sanctis
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 129 communis liber sanctorum de usu Rotomagensi. Architectus
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 130-131 unus liber sanctorum de eodem usu quorum unum Erit in novisssimis et aliud Cum complerentur
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 136 liber in octo peciis in uno quaternio partim de communi et partim de proprio. Tempore quo Maximianus
Legenda sanctorum. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 293 epistole de communi sanctorum. Ecce sacerdos
Temporal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 148-149 legenda bona de temporali in duobus voluminibus de dono Bratton quorum unum Visio Ysaye et aliud Facti 1506 inventory: 462 legenda temporalium. Quia os Domini
Temporal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 150-151 legenda de temporali in duobus voluminibus quorum unum Dicebat et aliud Visio Ysaye 1506 inventory: 463 legenda temporalium ex dono dicti Johannis de Grandis sono. Magnus vestras
Temporal. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 516 alia legenda de temporali ex dono ejusdem [Johannis Grandissono]. Cum non possint
Temporal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [356] i legenda nondum posita in asseribus continens temporale de Sarum 1506 inventory: 520 i legenda de temporali. Consensu non superat
Temporal. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [376] i legenda sanctorum nova per annum et altera de temporali de dono ejusdem Johannis episcopi 1506 inventory: 523 i legenda de temporali. Kalenda nostras
Martyrology. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 27 martyrologium 1327 inventory: 201-202 duo martirologia quorum unum precii ivs. et aliud xiid. 1506 inventory: 468 i martirologium ex dono dicti Johannis de Grand issono. Clarus doctrina Exeter Cathedral 3518
Martyrology. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 104 martirologium latinum et anglicum. Circumcisio 1506 inventory: 469 i martirologium. Rome via Corpus Christi 196 [=1072:27]
Passionary. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 125-127 passionarius in tribus voluminibus quorum primum Quam Deo secundum Suplicius Severus tercium Silvester igitur
Passionary. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 44 i passionalis 1327 inventory: 135 passionarius. Legitur
Abdias (fl. 50 ̶̶̶̶ 100), bishop of Babylon (attributed to Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 55 passiones apostolorum [probably written c.910] 1327 inventory: 292 historia cum legenda de corpore et sanguine Christi 1506 inventory: 14 collectaneum de gestis et translacionibus sanctorum. Appella
Justinianus, Laurentius (1381 ̶̶̶̶ 1456)? Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 192 liber de sermonibus sanctorum. Post tabulam
Legenda. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 291 legenda in uno quaterno de festi sancti Gabrielis 1506 inventory: 338 liber de Joseph [of Arimathea] qui corpus Christi sepelivit. Dominus
Legenda. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 496 liber trium sanctorum regum Coloniae. In vicesimo
Paschasius Radbertus, Saint (785 ̶̶̶̶ 865), abbot of Corbie Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 295 liber de corpore et sanguine Domini. Karissimo suo
Homilies. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 30 i full spell-boc wintres 7 sumres 1327 inventory: 122 liber omeliarum. Passionem 1506 inventory: 181 omelia super evangelium. Dominica prima Corpus Christi 419, 421
Homilies. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 123 alius liber omeliarum. Quum video 1506 inventory: 283 omelie Augustini et aliorum doctorum. Dit ad celum BL Cotton Cleop. B.xiii
Homilies. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 124 tercius liber omeliarum. Igitur quam. Lambeth Palace 489
Orations. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 400 i parvus liber orationum continens summa sacerdos. Sacro tecta
Orations. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 499 liber orationum sive meditationum. Exhortatio
Orations. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 588 i liber orationum cathenatus in eodem desco [altare sancti Johannis evangeliste]
Sentences. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 246 liber sententiarum de dono Willielmi de Molendino. Cupientes 1506 inventory: 50 liber sentantiarum. Quo modo dicitur pater
Sentences. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 247 alius liber sententiarum de dono Henrici archidiaconi Totton
Sentences. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 336 liber sententiarum de dono [Ricardi Germeyn]
Sermons. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 306 sermones diversorum doctorum super epistolis et evangeliis ab adventu Domini usque Pascha. Fratres scientes 1506 inventory: 161 sermones fratris Jacobi. Tuam
Sermons. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 182 liber sermonum. Inscripcio
Sermons. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 304 sermones in festivitatibus sanctorum. Propiciante divinitate 1506 inventory: 214 Matheus in sermonibus. Septenarium
Sermons. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 144 liber sermonum. Duo legimus 1506 inventory: 229 tractatus sermonum cum aliis tractatibus. Bene novi
Sermons. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 230 alius tractatus super sermonibus in evangeliis
Sermons. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 290 liber sermonum. Post tabulam
Angelo Carletti 1411 ̶̶̶̶ 1495. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 513 summa angelica. Absolucione
Burgo, Joannes de (died 1386). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 505 pupilla oculi. Quid si quis
Johannes von Freiburg (died 1314) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 397 liber vocatus summa confessorum. Non erat a Deo
Liber moralium epistolarum Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 94 liber moralium epistolarum quatuor sunt
Lilium sacerdotis. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 345 Lilium Sacerdotis. 2 fo: Eat.
Louviers, Charles ̶̶̶̶ Jacques de (fl. 1376). Also attributed to: J. de Legnano, R. de Presles, and P. de Mezières. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 112 sompnium viridarii. Nobilitas Bodl. ms. Bodl. 338 Bodleian images: fo 001r etc
Marsilius of Padua (1275? – 1342?) ? Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 211 defensorium pacis. Qui ambe
Per Peregrinum. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 232 prima pars tabule theologie qui dicitur per peregrinum. Turbetur
Per Peregrinum. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 233 secunda pars tabule theologie qui dicitur per peregrinum. Abofilis Bodl. ms. Bodl. 268 [=1506:233]
Raymond st, of Peñaforte. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 170 summa pauperum cum catena. Compendium operis 1506 inventory: 398 liber vocatus summa pauperum. Danda sunt
Roger of Waltham (died 1336) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 510 compendium morale. Non semper
Thomas of Ireland (1265? ̶̶̶̶ 1329?). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 339 manipulus florum sine asseribus de dono [Ricardi Germeyn] 1506 inventory: 194 manipulus florum. Ctoris
Summa Actor et reus. Summa Actor et reus, inc. `Audacium improborum'. - F10.55b: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Canon Law. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 28 i canon on leden 1327 inventory: 96 canones apostolorum et canones magni Niceni consilii et aliorum. Episcopus a duobus 1506 inventory: 150 liber de consiliis. Nomina
Canon Law. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 95 breviarium canonum apostolorum in magno volumine. In Ytalia 1506 inventory: 155 canones apostolorum. Tanquam laytus Bodl. ms. Bodl. 810 Bodleian images: fo 001v
Canon Law. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 188 liber vetus quem habent de consuetudine in consistorio ad jurandum [gospels?] 1506 inventory: 24 directorium juris anonici. Transcendi
Canon Law. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 98 canones ecclesiastici sive statuta synodi Myceni. Credimus in unum 1506 inventory: 43 constitucio synodalis
Canon Law. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 68 epistole synodii. Venitur
Canon Law. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 68 epistole synodii. Venitur
Canon Law. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 29 & scrift-boc on englisc (see penitentials)
Decreta. Compilatio 1. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 122 primum volumen. Via ductus
Decreta. Compilatio 1. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 342 primum volumen. Universi cives
Decreta. Compilatio 1. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 599 primum volumen. Justicia est
Decreta. Compilatio 4. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 349 materia super quartum liber decretalium. Alterius
Decreta. Compilatio 6. (Boniface VIII, 1298) Exeter Cathedral. 1 repertorium libri sexti. Pena juria
Decreta. Compilatio 6. (Boniface VIII, 1298) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 138 sextus liber decretalium cum suis doctoribus. Ea que
Decreta. Compilatio 6. (Boniface VIII, 1298) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 21 repertorium libri sexti. Trum per se
Decreta. Compilatio 6. (Boniface VIII, 1298) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 604 liber sextus cum omnibus suis doctoribus. Quibus ad
Decreta. Compilatio 7 (Clementinae, 1314) Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 288 Clementarium papie novum et bonum. Fili 1506 inventory: 139 Clementine. Sunt varie
Decreta. Compilatio 7 (Clementinae, 1314) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 141 Clementine cum doctoribus
Decreta. Compilatio 7 (Clementinae, 1314) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 178 Clementine. Magister gencium
Decreta. Compilatio 7 (Clementinae, 1314) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 603 liber Clementis cum omnibus suis doctoribus. Apostolica
Decretals. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 99 decreta Brucardi, decreta Ivonis, decreta Graciani. Brumconi fideli 1506 inventory: 130 decreta. Ciones remittere
Decretals. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 114 unum par decretalium vetus. Juste judicate 1506 inventory: 131 antiqua compilacio decretalium. Si quis
Decretals. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 115 aliud par decretalium qui eodem modo incipit 1506 inventory: 133 antiqua compilacio. De censibus
Decretals. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 112 decreta sine asseribus, prima distinctio et primum capitulum deficit 1506 inventory: 140 decreta. Obedire
Decretals. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 142 tabula auctoritatum decretorum. Accipe
Decretals. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 285 epistole decretalium 1506 inventory: 146 decretales. Esse credatur
Decretals. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 97 exceptiones ex decretis Romanorum et epistole Clementis pape. Clemens 1506 inventory: 151 excepciones de decretis. Sensus Exeter Cathedral 3512 (Pseudo-Isidore)
Decretals. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 25 decretales. Christi sunt Bodl. ms. Bodl. 291
Decretals. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 286 epistole decretalium philosophia magistri Willielmi de Conchis sine asseribus. Queris 1506 inventory: 372 liber decretalium. Sua
Decretals. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 373 liber decretorum. Quadragesima
Decretals. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 601 decreta. Ta pontificum
Decretals. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 602 decretales. Quelibet earundem
Gratianus (fl. 1140 ̶̶̶̶ 1160) Decretum. - Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 111 decreta Graciani. Humani genus Bodl. ms. Bodl. 290 (decreta Gratiani)
Ivo, Saint (1040? ̶̶̶̶ 1115) bishop of Chartres. Decreta. - Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 100 decreta Ivonis. Excepciones ecclesiatice 1506 inventory: 156 decreta Ivonis. Ecclesie
D2: REGULA, ORDINES Liber ad ordines faciendos. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 268 unus liber ad ordines faciendos. Redemptor
Amalarius of Metz (died 850?) Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 42 liber officialis Amalarii 1327 inventory: 77 liber Amalarii. Postquam scripsi libellum 1506 inventory: 75 collectio Amalarii. Christo Cambridge, Trinity College 241 (B ii 2)
Chrodegang, Saint (died 766), bishop of Metz. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 26 regula canonicorum 1327 inventory: 103 liber de ordine canonicorum. Si trecentorum. Et in eodem volumine alius liber. Obsecro 1506 inventory: 67 liber de vita et ordine canonicorum. Accipiendam Cambridge, Corpus Christi 191
Theodulf (760? ̶̶̶̶ 821), bishop of Orléans Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 102 regula clericorum. Obsecro vos Bodl. ms. Bodl. 865 fos. 89-112. Cambridge, Corpus Christi 201 fos. 179-272
Bartholomew (died 1184), bishop of Exeter Poenitentiale. - SC281.4: Ottery St Mary. College. -
Penitential Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 101 i liber penitencialis. Institucio illa 1506 inventory: 92 liber penitencialis. Si quis Bodl. ms. Bodl. 718 Bodleian images: fo 001r etc
Penitential Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 28-29 i canon on leden & i scrift-boc on englisc (see also canons) 1327 inventory: 303 penitenciale vetus et alia plura cum Anglico in fine. In principio Cambridge, Corpus Christi 190 [English and Latin]
Codex. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 107 unus codex. Hec que necessaria 1506 inventory: 123 Codex. Digestione
Codex. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 149 Codex. Liricum
Codex. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 336 Codex. Ut sciant
Codex. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 597 Codex. Vocabulo
Digestum inforciatum. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 129 digestum inforciatum
Digestum novum. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 132 digestum novum. Ciare nisi
Digestum vetus. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 106 digestum vetus. reipublice 1506 inventory: 127 digestum vetus. Aucte
Justinanus, Flavius Anicus (482? ̶̶̶̶ 565), emperor Justinian I. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 109-110 duo volumina institutorum. In nomine Domini 1506 inventory: 374 liber institucionum. Et precipue
Novellae. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 108 liber novellarum institucionum. In digestis 1506 inventory: 128 liber novellarii. Post kalendas missariis
Giovanni da Legnano (1320? ̶̶̶̶ 1383). De bello. - Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 32 tractatus de bello. Maxime
Lex Ripuaria. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 113 lex Ribuariorum. Si quis ingenuus
Liber de statu regum Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 47 liber de statu regum. O decus
Quesvel, Petrus? Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 13 directorium juris secunda. De con di ii
Statuta regis Anglie Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 514 statuta regis Anglie. Pursuit Dni
Antonius de Butrio (died 1408). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 20 Antoninus de Butrio. Amittitur
Aquinas, Thomas (1225 ̶̶̶̶ 1274), Doctor Angelicus. (?) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 157 prima secunda. Simul
Aquinas, Thomas (1225 ̶̶̶̶ 1274), Doctor Angelicus. (?) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 159 secunda secunde super fratrem Thomam [Aquinas?] Sicut patet
Azo of Bologna (fl. 1150 ̶̶̶̶ 1230), Azo Portius. Summa Codicis and Summa Institutionum (`liber Codicis apparatus'). Pr. Speyer 1482 (GW 3144), &c. - F10.56: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Azo of Bologna (fl. 1150 ̶̶̶̶ 1230), Azo Portius. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 22 Azo in summa. Dominum nostrum
Bernardus (died 1213) Bishop of Pavia. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 538 i liber vocatus casus Bernardini. Cum fuerint
Bromyard, John (died 1352?) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 344 tractatus juris Johannis de Bromyarde. Post tabulam quoque faciat
Cinus de Pistoia (died 1356). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 120 Cinus super codice. Presbiteri
Cinus de Pistoia (died 1356). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 346 Cinus super codex. contingere
Cinus de Pistoia (died 1356). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 609 Cinus super codice. Et Hostiensis
Durandus, Gulielmus (1237 ̶̶̶̶ 1296). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 343 speculum judiciale. Obe Judi
Durandus, Gulielmus (1237 ̶̶̶̶ 1296). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 606 speculum judiciale. Ver illi autem
Durandus, Gulielmus (1237 ̶̶̶̶ 1296). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 9 speculum judiciale. Semper
Faber, Johannes (1478 ̶̶̶̶ 1541). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 10 repertorium Johannis Faber super codice. Li dubium
Gratianus (fl. 1140 ̶̶̶̶ 1160) Decretum (`cum apparatu'). [The ordinary gloss on the Decretum is that of Iohannes Teutonicus, revised in the mid 13th cent. by Bartholomew of Brescia: pr. Venice 1605.] F10.51: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Gratianus (fl. 1140 ̶̶̶̶ 1160) Decretum (`sine apparatu') F10.52: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Gratianus (fl. 1140 ̶̶̶̶ 1160) Decretum. - A27.5: Plympton. Augustinian. -
Gregory IX (1148? ̶̶̶̶ 1241) pope, Ugolino da Segni. Decretales (`cum apparatu'). F10.54: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Guido de Baysio (died 1313), Archidiaconus. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 124 Archidiaconus in rosario. Preceptum
Guido de Baysio (died 1313), Archidiaconus. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 137 Archidiaconus in rosariis. Questio
Guido de Baysio (died 1313), Archidiaconus. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 16 Archidiaconus in rosario. Et dic quod
Henricus de Segusio (died 1271), bishop of Ostia. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 121 Hostiensis super primo et secundo libro decretalium. Servat dicitur
Henricus de Segusio (died 1271), bishop of Ostia. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 125 Hostiensis in summa. Que vocatur
Henricus de Segusio (died 1271), bishop of Ostia. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 120-121 Ostiensis in duobus voluminibus. Receptus de domino Johanne episcopo in escambio pro duabus Bibliis in duobus voluminibus 1506 inventory: 4 prima pars Hostiensis. De Jud
Henricus de Segusio (died 1271), bishop of Ostia. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 5 secunda pars Hostiensis. Si renumerandi
Henricus de Segusio (died 1271), bishop of Ostia. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 605 Hostiensis in summa. Gei processerunt
Hugo de Fleury (fl.1109 ̶̶̶̶ 1118). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 40 Hugonis. Trix cio
Huguccio de Pisa (died 1210), Hugucius. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 143 Hugucius super decreta. Agat
Huguccio de Pisa (died 1210), Hugucius. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 600 Hugucius super decreta. Omne preceptum
Innocent IV (1190? ̶̶̶̶ 1254), pope, Sinibaldo Fieschi. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 144 Innocencius. Melius quam hoc
Innocent IV (1190? ̶̶̶̶ 1254), pope, Sinibaldo Fieschi. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 2 Innocencis super decretales Discerem
Innocent IV (1190? ̶̶̶̶ 1254), pope, Sinibaldo Fieschi. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 528 i liber conclusionum Innocencii. Expressa ex tenore
Innocent IV (1190? ̶̶̶̶ 1254), pope, Sinibaldo Fieschi. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 607 Innocencius. Tificari
Innocent IV (1190? ̶̶̶̶ 1254), pope, Sinibaldo Fieschi. Exeter Cathedral.
Jacobus de Ravenna (fl. 1465). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 11 Jacobus de Ravenna super codice. Natura cum
Johannes Andeae (1275? ̶̶̶̶ 1348), Giovanni d'Andrea. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 153 Johannes in novella. Declarata
Johannes Andeae (1275? ̶̶̶̶ 1348), Giovanni d'Andrea. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 17 prima pars Johannis in novella. Que est
Johannes Andeae (1275? ̶̶̶̶ 1348), Giovanni d'Andrea. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 18 secunda pars Johannis in novella. Jurgium Bodl. ms. Bodl. 256 (=1506:18)
Johannes Andeae (1275? ̶̶̶̶ 1348), Giovanni d'Andrea. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 31 Johannes in addicionibus. Ar ut nostrum
Johannes Andeae (1275? ̶̶̶̶ 1348), Giovanni d'Andrea. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 6 addiciones Johannis Andree super speculo juris. Judicis
Lyndwood, William (1375? ̶̶̶̶ 1446). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 494 Lynwood. Et in L
Lyndwood, William (1375? ̶̶̶̶ 1446). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 7 prima pars libri provincialis W.Lynwood. Publicavi
Lyndwood, William (1375? ̶̶̶̶ 1446). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 8 secunda pars libri provincialis W.Lynwood. De ea
Mandagotus, Gulielmus (died 1321). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 12 Mandagote. Eo qui primo invenit
Martinus Oppaviensis (1208? ̶̶̶̶ 1278), archbishop of Gnesen. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 3 tabula Martiniana. Quod
Mauritius Hibernicus (fl. 1248). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 333 distinctiones fratris Mauriciii de dono Ricardi Germeyn. Abjecto 1506 inventory: 183 distinctiones fratris Mauricii. Post tabulam eum
Milis, Johannes Nicolaus de (fl. 1430 ̶̶̶̶ 1450?) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 512 i liber vocatus repertorium Johannis Myles. Et idem
Nicholaus de Gorran (died 1295?) Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 334 distinctiones fratris Nicholai seu Goroni de dono [Ricardi Germeyn] 1506 inventory: 191 distinctiones Nicholai Gorami. Ut sustenetur
Otto and Octobonus (fl. 1237 ̶̶̶̶ 1268). Papal legates Oddone di Monferrato, Cardinal and Ottobuono de' Fieschi, Cardinal (later Pope Adrian V) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 498 liber constitucionum Octonis et Octoboni cum glossa Johannis de Aton. Dicione
Paull, William (died 1332), Gulielmus de Pagula. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 119 summa summarum. De censibus
Paull, William (died 1332), Gulielmus de Pagula. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 34 summa summarum. De magistris Bodl. ms. Bodl. 293
Rambertus de Bononia (died 1308). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 19 Albertinus de Bononia. Alia quo
Révigny, Jacques de (1230? ̶̶̶̶ 1296)? Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 27 lectura Jacobi justicie [Lectura de actionibus?]
Tedeschi, Niccolò (1386 ̶̶̶̶ 1445), archbishop of Palermo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 350 Abbas super i° libro decretalium. Sentitio. Impressorie artis
Tedeschi, Niccolò (1386 ̶̶̶̶ 1445), archbishop of Palermo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 351 prima pars Abbatis super ii°decretalium. Ut cum. Idem
Tedeschi, Niccolò (1386 ̶̶̶̶ 1445), archbishop of Palermo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 352 Abbas super vi° et v° decretalium. Ubi. Idem
Tedeschi, Niccolò (1386 ̶̶̶̶ 1445), archbishop of Palermo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 353 tercia pars Abbatis super secundo. Hec lec. Idem
Tedeschi, Niccolò (1386 ̶̶̶̶ 1445), archbishop of Palermo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 354 Abbas super tercio liber decretalium. Gis debent. Idem
Ubaldis, Petrus de (died 1400) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 15 repertorium Petri. Procurris
Ubaldis, Petrus de (died 1400) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 26 repertorium Baldi super Innocenium. Solvendo
E: CHURCH FATHERS (to c.600)
Ambrosius, Saint (died 397). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 58 de misteriis. Ex moralibus, et in eodem volumine liber Guymundi de corpore et sanguini Domini 1506 inventory: 238 Ambrosius super Lucam. Virtutum
Ambrosius, Saint (died 397). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 54 de Gracianum imperatorem de fide. Regina austri 1506 inventory: 242 Ambrosius ad Gratianum de fide. Errore Bodl. ms. Bodl. 739 Bodleian images: fo 001v etc
Ambrosius, Saint (died 397). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 50 super epistolas Pauli. Principia rerum 1506 inventory: 245 Ambrosius super epistolas Pauli. Bat liberare
Ambrosius, Saint (died 397). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 57 super Ysaa et anima. In patre nobis 1506 inventory: 246 Ambrosius de Ysaia et aliis. Studio Bodl. ms. Bodl. 94
Ambrosius, Saint (died 397). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 250 Ambrosius in exposicione Psalterii. Videtur
Ambrosius, Saint (died 397). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 51 de officiis ministrorum. Non arrogans 1506 inventory: 253 Ambrosius de officiis ministrorum. Quod ipse Bodl. ms. Bodl. 92
Ambrosius, Saint (died 397). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 55 Apollogia. Apollogiam prophete 1506 inventory: 257 Apollogia Ambrosii. Qui Domino Bodl. ms. Bodl. 137 Bodleian images: fo 001r
Ambrosius, Saint (died 397). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 49 Hexameron. Tantum he opiniones 1506 inventory: 326 liber exameron. Et judicat Bodl. ms. Bodl. 206
Ambrosius, Saint (died 397). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 52 de sacris. De moralibus
Ambrosius, Saint (died 397). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 53 de expositionibus beati immaculati justicia
Ambrosius, Saint (died 397). Exeter Cathedral.
Andrononicus (?). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 287 Andrononicus super Genesim. Cum superna
Athanasius (296? ̶̶̶̶ 373), bishop of Alexandria. De trinitate. - Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 25 liber Athanasii episcopi de Trinitate. Tu unus Deus 1506 inventory: 175 liber Athanasii. Trinitas Bodl. ms. Bodl. 147 (pseudo-Athanasius) Bodleian images: fo 023v etc
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. Ad Orosium contra Priscillianistas CPL 327. F10.12g: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. De correptione et gratia. - F10.12o: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. De doctrina christiana. - F10.12a: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. De duabus animabus. - F10.12f: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. De gratia et libero arbitrio. - F10.12n: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. De haeresibus. - F10.12j: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. De immortalitate animae. - F10.12r: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. De libero arbitrio. - F10.12i: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. De natura boni. - F10.12q: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. De natura et gratia. - F10.12l: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. De perfectione iustitiae hominis. - F10.12k: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. De praesentia Dei (ep. 187). - F10.12e: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. Enchiridion. - F10.12d: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. Epistulae ad Valentinum (epp. 214–15) (`ad Valentinum'. - F10.12m: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. Meditationes de spiritu sancto. - F10.15d: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine Saint, (354 ̶̶̶̶ 430) Bishop of Hippo. Retractationes. - F10.12h: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 224 epistola Augustini ad Julianum comitem. Et factis
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 256 omelie sancti Augustini super evangelia. Carnis
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 10 epistole. Domine illustri 1506 inventory: 258 epistole beati Augustini. Post tabulam voluptas Bodl. ms. Bodl.274
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 259 Augustini de baptismo parvulorum. Illud
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 9 de civitate Dei. Longissimam civitatem 1506 inventory: 260 Augustinus de civitate Dei. Ut effulgerent Bodl. ms. Bodl. 691 Bodleian images: fo 011r etc
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 1-3 super psalterium tres volumina Aurelii Augustini 1506 inventory: 261 Aurelius Augustinus super exposicionem Psalmi ... Abimelech Bodl. ms. Bodl. 289
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 262 Aurelius Augustinus de ecclesiasticis dogmatibus. Ornatus Bodl. ms. Bodl. 150
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 12 de verbis Domini. Audivimus 1506 inventory: 263 Augustinus de verbis Domini. Post tabulam numquid vitat Bodl. ms. Bodl. 229
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 4 de consensu evangelist arum. Per eosdem annos 1506 inventory: 264 Augustinus de consensu evangeliste. Munere Bodl. ms. Bodl. 148
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 21 de verbis Domini. Agite penetentiam 1506 inventory: 265 Augustinus de verbis Domini cum aliis tractatibus. Post tabulam solet
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 266 Aurelius Augustinus in exposicione Psalterii ... Deus Bodl. ms. Bodl. 272 Bodleian images: fo 276v
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 267 tercia pars Aurelii Augustini ... Auditur Bodl. ms. Bodl. 273
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 20 de bono conjugali. Unusquisque 1506 inventory: 268 Augustinus de linea conjugali. Presertim
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 6 contra Faustum. Faustus quidam 1506 inventory: 269 Augustinus contra Faustum Manicheum. Quid non Bodl. ms. Bodl. 135 Bodleian images: fo 112r
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 270 sermones Augustini. Post tabulam ambula
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 22 confessionum. Magnus es Domine 1506 inventory: 271 Augustini confessiones. Propter Bodl. ms. Bodl. 815
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 272 Augustini confessiones. Zelas
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 15 de libro retractionum. Tam dudum 1506 inventory: 272 liber Augustini retractionum
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 13 de moribus ecclesie. In aliis libris 1506 inventory: 274 Augustinus de moribus ecclesie. Tingit
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 23 contra Felicianum. Extorsisti 1506 inventory: 275 Augustinus contra Felicianum Arianum. Ne id Bodl. ms. Bodl. 201 (by Vigilius Tapsensis)
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 276 Augustinus contra hereticos. Racio
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 24 Enchiridion. Dici non potest 1506 inventory: 277 liber encheiridion. Quid intersit Bodl. ms. Bodl. 149
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 19 contra mendacium. Multa michi 1506 inventory: 278 Aurelius Augustinus contra mendacium Bodl. ms. Bodl. 804
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 16 de lapsu mundi. Omnis homo 1506 inventory: 279 sermones beati Augustini de lapsu mundi. Quia tu Bodl. ms. Bodl. 93
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 17 de symbolo. Accipite regulam 1506 inventory: 280 Augustinus de simbolo. Quidam
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 11 exceptiones Flori super epistolas Pauli de libris Augustini. Paulus apostolus 1506 inventory: 281 excepciones Flory super epistolas Pauli. Paulus Bodl. ms. Bodl. 237
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 5 super evangelium Johannis. In nomine Domini 1506 inventory: 286 Augustinus super evangelium Johannis. Jesus quia Bodl. ms. Bodl. 301 Bodleian images: fo 004r etc
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 7 super epistolas S. Johannis. Meminit sanctitas 1506 inventory: 305 Augustinus super epistolas Johannis. Quibus sanum Bodl. ms. Bodl. 813 Bodleian images: fo 028r etc
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 277 Aurelius super Johannem glosatum. In principio 1506 inventory: 509 liber Augustini super Johannem. Meum a Domino. Ex dono mag. Tho. Kyrkkby
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 18 retractionium epistola. Jam diu 1506 inventory: 82 Augustinus retractionum. In noticiam
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 8 confessionum. Confessionum 1506 inventory: 83 confessio Augustini. Summe Lambeth Palace 203 (?)
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 96 Aurelius. Redit
Augustine, Saint (353 ̶̶̶̶ 430), Bishop of Hippo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 14 de ordine rerum. Ordinem rerum
Caesarius, Saint (470?–542), archbishop of Arles De igne purgatorio (serm. 179; ps. Augustine serm. 104) (attrib. Augustine). F10.15a: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Caesarius, Saint (470?–542), archbishop of Arles De igne purgatorio (serm. 179; ps. Augustine serm. 104) (attrib. Augustine) F10.12b: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Caesarius, Saint (470?–542), archbishop of Arles Homiliae X ad monachos a group common in English manuscripts, comprising seven sermons of Caesarius, a letter of Caesarius, a Eusebian sermon, and ps. Augustine, De tribus habitaculis (attributed to Patrick of Dublin). A28.2: Plympton. Augustinian. -
Caesarius, Saint (470?–542), archbishop of Arles Sententiarum libri IV. Printed: [Strassburg, before 1471] (Goff P479), &c. - F10.12c: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Cassianus, Johannes (360? ̶̶̶̶ 435?) Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 105 liber de institutione monachorum. Veteris 1506 inventory: 60 liber de institucione monachorum. Sufficiat Bodl. Auct. D. infra 2.9.
Chrysostom, Johannes, Saint (347? ̶̶̶̶ 407) Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 244 libellus Johannis Crisostomi. Quis dabit 1506 inventory: 292 omelie Chrysostomi super Matheum. Matrimonio
Clement, Saint (died 99), Bishop of Rome. Recognitiones, tr. Rufinus pr. Paris 1504, Basel 1526 (Adams C2124) Ps. Z8.2: Ford. Cistercians. -
Dionysius, Saint, (fl. 52 ̶̶̶̶ 96), the Areopagite De caelesti hierarchia (`librum ierarchie') Ps. SC220.8: Crediton. College. -
Dionysius, Saint, (fl. 52 ̶̶̶̶ 96), the Areopagite Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 74 Dionisius ierarchia in quaternis multis
Ephraem, Saint (306? ̶̶̶̶ 373), Syrus Opera CPL 1143. (`sex libri beati Effrem ad monachos') Ps. A28.2c: Plympton. Augustinian. -
Eusebius (264? ̶̶̶̶ 340). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 87 ecclesiastica historia Eusebii. Perceorum 1506 inventory: 203 ecclesiastica historia Eusebii. Suscepta
Eusebius (264? ̶̶̶̶ 340). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 222 ecclesiastica cum Africana historia
Eusebius Gallicanus (fl. 400/490). Homiliae X ad monachos (serm. 36–45). - A28.2b: Plympton. Augustinian. -
Fulgentius (468 ̶̶̶̶ 533), bishop of Ruspe. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 252 Fulgencius. Prolis
Gregorius, Saint (538 ̶̶̶̶ 594), bishop of Tours. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 142 historia Britonum. Cum mecum multa 1506 inventory: 225 Gregorii Turonensis. Tate Trinity Coll. 1475
Gregorius, Saint (538 ̶̶̶̶ 594), bishop of Tours. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 305 Historia Britonum. A principio mundi
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Homiliae XL in euangelia CPL 1711; pr. [Augsburg] 1473 (GW 11418), &c. (`omelie Gregorii') F10.14c: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Moralia in Iob. - Z16.2: Newenham. Cistercians. -
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 27-28 duo libri omeliarum Gregorii. Dominus ac redemptor noster 1506 inventory: 180 omelie Gregorii. Ispe ait
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 30 in primam partem Ezechiel. Dei omnipotentis 1506 inventory: 188 Gregorius in prima parte Ezechiel. Preterito Bodl. ms. Bodl. 707 Bodleian images: fo 001r etc
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 29 quadraginta omelie. Exiit edictum vel quia 1506 inventory: 190 libri quadraginta omeliarum Gregorii. Post tabulam Bodl. ms. Bodl. 314
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 25-26 duo volumina moralium Gregorii super Job quorum unum Quociens et aliud Dudum te frater 1506 inventory: 205 prima pars moralium Gregorii. Adulta Bodl. ms. Bodl. 683 Bodleian images: fo 217v
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 206 secunda pars moralium Gregorii. Hic indicitur Bodl. ms. Bodl. 253
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 31 registrum Gregorii. Credo in unum Deum 1506 inventory: 212 registrum Gregorii. Tam glorie Bodl. ms. Bodl. 193 Bodleian images: fo 001r
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 34 tertius dialogus qui eodem modo incipit 1506 inventory: 215 liber dialogorum Gregorii. Quia Bodl. ms. Bodl. 783 Bodleian images: fo 003v etc
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 216 penitenciale Gregorii. Post tabulam filiorum
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 339 dialogus beati Gregorii. Extincti filii
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 495 liber pastoralium Gregorii. Amare hinc
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 38 liber pastoralis 1327 inventory: 35 tres pastorales Gregorii in tribus voluminibus 1506 inventory: 52 pastorale Gregorii pape. Quod aliter Bodl. ms. Bodl. 708 (=1072: 38)
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 39 liber dialogorum 1327 inventory: 32 dialogus Gregorii. Qualem die 1506 inventory: 58 dialogus Gregorii. Quamvis videmus Bodl. ms. Bodl. 190 (not 1072: 39)
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 61 liber pastoralium. Putridam
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 33 alter dialogus qui eodem modo incipit 1506 inventory: 62 dialogus Gregorii. Jam nec Bodl. ms. Bodl. 230 (not 1072: 39)
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 64 pastorale Gregorii. Et dissimulacionis Cambridge U.L. Ii.2.4.(Pastoral care in English)
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 37a duo penitenciales Gregorii. In ordinacione 1506 inventory: 92 liber penitencialis. Si quis Bodl. ms. Bodl. 311 (=1506: 92) Bodleian images: fo 001r
Gregorius, Saint (540?–604), pope Gregory the Great. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 213 liber pastoralium. Quod aliter
Hegesippus, Saint (110? ̶̶̶̶ 180). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 86 Egesippus. Quatuor libros 1506 inventory: 88 historia Egesippi. Buere
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), archbishop of Seville. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 67 ad Florentinum. Judei nepharia 1506 inventory: 236 Ysidorus ad Florentinum. De latere Bodl. ms. Bodl. 394 (=1072: 34?)
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), archbishop of Seville. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 53 liber Isidori de novo et veteri testamento 1327 inventory: 69 super Genesym. Ystoria sacre legis 1506 inventory: 293 Ysidorus super Genesim et alius liber de nativitate
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), archbishop of Seville. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [70 de naturis rerum, vide Hrabanus Maurus] 1506 inventory: 295 Ysidorus de natura rerum. Post tabulam ex multitudine
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), archbishop of Seville. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 65 etymoligiarum. In nomine 1506 inventory: 36 Ysidorus ethimologiarum. Novus Bodl. ms. Bodl. 239 Bodleian images: fo 002v etc
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), archbishop of Seville. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 52 liber Isidori ethimologarium 1327 inventory: 66 etymoligiarum. Domine meo 1506 inventory: 39 Ysidorus ethimologiarum. Radicitus
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), archbishop of Seville. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 34 liber Isidori de miraculis Christi 1327 inventory: 68 ad Florentinum de miraculis Christi. Quia Christus 1506 inventory: 54 liber de miraculis Christi. Quare mortuus Bodl. ms. Bodl. 319 (=1072: 34?)
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), archbishop of Seville. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 72 Ysidorus ethimologiarum. Hostiam
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), archbishop of Seville. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 71 super Exodum. Hec sunt nomina
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), archbishop of Seville. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 59 liber Oserii 1327 inventory: 72 Oserius de Deo et superioribus creaturis Sciendum est
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), archbishop of Seville. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 73 de interpretacione nominum Eton College ms. 97 (Pseudo-Isidorus)
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), archbishop of Seville. Exeter Cathedral. Bodl. ms. Bodl. 393 (de summo bono)
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), bishop of Seville De uiris illustribus CPL 1206; Diaz 114. Z8.9: Ford. Cistercians. -
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), bishop of Seville Etymologiae. - F10.46: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Isidore, Saint (560? ̶̶̶̶ 636), bishop of Seville Etymologiae. - Z16.3: Newenham. Cistercians. -
Jerome, Saint (340? ̶̶̶̶ 420). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 42 epistole Jeronimi in magno volumine. Credimus in Deum 1506 inventory: 234 epistole beati Jeronimi presbiteri. Post tabulam lueram
Jerome, Saint (340? ̶̶̶̶ 420). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 48 de viris illustribus. Hortaris 1506 inventory: 235 Hieronimus de viris illustribus. Rant evang
Jerome, Saint (340? ̶̶̶̶ 420). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 46 de distantiis locorum. Eusebius 1506 inventory: 237 Hieronimus de distancia locorum. Dicebatur Bodl. ms. Bodl. 382 Bodleian images: fo 024v
Jerome, Saint (340? ̶̶̶̶ 420). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 239 epistole Jeronimi. Vel vita
Jerome, Saint (340? ̶̶̶̶ 420). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 39 super Ysaiam in majore volumine qui eodem modo incipit 1506 inventory: 240 Hieronimus super Ysayam. Ejusque sapiencia
Jerome, Saint (340? ̶̶̶̶ 420). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 40 super Osee in quaternis Dominum prophetarum 1506 inventory: 247 diversi tractatus Hieronimi in uno libro. Ve inquit Bodl. ms. Bodl. 808 (commentaries on Bible) Bodleian images: fo. v
Jerome, Saint (340? ̶̶̶̶ 420). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 41 super quibusdam capitulis quaternis evangeliorum. Et factum est 1506 inventory: 251 Hieronimus de quibusdam capitulis iv evangeliorum. Quid est
Jerome, Saint (340? ̶̶̶̶ 420). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 45 contra Ebraicarum. Qui principio 1506 inventory: 254 Hieronimus questionum Ebraicarum. Proferunt
Jerome, Saint (340? ̶̶̶̶ 420). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 319 opus quodam sancti Hieronimi. Post tabulam parit
Jerome, Saint (340? ̶̶̶̶ 420). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 43 vitas patrum. Inter multos 1506 inventory: 56 vita patrum. In alia solitudine [by Rufinus?]
Jerome, Saint (340? ̶̶̶̶ 420). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 38 super Ysaiam in minore volumine. Expletis 1506 inventory: 84 Hieronimus super Ysayam. Apostatrices Bodl. ms. Bodl. 717 Bodleian images: fo 002r etc
Jerome, Saint (340? ̶̶̶̶ 420). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 44 contra Jovinianum. Quod sancti Bodl. ms. Bodl. 394
Jerome, Saint (340? ̶̶̶̶ 420). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 47 Pammachio. Sanctus aliquis
John Chrysostom (347?–407), patriarch of Constantinople [pseud.] F10.13: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Orosius, Paulus (375? ̶̶̶̶ 418). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 88 Orosius in septem peciis quaternis. Orosius presbiter 1506 inventory: 95 Orosius de historia mundi. Aut ictibus
Prosper, Saint (390? ̶̶̶̶ 455), of Aquitaine, Prosper Aquitanus. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 45 liber Prosperi 1327 inventory: 310 liber Prosperi
Prosper, Saint (390? ̶̶̶̶ 455), of Aquitaine, Prosper Aquitanus. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 311 consimilis liber Prosperii sine asseribus
Rufinus, Tyrannius (died 410), Rufinus of Aquileia. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 64a liber de sanctis patribus 1506 inventory: [56 vita patrum, see Jerome]
Vigilius (fl. 480 ̶̶̶̶ 500). bishop of Thapsus. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [see Athanasius, Augustine]
Africanus, Sextus Julius (160? ̶̶̶̶ 240?) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: [222 See Eusebius]
Arator (died 544) Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 63 liber Aratoris 1327 inventory: 237 Arator Prosper Sedulius. Inter florigeras
Aristotle (384–322 BCE) Logica uetus (`textus ueteris logice'). Comprised – a. the Isagoge of Porphyrius, tr. Boethius. b. Aristotle's Categoriae (usually called Praedicamenta), tr. Boethius. c. his De interpretatione (usually called Peri ermenias), tr. Boethius. d. Liber sex principiorum (attrib. to Aristotle, perh. by Gilbert de la Porrée). e. Boethius, Liber diuisionum. f. Boethius, De differentiis topicis. F10.64: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Aristotle (384–322 BCE) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 77 methafisica Aristotelis. Res enim
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus (480?–524). Philosophiae consolatio. - Z16.10: Newenham. Cistercians. -
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus (480?–524). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 233 Partes Boecii in uno quaterno. Domino patri 1506 inventory: 55 musica Boetii. Recte linee
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus (480?–524). Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 41 liber Boetii de consolatione 1327 inventory: 232 Boecius consolationis. Boecius iste 1506 inventory: 94 Boecius de consolacione. Natura Bodl. Auct. F.1.15 (=1072: 41)
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus (480?–524). Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 31 Boeties boc on Englisc
Cicero, M. Tullius Cicero (106–43 BCE). De amicitia. - Z16.11: Newenham. Cistercians. -
Cicero, M. Tullius Cicero (106–43 BCE). De senectute. - Z16.12: Newenham. Cistercians. -
Cicero, M. Tullius Cicero (106–43 BCE). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 65 sompnus Scypionis. Tum mortis
Curtius Rufus, Quintus (fl. 50 CE?) Historia Alexandri magni, tr. Julius Valerius (`Alexandri'). [The title Gesta Alexandri magni usually comprises this text with Epistola Alexandri ad Aristotelem de situ Indiae; it may also refer to Historia de proeliis.] SC220.3: Crediton. College. -
Euclid (fl.330 ̶̶̶̶ 275 BCE) Exeter Cathedral. Exeter Cathedral 3503
Josephus (37 ̶̶̶̶ 100?). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 83 Josephus magnus. Josephus Mathie filius 1506 inventory: 317 Josephus de bello Judaico. Corum
Josephus (37 ̶̶̶̶ 100?). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 84 Josephus parvus. Quam bellum 1506 inventory: 320 Josephus. Restisset
Lucanus, M. Annaeus (39–65). De bello ciuili. - SC220.1: Crediton. College. -
Martianus (died 490) Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 300 liber Marciani Ventus ut 1506 inventory: 63 Martianus grammaticus.
Martianus (died 490) Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 280 Marchianus de vii artibus. Titulus iste 1506 inventory: 98 Martianus de septimis artibus. Habent
Palladius, Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus (fl. 375 ̶̶̶̶ 425?) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 165 Palladius de agricultura. Utilis semper
Persius (died 62). Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 62 liber Persii 1327 inventory: 238 liber Persii Bodl. Auct. F.1.15
Plinius Secundus, Gaius (23 – 79), Pliny the Elder. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 85 Plinius de naturali historia. Plinius 1506 inventory: 100 Plinius de naturali historia. Tror et plenum
Porphirius (died 304). Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 43 Isagoge Porphirii de dialectica
Priscian [fl. 500] De constructione (Institutiones grammaticae XVII–XVIII). - F10.48: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Prudentius (died 410) Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 46 liber Prudentii sicomachie 1327 inventory: 234 Prudentii plurima opuscula. Per quinquennia 1506 inventory: 76 plurima Prudentii opuscula in i libro. Ne mens Bodl. Auct. F.3.6 (=1072:46-48)
Prudentius (died 410) Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 47 Prudentii ymnorum 1327 inventory: 235 liber ejusdem. Senex fidelis
Prudentius (died 410) Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 48 Prudentii de martyribus (on anre boc) 1327 inventory: 236 alius glosatus. Senex fidelis
Sedulius (fl. 450). Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 62 Sedulies boc 1327 inventory: 308 liber Sedulii. Domino meo sancto 1506 inventory: 59 Sedulius. Quos gracia
Sidonius, Gaius Sollius Modestus Apollinaris (430? ̶̶̶̶ 489), Saint Sidonius Apollinaris. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 93 Sydonius. Domini precipis
Solinus, Gaius Julius (fl. 200/250). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 92 Julius Solinus. Cum et aurum 1506 inventory: 78 liber Solini. Ambiguitatem Bodl. Auct. F.3.7
Statius (died 96). Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 65 glose Statii 1327 inventory: 239 glosa antiqua super magnum Statium
Vegetius Renatus, Publius Flavius (fl. 350/400). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 89 duo Vegecii in septem peciis quaternis. Antiquiis temporibus 1506 inventory: 166 Vegetius de re militari. Infestum est
Vergilius Maro, P (70–19 BCE). Opera. - SC220.2: Crediton. College. -
G: LATER WRITERS (from c.600)
Acton, John (died 1350) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 152 Johannes Athon. Et depravit
Acton, John (died 1350) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 30 Johannes Aton. In hoc
Alberic of London (fl. 1160/1200), perhaps Canon of Saint Paul's. Poetarius siue Scintillarium poetarum pr. Paris 1520. - A28.3: Plympton. Augustinian. -
Alcuin (734 ̶̶̶̶ 804) Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 79 liber Alcuinii Wydoni comiti. Dilectissimo filio 1506 inventory: 117 Alcuinus. Wydani. De sapiencia
Alcuin (734 ̶̶̶̶ 804) Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 78 liber Alcuini de Trinitate. Domino glorioso 1506 inventory: 196 liber Aldwini de Trinitate. Neque eum
Aldhelm (died709) Exeter Cathedral. BL Royal 6 B vii (?)
Alexander of Hales (1185? ̶̶̶̶ 1245), Doctor Irrefragibilis. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 168 summa Ales. Christiani
Alexander, Abbas (?) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 332 Alexander abbas de partibus veteris ac novi testamenti. Esset barbarismus
al-Qabîsî, Abû al-Saqr 'Abd al-̶'Azîz ibn'Uthmân ibn 'Alî (died 967). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 87 introductorium Algabrici ad judicia astrorum. Concordare Bodl. ms. Bodl. 463
Ambrosius Autpertus (730? ̶̶̶̶ 784) [or Alcuin (735? ̶̶̶̶ 804)]. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 66 liber de viciis et virtutibus. Quod nequaquam
Angelomus Luxoviensis (died 855?) Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 76 liber Angelomi super regum. Incipit prefacio 1506 inventory: 323 expositio super tres libros regum. Intimatur
Anselm, Saint (1033?–1109), archbishop of Canterbury Orationes and Meditationes. Manuscript collections varied widely and usually comprised both authentic and pseudonymous texts. - F10.15c: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Anselm, Saint (1033?–1109), archbishop of Canterbury Similitudines Anselmi. This is much commoner than the arguably authentic (but posthumously edited), Liber Anselmi de humanis moribus. - F10.15e: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Anselm, Saint (1033?–1109), archbishop of Canterbury Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 81 libellus Anselmi. Reverendo 1506 inventory: 199 tractatus Anselmi. Quid sit
Anselm, Saint (1033?–1109), archbishop of Canterbury Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 82 liber de corpore Domini. Legis 1506 inventory: 399 i presbiteris liber de meditacionibus beati Anselmi. Virginis gloriose
Anselm, Saint (1033?–1109), archbishop of Canterbury Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 80 plures libri Anselmi in uno volumine. Tres tractatus 1506 inventory: 80 liber Amselmi. Me Exeter Cathedral 3520
Anselm, Saint (1033?–1109), archbishop of Canterbury Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 274 psalterium Anselmi glosatum, brevis glosature
Aquinas, Thomas (1225 ̶̶̶̶ 1274), Doctor Angelicus. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 160 Thomas de Aquino. Questio
Aquinas, Thomas (1225 ̶̶̶̶ 1274), Doctor Angelicus. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 331-2 Alquinus super evangeliis in duobus voluminibus de dono magistri Thome de Lechlade 1506 inventory: 282 Thomas super Matheum. Quia Bodl. ms. Bodl. 377, 380 (form one set) Bodleian images: fo 242r
Aquinas, Thomas (1225 ̶̶̶̶ 1274), Doctor Angelicus. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 287 Thomas super Johannem et Lucam. Est qui
Balbus, Johannes (died 1298?), of Genoa, Januensis. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 344 liber grammaticalis qui dicitur Catholicon de dono Walteri de Stapledon episcopi 1506 inventory: 502 Januensis in suo catholicon. Imitantur
Bartholomaeus Anglicus (1203? ̶̶̶̶ 1272) De proprietatibus rerum. Printed: Frankfurt 1601. - F10.33: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Bartholomaeus Anglicus (1203? ̶̶̶̶ 1272) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 186 Bartholomaeus de proprietatibus rerum. Adjectiva
Bartholomaeus Anglicus (1203? ̶̶̶̶ 1272) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 85 Bartholomaeus de proprietatibus rerum. Essencia Bodl. ms. Bodl. 749
Bartholomaeus Pisanus (1338? ̶̶̶̶ 1401) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 33 summa Bartholomei. Absolvere Bodl. ms. Bodl. 736
Bartholomew (died 1184), bishop of Exeter [owner?]. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 144 liber sermonum. Duo legimus 1506 inventory: 200 sermones Bartholomei Desunt Bodl. ms. Bodl. 449
Bartholomew (died 1184), bishop of Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 141 dialogus Bartolomei episcopi contra Judeos 1506 inventory: 69 dialogus Bartholomei Exon episcopi. Vilegium Bodl. ms. Bodl. 482
Bede, Saint (673?–735), the Venerable, monk of Wearmouth–Jarrow. Nomina regionum et locorum de Actibus Apostolorum. - Z3.13: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Bede, Saint (673?–735), the Venerable, monk of Wearmouth–Jarrow. Vita S. Cuthberti. - F10.43: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Bede, Saint (673?–735), the Venerable, monk of Wearmouth–Jarrow. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 118 Bede de gestis Anglorum. Scripsimus
Bede, Saint (673?–735), the Venerable, monk of Wearmouth–Jarrow. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 56 expositio Bede super evangelium Luce 1506 inventory: 187 Bede super Lucam. Non hec Bodl. ms. Bodl. 732. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 41
Bede, Saint (673?–735), the Venerable, monk of Wearmouth–Jarrow. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 58 expositio Bede super vii epistolas canonicas 1327 inventory: 59 super epistolas canonicas. Jacobus 1506 inventory: 209 Beda super epistolas canonicales. Epistolam Bodl. ms. Bodl. 849
Bede, Saint (673?–735), the Venerable, monk of Wearmouth–Jarrow. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 61 de temporibus. Naturas rerum 1506 inventory: 210 Bede de temporalibus. Naturas rerum
Bede, Saint (673?–735), the Venerable, monk of Wearmouth–Jarrow. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 64 de ecclesiastica ystoria gestis Anglorum. De situ Britannie 1506 inventory: 217 ecclesiastica Bede. Digna Edinburgh N.L. Adv. 18.5.1.
Bede, Saint (673?–735), the Venerable, monk of Wearmouth–Jarrow. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 60 de tabernaculis. Locuturi 1506 inventory: 226 expositio Bede de tabernaculo. In figura Bodl. ms. Bodl. 479
Bede, Saint (673?–735), the Venerable, monk of Wearmouth–Jarrow. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 57 expositio Bede super apocalipsim 1327 inventory: 63 super apocalipsim. Apocalipsim 1506 inventory: 63 expositio super apocalipsim. Transituri Lambeth Palace 149 fo. 1-138
Bede, Saint (673?–735), the Venerable, monk of Wearmouth–Jarrow. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 62 de temporibus. De temporum racione
Bede, Saint (673?–735), the Venerable, monk of Wearmouth–Jarrow. Exeter Cathedral.
Bernard, Saint (1090–1153), abbot of Clairvaux Meditationes piissimae de cognitione humanae conditionis [pseud.] . - F10.15b: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Bernard, Saint (1090–1153), abbot of Clairvaux Sermones super Cantica canticorum SBO vols. 1–2. F10.11: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Bernard, Saint (1090–1153), abbot of Clairvaux Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 301 sermones Bernardi abbatis. Hodie fratres 1506 inventory: 193 sermones Bernardi. Ecce fratres
Bernard, Saint (1090–1153), abbot of Clairvaux Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 249 exposicio beate Bernardi abbatis sed cantica canticorum. Beratus
Blaincothus Britannus (?) Commentary on the Lombard's Sentences not known to survive. Z3.3: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Blois, Peter of (1125? ̶̶̶̶ 1212), archdeacon of Bath Epistolae. - SC281.9: Ottery St Mary. College. -
Bocas (?) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 231 Bocas in sermone anglico. Sume
Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313 ̶̶̶̶ 1375). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 227 Johannes Bocasius de mulieribus claris. Person
Bohic, Henri (1310? ̶̶̶̶ 1390), of Brittany Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 135 prima pars Bowyck. Fuit seu
Bohic, Henri (1310? ̶̶̶̶ 1390), of Brittany Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 136 secunda pars Bowyck. Non per he
Bohic, Henri (1310? ̶̶̶̶ 1390), of Brittany Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 26 secunda pars Bowyck. Stipendiis
Bohic, Henri (1310? ̶̶̶̶ 1390), of Brittany Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 28 prima pars Henrici Bowyck. Quitatis patere
Bohic, Henri (1310? ̶̶̶̶ 1390), of Brittany Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 29 secunda pars Henrici Bowyck. Et Goff hic
Bonaventura, Saint (1221 ̶̶̶̶ 1274), Doctor Seraphicus. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 244 Bonaventura. Devocius Bodl. ms. Bodl. 162
Boraston, Simon (fl. 1311 ̶̶̶̶ 1338) Distinctiones theologiae unpr. (`distincciones Boraston Abicere'). F10.29: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Bungay, Thomas (died 1290?). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 179 questiones fratris Thome Bungaye. Nichil ad
Conradus Holtnicker de Saxonia (died 1279) Speculum beatae Mariae uirginis (`speculum Marie', anon.). F10.40a: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Cricklade, Robert of (died after 1188), prior of St Frideswide, Oxford. Defloratio Historiae naturalis Plinii excerpts, ed. K. Rück in SB Munich (1902) 195–285; also id. Die Geographie und Ethnographie der Naturalis Historia des Plinius im Auszüge des Robert von Cricklade (Munich 1903) and Die Anthropologie der Naturalis Historia des Plinius im Auszüge des Robert von Cricklade (Neuburg 1905). A12.2: Hartland. Augustinian. -
Duns, Joannes Scotus (1266? ̶̶̶̶ 1308), Doctor Subtilis. Quaestiones on Aristotle's Meteora [pseud.]. - SC281.10: Ottery St Mary. College. -
Duns, Joannes Scotus (1266? ̶̶̶̶ 1308), Doctor Subtilis. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 158 Doctor subtilis. Que est questionis Bodl. ms. Bodl. 286
Duns, Joannes Scotus (1266? ̶̶̶̶ 1308), Doctor Subtilis. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 171 Doctor subtilis super secundum. Interius
Durandus, Gulielmus (1237 ̶̶̶̶ 1296). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 197 racionale divinorum. Naculum
Durandus, Gulielmus (1237 ̶̶̶̶ 1296). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 503 racionale divinorum. Post tabulam pensandum est
Fishacre, Richard (died 1248), Exoniensis. Commentary on Proverbs not known to survive. A28.1: Plympton. Augustinian. -
Fishacre, Richard (died 1248), Exoniensis. Commentary on the Lombard's Sentences. Unprinted. - F10.22: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Fitzralph, Richard (1300? ̶̶̶̶ 1360) bishop of Armagh Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 154 sermones Ardmachani. Symone Bodl. ms. Bodl. 865 fo. 1-88
Florus (fl. 830). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [11 see Augustine] 1506 inventory: [281 see Augustine]
Foliot, Gilbert (1110? ̶̶̶̶ 1187), bishop of London Sermones unpr.. - Z8.1: Ford. Cistercians. -
Foulsham. John (died 1348) [pseud.] Moralitates de naturis rerum (`liber paruus qui sic incipit Tripliciter est esse'). Incorrectly attributed by Bale to John Foulsham. F10.21: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Gaddesden, John of (1280? ̶̶̶̶ 1349) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 114 rosa de medicinis. Que fuit
Gatterus, Johannes (?) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 204 Gatterus de floribus psalterii. Misterium
Gilbertus Anglicus (died 1250?) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 89 compendium medicine Gilberti Anglici. Perancia Bodl. ms. Bodl. 720
Giovanni da Legnano (1320? ̶̶̶̶ 1383). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 147 prima pars Johannis de Lyniano. Postea
Giovanni da Legnano (1320? ̶̶̶̶ 1383). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 148 secunda pars Johannis de Lyniano. Depositum
Goffredo di Trani [†1245] Summa super titulis Decretalium pr. [Cologne c. 1480] (GW 10949), &c. - F10.55: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Gordiono, Bernard fl. 1308 Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 93 lilium medicine. Digestionis
Grosseteste, Robert (1175 ̶̶̶̶ 1253), bishop of Lincoln Commentary on Aristotle's Analytica posteriora. - B97.2: Tavistock. Benedictine. -
Grosseteste, Robert (1175 ̶̶̶̶ 1253), bishop of Lincoln De decem mandatis. - Z3.17: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Grosseteste, Robert (1175 ̶̶̶̶ 1253), bishop of Lincoln Sermones unpr. - F11.14: Exeter. Franciscan friars. -
Grosseteste, Robert (1175 ̶̶̶̶ 1253), bishop of Lincoln Templum Domini. - F10.31c: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Grosseteste, Robert (died 1253), bishop of Lincoln. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 198 Lincolnensis dicta. Angelitus Bodl. ms. Bodl. 830
Guido Ebroicensis (fl. 1290/1293), Guy d'Evreux. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 338 sermones Guydonis sine asseribus de dono [Ricardi Germeyn] 1506 inventory: 201 sermones fratris Guidonis. Veritas
Guido Faba (1190? ̶̶̶̶ 1243?), of Bologna. Summa de modo dictaminis, inc. (`quaternus dictaminis', inc.). SC281.11: Ottery St Mary. College. -
Guillaume (1080? ̶̶̶̶ 1148), abbot of St. Thierry. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 255 Willielmus abbas Sancti Theodorici de corpore Christi. Locus
Guitmundus Aversanus (fl. 1070 ̶̶̶̶ 1095?), Bishop of Aversa Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: [58 see Ambrosius]
Gulielmus Brito (1165? ̶̶̶̶ 1226?), Breton Expositiones uocabulorum Bibliae (`Brito'). F10.47: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Gulielmus Brito (1165? ̶̶̶̶ 1226?), Breton Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 349 unus liber qui vocatur Brito de dono domini Johannis Mounteyn 1506 inventory: 49 Brito super vocabula Biblie. Impellere
Henry of Huntingdon (1088? ̶̶̶̶ 1157?). Historia Anglorum (`historia Britanie', inc.). SC281.2: Ottery St Mary. College. -
Hibernicus, Thomas (1270? ̶̶̶̶ 1340?), Thomas of Ireland. Manipulus florum pr. Piacenza 1483 &c. - F10.34: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Higden, Ranulf (died 1364). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 101 Polichronicon. Post kalendas in historia Exeter Cathedral 3509
Higden, Ranulf (died 1364). Exeter Cathedral. Lambeth Palace 104 fos 1-208, 188 fos 168-74
Holcot, Robert (1290? ̶̶̶̶ 1349). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 172 Halcott super minores prophetas. Natura gratia Bodl. ms. Bodl. 722
Holcot, Robert (1290? ̶̶̶̶ 1349). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 300 Holcott super sapienciam. Sacra est Bodl. ms. Bodl. 279 (=1506:300)
Honorius Augustodunensis [c1080–1137] Imago mundi ? Gossuin de Metz.](`Beda de imagine mundi'). [For the French poem of this name [CHECK] F10.12p: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Hrabanus Maurus Magnentius (776? ̶̶̶̶ 856), archbishop of Mainz Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 70 Rabanus de compoto et Ysidorus de naturis rerum in uno volumine. Dilecto fratri 1506 inventory: [295 see Isidore of Seville] Exeter Cathedral 3507
Hugh of Saint ̶̶̶̶ Cher OP [†1263] Expositio missae siue Speculum ecclesiae pr. Louvain 1476/7 (Goff H515), &c.(anon) F10.14b: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Isaac Israeli ben Solomon (832? ̶̶̶̶ 932?), Isaac Iudaeus. De dietis uniuersalibus et particularibus, tr. Constantinus Africanus or Gerard of Cremona. Printed: Lyon 1515. - A28.4: Plympton. Augustinian. -
Ivo, Saint (1040? ̶̶̶̶ 1115), Bishop of Chartres. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 307 liber Ivonis de gestis regum 1506 inventory: 111 cronica Ivonis. Prosperis
Jacobus de Cessolis OP [† after 1322] Liber de moribus hominum et officiis nobilium ac popularium super ludo scaccorum (`tractatus de scaccario moralizato', inc.). F10.45: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Jacobus de Voragine (1229? ̶̶̶̶ 1298) Legenda aurea (`legenda aurea completa'). F11.39: Exeter. Franciscan friars. -
Jacobus de Voragine (1229? ̶̶̶̶ 1298) Legenda aurea (abbrev.) = F11.42. F10.39: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Jacobus de Voragine (1229? ̶̶̶̶ 1298) Legenda aurea. F11.42: Exeter. Franciscan friars. -
Jacobus de Voragine (1229? ̶̶̶̶ 1298) Legenda aurea. (`legenda sanctorum') = F11.39. B. Fleith records more than one thousand copies in manuscript; ISTC records some 150 printed editions before 1501. F10.38: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Jacobus de Voragine (1229? ̶̶̶̶ 1298), archbishop of Genoa Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 162 legenda sanctorum
Jacobus de Voragine (1229? ̶̶̶̶ 1298), archbishop of Genoa Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 195 Januensis in sermonibus. Propinquis Bodl. ms. Bodl. 320
Jacobus de Voragine (1229? ̶̶̶̶ 1298), archbishop of Genoa Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 334 tabula Januensis. Suos
Joachim de Fiore (1132? ̶̶̶̶ 1202) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 299 Joachim super apocalipsim Johannis. Congeries
Johannes von Freiburg (died 1314) Summa confessorum (anon.). Pr. Augsburg 1476 (Goff J316), &c. - F10.59: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Johannes von Freiburg (died 1314) Summa confessorum (anon., abbrev.). Pr. Augsburg 1476 (Goff J316), &c. Published in 1298; anonymous copies often indistinguishable from the earlier work by Thomas of Chobham. F10.62: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
John Beleth (died after 1182). Summa de ecclesiasticis officiis. - Z16.7: Newenham. Cistercians. -
John of Cornwall (died 1198?) Eulogium ad Alexandrum III PL 199. 1043–86; ed. N. M. Häring, Med. Stud. 13 (1951) 256–300. [See also above, De homine assumpto.] B97.3: Tavistock. Benedictine. -
John of Cornwall (fl.1180 ̶̶̶̶ 1198) Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 296 Johannis de Cornubia. In concilio Turonensis
John of Damascus (675?–749). De fide orthodoxa, tr. Burgundio of Pisa. - Z16.9: Newenham. Cistercians. -
John of Saint Giles (1180? ̶̶̶̶ 1260). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 174 Egidius de regimine principum. Contemplacionis
John of Salisbury (died 1180), bishop of Chartres. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 223 politicus Johannis Sarisburiensis. Deus enim
John of Wales (died 1285), Arbor vitae. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 328 Wallensis in colloquio. Sextum
John, Abbot of Ford (1140? ̶̶̶̶ 1214) Commentary on Jeremiah not known to survive. = R44.2. Z8.7: Ford. Cistercians. -
John, Abbot of Ford (1140? ̶̶̶̶ 1214) De contemptoribus mundi. Not known to survive. - Z3.15: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
John, Abbot of Ford (1140? ̶̶̶̶ 1214) Sermons on the Song of Songs 5 8–8:14. = R44.1. Z8.6: Ford. Cistercians. -
Julian, Saint (642 ̶̶̶̶ ̶̶̶̶ 690), archbishop of Toledo. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 56 liber Juliani Toletani episcopi. Diem illum 1506 inventory: 243 liber Juliani Tholetani episcopi. Saltem ut Bodl. ms. Bodl. 792 (includes Ambrose) Bodleian images: fo 056v etc
Juuencus, C. Vettius Aquilinus [fl. 330] Euangelia metrica. - B103.1: Totnes. Benedictines. -
Juvenalis, Decimus Iunius (60? ̶̶̶̶ 130?), Juvenal. Saturae. - SC220.4: Crediton. College. -
Kilwardby, Robert (1215? ̶̶̶̶ 1279), archbishop of Canterbury. Commentary on Aristotle's Analytica priora. Prined: Venice 1499 (GW 7190). - B97.1: Tavistock. Benedictine. -
Kilwardby, Robert (1215? ̶̶̶̶ 1279), archbishop of Canterbury. De conscientia et synderesi. Unprinted. - Z3.4: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Kilwardby, Robert (died 1279), archbishop of Canterbury Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 241 questiones Roberti Kylwardby cum multis aliis contentis. Proxime Bodl. ms. Bodl. 333
Langton, Stephen (1165?–1228), archbishop of Canterbury Commentary on 1–4 Kings, inc. `Rectoribus populi has uirtutes esse necessarias' unpr.; Stegmüller Bibl. 7752–55. Z8.4: Ford. Cistercians. -
Langton, Stephen (1165?–1228), archbishop of Canterbury Commentary on Isaiah, inc. `Quattuor rote per bases singulas &c. [3 Rg 7 30] Bases istas ante templum Salomonis'. Unprinted. Z8.3: Ford. Cistercians. -
Langton, Stephen (1165?–1228), archbishop of Canterbury Commentary on the Pentateuch. Z8.5: Ford. Cistercians. -
Langton, Stephen (1165?–1228), archbishop of Canterbury De benedictionibus et maledictionibus datis in monte Ebal. Not known to survive. Z3.16: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Lathbery, John (fl. 1350) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 202 Johannes Lathbury. Soli loguus
Lethbertus, abbot of St. Rufus Exeter Cathedral. Bodl. ms. Bodl. 318 (commentary on Psalter)
Martin of Opava (died 1278), Martinus Polonus. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 346 cronica Martini in duobus quaternis. Quam scire. De dono Roberti de Otery
Matthew of Vendôme (1130?–1200?) In Tobiam paraphrasis metrica (`librum Thobye'). SC220.5: Crediton. College. -
Middleton, Richard (died 1307?) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 170 Ricardus in Media Villa. Vere Bodl. ms. Bodl. 744
Neckham, Alexander (1157 ̶̶̶̶ 1217), canon of Cirencester De nominibus utensilium (`cum libro de gramatica de nominibus utensilium', anon.) A Volume of Vocabularies for teaching and learning Latin. - F10.49b: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Nicholas de Gorran (died 1295?). Distinctiones theologicae. Unprinted. F10.27: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Nicholas of Lyra (1270? ̶̶̶̶ 1349). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 312 prima pars doctoris de Lyra. Ad ipsam
Nicholas of Lyra (1270? ̶̶̶̶ 1349). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 313 secunda pars doctoris de Lyra. Potentes
Nicholas of Lyra (1270? ̶̶̶̶ 1349). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 314 tertia pars doctoris de Lyra. Multi parie
Nicholas of Lyra (1270? ̶̶̶̶ 1349). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 46 Nicholaus de Lyra super psalterium. Secus esset
Nicholas of Lyra (1270? ̶̶̶̶ 1349). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 504 postilla super Johannem edita per Nicholaum de Lyra. Desuper
Nicholas of Lyra (1270? ̶̶̶̶ 1349). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 592-594 doctor de Lyra in tribus voluminibus. Salvato ... Eripuerit ... Et ydola. Ex dono Edmundi Stafford
Nicholas of Lyra (1270? ̶̶̶̶ 1349). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 71 tractatus Nicholai super Lucam. Et cetera
Nicholaus de Hanapis OP [c1225–1291], patriarch of Jerusalem Liber de exemplis sacrae scripturae (`biblia pauperum'). Pr. as a work of Bonaventure, [Venice c. 1480] (Goff B850), &c. - F10.†41b: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Nicolaus Salernitanus (fl. 1100?) Antidotarium Nicholai pr. Venice 1471 (Goff N160), &c.; Thorndike/Kibre 165, 490. Z8.8: Ford. Cistercians. -
Nigel of Canterbury (1135?–1198?), Cantuariensis, Wireker, Wetekre, de Longo Campo or Longchamps. Speculum stultorum (inc.). SC281.3: Ottery St Mary. College. -
Odo de Castro Radulphi (died 1273) Distinctiones super Psalterium (`distincciones Odonis super psalterium seu tractatus de 4 uirtutibus cardinalibus'). Unprinted. F11.27: Exeter. Franciscan friars. -
Odo de Castro Radulphi (died 1273) Distinctiones super Psalterium unpr. (`distinctiones Odonis super psalterium') = F11.27. F10.28: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Odo, Saint (878? – 942), abbot of Cluny. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 330 Perusiensis in septem sacramentis. Suis
PAPIAS 11 cent. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 396 i liber Papie. Abdita
Paschasius Radbertus, Saint (785 ̶̶̶̶ 865), abbot of Corbie Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 167 Pascasius monachus. Eciam et Bodl. ms. Bodl. 859
Paulus Diaconus (720? ̶̶̶̶ 799). Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 139-140 duo volumina sermonum quorum unum Fratres expurgate et aliud Quum adventum Christi 1506 inventory: 184 sermones super epistolas et evangelia dominicalia. Misterium Bodl. ms. Bodl. 437
Paulus Diaconus (720? ̶̶̶̶ 799). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 185 sermones super epistolas et evangelia. Mulieres Bodl. ms. Bodl. 734
Peter Lombard (1100 ̶̶̶̶ 1160), Magister Sententiarum. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 164 magister sententiarum. Utrum Bodl. ms. Bodl. 335
Peter Lombard (1100 ̶̶̶̶ 1160), Magister Sententiarum. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 177 magister sententiarum. Proprietate
Peter Lombard (1100? ̶̶̶̶ 1160), bishop of Paris. Sententiarum libri IV (`summam theologicam que dicitur sentencie'). Pr. [Strassburg, before 1471] (Goff P479), &c.; PL 192. 521–962; ed. I. Brady, Spicilegium Bonauenturianum 4–5 (Grottaferrata 1971–81). SC220.6: Crediton. College. -
Peter Lombard (1100? ̶̶̶̶ 1160), bishop of Paris. Sententiarum libri IV. Printed: [Strassburg, before 1471] (Goff P479), &c. - F10.16: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Peter Lombard (1100? ̶̶̶̶ 1160), bishop of Paris. Sententiarum libri IV. Printed: [Strassburg, before 1471] (Goff P479), &c. - F10.17: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Peter Lombard (1100? ̶̶̶̶ 1160), bishop of Paris. Sententiarum libri IV. Printed: [Strassburg, before 1471] (Goff P479), &c. - F10.23: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Petrus Alfonsi (1062 ̶̶̶̶ 1120?), Moses Sephardi. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 99 Petrus Alfonsus. Perficere
Petrus Cantor (1130? ̶̶̶̶ 1197). Distinctiones Abel part. - Z16.8: Newenham. Cistercians. -
Petrus Comestor (fl. 1148 ̶̶̶̶ 1187) Historia scholastica (part). Pr. [Augsburg] 1473 (Goff P458), &c. - F10.42: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Petrus Comestor (fl. 1148 ̶̶̶̶ 1187) Historia scholastica pr. [Augsburg] 1473 (Goff P458), &c. - F10.41a: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Petrus Comestor (fl. 1148 ̶̶̶̶ 1187) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 311 magister in historia scholastica Bodl. ms. Bodl. 748
Petrus Comestor (fl. 1148 ̶̶̶̶ 1187) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 335 historia scholastica. Post tabulam in suo Bodl. ms. Bodl. 494 Bodleian images: fo 131v etc
Petrus de Salmis (fl. 1200/1300) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 23 Petrus de Salmis super de circe. Esse plene
Petrus Riga (1140? ̶̶̶̶ 1209) Aurora [CHECK TITLE IN CATALOGUE]. SC220.7: Crediton. College. -
Pontus (or Ovidius Naso, Publius, Epistolae ex Ponto?) Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 73 epistole Ponti. Revelatur
Raymond of Peñafort, Saint (1175?–1275). Summa de casibus poenitentiae. The common apparatus is that of William of Rennes. - F10.57: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Raymond of Peñafort, Saint (1175?–1275). Summa de casibus poenitentiae. The common apparatus is that of William of Rennes. - F10.58a: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Raymond of Peñafort, Saint (1175?–1275). Summa de casibus poenitentiae. The common apparatus is that of William of Rennes. - F10.60: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Remigius of Auxerre (841–908), monk of Saint ̶̶̶̶ Germain, Auxerre Commentary on Donatus's Ars minor (`R. super Donatum cum aliis opusculis'). F10.50: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Richard of Saint ̶̶̶̶ Victor OSA [†1173] Liber exceptionum (anon.). SC220.9: Crediton. College. -
Ringstead, Thomas (died 1366), bishop of Bangor. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 309 lectura ordinaria fratris Ricardi Rystede. Cedrus ista Bodl. ms. Bodl. 829
Rolle, Richard (1305? ̶̶̶̶ 1349), of Hampole. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 107 liber Ricardi Hampull. Atque deliciarum Bodl. ms. Bodl. 315
Salerno Medical School. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 70 dictur Salerni. Sunt bona [from medical school?]
Segrave, Gilbert (before 1258 ̶̶̶̶ 1316), bishop of London. Quaestiones theologicae not known to survive. - Z3.8: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Segrave, Gilbert (before 1258 ̶̶̶̶ 1316), bishop of London. Quodlibeta not known to survive. Z3.9: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Sharpe, John (died after 1403) Quaestio super Vniuersalia. - Z3.10: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Silvester (died 1218), bishop of Worcester? F10.44: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Simon of Hinton (fl. 1248? ̶̶̶̶ 1262) Postills on Matthew unpr. (`notule super Matheum secundum fratrem Symonem Hoton') (attrib.) F10.7: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Slade, William (died 1415), abbot of Buckfast. Flores moralium not known to survive. - Z3.14: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Slade, William (died 1415), abbot of Buckfast. Quaestiones de anima not known to survive. - Z3.11: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Slade, William (died 1415), abbot of Buckfast. Quaestiones on the Lombard's Sentences not known to survive. - Z3.12: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Smaragdus of Saint ̶̶̶̶ Mihiel (760? – 840?). Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 46b diadema monachorum
Stone, Gilbert (died 1417), of Wells. Exeter Cathedral. Bodl. ms. Bodl. 859
Sutton, John [de] (died 1473) Quaestiones ordinariae not known to survive. - Z3.5: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Sutton, John [de] (died 1473) Quodlibeta not known to survive. - Z3.6: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Symmachus, Quintus Aurelius (345? – 402). Epistolae. - Z6.1: Dunkeswell. Cistercians. -
Thomas Aquinas, Saint (1225?–1274) (`questiones que sic incipiunt Vtrum anima') F10.†18: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Thomas Aquinas, Saint (1225?–1274) Summa theologica STO vols. 4–12. - F10.19: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Thomas de Chobham (fl. 1200 ̶̶̶̶ 1233) Summa confessorum (`summa magistri Thome de Cobham'). [Anonymous copies after 1298 are more likely to be the work of John of Freiburg.] F10.61: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Trevet, Nicholas (1260?–1334?). Commentary on Seneca's Tragedies. - Z3.1: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Trevet, Nicholas (1260?–1334?). Historia ab origine mundi ad Christum natum unpr. - Z3.2: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
Trevet, Nicholas (1260?–1334?). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 297 glosa super psalterium in exposicione literali Nicholai Treneth. Quia ternarius Bodl. ms. Bodl. 738 Bodleian images: fo 165r etc
Vincent de Beauvais (1190? ̶̶̶̶ 1264?). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 102 prima pars speculi naturalis. Ausus sum Bodl. ms. Bodl. 287
Vincent de Beauvais (1190? ̶̶̶̶ 1264?). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 103 secunda pars... De mutulo
Vincent de Beauvais (1190? ̶̶̶̶ 1264?). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 104 prima pars... Inter diversa
Vincent de Beauvais (1190? ̶̶̶̶ 1264?). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 105 secunda pars... A primo
Vincent de Beauvais (1190? ̶̶̶̶ 1264?). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 106 tercia pars... Post kalendas
Waldby, Robert (died 1397),archbishop of York. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 199 Waldeby de exposicione orationis Dominice. Quantum decet
Willelmus Peraldus OP [†1261] Summa de uitiis et uirtutibus (`liber qui sic incipit, Si separaueris'). Pr. [Basel, not after 1474] (Goff P89), &c. See also William of Auvergne, also called Parisiensis, from whose work of the same title this is often indistinguishable. - F10.49a: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
William Gainsborough OFM [†1307] Quaestiones subtiles not known to survive. - Z3.7: Buckfast. Cistercian abbey. -
William of Auvergne (1180 ̶̶̶̶ 1249), bishop of Paris. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 176 Parisiensis. Gehenna non timent
William of Auvergne (1180 ̶̶̶̶ 1249), bishop of Paris. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 497 liber Parisiensis de viciis et virtutibus. Omnis
William of Auvergne (1180 ̶̶̶̶ 1249), bishop of Paris. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 66 liber de viciis et virtutibus. Quod nequaquam
William of Auxerre [†1231] Summa aurea super quatuor libros Sententiarum. - Z16.4: Newenham. Cistercians. -
William of Pagula (died 1332) Oculus sacerdotis (`cum partibus tribus oculorum sacerdotis', anon.). Unpr. - F10.58b: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
William of Pagula (died 1332) Summa summarum unpr. (anon.). F10.53: Exeter. Dominican friars. -
Woodford, William (died 1397), Doctor Fortissimus. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 173 conclusiones Willielmi Wyford. Pietas Exeter Cathedral 3516
Wycliffe, John (1320 ̶̶̶̶ 1384). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 163 articuli Johannis Wyckclyff. Certamine
Wycliffe, John (1320 ̶̶̶̶ 1384). Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 228 liber contra Johannem Wyclyff. Undas Bodl. ms. Bodl. 393
Bestiarium (`librum de animalibus'). SC220.10: Crediton. College. -
Bestiary. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 91 liber bestiarum et alii plures in uno volumine. De tribus naturibus 1506 inventory: 116 liber bestiarum. Dicuntur Bodl. ms. Wood empt. 15
Cronica. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 501 liber vocatus cronica cronicarum. In principio
Dictionary. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 218 primum volumen dictionarii. Verba mea
Dictionary. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 219 secundum volumen dictionarii. Sic dico
Dictionary. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 220 tercium volumen dictionarii. Ad Deum
Dictionary. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 221 quartum volumen dictionarii. Loqui
Exeter Book. Exeter Cathedral. Leofric donation list: 31 i mycel Englisc boc be ge-hwilcum thingum on leodhwisan geworht Exeter Cathedral 3501 fos. 8-130
Geoffrey of Monmouth (1100? ̶̶̶̶ 1154), bishop of St. Asaph? Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 113 gesta Britonum. Set
Hebrew Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 354-355 due parve libri de actibus cum litera Ebraica de dono dicti episcopi Johannis 1506 inventory: Bodl. ms. Bodl. Or. 135. 16 literary and grammatical texts copied by a scribe in England or northern France in the early 13th century.
Mathew of Westminster (fl. 1259 ̶̶̶̶ 1307) pseud. Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 345 cronica Westmonasterii de gestis Anglorum. Tempora summa. De dono Walteri de Stapledon episcopi 1506 inventory: 109 cronica Anglie. Nes habitare
Mathew of Westminster (fl. 1259 ̶̶̶̶ 1307) pseud. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 109 flores historiarum. Lunio cum
Poetry. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 86 liber carminum cujusdam poete. Spernere
Prognostications. Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 115 liber pronosticorum. Natura
Z: UNASSIGNED (details insufficient).
[Unassigned] Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 329 multi alii libri vetustate consumpti Gallice, Anglice et Latini scripti, qui non appreciantur, que nullius valoris reputantur 1506 inventory: 169 parvus liber et bene scriptus
[Unassigned] Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 248 parvus liber cum rubio coopertorio. Post tabulam que non
[Unassigned] Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 303 antiquus liber. Pro virginitatis
[Unassigned] Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 337 ff. inforciatum. Intercedat
[Unassigned] Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 349 ff. vetus. Composuimus
[Unassigned] Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 356-371 quinque antiqui libri non cathenati et xi quaterni antiquiores nullius valoris
[Unassigned] Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 506 libellus de utilitatibus et necessariis contentis. Capitula
[Unassigned] Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 539-568 xxx libri antiqui
[Unassigned] Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 596 ff. novum. Finit triplicem
[Unassigned] Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 598 ff. inforciat. In fructu
[Unassigned] Exeter Cathedral. 1506 inventory: 608 ff. vetus. Gatis et fides
[Unassigned] Exeter Cathedral. 1327 inventory: 231 quarta Thome de dono Ricardi Wiclesslade. 1506 inventory: 90 liber diversorum tractatuum. Post kalendas prodest