Monday, 20 July 2015

Articles: Plymouth Institution

Note: Only offprints of articles from this periodical are listed at present.


Plymouth Institution. Annual reports and transactions. - Plymouth : Plymouth Institution , 1855-1961. - Annual; discontinued ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL: sPER/PLY. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Learned societies. Plymouth Institution. Periodicals. 1855-1961. Offprints only listed to date.


Boswarva, J. A catalogue of the marine algae of Plymouth / by J.BoswarvaIn: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. 1861-2. - pp67-86 ; 20cm. - Issued 1861-2. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s589.4/PLY/BOS ; Barnstaple: 589.3/BX:PLY/BOS. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Algae.


Rowe, J.Brooking. A catalogue of the mammals, birds, reptiles & amphibians of theIn: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1863. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s596/DEV/ROW ; Barnstaple: 596 /B/ROW ; North Devon Athenaeum: D590/ROW. - Subjects: Devon. Vertebrates.


Plymouth Institution. Catalogue of books in the library of the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society, at the Athenaeum, Plymouth, 1870In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1870. - 40p ; 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p019.2/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Libraries. Plymouth Institution. Catalogues. 1870.


Holmes, Edward Morell. Mosses of Devon and Cornwall : includes Lichens of Devon and Cornwall / by Edward Holmes and Francis BrentIn: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1872]. - 31p ; 21cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p588/WES/HOL. - Subjects: Westcountry. Mosses.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The Three towns bibliotheca : a catalogue of books, pamphlets, papers, etc., ... / by R.N.Worth. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1872-. - 352p ; 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s016/PLY/WOR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Bibliographies.


Bate, C.Spence. Grimspound and its associated relics. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1873. - Held by: Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Prehistoric settlements. Grimspound.


Pengelly, William. Flint and chert implements found in Kent's Cavern, Torquay / by W.Pengelly. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1875. - 35p ; 21cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p621.9/TOR/PEN. - Subjects: Devon. Torquay. Flint tools. Kent's Cavern.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The geology of Plymouth, a paper read 25th November 1875 by R.N.Worth. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1875. - 1 volume : charts, diagrams ; 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s550/PLY/WOR (bound with other articles by Worth). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Geology. 1875.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The siege of Plymouth : a chapter of Plymouth history rewritten / by R.N.Worth. - In: Plymouth Institution, Journal, vol. , 1875. - pp250-309 ; 20cm. - From: Journal of the Plymouth Institution. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: pB/PLY 1/1642/WOR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Sieges. Accounts. -1875.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The geology of Plymouth, a paper read 25th November 1875 by R.N.Worth : [and other articles by Worth]. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1875. - 1 volume : charts, diagrams ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint: s550/PLY/WOR). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Geology. 1875.


Worth, Richard Nicholls. Plimouth memoir's containing a chronologicall account of that Corporation ... collected by James Yonge / edited by Richard N.Worth. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1876. - 58p ; 24cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint sB/PLY 1/0001/WOR) ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Local authorities. 1684-1876.


Amery, Peter Fabyan Spark. Country fairs and revels. - In: Plymouth Institution, Journal, vol. , 1878. - . - Held by: WSL (also offprint: 20p ; 21cm: p394.6/WES/AME). - Subjects: Westcountry. Fairs.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The early commerce of Plymouth / by R.N.Worth. - : Trans.Plymouth Institution , 1878. - 46p ; 21cm. - Bound with : Plymouth pamphlets. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/0001/WOR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Retail trade. -1878.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The early commerce of Plymouth / by R.N.Worth. - Plymouth : Trans.Plymouth Institution , 1878. - 46p ; 21cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : p381/PLY/WOR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Retail trade. -1878.


Worth, Richard Nicholls. The bone caves of the Plymouth district : paper read 29th February 1879. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1879. - pp1-31 ; 21cm. - Copies: WSL (also offprint bound with the geology of Plymouth Copies: s550/PLY/WOR). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Caves. 1879.


Worth, Richard Nicholls. Appendix to the three towns bibliotheca. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 187-?. - 22cm. - Held by: WSL: Plymouth ; Torquay (offprint).


Worth, Richard Nicholls. Supplement to the three towns bibliotheca. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1880?. - 9p. - Held by: WSL ; Plymouth (also offprint) ; Torquay (offprint). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Bibliographies. -1880.


Hine, J. Samuel Prout, artist / by J.Hine. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1880. - 38p ; 20cm. - Held by: WSL: (also offprint s750.924/PRO) ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Painters. Prout, Samuel. Biographies. 1783-1852.


Bennett, E.G. Founders of Charles Church by Mr.E.G.Bennett. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1881. - 24p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL ; also offprint: 283/PLY/BEN ; Plymouth ; Torquay (also offprint). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Church of England. Charles Church.

Eastlake, W. Samuel Cook, artist / by W.Eastlake. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1881. - 33p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint p750.924/COO) ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Artists. Cook, Samuel. Biographies.

Erskine-Risk, J. Sir Francis Drake rehabilitated and memorialised. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1881. - 15p : map ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL: (also offprint p920/DRA) ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Sea captains. Drake, Francis. Sir. Biographies.

Merrifield, J. The meteorology and climate of Plymouth. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1881. - 23p : graphs,tables ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL ; Plymouth (also offprint). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Climate. 1865-1880.


Worth, Richard Nicholls. Address to the Plymouth Institution, 1882 / 3. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1882. - Held by: WSL: Not in stock. - Subjects: Devon. West Devon. History.


Jewers, Arthur J. Local heraldry / by Arthur. J.Jewers. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1883-1884. - 2 parts,31,63p : plate ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL: (also offprints 929.8/PLY/JEW) ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Coats of arms.


Worth, Richard Nicholls. Raised beaches and submerged forests : abstract of paper read 22 January 1885. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1885. - pp1-9 ; 21cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint bound with the geology of Plymouth: s550/PLY/WOR). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Raised beaches. 1885.


Keys, Isaiah W.N. Flora of Devon and Cornwall. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1886-. - 330p ; 21cm. - Originally issued in 5 pts: pt.1, 1866; pt.4, 1869; pt.5 undated. Held by: WSL (offprints s582.13/WES/KEY) ; Barnstaple: (offprints 582.13/A/KEY) ; North Devon Athenaeum: D581/KEY. - Subjects: Westcountry. Plants.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The rocks of Plymouth : paper read 22nd October 1885 and 21st January 1886. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1886. - pp1-38 ; 21cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint bound with the geology of Plymouth: s550/PLY/WOR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Geology. 1885-1886.


Worth, Richard Nicholls. Notes on the early history of Stonehouse / by R.N.Worth. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1887. - 39p : ill,plate ; 21cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint bound with : Plymouth pamphlets sB/PLY 1/0001/WOR) ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Districts. Stonehouse.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The Cattedown bone cave : paper read 20th October 1887. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1887. - pp1-31 ; 21cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint bound with the geology of Plymouth s550/PLY/WOR). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Caves. 1887.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. Tidal and general notes on Cattewater : paper read May 1887. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1887. - pp1-5 ; 21cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint bound with The geology of Plymouth: s550/PLY/WOR). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Tides. 1887.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. Notes on the early history of Stonehouse / by R.N.Worth. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1887. - 39p,plate : ill ; 21cm. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/0001/WOR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Districts. Stonehouse. History 1888

Woodhouse, H.B.S. The Eddystone : facts and fictions / by H.B.S.Woodhouse. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. . 1888-1889. - 28p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL: (also offprint s623.8942/EDD/WOO) ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Eddystone. Lighthouses. Eddystone Lighthouse.


Ridge, B. The mackerel fishery / by B.Ridge. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1889. - pp180-185 ; 23cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint p639.2758/WES/RID) ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Westcountry. Mackerel fishing.

Worth, Richard Hansford. The Moorland Plym / by R.Hansford Worth. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. 1889-1890. - 24p,plates : ill,map ; 22cmHeld by: WSL (also offprint pB/DAR 5/1889/WOR). - Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Description & travel. 1889.


Burnard, Robert. Antiquity of mining on Dartmoor / by Robert Burnard. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1891. - 28p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint p622.3453/DAR/BUR) ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Tin mining. -1891.


Walling, R.A.J. Sir John Hawkins. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. Plymouth : Plymouth Institution Date: 1905. - 20p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL ; Plymouth (also offprint). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Sea captains. Hawkins, John.


Walling, R.A.J. Some Cornish characteristics. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1909. - 21p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL ; Plymouth (also offprint). - Subjects: Cornwall. Ethnic groups. Cornish. Characteristics.


Walling, R.A.J. Diamond Pitt of Boconnoc. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1911. - 25p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL ; Plymouth (also offprint). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Writers. Walling, R.A.J. Works. Lectures.


Worth, Richard Hansford. The moorland Plym : 36 years after. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1925-1926. - 6p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL ; Plymouth (also offprint). - Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Prehistoric sites. Plym valley.


Worth, Richard Hansford. The moorstone age : abstract of lecture by Mr R. Hansford Worth. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1928. - 7p : ill ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint p620.132/DAR/WOR) ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Building stones. Granite.


Beckerlegge, John J. Plymouth muniments and Newfoundland. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1936. - Pamphlet 20p. - Abstract of address delivered October 1st. 1936Held by: WSL ; Plymouth (also offprint). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Voyages. Archives. 1583-.


Beckerlegge, John J. Four hundred years of municipal finance in Plymouth. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1937. - 250 -258p. - Notes: Abstract of a lecture by J J Beckerlegge given Nov. 17th. 1932. - Held by: WSL ; Plymouth (also offprint). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Local authorities. Plymouth borough council. Finance. 1532-1932.

Bracken, Charles William. Romance of some old Plymouth deeds / by C.W.Bracken. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. 17 , 1937. - pp321-331 ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint p346.04/PLY/BRA) ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Title deeds.

Worth, Richard Hansford. Dartmoor tracks / by R.Hansford Worth. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. 17 , 1937. - pp350-356,plates : ill ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint p388.12/DAR/WOR) ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Trackways.


Worth, Richard Hansford. The Dartmoor house / by R.Hansford Worth. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. 18 , 1944. - [20]p : ill ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint p728/DAR/WOR) ; Plymouth (also offprint). - Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Houses.


Blight, F.S. Hail and farewell to Devonport / by F.S.Blight. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1951. - [30]p,plates : ill ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL ; also offprint: sB/PLY 1/1700/BLI ; Barnstaple: Offprint: BX:PLY 1/1700/BLI. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Districts. Devonport. Local government. 1691-1914.

Yonge, James. Plymouth memoirs : a manuscript by Dr. James Yonge - mayor of Plymouth 1694-95 who died in the year 1721. - In: Plymouth Institution, Transactions, vol. , 1951. - xiii,123p ; 24cm. - Held by: WSL (also offprint: 920/YON). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Surgeons. Yonge, James. Biographies. 1647-1721.

This page last updated 20 July 2015