Sunday, 28 June 2015

Devon bibliography: 1980


Alec French Partnership. Yealmpton. Report on the inspection of St. Bartholomew's Church, Yealmpton for the Parochial Church Council, 29th November 1980. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Alexander, Michael. Exeter. Old English riddles from the Exeter Book. 1980. 829.1/EXE : 829.1/EXEg.- Subjects: Devon.

All ... Ringmore. All Hallows Church, Ringmore. : your own conducted tour . [1980?]. p726.5/RIN/ALL : sp726.5/RIN/ALL.- Subjects: Devon.

Allhallows School. Rousdon. Allhallows School year book. : October 1980 . 1980. sPER/ALL.- Subjects: Devon.

Andrews, John. Exeter. Exeter coinage. 1980. pB/EXE/737/AND : spB/EXE/737/AND : D737/AND .- Subjects: Devon.

Appelbee, Leonard. That voice. 1980. s821/APP.- Subjects: Devon.

Archaeological ... Stoke Canon. An archaeological checklist for Stoke Canon. 1980. pxB/STO 2/0005/ARC.- Subjects: Devon.

Archaeological ... Stoke Canon. An archaeological checklist for Stoke Canon. [1980]. pxB/STO 2/0005/ARC.- Subjects: Devon.

Area Museum Council for the South West. Exhibition and display services.. [1980]. p069.56/WES/ARE.- Subjects: Devon.

Assessments ... Assessments and manorial surveys, Cornwall and Devon. [1980?. sf929.3/WES/ASS.- Subjects: Devon.

Austin, D. Okehampton. Farms and fields in Okehampton Park, Devon. : the problems of studying medieval landscape . 1980 . sx333.76/OKE/AUS.- Subjects: Devon.

Authers, W.P. Tiverton. Official guide to the Tiverton Museum. [1980]. p069/TIV/AUT : Tiv p/Hm 38.- Subjects: Devon.

Authers, W.P. Tiverton. Official guide to the Tiverton Museum, 3rd edition. [1980]. p069/TIV/AUT : lised the significan.- Subjects: Devon.

Babbs, John. Plymouth. Military fortifications of Plymouth and district. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Bareham, Kenneth. Tiverton. More Tiverton memories. 1980. p920/BAR : p920/BAR : DP900TIV/BAR .- Subjects: Devon.

Barnard, Robert. Churston Ferrers. A talent to deceive. : an appreciation of Agatha Christie . 1980. s828/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Barnstaple ... Barnstaple. Barnstaple folk festival May 30th - June 1st 1980. : Programme . 1980. Not acquired WSL : 791 /BAR/BAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Barnstaple ... Barnstaple. Barnstaple and district official guide. 1980. sB/BAR/1980/BAR : sB/BAR/1980/BARr : BN:BAR/1980/BAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Barratt, Rex. Truro. Stately homes in and around Truro. [1980]. p728.8/COR/BAR .- Subjects: Devon.

Bartlett, A. Lundy. Report of geophysical survey on Lundy Island. [1980]. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/512.- Subjects: Devon.

Batten, Ben. Newlyn. Newlyn heritage. 1980. pC/NEW 3/1854/BAT : BAT : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Baxter, Julia. Barnstaple. Barnstaple yesterday. : over 160 photographs of Barnstaple from the 1860s onwards . 1980. B/BAR/0002/BAR : B/BAR/0002/BARr : BN:BAR/0002/BAX : D900BAR/BAX3.- Subjects: Devon.

Bely, Lucien. Art roman en Normandie. 1980. s944.2/DEV/BEL.- Subjects: Devon.

Bennett, George. The development of rural employment opportunities in Devon. 1980. sx331.111/DEV/BEN .- Subjects: Devon.

Bennett, M.J. Polyphant. Investigations at Polyphant, near Launceston, Cornwall. 1980. px552.1/LEW/BEN : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Benson, Ernie. To struggle is to live; a working class autobiography - Volume 2 Starve or rebel. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Bentham, S. Plymouth. Minute or paper, from Mr. Bentham, to the Navy Board, on the subject of the Breakwater in Plymouth Sound, 1812. [1980?. sx328.4101/WES/HOU.- Subjects: Devon.

Bidgood, R.F. Mortehoe. Two villages. [1980?]. pB/MOR 7/0001/BID.- Subjects: Devon.

Bidwell, Paul T. Exeter. Roman Exeter. : fortress and town . 1980. xB/EXE/0043/BID : xB/EXE/0043/BIDg : D900EXE/BID .- Subjects: Devon.

Birds... Birds of the West Country. 1980. p598.2/WES/DAV : DP598 : 598/A/DAV.- Subjects: Devon.

Blakiston, Georgiana. Woburn and the Russells. 1980. s920/RUS .- Subjects: Devon.

Blashford-Snell, John. Plymouth. In the wake of Drake. 1980. s910.41/PLY/BLA.- Subjects: Devon.

Boscarren ... Truro. The Boscarren Street area, Truro. [1980]. px720.9/TRU/BOS.- Subjects: Devon.

Bradbeer, Doris M. Exeter. The history of Soroptimist International of Exeter 1935 to 1980. [1980]. sB/EXE/301.462/BRA.- Subjects: Devon.

Brainsby, Michael C. Exeter. Exeter Lammas Fair. [1980?. pxB/EXE/394.6/BRA.- Subjects: Devon.

Bray's ... Exeter. Bray's Exeter street directory.. 1980. B/EXE/3809.1025/1981 : B/EXE/3809.1025/1981r : BRA.- Subjects: Devon.

Brief ... Moreleigh. A brief history of All Saints parish church, Moreleigh. 1980. p726.5/MOR/BRI.- Subjects: Devon.

Brierley, John. Exeter. Exeter, 1939-1974. : the reconstruction of a city . 1980. sxB/EXE/711.4/BRI.- Subjects: Devon.

British Rail. Western Region. Exmouth - Exeter, Barnstaple - Exeter. : train services from 12 May 1980 to 10 May 1981 . 1980. p385.2042/DEV/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Brixham ... Torbay. Brixham accommodation. 1980. s647.94/BRI/BRI.- Subjects: Devon.

Broadhembury ... Broadhembury. Broadhembury. [1980?. pB/BRO 2/0001/BRO.- Subjects: Devon.

Brown, Gordon A. North Devon. The Lynton and Barnstaple Railway. 1980. s385/DEV/BRO : 385/DEV/BROr : s385/DEV/BROg : D385/BRO.- Subjects: Devon.

Brown, Graham. Plymouth. The Brethren today. : a factual survey . 1980. s289.9/PLY/BRE.- Subjects: Devon.

Budge, Thomas James. Photographs of church carved bench ends, pulpits etc. [1980?. returned to estate : : .- Subjects: Devon.

Burner, William E.S. Salcombe. Green pastures and other poems. 1980. p821/BUR.- Subjects: Devon.

Butters, F.C. Branscombe. Branscombe. : the parish and the church . 1980. B:BRA 6/0001/BUT.- Subjects: Devon.

Byng, Brian. Dartmoor. Dartmoor's mysterious megaliths. [1980]. px291.35/DAR/BYN : px291.35/DAR/BYNr.- Subjects: Devon.

Bypaths ... Sidmouth. Bypaths around Sidmouth.. [1980]. p796.51/SID/BYP.- Subjects: Devon.

Callaway, Margaret. Jay's grave. : poems . [1980]. p821/CAL .- Subjects: Devon.

Campbell, Camilla. Budleigh Salterton. The peewits cry. : a Norfolk childhood . 1980. s920/CAM.- Subjects: Devon.

Carter, G.E.L. South Devon. An occurrence of vanadiferous nodules in the Permian beds ... [1980?. p549.72/BUD/CAR : 549.72.- Subjects: Devon.

Carter, G.E.L. Budleigh Salterton. Notes on local archaeology and history. [1980?. pB/BUD/0001/CAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Carter, N. Kilmington. A short history of Kilmington Church. [1980?]. p726.5/KIL/CAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Chagford. Parish. Chagford. The Churchwarden's accounts of St. Michael's Church, Chagford, 1480- 1600. : an index of surnames . 1980. p352.17/CHA/1480.- Subjects: Devon.

Chard, Judy. Seven lonely years. 1980. s823/CHA.- Subjects: Devon.

Chard, Judy. South Hams. The South Hams. 1980. B/SOU 2/1980/CHA : sB/SOU 2/1980/CHA : sB/SOU 2/1980/CHAg.- Subjects: Devon.

Chatwin, D. Notes on Coleridge's poetry. 1980. s821/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Cheo Ying, Esther. Black Country girl in Red China. 1980. s920/CHE.- Subjects: Devon.

Christie, Agatha. Churston Ferrers. Murder is easy. 1980. s823/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Christie, Agatha. Churston Ferrers. Death comes as the end. 1980. s823/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Christie, Agatha. Churston Ferrers. Three act tragedy. 1980. s823/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Christie, Agatha. Churston Ferrers. Thirteen problems. 1980. s823/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Christie, Agatha. Churston Ferrers. N or M?. 1980. s823/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Christie, Peter. North Devon and The Gentleman's Magazine. 1980. Not acquired WSL : DMSS/050/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Chudley, Ron. A history of the Mark Master Masons in the province of Devonshire. 1980. s366.1/DEV/CHU.- Subjects: Devon.

Chugg, Brian. Devon. : a thematic study . 1980. DEV/1980/CHU : sDEV/1980/CHU : sDEV/1980/CHU : sDEV/1980/CHUg : B/0001/CHU : D910/CHU : 2/CHU.- Subjects: Devon.

Church ... Gidleigh. Church of the Holy Trinity, Gidleigh. [1980?]. p726.5/GID/CHU.- Subjects: Devon.

Church ... Salcombe Regis. The church of SS. Mary and Peter, Salcombe Regis, East Devon. [1980?]. p726.5/SAL/CHU.- Subjects: Devon.

Church ... Weare Giffard. The church of the Holy Trinity, Weare Giffard. : notes on points of interest to visitors . [1980?]. p726.5/WEA/CHU : 726.5/BT:WEA/WEA : DP900WEA/CHU.- Subjects: Devon.

Clamp, Arthur L. Exeter. A visitor's guide to the Exeter area. [1980]. pDEV/1980/CLA.- Subjects: Devon.

Clamp, Arthur L. Slapton. Exercises Tiger and Fabius. : an illustrated account of the American forces assault exercises held at Slapton Sands in 1944 . [1980]. px940.540973/SLA/CLA .- Subjects: Devon.

Clamp, Arthur L. Exeter. A pictorial guide to historic Exeter. [1980?. pB/EXE/1980/CLA : CLA.- Subjects: Devon.

Clifford, Arthur. Chudleigh. Collectanae Cliffordiana. : in 3 parts, containing: 1. Anecdotes of illustrious personages, 2. Historical... . 1980. 929.2/CLI.- Subjects: Devon.

Coastlines ... Coastlines of Devon. 1980. pDEV/1980/COA : spDEV/1980/COA : 598 /B/COA : D9101980/COA .- Subjects: Devon.

Cock, Douglas J. Jan Stewer. : a West Country biography . 1980. 920/STE : s920/STE : 920 /STE : D92/STE 2 .- Subjects: Devon.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Ottery St. Mary. Collected works.. : no. 12: marginalia 1 : abbt to Byfield . 1980. s828/COL : s828/COLg.- Subjects: Devon.

Coles, Alan. South Devon. South Devon walks for motorists. 1980. s796.51/SOU/COL : 796.51/B/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Collection ... Exeter. A collection of teenage writing. 1980. p820.8/EXE/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Colley, Reg. Starcross. Looking back or my memoirs. 1980. p920/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Colynosh ... Colyton. Colynosh. : a different but not alarming book of recipes and diversions collected from the Coly Valley and environs . 1980. s641.5/COL/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Community Council of Devon. Annual report and statement of accounts 1979/80. 1980. px361.06/DEV/COM.- Subjects: Devon.

Community Council of Devon. Report on village halls in Devon, 1980. [1980]. px790.068/DEV/COM : 790.068/B/COM.. . . . Conservation Society. Gloucestershire Br. Severn Eastuary. The Severn Barrage.. 1980. p627.8/SEV/COU.- Subjects: Devon.

Contact ... Contact. : The ^West Somerset handbook 1980 . [1980]. s060/WES/CON.- Subjects: Devon.

Cook, Beryl. Plymouth. Private view. 1980. 750.924/COO.- Subjects: Devon.

Corin, John. Brixham. Provident and the story of the Brixham smacks. 1980. s639.22/BRI/COR .- Subjects: Devon.

Cornwall County Council. Planning Dept. Conservation in Cornwall. : a guide for conservation areas . 1980. px711.4/COR/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Council for the Protection of Rural Eng. Annual report ... 1979. (Devon branch). [1980?. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Countryside Commission. Dartmoor. Guided walks. : a report of the Dartmoor Interpretation Project, 1972-77, conducted ... by the Dartmoor National Park Authority . 1980. sx719.3207/DAR/COU : x719.3207/DAR/COUr.- Subjects: Devon.

Court, Glyn. Carols of West Somerset. 1980. p783.65/SOM/COU.- Subjects: Devon.

Cowling, Edna. Brixham. A nature trail from Sharkham Point to Berry Head. [1980]. p500.9/BRI/COW.- Subjects: Devon.

Cox, Ron. Birds of East Devon. [1980]. p598.2/DEV/COX.- Subjects: Devon.

Coxe, Antony D.Hippisley. Clovelly. Concerning Clovelly. 1980. pB/CLO/0001/COX : BT:CLO/0001/COX : DP900CLO/COX.- Subjects: Devon.

Crane, Eleanor. Dunster. The village school, Dunster, Somerset, 1861-1945. : history . [1980]. p372/DUN/CRA.- Subjects: Devon.

Cream ... The cream of Devon. 1980. DEV/0001/CRE : sDEV/0001/CRE : sDEV/0001/CRE : sDEV/0001/CRE : sDEV/0001/CRE : 080/B/CRE.- Subjects: Devon.

Croker, Paul. Torquay. John Babbacombe Lee. [1980]. p920/LEE : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Dartington ... Dartington. The Dartington model of a community for the future. [1980]. WSL trans from BH.- Subjects: Devon.

Dartington Amenity Research Trust. Recreation management and training in the non-public sectors. : report to the Recreation Management Training Committee . 1980. sx333.78/GEN/DAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Dartington Amenity Research Trust. North Devon. : a brief appraisal of problems and opportunities . 1980. sx338.9/DEV/DAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Dartmoor National Park Authority. Dartmoor. Dartmoor National Park study packs. [1980?]. sx719.32/DAR/1980 : sx719.32/DAR/1980g.- Subjects: Devon.

Dartmoor National Park Authority. Dartmoor. Annual report 1979-80. 1980. p719.32/DAR/1979 .- Subjects: Devon.

Dartmoor National Park Authority. Dartmoor. Guided walks. : early programme : Easter - 13th July, 1980 . 1980. Bho for checking.- Subjects: Devon.

Dartmoor National Park Department. Dartmoor. Dartmoor for the disabled. 1980. p362.4/DAR/DAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Dartmoor National Park Department. Dartmoor. Walks in the Dartmoor National Park. No. 3. : the Dart Valley . 1980. p796.51/DAR/DAR : 796.51/DAR 5/DAR .- Subjects: Devon.

Dartmoor Tourist Association. Dartmoor. Dartmoor. 1980. pB/DAR 5/1980/DAR.- Subjects: Devon.

DartmoorNational Park Authority. Dartmoor. Dartmoor bus services. : summer 1980 . 1980. p388.322042/DAR/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Dartmouth ... Dartmouth. Dartmouth official guide 1980. 1980. sB/DAR 7/1980/DAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Davies, E.L. Dartmouth. Dartmouth. : seventy-five years in pictures . 1980. 373.243/DAR/DAV : s373.243/DAR/DAV : a373.243/DAR/DAVg : 373.243/BX:DAR 7/DAV .- Subjects: Devon.

Davies, Stanley. Birds of the West Country. 1980. p598.2/WES/DAV .- Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, Eric R. The observer's book of Devon and Cornwall. 1980. sWES/1980/DEL : WES/1980/DELr : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Paignton. Kirkham House. 1980. p728.3/PAI/DEP.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Devon county structure plan. : report of the panel, appendix D : daily summaries of the discussions at the examination in public . 1980. sx711.3/DEV/1980 : sx711.3/DEV/1980g.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Devon county structure plan. : examination in public, Oldway Mansion, Paignton, March-April 1980 : report of the panel . 1980. sx711.3/DEV/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Devon county structure plan. : modifications proposed by Secretary of State for the Environment with supporting statement . 1980. px711.3/DEV/DEP .- Subjects: Devon.

Department of the Environment. Devon county structure plan. : the examination in public : final list of matters for examination in public and of participants . 1980. px711.3/DEV/1980 : 711.3/B/1980 .- Subjects: Devon.

Development ... Exeter. Development opportunities in Exeter. [1980]. pB/EXE/1980/DEV : On order.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon ... Exeter. Devon County Council, Exeter City Council, appeal by Grandrew Properties Ltd. 1980. pxB/EXE/711.58/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon ... Yealmpton. Devon Shire Horse Farm Centre. 1980. p636.15/YEA/DEV : sp636.15/YEA/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Beekeepers Association. Handbook 1980. 1980. p638.1/DEV/DEV : 638.1/B/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Centre for Further Education. Dartington. Calendar of courses 1980. 1980. p374/DAR/DEV : DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Centre for Further Education. Dartington. Calendar of courses summer 1980. 1980. p374/DAR/DEV : DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Sites and buildings procedure notes. : final draft . [1980]. px352.94232/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Business systems planning. : guide to the report : January 1980 . 1980. BH stack : xDEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Business systems planning. : definition phase 2 Volume 3: Appendix 1 : January 1980 . 1980. sx352.000472/DEV/DEV : xDEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Business systems planning. : definition phase 2 Volume 2: Main report : January 1980 . 1980. sx352.000472/DEV/DEV : xDEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Business systems planning. : overview : phase 1 Vol. 1: Initial report : October 1978 . 1980. sx352.000472/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Business systems planning. : overview : phase 1 Vol. 2: Appendices : October 1978 . 1980. sx352.000472/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Business systems planning. : definition : phase 2 Vol. 1: Executive summary : January 1980 . 1980. sx352.000472/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Business systems planning. : definition : phase 2 Vol. 4: Appendices 2 to 31 : January 1980 . 1980. sx352.000472/DEV/DEV : xDEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. East Devon Area. Leisure opportunities for young people. : Summer 1980 . 1980. p790.1/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. East Devon Area Ed. Exeter. Exeter prospectus 1980-81. : educational courses . 1980. sB/EXE/374/DEV : sB/EXE/374/DEVr.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Department. Animals in the primary school. : a supplement to Safety in science . 1980. px372.1775/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Dept. Teaching in Devon. : some information and guidance 1980-81 . 1980. px371.1/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Dept. Pollution. : summary of sources and effects . [1980?. BH stack : xPOL.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Dept. Records 5-16. : a handbook of guidance . 1980. px371.27/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Engineer's Department. Devon annual report of traffic surveys and trends 1979. 1980. px388.314/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Engineer's Dept. Transport policies and programme. : 7th submission 1981-82 : part 2 : programme . 1980. sx380.5/DEV/1981 : xDEV/ENG.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Engineer's Dept. Transport policies and programme. : 7th submission 1981-82 : part 1 : policies . 1980. sx380.5/DEV/1981 : xDEV/ENG.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Engineer's Dept. Public transport plan. : 1980-81 : appendices . 1980. sx380.5/DEV/1980 : xDEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Engineer's Dept. Public transport plan. : 1980-81 . 1980. sx380.5/DEV/1980 : xDEV/ENG.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Industrial Develop. Devon. [1980?. BH stack c/t WSL : DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Archaeology in Devon. : an illustrated survey of archaeological reports and information . 1980. pDEV/0005/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Classification of residential neighbourhoods 1971. : a cluster analysis of enumeration districts . 1980. sx307.76/DEV/DEV : sx307.76/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. East Devon. East Devon heritage coast, December 1980. 1980. px333.917/EAS/DEV : spx333.917/EAS/DEV : 333.917/BX/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Dept. Devon local plans programme. : draft, November 1980 1981 . 1980. px016.7114/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Dept. Devon county structure plan. : annual ... settlement pattern 1979 . 1980. Bho for checking.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Dept. Community facilities in rural areas 1979. 1980. px301.35/DEV/DEV : 307.72/B/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Dept. Devon county structure plan. : annual ... settlement pattern 1979 . 1980. WSL : 307.2/B/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Dept. Slapton. Slapton study. : opportunities for enhancing the landscape and wildlife quality of the Slapton area . 1980. px719/SLA/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Dept. Tourism surveys 1979. : report of the County Planning Officer . 1980. BH stack c/t WSL : DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Road Safety Unit. Crossing the road doesn't get any easier. 1980. p363.125/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. South Devon Youth. The choice is yours. 1980. p790.1/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Tourism Office. It's holiday time - in Devon. 1980. pDEV/1980/DEV : B /1980/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Tourism Office. Out and about in Devon. [1980]. p790.025/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Tourism Office. Devon's touring caravan & camp sites. 1980. p796.54/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Tourism Office. Devon's country accommodation 1980. [1980]. p647.94/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Department. Budget 1980-81. : revenue and capital . 1980. sx351.12/DEV/1980 : sx351.12/DEV/1980g.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Department. Devon Finance 1979/1980. 1980. sx352.17/DEV/1979 : sx352.17/DEV/1979g : .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Federation Young Farmers. Devon Young Farmers Year Book 1980. 1980. 630.62/DEV/YOU.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs. Year book 1980. [1980]. s630.62/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Fire Brigade. Diary. [1980]. s363.37/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Folk Life Register. Folk festivals and traditions of Devon. : a guide to Devon calendar customs . 1980. px394.26/DEV/DEV : spx394.26/DEV/DEV : 394 /B/DEV : In stock .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon General. East Devon. Exeter area bus timetable. : from 30th November 1980 . 1980. p388.322042/EAS/1980 .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Probation and After-Care Area. Report of the Probation and After-Care Committee for the year 1979. [1980]. p364.63/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Probation and After-care Committee. Community Service by offenders scheme. 1980-. px364.6/DEV/DEV : px364.6/DEV/DEVr.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Record Office. Report. 1st April, 1979 to 31st March, 1980. 1980. p352.164/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Record Office. Parish, non-parochial and civil registers in the Devon Record Office, March 1980. 1980. px016.9293/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Rutex Working Group. Taw Valley. Rural transport experiments. : the Taw valley car service . 1980. px388.321/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Rutex Working Group. Exmoor. Rural transport experiments. : South Exmoor car service . 1980. px388.321/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Constabulary. Annual report 1979. 1980. s363.2/WES/DEV : s363.2/WES/DEVg.. . . . Devon and Exeter Festival. Exeter. Syllabus of the 53rd festival March 7 - 22, 1980. 1980. pB/EXE/780.79/DEV U.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon-American ... The Devon-American fortnight, 26 September - 11 October, 1980. : yofficial programme of events . 1980. p791/DEV/DEV : 791/B/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon-American ... The Devon-American story. 1980. p973/DEV/DEV : sp973/DEV/DEV : 970/B/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Donaldson, J.C. Cockington. The parish church of St.George and St.Mary, Cockington, Torquay, Devon. : a guide . [1980?]. p726.5/COC/DON.- Subjects: Devon.

Doyle, Arthur Conan. Sir. Dartmoor. The hound of the Baskervilles. 1980. s823/DOY.- Subjects: Devon.

Doyle, Joan. Tamar River. A Tamar cruise. [1980]. pA/TAM/1980/DOY.- Subjects: Devon.

Doyle, Joan. Plymouth. Plymouth Sound. 1980. p387.1/PLY/DOY.- Subjects: Devon.

Dr... Tiverton. Dr.A.I.Sprigg's collection of antique lace. 1980. s746.22074/TIV/DRA.- Subjects: Devon.

Durweston ... Durweston. Durweston in the eighties. : a village appraisal . [1980]. p711.4/DUR/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Dymond, J.N. Lundy. The birds of Lundy. 1980. 598.2/LUN/DYM : 598.2/LUN/DYMr : 598/LUN/DYM .- Subjects: Devon.

East Devon District Council. East Devon. Abstract of accounts 1979. 1980. p352.17/EAS/1979 .- Subjects: Devon.

East Devon District Council. Planning. Colyton. Colyton-Coleford district plan. : written statement . 1980. px711.4/COL/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Ellacott, Samuel E. Braunton. Braunton ships and seamen. [1980]. s387.51/BRA/ELL : s387.51/BRA/ELLg : 387.5/BRA 9/ELL : D387BRA/ELL2.- Subjects: Devon.

Essays ... Exe Estuary. Essays on the Exe estuary. 1980. 500.9/EXE/ESS : s500.9/EXE/ESS : s500.9/EXE/ESSg : 500.9/EXE/ESS .- Subjects: Devon.

Estate Publications. Plymouth. Plymouth, Ivybridge, Kingsand, Millbrook, Plympton, Plymstock, Newton Ferrers, Saltash, Torpoint, Yealmpton. : Estate Publications street plans . [1980?]. p912/PLY/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter ... Exeter. Exeter air day, Exeter airport, Saturday, 12th July, 1980. : official programme . 1980. pB/EXE/387.7074/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Art Society. Exeter. Catalogue of 52nd exhibition .... : April 23rd to May 23rd 1980 . 1980. pB/EXE/708/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Exeter. List of local organisations. [1980?. sB/EXE/060/EXE : sB/EXE/060/EXEr .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Exeter. Exeter 1900 years, AD 80-1980. : autumn festivities programme . 1980. pB/EXE/791/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Planning Department. Exeter. Exeter district plan. : draft proposals report (December 1980 . 1980. sxB/EXE/711.4/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Planning Department. Exeter. Urban renewal in Exeter - the west quarter and Friernhay. [1980]. pxB/EXE/711.4/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Tourist Information. Exeter. Exeter and district tour centre, tour guide and accommodation list. [1980]. pB/EXE/1981/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Department. Exeter. Estimates 1980-81. 1980. sxB/EXE/352.12/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Dept. Exeter. Abstract of accounts 1979-80. 1980. sB/EXE/352.17/CIT.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter College. Exeter. Part-time day & evening courses 1980-1981. 1980. pB/EXE/378/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter College. Exeter. Full time courses at Exeter College 1980-1. 1980. pB/EXE/378/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter College of Art. Exeter. Catalogue of the collection of early and illustrated books. [1980?. pB/EXE/016.09/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Council for Voluntary Service. Exeter. Annual report. 33rd. : July 1979-June 1980 . 1980. sB/EXE/361.7062/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Festival Committee. Exeter. Exeter festival riverama, Exe Quay, Sunday 1st June, 1980. : programme . 1980. pB/EXE/791/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Festival Committee. Exeter. Exeter festival, May 24th - June 7th. : Exeter 1900 anniversary celebrations . 1980. pB/EXE/791/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Health Care District. Exeter. Annual report, 1980 and district operational plan, 1981. 1980. pxB/EXE/362.1/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Standing Committee for Youth Unem. Exeter. A constructive guide to youth unemployment. 1980. pxB/EXE/331.34137/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter and District Chamber of Commerce. Exeter. Members directory.. [1980]. pB/EXE/380.062/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter and District Community Health Cnl. Exeter. Good practices in mental health. : Exeter district . 1980. pxB/EXE/362.2/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter and District Toy Library. Exeter. Year book 1980. 1980. pB/EXE/362.784/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exmoor National Park Committee. Lynton and Lynmouth. Lynton and Lynmouth draft local plan and supplementary planning guidance, May 1980. 1980. px711.4/LYN/1980 : 711.4/BN:LYN 7/1980 .- Subjects: Devon.

Exmouth ... Exmouth. Exmouth and Budleigh Salterton in glorious East Devon, 1980. 1980. sB/EXM 7/1980/EXM : sB/EXM 7/1980/EXMg.- Subjects: Devon.

Explorer's ... Tavistock. The explorer's guide to Morwellham. [1980?. px387.1/TAV/EXP.- Subjects: Devon.

Faas, Ekbert. North Tawton. Ted Hughes. : the unaccommodated universe, with selected critical writings . 1980. s821/HUG.- Subjects: Devon.

Fairlynch Arts Centre and Museum. Budleigh Salterton. Fairlynch Arts Centre and Museum. [1980?. p069/BUD/FAI : 062.357 x2.- Subjects: Devon.

Fairweather, Len. Salcombe. Salcombe remembered. 1980. pxB/SAL 3/1900/FAI : spxB/SAL 3/1900/FAI : BX:SAL 3/0002/FAI.- Subjects: Devon.

Fal History Group. Fal Estuary. History around the Fal. 1980. pC/FAL/0001/FAL.. . . . Farm-Based Recreation Information Centre. Farmhouse accommodation. : a guide to the establishment and management of serviced farmhouse accommodation enterprises . 1980. sx338.4791/WES/1980 .- Subjects: Devon.

Farway Countryside Park. Farway. Farway Countryside Park. 1980. p636.0074/FAR/FAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Faust, Clive. Token or trace. 1980. s821/FAU.- Subjects: Devon.

First ... Lundy. First definitive issue 1929-30. [1980?. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/798.- Subjects: Devon.

First ... Exeter. The first Exeter power boat race, September 27-28, 1980. : official souvenir programme . [1980]. pxB/EXE/797.14/FIR.- Subjects: Devon.

Fitzgibbon, , Russell H. Churston Ferrers. The Agatha Christie companion. 1980. s823/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Foot, Sarah. Plymouth. My grandfather Isaac Foot. 1980. 920/FOO : 920/FOO : D92/FOO : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Ford, Gordon. Sign here please!. : an autobiography . 1980. s920/FOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Forestry Commission. Kenn. Exeter Forest. [1980]. p634.9/KEN/FOR : sp634.9/KEN/FOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Fowler, Alastair. Dean Prior. Robert Herrick. 1980. p828/HER.- Subjects: Devon.

Fowler, Phyllis M. North Devon. A history of guiding in North Devon. 1980. Not acquired WSL : DMSS/369/FOW.- Subjects: Devon.

Fox and Sons. Exeter. 8, Mont Le Grand, Exeter, Devon. : a outstanding period city residence ... for sale by private treaty . [1980?. pxB/EXE/333.338/FOX.- Subjects: Devon.

Frank ... Newton Abbot. Frank Matcham theatre architect. 1980. 920/MAT : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Freeman, Claudine. Doddiscombsleigh. The settlement development of Doddiscombsleigh, Devon. 1980. sxB/DOD/0001/FRE.- Subjects: Devon.

Freeman, Richard Broke. Philip Henry Gosse. : a bibliography . 1980. s012/GOS.- Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Exeter. Annual report. 50th. : to 31st March, 1980 . 1980. sPER/FRI.- Subjects: Devon.

Fry, C.R.. Eight Devon wills dated between 1769 and 1849. 1980. 16/FRY/3.- Subjects: Devon.

Furnell, Dennis L. The country book of the year. 1980. 574/DEV/FUR.- Subjects: Devon.

Gardam, Jane. Sidmouth. The Sidmouth letters. 1980. s823/GAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Giddens, Caroline J. Minehead. Minehead, a little history. 1980. pE/MIN/0001/GID.- Subjects: Devon.

Goddard, David. Exeter. Exeter Maritime Museum. 1980. pB/EXE/623.8074/GOD.- Subjects: Devon.

Greatest ... Crediton. The greatest Englishman. : essays on St. Boniface and the church at Crediton . 1980. 920/BON : 920/BONr.- Subjects: Devon.

Greeves, Tom. An outline archaeological and historical survey of tin mining in Devon, England 1500-1920. 1980. p622.3453/DEV/GRE.- Subjects: Devon.

Gregg, Hubert. Churston Ferrers. Agatha Christie and all that mousetrap. 1980. s828/CHR.- Subjects: Devon.

Griffiths, G.D. Dartmoor. Silver blue. 1980. s823/GRI.- Subjects: Devon.

Grigg, John. Plymouth. Nancy Astor. : portrait of a pioneer . 1980. s920/AST : I/S : D92/AST.- Subjects: Devon.

Guest, Lynn. Children of Hachiman. 1980. s823/GUE.- Subjects: Devon.

Guide ... Guide a l'Angleterre du sud-ouest pour les visiteurs francais - 4eme ed. [1980]. pDEV/1980/GUI.- Subjects: Devon.

Guide ... Ashburton. Guide to the stannary town of Ashburton in the county of Devon. [1980]. pB/ASH 1/1980/GUI : spB/ASH 1/1980/GUI.- Subjects: Devon.

Guide ... Widecombe-in-Moor. Guide to the parish & church of St Pancras at Widecombe-in-the- Moor.. 1980. p726.5/WID/GUI .- Subjects: Devon.

Gunnell, Clive. Dartmoor. My Dartmoor. 1980. sB/DAR 5/1980/GUN.- Subjects: Devon.

Harvey, John L. Stokenham. The tragedy of Hallsands village. [1980?. pB/STO 7/1897/HAR : BX:HAL 3/1897/HAR .- Subjects: Devon.

Harvie, Alida. Those glittering years. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Hawksworth, D.L. South Devon. Lichens of the South Devon coastal schists. 1980. px589.1/DEV/HAW.- Subjects: Devon.

Heaton, Vernon. Plymouth. The Mayflower. 1980. 973.22/PLY/HEA : s973.22/PLY/HEA : D942/1620HEA .- Subjects: Devon.

Hemerdon ... Sparkwell. The Hemerdon project. : a joint venture between Amax Exploration of UK Inc and Hemerdon Mining & Smelting Ltd . 1980. px622.184649/SPA/HEM.- Subjects: Devon.

Henry ... North Devon. Henry Williamson. : the man, the writings : a symposium . 1980. 828/WIL : 828/WILr : 828/WIL.- Subjects: Devon.

Hervey, Nicholas. Exeter. Bowhill House. : St. Thomas's Hospital for Lunatics : Asylum for the Four Western Counties, 1801-1869 . 1980. pB/EXE/362.21/HER : pB/EXE/362.21/HER.- Subjects: Devon.

Holidays ... Holidays in the sun for Devon, Cornwall, Somerset and Dorset 1980. 1980. sWES/1980/HOL.- Subjects: Devon.

Holmes, Bob. North Devon. My country year. [1980]. 574.543/DEV/HOL : 508 /BN/HOL : I/S : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Holt, Geraldene. Geraldene Holt's cake stall. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Holt, R.W. East Worlington. Separate indices of the copy registers of christenings ... marriages...banns...burials...of the parish of East Worlington. [1980?. s929.3/EAS/1725 : s929.3/EAS/1725r.- Subjects: Devon.

Home Office. Torquay. Police and sanitary regulations (Torquay Harbour and District Bill, 1866). : report made by the Home Office ..., 1888 . [1980?. sx328.4101/WES/HOU.- Subjects: Devon.

Honer, Douglas E. the Keslake family; with additional notes on the Rowell family. 1980. : : 21/KESLAKE/1.- Subjects: Devon.

Honer, Douglas E. Morchard Bishop. A Moore family of Morchard Bishop. : some notes . 1980. px929.2/MOO : 21/MOORE.- Subjects: Devon.

Honiton ... Honiton. Honiton and district official guide, revised 1980. [1980]. pB/HON/1980/HON.- Subjects: Devon.

Horrabridge ... Horrabridge. Horrabridge & district. : Part One : Horrabridge village, the bridge & the River Walkham . 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Horrabridge ... Horrabridge. Horrabridge & district. : Part Two: tin & copper mines of Horrabridge . 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

House of Commons. Plymouth. Select Committee on the Victualling Establishment at Cremill Point. Report, 1832. [1980?. sx328.4101/WES/HOU.- Subjects: Devon.

House of Commons. Plymouth. Papers relating to Plymouth Sound. : &c., 1812 . [1980?. sx328.4101/WES/HOU.- Subjects: Devon.

House of Commons. Plymouth. Commissioners of Naval Enquiry. 9th report. : Receipt and issue of stores in Plymouth Yard, 1805 . [1980?. sx328.4101/WES/HOU.- Subjects: Devon.

House of Commons. Plymouth. Commissioners of Naval Enquiry. 8th report. : His Majesty's Victualling Department at Plymouth; Embezzlement ... , 1804 . [1980?. sx328.4101/WES/HOU.- Subjects: Devon.

House of Commons. Plymouth. Commissioners of Naval Enquiry. 7th report. : Naval Hospital at East Stonehouse; Le Caton hospital ship, 1804 . [1980?. sx328.4101/WES/HOU.- Subjects: Devon.

House of Commons. Plymouth. Commissioners of Naval Enquiry. 6th report. : Plymouth Yard, Woolwich Yard, 1804 . [1980?. sx328.4101/WES/HOU.. . . . House of Commons. Plymouth. Select Committee on the Embankments in Catwater. : report, 1806 . [1980?. sx328.4101/WES/HOU.- Subjects: Devon.

House of Commons. Atmospheric Railways. Select Committee on Atmospheric Railways. Report ... together with the minutes of evidence, appenxix and index, 1845. [1980?. sx328.4101/WES/HOU.- Subjects: Devon.

House of Commons. South Devon Fisheries. South Devon. Select Committee on South Devon Fisheries. Report, 1817. [1980?. sx328.4101/WES/HOU.- Subjects: Devon.

Hubbard-Fielder, Duncan. Bucks Mills. The Story of Bucks Mills and Bucks Cross. 1980. pB/BUC 9/0001/HUB : spB/BUC 9/0001/HUB : DP900BUC/HUB : BT:BUC 9/0001/HUB.- Subjects: Devon.

Hughes, Ted. North Tawton. Moortown. [1980]. Ordered WSL.- Subjects: Devon.

Hulland, Charles. Devonshire farmhouses part V. : some medieval houses in North and Mid-Devon . 1980. p728.67/DEV/HUL : p728.67/DEV/HULr.- Subjects: Devon.

Hunt, Hugh. Sean O'Casey. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Hutchinson, Peter Orlando. Sidmouth. A history of the town, parish and manor of Sidmouth. 1980. xB/SID 5/0001/HUT : xB/SID 5/0001/HUTr.- Subjects: Devon.

Ilfracombe ... Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe 1980 official guide. 1980. sB/ILF/1980/ILF.- Subjects: Devon.

Ingrams, Richard. Dear Bill. : the collected letters of Denis Thatcher . 1980. s741.5/DEV/ING.- Subjects: Devon.

International Folklore Festival.Sidmouth. Sidmouth. International Folklore Festival, Sidmouth. 26th. : Souvenir programme . 1980. p791/SID/SID.- Subjects: Devon.

Invalid Children's Aid Association. Year book 1980-81. 1980. p362.78/DEV/INV .- Subjects: Devon.

Ireland, M.J. Rural markets, past and present in Devonshire. : an anthropol- ogical approach to the social, economic and political aspects... . 1980. sx306.3/DEV/IRE.- Subjects: Devon.

Isles ... Scilly Isles. Isles of Scilly bird report 1979. [1980]. p598.2/SCI/ISL.- Subjects: Devon.

Ivey, W.F. Helston. Memories of Old Helston, Porthleven and the Lizard peninsula. [1980]. sxC/HEL 7/1900/IVE.- Subjects: Devon.

Ivybridge and District Amenity Society. Ivybridge. Ambles, rambles and strolls. [1980?. Not acquired WSL : Ivybridge.- Subjects: Devon.

Jeans, Susi. Exeter. The musical life of Exeter Cathedral (1600-1650). [1980?. pB/EXE/780/JEA.- Subjects: Devon.

Jeffery, Margaret. Plymouth. The black shore. 1980. s823/JEF.- Subjects: Devon.

Johnson, C.R., Rare Book Collections. Street literature. : a collection of 944 Whiteletter broadside . 1980. sx016.3988/GEN/JOH.- Subjects: Devon.

Jones, Adrian. Exeter. A waterfront facade. [1980?. sxB/EXE/386.47/JON : sxB/EXE/386.47/JONr : xJON.- Subjects: Devon.

Jones, Roger. Newton Abbot. Forde House, Newton Abbot. : written to commemorate the visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II ... April 2nd 1980 . 1980. p728/NEW/JON.- Subjects: Devon.

Jones, Roger. Teignbridge. Rambles around Newton Abbot. 1980. s796.51/DEV/JON : s796.51/TEI/JON : s796.51/DEV/JONg .- Subjects: Devon.

Jury, Sidney J. A collection of Devonshire songs and chatter. : with sundry gleanings from various sources . [1980]. p821.008/DEV/JUR : 783 /B/JUR.- Subjects: Devon.

Keep, David W. Crediton. Cultural conflicts in the mission of Saint Boniface. 1980. Not acquired WSL : Crediton.- Subjects: Devon.

Kelly's ... Kelly's directory of British industry and services... vol. 8. : South West and Wales 1980-81 . 1980. px380.1025/WES/1980 .- Subjects: Devon.

Kemp, Gene. Exeter. Tamworth Pig saves the trees. 1980. s823/KEM.- Subjects: Devon.

King, Eve. Flower poems. 1980. p821/KIN.- Subjects: Devon.

Kingston History Society. Kingston. Kingston. : a South Hams village . 1980. pxB/KIN 6/1850/KIN : spxB/KIN 6/1850/KIN : BX:KIN 6/0002/KIN .- Subjects: Devon.

Lacotte, Daniel. Traditions et legendes en Normandie. 1980. s944.2/DEV/LAC.- Subjects: Devon.

Lambert, Derek. And I quote. 1980. s920/LAM.- Subjects: Devon.

Lamplugh, Lois. North Devon. The winter donkey. 1980. Not acquired WSL : 823/LAM : D823/LAM.- Subjects: Devon.

Langham, Myrtle. Lundy. A Lundy album. 1980. B/LUN/1836/LAN : sB/LUN/1836/LAN : sB/LUN/1836/LANr : BT:LUN/1836/LAN .- Subjects: Devon.

Langley, G.E. Exminster. Sir John Charles Bucknill 1817-1897. : our founder . 1980. px610.924/EXM/LAN.- Subjects: Devon.

Le Messurier, Brian. Dartmoor. Dartmoor walks for motorists. : 30 circular walks . 1980. s796.51/DAR/LEM : s796.51/DAR/LEMg : BX:DAR 5/1980/LEM .- Subjects: Devon.

Le Messurier, Brian. South Devon Coast Path. 1980. s796.51/SOU/LEM : s796.51/SOU/LEM : s796.51/DEV/LEMg : 796.51/BX/LEM .- Subjects: Devon.

Leach, Ronald. Thornbury. The Devon Museum of Mechanical Music. [1980?. s789.7/DEV/LEA : spx789.7/DEV/LEA : 789.7/THO 3/LEA .- Subjects: Devon.

Leat, Philip M.K. Trends in horticultural production in South West England. 1980. sx338.175/WES/LEA : sx338.175/WES/LEAr.- Subjects: Devon.

Lemarchand, Elizabeth. Change for the worse. 1980. s823/LEM.- Subjects: Devon.

Lethbridge, Thomas C. The essential T.C.Lethbridge. 1980. s133/GEN/LET.- Subjects: Devon.

Liboux, Jean-Luc Le. Roches et mineraux de Normandie. 1980. p944.2/DEV/LIB.- Subjects: Devon.

Lichfield, Nathaniel, & Partners. Barnstaple. Barnstaple town centre study. : reconnaissance report, June 1980 . 1980. px711.4/BAR/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Lichfield, Nathaniel, & Partners. Barnstaple. Your town, your views. : Barnstaple town centre study : first public consultation, April 1980 . 1980. px711.4/BAR/1980 : 711.4/BAR/1980 : DP711/BAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Littleham and Landcross Parish Council. Littleham, Bideford. An appraisal of Littleham. 1980. p711.4/LIT/1980 : 711.4/LIT/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Local Government Boundary Commission. Proposals for the future electoral arrangements for the County of Devon. 1980. px352/DEV/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Lockyear, Harold. Hartland. The man from the sea. [1980?. NIS.- Subjects: Devon.

Loftus, Harry. Touring Devon and Cornwall. 1980. s796.78/WES/LOF : s796.78/WES/LOFg : 796.78/B/LOF .- Subjects: Devon.

Lowe, M.C. Devon turnpikes. : files of notes and photocopies Collection of research notes, fuller listing available . 1980-. Plant room.- Subjects: Devon.

Lundy ... Lundy. Lundy. : a diving field guide . [1980?. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/598/2.- Subjects: Devon.

Luxton, Henry William Bryant. Grassland productivity and margins in dairy farming, South West England, 1978-79. 1980. sx338.1771/WES/LUX : x338.1771/WES/LUXr.- Subjects: Devon.

Lynn-Field, R. Fragments from the world we live in. 1980. s828/LYN.- Subjects: Devon.

Lynton ... Lynton. Lynton, Lynmouth. [1980]. sB/LYN 7/1980/LYN.- Subjects: Devon.

Maggs, Colin G. Railways to Exmouth. 1980. p385/DEV/MAG : sp385/DEV/MAG.- Subjects: Devon.

Mapson, John Victor. Axmouth. Axmouth church. : history and guide . [1980?]. p726.5/AXM/MAP.- Subjects: Devon.

Marsh, Ngaio. South Devon. Death at the bar. 1980. s823/MAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Marshall, Beverley. Smocks and smocking. 1980. Not acquired WSL : 746.44/D/MAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Marsland, David. Plymouth. Community service for unemployed people. : an evaluation of three YOP schemes in Coventry, Devon and Liverpool . 1980. px331.12/PLY/MAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Mast (South West). Exeter. Management and training skills 1980-1981. : courses in areas of communication . 1980. pxB/EXE/658.007/MAS.- Subjects: Devon.

May, Bruce. Ilfracombe. The rise of Ilfracombe as a seaside resort .... 1980. North Devon Ath. : D330/WES.- Subjects: Devon.

Maynard School. Exeter. Prospectus 1980-1981. 1980. sB/EXE/373.22/MAY.- Subjects: Devon.

McCarter, N.H. South Hams. Patterns of animal and plant distribution on rocky shores of the. 1980. px574.526/SOU/McC.- Subjects: Devon.

McLaughlin, Brian. Littleham, Bideford. Village action. 1980. Not acquired WSL : 352 /LIT 3/MCL.- Subjects: Devon.

Medieval ... Exeter. The medieval mystical tradition in England. : papers read at the Exeter Symposium, July 1980 . 1980. s248.22/GEN/MED.- Subjects: Devon.

Meneage and Lizard Oral History Group. Landewednack. Traditional life in the far South West. : recollections . 1980. pC/LAN 1/1900/MEN.- Subjects: Devon.

Mevagissey ... Mevagissey. Mevagissey, Fowey and St. Austell Bay official guide. [1980]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Mid Cornwall College ... Saint Austell. Prospectus 1981-82. : full time courses . [1980?. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Mid Devon District Council. Mid Devon. Industrial opportunities in Mid Devon. 1980. px338/MID/MID.- Subjects: Devon.

Mid Devon District Council. Crediton. The official guide to Crediton and district. [1980?]. pB/CRE 7/1980/MID.- Subjects: Devon.

Mill, John Stuart. Ottery St. Mary. Mill on Bentham and Coleridge. 1980. 192/GEN/MIL : 192/GEN/MIL.- Subjects: Devon.

Mobbs, Amy M. Horrabridge. Tin and copper mines of Horrabridge. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Mobbs, Amy M. Horrabridge. Horrabridge and district. Part 2. : Tin and copper mines of Horrabridge . 1980. pB/HOR 3/0001/MOB : spB/HOR 3/0001/MOB.- Subjects: Devon.

Morchard Bishop. Parish. Morchard Bishop. [ Parish register ] Contents. : Christenings 1776-1839, . [1980]. sx929.3/MOR/1754.- Subjects: Devon.

Moulton, Robert D. Lundy. Lundy rock climbs. 1980. s796.522/LUN/MOU : s796.522/LUN/MOUg : 796.522/LUN/MOU.- Subjects: Devon.

Murch, David. South Hams. Wreck and rescue on the South Hams coast. 1980. px623.8885/SOU/MUR : spx623.8885/SOU/MUR.- Subjects: Devon.

National Gardens Scheme. Devon gardens 1980. 1980. p712/DEV/NAT.- Subjects: Devon.

National Trust. Arlington. Model ships at Arlington Court. 1980. Not acquired WSL : DP623ARL/NAT : .- Subjects: Devon.

National Trust. Broadclyst. Woodland walks on the Killerton Estate, Broadclyst, Exeter. [1980]. px634.9/BRO/NAT.- Subjects: Devon.

National Trust. Broadclyst. The national gardens survey. : Killerton Gardens, index of trees and . [1980]. sx582.16/BRO/NAT.- Subjects: Devon.

National Trust. Arlington. Arlington Court. 1980. p728.8/ARL/NAT.- Subjects: Devon.

National Trust. Tiverton. The national gardens survey. : Knightshayes Court, Devon . [1980]. sx635/TIV/NAT.- Subjects: Devon.

Nature Conservancy Council. Bovey Valley Woodlands National Nature Reserve. 1980. p639.95/DEV/NAT.- Subjects: Devon.

Newcomen Society. Transactions Vol. 50, 1978-79. 1980. PER : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Newton ... Newton St. Petrock. Newton St. Petrock Baptist church Ter-Jubilee 1830-1980. [1980]. Not acquired WSL : BT:NEW 7/1830/NEW.- Subjects: Devon.

Newton, Robert. Exeter. Victorian Exeter. : [1660 - 1980 ?] . [1980]. sB/EXE/1660/NEW/4-37.- Subjects: Devon.

Nicholas, J. Plymouth. Plymouth Friary. 1980. px385.314/PLY/NIC.- Subjects: Devon.

Nicholas, J. Exeter. Exeter Queen Street. 1980. pB/EXE/385.314/NIC.- Subjects: Devon.

Normandie ... Normandie. 1980. sx944.2/DEV/NOR.- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon District Council. North Devon. Year book 1980. 1980. 352/BN/NOR : .- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon District Council. Barnstaple. Barnstaple industrial sites. : a study of land for industry in Barnstaple and other development issues at Whiddon Valley . 1980. px333.77/BAR/NOR.- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon District Council. North Devon. Abstract of accounts for the year ended 31st March 1980. 1980. PER : 352.17/BN/NOR : .- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon District Council. North Devon. Coastal pollution. : counter measures . 1980. Not acquired WSL : NOR.- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon District Council. Planning. Barnstaple. Barnstaple town centre study. : reconnaissance stage, June 1980 . 1980. Not acquired WSL : 711.4/BN:BAR/1980 : .- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon District Council. Planning. Barnstaple. Barnstaple town centre study. : reconnaissance stage: appendices and bibliography. [cover title: Reconnaissance report ...]. . 1980. Not acquired WSL : 711.4/BN:BAR/1980 : .- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon District Council. Planning. Barnstaple. Barnstaple town centre study. : results of the first public consultation [draft report]. . 1980. Not acquired WSL : 711.4/BN:BAR/1980 : .- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon District Council. Planning D. Barnstaple. Your town, your views. : first public consultation . 1980. Not acquired WSL : 711.4/BN:BAR/1980.. . . . North Devon Movement. North Devon. Impact motorway. : North Devon, the M5, and the link road . [1980?. Not acquired WSL : 388.12/B/NOR : DP388 : .- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. Old Times. 1980. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. Woe to the sparrows. 1980. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. Godspell. 1980. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Northcott Theatre. Exeter. The Gipsy Baron. : A musical play in three acts . 1980. TP B/Exeter/Northcott Theatre/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Nott, W.J. Barnstaple. The amusements at Barnstaple Fair, 1875-1925. 1980. Not acquired WSL : DMSS/394/BAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Nott, W.J. Bickington. A few stepping-stones in the story of Bickington Chapel. 1980. px285.8/BIC/NOT : DP900BIC/NOT.- Subjects: Devon.

Nott. W.J. A countryman's diary. 1980. Not acquired WSL : DMSS/630/NOT.- Subjects: Devon.

Nye, Charles S. Tiverton. We welcome you to the ancient parish church of Tiverton, Devon. [1980?]. p726.5/TIV/NYE.- Subjects: Devon.

O'Casey ... Torquay. The O'Casey enigma. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Tiverton. The official guide to Tiverton and district. [1980]. sB/TIV/1980/OFF : sB/TIV/1980/OFFg.- Subjects: Devon.

Old ... Tiverton. Old Tiverton and mid-Devon in photographs. : part two . 1980. pxDEV/1900/OLD : spxDEV/1900/OLD.- Subjects: Devon.

Old ... Tiverton. Old Tiverton and mid-Devon in old photographs. Part 2. : a further selection . 1980. pxDEV/1900/OLD.- Subjects: Devon.

Oliver, Colin. Seeing. : twelve poems . 1980. p821/OLI.- Subjects: Devon.

Oliver, Dorothy. Torquay. Tall tales of little people. [1980]. px745.5928/TOR/OLI.- Subjects: Devon.

Order of Saint John for Devon. Saint John Ambulance Devon year book 1980-81. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Orme, Nicholas. Exeter. The minor clergy of Exeter Cathedral 1300-1548. : a list of the minor officers, vicars choral, annuellars, secondaries and choristers . 1980. sB/EXE/262.3/ORM : sB/EXE/262.3/ORMr : 23/CLE/ORM.- Subjects: Devon.

Orton, Diana. Torquay. Made of gold. : a biography of Angela Burdett-Coutts . 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Ottery St. Mary Handbells. Ottery St. Mary. The Ottery St. Mary handbells. 1980. L/P 5.- Subjects: Devon.

Out ... Exeter. Out of the house. : Exeter's guide for parents with young children . 1980. pB/EXE/362.7/OUT .- Subjects: Devon.

Owen, G.J. Dawlish. Geology around Dawlish. [1980]. p550/DAW/OWE.- Subjects: Devon.

Page, Frank. Plymouth. Alone against the Atlantic. : the story of the Observer single- handed Transatlantic race 1960-80 . 1980. sx797.14/PLY/PAG.- Subjects: Devon.

Paignton ... Paignton. Paignton accomodation. 1980. s647.94/PAI/PAI.- Subjects: Devon.

Parish ... Ermington. The parish church of St.Peter and St.Paul, Ermington, Devon. [1980?]. p726.5/ERM/PAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Parish ... South Brent. The parish church of St.Petroc, South Brent, Devon. [1980?]. p726.5/SOU/PAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Parish ... Sampford Courtnay. The parish church of Saint Andrew, Sampford Courtnay. [1980?. Not acquired WSL : DP900SAM/SAM.- Subjects: Devon.

Parish ... Okehampton. Parish church of All Saints, Okehampton. [1980?]. p726.5/OKE/PAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Pateman, Leslie Lownds. Torquay. Pictorial and historical survey of Babbacombe and St. Marychurch to commemorate its golden jubilee 1930-1980. [1980]. xB/TOR 7/0001/PAT : sxB/TOR 7/0001/PAT : BX:TOR 7/0001/PAT : D398/PAT .- Subjects: Devon.

Payne, F.J. Torbay. The history of the Torbay Hospital 1844-1980. [1980?. p362.11/TOR/PAY : sp362.11/TOR/PAY.- Subjects: Devon.

Penzance ... Penzance. Penzance and district. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Pepys, Paulina. Powderham. Powderham Castle, Devon. : the historic home of the Courtenay family . 1980. p728.81/POW/PEP : DP728POW/PEP .- Subjects: Devon.

Perry, Anthony M. Tiverton. Lowman Group. 1980. px620.00965/TIV/PER .- Subjects: Devon.

Perutz, Max. Budleigh Salterton. Radioactive nodules from Devonshire, England. [1980]. p549.72/BUD/PER : s549.72/BUD/PER : 553 /B/PER.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Planning Dept. Plymouth. City of Plymouth local plan. : area studies . 1980. px711.4/PLY/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Planning Dept. Plymouth. City of Plymouth local plan. : report of the survey . 1980. sx711.4/PLY/1908.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth Polytechnic Students' Union. Plymouth. Plymouth students rag 80. : Olympiad . 1980. p827/PLY.- Subjects: Devon.

Port of Plymouth Junior Chamber of Comm. Plymouth. Plymouth Military Tattoo. : 10th May 1980 . 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Lundy. A guide to philatelic England. [1980]. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/777.- Subjects: Devon.

Post Office Telecommunications. Post Office telephone directory section 295 (alphabetical). : Plymouth, South West Devon, Cornwall ... February 1980 . 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Press Council. North Devon. Press Conduct in the Thorpe affair. : a report . 1980. p174.9097/GEN/PRE : 174.9097/BN/PRE .- Subjects: Devon.

Prickett, Stephen. Ottery St. Mary. Coleridge and Wordsworth. : the poetry of growth . 1980. s821/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Queen Elizabeth Community College. Crediton. Courses in Crediton 1980-81. 1980. px374/CRE/QUE.- Subjects: Devon.

Ravilious, James. Torridge. The Heart of the Country.. 1980. sx301.35/DEV/RAV : sx301.35/DEV/RAVg : BT/0002/RAV .- Subjects: Devon.

Ravilious, James. Torridge. The heart of the country.. 1980. sx301.35/DEV/RAV : BT/0002/RAV .- Subjects: Devon.

Rawlinson, Brian. Sir Walter Ralegh. : the last Elizabethan . 1980. px920/RAL.- Subjects: Devon.

Redding, Cyrus. A history and description of modern wines. 1980. s663.2/GEN/RED.- Subjects: Devon.

Rees, David. Dartmoor. The night before Christmas Eve. 1980. s823/REE.- Subjects: Devon.

Rees, David. Exeter. The lighthouse. 1980. s823/REE.- Subjects: Devon.

Rees, David. Exeter. The Exeter blitz. 1980. s823/REE : REE.- Subjects: Devon.

Rendle, R.S. Barnstaple. Some observations on the silversmiths of Barnstaple and the marks ... particular reference to Robert Mathew and John Quirke. 1980. Not acquired WSL : 739.2/BAR/REN : DMSS/739/REN : .- Subjects: Devon.

Retter, C.F. Notes on the Retter. 1980. sx929.2/RET.- Subjects: Devon.

Rew, R.Henry. North Devon. Royal Commission on Agriculture, England. Report by Mr. R.Henry Rew (Assistant Commissioner) on north Devon, 1895. [1980?. Microfilms.- Subjects: Devon.

Reynolds, Stephen. Sidmouth. A poor man's house. 1980. s823/REY.- Subjects: Devon.

Rippon, Angela. Riding. 1980. s798.23/GEN/RIP : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Rivers ... Rivers and wildlife. : a practical examination of ways to integrate wildlife conservation with river management . 1980. sx639.9/DOR/RIV.- Subjects: Devon.

Roberts, W.A. Stokenham. Stokenham in South Devon. : records of family names . 1980. sx929.5/STO/ROB : sx929.5/STO/ROBr.- Subjects: Devon.

Robertson, Joan. North Devon. The Cairn and Old Railway. [1980]. 385/ILF/ROB : : .- Subjects: Devon.

Robinson, Rosemary. South Brent. An archaeological checklist for South Brent. [1980]. sxB/SOU 1/0005/ROB : sxB/SOU 1/0005/ROBg.- Subjects: Devon.

Rowe, John. The D'Oyly napkins of the North Devon Yeomanry Cavalry. 1980. Not acquired WSL : DMSS/355/ROW.- Subjects: Devon.

Rowett, Helen. Two Moors Way. : official guide with maps . 1980. p796.51/WES/ROW : DP796.- Subjects: Devon.

Rowland, Kathleen M. Chulmleigh. Poems. [1980]. p821/ROW.- Subjects: Devon.

Rowland, Kathleen M. Chulmleigh. Poems. [1980]. p821/ROW : 821 /ROW.- Subjects: Devon.

Rowland, Kathleen M. Chulmleigh. Poems. [1980]. p821/ROW.- Subjects: Devon.

Royal Commission on Secondary Education. Reports. Vol. 6. : Reports of the Assistant Commissioners on the counties of Bedford, Devon, Lancaster ..., Norfolk, 1895 . [1980?. sx328.4101/WES/HOU.- Subjects: Devon.

Royal Commissioner on Agriculture. North Devon. Report by Mr. R.Henry Rees...on North Devon, 1895. [1980?. sx328.4101/WES/HOU.- Subjects: Devon.

Royal Institute of British Architects. What future for villages?. 1980. BH stack not WSL : ROY.- Subjects: Devon.

Royal Marine Commando Training Centre. Lympstone. Meet the marines 1980. : souvenir programme . 1980. p359.96/LYM/ROY.- Subjects: Devon.

Russell, Percy. Dartmouth. The story of St.Petrox Church. [1980?]. p726.5/DAR/RUS.- Subjects: Devon.

Sadler, A.G. The indents of lost monumental brasses in southern England Appendix. 1980. 739.52/WES/SAD.- Subjects: Devon.

Sadler, A.G. The indents of lost monumental brasses in Cornwall, Devonshire, Somerset & Wiltshire. : appendix . 1980. p739.52/WES/SAD : sp739.52/WES/SAD : 739.52/A/SAD.- Subjects: Devon.

Sadler, A.G. The indents of lost monumental brasses in Dorset and Hampshire. : appendix . [1980?. p739.62/WES/SAD .- Subjects: Devon.

Sail, Lawrence. Exeter. The kingdom of Atlas. 1980. s821/SAI.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint ... Exeter. St. Martin's, Exeter. [1980?. pB/EXE/726.5/St.M.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint ... Chagford. St. Michael's, Chagford. [1980?]. p726.5/CHA/St.M.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint ... Saint Ives. St. Ives and district. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint ... Exeter. St. Petrock's. : the way ahead : report of a working party established by the Parochial Church Council of... Central Exeter . 1980. pB/EXE/726.5/ST.P.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Andrew's County Junior School. Cullompton. Prospectus 1980-81. 1980. px372/CUL/ST.A.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Loye's College. Exeter. Annual report 1979-80. 1980. pxB/EXE/371.916/St.L.- Subjects: Devon.

Sampson, Fay. The hungry snow. 1980. s823/SAM.- Subjects: Devon.

Sanders, Rosanne. Portrait of a country garden. 1980. sx750.924/SAN : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Saunders, Andrew Downing. Lydford. Lydford Castle, Devon. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Saxton, William A. Brixham. Brixham before the Conquest, or the story told by place-names. [1980]. p910/BRI/SAX.- Subjects: Devon.

Schmitz, Christopher J. Teign Valley. Teign valley silver-lead mines, 1806-1880. 2nd ed. 1980. x622.342/TEI/SCH : x622.342/TEI/SCHr .- Subjects: Devon.

Sewell, Brocard. Henry Williamson - old soldier. : a paper . 1980. A/V 26.- Subjects: Devon.

Shaugh ... Shaugh Prior. Shaugh Prior, Wotter, Lee Moor information, 1980. 1980. pB/SHA 7/1980/SHA.- Subjects: Devon.

Shaw, Gareth. Exeter. Exeter shopping survey 1979. : part 1: general results . 1980. xB/EXE/381/SHA : sxB/EXE/381/SHA.- Subjects: Devon.

Sheppard, Peter. The historic towns of Cornwall. : an archaeological survey . 1980. sxCOR/0005/SHE.- Subjects: Devon.

Sherrell, Ted. The lonely and the lost. 1980. s823/SHE.- Subjects: Devon.

Short ... Abbotskerswell. A short history of Abbotskerswell. 1980. pB/ABB 7/0001/SHO.- Subjects: Devon.

Sidmouth ... Sidmouth. Sidmouth official guide. [1980]. sB/SID 5/1980/SID.- Subjects: Devon.

Skillings, David N. Sparkwell. Amax Hemerdon venture evaluating major tungsten-tin property. 1980. px622.184649/SPA/SKI.- Subjects: Devon.

Sladden, John Cyril. Crediton. Boniface of Devon. : apostle of Germany . 1980. 920/BON : s920/BON : s920/BON.- Subjects: Devon.

Slade, W.J. Appledore. Out of Appledore. : the autobiography of a coasting shipmaster and shipowner in the last days of wooden sailing ships. . 1980. s920/SLA : s920/SLAg : 387.5/APP/SLA .- Subjects: Devon.

Smithens, Renee. Tedburn St. Mary. The leisure activities of a rural community. : a detailed analysis of Tedburn St.Mary . 1980. x301.57/TED/SMI.- Subjects: Devon.

South Crofty Ltd. Illogan. Report and accounts 1979. 1980. px622.3453/CAM/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South Hams District Council. Planning. Ivybridge. Ivybridge town centre study. : the future, May 1980 . 1980. px711.4/IVY/1980 .- Subjects: Devon.

South West Arts. Annual report 1979-80. 1980. px706.2/WES/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South West Energy Group. Annual report 1979/80. 1980. px333.72/WES/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South West Water Authority. Angling guide and reservoir recreation.. [1980]. p799.12/WES/SOU .- Subjects: Devon.

South West Water Authority. Hydrometric report, 1979. Part 3. : Ground water . 1980. sx553.7/WES/SOU : xSOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South West Way Association. North Cornwall. The South West Way long distance footpath. : North Cornwall. No.4 : Port Isaac to Padstow . [1980?. p796.51/NOR/SOU : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

South Western Electricity Consultative Council. Report for the year ended 31st March 1980. 1980. p621.31061/WES/SOU .- Subjects: Devon.

South Western Regional Health Authority. Year book 1980. [1980?. s362.106/WES/SOU : s362.106/WES/SOUr : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

South Western Road Construction Unit. M5 motorway Cullompton to Pearce's Hill section, A379 Exeter Spur Road...noise insulation regulations 1973. 1980. px344.04638/DEV/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South-West Committee Coastal Biol. Cons. The Devon and Cornwall coast. : nature conservation sites : a report . 1980. BH stack : SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

Southway School. Plymouth. Southway School, Plymouth. : life begins at eleven . 1980. p373.25/PLY/SOU : I/S.. . . . Spreyton ... Spreyton. Spreyton Methodist Church, 1880-1980. : centenary celebrations August 2 and 3, 1980 . 1980. p287.1/SPR/SPR.- Subjects: Devon.

Sprigg, A.I. Tiverton. Dr. A.I.Sprigg's collection of antique lace. 1980. s746.22074/TIV/DRA : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

St. Andrew's Church. Cullompton. Guide to the parish church of St.Andrew, Cullompton. [1980?]. 726.5/CUL/GUI : p726.5/CUL/GUI.- Subjects: Devon.

Starkey, F.H. Dartmoor. Exploring Dartmoor. 1980. s796.51/DAR/STA : s796.51/DAR/STAg : BX:DAR5/1980 .- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1980 ; no.. The Devon sea fisheries district (variation) order 1980. 1980. s346/STA/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1980 ; no. 181. The District of North Devon (electoral arrangements) order 1980. 1980. s346/STA/1980/0181 : 348/BN/STA : .- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1980 ; no. 750. Plymouth. The London-Penzance trunk road (Manadon to Tamar Bridge slip roads) order 1980. 1980. s346/STA/1980/0750.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1980 ; no. 755. Plymouth. The London-Penzance trunk road (Marsh Mills to Manadon slip roads) (variation) order 1980. 1980. s346/STA/1980/0755.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1980 ; no. 807. The Devon sea fisheries district (variation) order 1980. 1980. s346/STA/1980/0807.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1980 ; no. 1024. Teignmouth. The Teignmouth Port Health authority order 1980. 1980. s346/STA/1980/1024.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1980 ; no. 1655. Tiverton. North Devon Link Road (M5 Sampford Peverell-Tiverton (Bolham Road) and slip roads) order 1980. 1980. s346/STA/1980/1655.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1980 ; no. 1738. Buckland Monachorum. The South West water authority (Milton Brook reservoir discharge) order 1980. 1980. s346/STA/1980/1738.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1980 ; no. 2002. Totnes. The Devon County Council (Totnes, River Dart Bridge) scheme 1980 confirmation order 1980. 1980. s346/STA/1980/2002.- Subjects: Devon.

Stevens-Guille, G.F. Saint Giles-in-Wood. Pedigree of the family of Rolle of Stevenstone. [1980?. Not acquired WSL : D929.2/ROL O.- Subjects: Devon.

Stevenson, Pauline. Edwardian fashion. 1980. sx391/GEN/STE.- Subjects: Devon.

Stewer, Jan. In chimley corner. 1980. 828.99/STE : 828.99/STEg : D823/STE : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Stewer, Jan. A parcel of ol' crams. 1980. 828.99/STE : s828.99/STE : s828.99/STEg : D823/STE : 828.99/STE.- Subjects: Devon.

Stokenham ... Stokenham. Stokenham occasional papers. : book 1 . 1980. pB/STO 7/0001/STO .- Subjects: Devon.

Sutherland, Alastair. 12 poems. [1980]. p821/SUT.- Subjects: Devon.

Sutton-Shaw, Anice. Devon, beautiful Devon. 1980. px821/SUT.- Subjects: Devon.

Svendsen, Elisabeth D. Salcombe Regis. Tansy's rescue. 1980. p823/SVE.- Subjects: Devon.

Svendsen, Elisabeth D. Salcombe Regis. Eeyore and the broken collar. 1980. p823/SVE.- Subjects: Devon.

Taste ... Uffculme. A taste of Uffculme. : favourite recipes . [1980]. p641.5/UFF/TAS : 641.5/UFF/UFF.- Subjects: Devon.

Teignbridge ... Teignbridge accommodation. 1980. p647.94/TEI/TEI.- Subjects: Devon.

Teignbridge ... Teignbridge. Teignbridge. : sunny south Devon at Teignmouth, Dawlish, Dartmoor . 1980. pB/TEI 4/1980/TEI .- Subjects: Devon.

Teignbridge District Council. Teignbridge. Abstract of accounts 1979. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Teignbridge District Council. Teignbridge. Local walks. : your guide to walking in and around Dawlish, Newton Abbot, Teignmouth and Shaldon . [1980?. p796.51/DEV/TEI.- Subjects: Devon.

Teignbridge District Council. Planning. Newton Abbot. Newton Abbot district plan. : preferred options . 1980. px711.4/NEW/1980 .- Subjects: Devon.

Teignbridge District Council. Planning. Bovey Tracey. Bovey Tracey [draft] district plan, October 1980. 1980. px711.4/BOV/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

Tele-pages ... Newton Abbot. Tele-pages. : the consumers' local classified directory of... Newton Abbot and including Totnes and Dawlish, 1981 . 1980. px380.1025/NEW/1981.- Subjects: Devon.

Thomas, Peter. Exeter. Aspects of Exeter. 1980. sxB/EXE/0001/THO : sxB/EXE/0001/THOr : xTHO : I/S : I/S : .- Subjects: Devon.

Thompson, W. I.. Archaeology of the Devon landscape; essays on Devon's archaeological heritage. 1980. DEV/0005/ARC : sDEV/0005/ARC : B/0005/ARC : D571/ARC .- Subjects: Devon.

Thornhillhead ... Buckland Brewer. Thornhillhead Methodist church, 1830-1980. 1980. p287.1/BUC/THO.- Subjects: Devon.

Tiverton ... Tiverton. Tiverton. : industrial development . 1980. px338/TIV/TIV .- Subjects: Devon.

Tombs, J.M.C.. Dartmoor. Results of a gravity survey of the south-west margin of Dartmoor, Devon. 1980. px552.3/DAR/TOM : 550 /B/INS.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay ... Torbay. Torbay, Devon. : Torquay, Paignton, Brixham . [1980]. sB/TOR 1/1980/TOR : sB/TOR 1/1980/TORg.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay Aircraft Museum. Paignton. Souvenir guide. [1980]. p629.133/PAI/TOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay Borough Council. Torbay. Official year book 1980. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Torquay ... Torquay. Torquay accommodation 1980. 1980. s647.94/TOT/TOR : TOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Torridge District Council. Torridge. Review of finances for the year ended 31st March 1980. 1980. sx352.17/TOR/1979 : sx352.17/TOR/1979g.- Subjects: Devon.

Torridge District Council. Planning Department. Torridge. Bideford district plan. : stage three, the choices, March 1980 . 1980. px711.4/BID/1980 : 711.4/BT/1980 .- Subjects: Devon.

Torridge District Council. Planning Dept. Bideford. Bideford district plan, September 1980. 1980. sx711.4/BID/1980P : 711.4/BID/TOR .- Subjects: Devon.

Tourist's. Mid Devon. The tourist's guide to Mid Devon and accommodation list. 1980. pDEV/1980/TOU.- Subjects: Devon.

Toye, Randall. Churston Ferrers. The Agatha Christie who's who. 1980. s828/CHR : s828/CHRg.- Subjects: Devon.

Transport Users' Consultative Committee. Report for the year ended 31st December 1979. : South Western Area . 1980. p385.2206/WES/TRA .- Subjects: Devon.

Travis, John. Lynton. Lynton in the nineteenth century. : an isolated and exclusive ... . 1980. xB/LYN 7/1800/TRA .- Subjects: Devon.

Truro ... Truro Diocesan directory A.D. 1980. 1980. NIS : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Truro ... Truro. Truro School. : centenary 1880-1980 . 1980. px373/TRU/TRU .- Subjects: Devon.

Tuck, Brian. Redruth. Twelve for Redruth. 1980. p821/TUC.- Subjects: Devon.

Turner, J.B.E. Ottery St. Mary. Brodie's notes on Coleridge. : selected poetry and prose . 1980. s828/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Ugbrooke ... Chudleigh. Ugbrooke, Chudleigh, South Devon. [1980]. p728.8/CHU/UGB : sp728.8/CHU/UGB.- Subjects: Devon.

Underhill, Terry. Dartington. The gardens at Dartington Hall. [1980]. p712/DAR/UND : sp712/DAR/UND.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. University list. : session 1980-81 . 1980. pB/EXE/378/UNI.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. Prospectus for the session 1981-82. 1980. sB/EXE/378/UNI.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. Calendar 1980-1981. 1980. sB/EXE/378/UNI : sB/EXE/378/UNIr.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. Annual report 1979-1980. 1980. sB/EXE/378/UNI.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. Exeter University Register, 1962-63 to 1971-72. 1980. B/EXE/378/UNI : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Val Baker, Denys. As the stream flows by. 1980. s920/VAL.- Subjects: Devon.

Venner, David. The Venners of Somerset and Devon. 1980. px929.2/VEN : spx929.2/VEN : 929.2/VEN : Tiv VEN 266 : DP92/VEN.- Subjects: Devon.

Vosper, Douglas C. Saltash. Saltash remembered. 1980. pxC/SAL/1900/VOS.- Subjects: Devon.

Wainwright, G.J. Shaugh Prior. The Shaugh Moor project. 1980. sxB/SHA 7/0005/WAI.- Subjects: Devon.

Wainwright, G.J. Shaugh Prior. Shaugh Moor project. : second report - the enclosure . 1980. See rec. 21379 : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Walkinton, M.Leslie. Twice in a lifetime. 1980. s920/WAL.- Subjects: Devon.

Waller, Robert F. Electricity supply and demand in Devon and Cornwall.. 1980. px339.4862131/WES/WA .- Subjects: Devon.

Walsh, Dermot. Exeter. Break-ins. : burglary from private houses . 1980. sB/EXE/364.162/WAL.- Subjects: Devon.

Wasson, J. Barnstaple. Drama and other entertainment in Barnstaple, 1435-1637. 1980. Not acquired WSL : DMSS/792/WAS : .- Subjects: Devon.

Watts, Jeanne. Exmoor. The handbook of the Exmoor pony. 1980. p636.16/EXM/WAT.- Subjects: Devon.

Waugh, Auberon. North Devon. The last word. : an eye witness account of the trial of Jeremy Thorpe . 1980. s920/THO : s920/THOg : 345.075/BN/WAU .- Subjects: Devon.

Weare ... Weare Giffard. Weare Giffard Hall. [1980]. p728.83/WEA/WEA.- Subjects: Devon.

Webber, Ronald. R.D.Blackmore. : author and horticulturist of Teddington . 1980. p828/BLA : sp828/BLA : 920/BLA : D92/BLA.- Subjects: Devon.

Wembury Parish Council. Wembury. Wembury footpath & general guide.. 1980. pB/WEM 3/1980/WEM.- Subjects: Devon.

West Country Tourist Board. 500 places to visit in England's West Country. [1980?]. pWES/1980/WES .- Subjects: Devon.

West Country Tourist Board. A strategy for tourism in the West Country. : consultation document, March 1980 . 1980. px338.4791/WES/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

West Devon Social Services. West Devon. Registered day nurseries, playgroups & child minders issued spring 1980. 1980. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

West Regional Association for the Deaf. Services for the deaf in Avon, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset .... 1980. Not acquired WSL : 362.42/A/WES.- Subjects: Devon.

Western National. Devon public transport timetable. : bus, coach, rail, ferry and air : 18 May 1980 until further notice . 1980. s388.041/DEV/1980.- Subjects: Devon.

What ... What future for villages?. 1980. p307.72/GEN/WHA.- Subjects: Devon.

Wheeler, Kathleen M. Sources, processes and methods in Coleridge's Biographia literaria. 1980. s801/GEN/WHE.- Subjects: Devon.

Where ... Where to go in Devon and Cornwall, what to do, what to see. [1980]. pWES/1980/WHE.- Subjects: Devon.

Where ... East Devon. Where shall we go? in Exeter and East Devon. [1980]. pDEV/1980/WHE .- Subjects: Devon.

Whetmath, C.F.D. The North Devon and Cornwall Junction Light Railway. : Torrington - Halwill . 1980. p385.5/DEV/WHE.- Subjects: Devon.

Who ... Exeter. The who-what-where-when of Exeter ... facts & figures. [1980]. pxB/EXE/1980/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Wickes, Michael J.L. Hartland. The social structure of the parish of Hartland (North Devon) 1558- 1620. 1980. sxB/HAR 7/1558/WIL.- Subjects: Devon.

Wilkinson, Ian G. Lundy. Lundy. : a listing of the forgeries and bogus stamp issues . [1980?. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/796.- Subjects: Devon.

William ... Exeter. William Pollard and Co. Ltd. : two hundredth anniversary, 1781 - 1981 : commemorative calendar . [1980]. sf/B/EXE/529.4/WIL U.- Subjects: Devon.

Windeatt, J.K. The Devonshire Regiment. August 1945 - May 1958. 1980. 356.11/DEV/WIN : s356.11/DEV/WIN : s356.11/DEV/WINg : 355.31/B/WIN .- Subjects: Devon.

Winslade ... Clyst St. Mary. Winslade Manor, Winslade Park, Clyst St.Mary, Exeter. 1980. px725.23/CLY/WIN.- Subjects: Devon.

Winter, Hilary. Torridge. Homes for locals?. : an investigation into local housing and employment need in the Torridge district of Devon . 1980. px339.483635/TOR/WIN : 363.5/BT/WIN .- Subjects: Devon.

Withycombe Raleigh. Parish. Withycombe Raleigh. Burial register of the Plymouth Brethren, Withycombe Raleigh 1843-1953. 1980. sx929.3/WIT/1843.- Subjects: Devon.

Wodehouse, Christine. Bratton Fleming. Bratton Fleming. [1980?. xB/BRA 7/0001/WOO : .- Subjects: Devon.

Wolseley, Pat. Quantocks. Quantock wildlife. : its ecology and conservation . 1980. px574.5/QUA/WOL.- Subjects: Devon.

Woods, Iris M. Widecombe in Moor. Guide to the parish of Widecombe in the Moor. 1980. pB/WID 3/1980/WOO : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Workers' Educational Association. Exeter. Exeter Branch programme winter 1980. 1980. sB/EXE/374/WOR : WOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Working party on community information. South Molton. Community information. : what libraries can do : a consultative document . 1980. s027.6/SOU/WOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Wyatt, Joyce. Plymouth. Surname index. : 1851 census : parish of Stoke Damerel, Plymouth, Devon. Part 2 . 1980. DESK - box no.3.- Subjects: Devon.

Wyatt, Joyce. Plymouth. Surname index. : 1851 census : parish of Stoke Damerel, Plymouth, Devon. Part 1 . 1980. DESK - box no.3.- Subjects: Devon.

Yealmpton Agricultural Association. Yealmpton. Official catalogue of the 94th exhibition ... held at Yealmpton on Wednesday 30th July, 1980. 1980. p630.74/YEA/YEA.

Skeleton records to be extended and typescripts and articles to be removed to separate files. Place descriptor to be removed to end of record.

This page last updated 28 June 2015