Sunday, 28 June 2015

Devon bibliography: 1969


Adams, May. A collection of Devonshire dialect words in use or called to mind by Bigbury families and friends. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p427/BIG/COL : 427 /B/ADA .- Subjects: Devon.

Adamson, Jack H. The shepherd of the ocean : an account of Sir Walter Raleigh and his times . 1969. 920/RAL : s920/RAL.- Subjects: Devon.

Arber, Edward Alexander Newell. North Devon. The coast scenery of North Devon : being an account of the geological features of the coast-line extending from Porlock in Somerset to Boscastle in North Cornwall . 1969. 551.45/DEV/ARB : s551.45/DEV/ARB : s551.45/DEV/ARBg : 551.45/BN/ARB : D550/ARB 2 .- Subjects: Devon.

Area Museum Council for the South West. Report 1968-1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p069.062/WES/ARE .- Subjects: Westcountry.

Ash, Maurice. Dartington. Who are the Progressives now? An account of an educational confrontation (Dartington Colloquy, April, 1965). 1969. 370.1/DAR/ASH.- Subjects: Devon.

Bagley, Desmond. The Vivero letter. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: s823/BAG.- Subjects: Devon.

Baker, William T. Lynmouth. They took the lifeboat up the mountainside. The Lynmouth flood 15 August 1952. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p551.48/LYN/BAK.- Subjects: Devon.

Baker, William T. Lynmouth. They took the lifeboat up the mountainside. The Lynmouth flood 15 August 1952. 1969. 551.48/LYN/BAK : 551.48/BN:LYN 7/BAK : DP900LYN/BAR .- Subjects: Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Lew Trenchard. In the roar of the sea : a tale of the Cornish coast . 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Lew Trenchard. Mehalah : a story of the salt marshes . 1969. NIS : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Baring-Gould, William S. Lew Trenchard. The lure of the limerick; an uninhibited history. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Barnstaple ... Barnstaple. Barnstaple, centre for North Devon : the official guide 1969/70 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/BAR/1969/BAR : sB/BAR/1969/BARg.- Subjects: Devon.

Bed ... Bed and breakfast in south and south-west England : the tourist's handbook [1969] . - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: s647.94/WES/BED.- Subjects: Devon.

Bed... Bed, breakfast & evening meal; inexpensive touring or family holidays, 1969. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Bennett, W.F. Ottery St. Mary. Ottery St.Mary : official guide . 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Bertlin and Partners. Plymouth. Sutton Harbour Improvement Company, feasability study for yacht marina in Sutton Harbour. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Bideford ... Bideford. Bideford rural distict : the official guide . [1969?]. pB/BID/1969/BID.- Subjects: Devon.

Bideford Joint Advertising Committee. Bideford. Bideford the perfect holiday centre for Devon and Cornwall's Atlantic coast : official guide to Bideford and district . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/BID/1969/BID.- Subjects: Devon.

Bigges, Walter. Sir Francis Drake's West Indian voyage. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s910.0972/PLY/BIG.- Subjects: Devon.

Binney, M. Ashprington. Sharpham House, Devon. 1969. WSL [missing].- Subjects: Devon.

Binnies report. Binnies report on the Devonport leat. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Blackwell, Basil. Sir. Exeter. Letters in a new age ... delivered at the University of Exeter. 1969. B/EXE/378.1796/UNI U.- Subjects: Devon.

Blainey, G. Plymouth. The rush that never ended. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Blair Publications. Plymouth. Blair's city of Plymouth directory. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Blair's ... Plymouth. Blair's City of Plymouth directory. [1969?. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Borough ... Saint Ives. Borough of St.Ives official guide 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sC/St.I 7/1969/BOR : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Boson, Nicholas. John of Chyannor or the three points of wisdom. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Brierley, John. Exeter. Report on inner-by-pass : stages 7 and 8 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sxB/EXE/711.73/ZIN U : sxB/EXE/711.73/ZIN Ur : .- Subjects: Devon.

Bristowe, W.S. Lundy. A book of islands. 1969. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/232.- Subjects: Devon.

British Association Advancement Science. Exeter. Annual meeting Exeter : preliminary programme . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/506.2/BRI .- Subjects: Devon.

British Association for the Advancement. Exeter. Preliminary programme, 3rd-10th September 1969, annual meeting Exeter. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/506.2/BRI.- Subjects: Devon.

British Legion. Devon County Branch. Devon County official handbook 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s355.115/DEV/BRI : s355.115/DEVBRIg.- Subjects: Devon.

Brixham ... Torbay. Brixham [accommodation] 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p647.94/BRI/BRI : p647.94/BRI/BRIr.- Subjects: Devon.

Brookes, B.S. Slapton. The natural history of Slapton Ley Nature Reserve : 3. flowering plants and ferns . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p582.13/SLA/BRO : 582.13/SLA/BRO.- Subjects: Devon.

Brooks, J. A. This is Devon. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Buckerell ... Buckerell. Buckerell : the church of St.Mary and St.Giles . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/BUC/BUC.- Subjects: Devon.

Burton, Charles K. Brentor. The church of St Michael, Brentor : a short account of the parish and church from the earliest times to the present day. . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s726.5/BRE/BUR.- Subjects: Devon.

Butterfield, J.H. The capacity and management of recreation resources in the country side. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: px333.78/WES/BUT.- Subjects: Devon.

Caldwell, John. Exeter. The grounds and gardens of the University of Exeter. 1969. B/EXE/582.15/CAL : sB/EXE/582.15/CAL : sB/EXE/582.15/CAL : sB/EXE/582.15/CAL : sB/EXE/582.15/CAL : sB/EXE/582.15/CAL .- Subjects: Devon.

Carpenter, Susan. Withleigh. Memories of Withleigh and Carpenter. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: pB/WIT 5/1869/CAR : pB/WIT 5/1869/CARr.- Subjects: Devon.

Century ... Crediton. A century of service : Crediton United Church 1869-1969 . 1969. Not acquired WSL : Crediton.- Subjects: Devon.

Chinchen, Barry N.D. Lundy. A catalogue of Lundy stamps. 1969. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/785.- Subjects: Devon.

Chinchen, Barry N.D. Lundy. Lundy stamps 1929-1969. [1969?. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/757.- Subjects: Devon.

City of Exeter Fire Brigade. Exeter. Fire prevention handbook. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/363.377/CIT.- Subjects: Devon.

Clamp, Arthur L. Dartmoor. A visitor's guide to northern Dartmoor. [1969?. Not acquired WSL : 796.78/DAR 5/CLA : .- Subjects: Devon.

Clamp, Arthur L. Plymouth. A pictorial guide to historic Plymouth. - [1969?]. - Held by: WSL: pB/PLY 1/1969/CLA : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Clamp, Arthur L. Exeter. A visitor's guide to the Exeter area. - [1969?]. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/1966/CLA.- Subjects: Devon.

Clamp, Arthur L. Dartmoor. A visitor's guide to Eastern Dartmoor. - [1969?]. - Held by: WSL: s796.78/DAR/CLA : s796.78/DAR/CLAg : 796.78 .- Subjects: Devon.

Clamp, Arthur L. Dartmoor. A visitor's guide to Northern Dartmoor. - [1969?]. - Held by: WSL: s796.78/DAR/CLA : 796.78 : CLA.- Subjects: Devon.

Clamp, Arthur L. Dartmoor. A visitor's guide to Southern Dartmoor. - [1969?]. - Held by: WSL: s796.58/DAR/CLA : s796.58/DAR/CLAg : 796.78 : CLA.- Subjects: Devon.

Clamp, Arthur L. A visitor's guide to churches in Devon. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/DEV/CLA : 726.5/B/CLA : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Clamp, Arthur L. Torbay. A visitor's guide to the Torbay area. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOR 1/1969/CLA : sB/TOR 1/1969/CLAg : CLA.- Subjects: Devon.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Ottery St. Mary. Collected works.. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s828/COL : s828/COLr.- Subjects: Devon.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Ottery St. Mary. The friend. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s828/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Collins, Joseph Henry. A handbook to the mineralogy of Cornwall and Devon.. 1969. 549/WES/COL : s549/WES/COL : 549 /A/COL : 549.9423 .- Subjects: Devon.

Combe ... Combe Martin. Combe Martin : a coastal resortat the western gateway to Exmoor National Park . [1969?]. sB/COM 3/1969/COM : sB/COM 3/1969/COM.- Subjects: Devon.

Combe Martin Guide Committee. Combe Martin. Combe Martin on the coast at the western gateway to Exmoor ... [1969]. Not acquired WSL : BN:COM 3/1969/COM.- Subjects: Devon.

Community Council of Devon. North Devon. An economic and social survey of north Devon : .. rural depopulation . 1969. 301.361/NOR/ECO : 301.361/NOR/ECOr : 307/BN/COM : D309/ECO .- Subjects: Devon.

Cook, D. The head in the secondary school. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: px372.12/DEV/COO.- Subjects: Devon.

Corney, M.L. Pilton. Bull House : the ancient house of the priors of Pilton . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: px728.83/PIL/COR .- Subjects: Devon.

Cotsford, E.J. East Buckland. Local history of East Buckland. 1969. B/EAS 3/0001/COT : sB/EAS 3/0001/COT : sB/EAS 3/0001/COT : sB/EAS 3/0001/COTg : BN:EAS 3/0001/COT : DP900EAS/COT.- Subjects: Devon.

Court, A.N. South Devon. South Devon in colour. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: pDEV/1969/COU.- Subjects: Devon.

Court, A.N. North Devon. North Devon in colour. 1969. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/424.- Subjects: Devon.

Court, A.N. Devon in colour. - [1969?]. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1969/COU.- Subjects: Devon.

Crabb, George F. Lundy. The postal markings of Lundy Island. 1969. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/795.- Subjects: Devon.

Danvers, John. Exeter. [Illustrations and exhibition notes]. 1969-. sx750.924/DAN.- Subjects: Devon.

Dart ... Dart Valley. The Dart Valley Railway. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p385/DAR/DAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Dartmoor National Park Committee. Dartmoor. Dartmoor. 1969. B/DAR 5/1969/DAR : B/DAR 5/1969/DARr .- Subjects: Devon.

Dartmouth ... Dartmouth. Dartmouth official guide. [1969]. B/DAR 7/1969/DAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Deacon, Lois. Topsham. Hardy's Tryphena in Topsham, Devon. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p920/GAL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, Eric R. Lynmouth. The Lynmouth flood disaster. 1969. 551.48/LYN/DEL : 551.48/LYN/DELr : D900LYN/DEL : I/S : I/S Brixham.- Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. Budleigh Salterton. Come home Charlie and face them. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s823/DEL.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon ... Devon Record Office : brief guide part 1. official and ecclesiastical . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s016.352/DEV/DEV : D016/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon ... Devon and Cornwall holidays in the sun 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1969/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Cattle Breeders' Society. Davy's Devon herd book. Volume 92 : 1969 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DAV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Agricultural Association. Devon County Show...1969 : programme of events and general information . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p630.74/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Agricultural Association. Devon County Show...1969 : main ring programme and jumping competitions . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p630.74/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Civil emergency plan 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: px363.35/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Documents of local history : a selection of facsimile papers prepared by the County Archivist . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sxDEV/0001/DEV : B/0001/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Amenities & Countr. Archivists's report. 1969-. px385.5/DAR/HAY : px385.5/DAR/HAYr.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Committee. The development of community colleges. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: p374.28/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Department. An approach to total health education. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: px371.7/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Department. The future of the library in the seconbdary school. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: px027.8/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Barnstaple. Tawside structure plan, September 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: px711.4/BAR/1969 : 711.4/BN/1969 .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Department. Exeter. Exeter and district joint feasibility study : abridged report . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/711.4/1969 : sB/EXE/711.4/1969g.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Dept. Annual survey of holiday development 1969 1966. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx338.4791/DEV/1969 : sx338.4791/DEV/1969g.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Dept. Barnstaple. Barnstaple structure plan : joint report by the County Surveyor and County Planning Officer . 1969. Not acquired WSL : 711.4/BN:BAR/1969.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Dept. Barnstaple. Barnstaple structure plan : joint report by the County Surveyor and County Planning Officer . 1969. Not acquired WSL : 711.4/BN:BAR/1969.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Dept. Barnstaple. Barnstaple town centre map report, September 1969. Part 2 : supporting studies . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx711.4/BAR/1969 : sx711.4/BAR/1969g : 711.4/BN:BAR/1969.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Dept. Barnstaple. Barnstaple town centre map report, September 1969. Part 1. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx711.4/BAR/1969 : sx711.4/BAR/1969g : 711.4/BN:BAR/1969 : DP711/BAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Dept. Exeter. Exeter and district joint feasibility study : report . 1969. B/EXE/711.4/1969 : sB/EXE/711.4/1969 : sB/EXE/711.4/1969g.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Planning Dept. Barnstaple. Barnstaple structure plan : joint report . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: x711.4/BAR/DEV : DP711/BAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Surveyor's Dept. Barnstaple. Barnstaple structure plan : joint report . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx711.4/BAR/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Tourist Office. Devon camping sites for tents and touring caravans 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p796.54/DEV/DEV : 796.54/B/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Dept. Budget 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx352.12/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Dept. Budget 1969-70. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx352.12/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Dept. Summary of accounts and financial statistics 1968-1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx352.17/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Cricket Club. Devon County Cricket Club year book 1969 (with 1968 results). - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: s796.35863/DEV/DEV : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs. Year book 1969. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: s630.62/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon General Omnibus & Touring Co. Ltd. South Devon. Road - rail timetable : 11th May, 1969 to 9th May, 1970 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s388.322042/SOU/1969.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Playing Fields Association. Annual report for the period 1st September, 1968 to 31st August 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p796.068/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Record Office. County archivist's report. 1st April, 1968 to 31st March, 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p352.164/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Record Office. Brief guide to the Record Office : part 1 : Official and ecclesiastical . 1969. 016.352/DEV/DEV : 016/B/DEV : DEV : I/S .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon River Authority. Annual report for the year ended 31st March 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s628.1061/WES/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon River Authority. Annual report for the year ended 31st March 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s628.1061/WES/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon River Authority. A guide to angling facilities in the area.. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s799.12/DEV/DEV : s799.12/DEV/DEVg .- Subjects: Devon.

Devon Trust for Nature Conservation. School projects in natural history . Volume two. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s574.07/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Exeter Savings Bank. Annual report. 154th. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx332.26/DEV/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devon, Exeter and Torbay Probation Area. Report of the Combined Probation Committee for the year 1968. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: p364.63/DEV/DEV .- Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire .. [ed. Erskine, A. M.]. the Devonshire lay subsidy of 1332. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: pER/DEV : PER/DEVr : 336.2/B/DEV : D336/DEV : I/S : 18/NS/14.- Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire Association. Report and transactions ... index vol. 81-96. - [1969?]. - Held by: WSL: pER/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire Association. Report and transactions ... general index 1949-1968. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: pER : 050 /B/DEV.- Subjects: Devon.

Dicker, George. Plymouth. A short history of Devonport Royal Dockyard. 1969. 387.1/PLY/DIC : 387.1/PLY/DICr : 623.82/BX:DEV 3/DIC .- Subjects: Devon.

Diocese of Plymouth. Plymouth. Plymouth Diocesan year book ... 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s282.025/WES/ROM : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Dodgson, W.P. Membury. Church of St. John Baptist, Membury : official guide . 1969. 726.5/MEM/DOD : sp726.5/MEM/DOD.- Subjects: Devon.

Dower, Michael. Amenity and tourism in the countryside : paper delivered at Conference on Remoter Rural Areas . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: px338.4791/WES/1969.- Subjects: Devon.

Dower, Michael. The use and future of the land of Devon : paper to be delivered... . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: px333.7/DEV/DOW.- Subjects: Devon.

Drake's ... Plymouth. Drake's Island adventure centre. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: s371.9 U : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Drake's Island Adventure Centre. Plymouth. Annual report and balace sheet 1968. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Duhamel, Jean. The fifty days : Napoleon in England . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s920/NAP.- Subjects: Devon.

Eagger, A.Austin. Thorverton. Thorverton past and present : with street directory . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: pB/THO 7/0001/EAG.- Subjects: Devon.

Elliott-Cannon, A. South Devon. The South Devon companion. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1969/ELL.- Subjects: Devon.

English ... English local history handlist : a select bibliography... . 1969. Not acquired WSL : 016.907/*/ENG.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter ... Exeter. Exeter and district, Devonshire : accommodation list and other information 1969 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/647.94/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter ... Exeter. Exeter Cathedral Campaign : Grandisson Festival Year 1969 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: pxB/EXE/726.6/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter ... Exeter and its region. 1969. 910/DEV/EXE : s910/DEV/EXE : s910/DEV/EXE : s910/DEV/EXEg : B/0001/EXE : D910EXE/EXE : 5/BAR : 5/BAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Cathedral. Dean and Chapter. Exeter. Son et lumiere in Exeter Cathedral. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/791.6/DEA.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Exeter. Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for 1968. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/614/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Exeter. A report on traffic and urban policy. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: xB/EXE/711.73/EXE : sxB/EXE/711.73/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Exeter. The River Exe, Exeter Canal and lands adjoining : an outline plan to conserve existing facilities and enhance opportunities ... . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: xB/EXE/711.558/EXE : xB/EXE/711.558/EXEr.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Exeter. Annual report upon the School Health Service for the year ended 31st December, 1968. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.7/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Exeter. Further education 69-70 : a guide to evening classes and other educational facilities . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/374/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Engineer's Dept. Exeter. Land use transport survey : plan folder . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sxB/EXE/711.73/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Engineer's Dept. Exeter. Land use transport survey : final report on traffic and urban policy . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sxB/EXE/711.73/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Engineer's Dept. Exeter. City of Exeter land use transport survey : plan folder . - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: sfB/EXE/711.7/EXE .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Engineer's Dept. Exeter. City of Exeter land use transport survey : final report . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sxB/EXE/711.73/EXE : sxB/EXE/711.73/EXEr .- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Dept. Exeter. Review of the city's finances for the year ended 31st March 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Record Office. Exeter. Trade and industry in Exeter 12th to 20th centuries : an exhibition . 1969. B/EXE/338/EXE : 5/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter College of Art. Exeter. Calendar 1970. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: pxB/EXE/529.4/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Council of Social Service. Exeter. Annual report. 22nd : July 1968-June 1969 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/361.7062/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Diocese. Exeter. A calendar of intercession for the Anglican Communion and the Diocese 1970. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/263.9/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Flower Show Committee. Exeter. Exeter Flower Show, Bury Meadow Pleasure Grounds, 13 & 14 August, 1969 : programme and schedule . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/635.9074/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Museums. Exeter. Acquisitions 1968 : an exhibition : 13 February to 12 March 1969 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: pxB/EXE/069/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Technical College. Exeter. Prospectus 1969-70. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/378/EXE.- Subjects: Devon.

Falmouth Corporation. Falmouth. Falmouth. [1969]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Ferris, L.C. Pebbles on Cornwall's beaches : identifying and collecting . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s552/COR/FER : 552/COR/FERr : CP552/FER .- Subjects: Devon.

Finberg, H.P.R. Tavistock. Tavistock Abbey : a study in the social and economic history of Devon . 1969. 271.1/TAV/FIN : s271.1/TAV/FIN : s271.1/TAV/FIN : s271.1/TAV/FINg : 271/TAV/FIN .- Subjects: Devon.

First ... Plymouth. The first 100 years : Mutley Baptist Church, Plymouth 1869-1969 . 1969. 286/PLY/FIR : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Footpaths ... Bratton Fleming. The Footpaths of Bratton Fleming. 1969. Not acquired WSL : 388.12/BRA 7/FOO : .- Subjects: Devon.

Forestry Commission. Eggesford. Walks in Eggesford forest. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s796.51/EGG/FOR : DP796/EGG.- Subjects: Devon.

Foster, John. A world explorer : Sir Francis Drake . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s920/DRA.- Subjects: Devon.

Fox, Aileen. Ilsington. A continental palstave from the ancient field system on Horridge Common, Dartmoor, England. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: px739.72/ILS/FOX.- Subjects: Devon.

Fox, John. Exeter. The rhetorical tradition in French literature of the late Middle Ages. 1969. B/EXE/378.1796/UNI U.- Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Exeter. Annual report. 39th : to 31st March, 1969 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sPER/FRI.- Subjects: Devon.

Galsworthy, John. Manaton. A man of property. 1969. Edition not acquired : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Gay, John. Barnstaple. The beggar's opera. 1969. Edition not acquired : 822 /GAY.- Subjects: Devon.

Geipel, H.C. Northlew. St. Thomas of Canterbury, Northlew. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/NOR/GEI.- Subjects: Devon.

Gilmore, Judith M. Filleigh. A study of the papers of the Fortescue family of Castle Hill, Barnstaple, from 1809-1841 .... - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx929.2.FOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Govier, L. Walkhampton. The Story of Walkhampton Church (with a brief look at parochial administration). - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/WAL/GOV .- Subjects: Devon.

Govier, Lionel. Walkhampton. The story of a charity school - through ten reigns 1719-1969. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Graham, Frank. Devon one hundred years ago. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: xDEV/1800/GRA : sxDEV/1800/GRA : sxDEV/1800/GRAg : B/0002/DEV : .- Subjects: Devon.

Griffiths, Ian. Inside England on the borders of Dorset and Devon. [1969]. DEV/1950/GRI : A/1969/GRI .- Subjects: Devon.

Guide ... Chulmleigh. A guide to the parish church of St.Mary Magdalene, Chulmleigh, Devon. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/CHU/GUI : DP900/CHU.- Subjects: Devon.

Harris, Martin. South Zeal. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns in a Devonshire dialect. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p427/DEV/HAR : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Haueter, Max Walter. Ronald Duncan : the metaphysical content of his plays . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s828/DUN.- Subjects: Devon.

Hebblethwaite, R. L. The conservation of trees and shrubs in built-up areas. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s333.75/DEV/HEB : 639.9/B/HEB.- Subjects: Devon.

Hodges, C.Walter. Lynmouth. The overland launch. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s823/HOD .- Subjects: Devon.

Holsworthy ... Holsworthy. Holsworthy Rural District : official guide . - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: sB/HOL 9/1969/HOL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Horwood ... Horwood family. 1969. Not acquired WSL : D929 PEDFILE.- Subjects: Devon.

Hoskins, J. P.. Churston Ferrers. Holy Trinity Church, Galmpton. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/CHU/HOS.- Subjects: Devon.

Hoskins, W.G. Exeter. Two thousand years in Exeter. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/0001/HOS : sB/EXE/0001/HOSg.- Subjects: Devon.

Ilfracombe ... Ilfracombe. Ilfracombe on glorious Devon's ocean coast : official guide . - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: sB/ILF/1969/ILF : sB/ILF/1969/ILFg.- Subjects: Devon.

Iredale, David. This old house. [1969?. Not acquired WSL : D728/IRE REF.- Subjects: Devon.

Jackson, J. Ottery St. Mary. Method and imagination in Coleridge's criticism. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s828/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

James, N.D.G. Bicton. The trees of Bicton. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s585.2/BIC/JAM : s585.2/BIC/JAMr : 582.16/BIC 7/JAM .- Subjects: Devon.

Japes, F.E. Willand. History of Willand village and church. 1969. B/WIL/0001/JAP : sB/WIL/0001/JAP : BX:WIL/0001/JAP.- Subjects: Devon.

Johns, William E. Exeter. No surrender : the story of William E.Johns, D.S.M., ... and how he survived after the eventual sinking of H.M.S.Exeter .. . 1969. 920/JOH.- Subjects: Devon.

Keen, Laurence. North Devon. A series of seventeenth and eighteenth lead glazed relief tiles from North Devon. 1969. Not acquired WSL : DP738/KEE.- Subjects: Devon.

Kelly's ... Torbay. Kelly's directory of Torbay including Torquay, Paignton and Brixham - 20th edition 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s380.1025/TOR/1969.- Subjects: Devon.

Kelly's ... Exeter. Kelly's directory of Exeter 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1969 : 380.1/EXE/1969 : KEL : 8/EXE/1969.- Subjects: Devon.

Kennedy, Wilma L. Ottery St. Mary. The English heritage of Coleridge of Bristol, 1798 ..his distinction between imagination and fancy. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s828/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Knight, Marcus. Exeter. The pictorial history of Exeter Cathedral. 1969. B/EXE/726.6/KNI : pB/EXE/726.6/KNI : 726.6/EXE/KNI : KNI.- Subjects: Devon.

Know ... Know Devon 1969-70 : a complete and new book of reference for everyone living in or interested in ... historic county of Devon . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1969/KNO : sDEV/1969/KNOr : DP910 : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Lansallos Parish Council. Polperro. Polperro, Cornwall, official guide. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Lasok, D. Exeter. Equality of the sexes as a problem of law reform : inaugural lecture delivered ... on 14 February 1969 . 1969. B/EXE/378.796/UNI U.- Subjects: Devon.

Launceston ... Launceston. Launceston and district : the touring centre for Devon and Cornwall : the official guide . - [1969?]. - Held by: WSL: sC/LAU 7/1969/LAU.- Subjects: Devon.

Lemarchand, Elizabeth. Alibi for a corpse. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s823/LEM : D823/LEM.- Subjects: Devon.

Lewis, F.K.. Hartland. A visit to Hartland's church. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/HAR/LEW : 726.5/HAR/LEW : DP900HAR/LEW.- Subjects: Devon.

Lewis, Michael. Plymouth. The Hawkins dynasty : three generations of a Tudor family . 1969. 929.2/HAW : s929.2/HAWr : 929.2/HAW .- Subjects: Devon.

Lockyear, Harold. Hartland. The man from the sea. - [1969?]. - Held by: WSL: p821/LOC.- Subjects: Devon.

Major, J.Kenneth. Sticklepath. Finch Brothers foundry, Sticklepath, Okehampton, Devon. 1969. 671.2/STI/MAJ : p671.2/STI/MAJ : 671.2/BX:STI/MAJ .- Subjects: Devon.

Manning-Sanders, Ruth. The Spaniards are coming !. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s823/MAN.- Subjects: Devon.

Martin, William Keble. Coffinswell. Over the hills .... 1969. 920/MAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Mather, G. Beer. History of the parish church of St.Michael, Beer : 2nd edition . - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/BEE/MAT.- Subjects: Devon.

McConaghey, R.M.S. Halberton. John Huxham. 1969 . 920/HUX .- Subjects: Devon.

Medical ... Exeter. Medical and scientific books belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Exeter Cathedral. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: xB/EXE/610/MED.- Subjects: Devon.

Medlock, Helen. The china-clay industry of Devon and Cornwall. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: px016.622361/WES/MED.- Subjects: Devon.

Minchinton, Walter E. Industrial archaeology in Devon. 1969. 609/DEV/MIN : s609/DEV/MIN : 609/DEV/MINr : 609/B/MIN : D609/MIN 2 : Tiv pI 91.- Subjects: Devon.

Ministry of Public Building and Works. Okehampton. Okehampton Castle, Devonshire. 1969. 725.18/OKE/MIN : DP725OKE/MIN.- Subjects: Devon.

Mitchell, G.Duncan. Sociological questions : an inaugural lecture delivered in the University of Exeter on 13 October 1969 . 1969. B/EXE/378.1796/UNI U.- Subjects: Devon.

Moore, Robert. The birds of Devon. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s598.2/DEV/MOO.- Subjects: Devon.

Moore, Robert. The birds of Devon. 1969. 598.2/DEV/MOO : s598.2/DEV/MOO : s598.2/DEV/MOOg : 598 /B/MOO : D598/MOO : 598.294235 : .- Subjects: Devon.

Morgan, Eileen. Kilkhampton. Sir Bevill Grenville of Stowe. 1969. 920/GRE : s920/GREr : 920/GRE .- Subjects: Devon.

Morris, Ellenor. Solitaire. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: s823/MOR : 823/MOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Mortimer, Walter. North Tawton. The history of North Tawton together with its antiquities and curiosities. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/NOR 9/0001/MOR : sB/NOR 9/0001/MORg : BX:NOR 9/0001/MOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Moseley, Brian. Dart River. Shipping on the River Dart. 1969. 387/DAR/MOS : s387/DAR/MOSg .- Subjects: Devon.

Mullion ... Mullion. Mullion, South Cornwall, holiday brochure. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: sC/MUL/1969/MUL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

National Provincial Bank. Exeter Branch. Exeter. Exeter and the Exeter Bank, 1769-1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/332.1/NAT : spB/EXE/332.1/NAT : 5/BAN.- Subjects: Devon.

National Trust. The National Trust Devon and Cornwall report, 1965-1969. 1969. Not acquired WSL : 719.062/WES/NAT : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

National Trust. Arlington. Arlington Court, Devonshire : a property of the National Trust . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p728.8/ARL/NAT.- Subjects: Devon.

Natural Environmental Research Council. Haldon. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Great Britain No. 30. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Nature ... Nature conservation and the South West region : a supplement to the Journal of the Devon Trust for Nature Conservation . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p639.9/WES/NAT .- Subjects: Devon.

Newton Abbot Urban District Council. Newton Abbot. Newton Abbot : the ideal holiday centre for sunny south Devon . 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Noble, A.H. Colyton. The register of the parish of Colyton Devon. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s929.3/COL/1538.- Subjects: Devon.

North Devon Technical College & College of Further Education. Barnstaple. Prizes and awards 1968-69 : details of full-time courses available . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p378/BAR/NOR .- Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Exmouth. The official 1969 guide to Exmouth. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXM 7/1969/OFF.- Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Sidmouth. Official guide and souvenir of Sidmouth.. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: sB/SID 5/1969/OFF : sB/SID 5/1969/OFFg : OFF +.- Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Lynton. The official guide to Lynton and Lynmouth. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: sB/LYN 7/1969/OFF : sB/LYN 7/1969/OFFg : OFF +.- Subjects: Devon.

Order of Saint John of Jerusalem... The eight point cross : year book of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem for East, South and North Devon, 1968/69 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p362.18/DEV/ORD.- Subjects: Devon.

Oswald, Adrian. Marked clay pipes from Plymouth, Devon. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx688.4/PLY/OSW : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Paignton ... Paignton. Paignton [accommodation] 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s647.94/PAI/PAI : s647.94/PAI/PAIr.- Subjects: Devon.

Paignton Zoological and Botanical Garden. Paignton. Annual report and accounts 12th - [15th] 1969 - [1973]. 1969-. 590.744/PAI/HER : 590.744/PAI/HERr.- Subjects: Devon.

Pedley, Robin. Exeter. The comprehensive university : an inaugural lecture ... delivered 27 October 1969 . 1969. b?exe/378.1796/UNI U.- Subjects: Devon.

Penzance ... Penzance. Penzance, South West Cornwall. [1969]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Penzance ... Penzance. Penzance and district. 1969. Edition not acquired : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth ... Plymouth. Plymouth official guide 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/1969/PLY : sB/PLY 1/1969/PLYg.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Plymouth. Crownhill redevelopment : report of the city planning officer . 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Engineer's Dept. Plymouth. City of Plymouth : a traffic and transport plan : November 1969 . 1969. BH stack nis WSL : PLY.- Subjects: Devon.

Plympton ... Plympton St. Mary. The Plympton St. Mary Rural District official guide 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 3/1969/PLY : sB/PLY 3/1969/PLYg.- Subjects: Devon.

Plympton St.Mary Rural District Council. Plympton St.Mary. Annual report for the year 1968, of the Medical Officer of Health and Senior Public Health Inspector. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY.- Subjects: Devon.

Poems ... Exeter. Poems : Exeter schools 1969 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/821.008/POE .- Subjects: Devon.

Pollard ... Pollard family. 1969. Not acquired WSL : D929 PEDFILE.- Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Postcodes : Plymouth and district . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s914.2 U.- Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Telephone directory. Section 52 : Plymouth, Cornwall, south west Devon, 1969 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx384.6025/AD52/1969.- Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Telephone directory. Section 51 : Exeter area & north Devon, 1969 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx384.6025/AD51/1969.- Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Postcodes : Exeter east and mid Devon and Bude, Cornwall . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx383/DEV/POS : sx383/DEV/POSr.- Subjects: Devon.

Price, Ogden and Stubbs. Lundy. Lundy, Bristol Channel : a romantic and historic island . 1969. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/735-6.- Subjects: Devon.

Pulman, George P.R. Axe Valley. The book of the Axe, containing a piscatorial description of that stream & historical sketches of all the parishes.. 1969. B/AXE/0001/PUL : sB/AXE/0001/PUL.- Subjects: Devon.

Renier, Elizabeth. Tomorrow comes the sun. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s823/REN.- Subjects: Devon.

Reynolds, Susan. Barnstaple. The forged charters of Barnstaple. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p342.02/BAR/REY : D900BAR/REY2.- Subjects: Devon.

Roche, T.W.E. More Great Westernry. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s385/WES/ROC : ROC : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Rolfe, Wilfred E. Devon and Cornwall. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s796.78/WES/ROL : s796.78/WES/ROLg : 796.78/B/ROL .- Subjects: Devon.

Roots, Ivan. Exeter. The late troubles in England : an inaugural lecture delivered in the University of exeter on 30th January 1969 . 1969. b/EXE/378.1796/UNI.- Subjects: Devon.

Rotherham Municipal Museum & Art Gallery. A Yorkshire artist in Devon : paintings by Miles Sharp : 20th September to 9th November, 1969 . - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: p750.924/SHA.- Subjects: Devon.

Rowe, Nicholas. Lamerton. The fair penitent. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s822/ROW.- Subjects: Devon.

Royal Albert Memorial Museum. Treasures of the Exeter Museums. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: pxB/EXE/069/ROY : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Rutherford, Margot. Dartmoor. That amazing summer. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s823/RUT.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint ... Lydford. St. Petrock's Church, Lydford. 1969. 726.5/LYD/STP : Not acquired WSL : DP900LYD/SAI.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint ... Barnstaple. St. Anne's Museum. 1969. Not acquired WSL : DP900BAR/SAI.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Austell District Chamber of Comm. Saint Austell. St. Austell Bay : the official guide ... . 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Loye's College. Exeter. Annual report. 32nd : 1968 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.916/St.L.- Subjects: Devon.

Saint Luke's College. Exeter. Prospectus 1969-1972. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/370.73/St.L.- Subjects: Devon.

Saki. The Bodley Head Saki. 1969. Not acquired WSL : 823 /SAK.- Subjects: Devon.

Saville, Malcolm. Come to Devon. 1969. DEV/1969/SAV : sDEV/1969/SAV : sDEV/1969/SAV : sDEV/1969/SAVg : B/1969/SAV : D910/DEV/SAV .. . . Skues, Keith. Heanton Punchardon. A short history of Heanton Punchardon. 1969. Not acquired WSL : DMSS/HEA/SKU.- Subjects: Devon.

Smith, Vian C. Dartmoor. Portrait of Dartmoor. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAR 5/1969/SMI : sB/DAR 5/1969/SMIg.- Subjects: Devon.

South Devon Flock Book Association. The flock book of the South Devon Flock Book Association. Volume 66 : rams nos. 39702-39973; flock nos. 20-612 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sPER/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South West Devon Water Board. South West Devon. Report on future water resources. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx628.1/SOU/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South West Devon Water Board. Abstract of accounts for the year ended 31st March 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p628.1061/DEV/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South West Economic Planning Council. Plymouth. Plymouth area study. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: px330.9/PLY/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South West Travel Association. Westcountry guide : Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset . [1969]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

South West Travel Association. Agents' manual, England - South West resorts : Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sx338.4791/WES/1969.- Subjects: Devon.

South Western Arts Association. Annual report. 13th : 68-69 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p706.2/WES/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

South Western Electricity Consultative Council. Report 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p621.31061/WES/SOU .- Subjects: Devon.

Southey, Robert. Ottery St. Mary. Omniana or horae otiosiores. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s080/GEN/SOU.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1969 ; no. 56. Kenn. The London-Penzance trunk road (Haldon Hill, Kenn, diversion) order 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1969/0056.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1969 ; no. 103. Exmouth. The Exmouth Docks revision order 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1969/0103.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1969 ; no. 171. Ashburton. The London-Penzance trunk road (Linhay Hill, near Ashburton, diversion) order 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1969/0171.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1969 ; no. 439. The South West Devon Water Board order 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1969/0439.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1969 ; no. 508. Totnes. The British Railways Board (Totnes and Ashburton) Light Railway transfer order 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1969/0508.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1969 ; no. 835. Seaton. The British Railways Board (Seaton and Beer) Light Railway order 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1969/0835.- Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1969 ; no. 1684. Plymouth. The Dockyard Port of Plymouth order 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1970/1684.- Subjects: Devon.

Street ... Barnstaple. A street map of Barnstaple with street index. [1969?. Not acquired WSL : DP912BAR/BAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Sultana, Donald. Ottery St. Mary. Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Malta and Italy. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s828/COL.- Subjects: Devon.

Teignmouth ... Teignmouth. Teignmouth, sunny South Devon. - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: sxB/TEI 7/1969/TEI : sxB/TEI 7/1969/TEIg.- Subjects: Devon.

Thorp, Margaret Farrand. Bideford. Charles Kingsley, 1819-1875. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s828/KIN.- Subjects: Devon.

Tiverton Borough Council. Tiverton. Tiverton and district : official guide . - [1969?]. - Held by: WSL: sB/TIV/1969/TIV.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay ... Torbay. Torbay and South Devon. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOR 1/1969/TOR.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay ... Torbay. Torbay : Torquay, Paignton, Brixham . - [1969]. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOR 1/1969/TOR : sB/TOR 1/1969/TORg.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay Borough Council. Torbay. Trade Administration Department : annual report ... 1968 . [1969?. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay Borough Council. Torbay. Official year book 1969. [1969]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Torbay Borough Council. Education Committee. Torbay. The First year 1968. [1969?. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Torpoint ... Torpoint. Torpoint, Cornwall : official guide . [1969]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Torquay ... Torquay. Torquay accommodation 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p647.94/TOR/TOR : p647.94/TOR/TORr.- Subjects: Devon.

Trent, Christopher. Motoring on regional byways : Devon and Cornwall . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s796.78 /WES/TRE : s796.78 /WES/TREg : 796.78/B/TRE.- Subjects: Devon.

Trinick, Michael. Bradford. Dunsland House, Devon. 1969. 728.8/BRA/TRI : DP728BRA/TRI.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. University list : session 1969-70 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/378/UNI.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. Calendar 1969-1970. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/378/UNI : sB/EXE/378/UNIr.- Subjects: Devon.

University of Exeter. Exeter. Annual report 1968-1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/378/UNI.- Subjects: Devon.

Uttley, David. Discovering Devon. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p796.78/DEV/UTT : B/1969/UTT .- Subjects: Devon.

Val Baker, Denys. Adventures before fifty. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s920/VAL.- Subjects: Devon.

Vancouver, Charles. General view of the agriculture of the county of Devon, with observations on the means of its improvement. Reprint 1808 ed.. 1969. 630/DEV/VAN : s630/DEV/VAN : s630/DEV/VANg.- Subjects: Devon.

Vancouver, Charles. General view of the agriculture of the county of Devon, with observations on the means of its improvement. Reprint 1808 ed. 1969. 630/DEV/VAN : 630/DEV/VANr : 630/B/VAN : .- Subjects: Devon.

Vanderplank, F.L. Lundy. Lundy over 40 years. 1969. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/605.- Subjects: Devon.

Varley, D.E. Tiverton. John Heathcoat, 1783-1861 : founder of the machine-made lace industry . [1969]. 920/HEA : 920/HEAr : 920/TIV/VAR .- Subjects: Devon.

Vipont, Elfrida. Plymouth. Children of the Mayflower. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s823/VIP.- Subjects: Devon.

Wackett, Harry. Plympton St. Mary. St. Mary the Blessed Virgin, Plympton : a history and a guide to the church . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/PLY/WAC.- Subjects: Devon.

Wagner, Henry R. Plymouth. Sir Francis Drake's voyage around the world. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s910.45/PLY/WAG.- Subjects: Devon.

Ward Lock. North Devon. Red guide : North West Devon : Ilfracombe, Barnstaple, Bideford . 1969. Not acquired WSL : BN /1969/WAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Warne, Arthur. Church and society in eighteenth century Devon. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s261.1/DEV/WAR .- Subjects: Devon.

Warne, Arthur. Church and society in eighteenth century Devon. 1969. 261.1/DEV/WAR : s261.1/DEV/WAR : s261.1/DEV/WAR : s261.1/DEV/WARg : 261.1/B/WAR .- Subjects: Devon.

Watkins, Leon. Harford. Poems. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s821/WAT.- Subjects: Devon.

Webber, Hedley, J. Torquay. An architectural appreciation of Torre Abbey. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: px726.7/TOR/WEB.- Subjects: Devon.

Welsford, A.E. Tiverton. The parish church of St.Peter in Tiverton. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/TIV/WEL .- Subjects: Devon.

Western National Omnibus Company Ltd. Bus, coach and rail timetable : Devon : 8th June 1969 until 6th June 1970 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s388.322042/DEV/1969.- Subjects: Devon.

Western Regional Assoc. for the Blind. Annual report. 56th : 1st April 1968 to 31st March 1969 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s362.41/WES/WES.- Subjects: Devon.

Whitham, John A. Ottery St. Mary. The church of St.Mary of Ottery in the county of Devon : a short history and guide . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/OTT/WHI .- Subjects: Devon.

Williams, Gordon M. Dartmoor. The Siege of Trencher's Farm. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. North Devon. The pathway. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL.- Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, James Alexander. Plymouth. Hawkins of Plymouth : a new history of Sir John Hawkins and of the other members of his family prominent in Tudor England. 2 ed . 1969. 920/HAW : s920/HAW : D92/HAW .- Subjects: Devon.

Wilson, Hugh. Exeter. Report on redevelopment of Guildhall area. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: xB/EXE/711.552/GUI : xB/EXE/711.552/GUIr.- Subjects: Devon.

Wilson, Walter George. Colyton. The church and parish of Colyton.. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/COL/WIL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Wise, Thomas J. T.J.Wise, Mrs Hardy and Hardy's manuscripts. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: p828/HAR.- Subjects: Devon.

Wood, T.G. Brief guide to the monumental figure brasses in Devon. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: s739.52/DEV/WOO : 739.52/B/WOO : 247.3 .- Subjects: Devon.

Woolacombe ... Woolacombe. The Woolacombe & Mortehoe, Devon official guide 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/WOO 5/1969/WOO.- Subjects: Devon.

Workers' Educational Association. Exeter. Exeter Branch programme winter 1969. - 1969. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/374/WOR : sB/EXE/374/WORr.- Subjects: Devon.

Young, Francis Brett. My brother Jonathan. 1969. Not acquired WSL : I/S.- Subjects: Devon.

Zinn, W.V.and Associates. Exeter. City of Exeter : report on inner by-pass, stages VII and VIII : November 1969 . - 1969. - Held by: WSL: xB/EXE/711.73.

Skeleton records to be extended and typescripts and articles to be removed to separate files. Place descriptor to be removed to end of record.

This page last updated 27 June 2015