Monday, 22 June 2015

Devon bibliography: 1940-1949

1940/1949 [precise date unascertained]

Chambers. Devon and Cornwall : Chambers's illustrated guide and souvenir . - [194-?. Not acquired WSL : A/194-/CHA : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Chambers. Devon and Cornwall : Chambers's illustrated guide and souvenir . - [194-?. Not acquired WSL : A/194-/CHA : I/S.. Lane, W.W.Woodhouse. Strange salvage ; extracts from a diary ; and, From a Dartmoor cottage. - 194-. - Held by: WSL: s828/LAN. - Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Official guide to Exmouth : the sunniest resort of the west . - 194-. Not acquired WSL : DP910/EXM. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth Civil Defence. Direct local action CRCO.2, revised (superceding CRCO.14). - [194-?. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Ryott, Estelle. Devon Rose and other poems. - [194-]. - Held by: WSL: s821/RYO. - Subjects: Devon.

Ward Lock. Red Guide : North West Devon : Ilfracombe, Barnstaple, Clovelly 15th ed. . - 194-. Not acquired WSL : BN /194-/WAR. - Subjects: Devon.


Acland, Richard Thomas Dyke. Sir. Unser Kampf : our struggle . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s320.5/GEN/ACL U. - Subjects: Devon. Broadclyst.

Arber, Muriel A. East Devon. The coastal landslips of S.E.Devon. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: px551.303/DEV/ARB. - Subjects: Devon.

Badges ... Badges and emblems of the services. - 1940. Not acquired WSL : DP355/BAD. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Baldwin, Roas. A historical note on the Coulson family. - 1940. W929.2/COU U. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Barwick, Thomas. The sending of the spies and other scripture rhymes. - 1940. Not acquired WSL : DP821/BAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Battle ... The battle of the River Plate. - [1940]. - Held by: WSL: px359.4/GEN/BAT. - Subjects: Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1941. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/380.1025/1941 : sB/EXE/380.1025/1941r : D380/BES : 8/EXE/1941. - Subjects: Devon.

Boniface, Saint. The letters of Saint Boniface. - 1940. - Held by: Crediton. - Subjects: Devon.

Bracken, Charles William. Devon entomologists and entomology. - 1940. PER : 595.7/B/BRA. - Subjects: Devon.

Campbell, Archibald Bruce. Lord. The Battle of the River Plate. - 1940. 359.4/GEN/CAM. - Subjects: Devon.

Carpenter, S.C. Faith in time of war. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s234.2GEN/CAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Chagford Parish Council. Chagford : a guide to the town and neighbourhood . - [1940]. - Held by: WSL: pB/CHA 1/1940/CHAr. - Subjects: Devon.

Chappell, Jennie. Agnes Weston, the sailors' friend. - [1940]. 920/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

Chase, Beatrice. The heart of the moor. - [1940?. - Held by: WSL: s823/CHA. - Subjects: Devon.

Chope, R.Pearse. The book of Hartland. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: B/HAR 7/0001/CHO : sB/HAR 7/0001/CHO : BT:HAR 7/0001/CHO : D900HAR/CHO : B/HAR 7/0001/CHOg . - Subjects: Devon.

Coleridge ... Coleridge the teller : a series of contemporary descriptions and comments . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s828/COL. - Subjects: Devon.

Collard, Joyce. O western wind. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s823/COL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Concordance ... A concordance to the poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s821/COL. - Subjects: Devon.

Cornish, Vaughan. The scenery of Sidmouth : its natural beauty and historic interest . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: sB/SID 5/1940/COR : sB/SID 5/1940/COR : sB/SID 5/1940/CORg : BX:SID 5/1940/COR : D910SID/COR . - Subjects: Devon.

Cresswell, Beatrix F. Dartmoor with its surroundings. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: B/DAR 5/1940/CRE : B/DAR 5/1940/CREr : D910DAR/CRE. - Subjects: Devon.

Delafield, E.M. Kentisbeare. The provincial lady in war-time. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s823/DEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Delafield, E.M. The provincial lady in war-time. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s823/DEL : DEL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Descriptive ... A descriptive catalogue of the Grolier Club Centenary Exhibition 1940 of the works of Thomas Hardy O.M. 1840-1928. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s012/HAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon ... Devon Feet of Fines, edited by Oswald Reichel : vol.III,(762-1208 . - [1940?. Not acquired WSL : Tiv (unchecked). - Subjects: Devon.

Devon Cattle Breeders' Society. Davy's Devon herd book. Volume 63 : 1940 . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DAV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire ... The Devonshire masonic calendar, 1940-41. - [1940]. - Held by: WSL: s366.1/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire Nursing Association. Annual report 36th : 1939-40 . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s610.73/DEV/DEV . - Subjects: Devon.

Doidge's ... Doidge's western counties illustrated annual, 1940. - 1940. PER/DOI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Doidge's ... Doidge's western counties illustrated annual, 1940. - 1940. PER/DOI : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Drake, Daphne. Members of parliament for Barnstaple 1492-1688. - 1940 . BHo sB/LUN/LAN/098. - Subjects: Devon.

Establishment ... The establishment of the New Plymouth settlement in New Zealand 1841-1843 .... - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s301.3289931/WES/EST. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Annual report of the School Medical Officer for the City and County of the City of Exeter 1939. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.7/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Dept. Abstract of the Treasurer's accounts for the year ended 31st March 1940. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exmoor ... Exmoor, North Devon and West Somerset : guide - 3rd ed. . - [1940?. Not acquired WSL : XP910/EXM. - Subjects: Devon.

Exmouth Urban District Council. Fouling of footpaths by dogs. - [1940?. LE B/EXM/1940. - Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Annual report. 10th : 1939 . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: sPER/FRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Griggs, Earl Leslie. Coleridge fille : a biography of Sara Coleridge . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s920/COL. - Subjects: Devon.

Hay, Edgar. Plymtree. The register of baptisms, marriages and burials of the parish of Plymtree 1537 -1837. - 1940. ~ Ordered. - Subjects: Devon.

Herrick, Robert. Dean Prior. Songs and lyrics. - [1940]. - Held by: WSL: s821/HER. - Subjects: Devon.

Hoskins, W.G. The Leicestershire country parson in the sixteenth century. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: px942.54/GEN/HOS. - Subjects: Devon.

Irving, William Henry. John Gay : favourite of the wits . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s828/GAY U. - Subjects: Devon.

Johnson, R.H.K. Winkleigh. Notes on Winkleigh church. - [1940?]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/WIN/JOH : 726.5/WIN/JOH : DP900WIN/JOH. - Subjects: Devon.

Le Grice, Frederick Edwin. Paignton. The story of the parish church of St.John Baptist, Paignton. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/PAI/LEG.. Lee, E.G. Mass man and religion. - [1940?. - Held by: WSL: s230/GEN/LEE. - Subjects: Devon.

Leigh-Bennett, Ernest Pendarves. Historic Exeter. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/1941/LEI : B/EXE/1941/LEIr. - Subjects: Devon.

Life ... The life and writings of Sir Walter Raleigh. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s920/RAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Magistrates ... The magistrates of England and Wales circuit. - 1940. 347.016/WES/MAG : 347.016/WES/MAGr. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Marvin, Edith Deverell. A wayfarer's guide to eight picture galleries in South-West England : Bath, Bristol ... Exeter, Plymouth, Truro . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s708/WES/MAR. - Subjects: Westcountry.

National Trust. Highweek. Bradley Manor,Devon : a property of the National Trust . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: p728.83/NEW/NAT : 728.8/NEW/NAT. - Subjects: Devon.

Newman, Thomas. Coryton. The history of Coryton. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: B/COR 7/0001/NEW : sB/COR 7/0001/NEWr : sB/COR 7/0001/NEW : sB/COR 7/0001/NEWg. - Subjects: Devon.

Norris, Charles. Buckfastleigh. Buckfast Abbey : a pictorial survey . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: p726.7/BUC/NOR . - Subjects: Devon.

Norris, Charles. Buckfastleigh. Buckfast Abbey works of art : a pictorial guide to the works of art at Buckfast with notes on their history & how they were made . - [1940?. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/BUC/NOR : sp726.5/BUC/NOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Octavia. Keys to the whole body of truth for the whole body of believers. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s920/SOU/G81. - Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Official guide and souvenir of Sidmouth, 1940 edition. - 1940. Not acquired WSL : DP910/SID. - Subjects: Devon.

Pallett, Olive M. Walks around Exeter. - [1940?]. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/796.51/PAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Panacea Society. The end of the unhappy conditions in the world is approaching : the last religion for the last times : the whosoever religion . - [1940]. - Held by: WSL: p920/SOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Parry, W.E. Battle of the River Plate, December 13, 1939. - 1940. 359.4/GEN/PAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Perry, Richard. Lundy. Lundy : isle of Puffins . - 1940. 598.5924/LUN/PER : 598.5924/LUN/PERr : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. A mixed grill. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s824/PHI : s824/PHIr : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. Awake Deboray !. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. Goldcross. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI : PHI. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. East Devon. Chorus of clowns. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI .. Pictorial ... Pictorial and descriptive guide to Barnstaple, Ilfracombe, Bideford, Clovelly, and North-West Devon.. - [1940]. - Held by: WSL: sB/BAR/1940/PIC : BN/194-/WAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth ... Plymouth. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/1940/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth College. Athletic sports programmes : 1937, 1940 . - 1940. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plympton St.Mary Rural District Council. Plympton St.Mary. Annual report for the year 1939, of the Medical Officer of Health and Senior Sanitary Inspector. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymtree. Parish. Plymtree. The register of baptisms, marriages and burials ... 1538-1837. - 1940. PER/DEV : 929.3251/BX:PLY 7/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Classified telephone directory : business and professional : Bristol, Exeter and Plymouth, March 1940 . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: sx384.6025/CB/BRI/40. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Robertson, Mary S. A message of peace & goodwill to the troubled world of today as given by ... Joanna Southcott.. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s920/SOU/G84/5. - Subjects: Devon.

Rogers, Inkerman. Bideford Huguenots 1685-1686. - 1940. Not acquired WSL : D284BID/ROG. - Subjects: Devon.

Rogers, Inkerman. The Bloody Assizes in Somerset, Dorset and Devon 1685. - 1940. Not acquired WSL : D284BID/ROG. - Subjects: Devon.

Rogers, Inkerman. The Bloody Assizes in Somerset, Dorset and Devon 1685. - 1940. Not acquired WSL : D284BID/ROG. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Rowse, A.L. Sir Richard Grenville of the Revenge. - 1940. 920/GRE : s920/GRE : Langham Collection. - Subjects: Devon.

Royal ... The Royal & Fortescue Hotel, Barnstaple, North Devon. - [1940?. Not acquired WSL : DP647BAR/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Russell, Percy. An historical record of St.Saviour's Church, Dartmouth. - [1940?]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/DAR/RUS. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint ... Kenn. St. Andrew's Church, Kenn. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/KEN/St.A. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint ... Upton Hellions. St. Mary's, Upton Hellions, Devon. - [1940?]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/UPT/St.M . - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Loye's Training Centre for Cripple. Annual report. 4th : for the year ending June 30th 1940 . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.916/St.L. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Michael, East Teignmouth. Teignmouth. Year book and blotter 1940. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: px726.5/TEI/St.M. - Subjects: Devon.

Salmon, Arthur L. In a western parish. - 1940. Not acquired WSL : D823/SAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Searley, A.W. Devonshire natural history. - [1940?. - Held by: WSL: s500.9/DEV/SEA. - Subjects: Devon.

Searley, A.W. Kingskerswell. Notes on the history of the church of S.Mary, Kingskerswell. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/KIN/SEA. - Subjects: Devon.

Searley, A.W. Newton Abbot. Notes on Newton Abbot. - [1940?. - Held by: WSL: sB/NEW 1/0001/SEA. - Subjects: Devon.

Short ... A Short history of the Devonshire Regiment. - 1940. 356.11/DEV/SHO. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Sisson, Charles Jasper. The judicious marriage of Mr Hooker and the birth of the laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. - 1940. 920/HOO. - Subjects: Devon.

Sprigge, Elizabeth. Two lost on Dartmoor. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s823/SPR : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Stephan, John. Buckfastleigh. Buckfastleigh in catholic days. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: pB/BUC 2/0001/STE . - Subjects: Devon.

Strabolgi, Joseph Montagne Kenworthy. The Battle of the River Plate. - [1940]. - Held by: WSL: s359.4/GEN/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Temple, William. Nature, man and God : being the Gifford lectures delivered... Glasgow in...1932-33 and 1933-34 . - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s210/GEN/TEM. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay Borough Council. Education Dept. Annual report of the School Medical Officer for 1939. - 1940. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay Borough Council. Medical Officer. Annual reports of the Medical Officer of Health 1940-1949. - 1940-. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Truro. Saint Mary. Parish. Truro. The register of marriages, baptisms and burials of the parish of St. Mary, Truro, co. Cornwall, A. D. 1597 to 1837. - 1940. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Tyler, F.C. Photographs of old stone crosses and prehistoric stones. - [1940?. msfWES/0005/TYL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Tyler, George M. Oh - definitely a humorous commentary strictly inaccurate and otherwise. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s827/TYL. - Subjects: Devon.

Vonier, Anscar. Buckfastleigh. Sketches and studies in theology. - 1940 . - Held by: WSL: s230/GEN/VON. - Subjects: Devon.

Wardle, Arthur C. Benjamin Bowring and his descendants; a record of mercantile achievement - new edition. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s929.2/BOW : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Williams, Meta G. Roman Exeter and Alexandria. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: pxB/EXE/0043/WIL . - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. Young salmon are going down to the sea. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: px824/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Wood, Elliott Colpoys. Widecombe-in-the-Moor. A guide to the parish church at Widecombe-in-the-Moor. - [1940?]. 726.5/WID/WOO . - Subjects: Devon.

Worth, Richard Hansford. The Dartmoor blowing house. - 1940. PER/DEV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Worth, Richard Hansford. The Dartmoor menhirs. - 1940. PER/DEV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Young, Francis Brett. The city of gold. - 1940. - Held by: WSL: s823/YOU. - Subjects: Westcountry.


Acland, Richard Thomas Dyke. Sir. The Forward March. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s300.1/GEN/ACL : s300.1/GEN/ACLg. - Subjects: Devon. Broadclyst.

Acland, Richard Thomas Dyke. Sir. The Forward March. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s300.1/GEN/ACL. - Subjects: Devon. Broadclyst.

Aldred, G.A.. Richard Carlile, agitator : his life and times . - 1941. 920/CAR. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Armstrong, Margaret. Trelawny : a man's life . - 1941. Not acquired WSL : I/S : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Back, Philip. From terrier boy to field master. - [1941?. Not acquired WSL : D92/BAC. - Subjects: Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1942. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1942. - Subjects: Devon.

Birdwood, William Riddell. South Devon. Khaki and gown : an autobiography . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s920/BIR. - Subjects: Devon.

Carpenter, S.C. Faith in time of war. - 1941 . - Held by: WSL: s234.2GEN/CAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Chichester, Francis. Arlington. Astro-navigation. - 1941. Not acquired WSL : D527/CHI. - Subjects: Devon.

Chope, R.Pearse. Farthest from railways : an unknown corner of Devon . - 1941. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/081-2. - Subjects: Devon.

Chope, R.Pearse. Farthest from railways : an unknown corner of Devon. . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: pB/HAR 7/1941/CHO : pB/HAR 7/1941/CHOr : BT:HAR 7/1941/CHO : DP900HAR/CHO. - Subjects: Devon.

Chronicle ... The Chronicle : Ilfracombe and North Devon directory and year book . - 1941. Not acquired WSL : D380/ILF. - Subjects: Devon.

Coleridge, Hartley. Letters of Hartley Coleridge. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s826/COL. - Subjects: Devon.

Dartmouth and Totnes Port Sanitary Authority. DartmouthTotnes. Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health. 1940. - [1941]. - Held by: WSL: p614/DAR/DAR . - Subjects: Devon.

Delafield, E.M. Kentisbeare. No one will ever know. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s823/DEL : DEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon Association for the Blind. Report and statement of accounts 1941-1964. - 1941-. - Held by: WSL: s362.41/DEV/DEV : s362.41/DEV/DEVr. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon Cattle Breeders' Society. Davy's Devon herd book. Volume 64 : 1941 . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DAV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire ... The Devonshire masonic calendar, 1941-42. - [1941]. - Held by: WSL: s366.1/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire Association. Rules and standing orders 1934. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: p060/DEV/DEV : 050/B/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire Nursing Association. Annual report 37th : 1940-41 . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s610.73/DEV/DEV . - Subjects: Devon.

Doidge's ... Doidge's western counties illustrated annual, 1941. - 1941. PER/DOI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Doidge's ... Doidge's western counties illustrated annual, 1941. - 1941. PER/DOI : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Dollar, A.T.J. Lundy. The Lundy complex : its petrology and tectonics . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s552/LUN/DOL : s552/LUN/DOL : DP550/DOL. - Subjects: Devon.

East Devon Assessment Committee. Report of the proceedings of the East Devon Assessment Committee ...with names of members of the Committee.... - 1941-. - Held by: WSL: p336.22/DEV/EAS : p336.22/DEV/EASr. - Subjects: Devon.

Ervine, St.John Greer. Seaton. Sophie. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s823/ERV. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Air raid precautions : local organisations and location of civil defence premises. . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/363.35/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Fairlie, Gerard. Bulldog Drummond on Dartmoor. - 1941. Not acquired WSL : D823/FAI. - Subjects: Devon.

Farson, Negley. Bomber's moon. - 1941. Not acquired WSL : D92/FAR COL. - Subjects: Devon.

Field, Josephine. Wife ashore. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s920/FIE. - Subjects: Devon.

Fortescue, Winifred. Filleigh. Trampled lilies. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s920/FOR : s920/FORr. - Subjects: Devon.

Fraser, G.T. Some corrections and additions to Flora of Devon, 1939. - 1941. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Annual report. 11th : 1940 . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: sPER/FRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Germany. Heer. Generalstab. Militargeographische Angaben uber England. Bildheft England insgesamt.. - 1941. (Image) s355.343/WES/GER. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Germany. Heer. Generalstab. Militargeographische Angaben uber England. Textheft.. - 1941. (Image) s355.343/WES/GER. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Germany. Heer. Generalstab. Militargeographische Angaben uber England. Stadtdurchfahrtplane England (ohne London).. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s355.343/WES/GER. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Germany. Heer. Generalstab. Militargeographische Angaben uber England. Stationsverzeichnis Grossbritannien und Irland : Eisenbahnnetz : 1:1 000 000 . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s355.343/WES/GER. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Germany. Heer. Generalstab. Militargeographische Angaben uber England. Ortschaftsverzeichnis.. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s355.343/WES/GER. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Germany. Heer. Generalstab. Militargeographische Angaben uber England.. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s355.343/WES/GER. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Germany. Heer. Generalstab. Militargeographische Einzelangaben uber England. 10. Sudwest. - 1941. MM WES/1941/GER. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Great Western Railway. Notice of royal trains March 18th to 21st 1941, inclusive. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: p385.22/WES/GRE. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Great Western Railway. Air raid precautions scheme : Torre. Revised ed. . - 1941. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Grundy, G.B. Ancient highways of Devon. - 1941. Not acquired WSL . - Subjects: Devon.

Hobbs, A,J.H. Upottery. Notes on the history of Up-Ottery Church, Devon. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/UPO/HOB. - Subjects: Devon.

John D. Wood and Co.. Lympstone. A first class agricultural property the Nutwell Court Estate ... Friday July 18th 1941.. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: sx333.33/LYM/JOH. - Subjects: Devon.

Jones, G.P. Two survived : the story of Tapscott and boat . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s920/JON : 940.545/A/JON. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Kantorowicz, Hermann. Bractonian problems. - 1941. 340/GEN/KAN : 340/GEN/KANr. - Subjects: Devon.

Kelly's ... Kelly's directory of Barnstaple and neighbourhood. 6th ed. - 1941. Not acquired WSL : D380/KEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Kelly's ... Newton Abbot. Kelly's directory of Newton Abbot and neighbourhood, including Bovey Tracey and Kingsteignton.. - 1941. Not acquired WSL : Newton Abbot. - Subjects: Devon.

Land ... The land of Britain : utilisation... Part 92: Devonshire . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: x333.7/DEV/LAN : x333.7/DEV/LANr : 333.7/B/STA : DP333/STA. - Subjects: Devon.

Lee, Charles. Cornish tales. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s823/LEE : C823/LEE . - Subjects: Devon.

Leigh-Bennett, Ernest Pendarves. Historic Exeter. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/1941/LEI : sB/EXE/1941/LEIr. - Subjects: Devon.

Lindsay, Jack. The dons sight Devon. A story of the defeat of the ...Armada. - 1941. - Subjects: Devon.

Marldon ... Marldon. Marldon Church, Devon : notes on its history and architecture . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/MAR/MAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Mason, A.E.W. The life of Francis Drake. - 1941. 920/DRA : s920/DRAr : D92/DRA 2 : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Mineralogical ... The mineralogical magazine, Sept 1941. - 1941. Formerly Ms.41. - Subjects: Devon.

Mining ... The mining magazine vol. 61 : 1 Ja. - 1941 . - 1941. Formerly Ms.41. - Subjects: Devon.

Ministry of Home Security. Air raids : what you must know, what you must do . - [1941?. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Oxenham, John. My lady of the moor. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s823/OXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Oxenham, John. The hidden years. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s823/OXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Parry, H.Lloyd. The government of Exeter : a survey . - 1941 . - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/352/PAR . - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Adelaide Eden. Laugh with me. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. A deed without a name. - [1941]. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. East Devon. Ghostwater. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Emergency Committee minutes 4th November 1940 to 6th November 1941. - 1941. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Medical Officer. Interim report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year. - 1941. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plympton St.Mary Rural District Council. Plympton St.Mary. Annual report for the year 1940, of the Medical Officer of Health and Senior Sanitary Inspector. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Powick, F.M. Lundy. The murder of Henry Clement and the pirates of Lundy. - 1941. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/562. - Subjects: Devon.

Powicke, F.M. Lundy. The murder of Henry Clement and the pirates of Lundy Island. - 1941. Not acquired WSL : D900LUN/POW. - Subjects: Devon.

Pyke, Richard. The early Bible Christians. - 1941. 287.97/WES/PYK : 287.97/WES/PYKr : D287/PYK. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Rowse, A.L. Tudor Cornwall : portrait of a society . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: sCOR/1485/ROW : C942/ROW . - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Loye's Training Centre for Cripple. Annual report. 5th : for the year ending June 30th 1941 . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.916/St.L. - Subjects: Devon.

Slesser, Henry. Sir. Judgment reserved : the reminiscences of the Right Honourable Sir Henry Slesser, late Lord Justice of Appeal . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s920/SLE. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Street, A.G. Wessex wins. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s920/STR. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Strong, L.A.G. The bay. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s823/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Temple, William. Christian faith and life, being eight addresses delivered in the Universty Church at Oxford, February 8th-15th 1931. - 1941. 248/GEN/TEM. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Dick Whittington and his cat. - 1941. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1941 : TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1941 . - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. La Traviata. - 1941. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1941. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Lilac time. - 1941. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1941. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Little women. - 1941. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1941. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. More 1066 and all that. - 1941. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1941. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. The beggars opera . - 1941. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1941. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. The Body was well nourished. - 1941. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1941. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. The Marriage of Figaro. - 1941. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1941. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Twinkle. - 1941. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1941. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Twinkle. - 1941. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1941. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay Borough Council. Education Dept. Annual report of the School Medical Officer for 1940. - 1941. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Waterhouse, Ellis. Plympton St. Maurice. Reynolds. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s750.924/REY. - Subjects: Devon.

Western Counties Association for the Blind. Annual report. 28th : April 1940 to April 1941 . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s362.41/WES/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

Whyte, Wolmer [i.e. Leonard P. Moore]. The bloody eleventh : the story of the Devonshire Regiment . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s356.11/DEV/BLO : 355.31/B/WHY : . - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. As the sun shines. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL : 823 /WIL : WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Wood, John D. & Co. Lympstone. A first class agricultural property : the Nutwell Court Estate... by auction by John D.Wood & Co and Lane...18th July, 1941 . - 1941. - Held by: WSL: px333.33/LYM/WOO. - Subjects: Devon.

Young, Francis Brett. Mr. Luckon's freedom. - 1941. - Held by: WSL: s823/YOU. - Subjects: Westcountry.


Acland, Richard Thomas Dyke. Sir. What it will be like in the new Britain. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s330.1/GEN/ACL : 330.1/GEN/ACL. - Subjects: Devon. Broadclyst.

Alert ... Alert : Plymouth, the gateway of the West. 3rd issue, Jan 1942 5th-13th issues, March-Nov 1942 . - 1942. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth.

Bagley, W.H.M. Pilton. A short history of Pilton parish church. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/PIL/BAG : D900PIL/BAG : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Bampton ... Bampton. Bampton shows the way [and] Our school. - [1942?. V/C 103. - Subjects: Devon.

Barnstaple Borough Council. Freedom of the Borough to His Excellency the Honourable John G. Winant. Friday 17th July 1942. - 1942. Not acquired WSL : DP352BAR/FRE. - Subjects: Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1943. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1943 : 8/EXE/1943. - Subjects: Devon.

Blundeville, Thomas. The use of the globe : the first voyage of Sir Francis Darke by sea unto the West and East Indies ... from a tract of 1594 .. . - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s910.41/DEV/BLU : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Bracken, Charles William. The obsolete Plymouth manors of Sutton Pyll, Radcliffe and Lulyetts Fee. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: p728.83/PLY/BRA. - Subjects: Devon.

Cathedral ... Cathedral church of St.Peter in Exeter. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: p726.6/EXE/CAT . - Subjects: Devon.

Chichester, Francis. Pinpoint the bomber : the great airgame book . - 1942. Not acquired WSL : D794/CHI COL. - Subjects: Devon.

Chronicle ... The Chronicle : Ilfracombe and North Devon directory and year book . - 1942. Not acquired WSL : D380/ILF. - Subjects: Devon.

Coleridge, Hartley. New poems by Hartley Coleridge. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s821/COL. - Subjects: Devon.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Coleridge. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s821/COL U : s821/COL Ur. - Subjects: Devon.

Compton ... Marldon. Compton Castle. - [1942]. Edition not acquired : 728.83/MAR 2/COM : DP725/COM. - Subjects: Devon.

Cornish, Vaughan. A family of Devon : their homes, travels and occupations . - 1942. 929.2/COR : s929.2/COR : s929.2/COR : 929.2/COR. - Subjects: Devon.

Dartmoor ... The Dartmoor guide including the River Dart.. - [1942?. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAR 5/1942/DAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon ... Devon : cradle of our seamen . - 1942. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1938/DEV : D9101942/MEE. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon Cattle Breeders' Society. Davy's Devon herd book. Volume 65 : 1942 . - 1942. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DAV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon Voluntary Association for Mental. Annual reports. - 1942-. - Held by: WSL: p362.2/DEV/DEV : p362.2/DEV/DEVr. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire ... The Devonshire masonic calendar, 1942-43. - [1942]. - Held by: WSL: s366.1/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Dollar, A.T.J. Lundy. Structures of Lundy rocks. - 1942. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/632. - Subjects: Devon.

Drake, Wilfred. The stained glass of St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle. - [1942]. - Held by: WSL: p748.5/GEN/DRA.. English ... English domestic life during the last 200 years : an anthology selected from the novelists . - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s823.008/WES/ENG. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Exeter City Council. Annual report (abridged interim report) of the Medical Officer of Health for 1941. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/614/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Diocesan Association for the Care of Girls. Annual reports. - 1942-. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/362.83/EXE : sB/EXE/362.83/EXEr. - Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Annual report. 12th : 1941 . - 1942. - Held by: WSL: sPER/FRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Hadfield, Charles. Canals between the English and the British channels. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s386.4/WES/HAD. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Heath, Sidney. Exeter. - [1942?]. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/1912/HEA . - Subjects: Devon.

Johnson, C. Brixham. Sir Henry Churchill Maxwell-Lyte, 1848 - 1940. - [1942]. - Held by: WSL: px920/MAX. - Subjects: Devon.

Later ... The later life and letters of Sir Henry Newbolt. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s920/NEW. - Subjects: Devon.

Leigh-Bennett, Ernest Pendarves. Historic Exeter. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/1942/LEI. - Subjects: Devon.

Martin, Arthur C. Milber. St. Luke's Church, Milber : a record of the dream that led to the design of the church . - 1942. 726.5/MIL/MAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Mason, A.E.W. The life of Sir Francis Drake.. - 1942. 920/DRA : 920 /DRA. - Subjects: Devon.

Millard, Victor F.L. Ships of Devon and Cornwall 1652-1942. - [1942]. 359.32/WES/MIL : s359.32/WES/MIL : 623.825/A/MIL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Millard, Victor F.L. Ships of Devon and Cornwall 1652-1942. - [1942]. 359.32/WES/MIL : s359.32/WES/MIL : 623.825/A/MIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Ministers'. Ministers' accounts of the earldom of Cornwall, 1296-1297. - 1942. 339.3/WES/MIN : s339.3/WES/MIN : s339.3/WES/MIN. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Mortimer, T.C. Berry Pomeroy. Berry Pomeroy Castle : an historical and descriptive sketch . - [1942?. - Held by: WSL: s725.18/BER/MOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Nicholson, Phyllis. Cornish cream. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s823/NIC : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Northgrave, Anne. The apple reddens. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s823/NOR. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Oxenham, Erica. J.O.. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s828/OXE. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Parker, A.S. The present state of the ancient buildings of Plymouth. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: sx720.9/PLY/PAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Adelaide Eden. Our little town. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. Pilgrims of the night. - [1942]. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI .. Phillpotts, Eden. Flower of the gods. - [1942]. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI : I/S.. Phillpotts, Eden. Miniatures. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s821/PHI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Emergency Committee minutes 12th November 1941 to 4th November 1942. - 1942. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Interim report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1941. - 1942. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plympton St.Mary Rural District Council. Plympton St.Mary. Annual report for the year 1941, of the Medical Officer of Health and Senior Sanitary Inspector. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Regional Committee Education in HM Force. Talks classes and other activities. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: p374/WES/REG. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Reichel Papers Committee. Index of personal and place names in the Hundreds of Devon contributed to the Transactions. - 1942. 333.322/DEV/REI : 333.322/DEV/REI : 333.322/DEV/REIr : 333.322/A/REI : D900/REI. - Subjects: Devon.

Robertson, Mary S. Authentick history of the Great Box of sealed writings left by Joanna Southcott. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s920/SOU/G80B. - Subjects: Devon.

Rogers, E.H. Some phases of Devon pre-history. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/0005/ROGr. - Subjects: Devon.

Rogers, Inkerman. The Huguenots in Devonshire. - 1942. Not acquired WSL : 284.5/B/ROG : DP284/ROG. - Subjects: Devon.

Rose-Troup, Frances. Exeter vignettes : Clarembald and the miracles of Exeter ; Exeter in Norman days ; The murder of the Precentor . - 1942. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/1066/ROS : B/EXE/1066/ROSr : BX:EXE/1066/ROS : D900EXE/ROS : ROS : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Rowse, A.L. A Cornish childhood : autobiography of a Cornishman . - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s920/ROW : s920/ROWr : D92/ROW L/A2 : ROW : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Annual statement. 201st : from 1st January 1941 to 31st December 1941 . - 1942. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/362.11/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Loye's College. Annual report. 6th : for the year ending June 30th 1942 . - 1942. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.916/St.L. - Subjects: Devon.

Salmon, Arthur L. [ Poems]. - [1942?. - Held by: WSL: s821/SAL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Sanders, Charles Richard. Coleridge and the braod church movement : studies in S.T. Coleridge, Dr.Arnold of Rugby, J.C.Hare, Thomas Carlyle ... . - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s828/COL. - Subjects: Devon.

Scrap ... Scrap Album : [newspaper cuttings of air raids in Devon] . - [1942]. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1942/SCR. - Subjects: Devon.

Short ... Dartington. A Short history of Dartington Hall with architectural notes. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: p728.83/DAR/SHO : 728.8/DAR2/SHO : . - Subjects: Devon.

Story ... The story of the Exeter blitz. - [1942?. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/1942/STO : BX:EXE/1942/STO . - Subjects: Devon.

Strong, L.A.G. The bay. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s823/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Strong, L.A.G. The bay. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s823/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Temple, William. Christianity and social order. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s261/GEN/TEM. - Subjects: Devon.

Temple, William. Readings in St John's Gospel. . - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s226.5/GEN/TEM : . - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. The Gondoliers : or the King of Barataria . - 1942. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1942. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. The Yeomen of the guard. - 1942. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1942. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay Natural History Society. Journal of transactions and proceedings for the years 1942-46. Vol. 9. - 1942-. PER/TOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Treneer, Anne. This world's bliss. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: p821/TRE. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Wedge, Emily V. Samuel Taylor Coleridge : an archangel a little tarnished . - 1942. - Held by: WSL: p828/COL. - Subjects: Devon.

West of England Eye Infirmary. Annual report. 134th. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/362.41/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

West of England Institution for ...Blind. Annual report. 102nd. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/362.41/WES . - Subjects: Devon.

Western Counties Association for the Blind. Annual report. 29th : April 1941 to April 1942 . - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s362.41/WES/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The pathway. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The beautiful years. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL : D823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The old stag and other hunting stories. - 1942. Edition not acquired. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The old stag and other hunting stories. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Windeatt, S. N.. [Letter from Mrs S. N. Windeatt to her husband describing the Exeter Blitz]. - 1942. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/826/WIN. - Subjects: Devon.

Worth, Richard Hansford. A stone circle in the Plym valley. - 1942. PER/DEV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Worth, Richard Hansford. Meavy. Marchants Cross, Meavy. - 1942. PER/DEV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.


Adrian, Alec. Dunkirk sportsmen. - [1943?. - Held by: WSL: s796/WES/ADR : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Adrian, Alec. Dunkirk sportsmen. - [1943?. - Held by: WSL: s796/WES/ADR : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Allchin, M.C.V. Locomotives of the smaller Welsh railways and of the Midland and South Western Junction railway : types ... . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s385.361/WES/ALL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Ashwin, John. In this our day. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s821/ASH : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Bartholomew, John, and Son Ltd. Gazetteer of the British Isles - 9th edition. - 1943. 914.2 Kept at Desk : 914.2 Kept at Deskr. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Besley's ... Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1944. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1944 : 8/EXE/1944. - Subjects: Devon.

Bottome, Phyllis. London pride. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s823/BOT. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Burton, Charles K. South Tawton. An account of the parish church of St.Andrew, South Tawton, Devon and Chapel of St.Mary, South Zeal. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/SOU/BUR . - Subjects: Devon.

Carpenter, S.C. Exeter cathedral 1942. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/726.6/CAR : sB/EXE/726.6/CARr : 726.6/EXE/CAR : CAR : I/S : I/S : Tiv CAR 22. - Subjects: Devon.

Chase, Beatrice. My chief knight John Oxenham : a memoir and an appeal . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s828/OXE.. Churchill, Sarah. Musbury. Letters of a grandmother, 1732 - 1735. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s920/CHU : s920/CHUr. - Subjects: Devon.

Cole, G. D. H. Ashburton. Richard Carlile, 1790-1843. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s920/CAR : 920 /CAR : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Countryside ... Countryside mood. - [1943]. - Held by: WSL: s820.8/WES/COU. - Subjects: Devon.

Countryside ... Countryside mood. - [1943]. - Held by: WSL: s820.8/WES/COU. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Countryside ... Countryside wood. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s824/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Delafield, E.M. Kentisbeare. Late and soon. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s823/DEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon Cattle Breeders' Society. Davy's Devon herd book. Volume 66 : 1943 . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DAV.. Devon County Council. Education Committee. Scholarships handbook 1944. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: p371.22/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Dept. Estimate for the financial year ending 31st March 1944. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: sx352.12/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonian Orthopaedic Association. Annual report. - 1943-. - Held by: WSL: s617.30062/DEV/DEV : s617.30062/DEV/DEVr. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire ... The Devonshire masonic calendar, 1943-44. - [1943]. - Held by: WSL: s366.1/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire Nursing Association. Annual report 39th : 1942-43 . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s610.73/DEV/DEV . - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter ... Exeter Holidays at home week 31st July-7th August, 1943. - 1943. ME B/EXE/1943/07/31 : pB/EXE/1943/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Annual report of the School Medical Officer for the City and County of the City of Exeter 1942. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.7/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Diocesan Board of Education. Report of the Exeter Diocesan Board of Education. 1942-1951. - 1943-1952. - Held by: WSL: s377.062/WES/EXE : s377.062/WES/EXEr. - Subjects: Devon.

Finberg, H.P.R. Notes and documents, the House of Ordgar and the foundation of Tavistock Abbey. - 1943. 271.1/TAV/FIN. - Subjects: Devon.

Fortescue, Winifred. Mountain Madness. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s920/FOR : s920/FORr : 920 /FOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Annual report. 13th : 1942 . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: sPER/FRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Goudge, Elizabeth. Henrietta's house. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s823/GOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Goudge, Elizabeth. Marldon. Sister of the angels : a christmas story . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s823/GOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Green, S.M. The story of the Exeter blitz. - [1943]. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/1942/GRE : sB/EXE/1942/GREr : BX:EXE/1942/GRE : . - Subjects: Devon.

Green, S.M. The story of the Exeter blitz. - [1943]. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/1942/GRE. - Subjects: Devon.

Green, T.R.L. Ilfracombe. The story of Ilfracombe harbour. - 1943. 387.1/ILF/GRE : 387.1/ILF/GREr : 387.1/ILF/GRE : DP387ILF/GRE : . - Subjects: Devon.

Haggard, Lilias Rider. Norfolk life. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s914.261/GEN/HAG : s914.261/GEN/HAGr. - Subjects: Devon.

Hall, B.Rigby. Lundy. The story of Lundy. - 1943. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/792. - Subjects: Devon.

Hollis, Christopher. Death of a gentleman : the letters of Robert Fossett . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s823/HOL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Hornby, Clifford. Lundy. Rural amateur. - 1943. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/013. - Subjects: Devon.

Hoskins, W.G. The reclamation of the waste in Devon 1550-1800. - 1943. 333.73/DEV/HOS : 631.6/B/HOS. - Subjects: Devon.

Howe, H.W. Greta Hall. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s828/HAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Joce, T.J. Exeter roads and streets. - 1943 . - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/388.411/JOC . - Subjects: Devon.

Kaufmann, R.R.U. A contribution to the history of the aquatic coleoptera of North and South Devonshire. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s595.76 U. - Subjects: Devon.

Maynard School. School magazine 1942-3. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/373.22/MAY. - Subjects: Devon.

Meredith, G.Patrick. Progress in visual education. - [1943?]. - Held by: WSL: p371.33/WES/MER. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Morris, Percy. Exeter Cathedral : a conjectural restoration of the fourteenth century altar-screen . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/729.96/MORr. - Subjects: Devon.

Nash, R.A. A brief history of the borough of South Molton. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: pB/SOU 5/0001/NAS. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Adelaide Eden. From Jane to John. - [1943]. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI . - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. A deed without a name. - [1943]. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. A museum piece. - [1943]. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI : PHI. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. At the 'bus stop : a duologue for two women . - 1943. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Emergency Committee minutes 11th November 1942 to 1st November 1943. - 1943. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Invasion Committee war book. - 1943. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Medical Officer. Interim report of the Medical officer of Health for the year 1942. - 1943. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plympton St.Mary Rural District Council. Plympton St.Mary. Annual report for the year 1942, of the Medical Officer of Health and Senior Sanitary Inspector. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Telephone directory. Section 16 : Exeter area, 1943 . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: sx384.6025/AC16/1943. - Subjects: Devon.

Povey, Anne. Poems for days of stress and strain. - [1943]. - Held by: WSL: s821/POV. - Subjects: Devon.

Raymont, Frank. Devon shipyard : a play-poem . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: p822/RAY. - Subjects: Devon.

Rowse, A.L. Tudor Cornwall : portrait of a society . - 1943. Edition not acquired . - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Annual statement. 202nd : from 1st January 1942 to 31st December 1942 . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/362.11/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Loye's College. Annual report. 7th : for the year ending June 30th 1943 . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.916/St.L. - Subjects: Devon.

Squire, John Collings. Sir. Solo and duet, including The honeysuckle and the bee and Water- music. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s828/SQU. - Subjects: Devon.

Stapledon, Reginald George. Sir. Northam. The way of the land. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s630/GEN/STA. - Subjects: Devon.

Stephens, Walter. City of Plymouth : reminiscences of Walter Stephens Esq . - 1943. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Stephens, Walter. Highways and byeways of Plymouth. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: pB/PLY 1/1860/STE. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Chu Chin Chow : Musical play of the East . - 1943. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1943.. Theatre Royal, Exeter. Cinderella. - 1943. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1943. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Hansel and Gretel : a fairy opera . - 1943. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1943. - Subjects: Devon.

Waldman, Milton. Sir Walter Raleigh. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s920/RAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Walling, R.A.J. The doodled asterisk. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s823/WAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Watson, J.Paton. A plan for Plymouth : the report prepared for the City Council . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: sx711.4/PLY/1943 : sx711.4/PLY/1943g . - Subjects: Devon.

Watson, J.Paton. A plan for Plymouth : the report prepared for the City Council . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: x711.4/PLY/1943 : sx711.4/PLY/1943 : sx711.4/PLY/1943g : 6/PLYMOUTH/WAT. - Subjects: Devon.

West of England Eye Infirmary. Annual report. 135th. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/362.41/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

West of England Institution for ...Blind. Annual report. 103rd. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/362.41/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

Western Counties Association for the Blind. Annual report. 30th : April 1942 to April 1943 . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s362.41/WES/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

Willcocks, M.P. Bunyan calling : a voice from the seventeenth century . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s920/BUN. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. A Devon stream. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s824/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The tragic spirit. - 1943. - Held by: WSL: p828/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Worth, Richard Hansford. The prehistoric pounds of Dartmoor. - 1943. PER/DEV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Young, Francis Brett. A man about the house : an old wives' tale . - 1943. - Held by: WSL: s823/YOU. - Subjects: Westcountry.


Ball, Nan S. Ball family of Stoke-in-Teignhead, Devon, England. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: p929.2/BAL : p929.2/BALr. - Subjects: Devon. Stokeinteignhead.

Barnstaple Borough Council. Slums and Housing Conditions Committee. Your beautiful town : being the interim report of the Barnstaple Slums and Housing Conditions Committee . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: p301.54/BAR/BAR : 363.51/BN:BAR/BAR. - Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple.

Barnstaple Slums & Housing Conditions Ct. Your beautiful town : being the interim report of the Barnstaple Slums & Housing Conditions Committee ... for ... the burgesses . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: p301.54/BAR/BAR : DP363BAR/BAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Barnstaple Town Council. Barnstaple through the ages. - [1944?. - Held by: WSL: pB/BAR/0001/BAR : spB/BAR/0001/BAR : BN:BAR/1944/BAR : DP900BAR/BAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Battiscombe. Georgina. Charlotte Mary Yonge; the story of an un-eventful life. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: s828/YON : s828/YONr : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Battiscombe. Georgina. Charlotte Mary Yonge; the story of an un-eventful life. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: s828/YON : s828/YONr : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Besley's ... Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1945. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1945 : sB/EXE/380.1025/1945r : 8/EXE/1945. - Subjects: Devon.

Birdwood, William Riddell. South Devon. In my time : recollections and anecdotes . - [1944]. - Held by: WSL: s920/BIR. - Subjects: Devon.

Bohman, Hjordis. Studies in the ME dialects of Devon and London. - 1944. 427.02/DEV/BOH : 427.02/DEV/BOHr. - Subjects: Devon.

British Red Cross Society. Devon Branch. Devon and Exeter Treasure Sale will be held at the Rougemont Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday and Thursday, June 7th and 8th, 1944 : in aid of the Duke of Gloucester's Red Cross & St.John Fund (prisoner of war fund) . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/361.5/BRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Cadbury, William A. Richard Tapper Cadbury 1768 - 1860. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: s920/CAD. - Subjects: Devon.

Cambrook, Olive. Pinhoe. Diary - 1944. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: s920/CAM. - Subjects: Devon.

Connor, G. E. Topsham. Dawn and sunset at Topsham, Devon : also Songs of youth ...[etc] . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: s821/CON : s821/CONr : 821 /CON . - Subjects: Devon.

Copeland, G.W. Plymstock. Radford (Plymstock, Devon). - 1944. - Held by: WSL: p728.83/PLY/COP. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon ... Devon and Exeter Mission to the adult deaf and dumb annual reports. - 1944-. - Held by: WSL: s362.42/DEV/DEV : 362.42/DEV/DEVr. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Baptist Association. Annual report 1944... - Held by: WSL: statement of accounts for the year ending 31st December 1943. - 1944. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Baptist Association. Annual report 1944... - Held by: WSL: statement of accounts for the year ending 31st December 1943. - 1944. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Devon Cattle Breeders' Society. Davy's Devon herd book. Volume 67 : 1944 . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DAV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon Closewool Sheep Breeders Society. Flock book. Volume 21 : flocks 1-194 . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. A bill to constitute a joint board...of the Barnstaple Water. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: sx348.022/LOC/1945. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Devon. Annual report of the School Medical Officer,1943. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: B/1943/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Dept. Estimate for the financial year ending 31st March 1945. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: sx352.12/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire ... The Devonshire masonic calendar, 1944-45. - [1944]. - Held by: WSL: s366.1/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Drury, William Price. Fighting cocks. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: s823/DRU. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Duncan, Ronald. Journal of a husbandman. - 1944. 920/DUN : 920/DUNr : 630 /B/DUN. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Annual report (abridged interim report) of the Medical Officer of Health for 1943. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/614/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Annual report of the School Medical Officer for the City and County of the City of Exeter 1943. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.7/EXE : B/1943/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Workmen's Dwellings Co. Ltd. Report of the directors and statement of accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1944. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/363.58/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Workmen's Dwellings Co. Ltd. Report of the directors and statement of accounts [for the year ended 30th June, 1943]. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/363.58/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Fair ... The fair rivers of Southern England. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1944/FAI. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Finberg, H.P.R. Werrington. Notes and documents : the early history of Werrington . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: B/WER/0001/FIN : B/WER/0001/FINr. - Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Annual report. 14th : 1943 . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: sPER/FRI : FRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Gould, Rupert T. Oddities : a book of unexplained facts. . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: s001.94/GEN/GOU : s001.94/GEN/GOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Johns, Owen. A little hospital in wartime. - 1944. 362.11/PLY/JOH. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Knox, Collie. The un-beaten track. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: s385/WES/KNO. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Lampard-Vachell, B.G. Great Torrington. Wild birds of Torrington and district. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: p598.2/TOR/LAM. - Subjects: Devon.

Langhorne, R.W.B. A sermon preached at the cathedral church of Saint Peter in Exeter 11th July, 1943. - [1944?. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/252/LAN. - Subjects: Devon.

Leyland, Eric. Treasure in Devon. - [1944]. - Held by: WSL: s823/LEY : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Lukins, A.H. Yeovilton. The book of Westland aircraft. - [1944]. - Held by: WSL: sx629.133/YEO/LUK. - Subjects: Devon.

Maynard School. School magazine 1943-44. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/373.22/MAY. - Subjects: Devon.

Mitchelmore, E.V. Fremington. St. Peter's, Fremington : notes on its historical associations . - 1944. 726.5/FRE/MIT : p726.5/FRE/MIT : DP900FRE/MIT. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillips, W.H. The conquest of death : an anthology dedicated to the bereaved . - [1944]. - Held by: WSL: p808.8032/GEN/PHI. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Phillpotts, Adelaide Eden. The adventurers. - [1944]. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. East Devon. The changeling. - [1944]. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI : PHI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. They were seven. - [1944]. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI . - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Medical Officer. Interim report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1943. - 1944. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plympton St.Mary Rural District Council. Plympton St.Mary. Annual report for the year 1943, of the Medical Officer of Health and Senior Sanitary Inspector. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Telephone directory. Section 16 : Exeter area, September 1944 . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: sx384.6025/AC16/1944. - Subjects: Devon.

Povey, Anne. A short biography of the work and life of the late Sir Edgar Plummer of Exeter. [Combined with a history of the RDE Hospital]. - [1944]. 920/PLU : s920/PLU. - Subjects: Devon.

Powley, Edward B. Berry Pomeroy. The house of De la Pomerai : the annals of the family . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: x929.2/POM : sx929.2/POM : sx929.2/POMr : 929.2/POM. - Subjects: Devon.

Rogers, Inkerman. John Rogers, proto-martyr, 1555. - 1944. Not acquired WSL : DP92/ROG : . - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Annual statement. 203rd : from 1st January 1943 to 31st December 1943 . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/362.11/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Society for the Prevention of Crue. Exeter, East and West Devon Branch annual report. 66th : 1943 . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: p179.3/DEV/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Loye's College. Annual report. 8th : for the year ending June 30th 1944 . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.916/St.L. - Subjects: Devon.

Short ... A Short history of the Devonshire Regiment. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: p356.11/DEV/SHO : sp356.11/DEV/SHO. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Stand ... Stand down of the Home Guard : The Hoe, Plymouth, Sunday, 3rd December, 1944 : souvenir . - 1944. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Stil. Any gum, chum : an English cartoonist's impressions of the Yanks in Britain . - [1944]. - Held by: WSL: p741.5/DEV/STI. - Subjects: Devon.

Stone, Lawrence. The Armada campaign of 1588. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: pWES/1588/STO. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Strong, L.A.G. All fall down. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: s823/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Taylor, M.V. The Sidmouth bronze : legionary standard or tripod . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: p739.512/SID/TAY. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Jack and the beanstalk. - 1944. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1944. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Jan Cobel's Anglo-Polish ballet. - 1944. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1944. - Subjects: Devon.

Thomas, Albert. Wait and see. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: s920/THO : 920 /THO . - Subjects: Devon.

Tiverton Wings for Victory Savings Campn. Log book which will record operational activities of an aircraft in Wings for Victory National Savings Campaign : Mosquito VI '44 . - 1944. Not acquired WSL : TiW LOG 222. - Subjects: Devon.

Tiverton Wings for Victory Savings Campn. Log Book which will record operational activities of aircraft in Wings for Victory National Savings Campaign : Spitfire VIII'44 . - 1944. Not acquired WSL : TiW LOG 223. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay Borough Council. Education Dept. Annual report of the School Medical Officer for 1943. - 1944. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

West of England Eye Infirmary. Annual report. 136th. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/362.41/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

West of England Institution for ...Blind. Annual report. 104th. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/362.41/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

West, Lyn. The lost house mystery. - [1944]. - Held by: WSL: s823/WES. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Western Counties Association for the Blind. Annual report. 31st : April 1943 to April 1944 . - 1944. - Held by: WSL: s362.41/WES/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The pathway. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Workers' Educational Association. Exeter Branch winter programme 1944-1945. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/374/WOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Worth, Richard Hansford. The Dartmoor house. - 1944. - Held by: WSL: p728/DAR/WOR : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Worth, Richard Hansford. The Dartmoor hutcircles. - 1944. PER/DEV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Worth, Richard Hansford. The tenants and commoners of Dartmoor. - 1944. PER/DEV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.


Adams, Amery. Heytor railway. - [1945?. - Held by: WSL: sx385.5/DAR/ADA. - Subjects: Devon.

Adshead, S.D. Teignmouth : report to the Urban District Council on improvement and development after the war . - 1945. 711.4/TEI/1945 : s711.4/TEI/1945 . - Subjects: Devon. Teignmouth.

Allan, S.M. Exminster. Devon Mental Hospital, 1845-1945 : history of the hospital . - 1945. 362.21/EXM/ALL. - Subjects: Devon.

Allen, N.V. Ilfracombe. The natural history of Ilfracombe being a brief outline of the animal and the plant life...within a radius of ten miles.... - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s500.9/ILF/ALL. - Subjects: Devon.

Armfelt, Roger. County affairs. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s823/ARM. - Subjects: Devon.

Baker, Amy J. Lee. Three young maids of Lee. - [1945]. - Held by: WSL: s823/BAK. - Subjects: Devon.

Besley. Besley's Exeter directories 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947. - 1944-1947. : 8/EXE/1944-7. - Subjects: Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1946. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/380.1025/1946 : sB/EXE/380.1025/1946r : 8/EXE/1946. - Subjects: Devon.

Bracken, Charles William. The Plymouth Grammar School. - [1945]. - Held by: WSL: p373/PLY/BRA. - Subjects: Devon.

Brady, G. History and record of B Co., 10th (Torbay) Batt. Devon Home Guard. - 1945. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Brenchley, J. Songs of Devon. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s821/BRE : 821/BRE. - Subjects: Devon.

Brook, Charles. Battling surgeon. - 1945. 920/WAK : s920/WAKr. - Subjects: Devon.

Buckfast ... Buckfastleigh. Buckfast Abbey church. - [1945?. BH stack (pam) : BUC. - Subjects: Devon.

Calver, G. Stokeinteignhead. The lost village of Labrador and the medieval Stokeinteignhead story. - [1945?. - Held by: WSL: sB/STO 5/0001/CAL : sB/STO 5/0001/CALg. - Subjects: Devon.

Camborne. Parish. Camborne. The register of marriages, baptisms & burials of the parish of Camborne, co Cornwall, A.D. 1538-1837. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s929.3/CAM/1538 : s929.3/CAM/1538r : C929.3/CAM : 929.3251/C:CAM/CAM. - Subjects: Devon.

Cathedral ... Cathedral church of St.Peter in Exeter. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/726.6/CAT. - Subjects: Devon.

Chase, Beatrice. The heart of the moor. - [1945?. - Held by: WSL: s823/CHA. - Subjects: Devon.

Chronicle ... The Chronicle : Ilfracombe and North Devon directory and year book . - 1945. Not acquired WSL : D380/ILF. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Baptist Association. Annual report 1945...statement of accounts for the year ending 31st December 1944. - 1945. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Baptist Association. Annual report 1945...statement of accounts for the year ending 31st December 1944. - 1945. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Devon Cattle Breeders' Society. Davy's Devon herd book. Volume 68 : 1945 . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DAV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Committee. County library annual reports nos 11-20 (1936-1945). - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s027.4/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Committee. The education service in Devon : a report and a plan . - 1945. 379.15/DEV/DEV : 379.15/B/DEV . - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Dept. Agreed syllabus of religious education. - [1945?. - Held by: WSL: s377.1/DEV/DEV : s377.1/DEV/DEV : s377.1/DEV/DEV : s377.1/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Dept. The education service in Devon : a report and a plan . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: p379.15/DEV/DEV . - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire ... The Devonshire masonic calendar, 1945-46. - [1945]. - Held by: WSL: s366.1/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire Nursing Association. Annual report 41st : 1944-45 . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s610.73/DEV/DEV . - Subjects: Devon.

Doidge's ... Doidge's western counties illustrated annual, 1945. - 1945. PER/DOI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Doidge's ... Doidge's western counties illustrated annual, 1945. - 1945. PER/DOI : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Eager, R. The treatment of mental disorders, ancient and modern. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s362.2/WES/EAG : 362.21/BX:EXE/EAG. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter ... Exeter : then and now . - [1945]. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/0001/HEL : sB/EXE/0001/HEL : BX:EXE/0001/EXE : EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Agreed syllabus of religious instruction. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/377.1/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Annual report of the School Medical Officer for the City and County of the City of Exeter 1944. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.7/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Education Committee. An outline of the city's educational reuirements (Education Act 1944). - 1945. - Held by: WSL: sxB/EXE/379.15/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Workmen's Dwellings Co. Ltd. Report of the directors and statement of accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1945. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/363.58/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter. Saint Edmund. Parish. The parish magazine of St.Edmund's, Exeter. - 1945-. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/283.05/PAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Annual report. 15th : 1944 . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: sPER/FRI : FRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Grimes, Charles Hugh Duffy. Newton Ferrers. History of Newton Ferrers. - [1945]. - Held by: WSL: pB/NEW 2/0001/GRI : BX:NEW 2/0001/GRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Hamley, Norman P. Particulars & conditions of sale of the freehold properties known as the Palace Theatre of Varieties and the Palace Hotel ... - 1945. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Hele's School Historical Society. Exeter : then and now . - [1945]. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/0001/HEL : sB/EXE/0001/HEL : sB/EXE/0001/HEL : sB/EXE/0001/HEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Hine, Reginald L. Confessions of an un-common attorney. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s920/HIN. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Jenkin, A.K.Hamilton. Cornwall and its people : Cornish seafarers, Cornwall and the Cornish, Cornish homes and customs . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s301.34/COR/JEN. - Subjects: Devon.

Kestel-Cornish, Geoffrey Rev. The War diary of Rev. Geoffrey Kestel-Cornish, Army Chaplain. - 1945. Not acquired WSL : 940.531/B/KES. - Subjects: Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. The heroes. - 1945. Edition not acquired : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Lacey, F.C. Paignton. Poems by an ex C.I.D.Officer, Metropolitan Police. - [1945]. - Held by: WSL: p821/LAC. - Subjects: Devon.

Leach, Bernard. A potter's book. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s738.1/ST.I/LEA : D738/LEA : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Lidstone, G.H. On guard! : a history of the 10th (Torbay) Battalion Devonshire Home Guard . - 1945. 355.351/DEV/ONG : 355.351/DEV/ONGr : D355/LID : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Little ... Denbury. A little history of St.Mary's, Denbury.. - [1945?]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/DEN/LIT. - Subjects: Devon.

Lord Mayor's Service Welfare Fund. When you come home to Plymouth. - 1945. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Ministry of Health. Hospital survey : the hospital services of the south-western area . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: x362.11/WES/MIN. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Morton, H.V. In search of England. - 1945. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Negri ... King Henry had six wives (one at a time) : limericks of history . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s821/NEG. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Nymet ... George Nympton. Nymet St. George Church, deanery of North Molton, archdeaconry of Barnstaple, diocese of Exeter, county of Devon. - [1945?]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/GEO/NYM : 726.5/NYM 3/NYM : . - Subjects: Devon.

Parish ... The Parish Paper of S.Edmund's, Exeter. - 1945-. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/283.05/PAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Paul, G.M. Under steel helmets : a tribute to all places in Devon who served and suffered in the war 1939-1945 . - [1945?]. - Held by: WSL: pxDEV/1939/PAU. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. The drums of Dombali. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI . - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Emergency Committee minutes 16th November 1943 to 22nd September 1945. - 1945. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

PLymouth City Council. Medical Officer. Interim report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1944. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Plympton St.Mary Rural District Council. Plympton St.Mary. Annual report for the year 1944, of the Medical Officer of Health and Senior Sanitary Inspector. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Ramsden, J.V. Teign Valley. Notes on the mineral deposits in the Teign Valley. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: p553/DEV/RAM. - Subjects: Devon.

Raymond, R F. . Stalag VII to Stalag III A. - 1945?. 940.5/B/STA. - Subjects: Devon.

Rowse, A.L. The use of history. - 1945. Not acquired WSL : D901/ROW. - Subjects: Devon.

Rowse, A.L. West Country stories. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s823/ROW . - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Society for the Prevention of Crue. Exeter, East and West Devon Branch annual report. 67th : 1944 . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: p179.3/DEV/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Loye's College. Annual report. 9th : for the year ending June 30th 1945 . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.916/St.L. - Subjects: Devon.

Sharp, Thomas. Plan for future development. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/711.4/1945 : spB/EXE/711.4/1945. - Subjects: Devon.

South Western Regional Library System. Annual report of the Executive Committee. 8th : from 1st April 1944 to 31st March 1945 . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s021.65/WES/SOU. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Southern National Omnibus Company Ltd. Official time table : North Devon & North Cornwall area : 6th May, 1945, and until further notice . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s388.322042/WES/1945. - Subjects: Devon.

Southern National Omnibus Company Ltd. Official time table : North Devon & North Cornwall area : 6th May, 1945, and until further notice . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s388.322042/WES/1945. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Southernhay ... Southernhay Congregational Church, Exeter. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/285.8/SOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Statutes 1945. Local ; 9&10 Geo 6 c. 6. North Devon Water Board Act 1945. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: sx348.022/1945/LOC : sx348.022/1945/LOCr. - Subjects: Devon.

Story ... The story of C Company, 14th (Moorside) Battalion, Devon Home Guard, May 1940-Dec 1944. - [1945?. 355.351/DEV/STO : p355.351/DEV/STO. - Subjects: Devon.

Strong, L.A.G. Othello's occupation. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s823/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Strong, L.A.G. The garden. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s823/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Sully, J.Norman. Notes on the history of the Sully family of Devon, Somerset and Glamorgan. - 1945. 929.2/SUL. - Subjects: Devon.

Sully, J.Norman. Notes on the history of the Sully family of Devon, Somerset and Glamorgan. - 1945. 929.2/SUL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Sutton, H. Borough of Torquay : history of civil defence wartime organisation, 1937-45 . - 1945. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Tagg, Kenneth. Wembury. The romantic story of Wembury church in Devonshire. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s726.5/WEM/TAG. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Swan Lake; Judgement of Paris; The Planets. - 1945. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1945. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. The babes in the wood. - 1945. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1945 : TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1945. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. The Merchant of Venice. - 1945. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1945. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay Borough Council. Education Dept. Annual report of the School Medical Officer for 1944. - 1945. Not acquired WSL : 371.172/B/DEV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Twyford, H.P. It came to our door : Plymouth in the World War . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: B/PLY 1/1940/TWY : B/PLY 1/1940/TWYr : BX:PLY 1 /1939/TWY : D900PLY/TWY . - Subjects: Devon.

Ugborough ... Ugborough. Ugborough Church, Devon. - [1945?]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/UGB/UGB. - Subjects: Devon.

United States. Navy. Salcombe. Salcombe 1943-1945. - [1945]. - Held by: WSL: sx940.545/SAL/UNI : sx940.545/SAL/UNIr. - Subjects: Devon.

Up ... Dart River. Up and down the River Dart.. - [1945?. - Held by: WSL: pB/DAR 1/1945/UPA. - Subjects: Devon.

Walmsley, Leo. So many loves. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s920/WAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Watson, J.Paton. A handbook of the Plymouth plan : being a summary of the report ... for the city council . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: sx711.4/PLY/1945 : sx711.4/PLY/1945g : 711.4/BX:PLY 1/WAT : xWAT : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

West of England Eye Infirmary. Annual report. 137th. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/362.41/WES . - Subjects: Devon.

West of England Institution for ...Blind. Annual report. 105th. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/362.41/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

Western Counties Association for the Blind. Annual report. 32nd : April 1944 to April 1945 . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s362.41/WES/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

Whiting, Frank E. The long bridge of Bideford through the centuries. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: p624.2/BID/WHI : p624.2/BID/WHIr : 624.2/BID/WHI : DP624BID/WHI. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. Georgeham. Tales of a Devon village. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s301.35/GEO/WIL . - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. Life in a Devon village. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s301.35/GEO/WIL : s301.35/GEO/WIL : 307.72/GEO 3/WIL : s301.35/GEO/WILg : D824/WIL 2 . - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. A crown of life. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: p823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. Tarka the otter : his joyful water-life & death ... illustrated by C.F. Tunnicliffe. . - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The peregrine's saga and other wild tales. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. Village children of the 'twenties. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: p828/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The lone swallows, and other essays of boyhood and youth. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s824/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The sun in the sands. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s920/WIL : s920/WILr : 920 /WIL : D92/WIL L/A . - Subjects: Devon.

Willison, George F. Saints and strangers. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: s973.22/PLY/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Wood, Elliott Colpoys. Widecombe-in-the-Moor. A guide to the parish church at Widecombe in the Moor. - [1945?]. - Held by: WSL: s726.5/WID/WOO : 726.5/BX:WID/WOO : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Workers' Educational Association. Exeter Branch autumn programme 1945. - 1945. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/374/WOR. - Subjects: Devon.


Abbott, M.E. The jubilee book of West Bank School Bideford 1896-1946. - 1946. Not acquired WSL : 373.222/BID/ABB. - Subjects: Devon.

Allen, Walter. Rogue elephant. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s823/ALL. - Subjects: Devon.

Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett. Days of fresh air : being reminiscences of outdoor life . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s920/AME. - Subjects: Devon.

Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett. In the rain and the sun : a sequel to Days of Fresh Air . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s920/AME : s920/AMEg. - Subjects: Devon.

Anderson, S.M.C. The flight and the song. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s823/AND. - Subjects: Devon.

At-a-glance ... The At-a-glance three in one guide to Exmouth and District. - [1946]. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXM 7/1946/ATA : . - Subjects: Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1947. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/380.1025/1947 : sB/EXE/380.1025/1947r.. Board of Trade. Report of the enquiry into the ball-clay industry. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p622.361/WES/BOA. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Book ... The book of the pony. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s636.16/WES/BOO. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Braunton and District Publicity Committee. Braunton. Braunton and district official guide : incorporating Braunton, Croyde, Georgeham, Heanton and Saunton . - [1946?]. - Held by: WSL: sB/BRA 9/1946/BRA . - Subjects: Devon.

Burbidge, William F. On rolling wheels in the West : being an account of a cycle tour through the counties of Somerset, Gloucester, Devon and Cornwall . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1946/BUR : 796.6/A/BUR : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Burbidge, William F. On rolling wheels in the West : being an account of a cycle tour through the counties of Somerset, Gloucester, Devon and Cornwall . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1946/BUR : 796.6/A/BUR : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Burnett, R. Some notes on wheat-reed thatching. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p695.92/DEV/BUR : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Burnham, Ernest J. Seaton. A guide to Seaton and district, including Axmouth, Colyford, Colyton, Beer and Branscombe. - [1946]. - Held by: WSL: sB/SEA/1946/BUR. - Subjects: Devon.

Burton, Charles K. South Tawton. An account of the parish church of St.Andrew, South Tawton, Devon and Chapel of St.Mary, South Zeal. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/SOU/BUR . - Subjects: Devon.

Bypaths ... Bypaths around Sidmouth.. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p796.51/SID/BYP. - Subjects: Devon.

C, S.M. The flight and the song. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s823/C,SM : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Carpenter, S.C. A Paraphrase of Saint Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p227.6/GEN/CAR : sp227.6/GEN/CAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Catalogue ... Bicton. A catalogue of the contents of Bicton, East Budleigh, East Devon. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s643/EAS/CAT. - Subjects: Devon.

Cawley, C.M. The extraction of ester waxes from British lignite and peat. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p665.12/DEV/CAW. - Subjects: Devon.

Chapman, A.E. Verses (disjecta fragmenta). - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s821/CHA. - Subjects: Devon.

Chase, Beatrice. Postbridge. The corpse on the moor : a true mystery story . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p364.1523/DAR/CHA : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Chase, Beatrice. Postbridge. The corpse on the moor : a true mystery story - new edition . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p364.1523/DAR/CHA : p364.1523/DAR/CHAr : CHA. - Subjects: Devon.

Church ... Ottery St.Mary. The church of St. Michael the Archangel, West Hill, Ottery St.Mary, 1846-1946 : centenary souvenir . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/OTT/CHU. - Subjects: Devon.

Coates, C.A. Teignmouth. Notes on readings on the last supper : C.A.C. Teignmouth 1941 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s232.957/GEN/COA. - Subjects: Devon.

Connor, G. E. Springtime in Devon and other poems including Victos and. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p821/CON : 821 /CON . - Subjects: Devon.

Cornelius, C.Fryer. Teignbridge. Ancient Devon parish churches within a ten mile radius of Newton Abbot. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s726.5/DEV/COR. - Subjects: Devon.

Countryside ... Countryside character. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s301.35/WES/COU. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Crombie, D.C. History of the 5th (Bideford) battalion Devon Home Guard 1940-45. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s355.351/BID/CRO : 355.351/BID/CRO. - Subjects: Devon.

Cullompton ... Cullompton. Cullompton a gem of South Devon : official guide . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: pB/CUL 3/1946/CUL : spB/CUL 3/1946/CUL. - Subjects: Devon.

Dartington Hall Trustees. The Arts Enquiry : the visual arts . - 1946. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Darwin, Bernard. War on the line : the story of the Southern Railway in war-time . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s385/WES/DAR. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Davies, E.T. The political ideas of Richard Hooker. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s320.5/GEN/DAV. - Subjects: Devon.

Dawlish ... Dawlish. Dawlish, South Devon : official guide 1946 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAW/1946/DAW. - Subjects: Devon.

Day, Kenneth F. The Dartmoor scene : a series of camera studies between Two Bridges and Postbridge . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAR 5/1946/DAY : sB/DAR 5/1946/DAYg . - Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Baptist Association. Annual report 1946, statement of accounts for the year ending 31st December 1945. - 1946. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Baptist Association. Annual report 1946, statement of accounts for the year ending 31st December 1945. - 1946. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Devon Association of Boys' Clubs. Annual report 1946. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p369.42/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon Cattle Breeders' Society. Davy's Devon herd book. Volume 69 : 1946 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DAV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Act, 1944 : development plan . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sx379.15/DEV/DEV : xDEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Committee. County secondary schools : instrument of government and articles of government . - [1946?]. - Held by: WSL: p344.071/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Dept. County primary schools : instrument of management and rules of management . - [1946]. - Held by: WSL: p372.12/DEV/DEV . - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Dept. Estimate for the financial year ending 31st March 1947. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sx352.12/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire ... The Devonshire masonic calendar, 1946-47. - [1946]. - Held by: WSL: s366.1/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire Nursing Association. Annual report. 42nd : 1945-46 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s610.73/DEV/DEV . - Subjects: Devon.

Doidge's ... Doidge's western counties illustrated annual, 1946. - 1946. PER/DOI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Doidge's ... Doidge's western counties illustrated annual, 1946. - 1946. PER/DOI : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Drake-Brockman, E. D. Staverton. Staverton on the Dart : from records of church and parish . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: B/STA 7/0001/DRA : sB/STA 7/0001/DRA : sB/STA 7/0001/DRA : sB/STA 7/0001/DRAg : BX:STA 7/0001/DRA : 6/STAVERTON/DRA. - Subjects: Devon.

Duncan, Ronald. This way to the tomb : a masque and anti-masque . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s822/DUN. - Subjects: Devon.

Eeles, Francis C. Exeter Cathedral and war damage : an address to the Friends of Exeter Cathedral given on St. Peter's day 29th June, 1946 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/726.6/EEL : sB/EXE/726.6/EELr. - Subjects: Devon.

Elwin, Malcolm. The life of Llewelyn Powys. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s828/POW : D92/POW. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Etherton, P.T. Lundy. All over the world. - 1946. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/484. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter & Western Counties Hospital Aid Society. Honorary members' extended benefit scheme. - [1946]. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/368.382/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Cathedral Restoration Appeal. Exeter Cathedral restoration appeal from the Dean and Chapter, 1946. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/726.6/EXE : ssB/EXE/726.6/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Annual report (abridged interim report) of the Medical Officer of Health for 1945. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/614/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Annual report of the School Medical Officer for the City and County of the City of Exeter 1945. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.7/EXE . - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Annual report for the year 1945-46. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/379.153/EXE : EXE/EDU. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Development plan (section 11 C1) Education Act 1944. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: xB/EXE/379.15/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Evening centres : abridged prospectus 1946-1947 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/374/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Workmen's Dwellings Co. Ltd. Report of the directors and statement of accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1946. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/363.58/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exmouth ... Exmouth official guide 1946-7. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXM 7/1946/EXM. - Subjects: Devon.

Fauna ... Ilfracombe. The fauna and flora of the Ilfracombe district of north Devon. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s591/ILF/FAU : s591/ILF/FAUr. - Subjects: Devon.

Flett, John Smith. Lizard. Geology of the Lizard and Meneage : explanation of one-inch sheet 359, new series . - 1946. 550/LIZ/FLE : s550/LIZ/FLE . - Subjects: Devon.

Foot, Isaac. Callington. Michael Verran of Callington and Thomas Carlyle. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s920/VER : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Fortescue, Winifred. Filleigh. Perfume from Provence. - [1946]. - Held by: WSL: s823/FOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Foster, Murray T. Cullompton. A brief description of the church of St.Andrew, Collumpton. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/CUL/FOS . - Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Annual report. 16th : 1945 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sPER/FRI : FRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Goodchild, R.G. Roman Exeter (the city of Isca Dumnoniorum) : a summary . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/0043/GOO : B/EXE/0043/GOOr : BX:EXE/0043/GOO . - Subjects: Devon.

Goudge, Elizabeth. The little white horse. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s823/GOU : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Grimes, Charles Hugh Duffy. Newton Ferrers. History of Newton Ferrers. - [1946]. - Held by: WSL: pB/NEW 2/0001/GRI . - Subjects: Devon.

Guide ... Guide to Dartmouth : Devon's beauty spot . - 1946. Not acquired WSL : BX:/DAR7/1946/DAR : DP910/DAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Guide ... Lynton. Guide to Lynton, Lynmouth, Exmoor, Minehead and the Doone country.. - [1946?. - Held by: WSL: sB/LYN 7/1946/GUI : BN/1950/GUI. - Subjects: Devon.

Guide ... Paignton. Guide to Paignton, Torquay, Brixham, Dartmouth and South Devon.. - [1946?. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Guide ... Guide to Torquay, Paignton, Dartmouth and South Devon.. - [1946?. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOR 7/1946/GUI . - Subjects: Devon.

Hansard. Britain. Parliamentary Debates, House of Lords, Vol 139. No. 53 : (including Trunk Roads Bill - Committee - Bideford and Barnstaple Bridges) . - 1946. 350.864/A/HAN. - Subjects: Devon.

Harris, Beth J.Coombe. The red cliffs of Devon. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s823/HAR : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Harrison, Michael. The house in Fishergate. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s823/HAR. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Jenkin, A.K.Hamilton. Cornwall and its people : Cornish seafarers, Cornwall and the Cornish, Cornish homes and customs . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s301.34/COR/JEN . - Subjects: Devon.

Jenkin, A.K.Hamilton. The story of Cornwall. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sCOR/0001/JEN : sCOR/0001/JENg. - Subjects: Devon.

Kelly's ... Kelly's directory of Torquay and Paignton.. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s380.1025/TOR/1946. - Subjects: Devon.

Klemmer, Harvey. A city that refused to die. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: pxB/PLY 1/1940/KLE. - Subjects: Devon.

Le Grice, Frederick Edwin. Paignton. The story of the parish church of St.John Baptist, Paignton. - 1946. 726.5/PAI/LEG. - Subjects: Devon.

Lee, Charles. Cornish tales. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s823/LEE. - Subjects: Devon.

Lewis, Henry. Llawlyfr Cernyweg canol. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s491.6U. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Lindsay, Joan M.O. Changing scenes. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s828/LIN U. - Subjects: Devon.

Lockley, R.M. Islands round Britain. - 1946. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/019. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Mackenna, F.Severne. Cookworthy's Plymouth and Bristol porcelain. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s738.2/WES/MCK. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Michelmore, H.G. Fishing facts and fancies. - [1946]. - Held by: WSL: s799.12/DEV/MIC : s799.12/DEV/MICg : MIC : I/S : Newton Abbot. - Subjects: Devon.

Ministry of Town and Country Planning. Provisional list of buildings of architectural and historic. - 1946-. - Held by: WSL: sx720.9/DEV/MIN : sx720.9/DEV/MINr. - Subjects: Devon.

Morrish, F.J. Kenton. All Saints' Church, Kenton. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/KEN/MOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Murray, John. Principal's inaugural lecture 1946. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: pxB/EXE/378/MUR. - Subjects: Devon.

Musgrove, Edward J. History of St.Peter's Church, Tiverton. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/TIV/MUS : 726.5/TIV/MUS : Tiv MUS 159. - Subjects: Devon.

Musgrove, Edward J. History of St.Peter's Church, Tiverton with chronological table. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/TIV/MUS. - Subjects: Devon.

Musgrove, Edward J. History of St.Peter's Church, Tiverton with chronological table. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/TIV/MUS. - Subjects: Devon.

National Arbitration Tribunal. Minimum wage rates of certain workers employed in the coal distributive trade in Devonshire, Somersetshire ... [award 874]. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s331.2/WES/NAT. - Subjects: Westcountry.

National Arbitration Tribunal. Minimum wage rates of certain workers employed in the coal distributive trade in Devonshire, Somersetshire ... [award 874]. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s331.2/WES/NAT. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Norris, Charles. Buckfastleigh. Buckfast Abbey : a pictorial survey . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s726.7/BUC/NOR : s726.7/BUC/NORr. - Subjects: Devon.

Norris, Charles. Buckfastleigh. Buckfast Abbey : a pictorial survey . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sp726.7/BUC/NOR : DP900BUC/NOR : NOR : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Norway, Arthur.H. A short history of Sidmouth Parish Church. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/SID/NOR . - Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Official guide and souvenir of Sidmouth. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/SID 5/1946/OFF. - Subjects: Devon.

Oliver, Bruce W. A tale of two lodges : Loyal Lodge and Eight Brothers Lodge . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sx366.1/DEV/OLI : BOX 59. - Subjects: Devon.

Oliver, Bruce W. The Bath furniture and how it came to Barnstaple. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sx366.1/DEV/OLI : DP366/OLI. - Subjects: Devon.

Oliver, W.H.P. The American ancestors of Thomas Hutchinson, 1711-1780, the last civil govenor of the province of Massachusettes Bay .... - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p929.2/HUT : . - Subjects: Westcountry.

Ordnance Survey. One inch map. New popular edition ... Barnstaple. - 1946. MAP : 912/BN/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Oxenham, Erica. Scrapbook of J.O.. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s828/OXE. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Palmer, Mervyn G. Ilfracombe. The fauna and flora of the Ilfracombe district of north Devon. - 1946. 591/ILF/FAU : 591/ILF/FAUr : 574 /ILF/PAL : D570ILF/PAL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Parry, H.Lloyd. History of the Royal Albert Memorial College, Exeter. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/378/PAR : B/EXE/378/PARr : 378/EXE/PAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Parry, H.Lloyd. St. Nicholas Priory, Exeter. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/726.7/PAR : sB/EXE/726.7/PARr. - Subjects: Devon.

Perry, Richard. Lundy. Lundy : isle of Puffins . - 1946. 598.5924/LUN/PER : s598.5924/LUN/PER : s598.5924/LUN/PER : : 598/LUN/PER : D598LUN/PER2. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillips, William Henry. War time rhymes and peace time rhythms. - [1946]. - Held by: WSL: s821/PHI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. A deed without a name. - [1946?. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. The end of Count Rollo and other stories. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI : PHI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Medical Officer. Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1945. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Plympton St.Mary Rural District Council. Plympton St.Mary. Annual report for the year 1945, of the Medical Officer of Health and Senior Sanitary Inspector. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Telephone directory. Section 16 : Exeter area, December 1946 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sx384.6025/AC16/1946. - Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Telephone directory. Section 16 : Exeter area, February 1946 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sx384.6025/AC16/1946. - Subjects: Devon.

Ramsden, J.V. Seaton. A note on the 19th (Seaton) Battalion Home Guard Devonshire Regiment. - [1946?. - Held by: WSL: p355.351/SEA/RAM. - Subjects: Devon.

Rendells, Messrs. Moretonhampstead. Moretonhampstead, Devon ... the attractive residential and agricultural property the Pepperdon Estate ... for sale ... - 1946. - Held by: WSL: px333.33/MOR/REN. - Subjects: Devon.

Rogers, E.H. The raised beach, submerged forest and leitchen midden of Westward Ho and the submerged stone row of Yelland. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s551.36/WES/ROG. - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Albert Memorial Museum. Exhibition of works of art from the Ford Collection : catalogue . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/707.4/ROY : sB/EXE/707.4/ROYr. - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Annual statement. 205th : from 1st January 1945 to 31st December 1945 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/362.11/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Society for the Prevention of Crue. Exeter, East and West Devon Branch annual report. 68th : 1945 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p179.3/DEV/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Western Counties Institution. Starcross. Annual report of the year ended 31st March, 1946. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p362.21/STA/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Russell, Percy. Ancient Dartmouth. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: pB/DAR 7/0001/RUS . - Subjects: Devon.

Ruthven, Angela. Clovelly. Clovelly : a guide book . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: pB/CLO/1946/RUT : BT:CLO/1946/RUT : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Loye's College. Annual report. 10th : for the year ending June 30th 1946 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.916/St.L. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Sidwell's Church, Exeter. Year book and diary 1946-7. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/726.5/St.S. - Subjects: Devon.

Seale-Hayne Agricultural College. Newton Abbot. The Seale-Hayne annual. Volume 2 1945-46. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s630.711/NEW/SEA : s630.711/NEW/SEAg. - Subjects: Devon.

Sharp, Thomas. Exeter phoenix : a plan for rebuilding . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/711.4/SHA : B/EXE/711.4/SHA : B/EXE/711.4/SHAr : BX:EXE/1946/SHA : D711/EXESHA : SHa : 5/SHA : 5/SHA. - Subjects: Devon.

Southwold, Stephen. Brixham. A romance in lavender : a novel . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s823/SOU . - Subjects: Devon.

Spero, Simon. Lund's Bristol and early Worcester porcelain, 1750-58 : the A. J. Smith collection . - 1946. Not acquired WSL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Statutory Rules & Orders 1946 ; no. 1911. Clyst River. The River Clyst Drainage Board (extension of period of office of first members) order 1946. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1946/1911. - Subjects: Devon.

Stil Brothers. Exeter fun : 60 pages of good-humoured fun all about Exeter and Exonians . - [1946?. - Held by: WSL: p827/STI. - Subjects: Devon.

Story ... Brixham. The story of All Saints Church, Brixham. - [1946]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/BRI/STO. - Subjects: Devon.

Strong, L.A.G. The director. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s823/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Symmons, Muriel. Salcombe. Salcombe sonnets. - [1946]. - Held by: WSL: p821/SYM. - Subjects: Devon.

Syon Abbey. South Brent. A royal foundation : Syon Abbey past and present . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p271.979/SOU/SYO. - Subjects: Devon.

Temple, William. William Temple and his message : selections from his writings . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s920/TEM . - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Dick Whittington and his cat. - 1946. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1946 : TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1946. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Dick Whittington and his cat. - 1946. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1946. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Hansel and Gretel : a fairy opera . - 1946. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1946. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Les Sylphides; Assembly ball; Facade. - 1946. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1945. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Les Sylphides; Spanish Dances; Grand Divertissment; The story of Pierrot; Spanish Peasant Dances; Fantasy. - 1946. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1945. - Subjects: Devon.

Tiverton Horse Show. Official programme of the Tiverton Horse Show & Gymkhana in the Show Field, Tiverton on Saturday, 7th Sept., 1946. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p798.23/TIV/TIV. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay Natural History Society. Journal of transactions and proceedings for the years 1946-50. Vol. 10. - 1946-. PER/TOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Townsend, R.W. Exeter City Special Constabulary 1939-1945. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/363.2/TOW : sB/EXE/363.2/TOW : sB/EXE/363.2/TOWr : 363.2/EXE/TOW. - Subjects: Devon.

Twyford, H.P. It came to our door : Plymouth in the World War . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/1941/TWY . - Subjects: Devon.

Twyford, H.P. It came to our door : Plymouth in the World War . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/1941/TWY . - Subjects: Devon.

Watson, E.L.Grant. But to what purpose : the autobiography of a contemporary . - 1946. Not acquired WSL : D92/WAT. - Subjects: Devon.

Watt-Smyrk, Joan. Lundy. Lundy. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/LUN/1946/WAT : BT:LUN/1946/WAT : DP910LUN/WAT. - Subjects: Devon.

Waycotts. Cockington. Particulars, plans and conditions of sale...Cockington Estate ...25th October 1946. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: px333.33/COC/WAY. - Subjects: Devon.

West of England Eye Infirmary. Annual report. 138th. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/362.41/WES . - Subjects: Devon.

West of England Institution for ...Blind. Annual report. 106th. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/362.41/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

Western Counties Association for the Blind. Annual report. 33rd : April 1945 to April 1946 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s362.41/WES/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. Georgeham. Tales of a Devon village. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s301.35/GEO/WIL : 630.1/B/WIL : D824/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. Farming story. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p828/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. Salar the salmon. - [1946]. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The sun that shines on the dead (2). - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p828/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The sun that shines on the dead. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p828/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The lone swallows, and other essays of boyhood and youth. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s824/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The old stag and other hunting stories. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL : D823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The sun in the sands. - 1946. BH? : WIL?. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, James Alexander. The age of Drake. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: s910.9/WES/WIL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Wiltsher, H.J. Ever faithful : being the history of the...Exeter...Home Guard.. . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/355.351/WIL : 355.351/BX:EXE/WIL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Wiltsher, H.J. To the Ever faithful : being the history of the 1st (Loyal City of Exeter) Battalion Devon Home Guard, 1939-1945 . - 1946. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/355.351/WIL : B/EXE/355.351/WILr. - Subjects: Devon.

Workers' Educational Association. Exeter Branch autumn programme 1946. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/374/WOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Workers' Educational Association. Exeter Branch spring programme 1947. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/374/WOR : sB/EXE/374/WORr. - Subjects: Devon.

Worth, Richard Hansford. Dartmoor blowing houses (supplement). - 1946. PER/DEV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Youth Hostels Association. Devon & Cornw. Devon and Cornwall regional handbook. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p647.94/WES/YOU : YOU.. . Youth Hostels Association. Devon & Cornw. Devon and Cornwall regional handbook. - 1946. - Held by: WSL: p647.94/WES/YOU : YOU.. 1947

Admiralty. Hydrographic Department. English Channel. The Channel Pilot, part 1 : comprising the Scilly Isles & the South coast of England, from Pendeen to Foreness. 13th edition . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s623.8929/ENG/CHA : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Alexander, J.J. Tavistock parish church. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/TAV/ALE . - Subjects: Devon. Tavistock.

Atkinson, Thomas Dinham. Local style in English architecture : an enquiry into its origin and development . - 1947. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Bannister, G.W. Chudleigh. Church of St. Martin and St. Mary, Chudleigh : historical notes . - [1947?]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/CHU/BAN. - Subjects: Devon.

Barnstaple ... Barnstaple : the ideal holiday centre . - [1947]. Not acquired WSL : BN:BAR/1947/BAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Barnstaple ... Barnstaple : the official guide . - [1947?. Not acquired WSL : DP910BAR/BAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Barnstaple ... Barnstaple : the official guide . - [1947]. - Held by: WSL: sB/BAR/1947/BAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Barnstaple and Bideford Port Health Auth. A report of the joint sub-committee of the Barnstaple and Bideford Health Authority ... [data lost]. - 1947. Not acquired WSL : 363.7394/BN/BAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Barnstaple Borough Council. Engineer. A Plan for Barnstaple. - 1947. Not acquired WSL : 711.4/BAR/1947 : DP711/BAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Baron, R. England, home; and other poems. - 1947. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Baxter, J.H. Medieval Latin word-list from British and Irish sources. - 1947. 477/GEN/MED : 477 /*/BAX. - Subjects: Devon.

Belcher, E A. Scilly Isles. The Isles of Scilly. - 1947. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Bellman, Harold. Cornish Cockney; reminiscences and reflections by Sir Harold Bellman. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s920/BEL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1948. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1948 : sB/EXE/380.1025/1948r : 8/EXE/1948 : . - Subjects: Devon.

Bleriot, Paul. Une petite ville de Picardie Montdidier. - 1947. 944.26 U. - Subjects: Devon.

Boggis, Robert James Edmund. I remember : reminiscences of an octogenarian . - 1947. 920/BOG : s920/BOG : s920/BOG : 920/BOG . - Subjects: Devon.

Bolitho, Herbert. North Hill. Truly rural : lights and shadows on the history of North Hill Circuit (Cornwall) of the Methodist Church, 1743-1946 . - 1947. 287.1/COR/BOL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Bracken, Charles William. The story of St. Barnabas parish church, Devonport. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/PLY/BRA. - Subjects: Devon.

Briggs, Helen T. A guide to Plymouth (Mass) & its history, comp from inscripts on tablets, monuments & statues erected in honor of its founders.... - 1947. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

British ... British railway stations illustrated. Book 1 : Cornwall, Devon and Somerset . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p385.314/WES/BRI : p385.314/WES/BRIr. - Subjects: Devon.

British ... British railway stations illustrated. Book 1 : Cornwall, Devon and Somerset . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p385.314/WES/BRI : p385.314/WES/BRIr. - Subjects: Westcountry.

British Museum. Coleridge : an excerpt from the general catalogue of printed books in the British Museum . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: px012/COL. - Subjects: Devon.

Budleigh ... Budleigh Salterton. The Budleigh Salterton, Knowle and East Budleigh street directory and gazeteer for 1947.. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s380.1025/BUD/1947. - Subjects: Devon.

Carpenter, Spencer Cecil. Exeter cathedral 1942 and after. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/726.6/CAR : B/EXE/726.6/CARr. - Subjects: Devon.

Carstairs, Henry. Cruel Dark. - [1947]. - Held by: WSL: s823/CAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Cathedral ... Cathedral church of St.Peter in Exeter. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/726.6/CAT . - Subjects: Devon.

Child, W.H. The red lovering. - [1947]. - Held by: WSL: s823/CHI : D823/CHI : . - Subjects: Devon.

Chope, R.Pearse. Farthest from railways : an unknown corner of Devon . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sB/LUN/LAN/083 . - Subjects: Devon.

Christie, Agatha. Ten little niggers. - 1947. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/035. - Subjects: Devon.

Coles, Adlard. More sailing days. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s797.124/WES/COL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Cornish, Vaughan. Kestell, Clapp and Cornish : records of home life and travel . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s929.2/COR : 929.2/COR. - Subjects: Devon.

Crediton Grammar School. Programme of celebrations to celebrate the four hundreth anniversary of the granting of the Edward VI.... - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p373/CRE/CRE. - Subjects: Devon.

Cresswell, Beatrix F. The Homeland guide to Dartmoor. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: B/DAR 5/1947/CRE U : B/DAR 5/1947/CRE Ur. - Subjects: Devon.

Curry, William Burnlee. Dartington. Education for sanity. - 1947. 370.1/DAR/CUR. - Subjects: Devon.

Dartington Hall Trust. Dartington. Dartington Hall. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s333.3/DAR/DAR : p333.3/DAR/DAR : 333.3/DAR 2/DAR : . - Subjects: Devon.

Dartington Hall Trustees. The Arts Enquiry : the factual film . - 1947. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Dartington Hall Trustees. The Arts Enquiry : the factual film . - 1947. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Dawlish ... Dawlish. Dawlish, South Devon : official guide 1947 . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAW/1947/DAW. - Subjects: Devon.

Delafield, E.M. Kentisbeare. The provincial lady. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/DEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, Eric R. Budleigh Salterton. The fascinating story of Budleigh & district : a curtain peep at a thousand years . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: pB/BUD/0001/DEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. Budleigh Salterton. All over the town. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/DEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. Budleigh Salterton. The fascinating history of Budleigh and district : a curtain peep .. . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: pB/BUD/0001/DEL : BX:BUD/0001/DEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Denholm-Young, Noel. Richard of Cornwall. - 1947. 920/RIC : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon ... Devon and Cornwall : a preliminary survey : a report issued by the Survey Committee of the University College of the South West . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s910/WES/UNI : 388 /B/DEV : D9101947/DEV . - Subjects: Westcountry.

Devon ... Devon and Cornwall : a preliminary survey : a report issued by the Survey Committee of the University College of the South West . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s910/WES/UNI : 388 /B/DEV : D9101947/DEV . - Subjects: Devon.

Devon ... Devon county journal. 1947-1952. - 1947-52. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DEV : 050 /DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon ... Devon : cradle of our seamen . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1938/DEV : sDEV/1938/DEVg : D9101947/MEE : DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon Cattle Breeders' Society. Davy's Devon herd book. Volume 70 : 1947 . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DAV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Medical Department. Annual report of the school medical officer 1947-54. - 1947-. - Held by: WSL: s371.1/DEV/DEV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Surveyor's Dept. Annual report of the County Surveyor year ended 31st March. - 1947-. - Held by: WSL: s352.74/DEV/DEV : s352.74/DEV/DEVr : 352.74/B/DEV : . - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Cricket Club. Devon County Cricket Club 1947. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s796.35863/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire ... The Devonshire masonic calendar, 1947-48. - [1947]. - Held by: WSL: s366.1/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire Nursing Association. Annual report. 43rd : 1946-47 . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s610.73/DEV/DEV . - Subjects: Devon.

Doyle, Arthur Conan. Sir. [ Hound of the Baskervilles. Swedish] Baskervilles hund. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/DOY. - Subjects: Devon.

Edmonds, Sophy. The Queen of hearts : a fairy play in three acts . - [1947]. - Held by: WSL: s822/EDM. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Etherton, P.T. Lundy. Lundy : treasure island of birds . - 1947. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/483. - Subjects: Devon.

Ewen, C.L. Early surnames of Devonshire from the Exchequer subsidy roll. - 1947. 929.4/W : p929.4/DEV/EWE : 929.4/B/EWE : . - Subjects: Devon.

Exe Board of Conservators. Exe River. Annual report and accounts year ended 31st December, 1946. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p639.975/EXE/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter ... Exeter : the ideal centre for touring glorious Devon . - [1947?. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/1947/EXE : sB/EXE/1947/EXEr. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for 1946. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/614/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Annual report of the School Medical Officer for the City and County of the City of Exeter 1946. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.7/EXE . - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Annual report for the year 1946-47. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/379.153/EXE : EXE/EDU. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Evening centres : prospectus 1947-1948 . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/374/EXE : sB/EXE/374/EXEr. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Workmen's Dwellings Co. Ltd. Report of the directors and statement of accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1947. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/363.58/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Fiennes, Celia. The journeys of Celia Fiennes : edited ... by Christopher Morris . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1685/FIE : sWES/1685/FIEg : A/1685/FIE. - Subjects: Devon.

Finberg, H.P.R. Some early Tavistock charters. - 1947. 271.1/TAV/FIN : 255.04/TAV/FIN : FIN. - Subjects: Devon.

Forest, Elfrida. Dids in Devonshire. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/FOR : 307.72/B/FOR . - Subjects: Devon.

Frankis, G. G. A. Rambles around Exeter : 45 walks within 15 miles of the city . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/796.51/FRA : 796.51/EXE/FRA. - Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Annual report. 17th : 1946 . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sPER/FRI : FRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Goudge, Elizabeth. Marldon. At the sign of the dolphin : an Elizabeth Goudge anthology . - [1947]. - Held by: WSL: s823/GOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Goudge, Elizabeth. Marldon. Sister of the angels : a christmas story . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/GOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Great Western Railway. Appendix to no. 5 section of the services time tables : Exeter division : February, 1947, and until further notice . - [1947?. - Held by: WSL: p385.2042/WES/1947. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Guide ... Ashburton. A guide to St. Andrews Parish Church, Ashburton. - 1947. 726.5/ASH/ASH : sp726.5/ASH/ASH : DP900ASH/ASH. - Subjects: Devon.

Harris, A.Wolsey. Buckerell. Buckerell : the church of St. Mary and St. Giles . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/BUC/HAR : sp726.5/BUC/HAR : 726.5/BX:BUC 1/HAR . - Subjects: Devon.

Heizer, Robert F. Francis Drake and the California Indians 1579. - 1947. 910.4/W : 910.4/Wr : 920 /DRA. - Subjects: Devon.

Hele's School Historical Society. Exeter : then and now . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/0001/HEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Hele's School. Speech Day, Friday, June 6th, 1947, Civic hall, Exeter : programme . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/373/HEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Hilliard, Christopher. Lundy. Lundy : island of puffins . - 1947. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/771. - Subjects: Devon.

Hitt, Mrs.J.Wesley. Budleigh Salterton. Daily problems and other verse. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p821/HIT. - Subjects: Devon.

Hoare, M.C.B. This jewel remains : illustrated record of the German Baedeker raid on Exeter the cathedral capital of the West on May 4th 1942 . - [1947]. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/1942/THI : sB/EXE/1942/THIr : BX:EXE/1942/HOA. - Subjects: Devon.

Hockin, J.R.A. Walking in Cornwall. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sCOR/1944/HOC : sCOR/1944/HOCg : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Hoker, J (Hooker, J), (Vowell, J). Hoker's city of Exeter. the description of the citie of Excester [part 1, index]. - 1947. 5/HOK/1 : B/EXE/0001/HOO. - Subjects: Devon.

Hughes, G.W.G. Gidleigh. Gidleigh. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sB/GID/0001/HUG : BX:GID/0001/HUG. - Subjects: Devon.

Ilfracombe ... The Ilfracombe, Berrynarbor, Combe Martin, Morthoe, Woolacombe, West Down, and Lee directory and year book for 1947. - 1947. Not acquired WSL : D380/ILF. - Subjects: Devon.

In ... In and around Sidmouth. - 1947. Not acquired WSL : DP910/SID. - Subjects: Devon.

Institute of Municipal Treasurers ... Report of the proceedings at the 62nd A.G.M. and Conference ... Torquay, June 1947. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s352.17062/TOR/INS. - Subjects: Devon.

Judah, Charles B. Tom Bone. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/JUD. - Subjects: Devon.

Judah, Charles B. Tom Bone. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/JUD. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Karslake, Kent. Motoring from the Manor House Hotel. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p796.78/DEV/KAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Kelly, Thomas. Totnes. The history of King Edward VI Grammar School, Totnes, and its famous old boys. - 1947. 373/TOT/KEL : 373/TOT/KELr : KEL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Kendall, Guy. Charles Kingsley and his ideas. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s828/KIN : s828/KINr : 920 /KIN. - Subjects: Devon.

Kennedy, Wilma L. The English heritage of Coleridge of Bristol, 1798 ..his distinction between imagination and fancy. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s920/COL U. - Subjects: Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Westward Ho!. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/KIN. - Subjects: Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. The water babies. - 1947. Edition not acquired : 823 /KIN. - Subjects: Devon.

Lambert, J.W. Cornwall. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sCOR/1947/LAM : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Leyland, A.W. Woodbury. The story of Woodbury : the common, the church, the parish . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: pB/WOO 1/0001/LEY : spB/WOO 1/0001/LEY . - Subjects: Devon.

Lovat, Laura. Holbeton. Maurice Baring : a postscript . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s828/BAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Loveridge, F.L. Devon. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1947/LOV. - Subjects: Devon.

Lubeck, Konrad. Das Bonifatiusgrab zu Fulda. - 1947. Not acquired WSL : Crediton. - Subjects: Devon.

Lugard, Cecil E. The family of Trewman of Exeter. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s929.2/TRE. - Subjects: Devon.

Lundy Field Society. Lundy. Annual report. - 1947-. PER/LUN : 508/LUN/LUN. - Subjects: Devon.

Luscombe, William G. A book of inns. No. 2 : The West Country . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s647.94/WES/LUS : DP647/LUS . - Subjects: Westcountry.

Lydford ... Lydford. Lydford Castle. - 1947. Not acquired WSL : 728.81/LYD/LYD : DP725LYD/LYD : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Mare, Margaret. Victorian best-seller : the world of Charlotte M.Yonge . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s828/YON. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Millar, George. Maquis. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/MIL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Ministry of Fuel and Power. List of mines in Great Britain ... 1945. - 1947. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Ministry of Fuel and Power. List of mines in Great Britain ... 1945. - 1947. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Morris, Stanley Thomas. An Investigation into the costs of tractor work ... in Devon .... - 1947. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Morris, Stanley Thomas. An Investigation into the costs of tractor work ... in Devon .... - 1947. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Mortimer, R.C. The Elements of moral theology. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s241/GEN/MOR . - Subjects: Devon.

Murray, N.Ross. Verses grave and gay. - [1947?. - Held by: WSL: p821/MUR : sp821/MUR. - Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Official guide to Barnstaple Rural District. - [1947?]. - Held by: WSL: sB/BAR/1947/OFF. - Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Official guide and souvenir of Sidmouth. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sB/SID 5/1947/OFF. - Subjects: Devon.

Official ... The official guide to South Molton. - [1947?. - Held by: WSL: sB/SOU 5/1947/OFF : sB/SOU 5/1947/OFFg. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SS (21) . - [1947]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SX (20) . - [1947]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Page, Hugh E. Walks around Manor House Hotel. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p796.51/DAR/PAG. - Subjects: Devon.

Panacea Society. The visitation of Joanna Southcott 1792 to 1814. - [1947]. - Held by: WSL: p920/SOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Parish, C.W. Bovey Tracey. The creation of an industry. - 1947. 622.332/BOV/PAR : s622.322/BOV/PAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Penrose, Charles. Old Kittery, land of adventure, 1647, and Captain Francis Champernowne, 1614-1687. - 1947. 920/CHA. - Subjects: Devon.

Phibbs, Richard. Buried in the country. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI . - Subjects: Westcountry.

Phillpotts, Eden. Kingsbridge. There was an old woman. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI : PHI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. Widecombe in Moor. Widecombe Fair. - 1947. Edition not acquired : 823 /PHI. - Subjects: Devon.

Photochrom Co.Ltd. Provisional layout showing the views .... - 1947-. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1950/PHO. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Photochrom Co.Ltd. [Provisional layout for] Sidholme Guest House. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1950/PHO/2. - Subjects: Devon.

Photochrom Co.Ltd. Rough layout showing the views of Torquay. - [1947?. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1950/PHO/1. - Subjects: Devon.

Pleasure ... The pleasure ground : a miscellany of English writing . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s828/WES/PLE. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Plymouth ... Plymouth blitz : the story of the raids . - [1947?. - Held by: WSL: xB/PLY 1/1940/PLY : xB/PLY 1/1940/PLYg : xPLY : I/S : . - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Medical Officer. Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1946. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Treasurer's Dept. Abstract of the treasurer's accounts for the year ended 31st March, 1947. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s352.17/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Plympton St.Mary Rural District Council. Plympton St.Mary. Annual report for the year 1946, of the Medical Officer of Health and Senior Sanitary Inspector. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Pollard, Peggy. Cornwall. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sCOR/1947/POL : sCOR/1947/POLg : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Powley, Edward B. Berry Pomeroy. Berry Pomeroy castle. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p725.18/BER/POW : 725.18/BX:BER 7/POW . - Subjects: Devon.

Quinn, David Beers. Raleigh and the British Empire. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s920/RAL : s920/RALr. - Subjects: Devon.

Radford, C.A.Ralegh. Lydford. Lydford Castle. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p725.18/LYD/RAD : DP725LYD/RAD : RAD.. Reynolds, Graham. Nicholas Hilliard and Isaac Oliver : an exhibition to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Nicholas Hilliard . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s750.924/HIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Robertson, L.M. Axminster. Axminster : the gateway to Devon . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: pB/AXM 3/1947/ROB : spB/AXM 3/1947/ROB. - Subjects: Devon.

Rogers, Inkerman. A record of wooden sailing ships and warships built in the port of Bideford from the year 1568 to 1938 .... - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s623.82/BID/ROG : s623.82/BID/ROGr : 623.82/BID/ROG : D387/BID/ROG : : . - Subjects: Devon.

Rogers, Inkerman. Ships and shipyards of Bideford, Devon 1568 to 1938. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s623.82/BID/ROG : s623.82/BID/ROGr : 623.82/BID/ROG : D387/BID/ROG : : . - Subjects: Devon.

Roscoe, J.E. The unsolved mystrey : a play . - [1947]. - Held by: WSL: s822/ROS. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Roscoe, Muriel. Two plays. - [1947]. - Held by: WSL: s822/ROS. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Royal ... Royal Devon Yeomanry : the story of 142 Field Regiment R.A. 1939-1945 . - 1947. 355.22/DEV/ROY : 355.22/DEV/ROYr : 355.22/B/ROY : D355/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Albert Memorial Museum. Catalogue of an exhibition of water colours & oil paintings by the late Robert A.Worthington O.B.E., F.R.C.S. (1878-1945), April 8th to 30th, 1947. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p750.924/WOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Annual statement. 206th : from 1st January 1946 to 31st December 1946 . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/362.11/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Western Counties Institution. Starcross. Annual report of the year ended 31st March, 1947. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p362.21/STA/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Royal, Henry W. Pilgrims and early Plymouth : an address . - 1947. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Russell, Percy. Ancient Dartmouth. - [1947]. Not acquired WSL : DP910DAR/RUS : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint ... Dawlish. St. George's Church, Holcombe in the parish of Dawlish, Devonshire : a short history . - [1947?]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/DAW/St.G. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint ... Yarcombe. St. John the Baptist's parish church, Yarcombe : a short history . - 1947. - Subjects: Devon.

Saki. The unbearable Bassington. - 1947. Not acquired WSL : D823/MUN. - Subjects: Devon.

Sandford Congregational Church. Sandford. Sandford Congregational Church, Devon, 1847-1947. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p285.8/SAN/SAN. - Subjects: Devon.

Saunders, Roland Glave. Things I have said, 1935-1945. - 1947. 920/SAU : 920/SAUr . - Subjects: Devon.

Shorter, Alfred H. Paper-mills in Devon and Cornwall. - 1947. 676.2/WES/SHO : 676.2/WES/SHOr. - Subjects: Devon.

Shorter, Alfred H. Paper-mills in Devon and Cornwall. - 1947. 676.2/WES/SHO : 676.2/WES/SHOr. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Shorter, Alfred H. Set in silver : a geography of the South-West - 3rd revised impr . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s910/WES/SHO. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Skinner, Aileen G. Tales of the Tors. - 1947. 398.2/DEV/SKI : 398.2/DEV/SKI. - Subjects: Devon.

Smit, Jan Hendrik. Manaton. The short stories of John Galsworthy. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/GAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Smith, Vian C. Hungry waters. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/SMI. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Statutory Rules & Orders 1947 ; no. 1199. The Plymouth and Stonehouse gas (borrowing powers) order 1947. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1947/1199. - Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Rules & Orders 1947 ; no. 1510. Dawlish. The Dawlish gas (capital powers) order 1947. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1947/1510. - Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Rules & Orders 1947 ; no. 2349. The Exeter gas (borrowing powers) order 1947. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1947/2349. - Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Rules & Orders 1947 ; no. 2759. The Tavistock gas (capital and borrowing powers) order 1947. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1947/2759. - Subjects: Devon.

Steinman, G.Steinman. Lundy. Some account of the Island of Lundy. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sB/LUN/0001/STE : sB/LUN/0001/STEr : D900LUN/STE2. - Subjects: Devon.

Stephan, John. Buckfastleigh. The Adeste Fideles : a study on its origin and development . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s264.2/GEN/STE. - Subjects: Devon.

Story ... The story of Crediton parish church. - [1947]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/CRE/STO : sp726.5/CRE/STO. - Subjects: Devon.

Street ... Street directory and gazetteer for Exmouth, Littleham and Withycombe - 7th edition. - 1947. 380.1025/EXM/1947. - Subjects: Devon.

Street ... Street directory and gazetteer for Sidmouth, Sidbury, Sidford and district. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s380.1025/SID U. - Subjects: Devon.

Street ... Street directory and gazetteer for Tiverton, Bickleigh, Halberton, Bolham, Chettiscombe, Chevithorne and district. - 1947. 380.1025/TIV/1947 : 380.1025/TIV/1947r : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Strong, L.A.G. Corporal tune. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Strong, L.A.G. Travellers : thirty one selected short stories . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Swift, Stella. Come-to-Good Farm. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/SWI. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Cinderella. - 1947. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1947. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Worm's eye view. - 1947. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1947. - Subjects: Devon.

Thompson, Arthur Hamilton. the English clergy and their organization in the later middle ages : the Ford lectures for 1933 . - 1947. 270.92/GEN/THO. - Subjects: Devon.

Tiverton ... Tiverton Street Directory and gazeteer for 1947. - 1947. Not acquired WSL : Tiv TIV 236,259,261W. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay Natural History Society. A guide to the Society's museum, with plans and notes on Kent's Cavern.. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p069/TOR/TOR : s069/TOR/TOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Turing, H.D. Second series of reports on pollution affecting rivers in. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p628.168/WES/TUR. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Turner, John Maurice. Washfield. Washfield : the story of a Devonshire village . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: B/WAS 3/0001/TUR : B/WAS 3/0001/TURr : BX:WAS 3/0001/TUR : BX:WAS 3/0001/TUR. - Subjects: Devon.

University College of the South West. Devon and Cornwall : a preliminary survey: a report issued by the Survey Committee of the University College of the South West . - 1947. 910.1/WES/UNI : s910.1/WES/UNI : 910.1/WES/UNIr : 330.9/A/UNI. - Subjects: Westcountry.

University College of the South West. Devon and Cornwall : a preliminary survey: a report issued by the Survey Committee of the University College of the South West . - 1947. 910.1/WES/UNI : s910.1/WES/UNI : 910.1/WES/UNIr : 330.9/A/UNI. - Subjects: Devon.

Vowles, Alfred. The Doone Valley and the waterslide. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: pE/EXM/1947/VOW : BN:EXM/1947/VOW. - Subjects: Devon.

Watson, Elliot Lovegood Grant. Torrington. The leaves return. - 1947. 500.9/DEV/WAT : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Watt-Smyrk, Joan. Lundy. Lundy. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: pB/LUN/1947/WAT : pB/LUN/1947/WATr. - Subjects: Devon.

Western Counties Association for the Blind. Annual report. 34th : 1st April, 1946 to 31st March, 1947 . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s362.41/WES/WES . - Subjects: Devon.

Westward ... Westward Ho!. Westward Ho!, Northam and Appledore official guide book. - [1947?. - Held by: WSL: sB/WES 7/1947/WES : sB/WES 7/1947/WESg. - Subjects: Devon.

Williams-Ellis, Clough. Building in cob, pise, and stabilised earth. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s693.22/GEN/ELL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Williams-Ellis, Clough. Building in cob, pise, and stabilised earth. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s693.22/GEN/ELL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Williamson, Henry. From A wartime Norfolk journal : Easter 1944 . - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p828/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The gold falcon or the haggard of love ... .. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL . - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The pathway. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL : WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Workers' Educational Association. Exeter Branch autumn programme 1947. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/374/WOR : sB/EXE/374/WORr. - Subjects: Devon.

Yeates, G.K. Bird haunts in Southern England. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s598.2/WES/YEA. - Subjects: Devon.

Yeates, G.K. Bird haunts in Southern England. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s598.2/WES/YEA. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Young, Francis Brett. My brother Jonathan. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: s823/YOU. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Youth Hostels Association. Devon & Cornw. Devon and Cornwall regional handbook. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p647.94/WES/YOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Youth Hostels Association. Devon & Cornw. Devon and Cornwall regional handbook. - 1947. - Held by: WSL: p647.94/WES/YOU. - Subjects: Westcountry.


ABC ... ABC of British locomotives. Part 1 : Nos. 1-9999 steam locos : Western Region . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s385.361/WES/ABC. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Adcock, Lois. The lovely Lorna Doone country or, The visitors' where to go from Lynton and Lynmouth. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: pB/LYN 7/1947/ADC. - Subjects: Devon. Lynton.

Admiralty. Hydrographic Department. West coast of England pilot ... Scilly Isles to ... Galloway .. 9th ed.. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s623.8929/WES/WES. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Alexander, J.J. Great Torrington. The history of Great Torrington in the county of Devon. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sxB/GRE/0001/ALE : sxB/GRE/0001/ALE : sxB/GRE/0001/ALE : sxB/GRE/0001/ALEg : BT:GRE/0001/ALE : D900TOR/ALE3 : . - Subjects: Devon.

Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett. The Elizabethan spirit : presidential address delivered to the Devonshire Association at Bideford, June 1948 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: pDEV/1558/AME : DEV/1558/AME : B/1588/AME. - Subjects: Devon.

Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett. The awakening : our present crisis and the way out . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s338.9/GEN/AME U. - Subjects: Devon.

Anthology ... An anthology of modern nature writing. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s301.35/GEN/ANT. - Subjects: Devon.

Armfelt, Roger. Shapton affairs. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/ARM. - Subjects: Devon.

Arnold-Forster, W. Shrubs for the milder counties. - 1948. WSL [missing] : I/S : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Arnold-Forster, W. Shrubs for the milder counties. - 1948. WSL [missing] : I/S : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Barbellion, W.N.P. [i.e. B.F.Cummings]. Journal of disappointed man. - 1948. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Barrie, Derek Stiven. The Somerset and Dorset Railway. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s385/WES/BAR. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Bell, Neil. Brixham. The governess at Ashburton Hall : a novel . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/BEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Bennett, H.S. Life on the English manor : a study of peasant conditions 1150- 1400 . - 1948. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1949. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1949 : sB/EXE/380.1025/1949r. - Subjects: Devon.

Blackwell, Alfred E. Instow. The Charm and History of Instow (with notes on Lundy). - 1948. /INS/0001/BLA : spB/INS/0001/BLA : sB/INS/0001/BLA : BN:INS/0001/BLA : D900INS/BLA . - Subjects: Devon.

Blundell's School. Athletic Sports, Saturday, 27th March 1948. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p373.222/TIV/BLU. - Subjects: Devon.

Blundell's School. Old House : house plays, Easter, 1948 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p373.222/TIV/BLU. - Subjects: Devon.

Board of Trade. China Clay Working Party. China clay. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s553.61/WES/BOA : 553.61/A/BOA . - Subjects: Devon.

Board of Trade. China Clay Working Party. China clay. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s553.61/WES/BOA : 553.61/A/BOA .. . Bonham, Margaret. The casino and other stories. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/BON. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Boyle, Vernon C. Arts and crafts of an old seaport. - 1948. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Bradford, William. The history of Plymouth colony. - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: s974.482/PLY/BRA : I/S : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Brandon-Cox, H. The Westcountryman's England. - 1948. WSL missing : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Brandon-Cox, H. The Westcountryman's England. - 1948. WSL missing : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Bridges, E.Lucas. Harberton. Uttermost part of the earth. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s929.2/BRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Briercliffe, Harold. South-West England. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s796.6/WES/BRI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Briercliffe, Harold. South-West England. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s796.6/WES/BRI : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Brisbane, Coutts. Wheels of fortune. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/BRI. - Subjects: Devon.

British Broadcasting Corporation. Broadcasting in the West. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s384.54/WES/BRO U : s384.54/WES/BRO Ur : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

British Railways. Southern Region. Exmouth, South Devon : where spring is early and summer lingers long! . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXM 7/1948/BRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Chase, Beatrice. The Dartmoor window forty years after. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s301.34/DAR/CHA : I/S : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Collins, William Wilkie. Rambles beyond railways : or notes in Cornwall taken a-foot . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sCOR/1861/COL : sCOR/1861/COLg. - Subjects: Devon.

Colyton ... Colyton. Colyton, South Devon : the official guide. . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: pB/COL 7/1948/COL. - Subjects: Devon.

Combe ... Combe Martin. Combe Martin official guide 1948. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/COM 3/1948/COM. - Subjects: Devon.

Cornish ... A Cornish chorus : a collection of prose and verse . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s820.8/COR/COR : s820.8/COR/CORg : COR. - Subjects: Devon.

Crawford, O.G.S. A short history of Nursling. - 1948. Not acquired WSL : Crediton. - Subjects: Devon.

Dartmouth ... Dartmouth official guide 1948. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAR 7/1948/DAR : DP910DAR/BRA : DAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Dawlish ... Dawlish. Dawlish, South Devon : official guide 1948 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAW/1948/DAW. - Subjects: Devon.

Delafield, E.M. Kentisbeare. Late and soon. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/DEL : DEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, Eric R. Exmouth milestones : a history . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXM 7/0001/DEL : sB/EXM 7/0001/DELg : BX:EXM 7/0001/DEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. Budleigh Salterton. All over the town : a play in three acts . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s822/DEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, R.F. Budleigh Salterton. Worm's eye view : a comedy in three acts . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s822/DEL. - Subjects: Devon.

Dennison, Dorothy. In spite of Miss Tweedle. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/DEN. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Devon ... Devon birds. - 1948-. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DEV : 598/B/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Record Society. Transcripts of parish registers, bishops' transcripts, etc. in the possession of the Society.. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p016.9293/WES/DEV . - Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Record Society. Transcripts of parish registers, bishops' transcripts, etc. in the possession of the Society.. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p016.9293/WES/DEV . - Subjects: Westcountry.

Devon Cattle Breeders' Society. Davy's Devon herd book. Volume 71 : 1948 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DAV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. County of Devon : Local Government Boundary Commission : review of county districts : statistical and other statements .. . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: px352/DEV/1948. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Education Committee. Further education scheme. - [1948?. - Held by: WSL: sx378/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Medical Officer. Annual report of the county medical officer 1948-55. - 1948-. - Held by: WSL: s361.1/DEV/DEV : s361.1/DEV/DEVr : 614 /B/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Dept. Abstract of accounts for the year ended 31st March 1948. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sx352.17/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Library. Books on agriculture. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: px016.63/DEV/DEV : xDEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire ... The Devonshire masonic calendar, 1948-49. - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: s366.1/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Dewey, Henry. British regional geology : South West-England . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s550/WES/DEW : s550/WES/DEW : s550/WES/DEW : 550/A/DEW : D550/DEW . - Subjects: Westcountry.

Doidge's ... Doidge's western counties illustrated annual, 1949. - 1948. PER/DOI : D050/1948DOI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Doidge's ... Doidge's western counties illustrated annual, 1948. - 1948. PER/DOI : D050/1948DOI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Doidge's ... Doidge's western counties illustrated annual, 1949. - 1948. PER/DOI : D050/1948DOI : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Doidge's ... Doidge's western counties illustrated annual, 1948. - 1948. PER/DOI : D050/1948DOI : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Doyle, Arthur Conan. Sir. The hound of the Baskervilles. - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: s823/DOY. - Subjects: Devon.

Dymond, P.G. This is your city. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/352/DYM : B/EXE/352/DYMr : 352 /EXE/DYM. - Subjects: Devon.

Elliott, F.C. Around Barnstaple. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s796.51/NOR/ELL : 796.51/BN/ELL : DP910BAR/ELL. - Subjects: Devon.

Ellis, Arthur Charles. Cockington. Cockington and its church. - [1948?]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/COC/ELL. - Subjects: Devon.

Ewing, Julians Horatia. A flat iron for a farthing. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/EWI. - Subjects: Devon.

Exe Board of Conservators. Exe River. Annual report and accounts year ended 31st December, 1947. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p639.975/EXE/EXE . - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Annual report of the School Medical Officer for the City and County of the City of Exeter 1947. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.7/EXE . - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Annual report for the year 1947-48. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/379.153/EXE : EXE/EDU. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Scheme of further education and plan for county colleges. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: xB/EXE/379.15/EXE . - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Market & Gen. Purp. Brochure on the new cattle market, Alphington Road, Exeter. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: pxB/EXE/381.4162/EXE : spxB/EXE/381.4162/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Dept. Abstract of the Treasurer's accounts for the year ended 31st March 1946. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Council of Social Service. Annual report. 1st : 1947-48 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/361.7062/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Joint Transport. Time table. Issue 1 : winter 1940 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/388.322042/EX. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Official Publicity and Informatio. Annual report and balance sheet.... - 1948-. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/029.991/EXE : pB/EXE/029.991/EXEr. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Official Publicity and Information Bureau. Historic and romantic Exeter : the centre for tours in Devon . - [1948?]. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/1948/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Folly ... Folly. - 1948-. - Held by: WSL: sPER/FOL. - Subjects: Devon.

Fortescue, Winifred. Beauty for ashes. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s920/FOR : 920/FORr. - Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Annual report. 18th : 1947 : and full particulars of the forthcoming festival on June 29th, 1948 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sPER/FRI : FRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Fry, Kathleen M. East Devon. Devon 'twixt Axe and Exe.. - 1948. 796.51/EAS/FRY : 796.51/EAS/FRYg : 796.51/BX/FRY : D910/FRY. - Subjects: Devon.

Fry, Leonora. Winter Sunshine Holidays in Southern England. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1948/FRY : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Fussell, George Edwin. High farming in south western England, 1840-1880. - 1948. 636.08/WES/FUS : p636.08/WES/FUS. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Galsworthy, John. Manaton. Caravan : the assembled tales of John Galsworthy. . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/GAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Galsworthy, John. Manaton. End of the chapter. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/GAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Galsworthy, John. Manaton. The Forsyte saga. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/GAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Gayre's ... Gayre's booke, being a history of the family of Gayre. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s929.2/GAY : s929.2/GAYr. - Subjects: Westcountry.

George, Eric. The life and death of Benjamin Robert Haydon 1786-1846. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s750.924/HAY. - Subjects: Devon.

Goudge, Elizabeth. Marldon. A city of bells. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/GOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Goudge, Elizabeth. Marldon. Island magic. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/GOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Goudge, Elizabeth. Marldon. The bird in the tree. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/GOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Goudge, Elizabeth. Marldon. Towers in the mist. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/GOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Great ... The Great Meeting (now Lavington Congregational Church) Bideford 1648-1948 : the church and its history . - 1948. 285.8/BID/GRE : p285.8/BID/GRE. - Subjects: Devon.

Grigg, P.J. Prejudice and judgement. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s920/GRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Guide ... Guide to Dartmoor, including Bovey Tracey, Ashburton, Moreton Hampstead Chagford, Okehampton, Lydford ... .. - [1948?. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAR 5/1948/PIC : sB/DAR 5/1948/PIC : GUI. - Subjects: Devon.

Guide ... Lyme Regis. Guide to Lyme Regis and the Dorset and Devon borderland inluding Charmouth, Bridport, West Bay ... .. - [1948?. - Held by: WSL: sD/LYM/1948/GUI. - Subjects: Devon.

Hall, Joseph. Heaven upon earth and characters of vertues and vices : Edited with an Introduction and Notes . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s241/GEN/HAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Harrison, John. A horse with wings : poems . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s821/HAR. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Hilton, Victor. Victor Hilton presents his 1948 hotel discoveries. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s647.94/WES/HIL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

History ... History of the Light Infantry Brigade. - 1948. 356.11/WES/HIS. - Subjects: Westcountry.

History ... A history of Heathcoats 1808-1948. - 1948. Not acquired WSL : Tiv HEA 113. - Subjects: Devon.

Horne, Ethelbert. Stories of West Country folk. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/HOR . - Subjects: Westcountry.

Hutchinson, Sheila. Bideford-in-Devon : centre for Kingsley's country : official guide to Bideford and district . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/BID/1948/HUT : sB/BID/1948/HUT. - Subjects: Devon.

Ilfracombe ... The Ilfracombe, Berrynarbor, Combe Martin, Morthoe, Woolacombe, West Down and Lee directory and year book for 1948. - 1948. Not acquired WSL : D380/ILF. - Subjects: Devon.

Iremonger, F.A. William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury : his life and letters . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s920/TEM. - Subjects: Devon.

Israel ... The Israel of God : papers read at Exeter, April, 1947, on the church and the ministry . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/262.983/ISR. - Subjects: Devon.

Jones, C.F. A school at war : as the headmaster saw it : being a personal account of the doings of Sutton High School for Boys, Plymouth 1939-1945 . - 1948. 373/PLY/JON : s373/PLY/JON. - Subjects: Devon.

Jones, Ewart C. Lizard. Around Helston and The Lizard. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s796.51/LIZ/JON : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Jones, Sydney R. England South. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1948/JON. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Kelly's ... Kelly's directory of Torquay and Paignton.. - 1948. 380.1025/TOR/1948 : 380.1025/TOR/1948r. - Subjects: Devon.

Keyes, Frances Parkinson. Came a cavalier. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/KEY. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Kipling, Rudyard. Westward Ho!. Rewards and fairies. - 1948. Not acquired WSL : 823 /KIP. - Subjects: Devon.

Knight, Frank & Rutley. Lifton. Illustrated particulars, plans and conditions of sale of freehold, residential, agricultural and village properties' at Lifton ... to be offered by sale at auction ... at the Coronation Hall, Lifton on Thursday, the 22nd day of July, 1948, at 2.30 p.m.. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: px333.338/LIF/KNI. - Subjects: Devon.

Knight,Frank and Rutley. Lifton. Illustrated Particulars,Plans and Conditions of Sale of freehold,residential,Agricultural and village properties at Lifton. - 1948. on order. - Subjects: Devon.

Lamplugh, Lois. The stream way. - 1948. 920/LAM : 920/LAMr : 920 /LAM : D92/LAM. - Subjects: Devon.

Le Grice, Frederick Edwin. Paignton. The story of the parish church of St.John Baptist, Paignton. - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/PAI/LEG. - Subjects: Devon.

Lincoln, Reuben. Pecker the super-bird ; or, the cave of delight. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/LIN. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Lubeck, Konrad. Fuldaer Heilige. - 1948. Not acquired WSL : Crediton. - Subjects: Devon.

MacArthur, Wilson. Fowey River. The River Fowey. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sC/FOW 7/1948/MAC : C/FOW/1948/MAC : C/FOW 7/1948/MACg : C910/MAC . - Subjects: Devon.

Matthews, A.G. . Walker revised : being a revision of John Walker's sufferings of the clergy during the Grand Rebellion 1642-60 . - 1948. 272.9/WES/WAL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Milsom, C.F. Lundy. 878 and all that. - 1948. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/547. - Subjects: Devon.

Mitton, G.E. Cornwall. - 1948. Edition not acquired : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Murrell, Shirley. Eddystone. Perilous rock. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/MUR . - Subjects: Devon.

Napier, Elma. Dawlish. Youth is a blunder. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: px920/NAP. - Subjects: Devon.

National Arbitration Tribunal. Application for the payment of an allowance to certain workers employed at a mental institution in Devonshire [award 1116]. - [1948?. - Held by: WSL: s331.2/WES/NAT : 331.2/WES/NATr. - Subjects: Devon.

National Arbitration Tribunal. Application for the payment of an allowance to certain workers employed at a mental institution in Devonshire [award 1116]. - [1948?. - Held by: WSL: s331.2/WES/NAT : 331.2/WES/NATr. - Subjects: Devon.

National Arbitration Tribunal. Claim for increased wages to certain surface and underground workers employed by a tin mining company in Cornwall [award 1173. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s331.2/WES/NAT : 331.2/WES/NATr. - Subjects: Devon.

National Arbitration Tribunal. Claim for increased wages to certain surface and underground workers employed by a tin mining company in Cornwall [award 1173. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s331.2/WES/NAT : 331.2/WES/NATr. - Subjects: Devon.

Oerton, G.B. Dujailah days. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p356.11/DEV/OER : 355.31/B/OER : DP355/OER. - Subjects: Devon.

Oliver, B.W. (Mrs). Shebbear. Some notes on Shebbear and Durpley Castle. - 1948. BT:SHE/1948/OLI. - Subjects: Devon.

Oliver, Bruce W. The Three Tuns, Barnstaple. - 1948. PER : 647.95/BAR/OLI : . - Subjects: Devon.

O'Neil, B.H.St.J. Dartmouth Castle, Devonshire. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p725.18/DAR/O'NE : 725.18/DAR 7/ONE : DP725DAR/ONE. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SS (21) . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SX (20) . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SX (20) . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SX (20) . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SX (20) . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SX (20) . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SX (20) . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SX (20) . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SX (20) . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SX (20) . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SX (20) . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SY (30) . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ordnance Survey. Bench mark lists : sheet no. SY (30) . - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sx526.32/DEV/ORD. - Subjects: Devon.

Palmer, James L. A century's records of Plymouth bird life. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p598.2/PLY/PAL . - Subjects: Devon.

Peters, W. Exe, River. Tide tables of River Exe 1949. - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: p525.69/EXE/PET.. Phillpotts, Eden. South Devon. Fall of the house of Heron. - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI : PHI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. The enchanted wood. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s821/PHI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Medical Officer. Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1947. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Plympton St.Mary Rural District Council. Plympton St.Mary. Annual report for the year 1947, of the Medical Officer of Health andSenior Sanitary Inspector. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Pope-Hennessy, Una. Canon Charles Kingsley : a portrait . - 1948. 828/KIN : 828/KINr. - Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Telephone directory. Section 16 : Exeter area, February 1948 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sx384.6025/AC16/1948. - Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Telephone directory. Section 17 : Plymouth area, February 1948 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sx384.6025/AC17/1948. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Pyke, Richard. Sampford Courtenay. Men and memories. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s920/PYK : s920PYKg : 920/PYK : D287. - Subjects: Devon.

Quick, Hilda M. Marsh and shore : bird-watching on the Cornish coast . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s598.2073/COR/QUI : s598.2073/COR/QUIr : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Roberts, Cecil R.J. The first fifty years of Millbay. - 1948. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Roberts, Kenneth. Princetown. The lively lady : a chronicle of Arundel, of privateering, and of the circular prison on Dartmoor . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/ROB . - Subjects: Devon.

Rogers, Inkerman. The invasion of north Devon by Hubba the Dane in the year A.D. 878. - 1948 . BHo sB/LUN/LAN/099. - Subjects: Devon.

Roth, Cecil. The rise of provincial jewry : the beginning of the communities, 1740-1840 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p296/WES/ROT. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Annual statement. 207th : from 1st January 1947 to 31st December 1947 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/362.11/ROY : sB/EXE/362.11/ROYr. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Austell Rural District Council. Saint Austell. St. Austell Rural District : the official guide . - [1948?. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Loye's College. Annual report. 12th : for the year ending June 30th 1948 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.916/St.L. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Luke's College. Saint Luke's College, Exeter [prospectus 1948-1951]. - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/370.73/St.L : sB/EXE/370.73/St.Lr. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Vincent, Isobel. Monmouth Rose. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/SAI. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Seale-Hayne Agricultural College. Newton Abbot. Prospectus of the Seale-Hayne Agricultural College. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s630.711/NEW/SEA. - Subjects: Devon.

Seaman, Penelope. Widecombe ways. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s796.51/WID/SEA : s796.51/WID/SEAg . - Subjects: Devon.

Short ... Brixham. A short history and guide to Brixham parish church.. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/BRI/SHO. - Subjects: Devon.

Sidmouth Urban District Council. Memorandum submitted to the Boundary Commission. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sx352/SID/SID : x352/SID/SIDr. - Subjects: Devon.

Smith, Allan. Object, plant, and memory drawing for schools. - 1948. Not acquired WSL : D741/SMI L/A. - Subjects: Devon.

Smith, Vian C. The hand of the wind. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/SMI. - Subjects: Westcountry.

South Western Group of Museums. South Western Group of Museums and Art Galleries : handbook and directory . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s069/WES/SOU. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Statutory Instruments 1948 ; no. 1104. Heanton Punchardon. The stopping up of highways (Devonshire) (no. 1) order 1948. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1948/1104. - Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1948 ; no. 1148. The Tiverton gas order 1948. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1948/1148. - Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1948 ; no. 74. The Torquay gas (capital powers) order 1948. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1948/0074. - Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1948 ; no. 874. Great Torrington. The County Court districts (Torrington) order 1948. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1948/0874. - Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1948 ; no.. The Tiverton gas order 1948 [draft]. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1948. - Subjects: Devon.

Stephan, John. Buckfastleigh. Buckfast Abbey guide. - 1948. 726.7/BUC/STE : 271 /BX:BUC 2/STE : STE. - Subjects: Devon.

Stephan, John. Buckfastleigh. Historical guide to Buckfast Abbey. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p726.7/BUC/STE . - Subjects: Devon.

Story ... Totnes. The story of St. Mary's Church, Totnes.. - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/TOT/STO. - Subjects: Devon.

Street ... Street directory and gazetteer for Exmouth, Littleham and Withycombe - 8th edition. - 1948. 380.1025/EXM/1948. - Subjects: Devon.

Strick, John. Abbotsham. Poems. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s821/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Strong, L.A.G. The bay. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Strong, L.A.G. Trevannion. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Strong, L.A.G. Wrong foot foremost. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/STR. - Subjects: Devon.

Tavistock ... Tavistock Rural District [official guide]. - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sB/TAV/1948/TAV. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. The Gondoliers : or the King of Barataria . - 1948. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1948. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. The linden tree. - 1948. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1948. - Subjects: Devon.

Thompson, Flora. Lark rise to Candleford : a trilogy . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/THO. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Tiverton Agricultural Association. Schedule of Tiverton Show on Thursday, July 29th, 1948. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p630.74/TIV/TIV. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay ... Torquay : the English riviera : the official guide, 1948 . - 1948. Not acquired WSL : DP910TOR/TOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay Borough Council. Standing orders and extracts from the Local Government Act 1933. - 1948. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay Corporation. Torquay, the English Riviera : the official guide . - [1948]. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Trewin, J.C. Up from the Lizard. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s920/TRE : s920/TREg . - Subjects: Devon.

University College of the South West. College list : session 1948-49 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/378/UNI. - Subjects: Devon.

Up ... Dart River. Up and down the River Dart.. - [1948?. - Held by: WSL: pB/DAR 1/1948/UPA : UP. - Subjects: Devon.

Valentine, A.W. We landed in Sicily and Italy : a story of the Devons . - [1948?. - Held by: WSL: s356.11/DEV/VAL : s356.11/DEV/VALr : 940.5/B/VAL : D355/VAL . - Subjects: Devon.

Vyvyan, C.C. Our Cornwall. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sCOR/1948/VYV : sCOR/1948/VYVg : C920/VYV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Ward Lock. Lynton. Guide to Lynton and Lynmouth, Exmoor Minehead and the Doone country. - 1948. BN:LYN /1948/WAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Webber, Joseph. Jottings from the diary of Joseph Webber ... made during researches into the past history of the Webbers and Huxtables. - 1948. Not acquired WSL : 920 /WEB. - Subjects: Devon.

Westcountryman's ... The Westcountryman's England. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: pWES/1948/WES. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Western Counties Association for the Blind. Annual report. 35th : 1st April, 1947 to 31st March, 1948 . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s362.41/WES/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. From A chronicle writ in darkness. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p828/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The phasian bird. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL : D823/WIL . - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The old stag and other hunting stories. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The star-born : with an introduction by Henry Williamson with drawings by M.E.Eldridge . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Willmott, John Edward. Tales of a bishop and a royal town ; with a prefatory sketch of Bishop Vesey's life and work. - 1948. 920/VES. - Subjects: Devon.

Workers' Educational Association. Exeter Branch autumn programme 1948. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/374/WOR : sB/EXE/374/WORr. - Subjects: Devon.

Workers' Educational Association. Exeter Branch spring programme 1949. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/374/WOR : sB/EXE/374/WORr. - Subjects: Devon.

Worth, Richard Hansford. Dartmoor sheep bells, part III. - 1948. PER/DEV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Worth, Richard Hansford. Stone celts in Devon. - 1948. PER/DEV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Wymer, Norman. A breath of England : the southern shires . - 1948. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1948/WYM. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Youth Hostels Association. Devon & Cornw. Devon and Cornwall regional handbook. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p647.94/WES/YOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Youth Hostels Association. Devon & Cornw. Devon and Cornwall regional handbook. - 1948. - Held by: WSL: p647.94/WES/YOU. - Subjects: Westcountry.


Almy, Percival H.W. The Homeland guide to Torquay, Paignton, Brixham, Dartmouth, Totnes and the River Dart. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOR 1/1949/ALM : sB/TOR 1/1949/ALMg : BX:TOR 7/1945/ALM : ALM +. - Subjects: Devon.

Arber, Muriel A. Cliff profiles of Devon and Cornwall. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : DP550/ARB. - Subjects: Devon.

Arber, Muriel A. Cliff profiles of Devon and Cornwall. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : DP550/ARB. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Armour, R.W. Coleridge the talker : a series of contemporary descriptions and Richard W. Armour and Raymond F. Howes . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s828/COL. - Subjects: Devon.

Arnot, R.Page. The miners : a history of the Miners' Federation ... 1889-1910 1949-1961 . - 1949. Not acquired WSL : I/S : UEX. - Subjects: Devon.

Arnot, R.Page. The miners : a history of the Miners' Federation ... 1889-1910 1949-1961 . - 1949. Not acquired WSL : I/S : UEX. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Around ... West Penwith. Around Land's End : West Penwith Rural District ... . - [1949]. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Baker, Vernon. Exmoor : an economic survey . - 1949. 338.1/EXM/BAK : 338.1/EXM/BAK. - Subjects: Devon.

Baker, Vernon. Exmoor : an economic survey . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s338.1/EXM/BAK : 338.1/EXM/BAK. - Subjects: Devon.

Bampton ... Bampton. Bampton : the official guide . - [1949?. - Held by: WSL: pB/BAM/1949/BAM. - Subjects: Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Devonshire. - 1949 . DEV/1949/BAR : B/1949/BAR : D910/BAR . - Subjects: Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Devonshire. - 1949. DEV/1949/BAR : DEV/1949/BARr . - Subjects: Devon.

Barrington, Michael. A mystery to this day. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/BAR : BAR. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Bastow, R. Fraser. The freshwater bacillariales (diatoms) of Devonshire. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Bastow, R.Fraser. Lundy. Lundy freshwater diatom flora. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : DP582/BAS. - Subjects: Devon.

Bedford, Hastings William S.Russell. The years of transition. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Bell, Neil. Who was James Carey ? : a novel . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/BEL . - Subjects: Devon.

Bennett, W.F. Round and about Ottery St.Mary, Devon : the official guide . - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: sB/OTT 7/1949/BEN : sB/OTT 7/1949/BENg : BX:OTT 7/1949/BEN. - Subjects: Devon.

Berry, Claude. Cornwall. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sCOR/1949/BER : C910/BER . - Subjects: Devon.

Besley's... Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1950. - 1949. DIR : DIRr . - Subjects: Devon.

Bideford Library. [ Catalogue of Pearce Chope collection, Bideford Library]. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : 019.1/BID/BID. - Subjects: Devon.

Birmingham City Museum & Art Gallery. Catalogue of an exhibition of pictures by Richard Wilson and his circle. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s750.92 U. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Bone, Woutrina A. Bishops Tawton. What Codden saw. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : DP900/BIS : . - Subjects: Devon.

Bowley, Ernest Lyon. Scilly Isles. The fortunate islands : the story of the Isles of Scilly . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sC/SCI/0001/BOW : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Brailsford, John. Excavations at Little Woodbury.. - 1949. BH stack not WSL : xBRA. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Bramdean ... Bramdean School, Heavitree, Exeter 1907-1935. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/373/BRA : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Brierley, John. Report on the proposed inner-by-pass road. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sxB/EXE/388.12/EXE U : sxB/EXE/388.12/EXE Ur : sxB/EXE/388.12/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

British Broadcasting Corporation. The West in England's history ... : a series of talks by well-known historians about the West Country in English history ... . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: pWES/0001/BRI : BRI. - Subjects: Westcountry.

British Railways. Holiday guide 1950. Area no. 4 : south west England . - [1949]. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

British Railways. Holiday guide 1950. Area no. 4 : south west England . - [1949]. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

British Railways. Southern Region. Official holiday guide to the South coast and the Channel Islands. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1949/BRI. - Subjects: Westcountry.

British Railways. Western Region. Western Region holiday guide 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1949/BRI. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Brodrick, James. A procession of saints. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : Crediton. - Subjects: Devon.

Buchan, John. Castle Gay. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: s823/BUC. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Buckley, Stanley Elvet. Isambard Kingdom Brunel. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s920/BRU. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Budleigh ... Budleigh Salterton. The Budleigh Salterton, Knowle, East Budleigh and Otterton street directory and gazeteer for 1949.. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s380.1025/BUD/1949. - Subjects: Devon.

Butters, F.C. Branscombe. Branscombe : the parish and the church . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: B/BRA 6/0001/BUT : BX:BRA 6/0001/BUT : DP900BRA/BUT . - Subjects: Devon.

Carbonell, Barbara M.H. Bow. Thirteen centuries in Bow alias Nymet Tracy with Broadnymet, Devon. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: pB/BOW/0001/CAR : pB/BOW/0001/CAR : BX:BOW/0001/CAR : CAR. - Subjects: Devon.

Carpenter, S.C. Winnington-Ingram : the biography of Arthur Foley Winnington- Ingram, Bishop of London, 1901-39 . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s920/WIN. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Catchpole, L.T. The Lynton and Barnstaple Railway. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : I/S : 385.5/LYN 7/CAT. - Subjects: Devon.

Catling, R.M. G.H.Doble : a memoir and a bibliography . - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: s920/DOB U. - Subjects: Westcountry.

City of Exeter Lammas Fair Committee. Exeter Lammas Fair week, July 18-23rd 19949 : official programme . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/394.6/CIT. - Subjects: Devon.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. The philosophical lectures of Samuel Taylor Coleridge hitherto unpublished. - 1949. 190.8/GEN/COL : 190.8/GEN/COLr. - Subjects: Devon.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. The rime of the ancient mariner. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s821/COL. - Subjects: Devon.

Cooper, Gordon. A fortnight in Cornwall. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sCOR/1949/COO : COO : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Copeland, G.W. Charles Church, Plymouth. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Coxhead, J.R.W. Honiton. Honiton and the vale of the Otter : a history . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: B/HON/0001/COX : B/HON/0001/COX : B/HON/0001/COXr : BX:HON/0001/COX. - Subjects: Devon.

Curzon, Charles E. Exeter occasions and reflections : being some sermons . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/252/CUR : sB/EXE/252/CUR : 252/EXE/CUR.. Dane, Clemence. Lundy. Granite : a tragedy in four acts . - 1949. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/011. - Subjects: Devon.

Dartington Hall Trustees. The Arts Enquiry : music . - 1949. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Dartington Hall Trustees. The Arts Enquiry : music . - 1949. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Daysh, G.H.J. Studies in regional planning : outline surveys ... development of certain regions of England and Scotland . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s711.3/WES/1949. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Deacon, Lois. From a Plymouth pen. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s821/DEA : s821/DEAr : 821 /DEA : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, Eric R. East Devon. The Raleigh country : a brief history of Exmouth, Budleigh Salterton, East Budleigh, Otterton, Bicton, Lympstone and Topsham, witha short life story of that great Englishman, Sir Walter Raleigh . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1949/DEL : sDEV/1949/DEL : BX/0001/DEL . - Subjects: Devon.

Delderfield, Eric R. Travel with me. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1949/DEL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Devon ... Devon : cradle of our seamen . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1938/DEV : DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon ... Devon Industries Fair September 7th-17th 1949 : official catalogue . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/338/DEV . - Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Architectural Society. Journal of Proceedings of the Devon & Cornwall Architectural Society, 1948-49 (forty-ninth session). - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s720.6 U. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon and Cornwall Architectural Society. Journal of Proceedings of the Devon & Cornwall Architectural Society, 1948-49 (forty-ninth session). - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s720.6 U. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Devon Cattle Breeders' Society. Davy's Devon herd book. Volume 72 : 1949 . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sPER/DAV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Honiton. Honiton parliamentary county constituency polling districts order, 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: px342.07/HON/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. North Devon parliamentary county constituency polling districts order, 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: px342.07/NOR/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Tavistock parliamentary county constituency polling districts order, 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: px342.07/TAV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Tiverton parliamentary county constituency polling districts order, 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: px342.07/TIV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Torrington. Torrington parliamentary county constituency polling districts order, 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: px342.07/TOR/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Totnes. Totnes parliamentary county constituency polling districts order, 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: px342.07/TOT/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Agricultural Committee. Bicton. Prospectus of courses in agriculture and horticulture conducted at the Devon Farm Institute, Bicton, East Budleigh. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: s630.711/BIC/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Dept. Abstract of accounts for the year ended 31st March 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sx352.17/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Dept. Budget 1949-50. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sx352.12/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Council. Treasurer's Dept. Budget 1949-50 : memorandum by the County Treasurer . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sx352.12/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devon County Education Committee. County Youth Committee Annual Report. 8th. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: s362.7/DEV/DEV . - Subjects: Devon.

Devon Society of Local Authority .... Financial statistics of constituent authorities : annual . - 1949-. - Held by: WSL: s352.1 U : s352.1 Ur. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire ... The Devonshire masonic calendar, 1949-50. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: s366.1/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon.

Devonshire Association. Barrow Committee. Report. 68th on barrows. - 1949. PER : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Duncan, Ronald. Jan's journal. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s630.924/DEV/DUN : s630.924/DEV/DUNg. - Subjects: Devon.

Eldrid, Trevor. Lee, Ilfracombe. The Smugglers of Lee. - 1949. 364.133/ILF/ELD. - Subjects: Devon.

Ewen, Cecil Henry L'Estrange. Biographical monographs. - [1949]. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Ewen, Cecil Henry L'Estrange. Miscellany. - [1949]. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Exe Board of Conservators. Exe River. Annual report and accounts year ended 31st December, 1948. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: p639.975/EXE/EXE . - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter and District Incorporated Chamber. Annual reports and accounts and list of members. - 1949-. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.062/EXE : sB/EXE/380.062/EXEr. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Annual report of the School Medical Officer for the City and County of the City of Exeter 1948. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.7/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Annual report for the year 1948-49. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/379.153/EXE : EXE/EDU. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Education Committee. Evening centres : prospectus 1949-1950 . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/374/EXE : sB/EXE/374/EXEr. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter City Council. Engineer's Dept. City of Exeter : report on the proposed inner by-pass road . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sxB/EXE/388.12/BRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Exeter Council of Social Service. Annual report. 2nd : 1948-49 . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/361.7062/EXE. - Subjects: Devon.

Exmouth Urban District Council. Exmouth sewerage : report on the Maer rocks outfall . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sx628.39/EXM/EXM U. - Subjects: Devon.

Ferguson-Davie, Patrick. St. John's Church, Torquay : a short guide and history . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: p726.5/TOR/FER. - Subjects: Devon.

Finberg, H.P.R. The open field in Devonshire. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: px333.2/DEV/FIN : DP333/FIN : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Fletcher, Inglis. Roanoke hundred : a novel . - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: s823/FLE. - Subjects: Devon.

Friends of Exeter Cathedral. Annual report. 19th : 1948 : and full particulars of the forthcoming festival on June 29th, 1949 . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sPER/FRI : FRI. - Subjects: Devon.

Gosse, Edmund. Father and son : a study of two temperaments . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s920/GOS. - Subjects: Devon.

Goudge, Elizabeth. Henrietta's house. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/GOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Goudge, Elizabeth. The castle of the hill. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/GOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Goudge, Elizabeth. Gentian hill. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/GOU. - Subjects: Devon.

Greenslade's Tours. Coaching holidays. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: p388.3222/WES/GRE. - Subjects: Devon.

Gregory, Ivon L. Hartland : coast and quay . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: B/HAR 7/0001/GRE : DP900HAR/GRE . - Subjects: Devon.

Guide ... Guide to Torquay, Paignton, Dartmouth and South Devon.. - [1949?. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Guild ... The guild song book of the University College of the South-West of England - [2nd ed]. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/784.306/GUI. - Subjects: Devon.

Hall, Joseph. The collected poems of Joseph Hall, Bishop of Exeter and Norwich. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s821/HAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Hamilton-Edwards, Gerald. The Stevens family of Plymouth : a record of their achievements . - 1949. 929.2/STE : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Hazlitt, William. Conversations of James Northcote,Esq.R.A.. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s920/NOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Historic ... Historic Exeter : the ideal centre for touring glorious Devon . - [1949?. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/1949/EXE : sB/EXE/1949/EXEr : HIS. - Subjects: Devon.

Historical Manuscripts Commission. Wonford House Records. - [1948]. - Held by: WSL: sxB/EXE/362.21/HIS. - Subjects: Devon.

Holsworthy ... Holsworthy. Holsworthy rural district, Devonshire : the official guide . - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: sB/HOL 9/1949/HOL : sB/HOL 9/1949/HOLg. - Subjects: Devon.

Hutchings, Ralph. Ford Baptist Church : a short history . - 1949. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Ilfracombe ... The Ilfracombe, Berrynarbor, Combe Martin, Morthoe, Woolacombe, West Down and Lee directory and year book for 1949. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : D380/ILF. - Subjects: Devon.

Judge, J.J. The story of the Prysten House, Plymouth. - [1949?]. - Held by: WSL: p720.9/PLY/JUD : sp720.9/PLY/JUD. - Subjects: Devon.

Knott, Tina Spencer. Knowstone. Fools rush in .... - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s630.924/KNO/KNO : s630.924/KNO/KNOg : 630.924/KNO/KNO. - Subjects: Devon.

Local ... The local rail and bus guide for Barnstaple. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : DP385BAR/LOC. - Subjects: Devon.

Luxton, Charles. Kyrton aforetime : some pages from the history of Crediton in Devonshire, with notes on the national background .. . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/CRE 7/0001/LUX : sB/CRE 7/0001/LUX . - Subjects: Devon.

Manning-Sanders, Ruth. The West of England. - 1949. WES/1949/MAN : sWES/1949/MAN : A/1949/MAN : D9101949/MAN . - Subjects: Westcountry.

McCormick, Donald. Islands for sale. - 1949. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/048. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Mee, Arthur [ed.]. Devon. cradle of our seamen. - 1949. : B/1949/MEE. - Subjects: Devon.

Milne, James. Travels in hope : a book of wayfaring essays . - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: s824/MIL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Milson, C.F. Northam. The Northam kyries. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: p264/NOR/MIL : DP264. - Subjects: Devon.

Ministry of Works. War and archaeology in Britain : the excavation of historic sites . - 1949. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Moore, Joyce B. Dartmoor memories. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: B/DAR 5/1949/MOR : B/DAR 5/1949/MORr. - Subjects: Devon.

Morris, Stanley Thomas. Financial results on 248 farms in Cornwall, Devon and Dorset. 1947. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s338.16/WES/MOR : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Morris, Stanley Thomas. Financial results on 248 farms in Cornwall, Devon and Dorset. 1947. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s338.16/WES/MOR : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Murch, Edward. The poet of Goosey Fair. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s822/MUR. - Subjects: Devon.

Murray, H. A collection of rough drawings, mostly made in the street. 1949 : amateur snaps of Exeter and district in 1949 . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sfDEV/1949/MUR. - Subjects: Devon.

Murray, Harold. End of the world?. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/MUR : S823/MUR. - Subjects: Devon.

Murray, John. Principal's inaugural lecture 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: pxB/EXE/378/MUR. - Subjects: Devon.

National Society Prevention Cruelty Chil. Annual report, 1948. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: p362.7044/DEV/NAT. - Subjects: Devon.

Newton ... Newton Abbot. Newton Abbot Rural District official handbook.. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: sB/NEW 1/1949/NEW. - Subjects: Devon.

North ... North Devon : the official guide of the Barnstaple Rural District Council . - [1949?]. - Held by: WSL: sB/BAR/1949/NOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Official ... Salcombe. The official guide of Salcombe, South Devon. - [1949?. - Held by: WSL: sB/SAL 3/1949/OFF : sB/SAL 3/1949/OFFg : SAL +. - Subjects: Devon.

Official ... The official guide to South Molton, North Devon : ... officially authorised by South Molton Borough Council. . - 1949. Not acquired WSL : BN:SOU 5/1949/OFF. - Subjects: Devon.

Oliver, Bruce W. The Devonshire cottage. - 1949. PER : 728.67/B/OLI : . - Subjects: Devon.

O'Neil, B.H.St.J. Scilly Isles. Isles of Scilly. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: pC/SCI/0005/ONE : ONE : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Page, Hugh E. South Devon. Rambles in South Devon. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s796.51/SOU/PAG : s796.51/SOU/PAGg. - Subjects: Devon.

Paignton ... Paignton. Paignton official guide, 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/PAI/1949/PAI. - Subjects: Devon.

Patmore, Coventry. The poems of Coventry Patmore. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s821/PAT. - Subjects: Devon.

Payne, H.M.Creswell. North Cornwall. The Homeland guide to the north coast of Cornwall : Newquay, St. Ives, Bude, Tintagel, ... . - [1949]. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillip, Arthur. Admiral. National historical memorial to Admiral Arthur Phillip, R.N., founder of Australia. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: p920/PHI. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Phillpotts, Eden. Address unknown. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI : PHI : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. Dilemma. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI . - Subjects: Devon.

Phillpotts, Eden. The virgin in judgment. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/PHI . - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth and District Rugby Combination. Handbook 1949-1950. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Plymouth City Council. Programme of the visit of H.R.H.the Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh to the City of Plymouth, 22nd October 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: p394.4/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Plympton St.Mary Rural District Council. Plympton St.Mary. Annual report for the year 1948, of the Medical Officer of Health and Senior Sanitary Inspector. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s614/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon.

Pope-Hennessy, John. A lecture on Nicholas Hilliard. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s750.924/HIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Post Office. Telephone directory. Volume 2B, 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sx384.6025/ACV2/1949. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Prew, W.J. On metals in Devon. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : DP669/PRE. - Subjects: Devon.

Radford, U.M. The wax images found in Exeter Cathedral. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/736.93/RAD : spB/EXE/736.93/RAD : DP900EXE/RAD . - Subjects: Devon.

Radford, V.M. The wax images found in Exeter Cathedral. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/736.93/RAD.. Read, Herbert. Coleridge as critic. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s828/COL. - Subjects: Devon.

Read, John. Farmer's joy. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s301.35/WES/REA. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Recording ... Recording Britain. Vol 4 ; edited with notes by Arnold Palmer. - 1949. BH stack c/t WSL : REC. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Renault, Mary. North face. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/REN. - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Albert Memorial Museum. Loan exhibition of English watercolours and drawings. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/759.942/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Royal Society for the Prevention of Crue. Exeter, East and West Devon Branch annual report. 71st : 1948 . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: p179.3/DEV/ROY. - Subjects: Devon.

Russell, F.S. Seas, our knowledge of life in the sea & how it is gained, by F S Russell & C M Yonge.. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Saint ... Saint Austell. St. Austell (Cornwall) Rural District : the official guide. . - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: sC/St.A 9/1949/St.A : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Leonard's Church. Service of unveiling and dedecation of St.Leonard's parish war memorial, July 20th, 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/731.76/St.L. - Subjects: Devon.

Saint Loye's College. Annual report. 13th : for the year ending June 30th 1949 . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/371.916/St.L. - Subjects: Devon.

Sandy Bay Holiday Park. Sandy Bay Holiday Park and Camping Sites, 1949. - 1949. 647.94/EXM/SAN. - Subjects: Devon.

Sayers, Dorothy. Great short stories of detection, mystery and horror. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/SAY. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Shaw, Frank H. Drake's drummer. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/SHA. - Subjects: Devon.

Shirley, Frederick Joseph John. Richard Hooker and contemporary political ideas. - 1949. 920/HOO. - Subjects: Devon.

Shute, Nevil. Most secret. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: s823/SHU. - Subjects: Devon.

Smith, Allan. Stencilling. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : D761/SMI L/A. - Subjects: Devon.

Smith, Vian C. Dittisham. Dittisham pocket souvenir. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: pB/DIT/1949/SMI. - Subjects: Devon.

South ... South Devon. South Devon for the most beautiful holiday resorts in Great Britain. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: xDEV/1949/SOU : xDEV/1949/SOUr : . - Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1949 ; no. 1181. The electricity (Falmouth, Dartmouth and Kingswear) (transfer) order 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1949/1181. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Statutory Instruments 1949 ; no. 1521. Teign River. The River Teign drainage district order 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1949/1521. - Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1949 ; no. 1680. The stopping up of highways (Devonshire) (no. 1) order 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1949/1680. - Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1949 ; no. 532. The retention of pipe under highways (Devonshire) (no. 1) order 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1949/0532. - Subjects: Devon.

Statutory Instruments 1949 ; no. 644. The North Devon Water Board order 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s346/STA/1949/0644. - Subjects: Devon.

Stewer, Jan. In chimley corner. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s828.99/STE : 828.99/STE : . - Subjects: Devon.

Stewer, Jan. On the Moor of a night. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s828.99/STE : s828.99/STEr : 828.99/STE : D823/STE . - Subjects: Devon.

Street ... Street directory and gazetteer for Sidmouth, Sidbury, Sidford and district - 2nd ed.. - 1949. 380.1025/SID/1949 : 380.1025/SID/1949r. - Subjects: Devon.

Strong, L.A.G. Dewer rides. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/STR . - Subjects: Devon.

Strong, L.A.G. Maud Cherrill. - 1949. 920/CHE : 823 /CHE. - Subjects: Devon.

Studdy, Rosemary. Lundy. Lundy Bristol Channel. - [1949?. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/201-2. - Subjects: Devon.

Taylor, H. Woolacombe. A burnt burial at Woolacombe, Devon. - 1949. Not acquired WSL : 614.62/WOO 5/TAY. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. Robinson Crusoe. - 1949. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1949. - Subjects: Devon.

Theatre Royal, Exeter. The Mikado : or the town of Titipu . - 1949. TP B/Exeter/Theatre Royal/1949. - Subjects: Devon.

Thompson, Arthur Huxley. The Cathedral Church of St.Peter in Exeter : its history, its mediaeval glass, its treasures, its customs . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/726.6/THO : sB/EXE/726.6/THOr : THO. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay Borough Council. Official year book and diary, 1949-50. - [1949?. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay Borough Council. The Official guide : Torquay, queen of the English Riviera . - [1949]. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Torquay Natural History Society. Laws of the Torquay Natural History Society 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: p500.9/TOR/TOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Totnes ... Totnes. Totnes and district directory and almanack 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s380.1025/TOT/1949. - Subjects: Devon.

Totnes ... Totnes. Totnes, Devon official guide. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOT/1949/TOT. - Subjects: Devon.

Tremlett, E.A.E. Pedigree of the Tremlett family. - [1949?. msx929.2/TRE. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Treneer, Anne. Cornish years. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s920/TRE : 920/TREr : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

University College of the South West. Annual report 1948-49. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/378/UNI. - Subjects: Devon.

University College of the South West. Calendar : session 1949-50 . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/378/UNI : sB/EXE/378/UNIr. - Subjects: Devon.

University College of the South West. College list : session 1949-50 . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/378/UNI. - Subjects: Devon.

University College of the South West. Prospectus. - [1949?. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/378/UNI. - Subjects: Devon.

Vanbrugh, Irene. To tell my story. - 1949. 920/VAN : s920/VAN. - Subjects: Devon.

Visitors' ... Visitors' guide to Torquay and district. - [1949]. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Walters, Samuel. Ilfracombe. Samuel Walters Lieutenant, R.N. : his memoirs . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s920/WAL. - Subjects: Devon.

Ward Lock. Saint Ives. Guide to St. Ives, Carbis Bay, Penzance .... - [1949]. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Warran, Leonard T. Plym River. The Church in the West : an outline of Catholic life in England before and after the Reformation ... . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s282/DEV/WAR . - Subjects: Devon.

Welcome ... Teignmouth. Welcome to Teignmouth, the gem of South Devon : official guide . - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: sB/TEI 7/1949/WEL. - Subjects: Devon.

West ... The West Country book. Number 1. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s824.8/WES/WES : s824.8/WES/WESg : 820.8/A/WES : D820/WES : WES : I/S. - Subjects: Westcountry.

West ... The West in English history. - 1949. WES/0001/WES : sWES/0001/WESr : A/0001/WES : D942/ROW/L/A . - Subjects: Devon.

West ... West Country short stories. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823.01/WES/WES : s823.01/WES/WESr : D823/WIL : I/S.. . Western Counties Association for the Blind. Annual report. 36th : 1st April, 1948 to 31st March, 1949 . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s362.41/WES/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

Westward ... Westward Ho!. Westward Ho!, Northam and Appledore official guide. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: sB/WES 7/1949/WES : DP910WES/WES. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. A note on Tarka the otter. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: p828/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. Salar the salmon. - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. Scribbling lark. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL : D823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. Words on the West wind. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: p828/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, Henry. The beautiful years. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/WIL. - Subjects: Devon.

Williamson, James Alexander. Hawkins of Plymouth : a new history of Sir John Hawkins and of the other members of his family prominent in Tudor England . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s920/HAW : 920 /HAW. - Subjects: Devon.

Wilson, W.Eric. English Channel. The pilots' guide to the English Channel (south coast of England). - [1949]. - Held by: WSL: s623.8929/ENG/PIL. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Woollatt, L.H. Lundy. Records of sawflies (Hym. Tenthredinidae) from Lundy Island. - 1949. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/268. - Subjects: Devon.

Workers' Educational Association. Exeter Branch autumn programme 1949. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/374/WOR. - Subjects: Devon.

Workers' Educational Association. South Western District annual report and statement of accounts. 30th : for 1948-49 . - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s374/WES/WOR. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Worth, Richard Hansford. The moorstone age, part 1. - 1949. PER/DEV : I/S. - Subjects: Devon.

Young, Francis Brett. Deep sea. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: s823/YOU. - Subjects: Westcountry.

Youth Hostels Association. Devon & Cornwall. Devon and Cornwall regional handbook. - 1949. - Held by: WSL: p647.94/WES/YOU. - Subjects: Devon.

This page last updated 30 November 2015