Thursday, 18 June 2015

Devon bibliography: 1870-1879


Anthems ... Bovey Tracey. Anthems in use at St.John's Church, Bovey Tracey. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s245/BOV/ANT. - Devon.

Aunger, Edmund. Times that are gone over; or, sketches from the lives of the Rev. Robert Hawker and the Rev. John Hawker. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s920/HAW. - Devon.

Banfield, J. Views of North Devon.[187-?. Not acquired WSL : BN/0002/BAN. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. In exitu Israel : an historical novel . - 1870. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Only a ghost!. - 1870. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. The golden gate; a complete manual of instructions, devotion and preparations. - 1870. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. The origin and development of religious belief - Part 2: Christianity. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s290.1/GEN/BAR . - Devon.

Bedford, Francis. Photographic views of Exeter.[1870]. G2/11/15/2. - Devon.

Bedford, Francis. Photographic views of Lynton and Lynmouth.[1870?. - Held by: WSL: sB/LYN 7/1870/BED. - Devon.

Bedford, Francis. Photographic views of North Devonshire.[1870?. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1870/BED. - Devon.

Bedford, Francis. Photographic views of South Devonshire.[1870?. - Held by: WSL: sxDEV/1870/BED : I/S. - Devon.

Bedford, Francis. Photographic views of South Devonshire.[1870?. - Held by: WSL: sxDEV/1870/BED. - Devon.

Besley, H. & Co. Hand book of Plymouth, etc. extracted from the Route Book of Devon. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/1870/BES U. - Devon.

Besley, H. & Co. The handbook of North Devon, Bude, Launceston, Tavistock, &C with a trip on the Crediton and North Devon railways. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1876/HAN : BN/1870/BES : D910NOR/HAN. - Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's West of England and Exeter pocket journal. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1870. - Devon.

Blackmore, H.J. Two colonels, ... or, vestry sheep, being a leetle historie of the Pilton vestorie held March 14th, 1870 at Pilton. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s821/BLA : D821/BLA 2 : I/S. - Devon.

Black's ... Black's guide to Devonshire. - 1870. DEV/1870/BLA : Not acquired WSL : I/S.. . Bridges, E. The Close of St Andrew's or, Cathedral lights and shadows. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s823/BRI : s823/BRIr : D823/BRI : BRI. - Devon.

British Association Advancement Science. Report of the 39th meeting...held at Exeter in August 1869. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/506.2/BRI. - Devon.

Butcher, J. H. Ashburton. The Parish of Ashburton in the 15th and 16th centuries as it appears from extracts from the churchwardens' accounts 1479-1580. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: p352.17/ASH/1479 : sp352.17/ASH/1479 : sp352.17/ASH/1479 : 352.17/ASH 1/BUT : D040/MIS . - Devon.

Capern, Edward. Wayside warbles.. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s821/CAP : D821/CAP : TiW CAP 30. - Devon.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Ottery St. Mary. Biographia literaria : or biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions . - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s824/COL U. - Devon.

Colyton Mutual Provident Society. Colyton. Rules for the regulation of a mutual provident society instituted at Colyton, 25th June, 1849. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: p334.7/COL/COL. - Devon.

Dartmoor ... Dartmoor Sketches by A.Z. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAR 5/1870/DAR : sB/DAR 5/1870/DARr : I/S. - Devon.

Dawlish Dispensary. The Dawlish Dispensary, including Ashcombe, Mamhead, and Starcross. Established 1855. Supported by voluntary contributions.[1870?. OE B/DAW/1870. - Devon.

Exeter Cathedral. Newspaper cuttings.[1870]. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/726.6/EXE. - Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Department Abstract of the audited accounts of the Treasurer of the City of Exeter from the 1st September 1869 to 1st September 1870. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE. - Devon.

Exeter Free Library. Rules and regulations.[1870?. OE B/EXE/1870. - Devon.

Guide ... A guide to Torquay with Paignton, Brixham, Dartmouth ... Abel Heywood's series of penny guide books.[1870]. - Held by: WSL: pB/TOR 7/1870/HEY U. - Devon.

Handbook ... The handbook of North Devon, Bude, Launceston, Tavistock, &C with a trip on the Crediton and North Devon railways. - 1870. Not acquired WSL : BN/1870/BES. - Devon.

Hele, John. Alphington. Reminiscences of John Hele. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s920/HEL : s920/HELr. - Devon.

Holt, Emily Sarah. Moretonhampstead. Ashcliffe Hall : a tale of the past century .[1870?. - Held by: WSL: s823/HOL. - Devon.

Jackson, H.M. Lyra Devoniensis.[1870?. - Held by: WSL: s821/JAC : s821/JACr. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Madam How and Lady Why : or, first lessons in earth lore for children . - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s550/GEN/KIN. - Devon.

Kingsley, Henry. Stretton : a novel . - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s823/KIN. - Devon.

Lauder, Alexander. Iphigene. - 1870. Not acquired WSL : D821/LAU. - Devon.

Lega-Weekes, Ethel. Our favourite walk. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: p824/LEG. - Devon.

Lethaby, R. Twenty four views and scenery of Sidmouth and neighbourhood. - 1870}. - Held by: WSL: sB/SID 5/1870/LET. - Devon.

Life ... Life on board H. M. S. Britannia. Illustrated from photographs specially taken for the purpose.[187-?. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Lynch, S.E. Miscellaneous rhymes. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s821/LYN. - Devon.

Lyte, Henry Francis. Brixham. Miscellaneous poems. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s821/LYT. - Devon.

Memento ... The memento album of Ilfracombe : containing 12 litho photographic views .[1870]. - Held by: WSL: pB/ILF/1870/MEM. - Devon.

Memento ... The Memento album of Lynton and Lynmouth, containing 12 litho photographic views.[1870]. - Held by: WSL: pB/LYN 7/1870/MEM. - Devon.

Morris & Co. Commercial directory and gazetter of Devonshire. - 1870. 380.1025/DEV/1870 : 380.1025/DEV/1870r : 380.1/B/1870 : D380/MOR. - Devon.

Nicholson, Henry M. Authentic records relating to the Christian Church now meeting.. George St.& Mutley Chapels,Plymouth 1640-1870. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s286/PLY/NIC : I/S. - Devon.

Owen, Hugh. the elementary education act, 1870. - 1870. 379.15/GEN/OWE. - Devon.

Parfitt, Edward. Crustacea Podothalmata and the history of their shells. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s595.3/DEV/PAR U. - Devon.

Parfitt, Edward. Fossil sponge spicules in the greensands of Haldon and Blackdown. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: p563.4/DEV/PAR. - Devon.

Parhouse, William Henry. Fair copy school book from Hele and Lanyons School 1869-Mar 1870. - 1870. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Plymouth Institution. Catalogue of books in the library of the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society, at the Athenaeum, Plymouth, 1870. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: p019.2/PLY/PLY . - Devon.

Preston, Thomas. the elementary education act, 1870. - 1870. 379.15/GEN/PRE.. . Reminsicences ... Reminiscences of Dartmouth.[1870?. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAR 7/1870/REM. - Devon.

Route ... The Route Book of Devon, for rail and road : a guide for the stranger and tourist - new edition .[1870?. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1870/ROU. - Devon.

Royal ... The royal cabinet album of Tiverton and North Devon.[1870?. - Held by: WSL: sB/TIV/1870/ROY. - Devon.

Shelly, John. List of books etc written in or relating to the dialectos of Devon.[1870?. - Held by: WSL: p016.427/DEV/SHE. - Devon.

Smith's ... Smith's Plymouth almanac and commercial advertiser : a general hand-book, for the year of Our Lord 1871 ... .[1870]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/SMI. - Devon.

South ... The South of Devon and Dartmoor, Torquay, Teignmouth, Dartmouth, Dawlish, Totnes, Ashburton, Newton, Moreton, Kingsbridge &c ... - 1870. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1870/HAN. - Devon.

Statutes 1870. Local. 33&34 Vic c.110. The Barnstaple and Ilfracombe Railway Act, 1870 : an Act for making railways from Barnstaple to Ilfracombe ... [33-34 Vic., cap.110] . - 1870. Not acquired WSL : 385 /ILF/STA. - Devon.

Stewart's ... Stewart's sixpenny guide-book to North Devon.[1870?. DEV/1880/STE : BN/187-/STE. - Devon.

Teetgen, Alexander. Fruit fron Devon : lyrical vignettes of the north coast . - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s821/TEE : D821/TEE. - Devon.

Temple, Frederick. Address by the Right Rev. Dr. Temple ... at the presentation of prizes to successful students of the Plymouth Science Schools ...[1870]. - Held by: WSL: p373.246/PLY/TEM. - Devon.

Temple, Frederick. Sermon preached by the Right Rev. Dr. Temple, Lord Bishop of Exeter, at St. Andrew's Church, Plymouth ... national schools ...[1870]. - Held by: WSL: p252/PLY/TEM. - Devon.

Three ... The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1871 ....[1870]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Devon.

Tourist's ... The tourist's companion : a guide book to Chudleigh, the rocks ... . . - 1870. - Held by: WSL: pB/CHU 1/1870/TOU. - Devon.

Townsend, George. Views of Devonshire : Ilfracombe .[1870?. Not acquired WSL : D910ILF/TOW. - Devon.

Townsend, George. Views of Devonshire and Cornwall.[1870?. Not acquired WSL : D910/BES. - Devon.

Townsend, George. Views of Devonshire.[1870?. Not acquired WSL : B/0002/TOW : D910/TOW 2. - Devon.

Twenty ... Twenty four views of Torquay.[1870?. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOR 7/1870/TWE. - Devon.

Valpy, R.H. Notes on the geology of Ilfracombe and its neighbourhood.[1870?. - Held by: WSL: s550/ILF/VAL. - Devon.

Views ... Views in North Devon. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: pDEV/1870/VIE. - Devon.

Views ... Views of Torquay.[1870?. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOR 7/1870/VIE. - Devon.

Views ... Views in Devonshire.[1870?. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1870/VIE. - Devon.

Ware, Charles E. Report on the disposal and utilization of the sewage of the city of Exeter. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s080/DEV/TRA/02 05. - Devon.

Whitbourne, Richard. Westward Hoe for Avalon in the New-found-land : as described by Captain Richard Whitbourne of Exmouth, Devon, 1622 . - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s971.8/EXM/WHI : s971.8/EXM/WHIr. - Devon.

Williams, J. The Cornwall & Devon mining directory : classified in districts . - 1870. - Held by: WSL: s622.025/WES/WIL : I/S. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. Appendix to the three towns bibliotheca.[187-?. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. History of the town and borough of Devonport, sometime Plymouth Dock. - 1870. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/0001/WOR : sB/PLY 1/0001/WORg : BX:PLY 1/0001/WOR : WOR : I/S : I/S : Bideford: PC. - Devon.


Ashworth, Edward. East Devon. Notes on some churches in the deanery of Honiton. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: px726.5/DEV/ASH. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Legends of Old Testament characters from Talmud & other sources : Vol 1 Adam to Abraham Vol 2 - Melchizedek to Zechariah . - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s221.92/GEN/BAR : s221.92/GEN/BAR : . - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Luther and justification; two lectures. - 1871. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. The origin and development of religious belief - Part 1: Polytheism and Monotheism. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s290.1/GEN/BAR . - Devon.

Bate, C.Spence. Report on the Prehistoric antiquities of Dartmoor. - 1871 . - Held by: WSL: pB/DAR 5/0005/BAT : D571/BAT. - Devon.

Bate, C.Spence. On the discovery of a Romano-British cemetery near Plymouth. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: sx913.031 . - Devon.

Bell, T.P. Broadclyst. An elegy on the death of the good Sir T.D.Acland, Bart., of Killerton Park, Devon, born March 1787, died July 1871. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s080/DEV/TRA/02 06. - Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's West of England and Exeter pocket journal. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1871 : sB/EXE/380.1025/1871r. - Devon.

Black's ... Black's guide to the Counties of Dorset, Devon and Cornwall.. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1871/BLA. - Devon.

Bray, Anna Eliza. Hartland. Hartland Forest : a legend of north Devon . - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s823/BRA : s823/BRAr : 398.2/HAR 7/BRA : D823/BRA 2 . - Devon.

Chanter, John Roberts. Lundy. A history of Lundy Island descriptive and historical with notices. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: sB/LUN/0001/CHA : D910LUN/CHA . - Devon.

Chapman, Robert Cleaver. Hymns and meditations. - 1871. 245/GEN/CHA : D245/CHA. - Devon.

Chichester, A.P.B. History of the family of Chichester from AD 1086-1870. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s929.2/CHI : s929.2/CHIr : Bideford: PC. - Devon.

Chronicles ... Chronicles of Dartmoor : reprinted from the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette of Jan. 14, 1837, and other dates . - 1871. B/DAR 5/1837/CHR. - Devon.

Coleridge, John T. Sir. Ottery St. Mary. Remarks on some parts of the judicial committee in the case of Elphinstone against Purchas ... a letter to Rev.Canon Liddon. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: p262.983/GEN/COL. - Devon.

Collins, Joseph Henry. A handbook to the mineralogy of Cornwall and Devon.. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s549/WES/COL : s549/WES/COLr . - Devon.

Cottell, W.H. A history of the Cotel, Cottell or Cottle family of the counties of Devon.... - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s929.2/COT. - Devon.

Days ... Leighscombe. Days at Leighscombe : a tale for children .[1871?. - Held by: WSL: s823/DAY. - Devon.

D'Urban, W.S.M. A sketch of the natural history of the neighbourhood of Exeter.[1871]. - Held by: WSL: s500.9/DEV/DUR. - Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Department Abstract of the audited accounts of the Treasurer of the City of Exeter from the 1st September 1870 to 1st September 1871. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE. - Devon.

Few ... A few notes and queries about Newcomi(e?)n ... - 1871. 920/NEW. - Devon.

Freeman, Philip. The history and characteristics of Exeter Cathedral : a lecture .. to the Exeter Literary Society ... an appendix on the screens . - 1871. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/726.6/FRE : spB/EXE/726.6/FRE. - Devon.

Gay, John. Fables of John gay, (somewhat altered) ; presented to Margaret Rose, by her uncle John Benson Rose. (For private circulation). - 1871. Edition not acquired : D821/GAY. - Devon.

Gilbert, Henry Abraham. A pastor's testimony : sermons by the late Rev. Henry Abraham Gilbert, B.A. . - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s252/TIV/GIL : s252/TIV/GILg. - Devon.

Hall, Townshend M. Lundy. Notes on the geology and mineralogy of the island of Lundy : with some remarks on its relation to the mainland . - 1871. 550/LUN/HAL : 550/LUN/HALr.. . Hayman, J G. History of Methodism in North Devon. - London : Published for the author at the Wesleyan Conference Office, 2, Castle-st., City-road; sold at 66, Paternoster-row , 1871. - eBook. - Preface signed: J. G. H. - Held by: WSL: 287.1/DEV/HIS : 287/B/HAY : D287/HIS . - Devon. North Devon. Methodism.

Haynes, William. My log : a journal of the proceedings of the flying squadron . - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s821/HAY. - Devon.

Hiern, W.P. Botanical Papers . - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s581.08/GEN/HIE. - Devon.

Hunt, Robert. Popular romances of the west of England; or, the drolls, traditions and superstitions of old Cornwall..[1871]. - Held by: WSL: s398.2/COR/HUN : C398/HUN : I/S. - Devon.

Jackson, George Frederic. Resurgam and other verses.[1871]. - Held by: WSL: s821/JAC. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. The water of life and other sermons. - 1871. 252/GEN/KIN. - Devon.

Larkham, Thomas. Diary of Thomas Larkham with an appendix by William Lewis. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s920/LAR. - Devon.

Lewis, William. Diary of the Rev.Thomas Larkham, M.A., vicar of Tavistock .... - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s920/LAR. - Devon.

Parfitt, Edward. Fauna of Devon ; crustacea - cirripedia. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s595.35/DEV/PAR U. - Devon.

Parfitt, Edward. On the boring of molluscs, annelids and sponges into rocks, woods and shells. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s592.045/GEN/PAR U. - Devon.

Plymouth. Port. Commander-in-Chief. Port orders : Plymouth station 1871 . - 1871. - Held by: WSL: sx387.1/PLY/PLY. - Devon.

Pulman, George P.R. Rustic sketches : being rhymes and skits on angling ... . - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s828.99/PUL : s828.99/PULr : 828.99/PUL. - Devon.

Radford, William Tucker Arundel. Remarks on the restoration of our cathedral : a letter to George Gilbert Scott Esq. .[1871]. - Held by: WSL: psB/EXE/726.6/RAD : spB/EXE/726.6/RAD.. . Rock and Co. Twenty four views of Torquay.[1871?. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOR 7/1871/ROC. - Devon.

Royal ... The royal cabinet album of Teignmouth.[1871?. - Held by: WSL: sB/TEI 7/1871/ROY. - Devon.

Savile, Bourchier Wrey. Combeinteignhead. The truth of the bible : evidence from the mosaics and other records of creation ... . - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s220.9/GEN/SAV. - Devon.

Sermons ... Sermons by the late Henry Abraham Gilbert : with an introduction by Alfred Williams and a memoir . - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s252/TIV/GIL U. - Devon.

Shillingford, John. Letters and papers of John Shillingford, mayor of Exeter 1447- 1450. - 1871. 920/SHI : s920/SHI : s920/SHIr : 920 /SHI : D92/SHI. - Devon.

Smith's ... Smith's Plymouth almanac and commercial advertiser : a general hand-book, for the year of Our Lord 1872 ... .[1871]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/SMI. - Devon.

Three ... The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1872 ....[1871]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Devon.

Tozer, Elias. Devonshire sketches,includin Pixie lore .... - 1871. DEV/1871/TOZ. - Devon.

Tozer, Elias. Devonshire sketches : Dartmoor and its borders . - 1871. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAR 5/1871/TIC : sB/DAR 5/1871/TICr : I/S. - Devon.

True ... A true and certaine ... - Held by: WSL: strange birth at Stonehouse. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: s618/PLY/HIN U. - Devon.

Views ... Views of Exmouth. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXM 7/1871/VIE. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. History of Plymouth from the earliest period to the present time. - 1871. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/0001/WOR : sB/PLY 1/0001/WORg : BX:PLY 1/0001/WOR . - Devon.


Agrikler. Rhymes in the West of England Dialect : also rhymes by Outis. . - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s828.99/AGR : s828.99/AGRr : Tiv AGR 2. - Devon.

Auxiliary and Reserve Forces. 1st Rifle Volunteers : Extracts from the Auxiliary and Reserve Forces Circular .[1872]. - Held by: WSL: s355.13322/GEN/RIF. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Secular v. religious education; a sermon preached in S. Peter's church, London Docks on day of opening of New Parochial Schools. - 1872. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Barnstaple Literary & Scientific Inst. Rules and regulations of the Barnstaple Literary & Scientific Institution, as amended ... March 26th, 1872. Also bye-laws. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s060/BAR/BAR : DP060BAR/BAR. - Devon.

Bate, C.Spence. A contribution towards determining the etymology of Dartmoor names.[1872]. - Held by: WSL: s910.3/DAR/BAT. - Devon.

Bate, C.Spence. On the original map of the Royal Forest of Dartmoor,illustrating the Perambulation of Henry III, 1240. - 1872. B/DAR 5/1240/BAT : I/S. - Devon.

Bate, C.Spence. Pre-historic antiquities of Dartmoor. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAR 5/0005/BAT. - Devon.

Besley, H & Co. Eighteen views of Devonshire. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1872/BES. - Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's West of England and Exeter pocket journal. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1872. - Devon.

Blight, J.T. East Cornwall. Ancient crosses and other antiquities in the east of Cornwall. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s731.882/COR/BLI : s731.882/COR/BLIr . - Devon.

Capern, Edward. [ Letters : MS, with envelopes. 25th and 29.11. - 1872, 23.12.72, Xmas 1891, 14.07.91 to S. Wall Richards] . - 1872. Not acquired WSL : 826 /*/CAP. - Devon.

Cobb, James Francis. Stories of success, as illustrated by the lives of humble men. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s920.91581/GEN/COB U. - Devon.

Colby, Frederic Thomas. Memoir of the late Thomas Colby, Esq. captain in the Royal Navy and one of the Commanders of Greenwich Hospital. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s920/COL : 920 /COL. - Devon.

College of Arms. The visitation of the county of Devon in the year 1620. - 1872. 929.3/DEV/1620 : D929.2/COL : Tiv VIS 47. - Devon.

College of Arms. The visitation of the county of Devon in the year 1620. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: sx929.3/DEV/DEV.. . Combes, Luke M. Berry Pomeroy. Berry-Pomeroy : a poem [canto II and III] . - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s821/COM : I/S. - Devon.

Cuming, Mrs. The forest of Arden and other poems. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s821/CUM : s821/CUMr. - Devon.

Ellacombe, Henry Thomas. Bells of the church : a supplement to the Church bells of Devon . - 1872. - Held by: WSL: sx789.5/DEV/ELL. - Devon.

Ellacombe, Henry Thomas. The church bells of Devon : with a list of those in Cornwall .. . - 1872. - Held by: WSL: sx789.5/DEV/ELL : sx789.5/DEV/ELLr : 789.5/B/ELL : D789/ELL O/S. - Devon.

Exeter Cathedral Restoration Committee. Meeting in the Guildhall, Exeter : report of speeches of the Mayor of Exeter, etc . - 1872. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/726.6/RES : sB/EXE/726.6/RESr. - Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Department Abstract of the audited accounts of the Treasurer of the City of Exeter from the 1st September 1871 to 1st September 1872. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE. - Devon.

Fowle, Edward (Editor). Plain preaching to poor people. - 1872. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Freeman's ... Freeman's visitors hand-book to Exmouth with walks, drives, excursions etc.[1872?. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXM 7/1872/FRE. - Devon.

Hampden, John. Starcross. Is the world flat or round? being a correspondence between John Hampden ... and Captain George Peacock F.R.G.S. ... - 1871..[1872?. - Held by: WSL: p525.1/GEN/HAM. - Devon.

Handbook ... A handbook for travellers in Devon and Cornwall.. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1872/HAN : sWES/1872/HANr : D9101872/MUR : I/S : TiW MUR 256. - Devon.

Hand-book ... The hand-book to south Devon and Dartmoor. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1872/HAN. - Devon.

Holmes, Edward Morell. Mosses of Devon and Cornwall : includes Lichens of Devon and Cornwall .[1872]. - Held by: WSL: p588/WES/HOL : s588/WES/HOL. - Devon.

Ingle, John. Exexter. A letter to Rev. G.Porter, Rector of S.Leonard's. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s234.163/GEN/ING. - Devon.

Lindsay, Alexander McLowman. Rambles around Barnstaple, with an appendix. - 1872. Not acquired WSL : BN:BAR/1872/LIN : D910BAR/LIN. - Devon.

Lisle, Mary. Long, long ago : an autobiography . - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s920/LIS. - Devon.

Maclean, Sir John. Miscellaneous Papers 1872 - 1889. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s080.COR/MAC. - Devon.

Marland (Rev E J Powell). Marland Notes : Collection newspaper cuttings 1872 1882 . - 1872. Stack : . - Devon.

Moore, A.S. Bishopsteignton. In memoriam [of Alice Mary Moore].[1872]. - Held by: WSL: s920/MOO. - Devon.

North ... The North Devon guide. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1872/NOR . - Devon.

Parfitt, Edward. Fauna of Devon : echinodermata . - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s593.9/DEV/PAR U. - Devon.

Parfitt, Edward. Lundy. Some notes on that part of Mr Chanter's paper relating to the insect fauna of Lundy Island. - 1872. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/091. - Devon.

Parminter, J. Poems. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s821/PAR : D821/PAR : I/S. - Devon.

Pengelly, William. Kent's Cavern , a lecture; The ^time that has elapsed since the era of the cave men of Devonshire; The ancient Cave-men of Devonshire; : [3 lectures] . - 1872?. - Held by: WSL: s551.44/DEV/PEN. - Devon.

Pengelly, William. The ancient Cave-men of Devonshire.[1872?. - Held by: WSL: pB/TOR/0005 [1870?] : ANC : I/S. - Devon.

Pengelly, William. The signs of the hotels, taverns, inns, wine-and-spirit vaults... - 1872. 659.1342/DEV/PEN : 659.1342/B/PEN. - Devon.

Prior, Dr. Archaic stone monuments : a paper read before the Bedfordshire Archaeological Society, Nov. 19th, 1872 . - 1872. - Held by: WSL: p291.35/DAR/PRI . - Devon.

Public ... Bradninch. Public charities relating to the parish of Bradninch in the. - 1872. 371.76/BRA/PUB. - Devon.

Pycroft, George. 1st Rifle Volunteers : Extracts from the Auxiliary and Reserve Forces Circular 28 May 1872 .[1872]. - Held by: WSL: p355.37/DEV/PYC : sp355.37/DEV/PYC. - Devon.

Ravenshaw, Thomas F. A list of the flowering plants and ferns ... Reissue with suppl. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s582.13/DEV/RAV : s582.13/DEV/RAVr : 581 /B/RAV. - Devon.

Restoration ... Restoration of Exeter Cathedral : meeting in the Guildhall, Exeter, Saturday, Feb.5th, 1872 : report of speeches . - 1872. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/726.6/RES : spB?EXE/726.6/RES. - Devon.

Royal Albert Memorial Museum. Annual report of the committee to the council of the city of Exeter. - 1872-. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/069/ROY : sB/EXE/069/ROYg. - Devon.

Searle, Samuel. Barum, in one of the eighteen-forties. - 1872. Not acquired WSL : D821/BAR. - Devon.

Smith's ... Smith's Plymouth almanac and commercial advertiser : a general hand-book, for the year of Our Lord 1873 ... .[1872]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/SMI. - Devon.

Some ... Broadclyst. Some few personal recollections of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland.[1872]. - Held by: WSL: s920/ACL. - Devon.

Some ... Harberton. Some account of the ancient rood screen in Harberton Church, Totnes, Devon. - 1872. 729.96/HAR/SOM : s729.96/HAR/SOM : s729.96/HAR/SOM : s729.96/HAR/SOM : D900HAR/SOM. - Devon.

South Devon Railway. Rules and regulations to be observed by gangers and others employed....[1872]. - Held by: WSL: p385.312/WES/SOU. - Devon.

Swann, John Sackville. Uplyme. Notes on the discovery of a Roman villa at Holcombe, Devon. - 1872 . - Held by: WSL: sx728.84/UPL 7/SWA : . - Devon.

Symons, W.S. Records of the rocks : or notes on the geology, natural history and antiquities of North and South Wales, Devon and Cornwall . - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s550/WES/SYM. - Devon.

Third ... Third report of the Royal Commission on historical manuscripts. - 1872. Not acquired WSL : D900 O/S. - Devon.

Three ... The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1873 ....[1872]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Devon.

Timbs, John. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of England and Wales. Vol. 1 : South . - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s720/GEN/TIM : I/S. - Devon.

Torrington Town Council. Great Torrington. The public charities of Great Torrington. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: p333.324/GRE/TOR. - Devon.

True ... The true history of Joshua Davidson. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s920/DAV. - Devon.

Was ... Was it wise : a novel . - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s823/VOL. - Devon.

Webb, William. Memorials of Exmouth. - 1872. B/EXM 7/0001/MEM : B/EXM 7/0001/MEMg : BX:EXM 7/0001/WEB : D900EXM/WEB. - Devon.

Whitaker, William. Supplementary list of works on the geology, mineralogy, and palaeontology of Devonshire. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s080/DEV/TRA/02 17. - Devon.

Wood, William. The hand-book to South Devon and Dartmoor. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1872/WOO. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. Historical notes concerning the progress of mining skill in. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s550/PLY/WOR : DP622?wor. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. Historical notes concerning the progress of mining skill in Devon and Cornwall. - 1872. - Held by: WSL: s622.34/WES/WOR. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The Three towns bibliotheca : a catalogue of books, pamphlets, papers, etc., ... . - 1872-. - Held by: WSL: s016/PLY/WOR . - Devon.


[Dymond, Robert]. Early records of Friends in Devonshire : bound with Review of a Work entitled A Popular Life of George Fox ... by Josiah Marsh ... - 1847 .[1873]. - Held by: WSL: s289.6/DEV/EAR. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. St. Nicholas of Trani. - 1873. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. St. Symeon Salos. - 1873. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. The golden gate; a complete manual of instructions, devotions and preparations. - 1873. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Village conferences on the Creed.. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s238.3/GEN/BAR . - Devon.

Bate, C.Spence. Grimspound and its associated relics. - 1873. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baulch, S Fred. Captain James Braund : pilot over Bideford Bar for over forty years; who never lost a vessel or a life . - 1873. 929.2/BRA. - Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's West of England and Exeter pocket journal. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1873. - Devon.

Blackmore, Richard Doddridge. Exmoor. Lorna Doone : a romance of Exmoor . - 1873. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Black's ... Black's guide to Devonshire. - 1873. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Bowring, John. Sir. Memorial volume of sacred poetry... : with a memoir of the author by Lady Bowring . - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s821/BOW : s821/BOWr : I/S. - Devon.

Carrington, N.T. The collected poems of the late N.T.Carrington. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s821/CAR. - Devon.

Chanter, John Roberts. On Devonshire lanes. - 1873. PER : D040/PAP. - Devon.

Clements, Henry G.J. Local vestiges of Sir Walter Raleigh. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: p920/RAL. - Devon.

Colby, F.T. The heraldry of Exeter. - 1873 . - Held by: WSL: spB/EXE/929.8/COL : sB/EXE/929.8/COL . - Devon.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Ottery St. Mary. Osorio : a tragedy : as originally written in 1797 . - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s822/COL : s822/COLg. - Devon.

Coleridge, Sara , the younger. Memoir and letters of Sara Coleridge. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s920/COL : s920/COLr : D92/COL. - Devon.

Collins, J.Henry. On the mining district of Cornwall and West Devon. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: p622.34/WES/COL.. . Cornelius, W.M. Dawlish historical and topographical - 3rd edition.[1873]. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAW/1873/COR U. - Devon.

Cotton, William [of Exeter]. An Elizabethan guild of the city of Exeter : an account of the ... Society of Merchant Adventurers during the ... - Held by: WSL: sixteenth century . - 1873. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/338.632/COT : sB/EXE/338.632/COTg : 338.632/BX:EXE/COT : D900EXE/COT : 338.6 . - Devon.

Drake, H.H. Sir Francis Drake. - 1873. WSL. - Devon.

Dymond, Robert. Early records of Friends in Devonshire [Early records of the Society of Friends in Devonshire]. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s289.6/DEV/DYM : s289.6/DEV/DYM. - Devon.

Dymond, Robert. History of the suburban parish of St. Leonard, Exeter. - 1873. B/EXE/726.5/DYM : B/EXE/726.5/DYMr : BX:EXE/0001/DYM : Tiv DYM 118. - Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Department Abstract of the audited accounts of the Treasurer of the City of Exeter from the 1st September 1872 to 1st September 1873. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE. - Devon.

Fowle, Edmund (Editor). Plain preaching for a year. - 1873. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Fowle, Edmund (Editor). Plain preaching for a year. - 1873. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Fowle, Edmund (Editor). Plain preaching for a year. - 1873. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Freeman, Edward A. The place of Exeter in English history. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/0001/FRE. - Devon.

Freeman, Philip. The architectural history of Exeter cathedral. - 1873. B/EXE/726.6/FRE : sB/EXE/726.6/FRE : sB/EXE/726.6/FRE : sB/EXE/726.6/FRE : sB/EXE/726.6/FRE : D900EXE/FRE . - Devon.

Gilbert, Henry Abraham. Tiverton Clare. A pastor's testimony : a second series of sermons by the late Rev. Henry Abraham Gilbert, B.A. . - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s252/TIV/GIL. - Devon.

Guide ... A guide to the north of Devon .... - 1873. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1873/GUI. - Devon.

Hand ... The hand book of south of Devon and Dartmoor. - 1873. Not acquired WSL. - Devon.

Hiern, W.P. On physotrichia, a new genus of umbelliferae from Angola. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s581.08/GEN/HIE. - Devon.

Hine, James. Notes on some moorland and border churches in Devon.[1873]. - Held by: WSL: s726.5/DEV/HIN. - Devon.

Holt, Emily Sarah. Isoult Barry of Wynscote, her diurnal book : a tale of Tudor times . - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s823/HOL : I/S. - Devon.

Ingle, John. Exexter. A letter to his parishioners. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/230.3/ING. - Devon.

Jewitt, Llewellynn. A history of Plymouth. - 1873. B/PLY 1/0001/JEW : B/PLY 1/0001/JEWr : BX:PLY 1/0001/JEW : D900PLY/WOR : JEW : I/S : Bideford: PC. - Devon.

Jewitt, Llewellynn. A history of Plymouth. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: sxB/PLY 1/0001/JEW. - Devon.

Kerslake, T. The Celt and the Teuton in Exeter. - 1873. B/EXE/301.451/KER. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Selections from some of the writings. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s824/KIN U. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. The heroes ; or, Greek fairy tales for my children. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s398.20924/GEN/KIN. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Town geology. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s550/GEN/KIN. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Plays and puritans, and other historical essays. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s920/RAL. - Devon.

Local Government Board. Return of owners of land 1873. [Devon] : Devon. . - 1873. - Held by: WSL: sx333.32/DEV/ENG : 333.32/B/LOC : 19/GOV. - Devon.

Mackenzie, H.T. Jottings at the Dartmoor autumn manoeuvres.[1873]. - Held by: WSL: s355.5/DAR/MAC . - Devon.

Marzials, Theo. The gallery of pigeons, and other poems. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s821/MAR. - Devon.

National Association for the Promotion. Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science : Plymouth and Devonport meeting, 1872 . - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s300.8/PLY/NAT : s300.8/PLY/NATg. - Devon.

Parfitt, Edward. Fauna of Devon : sessile-eyed crustacea . - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s595.37/DEV/PAR U. - Devon.

Pengelly, W.M.. The time that has elapsed since the era of the cavemen of Devon : A lecture delivered in the Hulme Town Hall, Manchester on Wednesday December 17th 1873 . - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s551.44/TOR/PEN : B/0010/PEN. - Devon.

Post ... The Post Office directory of Devonshire and Cornwall.. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s380.1025/DEV/1873. - Devon.

Public ... Cullompton. The public charities belonging to the parish of Cullompton. - 1873. 371.76/CUL/PUB : . - Devon.

Rowe, J.Brooking. On the occurrence of Calosoma Sycophanta in Devonshire. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: p595.76/DEV/ROW . - Devon.

Rowe, J.Brooking. Devonshire gilds : Plymouth and Totnes . - 1873. - Held by: WSL: p338.632/PLY/ROW . - Devon.

Rowe, J.Brooking. The ecclesiastical history of old Plymouth. - 1873. 726.5/PLY/ROW : 726.5/PLY/ROWr : 270/PLY 1/ROW. - Devon.

Royal Archaeological Institute. Account of annual meeting of Royal Archaeological Institute at Exeter, 1873. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/0001/ROY. - Devon.

Smith's ... Smith's Plymouth almanac and commercial advertiser : a general hand-book, for the year of Our Lord 1874 ... .[1873]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/SMI. - Devon.

Statutes 1873. Local. 36&37 Vic. c.112. An Act for authorising the Devon and Cornwall Railway Company to make extensions... Holsworthy... Camelford...[36-37 Vic, ch.112]. - 1873. Not acquired WSL : 385 /A/STA. - Devon.

Stewart's ... Stewart's (late Banfield's) shilling guide book to north Devon.[1873]. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1873/STE. - Devon.

Story ... Eddystone. The story of John Smeaton and the Eddystone lighthouse. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s623.8942/EDD/STO. - Devon.

Thorne, J. Shebbear. James Thorne of Shebbear : a memoir . - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s920/THO : 920/THO. - Devon.

Three ... The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1874 ....[1873]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Devon.

Tops ... The Tops 'em almanac for 1873.[1873]. - Held by: WSL: s828.99/SHR. - Devon.

Tor, A.D. Autumn and otehr manoeuvres on Dartmoor. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s355.5/DAR/TOR. - Devon.

Tozer, Elias. Dartmoor and its borders. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAR 5 /1873/TOZ . - Devon.

Tozer, Elias. Devonshire sketches : Dartmoor and its borders . - 1873. - Held by: WSL: sB/DAR 5/1873/TIC : sB/DAR 5/1873/TIC : sB/DAR 5/1873/TIC : sB/DAR 5/1873/TIC. - Devon.

Tozer, Elias. Devonshire and other original poems : with an account of ancient customs, superstitions, and traditions . - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s821/TOZ : s821/TOZg : 821 /TOZ . - Devon.

Treadwin, C.E. Antique point and Honiton lace. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s746.2/HON/TRE : 746.22/HON/TRE : D746/TRE . - Devon.

Watkin, Edward W. Sir. To the electors of Exeter. - 1873. LE 1873/12/03. - Devon.

Worth, H.B. Stray leaves. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: s821/WOR. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The history of Plymouth from the earliest period to the present time. - 1873. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/0001/WOR : D900PLY/WOR : Bideford: PC. - Devon.


. Ecclesiastica ... Axminster. Ecclesiastica or a book of remembrance, wherein the rise, constitution, rule, order and discipline of the Church of Christ ordinarliy assembling at Wykecroft in the Parish of Axminster is faithfully recorded.[1874] . - Held by: WSL: s262/AXM/ECC . - Devon.

Annals ... Annals of the Militia : being the records of the South Devon Regiment, prefaced by an account of militia organisation .[1874?. - Held by: WSL: s356.11/DEV/ANN : s356.11/DEV/ANNr : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Popular objections to a mission answered. - 1874. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. The lost & hostile gospels; an essay on Toledoth Jeschu, & Petrine & Pauline gospels of the 1st 3 centuries of which fragments remain. - 1874. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. The Patarines of Milan. - 1874. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Yorkshire oddities, incidents, and strange events. - 1874. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Yorkshire oddities, incidents, and strange events. - 1874. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Yorkshire oddities, incidents, and strange events. - 1874. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Besley, H. & Co. Handbook of South Devon and Dartmoor, including trips on the South Devon, Moreton and Ashburton railways. - 1874. WSL, Plymouth, Tor : I/S. - Devon.

Besley, Henry and Son. Besley's West of England and Exeter pocket journal 1874. - 1874. DIR : I/S. - Devon.

Besley, T. The handbook of South Devon & Dartmoor,Torquay,Teignmouth,Dartmouth, Dawlish, Totnes, Ashburton, Newton, Moreton, Kingsbridge etc.... - 1874. Not in stock : I/S. - Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's West of England and Exeter pocket journal. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1874. - Devon.

Black's ... Black's guide to Devonshire. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: sB/LUN/LAN/074 : I/S. - Devon.

Bourne, Frederick William. The King's son; or a memoir of Billy Bray, compiles chiefly from his. - 1874. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Bowring, Edgar A. The poems of Schiller - 2nd edition. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s830.6/BOW U.. . Brandt, Sebastian. The ship of fools. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s821/BRA : s821/BRAr. - Devon.

Bray, Anna Eliza. Roseteague : or, the heir of Treville cross . - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s823/BRA. - Devon.

Chanter, John Roberts. The early poetry of Devonshire : with a calendar of Devonian poets ...from the eleventh to the seventeenth century . - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s821.0922/DEV/CHA. - Devon.

Clark, G.T. Remarks on the worthies of Devon. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: p920.02/DEV/CLA. - Devon.

Dymond, Robert. Bampfylde House, Exeter. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/728.3/DYM : I/S. - Devon.

Ecclesiastica ... Axminster. Ecclesiastica or a book of remembrance, wherein the rise, constitution, ... and discipline of the Church ... is recorded. - 1874. 285/AXM/ECC : 285/AXM/ECCr : D285/ECC. - Devon.

Ellacombe, Henry Thomas. The bells of the cathedral church of S. Peter, Exon. - 1874. B/EXE/789.5/ELL : B/EXE/789.5/ELLr : 789.5/EXE/ELL. - Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Department Abstract of the audited accounts of the Treasurer of the City of Exeter from the 1st September 1873 to 1st September 1874. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE. - Devon.

Exeter Diocese. Bishop, 1869-1885. The Exeter reredos : a report of the proceedings on the visitation.. ... by Right Rev.Frederick Lord Bishop ... .[1874]. xB/EXE/247.16/EXE. - Devon.

Fox, S.P. Kingsbridge. Kingsbridge and its surroundings. - 1874. B/KIN/0001/FOX : B/KIN/0001/FOXr : Bideford: PC. - Devon.

Grant, W.C. Cullompton. Culme Valley light literature : a controversy on a much-vexed question . - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s910.3/CUL/GRA. - Devon.

Guide ... Falmouth District. Guide to Falmouth, Penryn, St. Mawes, and neighbourhood. - 1874. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Guildhalls ... The guildhalls of Plymouth : their history past and present . - 1874. 725.13/PLY/GUI. - Devon.

Handbook ... Handbook and directory for Exeter and its neighbourhood. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1874. - Devon.

Hiern, W.P. Notes on Ebenaceae ; with description of a new species. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s581.08/GEN/HIE. - Devon.

Historical Manuscripts Commission. Alwington. Fourth report of the Royal Commission on historical manuscripts. - 1874. Not acquired WSL : D900/HIS O/S. - Devon.

House of Commons. [Return of owners of land, 1873]. - 1874. f333.32/DEV/HOU. - Devon.

Karkeek, Paul Q. Devonshire witches. - 1874. PER : I/S. - Devon.

Kents .... Kent's Cavern & other lectures. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s551.44/TOR/PEN. - Devon.

King, Richard John. Crediton. The birthplace of Wynfrith, or St.Boniface. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s920/BON. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Hereward the Wake : last of the English . - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s823/KIN. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Westward Ho! : or, the voyages ... . - 1874. Edition not acquired : D823/KIN. - Devon.

Lake, W.C. Sketch of the history of Teignmouth. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: sB/TEI 7/0001/LAK. - Devon.

Nicholls, J.F. Nicholls' guide or pleasant rambles round about Lynton and Lynmouth, together with the different routes to North Devon. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s796.51/LYN/NIC : BN:LYN/1874/NIC. - Devon.

Ormerod, G.Wareing. Wayside crosses in the district bordering the east of Dartmoor. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: p731.882/DAR/ORM. - Devon.

Parfitt, Edward. Fauna of Devon : conchology . - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s594/DEV/PAR U. - Devon.

Parfitt, Edward. Fauna of Devon : imyriopoda . - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s595.6/DEV/PAR U. - Devon.

Plymouth ... Plymouth and its surroundings : a poem . - 1874. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Rowe, J.Brooking. The parish and vicars of St.Andrew, Plymouth. - 1874. 726.5/PLY/ROW : s726.5/PLY/ROW : s726.5/PLY/ROWg. - Devon.

Rushworth, Abbott & Rushworth. Particulars and conditions of sale of two freehold residences, situate nos 6 & 7, Hyde Park Terrace, Plymouth, and a freehold cottage situate at Turnchapel Dock, in the parish of Plymstock, in the county of Devon; which will be sold by auction at the Commercial Sales Rooms, Cornwall Street, Plymouth, on Thursday, August 20th, 1874. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: p333.338/PLY/RUS. - Devon.

Smith's ... Smith's Plymouth almanac and commercial advertiser : a general hand-book, for the year of Our Lord 1875 ... .[1874]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/SMI. - Devon.

Stewart's ... Stewart's (late Banfield's) shilling guide book to north Devon.[1874]. BN/1874/STE. - Devon.

Three ... The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1875 ....[1874]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Devon.

Tuckerman, Alfred. On the author of the Eikon basilike. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: p920/GAU. - Devon.

Viol, Amphion. Pseud. The Fiddle on its own hook ... also ... ball music.[1874]. Not acquired WSL : I/S.. . Webb, John. The Legend of Blackfriars' Lane : a poem...on the opening of the new . - 1874. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Whitcombe, Henry Pennell. Mrs. Bygone days in Devonshire and Cornwall with notes of existing superstitions and customs. - 1874. 398.2/WES/WHI : 398.2/WES/WHIr : 398.2/A/WHI : D398/WHI 2 . - Devon.

Whitley, N. Brixham. The Brixham Cavern and its testimony to the antiquity of man. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: pB/BRI 7/0011/WHI. - Devon.

Woollcombe, Henry. Lecture on some of the ancient manuscripts and charters in the custody of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter.[1874]. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/091/WOO : spB/EXE/091/WOO. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. Yealmpton. Notes on the limestone of Yealmpton and its associated rocks. - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s550/PLY/WOR. - Devon.

Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Ottery St. Mary. Life of John Coleridge Patteson : missionary bishop of the Melonesian Islands . - 1874. 920/PAT : 920/PAT. - Devon.

Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Ottery St. Mary. Life of John Coleridge Patteson : missionary bishop of the Melonesian Islands . - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s920/PAT : s920/PATr. - Devon.

Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Ottery St. Mary. Life of John Coleridge Patteson : missionary bishop of the Melonesian Islands . - 1874. - Held by: WSL: s920/PAT : s920/PATr. - Devon.


Aide, Hamilton. In that state of life. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s823/AID. - Devon.

Andrew, Thomas. Geological and archaeological papers. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s550/WES/AND : s550/WES/ANDr : 550/A/AND. - Devon.

Art ... Art in Devonshire. - 1875-. - Held by: WSL: s750/DEV/SEA. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Caught napping. - 1875. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Quaint corners of mediaeval biography. - 1875. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Some modern difficulties : nine lectures . - 1875. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Besley, Henry. [ Besley's views of Torquay].[1875?. - Held by: WSL: pB/TOR 7/1875/BES. - Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's West of England and Exeter pocket journal. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1875. - Devon.

Black's ... Black's guide to Devonshire. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1875/BLA. - Devon.

Chanter, John Roberts. Bishop's Tawton. Tawton : the first Saxon Bishopric of Devonshire . - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sB/BID/0001/CHA : sB/BID/0001/CHAr : D040/PAP. - Devon.

Chope, R.R. Carols for use in Church during Christmas and Epiphany, Easter... - 1875. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Coleridge, Sara , the younger. Memoir and letters of Sara Coleridge. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s920/COL. - Devon.

Coleridge, Sara , the younger. Memoir and letters of Sara Coleridge. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s920/COL. - Devon.

Coleridge, Sara, the younger. Memoirs and letters of Sara Coleridge. - 1875. Edition not acquired : Bideford: PC. - Devon.

Colyton. Parish. Colyton. [ Photocopies of documents, mainly printed, from Colyton parish chest 1875-1916]. - 1875-. - Held by: WSL: sx352/COL/1875. - Devon.

Dear ... Dear mother, I've come home to die [and] Come home, father.[1875?. ME 1875. - Devon.

Devonshire Association. Committee on Sci. Reports on Scientific Memoranda : 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th - 20th . - 1875 - . - Held by: WSL: s508.1/DEV/DEV. - Devon.

Dictionary ... A dictionary of terms in art.[1875?. Not acquired WSL : D700/LET L/A. - Devon.

Directory ... Plympton St. Mary. A directory of the parish of Plympton St.Mary. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s380.1025/PLY/1875. - Devon.

Doerr, L.M.Annand. New French grammar in tables to be learnt right : 1st part only . - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sx445/EXE/DOE U. - Devon.

Evans, Rachel. West Devon. Home scenes : or, Tavistock and its vicinity . - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sB/TAV/1875/EVA : sB/TAV/1875/EVA : sB/TAV/1875/EVA : sB/TAV/1875/EVA : Bideford: PC. - Devon.

Exeter ... Exeter churches.[1875]. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/726.5/EXE. - Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Department Abstract of the audited accounts of the Treasurer of the City of Exeter from the 1st September 1874 to 1st September 1875. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE. - Devon.

Exeter Diocese. Exeter Diocesan Directory. - 1875-. - Held by: WSL: s283.025 : D922 BAY A. - Devon.

Guide ... Helston. Guide to Helston and the Lizard. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: pC/HEL 7/1875/GUI : I/S. - Devon.

Hand ... The hand book of south of Devon and Dartmoor ....[1875]. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1875/HAN U. - Devon.

Handbook ... The handbook of North Devon, Bude, Launceston, Tavistock, &C with trips on the North Devon...Railways.[1875?. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1874/HAN : sDEV/1874/HANr. - Devon.

Hand-book ... The hand-book of South of Devon and Dartmoor ... - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1875/HAN. - Devon.

Harris, V. Princetown. Dartmoor Prison : past and present .[1875?. 365/PRI/HAR : 365 /BX:PRI/HAR : HAR. - Devon.

Hiern, W.P. Further notes on Ebenaceae ; with description of a new species. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s581.08/GEN/HIE. - Devon.

House of Commons. Brixham. Pier and harbour Orders confirmation act, 1875 (No 3) (Brixham). - 1875. Devon Record Office : I/S. - Devon.

Hutchinson, Peter Orlando. A guide to the town and neighbourhood of Sidmouth; .... - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sB/SID 5/1875/HUT : sB/SID 5/1875/HUTg. - Devon.

Jones, Mary. The history of Chudleigh in the county of Devon and the surrounding .... - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sB/CHU 1/0001/JON : sB/CHU 1/0001/JONr : D900CHU/JON : I/S. - Devon.

Karkeek, P.Q.. Pamphlets. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s080/DEV/KAR. - Devon.

Karkeek, Paul Q. Thomas Benet. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s080/DEV/KAR : I/S. - Devon.

Karkeek, Paul Q. Recent cases of supposed witchcraft in Devonshire. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s080/DEV/KAR. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. The hermits. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s248.47/GEN/KIN. - Devon.

Lewis, John Clarke. Alverdiscott. Windfall verses : and other poems .[1875]. - Held by: WSL: s821/LEW. - Devon.

Local Government Board. Return of owners of land 1873, vol.1 : counties: England. . - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sx333.3 : sx333.3r : 333.32/A/LOC : D333 O/S. - Devon.

London ... London and South Western Railway illustrated guide.[1875]. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1875/LON. - Devon.

March, Septimus. Life on the deep : memorials of Charles March, commander R.N. .[1875]. - Held by: WSL: s920/MAR. - Devon.

Oliver, S.Pasfield. Fal Estuary. Pendennis and St Mawes : an historical sketch of two Cornish castles . - 1875. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Ormerod, G.Wareing. Exe Estuary. On the Murchisonite beds of the estuary of the Exe. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: p552.5/EXE/ORM U. - Devon.

Outis. Poems ... by Outis, with ... rhymes in ... dialect by Agrikler : A new edition greatly enlarged .[1875]. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Parfitt, Edward. Fauna of Devon : fishes . - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s597/DEV/PAR U. - Devon.

Pengelly, William. Flint and chert implements found in Kent's Cavern, Torquay. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: p621.9/TOR/PEN . - Devon.

Pengelly, William. West Devon. Verbal provincialisms of south-western Devonshire. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s427/DEV/PEN : 427/B/PEN. - Devon.

Plympton ... Plympton St.Maurice. [ Plympton St.Mary : wood engravings from an unidentified source] . - 1875. - Held by: WSL: pB/PLY 4/1875/PLY. - Devon.

Provost ... The Provost Court of the City and County of ... Exeter ... - Held by: WSL: provision of the Common Law Procedure Act 1852, 1854 & 1860 .... - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/347.02/PRO U. - Devon.

Pulman, George P.R. Axe Valley. The book of the Axe, containing a piscatorial description of that stream & historical sketches of all the parishes .... - 1875. B/AXE/0001/PUL : B/AXE/0001/PULr : BX:AXE/0001/PUL : D900AXE/PUL : I/S. - Devon.

Rock and Co. Twenty four views of Ilfracombe.[1875?. - Held by: WSL: sB/ILF/1874/ROC. - Devon.

Rowe, J.Brooking. The church of St.Andrew, Plymouth. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s726.5/PLY/ROW . - Devon.

Rowe, J.Brooking. The Cistercian houses of Devon : Parts 1 - 6 with additional material by A.W. Searly . - 1875 - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s726.7/DEV/ROW. - Devon.

Royal North Devon & West of England Golf. Northam. Rules for the government of the Royal North Devon and West of England Golf Club, to which are added the laws of the game ....[1875?. - Held by: WSL: s796.352062/WES/ROY. - Devon.

Searley, A.W. Ashburton. Ashburton and its neighbourhood or the antiquities and history... - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sB/ASH 1/1875/ASH. - Devon.

Smith's ... Smith's Plymouth almanac and commercial advertiser : a general hand-book, for the year of Our Lord 1876 ... .[1875]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/SMI : s030.2/PLY/SMIg. - Devon.

Stewart's ... Stewart's shilling guide book to north Devon.[1875?. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/200. - Devon.

Thomas, John Wesley. Reminiscences of Methodism in Exeter. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/287/THO. - Devon.

Thorne, S.L. Shebbear. Samuel Thorne, printer. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s920/THO. - Devon.

Three ... The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1876 ....[1875]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Devon.

Three ... The three towns dirctory for Plymouth, Devonportand Stonehouse. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s380.1025/PLY/1875. - Devon.

Views ... [ Views of Torquay].[1875]. - Held by: WSL: pB/TOR 7/1875/BES U. - Devon.

West ... The West Country garland : selected from the writings of the poets Devon and Cornwall . - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s821.008/WES/WES : s821.008/WES/WESg : 821.008/A/WOR : D821/WOR : I/S. - Devon.

Westcountry ... Westcountry garland : selected from the writings of the poets of Devon and Cornwall... . - 1875. 821.008/WES/WES : 821.008/WES/WESr. - Devon.

Whittley, W. Sermons on the panels of the new guildhall, Plymouth. - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s252/PLY/WHI. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The geology of Plymouth, a paper read 25th November 1875 by R.N.Worth : [and other articles by Worth] . - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s550/PLY/WOR. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The siege of Plymouth : a chapter of Plymouth history rewritten . - 1875. - Held by: WSL: pB/PLY 1/1642/WOR . - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The economic geology of Devon : paper read July 1875 . - 1875. - Held by: WSL: s550/PLY/WOR. - Devon.

Worthy, Charles. Ashburton. Ashburton and its neighbourhood : or the antiquities and history of the borough of Ashburton ... . - 1875. - Held by: WSL: sB/ASH 1/0001/WOR : sB/ASH 1/0001/WORr : BX:ASH 1/0001/WOR : WOR : I/S : I/S. - Devon.


Baring-Gould, Sabine. Philo and Christianity. - 1876. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Village preaching for a year. Second edition.. - 1876. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Wafted away. - 1876. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Morwenstow. The vicar of Morwenstow : being a life of Robert Stephen Hawker. . - 1876. 920/HAW : 920/HAWr : D92/HAW : I/S. - Devon.

Black's ... Black's guide to Devonshire. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1876/BLA : sDEV/1876/BLAr. - Devon.

Blundell's School. At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, 12th August 1876 : scheme 364 relating to Blundell's School & the Down's Exhibitions . - 1876. - Held by: WSL: p373.222/TIV/BLU. - Devon.

Chope, T.H. Hartland. The old historical documents of Hartland to which is appended a list of parochial charities and divine services. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: s352/HAR/CHO. - Devon.

Cobb, James Francis. The watchers on the Longships : a tale of Cornwall in the last century .[1876?. - Held by: WSL: s823/COB. - Devon.

Cockrem's ... Cockrem's tourists' guide to Torquay and its neighbourhood.[1876?. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOR 7/1876/COC. - Devon.

Courtney, Leonard H. Scilly Isles. A week in the Isles of Scilly. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: sC/SCI/1876/COU : I/S. - Devon.

D'Arblay, Madame. Diary and letters of Madame D'Arblay. - 1876. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

D'Arblay, Madame. Diary and letters of Madame D'Arblay. - 1876. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

D'Arblay, Madame. Diary and letters of Madame D'Arblay. - 1876. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Devon ... Devon & Cornwall masonic register 1876 - 77. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: s366.1/DEV/DEV : . - Devon.

Devonshire ... Devonshire calendar and register. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: s380.1025/DEV/1876. - Devon.

Devonshire Association. Committee on Sci. Reports on Scientific Memoranda 1st - 25th. - 1876- 1907. - Held by: WSL: s508.1/DEV/DEV. - Devon.

Drake, William Richard. Mortehoe. Account of the family of Cutcliffe of Damage in Devonshire. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: sx929.2/CUT : sx929.2/CUTr. - Devon.

Dymond, Robert. Ashburton. Memoir of John Dunning, first Lord of Ashburton. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: p920/DUN. - Devon.

Dymond, Robert. Ilsington. John Ford : dramatist . - 1876. - Held by: WSL: s920/FOR. - Devon.

Dymond, Robert. Widecombe in Moor. Things new and old concerning the parish of Widecombe-in-the- Moor and its neighbourhood. - 1876. B/WID/0001/DYM : sB/WID/0001/DYM : sB/WID/0001/DYM : sB/WID/0001/DYM : B/WID/0001/DYMg : BX:WID3/0001/DYM : D900WID/DYM . - Devon.

Endowed ... Endowed Schools Acts : scheme for the management of St. John's hospital...and of certain other charities and endowments . - 1876. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/373.1/END. - Devon.

Estridge, A.W. Report on the water supply and drainage of Tiverton. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: px628.1/TIV/EST. - Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Department Abstract of the audited accounts of the Treasurer of the City of Exeter from the 1st September 1875 to 1st September 1876. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE. - Devon.

Fox, S.P. Kingsbridge. Shilling abridgement of Kingsbridge and its surroundings. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: sB/KIN 1/1876/FOX. - Devon.

Gill, H.S. Seventeenth century Devonshire tokens and their issuers. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: s737.3/DEV/GIL : D737/GIL . - Devon.

Hand-book ... The hand-book to Exeter, with illustrated map, and correct description of the cathedral, etc.[1876?. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/1876/HAN. - Devon.

Handbook ... The handbook of North Devon, Bude, Launceston, Tavistock, &C with trips on the North Devon...Railways.[1876?. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1876/HAN. - Devon.

Haydon, Benjamin Robert. Benjamin Robert Haydon : correspondence and table talk ; with a memoir by his son Frederic Wordsworth Haydon . - 1876. - Held by: WSL: s750.924/HAY U : s750.924/HAY Ur : Bideford: PC. - Devon.

Herrick, Robert. Dean Prior. The complete poems of Robert Herrick. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: s821/HER : s821/HERr. - Devon.

Jones, C. A. Footprints of our fathers; being short sketches of the lives of some of our British ... - Held by: WSL: saints [Preface by S Baring-Gould]. - 1876. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

King, Richard John. Crediton. The church of St.Mary and the Holy Cross at Crediton. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: sx726.5/CRE/KIN. - Devon.

Lee, F.G. Morwenstow. Memorials of the late Reverend Robert Stephen Hawker, sometime vicar of Morwenstow, in the diocese of Exeter. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: s920/HAW (DU 41940) : s920/HAW (DU 41940)r : 920/HAW : D92/HAW : I/S : Bideford: PC. - Devon.

Ormerod, George Wareing. Archaeological memoirs relating to the East of Dartmoor : historical sketch ... Chagford ... Drewsteignton cromlech .. . - 1876. B/DAR 5/0001/ORM : sB/DAR 5/0001/ORMr : B/DAR 5/0001/ORM : sB/DAR 5/0001/ORM : sB/DAR 5/0001/ORM : sB/DAR 5/0001/ORM : 936.235 : Bideford: PC. - Devon.

Parfitt, Edward. Fauna of Devon : birds . - 1876. - Held by: WSL: s598.2/DEV/PAR U. - Devon.

Pengelly, William. Kent's Cavern : its testimony to the antiquity of man. A lecture delivered in...Glasgow on...22nd December, 1875... . - 1876. Edition not acquired : I/S. - Devon.

Rock and Co. [ Views of Torquay].[1876?. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOR 7/1876/ROC. - Devon.

Rowe, J.Brooking. The ecclesiastical history of old Plymouth and ... St. Andrew. - 1876. 726.5/PLY/ROW : 726.5/PLY/ROWr : 270/PLY/ROW : Bideford: PC. - Devon.

Shrimp, Sarah. Jottings and dottings in the Devonshire dialect.[1876?. 828.99/SHR : 828.99/SHRr. - Devon.

Sketches ... Ottery St. Mary. Sketches of the life of Bishop Patteson in Melanesia - rev.ed.. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: s920/PAT. - Devon.

Smith's ... Smith's Plymouth almanac and commercial advertiser : a general hand-book, for the year of Our Lord 1877 ... .[1876]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/SMI. - Devon.

South Western Railway. Opening of the narrow gauge line from Lidford Junction to Devon port New Station (Plymouth) : Instructions to Superintendents, Station Masters, Inspectors, Enginmen, Guards, Signalmen, and all .. . - 1876 . - Held by: WSL: px385/DEV/SOU : .. . Statutes 1876. Local ; 39&40 Vic c.71. The Plymouth Dock (Devonport) Waterworks Act, 1876. - 1876. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Thompson, Charles Halford. The Exeter Canal : how to restore its trade, a letter to the bondholders of the Canal . - 1876. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/386.47/THO : sB/EXE/386.47/THOr. - Devon.

Three ... The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1877 ....[1876]. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Devon.

Tiverton Town Council. Statement of receipts and expenditure of Tiverton ... from 1st Sept., 1875 to the 31st August, 1876. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: p352.17/TIV/1875. - Devon.

Ussher, William Augustus Edmond. On the triassic rocks of Somerset and Devon. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: p551.762/WES/USS. - Devon.

Webber, John L. Widecombe in Moor. Poems on Widecombe-in-the-Moor and neighbourhood.[1876]. - Held by: WSL: p821/WEB. - Devon.

Windeatt, Edward. The parish church of St.Mary's Totnes, Devon an historical and descriptive sketch. - 1876. 726.5/TOT/WIN : s726.5/TOT/WIN : I/S. - Devon.

Woollcombe, Henry. Notes for lectures on S. John's Gospel, chapters I-IV, delivered at the Athenaeum, Exeter, in the spring of 1876. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: p226.5/GEN/WOO. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. Alluvial deposits associated with the Plymouth limestone. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: s550/PLY/WOR. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. Guide to the three towns and neighbourhood. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/1876/WOR. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. Plymouth memoirs containing a chronologicall account of that Corporation ... collected by James Yonge. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/0001/WOR : sB/PLY 1/0001/WORr. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The history of nonconformity in Plymouth. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/0001/WOR. - Devon.

Worthy, Charles. A memoir of Bishop Stapledon. - 1876. - Held by: WSL: p920/STA. - Devon.

Worthy, Charles. Winkleigh. The history of the manor & church of Winkleigh in the county of Devon. - 1876. B/WIN/0001/WOR : sB/WIN/0001/WOR : BT:WIN/0001/WOR : B/WIN/0001/WORg . - Devon.


Baring-Gould, Sabine. Yorkshire oddities, incidents, and strange events : volume 1 . - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s920.02/GEN/BAR. - Devon.

Benson, Edward White. Truro. A sermon preached in Truro Cathedral, on the occasion of his enthronement, by Rt Rev the Lord Bishop of Truro (EWB)1 May 1877. - 1877. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Besley's ... Besley's West of England and Exeter pocket journal. - Exeter : Besley , 1877. - 1 vol ; 17cm. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/380.1025/1877. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1877.

Black's ... Black's guide to Devonshire. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1877/BLA : In stock. - Devon.

Bowring, John. Sir. Autobiographical recollections; with a brief memoir by Lewin B. Bowring. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s920/BOW : Bideford: PC. - Devon.

British Association for the Adv. Science. Plymouth meeting, 1877. Catalogue of the fine art exhibition, St.Andrew's Hall, Westwell Street, Plymouth.[1877]. - Held by: WSL: s707.4/PLY/BRI. - Devon.

C.R.C. Lundy. Dick Finch's two fingers. - 1877. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/455. - Devon.

Chanter, John Roberts. Lundy. Lundy Island : a monograph, descriptive and historical; with notices of its distinguishing features in natural history . - 1877. - Held by: WSL: sB/LUN/1877/CHA : sB/LUN/1877/CHAr : BN:LUN/0001/CHA : D910LUN/CHA4 : Bideford: PC. - Devon.

Charles ... Charles Kingsley : a paper read before the New College Essay Society, April the 21st, 1877 . - 1877. - Held by: WSL: p828/KIN. - Devon.

Charlton, J.M. In memoriam of the late Rev. J. M. Charlton...of Plymouth : being selections...edited by his eldest son . - 1877. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Colby, Frederic Thomas. Colby of Great Torrington, Devon : some account of that family & its alliances for five generations / F.T.Colby.[rev ed]. - [Exeter] : Pr. for private circ , [1877]. - ill ; 29cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sx929.2/COL. - Subjects: Devon. Great Torrington. Families. Colby family.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Ottery St. Mary. The poetical and dramatic works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge founded on the author's latest edition of 1834 ... 4 volumes. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s821/COL U : s821/COL Ur. - Devon.

Collection ... A collection of cuttings relating to Sir Stafford Northcote,. - 1877-. - Held by: WSL: sx920/NOR. - Devon.

Cossins, James. Reminiscences of Exeter fifty years since / by James Cossins. - Exeter : William Pollard , 1877. - viii,72p ; 19cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sB/EXE/1820/COS ; North Devon Athenaeum: D900EXE/COS ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Social life. 1800-1875.

Cotton, William [of Exeter]. Gleanings from the municipal and cathedral records relative to the history of ... Exeter / by W.Cotton & Henry Woollcombe. - Exeter : James Townsend , 1877. - 208,38p ; 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/1347/COT ; Barnstaple: BX:EXE/1347/COT ; North Devon Athenaeum: D900EXE/COT. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. History. 1347-1600.

Creighton, Louise. Life of Sir Walter Ralegh. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s920/RAL : s920/RALr. - Devon.

Davidson, James Bridge. The Saxon conquest of Devonshire / by J.B.Davidson. - Exeter : Devonshire Association , 1877. - 24p ; 22cm. - From : Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 1877. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: DEV/700/DAV.

Devonshire Association. Committee on Devonshire verbal provincialisms. Report of the Committee on Devonshire verbal provincialisms. - Exeter : The Association , 1877-1915. - 1 vol ; 22cm. - Reports 1 to 28 bound in one volume with notes by A.W.Searley. - Held by: WSL: s427/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon. Dialects. 1877-1915.

Dinham, John. Memoir of the late John Dinham of Exeter. - Exeter : Alfred Vincent , 1877. - 58p ; 16cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s920/DIN ; Barnstaple: 920 /DIN. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Philanthropists. Dinham, John. Biographies.

Dymond, Robert. City of Exeter : a few brief historical notes for the use of the excursionists to Exeter from the British Association meeting .. . - 1877. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/0001/DYM. - Devon.

Dymond, Robert. Exeter in the last century / by Robert Dymond. - Exeter : Exeter Literary Soc , 1877. - 24p ; 20cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sB/EXE/1780/DYM. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. History.

Dymond, Robert. Kingsbridge and Dodbrooke : an historical sketch. - From : Trans. Dev. Assoc. , 1877. - 13p ; 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : pB/KIN 1/0001/DYM. - Subjects: Devon. Kingsbridge. History.

Edersheim, Alfred. Rev. Bridport. The Golden diary of heart converse with Jesus in the Book of Psalms : ...New and revised edition .[1877?. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Exeter ... Exeter and its Guildhall. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: pxB/EXE/725.13/EXE. - Devon.

Exeter City Council. Schedule of certain chief and conventionary rents, dwelling houses, lands and hereditaments .... - Exeter : The Council , 1877. - 47p ; 33cm. - Held by:. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Local authorities. Real estate. 1877.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Dept. Abstract of the audited accounts of the Treasurer of the City of Exeter from the 1st September 1876 to 1st September 1877. - Exeter : The Department , 1877. - 29p : tables ; 24cm. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Local authorities. Accounts. 1876-1877.

Faunthorpe, J.P. The geography of Devon, for use in schools. - 1877. Not acquired WSL : D910/FAU. - Devon.

Few ... A few particulars respecting families and properties in the parish of Bishops Tawton. - Barnstaple : John Inch Knill , 1877. - 38p ; 17cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : Not acquired WSL ; North Devon Athenaeum: DP900/BIS. - Subjects: Devon. Bishops Tawton. Estates. -1877.

Ford, James. More thoughts in verse / by the late Rev. James Ford. - Exeter : William Pollard , 1877. - vi,57p ; 18cm. - Held by: WSL: s821/FOR. - Subjects: Westcountry. Poetry. Ford, James. Texts.

Foster, C.Le Neve. On some new mineral localities in Cornwall and Devon. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: px549/WES/FUS. - Devon.

Fowle, Edmund (Editor). Plain preaching for a year. - 1877. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Fowler, Henry. Recollections on the early years of a christian man. Also a few poems on spiritual subjects. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s821/FOW. - Devon.

Gregory, John. Song streams. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s821/GRE. - Devon.

Gregory, John. Song streams. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s821/GRE. - Devon.

Guide ... Truro. Guide to Truro, the River Fla, Perranporth, St.Agnes and neighbourhood. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: pC/TRU/1877/GUI : I/S. - Devon.

Hamilton, Alexander H.A. Quarter sessions under the Commonwealth : from original records . - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s347.02/DEV/HAM. - Devon.

Heaven, Amelia A. Lundy. Eggs, brandy, and lime : an island fisherman's story . - 1877. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/460. - Devon.

Heaven, Amelia A. Lundy. Lundy Island. - 1877. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/458. - Devon.

Heaven, Amelia A. Lundy. Midsummer eve : original tale . - 1877. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/461. - Devon.

Heaven, Amelia A. Lundy. Out egging : a tale of Lundy Island . - 1877. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/463. - Devon.

Heaven, Amelia A. Lundy. Sir William de Marisco's ghost. - 1877. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/462. - Devon.

Heaven, Amelia A. Lundy. Where do you think? : an original tale . - 1877. BHo sxB/LUN/LAN/457. - Devon.

Herrick, Robert. Dean Prior. Chrysomela : a selection from the lyrical poems of Robert Herrick . - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s821/HER : s821/HERr . - Devon.

Hiern, W.P. Third notes on Ebenaceae ; with description of a new species. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s581.08/GEN/HIE. - Devon.

History ... History and description of the Devon & Exeter Albert Memorial with a synopsis of the contents of the Museum. - Exeter : James Townsend , 1877. - 20p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/069/HIS. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Museums. 1877.

Hutchinson, Peter Orlando. A scheme for a history of Devonshire / Peter Orlando Hutchinson. - From : Trans.Devonshire Assoc. , 1877. - 4p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL: p907/DEV/HUT. - Subjects: Devon. History. Proposals.

Karkeek, Paul Q. White ale / Paul Q.Karkeek. - From : Trans. Devonshire Ass , 1877. - pp1-10. - Held by: WSL: s080/DEV/KAR (Bound with other pamphlets by this author). - Subjects: Devon. South Hams. Beer.

Kingsley, Charles. At last : a Christmas in the West Indies . - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s972.904/GEN/KIN : s972.904/GEN/KINr. - Devon.

Maclean, John. Sir. Parochial and family history of the parishes of Tintagel and Trevalga, in the county of Cornwall / by Sir John Maclean. - Exeter : Printed by William Pollard , 1877. - 118p,pl ; 29cm. - Held by: WSL: sxC/TIN/0001/MAC. - Subjects: Cornwall. Tintagel. History. -1877.

Moissenet, Professor L. Observations on the rich parts of the lodes of Cornwall ... Translated from the French by J. H. Collins, F. G. S. : Translated from the French by J.H. Collins, F.G.S. . - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s553/COR/MOI : s553/COR/MOI. - Devon.

Monro, Theodore Russell. The Vandeleurs of Red Tor : a tale of South Devon . - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s823/MON. - Devon.

Newton Abbot Board of Guardians. Byelaws made by the Guardians of the Poor of the Newton Abbot Union acting as the rural sanitary authority, with respect to new streets and buildings in the rural sanitary district of Newton Abbot. - Newton Abbot : S.Wotton , 1877. - 40p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL: p346.045/NEW/NEW. - Subjects: Devon. Newton Abbot. Planning. Byelaws. 1877.

Noon, T. Crumbs. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s821/NOO. - Devon.

North ... The North Devon hand-book : being a guide to the topography and archaeology ... - Ilfracombe : W.Stewart , 1877. - 422p : ill,maps ; 17cm. - / edited by the Rev.George Tugwell. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1877/NOR ; Barnstaple: BN/1877/NOR ; North Devon Athenaeum: D910NOR/NOR. - Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Guides. 1865.

Northcote, John. Sir. Iddesleigh. Note book of Sir John Northcote, M.P. for Ashburton .... - 1877. 920/NOR : 920/NORr : D92/NOR : I/S : Bideford: PC. - Devon.

Parfitt, Edward. Fauna of Devon : mammalia / Edward Parfitt. - From : Trans.Devonshire Assoc , 1877. - 22cm. - Held by: WSL: s599/DEV/PAR U. - Subjects: Devon. Mammals.

Parfitt, Edward. Fauna of Devon : reptiles / Edward Parfitt. - From : Trans.Devonshire Assoc , 1877. - 22cm. - Held by: WSL: s598.1/DEV/PAR U. - Subjects: Devon. Reptiles.

Pengelly, William. Address to the geological section of the British Association, Plymouth, August 16th, 1877. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: p551.44/DEV/PEN. - Devon.

Ravenshaw, The Rev. T.F.. Botany of North Devon : Extracted from Stewart's North Devon Hand Book / by the Rev T F Ravenshaw, Rector of Pewsey, Wilts. - Ilfracombe : W Stewart, Printer and Stationer , 1877. - 110p, index ; 16cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s581.9/NOR/RAV. - Subjects: Devon. North Devon. Plants. Geographical treatment.

Robjohns, Sydney. Buckland Abbey and Sir Francis Drake : a paper read before the fellows of the Royal Historical Society / by Sydney Robjohns. - Plymouth : Bowering & Co. , 1877. - 32p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL: p726.7/BUC/ROB. - Subjects: Devon. Buckland Monachorum. Abbeys. Buckland Abbey. Architectural features.

Rock, William Frederick. Poems : winter gatherings . - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s821/ROC : s821/ROCg : D821/ROC 3. - Devon.

Rogers, William Henry Hamilton. The antient sepulchral effigies and monumental and memorial sculpture of Devon / by W.H. Hamilton Rogers. - Exeter : William Pollard , 1877. - xii,392p,xxv,lxi,pla ; 29cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sx247.3/DEV/ROG ; Barnstaple: 731.76/B/ROG ; North Devon Athenaeum: D718/ROG O/S. - Subjects: Devon. Churches. Monuments. -1877.

Smith's ... Smith's Plymouth almanac and commercial advertiser : a general hand-book, for the year of Our Lord 1878 .... - Plymouth : John Smith , [1877]. - 1vol : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/SMI. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1878.

Statutes 1877. Local ; 40&41 Vic c.141. City of Exeter Extension Act 1877. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: sx348.022/1877/LOC. - Devon.

Statutes 1877. Local ; 40&41 Vic c.96. Stonehouse Carriages and Boats Act, 1877. - 1877. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Statutes 1877. Private ; 40&41 Vic c. 3. Brunskill Estate Act, 1877. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: px348.022/1877/LOC. - Devon.

Story ... Eddystone. The story of John Smeaton and the Eddystone lighthouse. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s623.8942/EDD/STO. - Devon.

Thompson, Spencer. Torquay, past and present : a sketch / by Spencer Thompson. - Torquay : Seeley , 1877. - 48p ; 19cm. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOR 7/0001/THO. - Subjects: Devon. Torquay. Description & travel. 1877.

Thomson, Allen. Development of the forms of animal life : address delivered at the Plymouth meeting ... Assoc. for the Adv.of Science 15 . - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s591.38/GEN/THO. - Devon.

Thomson, Spencer. Torquay : past and present : a sketch . - 1877. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOR 7/0001/THO : BX:TOR 7/0001/THO. - Devon.

Three ... The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1878 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1877]. - [8],88,[52]p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1878.

Three ... The three towns directory for Plymouth, Devonportand Stonehouse. - Plymouth : W.J.Trythall , 1877. - Held by: WSL: s380.1025/PLY/1877. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Industries & trades. Directories. 1877.

Torquay ... The Torquay ex-riflemen vindicated. - Torquay : Directory Office , 1877. - 24p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL: p355.37/TOR/TOR. - Subjects: Devon. Torquay. Army. Torquay Rifle Volunteers. Volunteers. 1877.

True, Charles K. The life and times of Sir Walter Raleigh, pioneer of Anglo-American colonization. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: s920/RAL. - Devon.

Western Provident Association. Prospectus of the Western Provident Association. - Exeter : The Association , [1877?. - 16p ; 12cm. - Held by: WSL: p334.7/WES/WES. - Subjects: Westcountry. Friendly societies. Western Provident Association. Prospectuses. 1877.

Whitley, N. Brixham. A critical examination of the flints from Brixham Cavern. - 1877. - Held by: WSL: pB/BRI 7/0011/WHI. - Devon.

Woodward, Horace B. Notes on the Devonian rocks near Newton Abbot and Torquay : with remarks on the subject of their classification . - 1877. - Held by: WSL: p551.74/DEV/WOO : p551.74/DEV/WOOr. - Devon.


Amery, Peter Fabyan Spark. Country fairs and revels / by Mr. Fabyan Amery. - Plymouth : Plymouth Institution , 1878. - 20p ; 21cm. - From : Journal of the Plymouth Institution : 1878. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : p394.6/WES/AME. - Subjects: Westcountry. Fairs.

Ashworth, Edward. On the origin of spire lights / by Edward Ashworth. - Exeter : Exeter Dioc. Architectural Soc , 1878. - 7p, 3p of ill ; 29cm. - From: Trans. Exeter Diocesan Architectural Soc., ser. 2, vol. 4. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : px726.597/DEV/ASH. - Subjects: Devon. Architects. Ashworth, Edward. Works. Church spires. -1878.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. The mystery of suffering : Six lectures . - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s231.8/GEN/BAR : . - Devon.

Bartow, Evelyn P. Bartow genealogy. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s929.2/BAR U. - Devon.

Bedford, Francis. Photographic views of North Devonshire.[1878?. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1865/BED : BN/0002/BED. - Devon.

Black's ... Black's guide to Devonshire. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1878/BLA : I/S. - Devon.

Black's ... Black's guide to the Counties of Dorset, Devon and Cornwall.. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1878/BLA. - Devon.

Borlase, William Copeland. Sunways : a record of rambles in many lands. - Plymouth : W. Brendon & Sons , 1878. - x,484p : ill ; 22cm. - Held by: Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Writers. Borlase, William Copeland. Works. Travel.

British Association for the Advancement of Science. Plymouth meeting 1877 : report of the 47th meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science . - 1878. Not acquired WSL : I/S : UEX. - Devon.

Carew, Bamfylde-Moore. Bickleigh, Tiverton. The surprising adventures of Bamfylde-Moore Carew, King of Beggars.[1878]. - Held by: WSL: s920/CAR : s920/CAR. - Devon.

Carter, H.L.. On calcareous hexactinellid structure in the Devonian limestone. - 1878. Not acquired WSL : DP550/CAR : . - Devon.

Chinese ... Chinese exactness : Bent v. Ingle. - Exeter : Devon Evening Express Devon Weekly Times , 1878. - 8p ; 17cm. - Held by: WSL: s345.05/DEV/CHI. - Subjects: Devon. Criminal law. 1878.

Chittlehampton ... The Chittlehampton parish almanack for 1878. - South Molton : W.Tucker , 1878. - [14]p ; 30cm. - Photocopy extract of NDA original in Box 11a/22. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : Not acquired WSL ; North Devon Athenaeum: DP900/CHI. - Subjects: Devon. Chittlehampton. Church of England. Almanacks. 1878.

Cockrem's ... Cockrem's tourists' guide to Torquay and its neighbourhood. - Torquay : Westley & Co , [1878?. - [4],220p : maps ; 17cm. - Cover. Westley & Co's tourists' guide to Torquay. - Held by: WSL: sB/TOR 7/1878/COC. - Subjects: Devon. Torquay. Guides. 1878.

Commissioners of Patents for Inventions. High Bray. Specification of John Huxtable : ploughs [no. 4176, 8 Nov 1877] . - 1878. Not acquired WSL : 631.312/BN:HIG 3/COM : PEDFILE : . - Devon.

Cossins, James. Reminiscences of Exeter fifty years since / by James Cossins. - 2nd ed. - Exeter : William Pollard , 1878. - viii,80p,plates : ill ; 19cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sB/EXE/1820/COS. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Social life. 1800-1875.

Davies, E.W.L. Swimbridge. A memoir of the Rev. John Russell and his out-of-door life. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s920/RUS : 920 /RUS : D92/RUS . - Devon.

Daw, John and Son. A schedule of certain stocks, rent-charges, dwelling-houses... property of...St.John's Hospital, Exeter / John Daw. - Exeter : W.J.J.Norton , 1878. - [44] leaves ; 19cm. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/333.324/JOH. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Schools. Saint John's Hospital. Estates. Reports, surveys. 1878.

Karkeek, Paul Q. Collectanea curiosa Devoniensia. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s080/DEV/KAR. - Devon.

Debenham, Tewson and Farmer. Bradworthy. The particulars, plan, and conditions of sale of the freehold farm, known as Wades Worden, in the parish of Bradworthy ...[1878]. - Held by: WSL: px333.335/BRA/DEB. - Devon.

Doran, John. Exeter, 1869. Plymouth, 1877. - 1878. B/EXE/1869/DOR . - Devon.

Down, Eliza. Kenwith Castle : and other poems . - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s821/DOW : s821/DOWr : 821 /DOW : D821/DOW . - Devon.

Drake, William Richard. Devonshire notes and notelets, principally geneaological and heraldic.[1878?. Not acquired WSL : D929.2/DRA. - Devon.

East ... East Devon. East Devon planning information handbook. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: p711.3/DEV/1978. - Devon.

Edwards, Alfred. Incidents in the career of Coeur de Lion related in verse .... - Plymouth : W.Brendon , 1878. - Held by: WSL: s821/EDW. - Subjects: Westcountry. Writers. Edwards, Alfred. Works. Poetry.

Ellacombe, Henry Thomas. Practical remarks on bellfries and ringers; with an appendix on chiming. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s789.5/DEV/ELL. - Devon.

England ... England and Wales : return of land : Devon, 1873 . - 1878. x333.32/DEV/ENG. - Devon.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Dept. Abstract of the audited accounts of the Treasurer of the City of Exeter from the 1st September 1877 to 1st September 1878. - Exeter : The Department , 1878. - 29p : tables ; 24cm. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Local authorities. Accounts. 1877-1878.

Exeter Corporation. Report of the Parliamentary Committee / Corporation of Exeter and the Exeter Gas Company. - Exeter : Corporation & Gas Co , 1878. - 46p ; 25cm. - Held by: WSL: sB/EXE/665.7/COR. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Gas companies. Exeter Gas Company. Reports. 1878.

Eyre's ... Eyre's guide to the seaside and visiting resorts of Devon and Cornwall. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: sWES/1878/EYR : sWES/1878/EYRg. - Devon.

Fabellae ... Fabellae mostellariae : or Devonshire and Wiltshire stories in verse including specimens of the Devonshire Dialect. - Exeter : Henry S. Eland , 1878. - 77p ; 20cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s398.2/WES/FAB ; Barnstaple: 821 /FAB ; North Devon Athenaeum: D821/FAB. - Subjects: Devon. Poetry.

Five ... Princetown. Five years' penal servitude. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s365.609241/PRI/FIV. - Devon.

Hamilton, Alexander H.A. Quarter sessions from Queen Elizabeth to Queen Anne : illustrations of local government... drawn form original records . - 1878. 347.02/DEV/HAM : s347.02/DEV/HAM : s347.02/DEV/HAM : 347.02/DEV/HAMr : 352 /B/HAM : D352/HAM.. . Harrod, J.G. and Co. Royal county directory of Devonshire.. - 1878. 380.1025/DEV/1878 : 380.1/B/1878. - Devon.

Heaven, Amelia A. Lundy. Lundy Island. - 1878. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/466. - Devon.

Henry ... Plymtree. Henry VII, Prince Arthur and Cardinal Morton, with an appendix containing a notice of Nicholas Monk, Rector of Plymtree. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s920/MOR : s920/MORr. - Devon.

Hewett, John William. Remarks on the monumental brasses and certain decorative remains in the cathedral church...Exeter. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: sxB/EXE/739.52/HEW. - Devon.

Hiern, W.P. On a new species of Gardenia from West tropical Africa. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s581.08/GEN/HIE. - Devon.

Holdsworth, Arthur Howe. Gomerock Castle : or the grave of the unknown and ye legend of Gomerock / A.H.Holdsworth. - Dartmouth : Cranford , 1878. - 32p ; 16cm. - Held by: WSL: p398.2/DAR/HOL. - Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Legends. 1878.

Irwin, Anne. Combe flowers : poems / by Anne Irwin. - Ilfracombe : John Tait , 1878. - vii, 86p ; 19cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s821/IRW ; North Devon Athenaeum: D821/IRW. - Subjects: Westcountry. Poetry. Irwin, Anne. Texts.

Jewitt, Llewellynn. The ceramic art of Great Britain. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: p738.3/DEV/JEW. - Devon.

Karkeek, Paul Q. Extracts from a memorandum book belonging to Thomas Roberts .... - pp315-329 ; 22cm. - Bound with other articles by this author. - Held by: WSL: s080/DEV/KAR. - Subjects: Devon. Stockleigh Pomeroy. Yeomen. Roberts, Thomas. Biographies. 1621-1644.

Karkeek, Paul Q. The first visit of Charles I to Devon, 1625 / Paul Q.Karkeek. - From : Trans.Devonshire Assoc , 1878. - pp223-236. - - Held by: WSL: s080/DEV/KAR (Bound with other pamphlets by this author). - Subjects: Devon. Monarchs. Charles I. 1625.

Karkeek, Paul Q. Collectanea curiosa Devoniensia / by Paul Q.Karkeek. - From : Trans.Dev.Assoc v.10 , 1878. - 5p ; 22cm. - Bound with other pamphlets by this author. - Held by: WSL: s080/DEV/KAR. - Subjects: Devon. History. -1878.

Kingsley, Charles. Alton Locke, tailor and poet : an autobiography . - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s823/KIN. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Charles Kingsley : his letters and memories of his life ; edited by his wife . - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s828/KIN : s828/KINr : I/S : I/S : Bideford: PC. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Hypatia : or, new foes with an old face . - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s823/KIN. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. The Good news of God : sermons . - 1878. 252/GEN/KIN . - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Town geology. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s550/GEN/KIN. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Yeast : a problem . - 1878. Edition not acquired : D823/KIN. - Devon.

Lach-Szyrma, W.S. Penzance. A short history of Penzance, St.Michael's Mount, S.Ives, and the Land's End district. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: sC/PEN 9/0001/LAC : I/S. - Devon.

Leyman, John. Devon Lent Assizes Action for libel against the Western Daily Mercury Leyman v. Latimer and Sons : Tried at Exeter on Monday, March 25th, 1878 .... - Plymouth : Isaac Latimer , 1878. - 68p ; 18cm. - Held by: WSL: s345.025/DEV/LEY. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Newspaper publishers. Latimer and Sons. Libel trials. 1878.

Mallock, William Hurrell. The new Paul and Virginia, or Positivism on an island. - 1878. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Merrilees, Andy. Moretonhampstead. Unprecedented success of the ... original Female Christys ....[1878?. ME B/MOR/1878 : ME B/MOR/1878r. - Devon.

Mozley, T. Henry VII, Prince Arthur, and Cardinal Wolsey ... Plymtree church. - Plymtree : T.Mozley , 1878. - 149p : ill ; 26cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s729.96/PLY/MOZ ; Barnstaple: 729.96/BX:PLY 7/MOZ. - Subjects: Devon. Plymtree. Churches. Screens.

Perkins, Frank P. Qualitative analysis. Part 1. Simple salts / by Frank P.Perkins, certified teacher ... at the Exeter School. - Exeter : James Townsend , 1878. - 29p ; 21cm. - Held by: WSL: s080/DEV/TRA/02 13. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Chemists. Perkins, Frank P. Works. Chemical analysis.

Plymtree ... Plymtree. Plymtree ; Henry VII, Prince Arthur and Cardinal Morton. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s729.96/PLY 7/MOZ U : s729.96/PLY 7/MOZ Ur. - Devon.

Pym, H.N. A Mother's memoir : being a fragmentary sketch of the life of the late Edith Elizabeth Pym . - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s920/PYM. - Devon.

Rowe, J.Brooking. The Cistercian houses of Devon : Parts 1 - 6 with additional material by A.W. Searly / by J.Brooking Rowe. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , 1875 - 1878. - 1 volume ; 22cm. - Includes a transcription from the Cartulary of Glastonbury about Newenham Abbey by James Davidson. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s726.7/DEV/ROW. - Subjects: Devon. . Abbeys. Cistercians.

Rowe, J.Brooking. Contributions to a history of the Cistercian houses in Devon / by J.Brooking Rowe. - Plymouth : W.Brendon & Sons , 1878. - [4],198p,pl : ill ; 28cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: x271.12/DEV/ROW ; North Devon Athenaeum: D271/ROW O/S ; Torquay. - Subjects: Devon. Cistercian foundations.

Rutley, Frank. Brentor. The eruptive rocks of Brent Tor and its neighbourhood, included in sheet 25 of the one-inch map of the Geological Survey .... - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s552.1/BRE/RUT. - Devon.

Seaton ... The Seaton guide. - Seaton : J.Newbery , 1878. - 24p ; 19cm. - Held by: WSL: sB/SEA/1878/SEA. - Subjects: Devon. Seaton. Guides. 1878.

Shorto, Edward H.H. Some notes on the church of St. Petrock, Exeter during its various rules / by Edward H.Shorto. - Exeter : W.Pollard , 1878. - [8],71p,plan ; 21cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/726.5/SHO ; Barnstaple: 726.5/EXE/SHO. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Churches. Saint Petrock.

Smith's ... Smith's Plymouth almanac and commercial advertiser : a general hand-book, for the year of Our Lord 1879 .... - Plymouth : John Smith , [1878]. - 1vol : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/SMI. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1879.

Statutes 1878. Local ; 41&42 Vic c.190. Exeter Corporation Water Act 1878. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: sx348.022/1878/LOC. - Devon.

Swabey, Maurice. Voices from Abegweet ; or the home on the wave. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: s821/SWA. - Devon.

Temple, Frederick. A pastoral letter to the clergy and laity of the Diocese of Exeter / by Frederick, Bishop of the Diocese. - Exeter : John Townsend, Gandy Street , 1878. - 1 volume ; 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s262.3/WES/TEM. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Temple, Frederick. Works. Church of England.. 1878 -.

Three ... The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1879 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1878]. - [8],88,[64]p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1879.

Ussher, William Augustus Edmond. On the chronological value of the pleistocene deposits od Devon. - 1878. - Held by: WSL: p551.792/DEV/USS. - Devon.

Walters, W. Ilfracombe : a health resort : a guide to the North Devon coast. - Ilfracombe : John Tait , [1878?. - 103p : ill ; 19cm. - Date evidence : p.71. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sB/ILF/1878/WAL ; Barnstaple: BN:ILF/1878/WAL ; North Devon Athenaeum: D900ILF/WAL. - Subjects: Devon. Ilfracombe. Guides. 1878.

White, J.T. The history of Torquay / by J.T.White. - Torquay : Directory Office , 1878. - xi,403p,plates : ill ; 21cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/TOR 7/0001/WHI ; Barnstaple: BX:TOR 7/0001/WHI ; North Devon Athenaeum: D900TOR/WHI. - Subjects: Devon. Torquay. History. -1878.

White, William. History, gazeteer & directory of the county of Devon, including the city of Exeter ... - 1878-9. - 1878. 380.1025/DEV/1878 : 380.1025/DEV/1878r : 380.1/B/1878 : D380/WHI : 7/1878-79 : 7/1878-79. - Devon.

Wonford House Hospital Committee. Wonford House Hospital for the insane : annual reports / Wonford House Hospital Committee of Manag. WSL holds 1878 ; 189. - Exeter : William Pollard , 1878-. - 2 vols ; 21cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sB/EXE/362.21/WON. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Mental Hospitals. Reports. 1878-1892.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. On the origin of the ossiferous deposits in the Oreston caves. - From : Trans.Devonshire Ass , 1878. - pp1-7 ; 21cm. - Bound with the geology of Plymouth. - Held by: WSL: s550/PLY/WOR. - Subjects: Devon. Oreston. Caves. 1878.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. The early commerce of Plymouth / by R.N.Worth. - Plymouth : Trans.Plymouth Institution , 1878. - 46p ; 21cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : p381/PLY/WOR ; sB/PLY 1/0001/WOR (Bound with : Plymouth pamphlets). - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Retail trade. -1878.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. Tourist's guide to South Devon : rail, road, river, coast and moor . - 1878. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1878/WOR. - Devon.

Worth, Thomas B. Exeter cathedral and its restoration / written and compiled by Thomas B.Worth. - Exeter : William Pollard , 1878. - viii,136p,plates. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/726.6/WOR ; Barnstaple: 726.6/BX:EXE/WOR ; Torquay. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Cathedrals. Saint Peter. Restoration.

Ballantyne, R.M. Eddystone. The story of the rock, or, building on the Eddystone. - 1879. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Ernestine : a novel . - 1879. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Germany : present and past . - 1879. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Baring-Gould, Sabine. Germany : present and past . - 1879. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Black's ... Black's guide to Devonshire. - 1879. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Black's ... Black's guide to Devonshire.. - 1879. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1879/BLA. - Devon.

Black's ... Black's guide to the counties of Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall.. - 1879. Not acquired WSL : D9101879/BLA. - Devon.

Chanter, John Roberts. Vestiges of an early guild of St.Nicholas at Barnstaple / by J. R.Chanter. - [Plymouth] : Trans. Devon. Assoc. , 1879. - 24p ; 22cm. - - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p338.632/BAR/CHA. - Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Trade guilds. Guild of St.Nicholas. 1879.

Cole, John. My journal / by the Rector of St.Pancras, Exeter. - Exeter : Vincent (printers) , 1879. - 134p ; 20cm. - John Cole was the Rector of St.Pancras, Exeter. - Held by: WSL : 920/COL. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Clergy. Cole, John. Biographies.

Cossins, James G. Local notes / [by] James G.Cossins. - Exeter : Trewman's Flying Post , 1879-. - 18cm. - WSL holds 1879,1881,1882. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/1879/COS. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Description & travel. 1879.

Devonshire Association. Transactions [articles on Barnstaple and North Devon 1879-1957]. - 1879-. PER : 050 /BN/DEV. - Devon.

Devonshire Association. Barrow Committee. Reports 1 - 50 : 1879 - 1931 / of the barrow committee. - Exeter : Devonshire Association , 1879-. - 1 vol : plates ; 22cm. - Reprinted from the TDA, 1879 - 1931. - Held by: WSL: s614.6/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Barrows. Prehistoric sites. 1879-1931.

Drake, William R. Sir. Some account of Richard Drake of Esher Place. - 1879. - Held by: WSL: p920/DRA. - Devon.

Duncan, P.Martin. On the upper-greensand coral fauna of Haldon Devonshire. - 1879. - Held by: WSL: p560/BLA/DOW U. - Devon.

Execution ... Execution of Annie Took. - [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , [1879]. - 1 sheet ; 38x26cm. - P&D59349 Notes: Executed August 11th, 1879 for murder and mutilation of a child. - Held by: WSL: LE B/EXE/1879. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Murderers. Took, Annie. Execution. 1879.

Exeter ... Exeter and neighbourhood under George III / selected by R.Dymond. - Exeter : Exeter Flying Post , 1879. - [12]leaves ; 43cm. - Collection of extracts from Exeter Flying Post. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sfB/EXE/1763/EXE. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. History. 1763-1820.

Exeter ... Exeter and its neighbourhood under George IV / selected by R.Dymond. - Exeter : Exeter Flying Post , 1879. - [6]leaves ; 43cm. - - Held by: WSL: sfB/EXE/1763/EXE (Bound with: Exeter and neighbourhood under George III.). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. History. 1820-1830.

Exeter ... Exeter and its neighbourhood under the Georges - addenda. - Exeter : Exeter Flying Post , 1879. - [4]leaves ; 43cm. - - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sfB/EXE/1763/EXE (Bound with: Exeter and neighbourhood under George III.). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. History. 1763-1830.

Exeter ... Exeter and its neighbourhood under William IV / selected by R.Dymond. - Exeter : Exeter Flying Post , 1879. - [ ]leaves ; 43cm. - Collection of extracts from Exeter Flying Post. Held by: WSL: sfB/EXE/1763/EXE (Bound with: Exeter and neighbourhood under George III.). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. History. 1830-1837.

Exeter City Council. Bye-laws with respect of hackney carriages. - Exeter : The Council , 1879. - 27p ; 21cm. - MATCH EXEBYE1879. - Held by: : Devon Heritage Centre : pB/EXE/343.094/EXE. - Subjects: Devon. Hackney carriages. Bye-laws. 1879.

Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Dept. Abstract of the audited accounts of the Treasurer of the City of Exeter from the 1st September 1878 to 1st September 1879. - Exeter : The Department , 1879. - 29p : tables ; 24cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Local authorities. Accounts. 1878-1879.

Exmoor ... Exmoor. The Exmoor scolding and courtship ..also the Somersetshire man's complaint ... - 1879. - Held by: WSL: s828.99/EXM : D427/EXM : I/S. - Devon.

Fowle, Edmund (Editor). Plain preaching to poor people. - 1879. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

From : Trans.Devonshire Assoc. , 1879. - Gill, H.S. Devonshire tokens issued in the seventeenth century / H.S.Gill. - From : Trans.Devonshire Assoc. , 1879. - 40p ; 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s737.3/DEV/GIL. - Subjects: Devon. Tokens. 1600-1700.

Gosse, Philip Henry. Land and sea. - 1879. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/LUN/LAN/375. - Devon.

Granville, Roger. Holy communion generally necessary to salvation : a sermon preached at S.Mary's Bideford, on Sunday September 7th, 1879. - Bideford : E.H.Ridley , [1879]. - 15p ; 17cm. - Held by: : Devon Heritage Centre : p252/BID/GRA. - Subjects: Devon. Bideford. Sermons. Texts. 1879.

Guard, John. Five minutes to spare, being extracts ... from The Every-Day Book of the late Rev.John Guard, rector of Langtree, N.Devon. - 1879. Not acquired WSL : D820/GUA. - Devon.

Guild of Devonshire Ringers. Annual report. 5th. - Exeter : The Guild , 1879. - 11p ; 21cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p789.5/DEV/GUI. - Subjects: Devon. Bell-ringing. Guild of Devonshire Ringers. Annual reports. 1878-1879.

Handbook ... A handbook for travellers in Devonshire.. - 1879. - Held by: WSL: sB/LUN/LAN/114. - Devon.

Handbook ... A handbook for travellers in Devonshire.. - 1879. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1879/MUR : sDEV/1879/MUR. - Devon.

Hannington, James. Lundy. [ Lundy adventures, 1879]. - 1879. - Held by: WSL: s821/HAN. - Devon.

Hughes, J.B. Deans Rural : a paper read at a ruri-decanal chapter in Totnes September 17, 1878 . - 1879 . - Held by: WSL: s262.3/GEN/HUG. - Devon.

Hutchinson, Peter Orlando. A guide to the town and neighbourhood of Sidmouth. - 6th ed. - Sidmouth : R. Lethaby , 1879. - 109 p. ; 8ยบ. - Held by: Torquay ; Bideford: Pearse Chope ; University of Exeter ; British Library. - Subjects: Devon. Sidmouth. Guides. 1879.

Irwin, Anne. Combe flowers : poems - 2nd edition / by Anne Irwin. - Ilfracombe : John Tait , 1879. - xii,89p. - Held by: : Devon Heritage Centre : s821/IRW ; Torquay. - Subjects: Devon. Poetry. Irwin, Anne. Texts.

Karkeek, Paul Q. Notes made during a visit to Exmoor and neighbourhood / by Paul Q.Karkeek. . - Torquay : Torquay Directory , 1879. - 18p ; 21cm. - Paper read at Torquay Natural History Society. Held by: WSL: sE/EXM/1879/KAR ; s080/DEV/KAR (Bound with other articles by this author). - Subjects: Somerset. Exmoor. Description & travel. Torquay Natural History Societ. 1879.

Kingsley, Charles. Charles Kingsley : his letters and memories of his life ; edited by his wife. . - 1879. - Held by: WSL: s828/KIN : s828/KIN. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Hypatia : or, new foes with an old face . - 1879. - Held by: WSL: s823/KIN. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Poems : including The saint's tradegy, Andromeda, songs, ballads . - 1879. - Held by: WSL: s821/KIN. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Selections from some of the writings. - 1879. - Held by: WSL: s824/KIN U. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Health and education. - 1879. - Held by: WSL: s507/GEN/KIN. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Westward Ho! : or, the voyages ... . - 1879. - Held by: WSL: s823/KIN : KIN. - Devon.

Kingsley, Charles. Yeast : a problem . - 1879. - Held by: WSL: s823/KIN. - Devon.

London and South Western Railway. Illustrated tourist guide. - 1879. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1879/LON. - Devon.

Maclean, John. Parochial and family history of the parish of St.Tudy in the county of Cornwall / by Sir John Maclean. - Exeter : William Pollard , 1879. - 112,31p,pl ; 29cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sxC/St.T 7/0001/MAC. - Subjects: Cornwall. Saint Tudy. History. -1879.

Newton ... Newton annual / edited by Edward Broom. - Newton Abbot : G.H.Hearder , 1879. - 20p ; 19cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p821/NEW.. - Subjects: Devon. Newton Abbot. Poetry.

Nicholls, J.F. Nicholls' guide or pleasant rambles round about Lynton and Lynmouth, together with the different routes to North Devon.[1879?. - Held by: WSL: s796.51/LYN/NIC. - Devon.

Oliver, J.C. Newquay. Guide to Newquay and neighbourhood ... third edition. - 1879. Edition not acquired : I/S. - Devon.

Peacock, George. Notes on the isthmus of Panama and Darien. - Exeter : W.Pollard , 1879. - 96p : maps ; 25cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s986.2/GEN/PEA. - Subjects: Devon. Starcross. Shipbuilders. Peacock, George. Works. Panama Canal.

Peeke, Richard. Three to one. Being, an English-Spanish combat / Richard Peeke with an introduction by J.Brooking Rowe. - Plymouth : William Brendon , 1879. - 19p : ill ; 21cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s920/PEE. - Subjects: Devon. Tavistock. Soldiers. Peeke, Richard. Biographies.

Plymouth Public Library. Borough of Plymouth Free Library and News-Rooms : supplementary index-catalogue of the books added to the lending and reference departments, with rules and regulations for readers and borrowers / compiled by W.H.K.Wright, Librarian. - Plymouth : The Library , 1879. - x,71p ; 25cm. - Held by: WSL: s019.1/PLY/PLY. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Public libraries. Borough of Plymouth Free Library. Catalogues. 1879 Smith's ... Smith's Plymouth almanac and commercial advertiser : a general hand-book, for the year of Our Lord 1880 .... - Plymouth : John Smith , [1879]. - 1vol : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/SMI. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1880.

Specimens ... Specimens of English dialects. 1 : Devonshire. An Exmoor scolding and courtship . - 1879. - Held by: WSL: s828.99/EXM : D427/ENG 2 : SPE : Tiv ENG 82. - Devon.

Statutes 1879. Local ; 43&43 Vic c.143. An act for enlarging the powers of the Plymouth & Stonehouse Gaslight & Coke Company; and for other purposes. - 1879. Not acquired WSL : I/S. - Devon.

Taylor, Charles Bell. A speech (verbatim) delivered to the working men of Exeter in reference to the ... extension of the Contagious Diseases Act ... - 1879. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/616.951/TAY. - Devon.

Three ... The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1880 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1879]. - [8],88,[42]p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1880.

Tregellas, John Tabois. Peeps into the haunts and homes of the rural population of Cornwall. - 1879. - Held by: WSL: s301.35/COR/TRE : s301.35/COR/TRE. - Devon.

Ussher, William Augustus Edmond. The geology of parts of Devon and West Somerset, north of South Molton and Dulverton. - 1879. 550/WES/USS. - Devon.

Varder's ... Varder's local guide to Ashburton ; Holne Chase and Dartmoor. - Ashburton : L. B. Varder , [1879]. - 32,[2]p. - Date evidence: appendix (after p. 32). Held by: Torquay. - Subjects: Devon. Ashburton. Guides. 1879.

Wilkins, Charles. Lundy. Lundy Island and the pirate De Marisco.[1879]. BHo sB/LUN/LAN/410. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. Tourist's guide to North Devon and the Exmoor district, 1879.. - 1879. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1879/WOR : BN/1879/WOR : Tiv WOR 250. - Devon.

Worth, Richard Nicholls. Tourist's guide to North Devon and the Exmoor district. - 1879. - Held by: WSL: sDEV/1879/WOR : D910NOR/WOR. - Devon.

Worthy, Charles. A local guide to Ashburton / by Charles Worthy. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , 1879. - [185]p ; 18cm. - Held by: WSL: sB/ASH 1/1879/LOC. - Subjects: Devon. Ashburton. Description & travel.

Wright, William Henry Kearley. Illustrated handbook to Plymouth, Stonehouse and Devonport by W.H.K.Wright. - 1879. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/1879/WRI. - Devon.

This page last updated 3 November 2015.