Devon Stannaries. The lawes and statutes of the stannarie of Devon. — London : Valentine Simmes, 1600. — [84] pages ; 2°. — USTC 514748. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Roberts, Henry. Haigh for Devonshire. A pleasant discourse of sixe gallant marchants of Devonshire. Their lives, adventures and travailes: with sundrie their rare showes and pastimes shewed before the King in Exeter / H. R. — London : Thomas Creede, 1600. — [80] pages ; 4°. — USTC 514780. — USTC: 2 Copies. —
Jewell, John. The apologie of the Church of England London : I.R. for Thomas Chard 1600. —
Copies: LEW: 27
Subjects: Devon. Berrynarbor. Theologians. Jewell, John. Works: Church of England. Apologetics.
Godwin, Francis. A catalogue of the bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion ... / By F.G. Subdeane of Exceter. Londini : Impensis Geor. Bishop, 1601. — [8],547,[1] pages ; 4° (19cm). STC 11937. —
Copies: WSL: s262.12/WES/GOD. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Bishops. 1601. —
Godwin, Francis. Concio habita in domo Capitulari Ecclesiæ Cathed. S. Petri Exon. Aug. 18. 1599. in visitatione ordinaria R.P.D. Guil. Cotom Exoniensis episcopi, per Franciscum Godwynum S. Theolog. Doctorem eiusdem ecclesiæ subdecanum.. — London : Edmund Bollifant, 1601. — [2], 14 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3000709. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Playfere, Thomas. The power of praier. A sermon preached in the Cathedrall Church of Exeter in August. 1596. By Thomas Playfere Professour of Diuinitie for the Ladie Margaret in Cambridge.. — [Cambridge] : John Legat sold by Simon Waterson, [ 1603]. — [4], 44 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3001131. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Walrond, John. Hunc librum studiosis ædis Christi, in memoriam ... filij, & hæredis J. Walrondi, qui ... obijt, Junij 25. 1602. J. Walrondus de Bovy Devon. armiger dedit Aprilis 27. 1603.. — [Oxford : [Publisher unascertained], [ 1603]. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3001114. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Subjects: Devon.
Bacon, Francis. Sir Francis Bacon his apologie, in certaine imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex. VVritten to the right Honorable his very good Lord, the Earle of Deuonshire, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.. — London : [Richard Field] for Felix Norton, 1604. — 72 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3001689. — Charles Blount, 1st Earl of Devonshire (1563-1606), M.P. for Bere Alston, seved with Sir Walter Raleigh. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Bacon, Francis. Sir Francis Bacon his apologie, in certaine imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex. VVritten to the right Honorable his very good Lord, the Earle of Deuonshire, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.. — London : [Richard Field] for Felix Norton, 1604. — 74, [2] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3001714. — Charles Blount, 1st Earl of Devonshire (1563-1606), M.P. for Bere Alston, seved with Sir Walter Raleigh. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. An answere to a popish ryme, lately scattered abroad in the west parts, and much relyed vpon by some simply-seduced. By Samuel Hieron, minister of the word of God, at Modbury in Deuon.. — London : Simon Stafford, 1604. — [44] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3001809. —
Copies: USTC: 6 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. The preachers plea: or, A treatise in forme of a plain dialogue, making known the worth and necessary vse of preaching: shewing also how a man may profit by it, both for the informing of his iudgement, and the reforming of his life. By Samuel Hieron minister of the gospell at Modbury in the countie of Deuon.. — London : [Richard Field] for Simon Waterson, 1604. — [10], 260 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3001565. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Bacon, Francis. Sir Francis Bacon his Apologie, in certaine imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex. Written to the right honorable his very good lord, the Earle of Deuonshire, Lord Liuetenant [sic] of Ireland•. — London : for Matthew Lownes, 1605. — 72 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3002116. —
Copies: USTC: 15 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
The bloody booke, or, the tragicall and desperate end of Sir John Fites (alias) Fitz. — London : Printed for Francis Burton, 1605. — [39] pages ; 8°. —
Copies: WSL: p920/FIT. —
Subjects: Devon. Tavistock. Murderers. Fites, John. Sir. Biographies.
Boniface, Saint. Epistolae S. Bonifaci[i] Martyris, Primi Moguntini Archiepiscopi, Germanorum Apostoli, Pluriumq. Pontificum, Regum, [et] aliorum , nunc primum e Caesare[a]e Maiestatis Viennensi Bibliotheca luce, notisque donatae Per Nicolaum Serarium, Societatis Jesu Pre. — Mainz : Balthasar Lipp, 1605. — 4°; pp. [8], 351, [4]. — USTC 2040214. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Boniface, Saint. Epistolae S. Bonifaci[i] Martyris, Primi Moguntini Archiepiscopi, Germanorum Apostoli: Pluriumq. Pontificum, Regum, [et] aliorum , nunc primum e Caesare[a]e Maiestatis Viennensi Bibliotheca luce, notisque donatae Per Nicolaum Serarium, Societatis Jesu Pre. — Mainz : Balthasar Lipp, 1605. — 4°; pp. [8], 351, [4]. — USTC 2040045. —
Copies: USTC: 10 Copies. —
Certaine demandes vvith their grounds, drawne out of holy writ, and propounded in foro conscientiæ by some religious geñtl. vnto the reverend Fathers, Richard Archbishop of Canterbury, Richard Bishop of London, William Bishop of Lincolne, Garvase Bishop of Worcester, William Bishop of Exeter, & Thomas Bishop of Peterbourough, wherevnto the said gentl. require that it would please their Lordships to make a true, plaine, direct, honest and resolute aunswere.. — [Middelburg : Richard Schilders], 1605. — 68 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3002172. —
Copies: USTC: 30 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Church of England Diocese of Canterbury. Articles to be inquired of, in the first metropoliticall visitation of the most reuerend father: Richarde by Gods prouidence, Archbushop [sic] of Canterbury, and primat of all Englande: in, & for, all thiese Diocesses following, (viz.) Exeter Norwich, Chichester, St. Davids, Landaffe, Heriford, Worcester, Bristol, Bath & Welles and Coventrie & Litchfielde, in the yeare of our Lorde God, 1605. and in the first yeare of his Graces translation.. — London : Ralph Blower for Thomas Pavier, 1605. — 22, [2] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3002274. —
Copies: USTC: 12 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. The preachers plea, or, a treatise in forme of a plaine dialogue ... / By Samuell Hieron minister of the gospell at Modbury. — London : for Samuel Waterson, 1605. — [10],260 pages ; 8°. — STC13420 ; USTC 3001984. —
Copies: WSL: s251/GEN/HIE. —
Subjects: Devon. Modbury. Clergy. Hieron, Samuel. Works. Preaching.
Hutton, Thomas. Reasons for refusal of subscription to the booke of common praier, vnder the hands of certaine ministers of Devon, and Cornwall word for word as they were exhibited by them to the Right Reverend Father in God William Coton Doctor of Divinitie L. Bishop of Exceter. VVith an amsvvere [sic] at severall times returned them in publike conference and in diverse sermons vpon occasion preached in the cathedrall church of Exceter, by Thomas Hutton, Bachiler of Divinitie & fellow of St. Iohns Coll. in Oxon. And now published at the very earnest intreatie of some especiall friends for a farther contentment of other the Kings Maiesties good and loyall subiects.. — Oxford : Joseph Barnes sold by Simon Waterson, 1605. — 200 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3001971. —
Copies: USTC: 27 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Closse, George.. The parricide papist, or Cut-throate Catholicke. A tragicall discourse of a murther lately committed at Padstow in the countie of Cornewall by a professed papist, killing his owne father, and afterwardes himselfe, in zeale of his popish religion. 11 of March last past. 1606. Written by G Closse, preacher of the word of God at Blacke Torrington in Deuon.. — London : [James Roberts] for Christopher Hunt, 1606. — [24] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3002369. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Subjects: Devon.
Closse, George.. The parricide papist, or, Cut-throate Catholicke. A tragicall discourse of a murther lately committed at Padstow in the countie of Cornewall by a professed papist, killing his owne father, and afterwardes himselfe, in zeale of his popish religion. 11 of March last past. 1606. Written by G Closse, preacher of the Word of God at Blacke Torrington in Deuon.. — London : [James Roberts] for Christopher Hunt, [ 1606]. — [22] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3002370. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Coperario, John. Funeral teares. For the death of the Right Honorable the Earle of Deuonshire. Figured in seauen songes, whereof sixe are so set forth that the wordes may be exprest by a treble voice alone to the lute and base viole, or else that the meane part may bee added, if any shall affect more fulnesse of parts. The seauenth is made in forme of a dialogue, and can not be sung without two voyces. Inuented by Iohn Coprario.. — London : John Windet William Barley (assign. of) for John Browne, 1606. — [20] pages ; 2°. — USTC 3002644. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Daniel, Samuel. A funerall poem vppon the death of the late noble Earle of Deuonshyre.. — [London] : [Publisher unascertained], [ 1606]. — [24] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3002643. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
De origine et stirpe domus de Courtenay quae coepit a Ludouico Crasso huius nominis sexto Francorum rege sermocinatio. — [Paris] : [s.n.], 1606. — [2],164 pages ; 8°. —
Copies: WSL: s929.2/COU. —
Subjects: Devon. Families. Courtenay Family.
Ford, John. Fames memoriall, or The Earle of Deuonshire deceased: with his honourable life, peacefull end, and solemne funerall.. — London : [Richard Bradock] for Christopher Purset, 1606. — [56] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3002660. —
Copies: USTC: 11 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. Truths purchase: or A commoditie, which no man may either neglect to buie, or dare to sell: laid forth in two sermons vpon Prov.23.23. by Samuel Hieron minister of the word, at Modburie in Deuon. Very necessary for the times, in which so few seeke after the truth, and so many fall away from the profession and practise of the truth.. — [Cambridge] : John Legat sold by Simon Waterson, [ 1606]. — [6], 76 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3002481. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hutton, Thomas. The removal of certaine imputations laid vpon the ministers of Devon and Cornwall by one M.T.H. [Thomas Hutton] ... — [Middelburgh] : [R.Schilders], 1606. — [6],66p ; 4° (A-I in 4s). — STC14037. —
Copies: WSL : s262.983/WES/HUT. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Church of England. Clergy. Subscription.
Hutton, Thomas. The removal of certaine imputations laid vpon the ministers of Devon and Cornwall by one M.T.H. [Thomas Hutton] ... — 1606. —
Copies: WSL: s262.983/WES/HUT : s262.983/WES/HUTr. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
Hutton, Thomas. The second and last part of reasons for refusall of subscription to the Booke of Common Prayer ...ministers of Deuon and Cornwall / by Thomas Hutton. — London : Printed by Iohn Windet, 1606. — [16], 56, 37-260 pages ; 4°. — STC14036 ; USTC 3002534. —
Copies: WSL: s230.3/GEN/HUT. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Christian doctrine.
Hutton, Thomas. The second and last part of reasons for refusall of subscription to the Booke of Common Prayer ...ministers of Deuon and Cornwall. 1606. —
Copies: WSL: s230.3/GEN/HUT. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
The remoouall of certaine imputations laid vpon the ministers of Deuon: and Cornwall by one M. T.H. and in them, vpon all other ministers els-where, refusing to subscribe. — [ Middelburg : Printed by R. Schilders], 1606. — [6], 66 p. ; 4⁰. — ESTC S104342 ; USTC 1436533. — A reply to: Hutton, Thomas. Reasons for refusal of subscription to the booke of common praier.
Subjects: Devon.
The remoouall of certaine imputations laid vpon the ministers of Deuon: and Cornwall by one M. T.H. and in them, vpon all other ministers els-where, refusing to subscribe.. — [Middelburg : Richard Schilders], 1606. — [6], 66 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3002494. —
Copies: USTC: 26 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Wolcomb, Robert. The state of the godly both in this life, and in the life to come: deliuered in a sermon at Chudleigh in Devon: at the funeralls of the right worshipfull, the Ladie Elizabeth Courtney, the 11. of Nouember, 1605. And published for the instruction, and consolation of the faithfull. By R.W. minister. Whereunto is annexed the christian life and godly death of the sayd worshipfull Lady Elizabeth Courtney.. — London : [Richard Bradock] for Roger Jackson, 1606. — [8], 74, 73-83, [3] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3002491. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Cartigny, Jean de. The voyage of the vvandring knight. Shewing al the course of mans life, how apt he is to follow vanitie, and how hard it is for him to attaine to vertue. Deuised by Iohn Carthenie, a French man: and translated out of French into English, by W.G. of South-hampton, merchant. A worke worthie of reading, and dedicated to the right worshipfull, Sir Francis Drake, knight.. — London : Thomas East, 1607. — [136] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3002902. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Subjects: Devon.
Davis, John. The seamans secrets. Deuided into 2.partes, wherein is taught the three kindes of sayling, horizontall, paradoxall, and sayling vpon a great circle: also an horizontall tyde table for the easie finding of the ebbing and flowing of the tydes, with a regiment newly calculated for the finding of the declination of the sunne and many other most necessary rules and instruments not heretofore set foorth by any. Newly corrected by the author Iohn Dauis of Sandrudge, neere Durthmouth, in the countie of Deuon, gent.. — London : Thomas Dawson, 1607. — [92] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3002909. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
De stirpe et origine domus de Courtenay, quae coepit a Ludouico Crasso huius nominis sexto Francorum rege sermocinatio. — Parisiis : [s.n.], 1607. — [600]p in var. pagin ; 8°. —
Copies: WSL: s929.2/COU. —
Subjects: Devon. Families. Courtenay Family.
Gods warning to his people of England by the great overflowing of the waters or floodes lately hapned in South-wales and many other places. Wherein is described the great losses, and wonderfull damamges that hapned thereby: by the drowning of many townes and villages, undooing of many thousands of people. - At London printed for W. Burley and Io. Bayley, and to be solde in Gratious street. 1607. — 15,[1] pages ; 4º. — Apparently a tsunami in the Bristol Channel. North Devon was less affected than other coastal areas.
Subjects: Westcountry. Tsunamis. 1607. —
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. Three sermons. 1. The good fight. Preached at the funerall of Henry Sommaster of Pens-ford in the country of Deuon, Esquire. Ian. 1606. 2. The worth of the water of life. 3. Dauids longing, and Dauids loue. By Sam. Hieron.. — Cambridge : John Legat, 1607. — [4], 84 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3002876. —
Copies: USTC: 10 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hakewill, George. The vanitie of the eie. First beganne for the comfort of a gentlewoman bereaved of her sight, and since vpon occasion inlarged & published for the common good, by George Hakewill Master of Arts, and fellow of Exeter Coll. in Oxford. Edition second edition augmented by the authour.. — Oxford : Joseph Barnes, 1608. — [6], 170 pages ; 12°. — USTC 3003334. —
Copies: USTC: 9 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hakewill, George. The vanitie of the eie. First beganne for the comfort of a gentlewoman bereaved of her sight, and since vpon occasion inlarged & published for the common good, by George Hakewill Master of Arts, and fellow of Exeter Coll. in Oxford.. — Oxford : Joseph Barnes, 1608. — [6], 161, [1] pages ; 12°. — USTC 3003309. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hall, Joseph. Characters of vertues and vices : in two bookes / by Ios. Hall. — London : Printed by Melch. Bradwood for Eleazar Edgar and Samuel Macham, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bul-head in Pauls Church-yard, 1608. — [12],173,[1] pages ; 4°. — STC12648. — Page 171 misnumbered 471. —
Copies: WSL: s179/GEN/HAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Hall, Joseph. Works. Virtues & vices.
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. An answere to a popish ryme, lately scattered abroad in the west parts, and much relyed vpon by some simply-seduced. By Samuel Hieron, minister of the word of God, at Modbury in Deuon. Edition The second edition.. — London : Humphrey Lownes for Samuel Macham, 1608. — [48] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3003452. —
Copies: USTC: 9 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. A helpe unto devotion containing certaine moulds or formes of prayer fitted to severall occasions / Samuel Hieron. — London : J.Beale for J.Macham, 1608. — [12],454 pages ; 12° (12cm). — STC13407. —
Copies: WSL: s242.8/GEN/HIE. —
Subjects: Devon. Modbury. Clergy. Hieron, Samuel. Works. Devotional texts.
Price, Daniel. The marchant. A sermon preached at Paules Crosse on Sunday the 24. of August, being the day before Bartholomew faire. 1607. By Daniell Price Master of Arts, of Exeter Colledge in Oxford.. — Oxford : Joseph Barnes, 1608. — [4], 31, 34-38 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3003291. —
Copies: USTC: 12 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Price, Daniel. Prælium & præmium. The Christians warre and rewarde. A sermon preached before the Kings Maiestie at VVhitehall the 3. of May. 1608. By Daniell Price Master of Arts of Exeter Colledge, and chapleyn in ordinarie to the Prince.. — Oxford : Joseph Barnes, 1608. — [4], 24, 29-34, [2] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3003234. —
Copies: USTC: 13 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Price, Daniel. Recusants conversion: a sermon preached at St. James, before the Prince on the 25. of Februarie. 1608. By Daniell Price Master of Arts, of Exeter Colledge in Oxford.. — Oxford : Joseph Barnes, 1608. — [2], 35, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3003371. —
Copies: USTC: 12 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Church of England Diocese of Exeter. Articles to be enquired of by the church-wardens and sworne-men, within the peculiar iurisdiction of the deane and chapter of the cathedrall church of S. Peter in Exeter. — London : Thomas Purfoot, 1609. — [12] pages. — USTC 3003957. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Subjects: Devon.
Est, William. The scourge of securitie, or expulsion and returne of the vncleane spirit. By William Est, minister and preacher of Gods word, at Bedford in Deuonshire.. — London : Thomas Creede for Thomas Downes and Ephraim Dawson, 1609. — [8], 47, 32-48, 65-82 [=100], [2] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3003809. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Price, Daniel. Sauls prohibition staide. Or The apprehension, and examination of Saule. And the inditement of all that persecute Christ, with a reproofe of those that traduce the honourable plantation of Virginia. Preached in a sermon commaunded at Pauls Crosse, vpon Rogation Sunday, being the 28. of May. 1609. By Daniel Price, Chapleine in ordinarie to the Prince, and Master of Artes of Exeter Colledge in Oxford.. — London : [John Windet] for Matthew Law, 1609. — [48] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3003839. —
Copies: USTC: 17 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Price, Daniel. The spring. A sermon preached before the Prince at S. Iames, on Mid-lent Sunday last. By Daniel Price, chapleine in ordinarie to the Prince, and Master of Artes of Exeter Colledge in Oxford.. — London : [John Windet] for Roger Jackson, 1609. — [32] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3003840. —
Copies: USTC: 10 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Rainolds, John. The summe of the conference betvveene Iohn Rainoldes and Iohn Hart; touching the head and the faith of the church. — London : W.Hall for T.Adames, 1609. — [20],675,[1] pages ; 4° (20cm). — STC20629. —
Copies: WSL: s262.8/GEN/REI. —
Subjects: Devon. Pinhoe. Classical scholars. Rainolds, John. Works. Church government.
Deloney, Thomas, -1600. The lamentation of Master Pages wife of Plimmouth, who being enforced by her parents to wed him against her will, did most wickedly consent to his murther, for the loue of George Strangwidge: for which fact she suffered death at Barstable in Deuonshire. — Written with her owne hand a little before her death. To the tune of Fortune. — London : printed for H. Gosson, [ 1609?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1°. — STC (2nd ed.), 6557.2 ; USTC 3003991. — 3 ballads. Anonymous. By Thomas Deloney (1543?-1600). Date of publication conjectured by STC. Also includes "The lamentation of George Strangwidge, who for consenting to the death of Master Page of Plimmouth, suffered death at Barstable. 1609," and "The sorrowfull complaint of Mistris Page, for causing her husband to be murthered, for the loue of George Strangwidge, who were executed together.". In this edition, the heading of the second ballad is dated. The Barnstaple parish registers March 1590/1 include: George Strongewith, Buryed the xxth daye. Vlalya Paige, Buryed at Byshope tauton the xxth daye. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 1, p. 126. —
Copies: Pepys Ballads, I, p. 126.. —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Murders. Broadside ballads. Gosson, H.
1610. -
Camden, William. Britain, or a chorographicall description ... England, Scotland, & Ireland. Trans. ... Philemon Holland, possibly from 1637 ed.. — London : G.Bishop & J.Norton, [ 1610]. — 12 pages ; 2°. —
Copies: WSL : pxDEV/1610/CAM. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Description and travel. 1607. —
Price, Daniel. The defence of truth against a booke falsely called triumph of truth sent over from Arras A.D. 1609. By Humfrey Leech late minister. Which booke in all particulars is answered, and the adioining motiues of his revolt confuted: by Daniell Price, of Exeter Colledge in Oxford, chaplaine in ordinary to the most high and mighty, the Prince of Wales.. — Oxford : Joseph Barnes, 1610. — [4], 379, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3004315. —
Copies: USTC: 14 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Smyth, Richard, preacher in Barnstaple, Devonshire.. Munition against mans misery & mortality. A treatice containing the most effectuall remedies against the miserable state of man in this life, selected out of the chiefest both humane and divine authors; by Richard Smyth preacher of Gods word in Barstaple in Devonshire.. — Oxford : Joseph Barnes, 1610. — [18], 136, [2] pages ; 12°. — USTC 3004179. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. Modbury. The spirituall sonne-ship : as it hath beene collected out of 1. Iohn 3. 1. and deliuered in two sermons / By Samuel Hieron. — London : Printed by William Hall for Samuel Macham, 1611. — [6],81,[1] pages ; 4° (18cm). — STC13424. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/HIE. —
Subjects: Devon. Modbury. Clergy. Hieron, Samuel. Sermons.
Hooker, Richard, 1554-1600. Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie, by Richard Hooker. — London : W.Stansby for M.Lownes, 1611. — [30],584[=588],[16] pages ; 2°. — STC13717. —
Copies: WSL: sx262.9/GEN/HOO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Theologians. Hooker, Richard. Works: Church law.
Archdeaconry of Exeter. Articles to be enquired of by the church-wardens and sworne-men within the archdeaconrie of Excester in the visitation of the Right Worshipfull Thomas Barret, Archdeacon of the said Archdeaconrie of Excester. Anno Domini. 1612.. — London : William Stansby, 1612. — [12] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3005164. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Subjects: Devon.
Carpenter, Richard. The soules sentinel, discouering the sicke-mans deuout resolution, grounded vpon the vnauoydablenesse of death, and the certaintie of the resurrection: or A sermon preached at the funerall solemnities of the right worshipfull Sir Arthur Ackland knight; the 9. of Ianuary 1612. By Richard Carpenter Bacheler in Diuinity, and pastor of Sherwell in Deuon.. — London : William Hall and John Beale for Ambrose Garbrand, 1612. — [8], 112 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3005128. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
H.R. (Henry Roberts). Haigh for Deuonshire. A pleasant discourse of sixe gallant marchants of Deuonshire. Their liues, aduentures, and trauailes: with sundrie their rare showes and pastimes, shewed before the King in Exeter. Besides many merry ieasts by them performed: as well in forraine countreies, as in their owne. Very delightfull for the reader. Written by H.R.. — London : Thomas Creede, 1612. — [80] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3005214. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hooker, Richard, 1554-1600. A learned discourse of justification, workes, and how the foundation of faith is overthrowne. / By Richard Hooker. — Oxford : Printed by Joseph Barnes, 1612. — [4],69,[1] pages ; 4°. — STC13708. —
Copies: WSL: p234.7/GEN/HOO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Theologians. Hooker, Richard. Works: Justification.
Jewell, William. The golden cabinet of true treasure: containing the summe of morall philosophie. Translated out of French & enlarged, by W. Ievvel, Mr of Arts, of Exeter Colledge in Oxford.. — London : Humphrey Lownes for John Crosley, 1612. — [16], 256 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3005309. —
Copies: USTC: 6 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Martyn, William. Youths instruction. Composed and written by William Martyn Esquire. Recorder of the honourable citie of Exeter - London : Printed by Iohn Beale, 1612. — [6],111 pages ; 4°. — STC17530 ; USTC 3005076. —
Copies: WSL: s170.2022/GEN/MAR. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Recorders. Martyn, William. Works: Ethics.
Martyn, William. Youths jnstruction. Composed and written by William Martyn Esquire. Recorder of the honourable citie of Exeter.. — London : John Beale for Richard Redmer, 1612. — [6], 109, [3] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3005077. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Subjects: Devon.
Smyth, Richard, preacher in Barnstaple, Devonshire.. Munition against mans misery and mortality. A treatice containing the most effectual remedies against the miserable state of man in this life, selected out of the chiefest both humane and divine authors; by Richard Smyth preacher of Gods word in Barstaple in Devonshire. Edition The second edition.. — Oxford : Joseph Barnes, 1612. — [18] 136 pages ; 12°. — USTC 3004934. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
W. S.. A funerall elegye in memory of the late vertuous Maister VVilliam Peter of Whipton neere Excester. By W.S.. — London : George Eld, 1612. — [24] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3005264. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Woeful> VVofull nevves from the vvest-parts of England. Being the lamentable burning of the towne of Teuerton, in Deuon-shire, vpon the fift of August last, 1612. VVhereunto is annexed, the former burning of the aforesaid towne, the third of Aprill, 1598.. — London : Thomas Snodham for Thomas Pavier, 1612. — [20] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3005061. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Drake, Francis. Le voyage de l'illustre seigneur et chevalier François Drach, admiral d'Angleterre, à l'entour du monde, A Monsieur de S. Simon, seigneur & baron de Courtomer. — Paris : chez Jean Gesselin, 1613. — [7] 90 [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 6009745. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Subjects: Devon.
Martyn, William. Youths instruction. Composed and written by William Martyn Esquire. Recorder of the honourable citie of Exeter. Edition The second edition.. — London : John Beale for Richard Redmer, 1613. — [6], 109, [3] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3005550. —
Copies: USTC: 9 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Potter, Barnaby. The baronets buriall, or A funerall sermon preached at the solemnitie of that honourable baronet Sr Edvvard Seymours buriall. By Barnaby Potter Bachelor in Divinitie, fellow of Queenes College in Oxford, and preacher to the towne of Tottnes in Devon.. — Oxford : Joseph Barnes, 1613. — [6], 37, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3005754. —
Copies: USTC: 11 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Rainolds, John. The prophecie of Obadiah opened and applyed in sundry learned and gracious sermons preached ... by ... John Rainolds. — Oxford : Printed by Joseph Barnes, 1613. — [8],136,[4],20 pages ; 4º.. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/RAI. —
Subjects: Devon. Pinhoe. Classical scholars. Rainolds, John. Works. Sermons. —
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. All the sermons of Samuel Hieron, minister of Gods Word, at Modbury in Deuon. heretofore sunderly published, now diligently reuised, and collected together into one volume. Hereunto are annexed of the same authors, 1 The preachers plea. 2 An answer to a popish rime. 3 The doctrine of the beginning of Christ, in forme of a catechisme. 4 An helpe vnto deuotion.. — London : John Legat [for Thomas Man and Samuel Macham and Simon Waterson], 1614. — [16], 163, [5], 165-195, [5], 197-231, [5], 233-392, [4], 393-427, [5], 429-447, [5], 449-466, [4], 467-475, [5], 477-504, 503-551, [7], 553-575, p. 578, [4], 577-584, [8], 585-659, [1] pages ; 2°. — USTC 3006206. —
Copies: USTC: 17 Copies. —
Price, Sampson. A heavenly proclamation to fly Romish Babylon. sermon preached at Oxford in St Maries Nov. 21. 1613. By Sampson Price Master of Arts of Exeter Colledge and preacher to the citty of Oxford.. — Oxford : Joseph Barnes, 1614. — [4], 43 [=34], [2] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3006279. —
Copies: USTC: 8 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The history of the world, in five books. London : printed [by William Stansby] for Walter Burre [, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Crane], 1614. — [84], 492, 491-651, [3], 776, [64] pages, [8] folded plates ; 2°. — USTC 3006285. —

Engraved title. Courtesy Libraries Unlimited .
Copies: WSL (temporarily in Exeter Ref Cage). —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ancient history.
Boys, John. The third part from S. Iohn Baptists natiuitie to the last holy-day in the whole yeere. Dedicated vnto the right religious and resolute doctor, Matthevv Sutcliffe, Deane of Exeter. By Iohn Boys, Doctor of Diuinitie.. — London : Felix Kingston for William Aspley, 1615. — [4], 147, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3006896. —
Copies: USTC: 21 Copies. —
Boys, John. The third part from S. Iohn Baptists nativitie to the last holy-day in the whole yeere. Dedicated vnto the right religiovs and resolute doctor, Matthevv Svtcliffe, Deane of Exeter. By Iohn Boys, Doctor of Diuinitie.. — London : for William Aspley, 1615. — [2], 147, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3006893. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Bury, John. The schole of godly feare. A sermon preached at the assises holden in Exeter, March 20. 1614.. — London : William Stansby for Henry Featherstone, 1615. — [6], 32 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3006475. —
Copies: USTC: 9 Copies. —
Cartigny, Jean de. The voyage of the wandring knight. Shewing the whole course of mans life, how apt he is to follow vanitie, and how hard it is for him to attaine to vertue. Deuised by Iohn Cartheny, a French man: and translated out of French into English, by W.G. of South-hampton, marchant. A worke worthy the reading: and dedicated to the right worshipfull, St. Francis Drake, knight.. — London : Thomas Snodham, [ 1615]. — [132] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3006851. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Godwin, Francis. A catalogue of the bishops of England, ... — London : T.Adams, 1615. — STC11938. —
Copies: EXR: o1615. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Exeter Diocese. Bishops.
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. The dignitie of preaching. In a sermon upon 1. Thessal. 5. 20. By Sam. Hieron. London : F.Kyngston for W.Welby, 1615. — [4],23,[1] pages ; 4° (19cm). — STC13396. —
Copies: WSL: s252/WOO/HIE. —
Subjects: Devon. Modbury. Clergy. Hieron, Samuel. Sermons.
Martyn, William. The historie, and liues, of the kings of England; from VVilliam the Conqueror, vnto the end of the raigne of King Henrie the Eight. By William Martyn Esquire, recorder of the honorable citie of Exeter.. — London : [William Stansby] for John Bill [and] William Barret and Henry Featherstone, 1615. — [28], 420, [72] pages ; 2°. — USTC 3006418. —
Copies: WSL: sx942/GEN/MAR U. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Recorders. Martyn, William. Works. England. Monarchs.
Martyn, William. The historie, and liues, of twentie kings of England. With the successions of the dukes, and earles, of this realme; from the Conquest, vntill the twelfth yeare of the famous raigne of the most admired prince King Iames the First. Together with the times of the creations of the barons, and baronets, of this kingdome. By William Martyn Esquire, recorder of the honorable citie of Exeter.. — London : William Stansby for Henry Featherstone, 1615. — [28], 420, [72] pages ; 2°. — USTC 3006417. —
Copies: USTC: 18 Copies. —
Preston, John, minister of East Ogwell.. A sermon preached at the funerall of Mr. Iosiah Reynel Esquire, the 13. of August 1614. in East-Ogwell in Deuon. By Iohn Preston Minister of Gods word in East-Ogwell.. — London : Nicholas Okes for Richard Boulton, 1615. — [28] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3006516. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Boys, John. The third part from S. Iohn Baptists nativitie to the last holy- day in the whole yeere dedicated vnto the right religious and resolute doctour, Matthew Sutcliffe, Deane of Exeter by Iohn Boys .... — London : Edward Griffin for William Aspley, 1616. — [2], 147 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3007066. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Carpenter, Richard. A pastoral charge. Faithfully giuen and discharged, at the trienniall visitation of the Lord Bishop of Exon: holden in Barnstaple the seuenth of September, 1616. By Richard Carpenter pastor of Sherwill in Devon.. — London : Edward Griffin for Francis Constable, 1616. — [6], 71; [9], 66 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3006911. —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Episcopal visitations. Charges. 1616. —
Church of England Diocese of Exeter. William, by the prouidence of God, Bishop of Exeter, to all and singular archdeacons, officials, parsons ... and all other ecclesiasticall officers ... greeeting [sic] whereas His Majesty, for the seasoning of all youth in their due alleageance, hath caused a booke to bee compiled and imprinted ... intituled God and the King .... — London : [Publisher unascertained], 1616. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3007073. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Fortescue, John. Sir, 1394?-1476? De laudibus legum angliae, writen by Sir John Fortescue ... — London : Company of Stationers, 1616. — EXR: o1618. —
Copies: Not local.
Subjects: Devon. England. Law.
Gostwick, Roger. The anatomie of Ananias: or, Gods censure against sacriledge. With a breife scholie vpon Psalm. 83. concerning the same subiect. By Roger Gostvvyke Batchelour of Diuinitie, and minister of Sampford Courtnie in the countie of Deuonsh.. — [Cambridge] : Cantrell Legg, 1616. — [8], 183, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3007239. —
Copies: USTC: 15 Copies. —
Wylshman, Walter. The sincere preacher: prouing that in whom is adulation, auarice, or ambition, he cannot be sincere. Deliuered in three sermons in Dartmouth in Deuon, vpon I. Thes. 2. 5.6. By Walter Wylshman, Mr. of Art, and minister of the Word there.. — London : Felix Kingston for Joan Man, 1616. — [12], 89, [3] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3007122. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Archdeaconry of Barnstaple. Articles to bee enquired of by the church-wardens and sworne-men within the arch-deaconrie of Barnestaple, in the diocesse of Exeter, in the visitation there holden in the yeare of our Lord God. 1617.. — London : Thomas Purfoot, 1617. — [16] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3007712. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Comyns, John. The thankefull Samaritane. In a sermon at S. Peters in Exeter, the sixth of August, Anno 1617. Being the day of the deliuerance of that citie from the rebels, in the dayes of King Edward the Sixth. At which time the Assises was also there holden. By Iohn Comyns Master of Arts of Exeter Colledge in Oxford, and minister of Gods word at Crediton in Devon.. — London : William Stansby, 1617. — [24] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3007530. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. Davids penitentiall psalme opened : in thirtie seuerall lectures thereon. By Sam. Hieron. — Cambridge : Cantrell Legge, 1617. — [16],104,[10] pages ; 4° (19cm). — STC13394. —
Copies: WSL: s223.2/GEN/HIE. —
Subjects: Devon. Modbury. Clergy. Hieron, Samuel. Works. Psalms. Exegesis.
Hooker, Richard, 1554-1600. Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie ; eight bookes. — London : Mat. Lownes, 1617. —
Copies: WSL: sx262/HOO (Bound with Certayne divine tractates and other Godly sermons)
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Theologians. Hooker, Richard. Works: Church law.
Raleigh, Sir Walter. Warachtighe ende grondige beschryvinghe van Guiana. — Amsterdam : Michiel Colijn, 1617. — [1 volume] ; 4° oblong. — USTC 1033070. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The history of the world, in five books. London : printed by William Stansby for Walter Burre, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules, [ 1617. — [84], 492, 491-651, [1], 776, [62] pages, [9] plates ; 2°. — USTC 3007753. —

Courtesy Libraries Unlimited .
Copies: WSL (temporarily in Exeter Ref Cage). —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ancient history.
Raleigh, Walter. Waerachtighe ende grondighe beschryvinghe van het groot ende Goudt-rijck Coninckrijck van Guiana, gheleghen zijnde in America,. — s.l. (Northern Netherlands) : [Publisher unascertained], 1617. — [1 volume] ; 4°. — USTC 1507761. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Barlow, John. The good mans priuiledge. A sermon lately preached at Plimmouth in Deuon, by I.B. And now published at the request of some that then were auditors. — London : Imprinted by F[elix] K[ingston] for Nathaniel Newbery, and are to be sold at his shop, vnder St. Peters Church in Cornhill, and in Popes-head Alley, ouer against the signe of the white horse, 1618. — [10], 25, [1] p. ; 4° ; Signatures: A-D4 E². — ESTC S100848 ; STC (2nd ed.), 1436; USTC 3007923. — I.B. = John Barlow. Printer’s name from STC. The first leaf and the last leaf are blank. Stationer’s Register: Entered 24 November [1618]. —
Copies: Devon.
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Barlow. John. Sermons. Texts.
Barlow, John. The good mans refuge in affliction. Or A most profitable and comfortable sermon, preached by Iohn Barlovv. And now published especially for the good of them that bee, or haue been afflicted inwardly in minde, or outwardly in body. — London : Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for Nathanael Newbery, and are to be sold at his shop, vnder St. Peters Church in Corn-hill, 1618. — [8], 43, [1] p. ; 4°. — ESTC S114145 ; STC (2nd ed.), 1437. — A sermon. Stationer’s Register: Entered 20 July [1618]. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/BAR. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Barlow. John. Sermons. Texts.
Barlow, John. Hierons last fare-vvell. A sermon preached at Modbury in Devon, at the funerall of that reuerend and faithfull seruant of Iesus Christ, Master Samuel Hieron, sometimes Preacher there. By I. B. — London : printed by William Stansby for William Butler, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1618. — [8], 33, [iv], 39-79 p. ; 4°. — ESTC S114789 ; STC1438; USTC 3007975. — In two parts. Second sermon has separate title page, reading: "A christian’s last day, is his best day". The first sermon is initialed "Io. B."; the second has "Barlow" in full. —
Copies: WSL : s252/MOD/BAR. —
Subjects: Devon. Modbury. Clergy. Hieron, Samuel. Funerals. Sermons.
A declaration of the demeanor and cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, aswell in his voyage, as in, and sithence his returne. — London : B.Norton and I.Bill, 1618. — [2],68 pages ; 4°. — STC20653. —
Copies: WSL : s920/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter. Sir. Biographies.
A declartion [sic] of the demeanor and cariage of sir VValter Raleigh, knight, aswell in his voyage, as in and sithence his returne and of the true motiues & inducements which occasioned his maiestie to proceed in doing iustice vpon him, as hath bene done.. — Dublin : Felix Kingston, 1618. — [1 volume] ; 4°. — USTC 3008301. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
England and Wales Elizabeth I. By the Queene. A proclamation to be published in Cornewall, Deuonshire, Dorcetshire and Hampshire, for restitution of goods lately taken on the seas from the subiects of the King of Spaine by way of reprisall.. — London : Christopher Barker (dep. of) [= Bonham Norton and John Bill , [ 1618?]. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3008171. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Stucley, Lewis. The humble petition and information of Sir Lewis Stucley, Vice-Admiral of Devon, touching his own behaviour in the charge. London : Bonham Norton 1618. — [2],17,[1] pages ; 4°. — STC23401 ; USTC 3007985. —
Copies: WSL: s920/STU. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Stucley, Lewis. Biographies.
A true relation of two most strange and fearefull accidents, lately happening, the one at Chagford in Deuonshire, by the falling of th[e] Stanary Court-house, the 6. day of March last. The other at Branson within a mile of Burton vpon Trent in Staffordshire, this present yeare 1618.. — London : [John White] for Henry Gosson sold by John Wright, 1618. — [14] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3008037. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Waerachtige beschrijvinghe van een jammerlicke nieuwe tijdinge van een deerlicke moort die gheschiet is in West-Engelant by de Stadt Excester, in een dorp Littelen ghenaemt, Dese justicie is gheschiedt den 1 Mey 1618. — Middelburg : Adriaen Leenaertsz, 1618. — 4 pages. — USTC 1507961. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Sir Walter Rauleigh his lamentation Who was beheaded in the old Pallace at Westminster the 22 of October. 1618. To the tune of Welladay. — London : Printed for Philip Birch and are to be sold at his shop at the Guyld-hall , [ 1618?]. — 1 sheet. — ESTC: S126163. —
Copies: Magdalene College Pepys 1.110-111. —
Subjects: Devon. Sea captains. Raleigh, Walter, Si. Broadside ballads. Birch, Philip.
Rainolds, John. Grationes / D.Ioannis Rainoldi. — Londini : H.Fethersten, 1619.. —
Copies: WSL: s875.04/RAI U. —
Subjects: Devon. Pinhoe. Classical scholars. Rainolds, John. Works.. —
Barlow, John. The ioy of the vpright man. In a sermon preached at Grayes Inne: By I. B. Wherein is declared the hidden comfort, the sure reward, the present condition of the vpright-hearted. — London : Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for Nathaniel Newbery, and are to be sold at his shop vnder Saint Peters Church in Corne-hill, at the signe of the Starre, and in Popes-head Alley, 1619. — [6], 36 p. ; 4°. — ESTC S116383 ;STC (2nd ed.), 1439. — I.B. = John Barlow. —
Copies: Devon.
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Barlow. John. Sermons. Texts.
Barlow, John. The true guide to glory. A sermon preached at Plympton-Mary in Devon, at the funerals of ... Lady Strode ... By Io. Barlovv / by Jo. Barlow. — London : Thomas Snodham, 1619. — [8],51,[1] pages ; 4°. — STC1440 ; USTC 3008524. — John Barlow, Lecturer at St Andrew's, Plymouth 1608 - 1619 Lady Strode: Mary Southcote (d.1618) daughter of Thomas Southcote (d.1600), MP, of Bovey Tracey, married Sir William Strode of Newnham (d.1637) with whom she had three sons and seven daughters. —
Copies: WSL : s252/PLY/BAR. —
Subjects: Devon. Plympton St. Mary. Gentry. Strode, Lady Mary nee Southcote. Funerals. Sermons. 1619. —
England and Wales James I. A patent granted by His Maiestie, to Henry Heron, Gent. for the salting, drying and packing of fishes, in the counties of Deuon and Cornewall.. — [London] : Bonham Norton and John Bill , 1619]. — [2] sheets. — USTC 3008435. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Euring, William. An answer to the ten counter demands propounded by T. Drakes, preacher of the Word at H. and D. in the county of Essex. By Will. Euring. — [Leiden] : [William Brewster], 1619. — [6] 38 pages ; 8°. — USTC 1436840. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Preston, John, minister of East Ogwell.. The patriarchs portion or, the saints best day. Deliuered in a sermon at the funerall of Sir Thomas Reynell of Ogwell in Deuon. Knight, Aprill. 16. 1618. Wherein may be seene, 1 shortnesse of mans life. 2 A Christians combat against 1 Sathan. 2 world. 3 flesh 4 Sinne. 3 A preparation to die well. 4 reward of glory after warfare. By Iohn Preston, preacher of Gods word at East-Ogwell, in Deuon.. — London : Augustine Matthews for Roger Jackson, 1619. — [10], 68 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3008438. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Preston, John, minister of East Ogwell.. A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Arthur Vpton Esquire in Deuon. By Iohn Preston, minister of Gods word.. — London : William Jones, 1619. — 36 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3008633. —
Copies: USTC: 6 Copies. —
Rainolds, John. V. Cl. D. Joannis Rainoldi olim Graecae linguae praelectoris in Collegio Corporis Christi apud Oxonienses, orationes duodecim. — Londini : Guihelmus Stansbeius, 1619. — [8],623,[1] pages ; 12°. — STC20614. —
Copies: WSL: s875.04/RAI. —
Subjects: Devon. Pinhoe. Classical scholars. Rainolds, John. Works. Speeches in Latin.
Raleigh, Sir Walter. Verclaringe ende verhael hoe de heere Wouter Raleighe, ridder, hem gedreghen heeft, soo wel in syne voyaghe, als in ende sedert sijne wedercomste. — Den Haag : Aert Meuris, 1619. — 40 pages ; 4°. — USTC 1031600. —
Copies: USTC: 9 Copies. —
1620. -
Gee, Edward. Two sermons. One, the curse and crime of Meroz. Preached at the assises at Exon. The other, a sermon of patience. At St Maries in Oxford. By Edward Gee, Doctor in Diuinitie, and chaplaine to his Maiestie. Published since his death, by his two brethren, Iohn Gee and George Gee, ministers of Gods Word.. — London : William Stansby for Nathaniel Butter, 1620. — [4], 62 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3009099. —
Copies: USTC: 11 Copies. —
Hieron, Samuel. The workes of Mr Sam. Hieron late pastor of Modbury in Deuon• second volume.. — London : William Stansby sold by John Parker, [ 1620]. — [24], 500, [12] pages ; 2°. — USTC 3009064. —
Copies: USTC: 21 Copies. —
Hieron, Samuel. The workes of Mr Sam. Hieron late pastor of Modbury in Deuon• second volume.. — London : William Stansby sold by John Parker, [ 1620]. — [1 sheet] ; 2°. — USTC 3009065. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Mavericke, Radford. Grieving of Gods spirit. Contayning the summe of a sermon preached at Saint Maries in Oxford. The chiefe points intreated on are, Viz. I. Of grieuing of Gods Spirit. II. Of resisting of Gods Spirit. III. Of blaspheming of Gods Spirit, in the highest degree commonly called, the sinne against the Holy Ghost. By Radford Mauericke, minister in Devon. Reade iudiciously, but iudge charitably.. — London : William Stansby, 1620. — [4], 24 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3009416. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Whitbourne, Richard, Sir. A discourse and discouery of Nevv-found-land, with many reasons to prooue how worthy and beneficiall a plantation may there be made, after a far better manner than now it is. Together with the laying open of certaine enormities and abuses committed by some that trade to that countrey, and the meanes laide downe for reformation thereof. Written by Captaine Richard Whitbourne of Exmouth, in the county of Deuon, and published by authority.. — London : Felix Kingston for William Barrett, 1620. — [20], 69, [7] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3009422. —
Copies: USTC: 15 Copies. —
England and Wales James I. Iames by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. to all and singuler archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, deanes and their officials ... greeting : whereas wee are credibly giuen to understand aswell by the humble supplication and petition of our poore distressed subiect Anne Challons, the distressed widow of Captaine Henry Challons late of Stonehouse in the the county of Devon.... — [London] : Roger Wood and Thomas Symcock, 1620 [=1621]. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3009491. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Miller, William. A sermon preached at the funerall of the worshipfull, Gilbert Davies Esquire, at Christow in Devon. By W.Miller ... — London : Felix Kyngston, 1621. — [32] pages ; 4º. — USTC 3009752. —
Copies: WSL: p252/CHR/MIL
Subjects: Devon. Christow. Gentry. Davies, Gilbert. Funerals. Sermons. 1620. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The history of the world, in five books / Sir Walter Ralegh - London : London : Printed by VVilliam Iaggard [, William Stansby, and Nicholas Okes] for VValter Burre, 1621. — [66], 184, 181-555, [1], 510, 515-669, [55] pages, [8] folded plates ; 2°. — USTC 3009984. — Title in red and black. Engraved title dated 1614. —
Copies: WSL: REF/CAGE. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ancient history.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. The history of the world. — London : [William Jaggard and William Stansby and Nicholas Okes] for Walter Burre, 1614 [i.e. 1621]. — [66], 555, [1], 669 [=665], [55]. — USTC 3006353. —
Copies: USTC: 18 Copies. —
The fourth of September. Newes from sundry places, both forraine and domestique. From Venice, Rome, Spaine, France, Naples, the Palatinate, and the Low-Countries. A relation of Count Mansfeilds progresse, (his battaile with Gonsalo in his passage) till his arriuall at Breda, with the Duke of Brunswicke his valiant pursuit of Gonsalo, (being wounded) and the slaughter of 500. of his men, and the taking of certaine waggons, and Gonsales owne coath. Whereunto is added, a true and certaine report, of the lamentable shipwracke which happened at Plimoth in Deuonshire on Munday the 19th. of August last past, with other great harme done elsewhere, by lightning and thunder on the same day.. — London : for Nathaniel Butter, 1622. — [2], 20 [22] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3010558. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Hockin, George. A Christian caueat for al estates. Or sermon, preached by that religious seruant of God, Master George Hockin, Bachelor of Diuinitie, Fellow of Excester Colledge, and preacher to the towne of Totnes in Deuon.. — London : William Stansby, 1622. — [4], 44 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3010427. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Hooker, Richard, 1554-1600. Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie. Eight bookes - London : W.Stansby, 1622. — [52],453,[1] pages ; 2°. — STC13714. —
Copies: WSL : sx262.9/GEN/HOO ; TOR. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Theologians. Hooker, Richard. Works: Church law.
Whitbourne, Richard, 1579-1628. A Discourse and Discovery of New-Foun-Land, with many reasons to procue how worth and beneficiall aPlantation may there be made, after a far better manner than now it is.Together with the Laying Open of Certain Enormities and abuses committedby some that trade to that Countrey, and the means laid downe forreformation thereof. Written by Captaine Richard Whitbourne of Exmoth.and published by Authority. — London : Imprinted at London by Felix Kingston, 1622. — [24], 107, [5], 15, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3010667. —
Copies: USTC: 23 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Whitbourne, Richard, Sir. A discourse containing a louing inuitation both honourable, and profitable to all such as shall be aduenturers, either in person, or purse, for the aduancement of his Maiesties most hopefull plantation in the Nevv-found-land, lately vndertaken. Written by Captaine Richard Whitbourne of Exmouth, in the county of Deuon.. — London : Felix Kingston, 1622. — [8], 46, [2]; 18, [2] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3010666. —
Copies: USTC: 11 Copies. —
Whitbourne, Richard, Sir. A discourse containing a louing inuitation both honourable, and profitable to all such as shall be aduenturers, either in person, or purse, for the aduancement of his Maiesties most hopefull plantation in the Nevv-found-land, lately vndertaken. Written by Captaine Richard Whitbourne of Exmouth, in the county of Deuon.. — London : Felix Kingston, 1622. — [8], 46, [2] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3010668. —
Copies: USTC: 12 Copies. —
Carpenter, Richard. The conscionable Christian: or, indeuour of Saint Paul, to haue and discharge a good conscience alwayes towards God, and men: laid open and applyed in three sermons. Preached before the honourable judges of the circuit, at their seuerall assises, holden in Chard and Taunton, for the county of Somerset. 1620. By Richard Carpenter, Doctor of Diuinity, and pastor of Sherwell in Deuon.. — London : Felix Kingston for John Bartlet, 1623. — [10], 119, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3011211. —
Copies: USTC: 14 Copies. —
Traske, John. The povver of preaching. Or, the powerfull effects of the word truely preached, and rightly applyed, as it was deliuered in one or moe sermons. By Iohn Traske, preacher of Gods word sometimes at Axmister in Deuon: afterwards at the Fleete in London: and now at Tillingham in Dengie hundred in Essex.. — London : Thomas Snodham for Nathaniel Butter, 1623. — [8], 61, [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3010734. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Whitbourne, Richard, Sir. A discourse and discouery of Nevv-found-land, with many reasons to prooue how worthy and beneficiall a plantation may there be made, after a better manner than it was. Together with the laying open of certaine enormities and abuses committed by some that trade to that countrey, and the meanes laid downe for reformation thereof. Written by Captaine Richard Whitbourne of Exmouth, in the county of Deuon, and published by authority. As also a louing inuitation: and likewise the. — London : Felix Kingston, 1623. — [1 volume]. — USTC 3011221. —
Copies: USTC: 12 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter. Achter Theil Americae, Darinnen Erstlich beschrieben wird das Mächtige und Goldtreiche Königreich Guiana zu Norden deß grossen Flusses Orenoke , Entdecket und beschrieben durch Herrn Walther Rhaleg ... Zum andern, Eine Reyse Herrn Thomas Candisch, Admiral . — Frankfurt am Main : Johann Theodor de Bry (heirs of) [et] Kaspar Rötel, 1624. — [4], 130, [2] pages ; 2°. — USTC 2084721. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Jonson, Ben. A strange banquet; or, The Devils entertainment by Cook Laurel at the Peak in Devonshire : with a true relation of the several dishes. The tune is, Cook Laurel. — [London] : Printed for F. Coles, in Vine-street, on Saffron-hill neer Hatton-garden, [ 1624/1680]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1/2°. — ESTC: R43323 ; USTC 3011785. — Anonymous. By Ben Jonson. Publication date range from Bodleian Library ballads database. Verse - "Cook Laurel would have the devil his guest,". Identified as Wing J1014 on UMI "Early English books, 1641-1700" microfilm, reel 1722.
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Banquets. Broadside ballads. Coles, Francis.
A new Ballad intituled, the stout Cripple of Cornwall, wherein is shewed his dissolute life and deserued death. To the tune of, the blind Beggar. — London : Printed for I. W. , 1624]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.). — Mentions Lord Courtenay and Exeter. —
Copies: Magdalene College, Pepys Ballads 1.136. —
Subjects: Devon. Fraudsters. Broadside ballads. W., I.
Barlow, John. An exposition of the second epistle of the apostle Paul to Timothy, the first chapter. Wherein 1 The text is logically into it’s parts resolved ... 4 The seueral doctrines thence arising deduced. ... All which is accompanied with familiar and delightfull similitudes ... Lastly as the matter requireth: there is vsed, definitions, distributions, subdiuisions, trialls, motiues, and directions, all which be of great vse in their proper order. By Iohn Barlovv. — London : Printed by. I[ohn] D[awson] for Iohn Bellamie, and are to be sould at his shop at the 3. Golden Lyons in Cornehill, neere the Royall Exchange, 1625. — [30], 116, 115-446 p. ; 4° ; Signatures: ()8(-()1) A-2F8. — ESTC S100861. — Running title reads: An exposition of the second epistle of the apostle S. Paul to Timothie. Stationer’s Register: Entered 20 March 1624.
Copies: Devon.
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Barlow. John. Sermons. Texts.
Church of England. Articles, to be enqvired of within the Dioces of Exeter, in the ... visitation of the Reuerend father in God, Valentine Lord Bishop of Exeter. Holden, anno Domini 1625.. — London : [Bonham Norton and John Bill], 1625. — [16] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3012277. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Saltern, Thomas. Dorcas: a true patterne of a goodly life, and good end. With a pithy exhortation to the practice of faith and good works. In a sermon preached at Totnes in Deuon, Ianuary 14 16[...] at the funerall of Mrs. Mary Bab, widow. By Thomas Saltern, sometimes lecturer there; and preacher of the word at Bradford. And now published, at the request of sundry godly persons.. — London : Miles Flesher for Roger Jackson, 1625. — [2], 20 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3012344. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Peeke, Richard. Three to one. Being, an English-Spanish combat, performed by a Westerne gentleman, of Tauystoke in Deuonshire ...Richard Peecke - London : Printed for I.T., 1626. — [36] pages ; 4°. — STC19529. —
Copies: WSL: s920/PEE. —
Subjects: Devon. Tavistock. Soldiers. Peeke, Richard. Biographies.
Pike, Richard. Three to one: being, an English-Spanish combat, performed by a westerne gentleman, of Tauystoke in Deuon shire, with an English quarter-staffe, against three Spanish rapiers and poniards, at Sherries in Spaine, the fifteene day of Nouember, 1625. In the presence of dukes, condes, marquesses, and other great dons of Spaine, being the counsell of warre. The author of this booke, and actor in this encounter, Richard Peeeke [sic].. — London : [Augustine Matthews] for John Trundle, 1626. — [36] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3012599. —
Copies: USTC: 8 Copies. —
Pike, Richard. Three to one: being, an English-Spanish combat, performed by a westerne gentleman, of Tauystoke in Devon-shire with an English Quarter-staffe, against three Spanish rapiers and poniards, at Sherries in Spaine, the fifteene day of Nouember, 1625. In the presence of dukes condes, marquesses, and other great dons of Spaine, being the counsell of warre. The author of this booke, and actor in this encounter, Richard Pyke.. — [London] : Augustine Matthews for John Trundle , 1626]. — [32] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3012598. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Pyne, John. Kardia t[oū] basiléos chi basileu’s tōs kardias. The heart of the king; and the king of heart. Or A briefe vnfolding of that remarkeable prouerbe of the royall preacher. Proverb. 21.1. The kings heart is in the hand of the Lord. Written in the time of his Maiesties abod at Plimmouth, and preferred vnto him in his returne from thence. Anno 1625. Together with a short meditation vpon 2. Sam. 24. 15. Preached at a weekly lecture in Deuon: in whose fearefull times of mortalitie. By I.P. Master of Arts and Minister of the Gospell.. — London : William Stansby, 1626. — [8], 56 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3012573. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Scott, Thomas. Sir Walter Rawleighs ghost, or Englands forewarner. Discouering a secret consultation, newly holden in the court of Spaine. .. — Utricht : Printed by John Schellem, 1626. — [2],41,[1] pages ; 4°. — STC22085. —
Copies: WSL: s920/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter. Sir. Literary associations.
Sutcliffe, Matthew. The unmasking of a masse-monger. Who in the counterfeit habit of S. Augustine hath cunningly crept into the closets of many English ladies. Or, the vindication of Saint Augustines confessions, from the false and malicious calumniations of a late noted apostate. By M.S. D of Exeter.. — London : Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet for Nicholas Bourne, 1626. — [12], 84 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3012647. —
Copies: USTC: 14 Copies. —
A brave warlike Song. Containing a briefe rehearsall of the deeds of Chivalry, performed by the Nine VVorthies of the world, the seaven Champions of hristendome, with many other remarkable Warriours. To the tune of List lusty Gallants.
Copies: Magdalene College, Pepys Ballads 1.88-89. —
Subjects: Devon. Soldiers. Broadside ballads. Coules, Francis.
Barlow, John. A seasonable discourse of spirituall stedfastnesse; wherein, 1. it, and a relapse, with the heads, members, and degrees of both, are exactly defined. 2. The subiects, causes, and symptomes of the fearfull sinne of apostasie cleerely expressed. As also directions, incentiues, to recouer, re-inkindle the old-cold-declining zelot. Together with arguments, motiues, that the young, or strong standing convert may be in grace firmely established. By I.B. preacher of the word. — London : Printed by I D[awson]. for Iohn Bellamie, and are to be sould at the three Golden Lyons, neere the royall Exchange, 1627. — [22], 265 [i.e. 266], [2] p. ; 12° ; Signatures: A¹²(-A1.12) B-M¹² N². — ESTC S120873 ; STC (2nd ed.), 1439.5. — To the reader signed: Iohn Barlow. Printer’s name from STC. Page 266, final numbered page, misnumbered 265. Last leaf is blank. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Barlow. John. Works. Christian doctrine. Apostacy.
Church of England. Articles to be enqvired of in the trienniall visitation of the diocesse of Exeter. Holden anno 1627. By authority of the most Reuerend father in God, George Lord Archbishop of Canterbvry His Grace, Primate of all England and Metropolitan.. — London : [Bonham Norton and John Bill], 1627. — [24] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3013254. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Turner, Robert, 1550?-1599. Maria Stuarta, Regina Scotiae, dotaria Franciae, haeres Angliae et Hyberniae, martyr ecclesiae, innocens à caede Darleana: vindice Oberto Barnestapolio. Continet haec epistola historiam penè totam vitae, quam Regina Scotiae egit misere, sed exegit gloriosè. Rationem tituli praefert frons sequentis pagellae. — Coloniae : sumptibus Petri Henningii, bibliopolae Coloniensis Anno 1627. — [6], 68, [2] pages ; 8o. —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Roman Catholics. Turner, Robert.
Drake, Francis. Sir, the younger. The world encompassed / by Sir Francis Drake, being his next voyage to that to Nombre d - London : Printed for N.Bourne, 1628. — [4],108 pages ; 4°. — STC7161. — WSL: s910.4. —
Copies: Devon. Sea captains. Drake, Francis. Sir. World. Circumnavigation. 1577-1580.
Subjects: Devon.
Hall, Joseph. The olde religion: a treatise, vvherin is laid downe the true state of the difference betwixt the reformed, and Romane church; and the blame of this schisme is cast vpon the true authors. Seruing for the vindication of our innocence, for the setling of wauering mindes, for a preseruatiue against popish insinuations. second edition, with an adueruertisement [sic] now added, for such readers as formerly stumbled at some passages in the booke. By Ios. Hall, B. of Exon.. — London : [William Stansby and Augustine Matthews] for Nathaniel Butter and Richard Hawkins, 1628. — [30], 218 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3013911. —
Copies: USTC: 15 Copies. —
Hall, Joseph. The olde religion: a treatise, wherin is laid downe the true state of the difference betwixt the reformed, and Romane Church; and the blame of this schisme is cast vpon the true authors. Seruing for the vindication of our innocence, for the setling of wauering minds for preseruatiue against Popish insinuations. By Ios. Hall, B. of Exon.. — London : William Stansby for Nathaniel Butter and Richard Hawkings, 1628. — [46], 199, [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3013910. —
Copies: USTC: 16 Copies. —
Hieron, Samuel. The workes of Mr Sam. Hieron late pastor of Modbury in Deuon.. — London : William Stansby, [ 1628]. — [24], 500, [12] pages ; 2°. — USTC 3013697. —
Copies: USTC: 17 Copies. —
Hunt, Nicolas. The merchants ievvell: or, A new inuention arithmeticall, with a plenary description, and perfect explanation of a most rare and admirable table: resoluing with speed and pleasing facility aboue ten hundred thousand questions, in either reduction, practise, or the golden-rule. Forraine coynes, measures and weights; as Danske, Dutch, French, Portugall, Spanish, are readily reduced to ours, and the price of the one found by the other. A catalogue of wares, with their measures and weightes alphabetically digested; perspicuously explaned, for the seruice of the great table. A table and rule for the maintenance of an armie. Deuised by N.H. of Exon: in Deuon.. — London : Augustine Matthews, 1628. — [30] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3013786. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Martyn, William. The historie and liues, of the kings of England: from VVilliam the Conqueror, vnto the end of the raigne of King Henry the Eighth. With other vsefull obseruations. By William Martyn Esquire, recorder of the honourable citie of Exeter.. — London : [Humphrey Lownes] for James Boler and George Tompson, 1628. — [28], 420, [80] pages, plates ; 2°. — USTC 3013826. —
Copies: USTC: 21 Copies. —
Nichols, Philip. Sir Francis Drake reuiued : calling vpon this dull or effeminate age, to follow his noble steps for gold and siluer. .. — London : Printed for N.Bourne, 1628. — [8],80 pages ; 4°. — STC18545. — WSL: s910.0972/TAV/NIC. —
Copies: Devon. Sea captains. Drake, Francis. Sir. Voyages. 1572-1573.
Subjects: Devon.
Pyne, John.. The heart of the king, and the king of the heart, or, A briefe vnfolding of that remarkable proverbe of the royall preacher ... written in the time of His Maiesties abode at Plimmouth, and preferred vnto him in his returne from thence, anno 1625 : together with a short meditation vpon 2. Sam. 24.15., preached at a weekely lecture in Deuon, in those fearefull times of mortalitie by J.P. Master of Arts and minister of the gospell.. — London : William Stansby, 1628. — [6], 56 pages. — USTC 3013815. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The history of the world, in five books. London : rinted [by Humphrey Lownes] for H. Lownes, G. Lathum, and R. Young, Anno Domini 1628. — [66], 184, 181-555, [1], 510, 515-669, [55] pages, [8] folded plates ; 2°. — USTC 3013822. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ancient history.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The prerogative of parliaments in England : proued in a dialogue - Midelburge : Printed, 1628. — [8],65,[1] pages ; 4°. — STC20649.7. — D3v line 17 ends: none (roman). Printer: London: T.Cote. —
Copies: WSL : s328.3/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Parliament.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The prerogative of Parliaments in England [actually the Prerogatiue of Parlaments] : proued in a dialogue ... / Written by the worthy (much lacked and lamented) Sit W.R. Kt. deceased - Hamburgh : Printed, 1628. — [8],65,[1] pages ; 4° (20cm). — STC20649 ; USTC 1509657?. — D3v line 17 ends: there is (italic) A bookplate shows in coat of arms of Davidson of Curriehill, Scotland: Azure on a fesse ar. between three pheons or a buck couchant gu. attired sable.. —
Copies: WSL: s328.3/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Parliament.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The prerogative of parliaments in England. — Midelburge : Printed, 1628. — [8],65,[1] 45 ; 4°. — STC not in ; USTC 1514969?. — D3v line 17 ends: more (ital). D1r line 6 up ends: brought. Details of publishing history inscribed on page facing title page. WSL copy bound with: The priviledges and practice of parliaments in England. —
Copies: WSL: s328.3/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Parliament.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. The prerogatiue of parlaments in England: proued in a dialogue (pro & contra) betweene a councellour of state and a iustice of peace. Written by the worthy (much lacked and lamented) Sir W.R. Kt. deceased. Dedicated to the Kings Maiesty, and to the House of Parlament now assembled. Preserued to be now happily (in these distracted times) published, and printed at Hamburgh. 1628.. — [Hamburg : s.n.], 1628. — [8], 65, [3] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3013860. —
Copies: USTC: 18 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. The prerogatiue of parliaments in England. Proued in a dialogue (pro & contra) betweene a councellour of state and a iustice of peace. Written by the worthy (much lacked and lamented) Sir Walter Raleigh Knight, deceased. Dedicated to the Kings Maiestie, and to the House of Parlament now assembled. Preserued to be now happily (in these distracted times) published, and. — Middelburg [=London : Thomas Cotes], 1628. — [8], 65, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3013861. —
Copies: USTC: 20 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. The prerogatiue of parliaments in England: proued in a dialogue (pro & contra) betweene a councellour of state and a iustice of peace. Written by the worthy (much lacked and lamented) Sir Walter Raleigh Knight, deceased. Dedicated to the Kings Maiestie, and to the House of Parlament now assembled. Preserued to be now happily (in these distracted times) published, and printed at Midelburge. 1628.. — [London] : Thomas Cotes , [ 1628]. — [8], 65, [3] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3013863. —
Copies: USTC: 20 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. The prerogatiue of parliaments in England: proued in a dialogue (pro & contra) betweene a councellour of state and a iustice of peace• Written by the worthy (much lacked and lamented) Sir Walter Raleigh Knight, deceased. Dedicated to the Kings Maiestie, and to the House of Parlament now assembled. Preserued to be now happily (in these distracted times) published, and printed at Midelburge. 1628.. — Middelburg [=London : Thomas Cotes], 1628. — [8], 65, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3013859. —
Copies: USTC: 30 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. The prerogative of parliaments in England: proued in a dialogue (pro & contra) betweene a councellour of state and a iustice of peace. Written by the worthy (much lacked and lamented) Sir Walter Raleigh Knight, deceased. Dedicated to the Kings Maiestie, and to the House of Parliament now assembled.. — Middelburg [=London] : Thomas Cotes, 1628. — [8], 65, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3013866. —
Copies: USTC: 21 Copies. —
Boniface, Saint. Epistolae S. Bonifaci[i] Martyris, Primi Moguntini Archiepiscopi, Germanorum Apostoli: Pluriumque Pontificum, Regum, [et] aliorum , nunc primum e Caesareae Maiestatis Viennensi Bibliotheca luce, notisque donatae Per Nicolaum Serarium, Societatis Jesu Pres. — Mainz : prostat apud Michael Demen (the Elder), 1629. — 4°; pp. [8], 351. — USTC 2020656. —
Copies: USTC: 8 Copies. —
Butterfield, Robert.. Maschil, or, A treatise to giue instruction, touching the state of the Church of Rome since the Councell of Trent, whether shee be yet a true Christian church. And if she have denied the foundation of our faith. For the vindication of the right reuerend father in God, the L. Bishop of Exeter, from the cavills of H.B. in his book intituled The seven vialls. By Robert Butterfield Master of Arts, and minister of Gods Word.. — [London] : Humphrey Lownes and Robert Young for Nathaniel Butter, 1629. — [26], 134 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3014058. —
Copies: USTC: 13 Copies. —
Hall, Joseph. An ansvver to Pope Vrban his inurbanity, expressed in a breue sent to Lowis the French King, exasperating him against the Protestants in France. VVritten in Latine by the Right Reverend Father in God, Ioseph Lord Bishop of Exeter. Translated into English by B.S.. — London : William Jones for Nicholas Bourne, 1629. — [6], 12, [2], 4, [3], 9, [1], 3, 6, [2] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3014284. —
Copies: USTC: 24 Copies. —
Hall, Joseph. One of the sermons preach’t to the Lords of the High Court of Parliament, in their solemne fast held on Ashwednesday, Feb. 18. And by their appointment published: by Ios: Exon.. — London : Miles Flesher for Nathaniel Butter, 1629. — [4], 67, [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3013954. —
Copies: USTC: 13 Copies. —
Hall, Joseph. The reconciler. An epistle pacificatorie of the seeming-differences of opinion concerning the truenesse and visibility of the Roman Church. By Ios: Exon.. — London : Miles Flesher [and William Stansby] for Nathaniel Butter, 1629. — [2], 7, [1], 46 [=36], 61-148 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3013970. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Hall, Joseph. The reconciler. An epistle pacificatorie of the seeming-differences of opinion concerning the truenesse and visibility of the Roman Church. By Ios: Exon.. — London : Miles Flesher for Nathaniel Butter, 1629. — [6], 46 [=36], [6] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3013982. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Hall, Joseph. The reconciler: or An epistle pacificatorie of the seeming differences of opinion concerning the true being and visibilitie of the Roman Church. Enlarged with the addition of letters of resolution, for that purpose, from some famous divines of our Church. By Ios: Exon.. — London : [Miles Flesher and William Stansby] for Nathaniel Butter, 1629. — [4], 43, [1], 61-148 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3013986. —
Copies: USTC: 8 Copies. —
1630. -
Cowell, John, 1554–1611. Institutiones juris Anglicani ad methodum et seriem institutionem imperalium compositae et digestae: opus non solum iuris Anglicani Romanique in hoc regno studiosis, sed omnibus, qui(griechscher Begriff für Sftaat) et consuetidines inclyti nostri imperi penitus scire cupiunt, utile et accomodum. Authore Johanne Cowello, iuris civilis doctore et in academia Cantabrigensi , professore regio Cum duplici indice, quorum alter titulos Alphabetico, alter obscuras iuris Angl. Dictiones earumque explicationem continet. — [s. l.] : Cura & impensis Guilielmi Fitzeri, 1630. — 347p. — John Cowell (1554–1611), civil lawyer, was born at Ernsborough in Swimbridge, Devon.
Subjects: Devon.
Crompton, William. A lasting ievvell, for religious vvoemen. In the summe of a sermon, preached at the funerall of Mistris Mary Crosse, late wife of Mr. Henry Crosse of Barnestaple in the countie of Deuon merchant, Nouemb. 11. 1628. and now published with some additions. With a briefe description of her life and death. By William Crompton, preacher of the Word of God at Barnestaple in Deuon.. — London : [William Stansby] for Edward Blount, 1630. — [44] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3014581. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Diocese of Exeter. Articles to be enqvired of vvithin the diocesse of Exeter, in the generall and triennall [sic] visitation of the Reuerend Father in God, Joseph, Lord Bishop of Exeter. Holden, anno Domini, 163[blank]. — London : George Purslowe for Nathaniel Butter, [ 1630/1639]. — [16] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3014455. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Dodridge, John. Sir. The history of the ancient and modern estate of the principality of Wales, Dutchy of Cornewall, and Earldome of Chester. .. — London : Printed by Tho.Harper, 1630. — [16],142 pages ; 8°. — STC6982. —
Copies: WSL: s333.1/WES/DOD. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Crown lands. Duchy of Cornwall. -1630.
Hall, Joseph. The hypocrite. Set forth in a sermon at the court; February, 28. 1629. Being the third Sunday in Lent.. [sic] By Ios: Exon.. — London : William Stansby for Nathaniel Butter, 1630. — [6], 79, [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3015080. —
Copies: USTC: 8 Copies. —
Hall, Joseph. Occasionall meditations. By Ios: Exon. Set forth by R.H.. — London : [Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Nathaniel Butter, 1630. — [24], 251, [1] pages ; 12°. — USTC 3014502. —
Copies: USTC: 9 Copies. —
Hall, Joseph. The olde religion: a treatise, vvherein is laid downe the true state of the difference betwixt the reformed, and Romane Church; and the blame of this schisme is cast vpon the true authours. Seruing for the vindication of our innocence, for the setling of wauering mindes, for a preseruatiue against popish insinuations. By Ios. Hall, B. of Exon. Edition third edition, with an aduertisement now added, for such readers as formerly stumbled at some passages in the booke.. — London : [William Stansby] for Nathaniel Butter and Richard Hawkins, 1630. — [24], 217 [=215], [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3014505. —
Copies: USTC: 12 Copies. —
Beard, Thomas The theatre of God's judgements. By Thomas Beard, preacher of the word of God in the towne of Huntingdon. — London : Printed by Adam Islip for Michael Sparke and are to be sould by Edward Dight, bookseller of Excester , 1631. — STC 1661.5. Burnet Morris ;
Subjects: Devon. Huntingdon Sermons
Bury, John. The moderate Christian, a sermon preached in Exeter at a trienniall visitation of the Reverend Father in God, Ioseph Lord Bishop of that see. March 24. 1630. By Iohn Bury, sometime Fellow of Baliol Colledge in Oxford.. — London : William Stansby for Nathaniel Butter, 1631. — [6], 26 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3015318. —
Copies: USTC: 8 Copies. —
Fitz-Geffrie, Charles. The curse of corne-horders : with the blessing of seasonable selling. In three sermons, on Pro. II. 26. Begun at Bodmyn and continued at Fowy. By Charles Fitz-Geffrie. — [London] : Printed at London by I.B. for Edward Dight, dwelling in Excester , 1631. — 4°. — Variant - [London] : Printed at London by I.B. for Michael Sparke,at the Blew Bible in Greenarbor , 1631. — STC 10939. — Dredge p.7. —
Subjects: Cornwall Food. Hoarding Sermons
Foster, Thomas. Plouto-mastix : the scourge of covetousnesse: or, an apologie for the publike good, against privacie. A sermon .. — London : Printed by B.Alsop, 1631. — [8],26 pages ; 4°. — STC11202 ; USTC 3015686. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/252/FOS. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Assizes. Sermons. 1630. —
Hall, Joseph. Occasionall meditations. By Ios: Exon. Set forth by R.H. Edition The second edition.. — London : William Stansby for Nathaniel Butter, 1631. — [14], 232, [14], 233-347, [5] pages ; 12°. — USTC 3015190. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Hall, Joseph. Occasionall meditations. By Ios: Exon. Set forth by R.H. Edition The second edition.. — London : William Stansby for Nathaniel Butter, 1631. — [16], 232, [14] pages ; 12°. — USTC 3015191. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Lessius, Leonardus. Rawleigh his ghost. Or, a feigned apparition of Syr Walter Rawleigh, ... for the translating ... of Leonard Lessius .. — [St. Omer] : [s.n.], 1631. — [16],457,[1]p ; 8° (16cm). — STC11523. —
Copies: WSL: s239.7/GEN/SIR. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter. Sir. Literary associations.
Mico, John. Spiritvall food and physicke. Viz. Milke for the younger. Meat for the stronger. The substance of divinitie. A pill to purge out Poperie. The fourth edition, corrected and inlarged by the author Iohn Mico, preacher of God's word, in Exceter. — London : Printed for Iames Boler, and are to be sold by Thomas Hunt in Exeter , 1631. — 8°. — STC 17863. — Dredge p.6. —
Copies: Bodleian. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Christian life Devotional texts
Barlow, John. A Christians last day, is his best day; a sermon upon the first epistle to the Thessalonians, chap 4 verse 18 - London : John Haviland, 1632. — ii,pp 85-102. —
Copies: PLY. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Sermons. Texts.
Barlow, John. A Christians last day, is his best day; a sermon upon the first epistle to the Thessalonians, chap 4 verse 18. 1632. — New edition in: An exposition of the first and second chapters of the latter episte [sic] of the apostle Paul to Timothie. —
Copies: PLY. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Barlow. John. Sermons. Texts.
Barlow, John. An exposition of 2nd chapt of latter epist of Apostle Paul to Timot - London : R T, 1632. — v,214p. — Bound with exposition of first chapter... and various sermons. —
Copies: PLY. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Barlow. John. Sermons. Texts.
Barlow, John. An exposition of the first and second chapters of the latter episte [sic] of the apostle Paul to Timothie. Wherein the text is logically resolved: the words also plainly explicated; with an easie metaphrase annexed: thence doctrines arising are deduced: and by Scripture, examples, and reason confirmed. All which, for the better understanding, affecting, and retaining of the truth, be with familiar similitudes accompanied. Finally, as the matter would afford definitions, distributions, subdivisions, trials, motives, and directions, which be of speciall use, in thei proper order are added. By Iohn Barlow, sometime minister of the word at Plimmouth: but lately one of the preachers in that ancient citie of Chester. — London : Printed by R. Y[oung and John Haviland for Nathaniel Newberrie] and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard by Iames Boler and George Lathum, 1632. — [16], 247, [9], 215, [9], 60, [6], 102 p. ; 2° ; Signatures: A4 2a4 B-2I4 3A4, B6 3C-4C4 4D6 5A-5G4 5H6 5R-6E4 6F6. — ESTC S106929 ; STC (2nd ed.), 1435. — Contains the bulk of his collected works, including Exposition of the first and second chapters of the latter epistle of the apostle Paul to Timothie ; True guide to glory ; Exposition of the second chapter of the latter epistle of the apostle Paul to Timothie ; Good mans refuge in affliction ; Ioy of the vpright man ; Hierons last fare-vvell ; Seasonable discourse of spirituall stedfastnes. "An exposition of the second chapter of the latter episte [sic] of the apostle Paul to Timothie" has separate dated title page and pagination. "The true guide to glory" begins new pagination with separate dated title page with imprint reading ".. printed by Iohn Haviland, for Nathaniel Newberrie .."; within this series, "The good mans refuge in affliction", "The ioy of the vpright man", "Hierons last fare-vvell", and "A Christians last day, is his best day" have separate dated title pages, the first two also with Haviland’s and Newberry’s names, the last with Haviland’s, Boler’s, and Lathum’s. "A seasonable discourse of spirituall stedfastnes" has separate dated title page and pagination. Register is continuous throughout. Variant: general title page imprint reads: .. by George Lathum and Iames Boler, 1632. - Subjects:
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Barlow. John. Works. Collections.
Barlow, John. The good man's refuge in affliction, or a most profitable and comfortable sermon / preached by John Barlow - London : ohn Haviland for N New, 1632. — pp25-40. —
Copies: WSL : Not acquired WSL ; Plymouth. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Barlow. John. Sermons. Texts.
Barlow, John. The joy of the upright man, in a sermon preached at Grayes Inne - London : John Haviland, 1632. — ii,pp 45-50. — Bound with: An exposition of 1st chapt of...Paul to Timothie etc. —
Copies: PLY. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Barlow. John. Sermons. Texts.
Barlow, John. The true guide to glory; a sermon preached at Plympton-Mary in Devon at funerals of...Lady Strode. London : John Haviland, 1632. — iv, 32p. — New edition in: An exposition of the first and second chapters of the latter episte [sic] of the apostle Paul to Timothie. — not acquired WSL. —
Subjects: Devon. Plympton St. Mary. Gentry. Strode, Lady Mary nee Southcote. Funerals. Sermons. 1632. —
Grosse, Alexander Deaths deliverance, and Eliahs fiery charet. Two [funeral] sermons preached at Plymouth, the one [for] Thomas Sherwill, magistrate. [The other for] Matthias Nicols, preacher. — London : J.D[awson] for J.Boler, sold by W.Russell in Plymouth 1632. — 4°. — STC 12393.5. Plymouth Public Library lists (L2627): Elijah's fiery charet ... funeral sermon on Matthias Nicols ... — Plymouth : [s.n.] , 1631. — Possibly a separate issue of the second sermon.
Copies: WSL: s252/PLY/GRO. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Magistrates. Sherwill, Thomas. Funerals. Sermons. 1632. —
Grosse, Alexander. Deaths deliverance, and Eliahs fiery charet ... delivered in two sermons preached at Plymouth ... funerall of Thomas Shervvill .. / by Alexander Grosse, Pastor of Plympton S. Mary - London : I.D. for Iames Boler, 1632. — [12],52 pages ; 4°. — STC12393. —
Copies: WSL: s252/PLY/GRO. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Magistrates. Sherwill, Thomas. Funerals. Sermons. 1632. —
Grosse, Alexander. Sweet and soule-perswading inducements leading unto Christ / By Alexander Grosse, minister of Christ - London : Printed by G.M[iller], 1632. — [16],440,[20] pages ; 4°. — STC12396. —
Copies: WSL: s232/GEN/GRO. —
Subjects: Devon. Christian life. Devotional texts.
Grosse, Alexander. Works / Alexander Grosse - London : Ptd. for John Bartlet, 1632. —
Copies: WSL: s208/GEN/GRO U. —
Subjects: Devon. Bridford. Clergy. Grosse, Alexander. Works: Devotional texts. 1632-1647.
Hooker, Richard, 1554-1600. Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie. Eight bookes - London : W.Stansby, [ 1632]. — [58],583,[17] pages ; 2°. — STC13719a. —
Copies: WSL: sx262.9/GEN/HOO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Theologians. Hooker, Richard. Works: Church law.
Hughes, George. The saints losse and lamentation. A sermon preached at the funerall of the worshipfull captaine Henry Waller, ... — London : I.B. for Ralph Mab, 1632. — [6],56 pages ; 4° (19cm). — STC13913. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/HUG. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Hughes, George. Works: Sermons. 1632. —
Paynter, Henry. Saint Pauls rule for religious performances. A sermon preached May 15. Anno Domini 1631. By Henry Paynter B.D. Preacher of Gods Word in the city of Exeter.. — London : John Beale for Nathaniel Butter, 1632. — [8], 47, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3015891. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Pecke, Richard.. Tvvo sermons delivered at St. Peters in Exeter. By Rychard Peck, Master of Arts, and minister of Gods word, at Columpton in Devon.. — London : Thomas Harper for Ambrose Ritherdon, 1632. — [6], 38, [4], 35, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3015969. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Sir Walter Raleighs instructions to his sonne : and to posteritie. — The second edition. — London : For Beniamin Fisher, 1632. — [10],96 pages ; 8° (13cm). — STC20642.5 ; USTC 3016036. —
Copies: WSL: s170.2022/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ethics
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Sir Walter Raleighs instructions to his sonne, and to posterity. Whereunto is added A religious and dutifull advice of a loving sonne to his aged father.. — London : [John Beale] for Benjamin Fisher, 1632. — [14], 96, [2], 57, [3] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3016058. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Sir Walter Raleighs Instructions to his sonne: and to posteritie. Edition The second edition, corrected and enlarged according to the authors owne coppy.. — London : for Benjamin Fisher, 1632. — [12], 99, [3], 57, [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3016041. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Crompton, William. An explication of those principles of Christian religion, exprest or implyed in the catechisme of our Church of England, set downe in the Booke of Common Prayer: Vsefull for housholders, that desire heaven in earnest: and are willing to discharge their dutie in examination of their charge, before they send any of them to our communion. Begun and finisht in Barstaple, in the Countie of Devon, according to his maiesties late pious directions, for the renewing and continuing of the ordinance of catechising, so generally sleighted and neglected: now thus farre published respectively for the benefit of that corporation.. — London : John Legat for Philemon Stephens and Christopher Meredith, 1633. — [32], 381, [27] pages ; 12°. — USTC 3016919. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Downe, John. Certaine treatises of the late reverend and learned divine, Mr Iohn Downe, rector of the church of Instow in Devonshire, .. — Oxford : Printed by Iohn Lichfield, 1633. — [6], 57, [1], 185, [3], 34, [2], 26, [2], 34, [2], 24, [2], 27 [=26], [2], 51, [3], 125, [3], 68 pages ; 4°. — STC7152 ; USTC 3016800. —
Copies: WSL : s208/GEN/DOW ; North Devon Athenaeum: D252/DOW. —
Subjects: Devon. Instow. Clergy. Downe, John. Works: Collections.
Hakewill, George. The funerall sermon on behalfe of the author of these ensuing workes, preached by George Hakewill ... a neere neighbour .. — Oxford : Printed by J.L. for E.F., 1633. — 4° (with works of J. ; 19cm. —
Copies: WSL: s208/GEN/DOW. —
Subjects: Devon. Instow. Clergy. Downe, John. Funerals. Sermons.
Hall, Joseph. Occasionall meditations by Ios. Exon. Set forth by R.H. Edition The third edition: with the addition of 49. meditations not heretofore published.. — London : Miles Flesher for Nathaniel Butter, 1633. — [16], 348, [20] pages ; 12°. — USTC 3016431. —
Copies: USTC: 17 Copies. —
Hall, Joseph. A plaine and familiar explication (by way of paraphrase) of all the hard texts of the whole divine Scripture of the Old and Nevv Testament. By Ios. Exon.. — London : Miles Flesher for Nathaniel Butter, 1633. — [12], 440, 451-621, [1]; [2], 286, [1], 290-427, [5] pages ; 2°. — USTC 3016468. —
Copies: USTC: 62 Copies. —
Kellett, Edward. Miscellanies of divinitie divided into three books, wherein is explained at large the estate of the soul in her origination, separation, particular judgement, and conduct to eternall blisse or torment. By Edvvard Kellet Doctour in Divinitie, and one of the canons of the cathedrall church of Exon.. — [Cambridge] : Roger Daniel and Thomas Buck], 1633. — [24], 197, [3], 237, [9] pages ; 2°. — USTC 3016526. —
Copies: USTC: 18 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Sir Walter Raleigh's instructions to his sonne ... — 4th ed - London : For Beniamin Fisher, 1633. — [10],99 pages ; 8°. — STC20644. — B1r line 4 ends: will be. —
Copies: WSL: s170.2022/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ethics
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Sir Walter Raleigh’s instructions to his sonne, and to posterity. Edition The fourth edition, corrected and enlarged according to the authors owne coppy.. — London : for Benjamin Fisher, 1633. — [12], 99, [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3016717. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Sir Walter Raleigh’s instructions to his sonne: and to posteritie.. — London : for Benjamin Fisher, 1633. — [10], 99, [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3016716. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Sir Walter Raleigh’s instructions to his sonne: and to posterity. Edition The fourth edition, corrected and enlarged according to the authors owne coppy.. — London : for Benjamin Fisher, 1633. — [12], 99, [3], 57, [3] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3016718. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Hall, Joseph. The contemplations upon the history of the New testament ... Vol. 2. London : printed by M. Flesher for Nath: Butter in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Py’d-Bull, 1634. — [14],452,[8],214 pages ; 22x33cm. — USTC 3017393. — Includes also 12 sermons, 5 short treatises. —
Copies: WSL: sx225.07/EXO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Hall, Joseph. Works. Bible. NT.
Hieron, Samuel. The vvorkes of Mr. Sam. Hieron. late pastor of Modbury in Devon• second uolume [sic].. — London : William Stansby, 1634. — [24], 500, [12] pages ; 2°. — USTC 3017273. —
Copies: USTC: 12 Copies. —
Historia Americae Sive Novi Orbis Teil: 8: Continens Primo, Descriptionem Trium Itinerum Nobilissimi Et Fortissimi Equitis Francisci Draken. — Frankfurt am Main : Matthäus Merian (the Elder) [et] Erasmus Kempfer, 1625 [=1634]. — 127, [2] pages. — USTC 2134480. —
Copies: USTC: 6 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The history of the world, in five books. London : Printed [by Robert Young] for G. Lathum, and R. Young, M.DC.XXXIV. 1634. — [66], 184, 181-555, [1], 512, 517-669, [55] pages, [8] folded plates ; 2°. — USTC 3017553. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ancient history.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Sir Walter Raleighs instrvction to his sonne, and to posteritie. Wherevnto is added a religious and dutifull advice of a loving sonne to his aged father.. — Edinburgh : John Wreittoun, 1634. — [56] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3017296. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Smyth, Richard, preacher in Barnstaple, Devonshire.. Munition against mans miserie and mortalitie. A treatise containing the most effectuall remedies against the miserable state of man in this life, selected out of the chiefest both humane and divine authors. By Richard Smith preacher of Gods Word in Barstaple [sic] in Devonshire. Edition The third edition.. — Oxford : William Turner, 1634. — [20], 194, [14], 93, [3] pages ; 12°. — USTC 3017192. —
Copies: USTC: 10 Copies. —
Bedford, T. A true and certaine relation of a strange birth borne at Stonehouse. — London : [ s. n.], 1635. — Microfilm. —
Copies: WSL: University. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Births.
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. A helpe unto devotion : containing certaine moulds, or formes of prayer, ... / By Samuel Hieron - The eighteenth edition - The eighteenth edition. — London : printed by John Beale, 1635. — [22],400 pages ; 12°. — STC13415. —
Copies: WSL: s242.8/GEN/HIE. —
Subjects: Devon. Modbury. Clergy. Hieron, Samuel. Works: Devotional texts.
Hieron, Samuel. The workes of Mr Sam. Hieron late pastor of Modbury in Deuon•. — London : William Stansby and John Beale, [ 1635]. — [1 sheet] ; 2°. — USTC 3017913. —
Copies: USTC: 12 Copies. —
Kellett, Edward. Miscellanies of divinitie, divided into three books, wherein is explained at large the estate of the soul in her origination, separation, particular judgement, and conduct to eternall blisse or torment. By Edvvard Kellet Doctour in Divinitie, and one of the canons of the Cathedrall Church of Exon.. — [Cambridge] : Printers to the University of Cambridge sold by Robert Allot, 1635. — [24], 197, [3], 237, [11] pages ; 2°. — USTC 3017789. —
Copies: USTC: 15 Copies. —
Pecke, Richard.. Christs vvatch-vvord. Occasioned on the fvnerall of the truly reverend Mr Laurence Bodley, Bachelour of Divinity, late Fellow of Exeter Colledge in Oxford, and Rector of Clist-Hidon in Devon. By Richard Pecke, Master of Arts, and minister of Gods Word in Columpton.. — London : Anne Griffin sold by John Mungwell and Edward Dight, 1635. — [6], 26 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3018061. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Sir Walter Raleighs instructions to his sonne : and to posteritie. — The fourth edition. — London : For Beniamin Fisher, 1635. — [10],96 pages ; 8° (13cm). — STC20642.5. —
Copies: WSL: s170.2022/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ethics
Deloney, Thomas, -1600. The lamentation of Master Pages wife of Plimmouth : who being enforced by her parents to wed him against her will, did most wickedly consent to his murther, for the love of George Strangwidge; for which fact she suffered death at Barstable in Devonshire. — VVritten with her owne hand a little before her death. To the tune of Fortune my foe, by [Deloney, Thomas,. — [London] : [s. n.], [ 1635?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1°. — ESTC: S118059; USTC 3017741. — 3 ballads. Anonymous. By Thomas Deloney. Imprint from STC. Also includes "The lamentation of George Strangwidge, who for consenting to the death of Master Page of Plimmouth, suffered death at Barstable" and "The sorrowfull complaint of Mistris Page, for causing her husband to be murdered, for the love of George Strangwidge, who were executed together.". In this edition, the heading of the second ballad is undated. Formerly STC 19095. Stationer's Register: Entered to the ballad partners 14 December 1624.
Copies: British Library C.20.f.7.182-183. —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Murders. Broadside ballads. [s. n.].
Hall, Joseph. The olde religion: a treatise, vvherein is laid downe the true state of the difference betwixt the reformed, and Romane Church; and the blame of this schisme is cast vpon the true authours. Seruing for the vindication of our innocence, for the setling of wauering mindes, for a preseruatiue against popish insinuations. By Ios. Hall, B. of Exon. Edition third edition, with an aduertisement now added, for such readers as formerly stumbled at some passages in the booke.. — London : [William Stansby] for Nathaniel Butter and Richard Hawkins, 1636. — [24], 217 [=215], [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3018444. —
Copies: USTC: 6 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Sir Walter Raleigh’s instructions to his sonne; and to posterity. Edition The fifth edition. Corrected and enlarged according to the authors owne coppy.. — London : Robert Raworth for Benjamin Fisher, 1636. — [16], 79, [3], 45, [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3018654. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Tubus historicus an historicall perspective; discovering all the empires and kingdomes of the vvorld, as they flourisht respectively under the foure imperiall monarchies. Faithfully composed out of the most approved authours, and exactly digested according to the supputation of the best chronologers. (With a catalogue of the kings and emperours of the chiefe nations of the world.) By the late famous and learned knight Sir Walter Raleigh.. — London : Thomas Harper for Benjamin Fisher, 1636. — [28] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3018483. —
Copies: USTC: 13 Copies. —
Camden, William. Britain, or a chorographicall description ... England, Scotland, & Ireland. Translated into English by Philemon Holland - London : Andrew Her, 1637. — [8],822,223 : ill,maps ; 33cm. —
Copies: NDA: D910/CAM O/S. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Description & travel. 1637. —
Hall, Joseph. The remedy of prophanenesse. Or, Of the true sight and feare of the Almighty. A needful tractate. In two bookes. By Ios. Exon.. — London : Thomas Harper for Nathaniel Butter, 1637. — [14], 252, [12], 83, [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3019160. —
Copies: USTC: 18 Copies. —
Hall, Joseph. A sermon preach't in the city of Excester, at the consecration of a new buriall-place, there, ... / By Ios. B. of Exon - London : T.Harper for N.Butter, 1637. — [12],50 pages ; 8°. — STC none?. —
Copies: WSL: pB/EXE/252/HAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Burial grounds. Consecration. Sermons. 1637. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The life and death of Mahomet, the conquest of Spaine together with the rysing and ruine of the Sarazen empire - London : R.H. for Daniel Frere, 1637. — [8],274,[2] pages ; 12°. — STC20647 ; USTC 3019039. —
Copies: WSL: s920/MAH. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Muhammad.
The true relation and description of 2. most strange and true remarkable sea-fights against the Turkes. one was on the 14. of April last, 1636. in a ship called the Blessing, of Stone-house in the parish of Plimmouth, the Masters name being Richard Andrew, of Stoken Tenew, betwixt Dartmouth and Exeter. other sea-fight being the 6. of November, 1636. in a ship called the Iohn of Plimmouth, of the burden of 120. tonnes, the masters name being William Chappell of Cockerton, in the county of Devonshire.. — London : Elizabeth Purslowe for Henry Gosson, 1637. — [2], 18 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3019080. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Church of England Diocese of Exeter. Articles to be enquired of within the diocesse of Exeter, in the generall and trienniall visitation of the Reverend Father in God, Joseph Lord Bishop of Exeter. Holden, anno Domini, 1638.. — London : Thomas Harper, 1638. — [16] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3020006. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Hall, Joseph. The remedy of prophanesse: or, of the true sight and feare of the almighty. A needfull tractate. In two bookes. By Ios. Exon.. — London : for Nathaniel Butter, 1638. — [20], 252, [10], 83, [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3019805. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Sclater, William. Sermons experimentall: on Psalmes CXVI. & CXVII. Very vsefull for a vvounded spirit. By William Sclater D.D. sometimes rector of Limsham, and vicar of Pitmister, in Summerset-shire. Published by his son William Sclater Mr. of Arts, late fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge, now a priest, and preacher of the Gospel in the city of Exeter, in Devon-shire.. — London : John Raworth for Nathaniel Butter, 1638. — [8], 80, 91-221, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3019842. —
Copies: USTC: 15 Copies. —
A second and most exact relation of those sad and lamentable accidents, which happened in ... the parish church of Wydecombe - London : G.M. for R:Harford, 1638. — [5],37 pages ; 4°. — STC25609 ; USTC 3019775. —
Copies: WSL: p551.5632/WID/SEC. —
Subjects: Devon. Widecombe in Moor. Lightning. 1638. —
Taylor, John. Newes and strange newes from St. Christophers of a tempestuous spirit, which is called by the Indians a hurry-cano or whirlewind. Which hapneth in many of those ilands of America or the West-Indies, as it did in August last, about the 5. day. 1638. Blowing downe houses, tearing up trees by the rootes, and it did puffe men up from the earth, as they had beene feathers, killing divers men. Whereunto is added the true and last relation of the dreadfull accident which hapned at Withicombe in Devonshire the 21. of October last past.. — London : John Okes for Francis Coules, 1638. — [4], 20 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3019554. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
A true relation of those sad and lamentable accidents, which happened in and about the parish church of Withycombe ... 1638 - London : G.M. for R:Harford, 1638. — [2],14 pages ; 4°. — STC25607 ; USTC 3019700. —

Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Copies: WSL: s551.563/WID/TRU. —
Subjects: Devon. Widecombe in Moor. Storms. 1638. —
A true relation of those sad and lamentable accidents, which happened in and about the parish church of Withycombe in the Dartmoores, in Devonshire, on Sunday the 21. of October last, 1638.. — London : George Miller for Raphe Harford, 1638. — [2], 15, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3019688. —
Copies: USTC: 6 Copies. —
Erasmus. Commentary on New Testament (non-narrative sections) / translated by Miles Coverdale (?). — [ London] : [ s. n.], [ 1639?]. —
Copies: WSL: sx225.77/ERA U. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Coverdale, Miles. Works. Bible.Translations.
Ein gewiese Erzehlung der wunderbahren und kläglichen Geschicht, welche in der Hauptkirchen zu Withycombe in Devonshire in Engelland gelegen, sich begeben und zugetragen hat, auff einen Sontag, welcher war der 21 October, An. 1638. : Von einer glaubwürdig . — s.l. (Germany) : [Publisher unascertained], 1639. — [4] leaves ; 4°. — USTC 2022976. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Hall, Joseph. Certaine irrefragable propositions worthy of serious consideration. By I.H. B. of Exon.. — London : Miles Flesher for Nathaniel Butter, 1639. — [6], 7, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3020644. —
Copies: USTC: 26 Copies. —
Sclater, William. The worthy communicant rewarded. Laid forth in a sermon, on John 6.54. Preached in the Cathedrall of St. Peter in Exeter, on Low-Sunday, being the 21. of Aprill, Anno 1639. By William Sclater, Master of Arts, late Fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge, now chaplaine of the Right Reverend Father in God the Lord Bishop’s Baronry of Saint Stephens, and preacher also at S. Martins, in the same city.. — London : Robert Young for George Lathum, [ 1639]. — [10], 79, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3020456. —
Copies: USTC: 15 Copies. —
Tozer, Henry. Christian wisdome, or The excellency fame and right meanes of true wisdome. As it was briefly delivered in a sermon in St Maries Church in Oxford. Novemb: 11. 1638. By H. Tozer B. D. Fellow of Exeter Colledge.. — Oxford : Leonard Lichfield, 1639. — [8], 107, [1] pages ; 8°. — USTC 3020652. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Een wonder der wonderen. Gheschiedt in Engelandt inde parochie-kercke van Withycombe (in Devonshire) op sondagh, wesende den 21. october, 1638. — [Northern Netherlands] : after the copy of London, 1639. — [1 volume] ; 4°. — USTC 1017414. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
1640. -
Bache, Arthur, 1599 or 1600-. The voyce of the Lord in the Temple, or, A most strange and wonderfull relation of Gods great power, providence, and mercy in sending very strange sounds, fires, and a fiery ball into the church of Anthony in Cornwall neere Plimmouth, on Whitsunday last, 1640, to the scorching and astonishing of 14 severall persons who were smitten, and likewise to the great terrour of all the other people then present, being about 200 persons : the truth whereof will be maintained by the oathes of the same persons, having been examined by Richard Carew of Anthony, Esquire, an Arthur Bache, Vicar of Anthony. — Imprinted at London : By T[homas]. P[aine]. for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold by William Russell bookeseller in Plimmoth, 1640. — [2], 20 p. — ESTC S2948. — Identification of author from p. 4 ("My wife, Elizabeth Bache"). Signatures: A-B4 C4 (-C4, blank?) Page 5 numbered 9. A variant of the edition naming Thomas Paine as printer and lacking Russell’s name in imprint.
Bache, Arthur, 1599 or 1600-. The voyce of the Lord in the temple· Or, a most strange and wonderfull relation of Gods great power, providence, and mercy, in sending very strange sounds, fires, and a fiery ball into the church of Anthony in Cornwall neere Plimmouth, on Whitsunday last, 1640. To the scorching and astonishing of 14. severall persons who were smitten. And likewise to the great terrour of all the other people then present, being about 200. persons. The truth whereof will be maintained by the oathes of the same persons; having been examined by Richard Carew of Anthony, Esquire; and Arthur Bache, vicar of Anthony. — Imprinted at London : by T. Paine for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold at the signe of the Marigold in Pauls Church-yard, 1640. — [2], 20 p. ; 4°. — ESTC S114886. — Identification of author from p. 4 ("My wife, Elizabeth Bache"). A variant of the edition giving W. Russell, Plymouth, as bookseller. Signatures: A-B4 C4(-C4).
Carpenter, Nathanael, 1589-1628. Chorazin and Bethsaida’s vvoe, or warning peece. A judicious and learned sermon on Math. II. v. 21. Preached at St Maries in Oxford, by that renowned and famous divine, Mr Nathanael Carpenter, Batchellor in Divinity, sometime Fellow of Exeter Colledge; late chaplaine to my Lords Grace of Ardmagh in Ireland.. — Oxford : Leonard Lichfield for Matthew Hunt, 1640. — [8], 95, [1] pages ; 12°. — USTC 3021356. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Subjects: Northleigh.
Carpenter, Nathanael, 1589-1628. Chorazin and Bethsaida’s vvoe, or warning-peece. A judicious and learned sermon on Math. II. v. 21. Preached at St Maries in Oxford, by that renowned and famous divine, Mr Nathanael Carpenter, Bachellor in Divinity, sometime Fellow of Exeter Colledge; late chaplaine to my Lords Grace of Ardmagh in Ireland.. — Oxford : Leonard Lichfield for Matthew Hunt, 1640. — [8], 95, [1] pages ; 12°. — USTC 3021327. —
Copies: USTC: 13 Copies. —
Subjects: Northleigh.
Eglesfield, James, 1601 or 1602-. A heavenly hymne to the king of heaven. Presented in a sermon, by Iames Eglesfield, Mr. of Arts in Queenes Colledge in Oxon late Vicar of Chewton in Sommerset. — London : Printed by Iohn Dawson, for Francis Eglesfield and are to be sold at the signe of the Marigold in Pauls Churchyard, 1640. — [6], 31, [1] p. ; 8°. — ESTC S114013. — Signatures: A-B8 C4 (-A1). STC (2nd ed.), 7545
Hall, Joseph. Christian moderation : In two books / by Jos: Exon. — London : Printed by Miles Flesher, 1640. — [14],191,[1],175,[1] ; 8° (18cm). — STC 12648b ; USTC 3021315. — Bishop of Exeter 1627 - 1641. —
Copies: WSL: s241.699/GEN/HAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Hall, Joseph. Works. Moderation.
Hall, Joseph. Episcopacie by divine right. Asserted by Jos. Hall, B. of Exon. — London : R.B. for Nath. Butter, 1640. — [14],80,135,[1],56 pages ; 4° (19cm). — USTC 3021647. —
Copies: WSL: s262.12/GEN/HAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Hall, Joseph. Works. Episcopacy.
Hall, Joseph. Episcopacie by divine right. Asserted, by Jos. Hall, B. of Exon.. — London : Richard Badger for Nathaniel Butter, 1640. — [16], 136, 127-262 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3021648. —
Copies: USTC: 37 Copies. —
Johnson, Thomas. Stand up to your beliefe, or, a combat betweene Satan tempting and a christian triumphing in the comfort of the creed. By Thomas Johnson, of Wol Borrow, Devonshire. — London : Printed at London by E.G[riffin]., and are to be sold by Thomas Hunt, bookeseller, in St. Peters Church-yard in Exeter , [ 1640]. — 1 sheet. — STC 14706. — Dredge p.6 (Hazlitt). —
Copies: WSL: LE 1640 (photocopy).
Subjects: Devon. Newton Abbot. Clergy. Johnson, Thomas. Works. Poetry. Acrosticks.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The perogative [sic] of parliaments in England. Proved in a dialogue .. / by the worthy knight Sir Walter Raleigh. — London : [T.Cotes], 1640. — [8],65,[1] pages ; 4° (20cm). — STC20650; USTC 3020886. — D3v line 17 ends: None (italic). —
Copies: WSL: s328.3/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Parliament.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. The prerogative of parliaments in England. Proved in a dialogue between a counsellor of state, and a iustice of peace. Written by the worthy knight, Sir Walter Raleigh. Dedicated to the Kings Majesty, and to the House of Parliament now assembled. Preserved to be now happily (in these distracted times) published.. — [London] : [ Thomas Cotes], 1640. — [8], 65, [1] pages, [1] leaf of plates ; 4°. — USTC 3021196. —
Copies: USTC: 12 Copies. —
Sclater, William. Death’s summons, and the saints duty. Laid forth first summarily in a sermon on 2. King. 20.1. in the cathedrall of St Peter in Exeter, Ianu. 24. 1638. at the solemne funerall of a well-deserving citizen. Since somewhat enlarged for the common good, by William Sclater, Master of Arts, late fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge, now a preacher of Gods Word in the city of Exeter.. — London : Richard Hodgkinson, 1640. — [8], 158, [2] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3021630. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Bond, John. A doore of hope, also Holy and loyall activity• Two treatises delivered in severall sermons, in Excester. By Iohn Bond, Bachelour of the Lawes, and lecturer in the same city.. — London : printed by G. M., for John Bartlet, 1641. — [8], 132 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3050628. —
Copies: USTC: 18 Copies. —
Byam, Henry. Osculum pacis. Concio ad clerum habita Exoniæ, in trien. visit. R.P. ac D.D. Jos. Hall episcopi Exon. Ab H.B.. — London : per John Raworth, pro Nathaniel Butter, 1641. — [6], 46 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3052347. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Cartwright, William. To the right honourable Philip, Earle of Pembroke and Mountgomery, Baron Herbert of Cardiffe and Shirland, Lord Par and Rosse of Kendall, Lord Fitzhugh Marmion, and Saint Quintine, Lord Warden of the Staneries, in the county of Devon and Cornwall, Lord Hi . — London : [Publisher unascertained], 1641. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3054722. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Cartwright, William. To the right honovrable Philip Earle of Pembroke and Mountgomery, Baron Herbert of Cardiffe and Shurland, Lord Par and Rosse of Kendall, Lord Fitzhugh Marmion, and Saint Quintine, Lord Warden of the Staneries, in the countie of Devon and Cornewall, Lord H . — [London] : printed for T. W., 1641. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3059366. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Devon. Deputy Lieutenants. The ansvver of the Deputie Lieutenants of the countie of Devon. To the declaration of Sir Ralph Hopton and other his trayterous adherents that have lately in an hostile manner invaded the said countie, and plundered, and pillaged many of the inhabitants t . — London : printed by Richard Olton and Gregory Dexter, for Henry Overton, sold [by Henry Overton], 1641. — [2], 4 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3051564. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
The English post from severall parts of this kingdome, lately sent to London: viz. from Truro, Iuly 26. Exeter, Iuly 29. Newcastle, Iuly 30. Yorke, Iuly 29. Lancaster, Iuly 30. From Dorchester, Iuly 31. Banbury, Iuly 28. Canterbury, August 2. Caermarden,. — [London] : [Publisher unascertained], 1641. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3053962. —
Copies: USTC: 10 Copies. —
Exeter. Corporation. To the Right Honourable, the Lords and Commons in Parliament. The humble petition of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Councell of the City of Exeter. — [London] : Printed for W.Hope, 1641. — 1 sheet ; 1/2°. —
Copies: WSL : LE 1641 EG 1 ; Barnstaple: Exeter Garland 1 ; Exmouth: Exeter Garland 1 ; Plymouth: I/S ; Troruay. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Economic conditions. Petitions. 1641
Gauden, John, 1605-1662.. The love of truth and peace. A sermon preached before honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament / by Iohn Gauden Bachelor in Divinity. — London : T.C. for Andrew Crooke, 1641. — [6],46p, ; 4° (21cm). — Wing G 362. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/GAU. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Gauden, John. Works. Sermons. 1641. —
Hakewill, William. The manner of holding parliaments in England. Collected forth of our ancient records. Whereunto is added. Certaine ancient customs .. — [ London] : Printed, 1641. — [58] pages ; 4°. — Wing H 214. —
Copies: WSL: s328.3/GEN/MAN. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Lawyers. Hakewill, William. Works: Engand. Parliaments.
Hall, Joseph. A sermon preach’t to his Maiesty, at the court of White-hall. Aug.8. By Jos. B. of Exon.. — London : printed by Miles Flesher, for Nathaniel Butter, 1641. — [2], 52 pages ; 8°. — USTC 3046686. —
Copies: USTC: 12 Copies. —
Holles, Denzil Holles, baron. The speech of Benzell Holles Esquire, delivered at the Lords Barr, Wednesday the 15th of June. Upon the impeachment of the Earles of Northhampton, Devon-shire, Monmouth, and Dover and of the Lords Rick Andever, Grey of Rusben, Coventry and Capell for thei . — London : J. Underhill, 1641. — [2], 6 pages ; 12°. — USTC 3059030. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Jelinger, Christopher. The excellency of Christ, or, the rose of Sharon : shewing the art of taking Christ as the onely soveraign medicine of a sin-sick sovl. Accommodated both for those that are without, and for those that are in Christ, who are thereby instructed how they may be fitted to apply Christ unto themselves. In 25 cases upon that excellent text in Cant 2. 1. I am the rose of Sharon. By Christopher Ielinger, minister of Gods word at Stonehouse in Devonshire. — London : Printed by I.L. for Fran. Eglesfield, and are to be sold by William Russell bookseller in Plimouth , 1641. — [14],256,[8]p ; 8°. — Wing2 J452; *WSL; Dredge p.36; Troup, Frances B. "Biographical sketch of the Rev. Christopher Jelinger. Bibliographical notes by J.Ingle Dredge", Trans. Dev. Assoc. vol. 32 (1900), p.259. — Also exists with variant - London : Printed by I.L. for Fran. Eglesfield, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Mary-Gold in Paul's Churchyard , 1641. —
Subjects: Devon.
Jelinger, Christopher. The excellency of Christ, or, the rose of Sharon : shewing the art of taking Christ as the onely soveraign medicine of a sin-sick. London : [for Fran.Eglesfield], 1641. — [14],255,[9] pages ; 8° (16cm). — Wing J 542. —
Copies: WSL: s232/GEN/JEL. —
Subjects: Devon. South Brent. Clergy. Jelinger, Christopher. Works. Christ. 1641. —
Jelinger, Christopher.. The excellency of Christ, or, The rose of Sharon: shewing the art of taking Christ as the onely soveraign medicine of a sin-sick soul. Accommodated both for those that are without, and for those that are in Christ, who are thereby instructed how they must be fitted to apply Christ unto themselves. In 25 cases upon that excellent text in Cant. 2.1. I am the rose of Sharon. By Christopher Ielinger, minister of Gods Word at Stonehouse in Devonshire. — London : printed by I.L. for Fran. Eglesfield, and are to be sold by William Russell bookseller in Plimouth, 1641. — [8], 255, [9] p. ; 8°. — ESTC R29877. — Signatures: A4 B-R8 S4.
Judd, Robert. Fourtie articles in the high court of Parliament, against William Lang, who was vicar in the parish of Bradworthy ... — London : Printed for Tho. Bates, 1641. — 8 pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: p920/LAN ; BAR 262.9/BRA 4/JUD. —
Subjects: Devon. Bradworthy. Clergy. Lang, William. Misconduct. Allegations. 1641. —
Kellett, Edward. Tricoenivm Christi; in nocte proditionis suæ. The threefold svpper of Christ in the night that he vvas betrayed. Explained by Edvvard Kellett, Doctor of Divinity, Canon of Exeter.. — London : printed by Thomas Cotes, for Andrew Crooke, 1641. — [44], 230, 233-286, 289-300, 331-365, [5], 521-659, [1] pages ; 2°. — USTC 3045496. —
Copies: USTC: 18 Copies. —
Moore, Peter. The apprentices warning-piece. Being a confession of Peter Moore, servant to Mr. Bidgood, apothecary in Exeter, executed ... — London : Printed by Henry Walker, 1641. — [8] pages ; 4°. — Wing M2582; USTC 3059532. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/364.1523/MOO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Poisoners. Moore, Peter. Confessions.
Prideaux, John. Nine sermons heretofore preached upon severall occasions, and printed 1636. and now published without any alteration 1641. By Iohn Prideaux doctor of divinity regius professor, and rector of Exeter Colledge.. — Oxford : printed by Lenoard Lichfield, sold by Henry Cripps and Henry Curteine, 1641. — [2] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3050246. — Born Stowford
Copies: USTC: 14 Copies. —
Pym, John. Two speeches made by John Pymm Esquire; the one after the Articles of the Charge against the Earle of Strafford were read. The other, after the Articles of the Charge against Sir George Ratcliffe were read. — London : Printed for John Bartlett and are to be sold at the gilt Cup neere St. Austins gate, 1641. — Pym was MP for Tavistock. —
Subjects: Devon. Tavistock. Members of Parliament. Pym, John.
A true relation of an apparition in the likenesse of a bird with a white brest, that appeared hovering over the deathbeds of some of the children of Mr. James Oxenham of Sale Monachorum, Devon. Gent. Confirmed by sundry witnesses as followeth in the ensui . — London : printed by I. O., for Richard Clutterbuck, 1641. — [24] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3051458. —
Copies: USTC: 10 Copies. —
Cartwright, William. To the right honourable Philip, Earle of Pembroke and Mountgomery : Baron Herbert of Cardiffe and Shirland, Lord Par and Rosse of Kendall, Lord Fitzhugh Marmion, and Saint Quintine, Lord Warden of the Staneries, in the county of Devon and Cornwall, Lord High Steward of the duchy of Cornwall, Chancellour of the Vniversity of Oxford. Lord Lieutenant of the counties of Kent, Cornwall and Wilts: Lord Chamberlaine of his Majesties most honourable houshold, knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, and one of his Majesties most honourable privie counsell. Upon his lordships election of Chancellor of the Vniveristy of Oxford. — London : printed. 1641]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. ; 1/2°. — ESTC: R210195. — Signed at end: William Cartwright. Verse - "My Lord, When Studies now are blasted and the times". —
Copies: British Library . —
Subjects: Westcountry. Stannaries. Broadside ballads. [s. n.].
Cartwright, William. To the right honovrable Philip Earle of Pembroke and Mountgomery : Baron Herbert of Cardiffe and Shurland, Lord Par and Rosse of Kendall, Lord Fitzhugh Marmion, and Saint Quintine, Lord Warden of the Staneries, in the countie of Devon and Cornewall, Lord High Steward of the duchie of Cornewall, Chancellour of the Vniversity of Oxford, Lord Lieutenant of the counties of Kent, Cornewall and Wilts: Lord Chamberlaine of his Majesties most honourable houshold, knight of the most noble order of the Garter, and one of his Majesties most honourable privie counsell. Vpon his lordhips election of Chancellor of the Vniveristy of Oxford. — [London] : Printed for T.W., 1641]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1°. — ESTC: R221083. — Signed at end: William Cartwright. Place of publication from Wing. Verse - "When studies now are blasted, and the times". —
Copies: British Library ; Cambridge University Trinity College (Cambridge, England); Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Stannaries. Broadside ballads. W., T.
Agreement for the surrender of Exeter to Prince Charles at Silly. — 1642/1646. -
Copies: BAR: B/1642/CIV. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Wars. Civil War. 1642-1646. —
August, 17. 1642. A relation from Belfast in Ireland, sent to a friend, mentioning some late successe against the rebels, by Colonell Clotworthy, about Mount-joy, in the county of Tyrone, with a letter of the deputy-lieutenants of Devonshire, to the gentlemen of Cornwall. — London : printed for John Bartlet, 1642. — 8 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3043149. —
Copies: USTC: 8 Copies. —
Bath, Henry Bourchier, Earl of. A declaration made by the right Honourable the Earle of Bath, one of his Majesties commissioners of array, to the whole country of Devonshire, with their answer thereunto annexed; also the manner how the said Earle of Bath endeavoured to put the commissio . — [London] : printed for John Wright, [ 1642]. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3060274. —
Copies: USTC: 17 Copies. —
A A blazing starre seen in the vvest at Totneis in Devonshire, on the foureteenth of this instant November, 1642. VVherin is manifested how master Ralph Ashley, a deboyst cavalier, attemted to ravish a young virgin, the daughter of Mr. Adam Fisher, inhabiti . — London : printed for Jonas Wright, 1642. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3060822. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Certain information from Devon and Dorset: concerning the Commission of Array.. — [London] : for Humphrey Blunden, 1642. — 7, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3043788. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
A declaration made by the right honourable the Earle of Bath ... also ... commission of Array into execution, at South-moulton ... — London : Printed for John Wright, [ 1642?]. — [8] pages ; 4°. — Wing B1132. —
Copies: WSL: sB/SOU 5/1642/DEC. —
Subjects: Devon. South Molton. Wars. Civil War. 1642. —
Devon. Deputy Lieutenants. The ansvver of the deputie lieutenants of the countie of Devon. [sic] to the declaration of Sir Ralph Hopton and other his trayterous adherents that have lately in an hostile manner invaded the said countie, and plundered, and pillaged many of the inhabit . — London : printed by Richard Olton and Gregory Dexter, for Henry Overton, sold [by Henry Overton], 1642. — [2], 4, [2] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3051565. —
Copies: USTC: 8 Copies. —
Devon. Quarter Sessions. To the Kings most excellent Maiestie. The most humble petition of your most faithfull servants & subiects, the iustices and gentlemen assembled at the generall sessions for the county of Devon.. — London : printed for Lawrence Blacklock, 1642. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3043586. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Devon. Quarter Sessions. To the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie. The most humble petition of your most faithfull sevants and subiects, the iustices and gentlemen assembled at the generall sessions for the county of Devon.. — [London] : [Publisher unascertained], [ 1642]. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3054548. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Devon. Quarter Sessions. To the most honourable the House of Peeres, and the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament. The humble petition of the baronets, justices, and gentlemen of the County of Devon at their generall sessions.. — [London] : printed for Humphrey Blunden, 1642. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3043790. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Devon. Quarter Sessions. To the most honovrable the Hovse of Peeres, and the honovrable Hovse of Commons assembled in Parliament. The humble petition of the Baronets, justices, and gentlemen of the county of Devon at their generall sessions.. — [London] : printed for Humphrey Blunden, 1642. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3043785. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
England. Monarch 1625-1649. Charles I. His Maiesties proclamation of grace, favour, and pardon to the inhabitants of his county of Devon, and citie of Exeter. — [Oxford] : [Leonard Lichfield], 1642. — [4] pages ; 4°. — Wing C2666 ; USTC 3054540. —
Copies: WSL : sDEV/1642/CIV Tr 2 ; Barnstaple: B/1642/HIS. —
Subjects: Devon. Wars. Civil War. Proclamations. 1642. —
England. Monarch 1625-1649. Charles I. A proclamation of His Majesties grace, favour, and pardon to the inhabitants of his county of his citty of Exceter. — [s.l.] : [s.n.], [ 1642]. — 1 sheet ; 1o. — USTC 3050138. —
Copies: WSL: LE 1642/11/09. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Rebels. Pardons. 1642
England. Parliament. A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: for the prevention of a most horrid, wicked and unnaturall designe, pursued by Sir Ralph Hopton and his adherents, rebells and traytors, in a warlike manner in Cornewall, and Devon, whereby r . — [London] : printed for John Wright, 1642. — [8] pages. — USTC 3060193. —
Copies: USTC: 19 Copies. —
England. Parliament. A declaration of the Lords and commons assembled in Parliament: for the protection of Sir George Chudleigh, Sir John Northcott, Sir Samuel Rolle, and Sir Nicholas Martyn, in the countie of Devon, who have lately beene proclaimed traytors by his Majestie.. — [London] : printed for John Wright, 1642. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3060466. —
Copies: USTC: 9 Copies. —
England. Parliament. A declaration of the Lords and commons assembled in Parliament: for the protection of Sir George Chudleigh, Sir John Northcott, Sir Samuel Rolle, and Sir Nicholas Martyn, in the countie of Devon, who have lately beene proclaimed traytors by his Majestie.. — [London] : printed for John Wright, 1642. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3060466. —
Copies: USTC: 9 Copies. —
England. Parliament. A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: in answer to a petition presented to the said houses, by the inhabitants of Devonshire and Cornwall, Octob. 22. 1642. Expressing their great miserie and calamitie which they have lately suffe . — London : printed for John Dam, 1642. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3045786. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
England. Parliament. A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: in answer to a petition presented to the said houses, by the inhabitants of Devonshire and Cornwall, Octob. 22. 1642. Expressing their great miserie and calamitie which they have lately suffe . — London : printed for John Dam, 1642. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3045786. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
England. Parliament. The Parliaments message to the King at Yorke. And his Maiesties warrant to the countie, with an order to the House of Peeres, to the Earle Northampton Earle of Dover Earle of Devonshire Earle of Huntington Earl of Linsey Earle of Coventry and L. Savile L. . — [London] : printed [by?] Daniel Hopson, 1642. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3048160. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
England. Parliament. The Parliaments message to the King at Yorke. And his Maiesties warrant to the countie, with an order to the House of Peeres, to the Earle Northampton Earle of Dover Earle of Devonshire Earle of Huntington Earl of Linsey Earle of Coventry and L. Savile L. . — [London] : printed [by?] Daniel Hopson, 1642. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3048160. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
The English intelligencer, shewing the true and most remarkeable passages that have hapned in this kingdome. Namely, at Chester. York. Nottingham. Lincolne-shire. Norfolke. Cambridge. Somerset-shire. Cornwall. South-Wales. Excester. Warwickshire. Bristoll . London : printed for John Johnson, 1642. — [1 volume] ; 4°. — USTC 3049332. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
An exact and true relation how eighteene French and Irish men, whose names are set downe, were apprehended at Salt-come in Devonshire neere Plymouth, and from thence by order of Parliament, brought up to Newgate, on Munday the 7th March 1641. upon a suspi . — London : printed for John Wright, 1641 [=1642]. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3060455. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Exceeding joyfull nevves from Plymouth and Devonshire. Sent in a letter from the deputy lieutenants to the House of Commons, Decemb. 8. wherein is declared the full proceedings of the cavaleirs against the Parliament forces in the said county, from the 4. . — [London] : printed for H. Blundoll, 1642. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3043801. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Exceeding true nevves from Boston, Sherbourne Castle, Oxford, Exeter Beverley, Bristow, and Ireland. VVherein is declared how ten cavaliers were taken neere Serges in Lincolneshiere, with 3. ships and great store of treasure, and brought to London on tues . — London : printed for Henry Fowler, 1642. — [2], 6 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3046838. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Exeter. Common Council. To the Right Honourable, the Lords and Commons in Parliament. The humble petition of the mayor, aldermen, and common-councell of the city of Exeter.. — [London] : printed for William Hope, 1641 [=1642]. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3048156. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Fairfax's> Fairfax's letter to Hon. William Lenthal.... — 1642/1646. -
Copies: BAR: B/1642/CIV. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Wars. Civil War. 1642-1646. —
Flavell, John, 1630-1691. A briefe treatise of Gods almighty power, ... / By John Flavell. — London : Printed for Rich: Harper, 1642. — [8] pages ; 4°. — Not in Wing. —
Copies: WSL: p231/GEN/FLA. —
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Flavell, John. Works. God.
Fourtie articles in the High Court of Parliament, against William Lang, who was vicar in the parish of Bradworthy, in the county of Devon, but now prisoner in the city of London. With a petition to the Right Honorable House of Commons, shewing the odiousn . — London : printed for Thomas Bates, 1641 [=1642]. — 8 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3043185. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Fourtie articles in the High Court of Parliament, against William Lang, who was vicar in the parish of Bradworthy, in the county of Devon, but now prisoner in the city of London. With a petition to the Right Honorable House of Commons, shewing the odiousn . — London : printed for Thomas Bates, [ 1642]. — 8 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3043194. —
Copies: USTC: 9 Copies. —
Hopton's> Hopton's Army in Cornwall and Fairfax his advance towards Exeter. — 1642/1646. -
Copies: BAR: B/1642/CIV. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Wars. Civil War. 1642-1646. —
House of Commons. The sentence of the House of Commons upon Mr. Henry Durrell, for reporting that Master Pym ... should take a bribe ... — London : E.Husbands & I.Franck, 1642. — [2],4,[2] pages ; 4°. — Wing E2724. —
Copies: WSL: s920/DAR. —
Subjects: Devon. Tavistock. Members of Parliament. Pym, John. Bribery. Allegations. 1642. —
Hughes, George. The art of embalming dead saints, discovered in a sermon preached at the funerall of Master William Crompton ... pastor ... Lanceston / by G Hughes B.D. Pastor of the Church in Tavistock Devon> London : A.N. for John Rothwell, 1642. — [8],52 pages ; 4° (18cm). — Wing H3307. —
Copies: WSL : s252/LAU/HUG. —
Subjects: Devon. Tavistock. Clergy. Hughes, George. Funeral sermons. 1642. —
The latest remarkable truths from Worcester, Chester, Salop, Warwick, Stafford, Somerset, Devon, Yorke, and Lincoln counties. Most of which was sent up poste from judicious men, of purpose to be printed. Among other things there is a cruell and bloody spe . — London : printed for Thomas Underhill, 1642. — 8 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3059038. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
The latest remarkable truths, (not before printed) from Chester, Worcester, Devon, Somerset, Yorke and Lanchaster counties, as also from Scotland. Containing among other things these, viz. Lord Generalls taking of Hereford, a treaty of peace, conditio . — London : printed for Thomas Underhill, 1642. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3059045. —
Copies: USTC: 10 Copies. —
Massereene, John Clotworthy, Viscount. August, 17. 1642. A relation from Belfast, sent to a friend, mentioning some late successe against the rebels, by Colonell Clotworthy, about Mount-Joy, in the county of Tyrone, with a letter of the Deputy-Lieutenants of Devonshire, to the gentlemen of Cor . — London : printed for John Bartlet, 1642. — 8 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3043146. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Peterson, William. A sermon lately preached at court, before His Majesty, in ordinary attendance: by VVilliam Peterson, D.D. and Deane of Exeter. Chaplaine to His Majesty.. — London : printed for Nathaniel Butter, 1642. — [2], 29, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3044352. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
The petition of the knights, gentlemen, and yeomanry of the country [sic] of Devonshire. Humbly desiring, that they may have an authorised power speedily to raise armes, to suppresse the tumultuous meetings of recusants, church papists, and other desperate [...]. — London : Printed for J.W[right]. and T.B[ates]., [ 1642]. — [2], 6 pages ; 4°. — Wing P1808; USTC 3060107. —
Copies: WSL : sDEV/1642/CIV Tr 1 ; Barnstaple: B /1642/PET. —
Subjects: Devon. Wars. Civil War. Petitions. 1642. —
Prescot, Giles. A remonstrance or declaration, of the names of the knights and gentlemen that take part with Sir Ralph Hopton, and other delinquents, in Devonshire, and Cornewall with the number of their forces. Also the names of the knights and gentlemen that stand well affected to the Parliament. The names of those which stand for the King. Sir Charles Wray, Sir Robert Raynton, Mr. Pollard. Mr. Ingleby, Sir Iohn Venner, Mr. Fortescue, Mr Drake, and others, in the north part of the county. Mr. Berry, Mr. Ackland, and others, opposers of these malignants. Sir Iohn Banlet, Mr. Ash in the East part, opposed by Sir George Chudleigh, Capt. Gifford, and divers other well affected gentlemen, which stand for the King and Parliament. — London : printed by Tho. Favvcet, Octob. 29. 1642. — 8 p. ; 4°. — ESTC R5847 ; USTC 3046448. ; Wing (2nd ed.), P3232 ; Thomason, E.124[29]. — Signed: Gyles Prescot. —
Copies: Barnstaple: B/1642/CIV. —
Subjects: Devon. Wars. Civil War. 1642. —
The protestation taken by the commissioners of Cornwall and Devon, at Stone-House neare Plymouth, on the 5. of March. 1642. With their propositions, replies, and answers.. — [London] : [Publisher unascertained], 1642. — [2], 12, [2] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3054861. —
Copies: USTC: 15 Copies. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The prince, or maxims of state. Written by Sir Walter Ravvley, and presented to Prince Henry. — London : Printed, 1642. — [6],46p : port ; 4° (21cm). — Wing R 179 ; USTC 3053179. —
Copies: WSL: s320.5/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Politics.
Remarkable passages newly received of the great overthrow of Sir Ralph Hopton and his eorces [sic]; at Madburie, ... — London : Printed for Henry Overton, 1642. — [2],6 pages ; 4°. — Wing R 926. —
Copies: WSL : sDEV/1642/REM Tr 3 ; Barnstaple: B /1642/REM. —
Subjects: Devon. Modbury. Wars. Civil War. Battles. 1642. —
Remarkeable occurrences of state, or, a collection of severall passages of the Honorable Houses of Parliament. With many matters of note concerning the Earles of Salisbury, Devonshire, Northampton, and Monmouth, who were going privately to Yorke. Also a g . — London : printed for John Webb, 1642. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3059625. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Remonstrance> A remonstrance ..with Sir Ralph Hopton. — 1642/1646. -
Copies: BAR: B/1642/CIV. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Wars. Civil War. 1642-1646. —
The resolution of Devonshire and Cornwall and other adioyning counties: with the names of the forts and castles given up to the King. With the copie of a letter written by I. Ayre Esquire from Portsmouth, to M. I. Arundell in London, shewing His Maiesties . — [London] : printed for Richard West, 1642. — [2], 6 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3059682. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Sclater, William. Papisto-matrix, or Deborahs prayer against Gods enemies ... explicated and applyed, in the cathedrall of Saint Peter in Exon. — London : Printed by Ric.Hodgkinsonne, 1642. — [4],60 pages ; 4°. — Wing S 919 ; USTC 3048121. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/252/SCL. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Cathedrals. Saint Peter. Sermons. Texts. 1642. —
Sclater, William. The remedie of schisme. Or, a mean to settle the divisions of the times. Set forth in a seasonable sermon before an honorable assembly in the city of London. By William Sclater, Batchelar in Divinitie, preacher of Gods Word in the city of Exeter.. — London : printed by Thomas Paine and M. Simmons, for Thomas Slater, 1642. — [4], 53, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3051858. —
Copies: USTC: 12 Copies. —
Sir Thomas Fairfax's proceedings about the storming of Exeter. — 1642/1646. -
Copies: BAR: B/1642/CIV. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Wars. Civil War. 1642-1646. —
Some late occurrences in Shrop-shire and Devon-shire. Dated, September last.. — London : printed for Humphrey Blunden, 1641 [=1642]. — 7, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3043768. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Some late occvrrences in Shrop-shire and Devon-shire. Dated, September the last.. — London : printed for Humphrey Blunden, 1642. — 7, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3043794. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Three petitions presented by the grand inquest at the assises held in the Castle of Excester, in the County of Devon. — London : print. for J. Bartlet, 1642. — 8 pages ; 4°. — Wing T1107; USTC 3043126. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1642/THR.
Subjects: Devon.
Torrington> Torrington, Two letters sent to Hon. William Lenthal... — 1642/1646. -
Copies: BAR: B/1642/CIV. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Wars. Civil War. 1642-1646. —
True and joyfull newes from Exceter. Shewing how Sir Ralph Hopton, Sir Bevil Greenvil ... were manfully repulst ... — London : Printed for Iohn Davis, [ 1642]. — 8 pages ; 4°. — Wing T2504. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/1642/TRU. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Wars. Civil War. 1642. —
A true and perfect relation of a great and happy victory obtained ... over Sir Ralph Hopton and his cavaliers, near Plymouth .... — London : John Wright, 1642. — [6] pages ; 21cm. —
Copies: WSL: pDEV/1642/CIV. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Wars. Civil War. Battles. 1642. —
The true copie of a letter, sent from Sir Ralph Hopton ... To Mr. Mr Christopher Clarke, Major of the city of Excester, ... — London : Printed for J.T. and R.R., 1642. — [7] pages ; 21cm [photocopy]. —
Copies: WSL : pB/EXE/1642/TRU (photocopy?) ; BAR: BX:EXE/1642/TRU. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Wars. Civil War. Sieges. 1642. —
True and remarkable passages from the last of October to this present day. From these severall places following; namely, from New-Castle. Durham. Rippon. the county of Lincolne. from Redding. Shrewsbury. Bristoll. Cornwall. Excester. Wherein are set down. — London : printed for Francis Wright, [ 1642]. — 8 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3060080. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
True nevves from Devonshire, and Cornwall. Being a collection of severall letters sent to the gentlemen and attorneyes of Lyons-Inne in London, this weeke by the last post, from the westerne counties of England. And composed together by the gentlemen of t . — [London] : printed by T. F., for R. R. M. M., 1642. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3046361. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
Truthes from severall parts of the kingdome, since Munday, the one and thirtieth of October, to this present. From Warwicke, Banbury, Oxford, Redding, Daintry, Exeter, Chester, and London. Also an order concerning the preparing of Heads of an humble addre . — London : printed for M. Bat, 1642. — 8 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3043164. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
A view of the proceedings of the Western Counties for the pacification of their present troubles : as also of the plots ... — [Oxford] : Printed in the yeare, 1642. — [2],10 pages ; 4°. —
Copies: WSL : pWES/1642/VIE. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Wars. Civil War. 1642. —
Articles of agreement betweene his Excellency Prince Maurice, and the Earle of Stamford, upon the delivery of ... Excester ..> London : Printed for Tho. Walkley, 1643. — [2],5 pages ; 21cm [photocopy]. — Wing M1357 ; USTC 3059540. —
Copies: WSL : pB/EXE/1643/ART ; Barnstaple: BX:EXE/1643/ART. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Wars. Civil War. Sieges. 1643. —
The association, agreement and protestation of the counties of Cornwall and Devon. Ianuary 5. 1643> Oxford : Leonard Litchfield, 1643. — [2],9,[1] pages ; 4°. — Wing A4052 ; USTC 3050161. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1643/ASS. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Wars. Civil War. Loyalty. Protestations. 1643. —
The Association, agreement, and protestation of the covnties of Cornwall, and Devon January 5, 1643.. — Bristol : printed by Robert Barker and John Bill, 1643. — [2], 6 pages. — USTC 3042704. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Bond, John, 1612-1676. Exon. Aprill 8. 1643. Having lately seene a pamphlet mis-called a sermon, and fathered upon my name, under this title, a sermon preached in Exon, before the Deputy Liuetenants, Captaines, &c. in the county of Devon, by John Bond, minister of the word of G . — [London] : [Publisher unascertained], [ 1643]. — 1 sheet. — Wing2 B3571; USTC 3053324. — . — Other works by John Bond were distributed by Francis Eglesfield who had Exeter links. Probably printed in London. —
Subjects: Devon.
Bond, John, 1612-1676. A sermon preached in Exon, before the deputy-lieutenants, captaines and other militarie officers and souldiers ...of Devon> London : T.B. for F.Eglesfield, 1643. — [2],35,[1] pages ; 4°. — Wing B3575 ; USTC 3042373. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/252/BON. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Sermons. Texts.
Bond, John, 1612-1676. The states stability: a sermon preached in Exon before the deputy-lieutenants, captaines, and other militarie officers and souldiers of the county of Devon. By John Bond minister of the Word of God in the city of Exon [sic]. — London : [Publisher unascertained], 1643. — [2], 35, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3054048. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Browne, Thomas, Gentleman.. A true relation of the prosperous successe, and proceedings of the Parliaments forces in the counties of Somerset and Devon, against the malignants army in those parts: from the 19 of May to the 23. 1643. Sent in a letter from M. Tho. Browne, a gentleman. — London : printed for Philip Smith, 1643. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3058053. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Charles I, King of England. By the King. His Majesties proclamation on the behalfe of Sir Ralph Hopton and his proceedings in the counties of Cornewall and Devon, by virtue of His Majesties commission.. — Oxford : by Lenoard Lichfield, 1642 [=1643]. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3050144. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
The copie of a letter sent from Exeter, by a gentleman of quality, to a worthy friend of his dwelling in London. Shewing, how the enemy have besieged the said city, and how they lye quartered about it: with a true relation of a fight between the citizens. — London : printed for Bernard Alsop, 1643. — [2], 6 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3042042. —
Copies: USTC: 5 Copies. —
Exploits discovered, in a declaration of some more proceedings of Serjeant Major Chudley, generall of the forces under the Earle of Stamford: against Sir Ralph Hopton. Fully relating the great overthrow given to him. As it was sent in a letter from Exon,. — London : printed for Benjamin Allen and T. Underhill, 1643. — 8 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3041917. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Hopton, Ralph Hopton, Baron. The true copie of a letter; sent from Sir Ralph Hopton. Col. Ashburnham. and Sir Iohn Berkley. To Mr. Christopher Clarke, Major of the city of Excester [sic] for the laying down their armes, raysed for the Parliament, and the delivering up the city to the . — London : printed for J. T. and R. R., 1642 [=1643]. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3058325. —
Copies: USTC: 6 Copies. —
Hywood, Abel. A famous victory obtained before the city of Exeter, on Sunday Ianuary 1. by Captain Pym against Sir Ralph Hopton, ..>[ London] : for I.H. and T.Finch, 1643. — [8] pages ; 4°. — Wing H3891; USTC 3047431. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/1643/HYW. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Wars. Civil War. Battles. 1643. —
A most true relation of divers notable passages of divine providence in the ... victory obtained by the Parliaments forces> London : Printed for L.Blaikelocke, 1643. — [2],6 pages ; 4°. — Wing M2928 ; USTC 3043568. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1643/MOS. —
Subjects: Devon. Wars. Civil War. Battles. 1643. —
Trescot, Thomas. The zealous magistrate. Set forth in A Sermon, Preached in Exeter, before the Right Honourable Sir Robert Foster, his Majesties Justice of Assize for the Western Circuit. — London : Printed for Daniel Frere, 1642 [=1643]. — [10],28 pages ; 4°. — Wing T2126 ; USTC 3046903. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/252/TRE. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Assizes. Sermons. 1642. —
Trescot, Thomas. The zealous magistrate. Set forth in a sermon, preached in Exeter, before the Right Honourable Sir Robert Foster, his Majesties justice of Aßize for the western circuit. By Thomas Trescot, Master of Arts, and Rector of the Church of Invvardleigh in Delton . — London : printed for Edward Dight, sold by Walter Dight, 1642 [=1643]. — [10], 28 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3046167. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
A true and perfect relation of the passages in Devonshire this vveeke. How all the Devonshire forces met at Kings-Bridge, and marched to Modburie, being eight or nine thousand; where they joyned with Bastoll and Biddifords men, where they set upon Sir Ral . — London : for John Bellamy and Ralph Smith, 1642 [=1643]. — [2], 5, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3043321. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
The Truth of our bad nevves from Exeter, sent in a letter, dated May 20. 1643. from a considerable man there, to an eminent merchant in London: and may serve as a confutation of our malignants boasting, who take all advantages to discourage the well-affec . — London : John Rothwell, 1643. — [2], 4 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3052549. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Wardlace, James. The copie of a letter, sent from the commander in chiefe, of the town and port of Plymouth, to the Honourble [sic] Mr. Lenthall> London : Printed for Edward Husbands, 1643. — [2],5,[1] pages ; 4°. — Wing W 842. —
Copies: WSL: sB/PLY 1/1643/WAR. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Wars. Civil War. 1643. —
Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of. A letter from the Earl of Warwick: relating the taking of all the forts, and 16 pieces of ordnance, from the malignant Cornishmen, that had before besieged the city of Exeter. Together with an apologie made by an English officer of qualitie, for leaving t . — London : printed for John Partridge, 1643. — [2], 13, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3051996. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of. A letter from the Earl of Warwick: relating the taking of all the forts, and 16 pieces of ordnance, from the malignant Cornishmen, that had before besieged the city of Exeter. Together with an apologie made by an English officer of qualitie, for leaving t . — London : printed for John Partridge, 1643. — [2], 13, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3051998. —
Copies: USTC: 9 Copies. —
The association, agreement, and protestation, of the counties of Somerset, Dorset, Cornwall, & Devon. Printed by His Majesties command, at the Desire of the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Oxford.. — [Oxford] : by Lenoard Lichfield, 1644. — [2], 10 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3049868. —
Copies: USTC: 12 Copies. —
The association, agreement, and protestation, of the covnties of Somerset, Dorset, Cornwall, & Devon. Printed by His Majesties command, at the Desire of the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Oxford,. — [Oxford] : by Lenoard Lichfield, 1644. — [2], 10 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3049873. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Carre, James. A letter by the Lord Generals direction, from Colonel Carre Governour of Plimouth to the Lord Admiral> London : for M. Walbancke, 1644. — [8] pages ; 4°. — Wing C 640. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1644/LET. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Wars. Civil War. 1644. —
Chudleigh, George, Sir. A declaration published in the county of Devon by that grand ambo-dexter, Sir George Chudleigh Baronet, to delude his country-men in their iudgement and affections, touching the present differences between his Majestie and the Parliament. Together with a. — London : printed by L. N., for Richard Clutterbuck, 1644. — 8 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3051206. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
A continuation of The true narration of the most observable passages in and about Plymouth, from Ianuary 26. 1643. till this present; wherein you may observe how the Lord doth alwaies work, for that poore, and remote garrison. Together with the letter of Sir Richard Greenvile, with the answer to it, as also the burning of a booke inclosed in his letter by the hand of the hangman, the book being intituled, The iniquity of the Covenant. With the discovery of a shee traytor together with the articles prooved on oath against her at a councell of warre. Published by authoritie. — London : printed by I.D. for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold at the signe of the Marigold in Pauls Churchyard, May 10. 1644. — [3], 3-4, 6-12 p. ; 4°. — ESTC R23225.; Wing C5973. — A continuation of Wing T2763. Text continuous despite pagination. Signatures: A4 B².
Copies: WSL: sB/PLY 1/1644/CON. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Wars. Civil War. 1644. —
England. Parliament. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the associating the counties of Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, and the cities of Bristoll and Exeter, and the town and county of Poole. And for the putting of them into a pos . — [London] : printed for Edward Husband, [ 1644]. — 24 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3048585. —
Copies: USTC: 15 Copies. —
England. Parliament. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the enabling of ... ordinances ... in ... Devon and Cornwall ..> London : Printed for E. Husbands, 1644. — [2],6 pages ; 4°. — Wing E1971 ; USTC 3048589. —
Copies: WSL: sWES/1644/ORD. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Army. Finance. Ordinances. 1644. —
Fisher, Edward, active 1627-1655. The feast of feasts. Or, the celebration of the sacred nativity of our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ; grounded upon the Scriptures, and confirmed by the practice of the Christian Church in all ages. — Oxford [i.e. London] : printed by Leonard Lichfield, printer to the Vniversity, 1644. — [4], 31, [1] p. ; 4⁰.
Copies: WSL: s242.3/GEN/FEA
Francis, Philip, of Plymouth, merchant.. The answer of Philip Francis merchant late major of the borrough of Plymouth, in the county of Devon, to the false and scandalous aspersion and accusation of Charles Vaughan Gentleman.. — [London] : [Publisher unascertained], [ 1644]. — [16] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3054505. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Francis, Philip. The misdemeanors of a traytor and treasurer, discovered in the answer of Philip Francis ... accusation of Charles Vaughan ..> London : Printed by Jane Coe, 1644. — [16] pages ; 4°. — Wing F2059. —
Copies: WSL: sB/PLY 1/1643/MIS. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Mayors. Francis, Philip. Accusations. Replies. 1644. —
Hughes, G. A dry rod blooming and fruit-bearing or, a treatise of the pains gain, and use of chastenings. / By G. Hughes, B.D. Pastor of the Church in Plymouth> London : Printed by T.Pains, 1644. — [8],119,[1] pages ; 4° (20cm). — Wing H3308. —
Copies: WSL : s252/PLY/HUG. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Hughes, G. Works. Chastising.
Midhope, Stephen.. Deaths advantage: or A sermon preached at the funerall of that noble and valiant gentleman, Colonell William Gould, High Sheriffe of Devon: by order of Parliament, and late commander of the fort and island in Plymouth. By Stephen Midhope, Mr. of Arts. — London : printed by L[uke]. N[orton]. for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold at the Marigold in Paul’s Church-yard, 1644. — [8], 24 p. ; 4°. — ESTC R7641; Wing M1996 ; USTC 3051402. — Printer’s name from Wing CD. Imprimatur on leaf A1v: I have perused this sermon ... I license it to be printed and published. John Downame. Running title reads: Death’s advantage. Signatures: A-D4. Annotation on Thomason copy: "Octob: 23".
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/MID. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Army officers. Gould, William. Funerals. Sermons. Texts. 1644. —
Palmer, Thomas. The Saints support in these bad times : delivered in a sermon at Tiverton ... in the time his Excellencies Army ... quartered ..> London : Joseph Carrill, 1644. — [4],44 pages. — USTC 3051554. —
Copies: WSL : p252/TIV/PAL (Badly cropped). —
Subjects: Devon. Tiverton. Wars. Civil War. Sermons. Texts. 1644. -
Raleigh, Sir Walter. Grondige ende waerachtige beschrijvinge van Guiana. — [Northern Netherlands] : [Publisher unascertained], 1644. — [1 volume] ; 4° oblong. — USTC 1013841. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. To day a man, to morrow none : or, Sir Walter Raleighs farewell to his Lady, the night before he was beheaded; with his advice> London : Printed for R.H., 1644. — [2],6p ; 4°. — Wing R 191 ; USTC 3047500. —
Copies: WSL: s826/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesman. Raleigh, Walter. Sir. Works: Letters. 1644. —
Three severall letters of great importance. The first, containing the brave exploits of the Lyme men at Axmister in Devonshire; together with a perfect list of the number of prisoners, ordnance, armes, and ammmuition [sic] taken there. The second, contain . — London : printed for G. B., 1644. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3042269. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
A True narration of the most observable passages, in and at the late seige of Plymouth, from the fifteenth day of September 1643> London : L.N. for F.Eglesfeild, 1644. — [2],20p : folded ma pages ; 4°. — Wing T2763. —
Copies: WSL: sB/PLY1/1643/TRU. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Wars. Civil War. 1644. —
Bond, John, 1612-1676. Occasus occidentalis: or, Job in the VVest. As it was laid forth in two severall sermons, at two publike fasts, for the five associated westerne counties. By Iohn Bond B.L. late lecturer in the City of Exon, now minister at the Savoy, London. A member of the Assembly of Divines. — London : printed by J. D. for Fran. Eglesfield, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Marigold in Pauls Church-yard, 1645. — [12], 80 p. ; 4°. — ESTC R4274 ; Wing B3572 ; USTC 3045744. — With an initial imprimatur leaf signed: Ja. Cranford. and dated: Ianuary 20. 1644. Annotation on Thomason copy: "Jan: 25th: 1644".
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/252/BON. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Sermons. Texts. 1645. —
Bond, John, 1612-1676. Oriens ab occidente: or, A dawning in the vvest· As it was delivered in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons, at Westminster; upon their day of thanksgiving, for severall victories in the west, &c. By John Bond Mr of the Savoy, and one of the Assembly of Divines. — London : printed by J.D. for Fr. Eglesfield, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Mary-gold in Pauls Church-yard, 1645. — [4], 47, [1] p. ; 4°. — ESTC R211371. — Running title reads: A sermon of thanksgiving, for the taking of Bridgewater, and Sherborn-Castle, &c. in the west.
Bond, John, 1612-1676. Ortus occidentalis: or, A dawning in the vvest· As it was delivered in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons, at Westminster; upon their day of thanksgiving, for severall victories in the west, &c. By John Bond Mr of the Savoy, and one of the Assembly of Divines. — London : printed by J.D. for Fr. Eglesfield, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Mary-gold in Pauls Church-yard, 1645. — [4], 47, [1] p. ; 4°. — ESTC R200228. — Running title reads: A sermon of thanksgiving, for the taking of Bridgewater, and Sherborn-Castle, &c. in the west. A reissue, with cancel title page, of "Oriens ab occidente". The title is in the same setting as the cancellandum after the first two words. Signatures: A²(±A1) B-G4.
Certain prayers fitted to severall occasions. To be used in His Majesties armies, and garrisons. Published by His Highnesse command. — Exeter : Printed by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers to the King's most excellent Majesty, 1645. — [2],18 pages ; 4°. Wing2 C4091i ; USTC 3043063.-

British Library
Copies: BL. —
Subjects: Devon. Army Prayers
Charles II, King of England. By His Highnesse the Prince of Great Brittain, Duke of Cornwall and Albany, highest Captain Generall of all His Majesties forces raised and to be raised within the kingdom of England, dominion of VVales and town of Berwick, &c. A proclamation, for all per . — Exeter : by Robert Barker and John Bill, 1645. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3043054. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Subjects: Devon. Militia Proclamations 1645. —
A copy of a petition, commended to the peace-making association in the West, by Colonell Blake, and Colonell Pyne, to be subscribed and presented by them to Sir Thomas Fairfax, instead of subscription, they returned this brief and moderate answer. Also a new oath now injoyned by ordinance of both Houses, directly contrary to the oath of allegiance, and their own protestation, at the beginning of this parliament. — Exeter : Imprinted in the yeer, 1645. — [2],14 pages ; 4°. — Wing2 C6186 ; USTC 3055097. —

British Library
Copies: BL. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Wars. Civil war Petitions
Digby, John. Sir. Sir John Digby's letter to Colonel Kerr governour of Plymouth, perswading him to betray his trust, and deliver up the town> London : Printed for Edw Husband, 1645. — 8 pages ; 4°. — Wing B4793. —
Copies: WSL : sB/PLY 1/1645/DIG ; Barnstaple: B/1642/DIG. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Wars. Civil War. 1645. —
England. Monarch 1625-1649. Charles I. By His Highnesse the Prince of Great Brittain, Duke of Cornwall and Albany, highest captain generall of all His Majesties forces raised and to be raised within the kingdom of England, dominion of Wales and town of Berwick, &c. A proclamation, for all persons within our quarters in the county of Devon able to bear arms, not being otherwise imployed by His Highnesse, or dispenced withall, to attend His Highnesse now advancing in person to meet the rebels. As also for a generall supplication to be made in all churches of Devon and Exeter, on Sunday the 4. of January, for Gods blessing on His Highnesse, and his forces. ... Given at our court at Tavistock the 29. of Decemb. 1645 / Charles P. By His Highnesse command in councell Rich: Fanshawe. — [Exeter] : Imprinted at Exeter by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1645. — 1 sheet ; 1/2°. — Wing2 C3314, F418. —

Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Subjects: Devon.
Fairfax, Thomas. Sir. Letter concerning his advance from Exeter to Torrington> London : Edward Husband, 1645. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/1645/FAI U. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Wars. Civil War. Sieges. 1645. —
Fairfax, Thomas. Sir. Sir Thomas Fairfax's proceedings about the storming of Exeter: the mijors house taken, and four companies of foot put in it > - London : Printed for M.Walbank, 1645. — 7[1] pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/1645/FAI. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Civil War. Sieges. 1645. —
Francis, Philip, of Plymouth, merchant.. The misdemeanors of a traytor, and treasurer, discovered in the answer of Philip Francis, merchant: late major of the borough of Plimouth, in the county of Devon; to the false and scandalous aspersion, and accusation of Charles Vaughan, Gentleman.. — London : printed by Jane Coe, 1644 [=1645]. — [16] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3044825. —
Copies: USTC: 4 Copies. —
A full and exact relation of the storming and taking of Dartmouth, with above five hundred prisoners, sixty peece of ordnance, ..> London : Printed for Edw.Husband, 1645. — 8 pages ; 4°. — Wing F2279. —
Copies: WSL: LE 1646/01/23 ; pB/DAR 7/1645/FUL (photocopy) ; Barnstaple: BX:DAR 7/FUL ; Torquay.. —
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Wars. Civil War. 1645. —
A fuller relation of Sir Thomas Fairfax's routing all the Kings armies in the West ... at Torrington ... blowing up ... church> London : Printed for M.Walbanck, 1645. — 14 pages ; 4° [photocopy]. —
Copies: WSL : pB/GRE/1646/FUL ; Barnstaple: BT:GRE/1642/FUL. —
Subjects: Devon. Great Torrington. Wars. Civil War. Battles. 1645. —
Fuller, Thomas. Good thoughts in bad times, consisting of personall meditations. Scripture observations. Historicall observations. Mixt contemplations. By Thomas Fuller ... — Exeter : Printed for Thomas Hunt , 1645. — [10],250 pages ; 12°. — Wing2 F2425 ; USTC 3048371. — Dredge p.7; Sessions.
Subjects: Devon. Devotional texts
Goring, George George Lord Goring generall London : [s. n.], 1645. — 1 sheet ; 1/2°. — Wing2 G1303 (gives imprint as [London]).

Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Wars Civil War Addresses 1645. —
Grosse, Alexander. Christ the Christians choice. Or a sermon preached at the funerall of Mr John Caws one of the magistrates of ... Plymouth> London : Printed by R.B., 1645. — 24 pages ; 4°. — Wing G2069. —
Copies: WSL : s232/GEN/GRO. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Magistrates. Caws, John. Funerals. Sermons. Texts. 1645. —
J.R. A True Relation concerning the late fight at Torrington, between the forces under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax ..> London : Printed for Edw Husband, 1645. — 8 pages ; 4°. — Wing R 35 Notes: Signed: J.R. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1642/CIV Tr 7 ; Barnstaple: BT:GRE/1642/TRU. —
Subjects: Devon. Great Torrington. Wars. Civil War. Battles. 1645. —
Mercurius veridicus : or, true informations, of special and remarkable passages ... Num 32 (photocopy)> London : Printed by Bernard Alsop, 1645. — pp243-250 ; 21cm. —
Copies: WSL: pWES/1645/MER. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Wars. Civil War. 1645. —
A petition to His Maiesty; of the three revolting counties in the west, Wilts, Somerset, and Devon. With the cause and reason, and how they intended to spend their last blood in His Majesties cause. Also their resolution to defend themselves with their sw . — London : printed by J. H., 1645. — [2], 6 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3047451. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Rushworth, John. The taking of Tiverton with the castle, church, and fort, by Sir Thomas Fairfax, on the Lords-Day last, Octob. 19. 1645. ..> London : Printed for R.A. Octob. 23. 1645. — [2],6p ; 4°. — Wing R2332. —
Copies: WSL : sDEV/1645/TAK Tr 11 ; Barnstaple: BX:TIV/1642/RUS ; Tiverton Museum. —
Subjects: Devon. Tiverton. Wars. Civil War. Battles. 1645. —
Rushworth, John. A true relation of the fight at Bovy-Tracy, between the Parliaments forces under the command of Sir Tho: Fairfax, and three regiments of the Kings Horse. Wherein were taken four hundred horse and seven horse-colours, with divers officers and souldiers. As it was sent in two letters, the one, to the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker to the Honorable House of Commons. The other, to the Honored Edm. Prideaux Esq; a member of the said House. — London : printed for Edw. Husband printer to the Honorable House of Commons and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Golden Dragon in Fleetstreet neer the Inner-Temple January. 15. /46, 1645. —
Subjects: Devon.
A true relation of the fight at Bovy-Tracy, between the Parliaments forces under the command of Sir Tho : Fairfax ...> London : Printed for Edw.Husband, 1645. — 7 pages ; 4°. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1645/TRU. —
Subjects: Devon. Bovey Tracey. Wars. Civil War. 1645. —
Francis, Philip. The misdemeanors of a traytor, and treasurer, discovered in the answer of Philip Francis, merchant: late major of the borough of Plimouth, in the county of Devon; to the false and scandalous aspersion, and accusation of Charles Vaughan, Gentleman. — London : printed by Jane Coe, 1644 [i.e. 1645]. — [16] p. ; 4°. — ESTC: R212480. — Publication year is given according to Lady Day dating; Wing has 1644 only; Thomason catalogue lists under 1645. Annotation on Thomason copy: "Jan: 14th". Signatures: A-B4. -
Copies: British Library ; Longleat House (Warminster, England (County Wiltshire), United Kingdom.); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.); The John Rylands Library, The University of Manchester (Manchester, England, U.K.). —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Mayors. Francis, Philip. Broadside ballads. Coe, Jane.
The agreement for the surrender of the city of Exeter to Sir Thomas Fairfax: with all the ordnance, armes, and ammunition. And a briefe of the transaction of the whole treaty, and what is agreed about the Princes. letter sent by Sir Thomas Fairfaxes trumpeter to Prince Charles to Silly. With the copy of the articles for surrender of Portland, and the taking of Ilfordcomb, a garrison of the enemies neere Barnstable. These papers are examined by the originals, and published according to order of Parliament. — Imprinted at London : for Matthew Walbancke at Grayes-Inne gate , 13. April 1646. — [2], 14 p. ; 4° ; Signatures: A-B4. — ESTC R200744 ; USTC 3059487 ; Wing (2nd ed., 1994), A770 ; Thomason, E.333[7]. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/1646/FAI ; Barnstaple: B/1642/CIV. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Wars. Civil War. Sieges. 1646. —
Barnstable agreed to be surrendred to Sr. Thomas Fairfax: vvith all the ordnance, armes, and ammunition, and upon what tearmes: vvith a copy of seven articles (of the chiefe of those) for surrendring of Exeter; and the manner of the armyes march towards Oxford. These being true copies of letters examined, and printed according to order of Parliament. — London : printed for Matthew Walbancke at Grays-Inne-Gate , 16. April 1646. — 8 p. ; 4°. — USTC 3059475 ; ESTC R200753 ; Wing (2nd ed.), T61 ; Thomason, E.333[13> Consists of the "Articles of agreement" and two letters, signed T.T. and N.T. respectively. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1646/BAR ; Barnstaple: B/1642/CIV. —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Wars. Civil War. 1646. —
Die Sabbathi, 7. Martii, 1645. Whereas Thursday next is by former Order appointed for a day of publique thanksgiving for the great mercy of God in giving successe to the Parliaments forces against the enemy at Torrington in Devonshire: .... — London : printed by Richard Cotes, 1645 [=1646]. — [1 sheet]. — USTC 3045387. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon. Great Torrington.
Fairfax, Thomas, Baron. Sir Thomas Fairfax letter to the Honoble William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons. Concerning all the passages of his army since his advance from Exeter, and the manner of routing the Princes and the Lord Hoptons forces at Torrington, together with al the particulars in that expedition. Also another letter from a gentleman of quality, of the whole passages of this great victory. Both which were read in the House of Commons. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that these letters be forthwith printed and published: H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. — London : printed for Edw. Husband, printer to the Honorable House of Commons, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Golden Dragon in Fleetstreet, neer the Inner-Temple, Feb. 24. 1645. [i.e. 1646] - [8] p. ; 4° ; Signatures: A4. — ESTC R200618 ; USTC 3048753 ; Wing F195 ; Thomason, E.324[15]. — The letter from the "Gentleman of quality" is dated and signed at end: Torrington, Feb. 19. twelve at night. J.R. [i.e. John Rushworth]. Publication year is given according to Lady Day dating; Wing has 1645[6]; Thomason catalogue lists under 1646. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/1645/FAI ; Barnstaple: B/1642/CIV ; BT:GRE/1645/FAI. —
Subjects: Devon. Great Torrington. Wars. Civil War. Campaigns. 1646 -
Fairfax, Thomas. Sir. Agreement for the surrender of Exeter to Sir T. Fairfax ...> London : Matthew, 1646. — [2],14 pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/1646/FAI U. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Wars. Civil War. Sieges. 1646. —
Fairfax, Thomas. Sir. Sir Thomas Fairfax letter to both Houses of Parliament; more exactly and fully relating the storming and taking of Dartmouth. — London : Printed for John Wright, 1646. — 8 pages ; 4°. — Wing F 191. —
Copies: WSL : sB/DAR 5/1645 ; Barnstaple: BX:DAR 7/1642/FAI ; Plymouth. —
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Wars. Civil War. 1646. —
Fairfax, Thomas. Sir. Sir Thomas Fairfaxes letter or summons sent to Sir John Berkley for the surrender of the city of Exeter. With his answer, ..> London : for Matthew Walbancke, 1646. — [2],10 pages ; 4°. — Wing F 185. —
Copies: WSL: pB/EXE/1646/SIR Tr13 ; Barnstaple: BN:SOU5/1642/DEC. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Sieges. 1646
A famous victorie obtained by Sir Thomas Fairfax, against the Lord Hopton, and the Prince his army, at Torrington in the West ..> London : Printed by B.A, 1646. — [2],6 pages ; 4° [photocopy]. —
Copies: WSL : pB/GRE/1646/FAM ; Barnstaple: BT:GRE/1642/FAM. —
Subjects: Devon. Great Torrington. Wars. Civil War. Battles. 1646. —
Fuller, Thomas. Feare of losing the old light. Or, A sermon preached in Exeter. By Thomas Fuller, B.D.. — London : printed by T. H., for John Williams, 1646. — [4], 26, [2] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3047529. —
Copies: USTC: 23 Copies. —
J.R. A true relation concerning the late fight at Torrington, ... — London : Printed for Edw Husband, 1646. — 8 pages ; 4º. — Signed: J.R. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1642/CIV Tr 7. —
Subjects: Devon. Great Torrington. Civil War. Battles. 1646. —
Newton, George, 1602-1681.. Mans wrath and Gods praise. Or, A thanks-giving sermon, preached at Taunton, in the county of Somerset, the 11th. of May, (a day to be had in everlasting remembrance) for the gratious deliverance of that poore towne from the strait siege. By George Newton, Mr. of Arts, and minister of the Gospell in that place. — London : Printed by W. Wilson, for Francis Eglesfield at the Marigold in Pauls Church-yard, and are to be sold by George Treagle in Taunton, 1646. — [4], 26 p. ; 4°. — ESTC R200954. — An variant of the edition lacking George Treagle’s name in the imprint. Annotation on Thomason copy: "July 9th". Wing (2nd ed.), N1045 Thomason, E.344[6]
Newton, George, 1602-1681.. Mans wrath and Gods praise. Or, A thanks-giving sermon, preached at Taunton, in the county of Somerset, the 11th. of May, (a day to be had in everlasting remembrance) for the gratious deliverance of that poore towne from the strait siege. By George Newton, Mr. of Arts, and minister of the Gospell in that place. — London : printed by W. Wilson, for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold at the Marigold in Pauls Church-yard, 1646. — [4], 26 p. ; 4°. — ESTC R38115. — A variant of the edition with George Treagle named as bookseller in the imprint. Wing (2nd ed.), N1045A
Parliament's > The Parliaments severall late victories in the VVest, obtained by Sir Thomas Fairfax army, as it was certified by several letters Imprint: London : Printed for Edw Husbands, London : Printed for Edw. Husbands, printer to the Honorable House of Commons, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Golden Dragon in Fleetstreet, neer the Inner-Temple, January 21. 1645. [i.e. 1646. — 8 pages ; 4°. — Wing P524. —
Copies: WSL : sWES/1645/PAR ; Barnstaple: A /1642/PAR. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Wars. Civil War. 1646. —
Peters, Hugh. Gods doings, and mans duty, opened in a sermon preached before both Houses of Parliament, ... for the recovery of the West, .. / by Hugh Peters, Preacher of the Gospel> London : Printed by R. Raworth, 1646. — [12],46 pages ; 4°. — Wing P1703. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/PET. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Wars. Civil War. Sermons. Texts. 1646. —
Peters, Hugh. Mr Peters message delivered in both Houses ... from Sir Thomas Fairfax, with the narration of the taking of Dartmouth ..> London : Printed by Jane Coe, 1646. — 8 pages ; 4°. — Wing P1710. —
Copies: WSL : sB/DAR 7/1646/PET ; Plymouth: I/S. —
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Wars. Civil War. 1646. —
Powtheram Castle at Exeter, taken by Sir Thomas Fairfax: in which was the governour, a major, and 120. inferiour officers, and common souldiers, 5. barrels of gun-powder taken. With great store of match, and bullet, and all the princes arms and ammunition . — London : printed by Jane Coe, 1646. — 6 [=8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3044874. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Rushworth, John. Tvvo letters sent to the Honorable William Lenthal Esquire, Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons: concerning the total disbanding of Sir Ralph Hoptons army in Cornvval. And Sir Thomas Fairfax his advance towards Execter. Appointed by the Honorable William Lenthal Esquire, Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons, to be forthwith printed and published. — London : Printed for Edward Husband, printer to the Honorable House of Commons, March 27. 1646. — 8 p. ; 4° ; Signatures: A4 - ESTC R200709 ; Wing R2338 ; Thomason, E.330[2]. — Dated and signed on page 6: Truro, March 19. 1645. J.R. [i.e. John Rushworth]. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/1646/FAI ; Barnstaple: B/1642/CIV ; BX:EXE/1646/RUS. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Wars. Civil War. Campaigns. 1646. —
Several letters to the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; speaker to the Honorable House of Commons, concerning the gallant proceedings of Sir Tho. Fairfax army in the West. Viz. the surrendering up of Exeter on this present Monday: the taking of 80 prisoners [...] delivery of Barnstaple. — London : Edw. Husband, 1646. — 8 pages ; 4°. — Wing 2781 ; USTC 3048772. —
Copies: WSL : sDEV/1646/SEV ; Barnstaple: B/1646/SEV. —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Wars. Civil War. Campaigns. 1646. —
Sir Thomas Fairfax’s proceedings about the storming of Exeter: the majors house taken, and four companies of foot put into it. A bridge made over at Apsom. The prince’s horse forced back towards Barnstable. A major, and divers prisoners and horse taken. None of Gorings life-guard, and many others brought in. Fifty souldiers ran away out of one regiment; and all those raised by the posse gone home; and the prince and his forces flying further into Cornwall; and one piece of ordnance left at the princes quarters at Launceston; with the state of the whole accompt o the west. By a letter brought to the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons, commanded to be printed. — London : Printed for Matthew Walbank, Febr. 9. 1645 [ 1646] - 7, [1] p. ; 4° ; Signatures: A4. — ESTC R200576 ; USTC 3059514 ; Wing (2nd ed.), S3897 ; Thomason, E.322[3]. — Publication year is given according to Lady Day dating; Wing has 1645[6]; Thomason catalogue lists under 1646. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/1645/FAI ; Barnstaple: B/1642/CIV ; EXRAMM. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Wars. Civil War. Sieges. 1646 -
Sir Thomas Fairfaxes letter or summons sent to Sir John Berkley for the surrender of the city of Exeter. With his answer, and the transaction of the treaty, and the names of the commissioners on both sides. As also the summons sent into Newark, and their. — London : for Matthew Walbancke, 1646. — [2], 10 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3059486. —
Copies: USTC: 6 Copies. —
The treatie for the surrendring of Exeter to Sr. Thomas Fairfax: by commissioners on both sides, who met at Poltimore House on Friday last, and how farre they proceeded therein, with other news from the Prince, and divers others of his lords and gentlemen . — London : printed for Matthew Walbancke, 1646. — 7, [1] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3059481. —
Copies: USTC: 6 Copies. —
A true copy of the articles agreed on at the surrender of Exeter; examined, perused, and signed by his excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, … - London : Printed for F.Coles in the Old-baily, 1646. — [2],14 pages ; 4°. — Wing T2636 ; USTC 3045029. —
Copies: WSL : sB/EXE/1646/TRU ; Barnstaple: BX:EXE/1646/TRU ; EXRAMM. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Wars. Civil War. Sieges. 1645-1646.
W.C. A more full relation of the continued successes of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, at, and since the routing ... at Torrington> London : Printed for Francis Coles, 1646. — [2],6 pages ; 4°. — Wing C 159. —
Copies: WSL : sDEV/1642/CIV Tr 9 ; Barnstaple: BT:GRE/1642/CIV. —
Subjects: Devon. Wars. Civil War. Campaigns. 1646. —
Articles of Exeter, made on the rendition thereof with the vote of the Honourable House of Gommons [sic] in the approbation ... — London : Printed in the year, 1647. — [2],10,[2] pages ; 4º. — USTC 3059882. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/1646/ART. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. History. . —
The Articles of Exeter made on the rendition thereof : with the vote of the Honourable House of Commons in the approbation of them of the 6 of May, 1646 : with the order and ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled for the approbation, p . — London : [Publisher unascertained], 1647. — 10, [2] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3057636. —
Copies: USTC: 2 Copies. —
A brief declaration of the severall passages in the treaty concerning the surrender of the garrison of Lundy...> London : [s.n.], 1647. — 20 pages ; 29cm. —
Copies: WSL: pxB/LUN/1647/BRI. —
Subjects: Devon. Lundy. History. 1647. —
The copy of a letter to His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax: subscribed by the Justices of the Peace, and committee of Devonshire, concerning the souldiers. And the Generalls answer thereunto; vvith His Excellencies propositions. Also heads of new propositi . — London : by Robert Ibbitson, 1647. — [2], 6 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3049182. —
Copies: USTC: 10 Copies. —
Grosse, Alexander. The happines of enjoying, and making a true and speedy use of Christ Whereunto is added, S.Pauls ... Farewell to the men of Corinth. — London : Printed By Tho.Brudenell, 1647. — [16],178 pages ; 4°. — Wing G2076. —
Copies: WSL : s208/GEN/GRO. —
Subjects: Devon. Bridford. Clergy. Grosse, Alexander. Works: Devotional texts. 1647. —
Herrick, Robert, 1591-1674.. His noble numbers: or, His pious pieces vvherein (amongst other things) he sings the birth of his Christ and sighes for his Saviours suffering on the crosse. — London : printed for John Williams, and Francis Eglesfield, 1647. — [2], 79, [1] p. ; 4°. — ESTC R23361. — Anonymous. By Robert Herrick. Most copies are bound with Herrick’s "Hesperides". Verify that this work was also issued separately.
Heydon, John. The discovery of the wonderfull preservation of ... Sir Thomas Fairfax, ... under the hands of the Major ... of Torrington ..> London : Printed by M.Simmons, 1647. — [44], 39, 38-183, [1] pages ; 8°. — Wing H1678 ; USTC 3057836. —
Copies: WSL : s230/GEN/HEY. —
Subjects: Devon. Torrington. Wars. Civil War. 1647. —
Heydon, John. Mans Badnes & Gods Goodnes Or some Gospel truths laid down, explained, and vindicated, or the benefit of such as are weary of their own heart, conscience, minde, will, affections, thoughts, words, & works, that are all corrupt, impure, & imperfect; yea, a very plague, as they stand in old Adam . The third impression revised, amended, inlarged, and licensed by Mr. John Downeham, and entered in the Hall, according to order together with a discovery of the wonderfull preservation of his excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax, the army, the records, the blessed Bible, and the library of the town, attested by the mayor, aldermen, Capt. White, and Mr Semor, schoolmaster of Torrington in Devon. By his excellencies appointment. — London : Published by Printed by M. Symmons, 1647. — [10],183,[1] pages ; 12o. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hughes, G. Vae-euge-tuba. or, the wo-ioy-trumpet. ... in a sermon ... May 26. 1647. By G.Hughes minister of the gospell in Plymouth / George Hughes, Minister of the Gospel in Plymouth> London : E.G. for Iohn Rothwell, 1647. — [8],38 pages ; 4° (19cm). — Wing H3310. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/HUG. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Hughes, George. Works: Sermons. 1647. —
Jelinger, Christopher. The usefulnesse and excellency of Christ, shewing the art of taking Christ as the only soveraigne medicine of a sin-sick soule. In twenty fiue cases: upon that excellent text in Cant. 2.1. I am the Rose of Sharon. By Christopher Jelinger minister of Gods word, at South-Brent in Deuonshire. — London : printed for F. Eglesfield, and are to be sold by Tho. Hunt bookseller in Exeter neere the Broad-gate, 1647. — [14], 255, [9] p. ; 12°. — ESTC R7320. — Errata: p. [9] at end. Wing (2nd ed.), J548
Jelinger, Christopher. The usefulnesse and excellency of Christ. — London : For F.Eglesfield, to be sold by Tho. Hunt in Exeter , 1647. — 12°. — Wing2 J548 ; *Clough. 1647. — 12°. — Wing2 J548 ; *Clough.
Subjects: Devon. East Stonehouse Christ Devotional texts
Mayne, J. A sermon against schisme / J.Mayne. — printed for R. Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1647. — 1 vol. — CHECK DATE. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/MAY U. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Sermons. 1647-1652.
Mayne, Jasper. A late printed sermon against false prophets, vindicated by letter from the causeless aspersions of Mr. Francis Cheynell> London : [s.n.], 1647. — [2],60 pages ; 4°. — Wing M1471. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/MAY. —
Subjects: Devon. Hatherleigh. Clergy. Mayne, Jasper. Works: Sermons. 1647. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir. A notable and memorable story of the cruel war between the Carthaginians and their own mercenaries. Gathered out of Polybius, and other authors, by that famous historian, Sir Walter Ralegh.. — London : printed for Thomas Underhill, 1647. — [2], 18 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3059112. —
Copies: USTC: 7 Copies. —
Sprigg, Joshua. Anglia rediviva : England's recovery : the history of the ...> London : R.W., 1647. — WingS5070 Notes: army under the immediate conduct of ... Sir Thomas Fairfax. —
Copies: EXR: d1647. —
Subjects: Devon. Not local. Westcountry. Wars. English Civil War. 1642-1652.
The penitant traytor, or the humble confession of a Devonshire gentleman : who was condemned for high treason, and executed at Tyborne for the same, in the raigne of King Henry the third, the ninteenth of July, 1267. You may sing this if you please. To the tune of, Fortun my foe. — [London] : [s. n.], 1647]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1/2°. — ESTC: R210514 ; USTC 3055205. — Imprint from Wing. Verse - "Attend good Christian people to my story,". Annotation on Thomason copy: "June 28 1647". —
Copies: British Library . —
Subjects: Devon. Traitors. Broadside ballads. [s. n.].
Anthony, Edward. Practicall law, controlling and countermanding the common law : and the sword of warre the sword of iustice. Against all the late declarations and publications of the army, that they fight for the people's liberties and lawes. — Printed at Exeter : [Publisher unascertained], 1648. — [2], 6 pages ; 4°. — Wing2 A3478 ; USTC 3057009. — Dredge p.92 (British Museum); Sessions, W.K. The King's printer ..., 1982; Davidson supp. p. 15n (Secktor Lib); Plymouth Athenaeum p.27. —
Copies: WSL. —
Subjects: Devon. Wars. Civil War. Legal aspects 1648. —
Arraignment >. The arraignment and conviction of Sr VValter Rawleigh, at the Kings Bench-barre at Winchester. on the 17. of November. 1603. Before the right Honorable the Earle of Suffolke, Lord Chamberline, the Earle of Devon-shire, Lord Henry Howard, Lord Cecill, Lord . — London : Printed by William Wilson, 1648. — [2],38 pages ; 4°. — Wing O 608; USTC 3059935. —
Copies: WSL: s920/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter. Sir. Trials.
Batt, Timothy, 1613-1692.. The vvaters of Marah sweetned. A thanks-giving sermon. Preached at Taunton, in the county of Somerset, May 11. 1647. for the gracious deliverance of that poore towne from the strait and bloody siege. By T.B. Master of Arts, and a minister of the gospel in that county. — London : printed for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold by George Treagle in Taunton, 1648. — [4], 20 p. ; 4°. — ESTC R206196. — T.B. = Timothy Batt. Annotation on Thomason copy: "March 25". Wing (2nd ed., 1994), B1148 Thomason, E.433[19]
Bogan, Zach.. Homerus ... sive, comparatio Homeri cum scriptoribus sacris ...> Oxoniae : T. Robinson, 1648. — 439 pages ; 16cm. — Written note saying Zachary Bogan born at Little Hempstone and died in 1659.. —
Copies: WSL: s220.6/GEN/BOG. —
Subjects: Devon. Background. Bible. Exegesis.
A brief declaration of the severall passages in the treaty concerning the surrender of the garrison of Lundy ..> London : Printed in the yeer, 1648. — [2],25 pages ; 18cm [facsimile]. —
Copies: WSL: BHo sB/LUN/LAN/321. —
Subjects: Devon. Lundy. Wars. Civil War. 1647. —
Charles I, King of England. His Maiesties last message to the Parliament, with his desires for the Bishop of Armagh, Bishop of Exeter, Bishop of Rochester, Bishop of Worcester, and other doctors to come to him. And His Majesties declaration concerning the Marqnis [sic] of Ormonds ne . — [London] : printed for Richard Smithurst, 1648. — [2], 6 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3058121. —
Copies: USTC: 15 Copies. —
The desires of the countie of Surrey about the late tumult at Westminster. further proceedings in the county of Kent, and a discovery of the intentions for securing of London Bridge. With a letter from Excester, and the landing of some eminent persons . — London : printed by B. A., 1648. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3041859. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
The further proceedings of the countie of Kent and Surrey and a discovery of the intentions for securing of London Bridge. With a letter from Excester, and the landing of some eminent persons in Cornwall, a rising there, and the forces which are gone to s . — London : printed by B. A., 1648. — [8] pages ; 4°. — USTC 3041860. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Gauden, John, 1605-1662.. Eikon basilike the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitude and sufferings. — [London] : Reprinted [by William Dugard for Francis Eglesfield] in R.M., Anno Dom. 1648 [i.e. 1649]. — [4], 187, [3], 10, [4] p., : port. ; 12°. — ESTC R235438. — Authorship of the Eik?on basilik?e was originally attributed to Charles I, but according to Madan (pp. 125-33) it was written by John Gauden who probably included some authentic writings of the king. First 2 words of title transliterated from Greek. "Praiers, used by His Majestie in the time of his sufferings. Delivered to Doctor Juxon Bishop of London immediately before his death. Also a letter from the Prince." has a separate title page, dated 1649, and pagination; register is continuous. The same as the first issue, but with a different frontispiece, and having at the end [Praiers used by His Majestie]. -- Madan. Signatures: A-H¹² I6 [K]².
Gauden, John, 1605-1662.. Eikon basilike. The pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. — [London] : Reprinted [by William Dugard for Francis Eglesfield] in R.M., An. Dom. 1648 [i.e. 1649]. — [6], 268, 10, 5-8 p., [2] plates (one folded) : ports. ; 8°. — ESTC unverified. Originally attributed to Charles I, but, according to Madan (p. 125-33), written by John Gauden, who probably included some authentic writings of the King. The folded portrait is signed: Guil: Marshall sculpsit. First two words of title in Greek characters. Printer’s and publisher’s names from Madan; the publication year is given according to Lady Day dating. "Praiers, used by His Majestie in the time of his sufferings" (caption title) has separate pagination; register is continuous. The last two leaves, containing "Reasons against the pretended jurisdiction of the high court of justice" are in two settings: paginated 5-8 as above, or paginated 7-10. Another issue of the edition with this imprint and with title page printed in red and black. Although Madan calls this the "second issue", the title page is conjugate, whereas the red and black one is a cancel. Wing (2nd ed., 1994), E277A Madan, F.F. New bibl. of the Eikon basilike, 24 ("second issue")
Herrick, Robert, 1591-1674.. Hesperides : or, the works both human & divine of Robert Herrick Esq. — London : Printed for John Williams, and Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold by Tho: Hunt, bookseller in Exon, 1648. — 8°. — Wing2 H1595. —
Subjects: Devon. Dean Prior. Poetry in English
Bookseller: Eglesfield, Francis.
Herrick, Robert, 1591-1674.. Hesperides: or, The vvorks both humane & divine of Robert Herrick Esq. — London : printed for John Williams, and Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold at the Crown and Marygold in Saint Pauls Church-yard, 1648. — [8], 398, [2], 79, [1] p., : port. ; 8°. — ESTC R37415 ; Wing (CD-Rom, 1996), H1596. — In verse. The engraved frontispiece portrait (A1v) is signed: W. Marshall fecit. "His noble numbers, or, His pious pieces" has a separate title page dated 1647, and separate pagination; title page is printed on leaf 2C8r; text begins on leaf 2A1. An imprint variant of the edition with "Tho: Hunt, book-seller in Exon" in imprint. Leaves C7, M8, and O8 are cancels. Signatures: [A]4 B-Cc8 Aa-Ee8. Sessions, W.K. The King's printer ..., 1982; Clough. —
Herrick, Robert, 1591-1674.. Hesperides: or, The vvorks both humane & divine of Robert Herrick Esq. — London : printed for John Williams, and Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold by Tho: Hunt, book-seller in Exon, 1648. — [8], 398, [2], 79, [3] p. : port. ; 8°. — ESTC R23362 ; Wing (CD-Rom, 1996), H1595. Thomason, E.1090[1]. — In verse. The engraved frontispiece portrait (A1v) is signed: W. Marshall fecit. The last leaf is blank. "His noble numbers, or, His pious pieces" has a separate title page dated 1647, and separate pagination; title page is printed on leaf 2C8r; text begins on leaf 2A1. An imprint variant of the edition lacking "Tho: Hunt, book-seller in Exon" in imprint. Sessions, W.K. The King's printer ..., 1982; Clough. —
Bookseller: Hunt, Thomas.
Hooker, Richard, 1554-1600. Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie; the sixth and eighth books. By Richard Hooker> London : by Richard Bishop, 1648. — [4],226 pages ; 4° (19cm). — Wing H2635. —
Copies: WSL : s262.9/GEN/HOO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Theologians. Hooker, Richard. Works: Church law.
The joint-testimonie of the Ministers of Devon, whose names are subscribed; with their ... brethren the Ministers of ... London> London : by William Du-gard, 1648. — [2],36 pages ; 4° (19cm). — Wing J 885 ; USTC 3047018. —
Copies: WSL: s230/DEV/JOI. —
Subjects: Devon. Clergy. Doctrine: Subscription. 1648. —
Overbury, Thomas. Sir. The arraignment and conviction of Sr Walter Rawleigh, at the Kings bench-barre at Winchester on the 17. of November. 1603> London : by William Wilson, 1648. — [2],38p ; 4°. — Wing O 608. —
Copies: WSL: s920/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter. Sir. Trials. 1648. —
Copies: WSL: s242/GEN/GRO. —
Subjects: Devon. Bridford. Clergy. Grosse, Alexander. Works. Devotional texts. 1649.
London : by W.W. for W.Lee, 1649. - [4],163,[1]p : port ; 4°. — Wing R 143. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/RAI. —
Subjects: Devon. Pinhoe. Classical scholars. Rainolds, John. Works: Sermons. 1649. -
Gauden, John, 1605-1662. Apophthegmata aurea, regia, Carolina. Apophthegms I. Theological. II. Moral. III. Political. Collected out of the incomparable Eikon basilike. of His most glorious Majestie King Charls the First. — London : printed by William Du-gard for Francis Eglesfield at the Marigold in St Paul’s Church-yard, 1649. — [2], 52, [2] p. ; 8°. — ESTC R331. — The "Eikon basilike" was originally attributed to Charles I, but, according to Madan (p. 125-33), was written by John Gauden, who probably included some authentic writings of the King. This compilation of excerpts has been attributed to a Dr. Hooker. The numerals I-III and the words "Theological. .. Political." are bracketed together on title page; the words "Eik?on basilik?e" are in Greek characters. Running title reads: Apophthegmata Carolina. The last leaf is blank. Mostly the same setting of type as the version appended to Wing E305A; the page and line references have been reset. Annotation on Thomason copy: "Octob: 6.". Thomason, E.1217[1] Wing (2nd ed.), A3560A
Gauden, John, 1605-1662.. Eikon basilike. The pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. Whereunto are annexed his praiers and apophthegms. &c. — [London] : Printed by W[illiam]. D[u-gard]. [for Francis Eglesfield] in R.M., anno Dom. 1649. — [8], 236, 12, [2], 52, [2] p., [2] leaves of plates : ill., port. ; 8°. — ESTC R224767. — Authorship of the Eikon basilike was originally attributed to Charles I, but according to Madan (pp. 125-33) it was written by John Gauden who probably included some authentic writings of the king. First two words of title in Greek characters. Title page in red and black. "Apophthegmata aurea, regia, Carolina" has separate pagination and register and separate dated title page with imprint "London, printed by William Du-gard for Francis Eglesfield". The last leaf is blank. Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), E305A Madan, F.F. New bibl. of the Eikon basilike, 22. Almack, E. Bibl. of the King’s book or Eikon Basilike, 25
Gauden, John, 1605-1662.. Eikon basilike. Vel imago Regis Caroli, in illis suis ærumnis & solitudine. — Hagæ-Comitis [i.e. London] : typis S.B. [i.e. William Bentley] impensis J. Williams, & F. Eglesfield Londinensium, apud quos væneunt sub signo Coronæ, & sub signo Calthæ in Coemeterio St Pauli, 1649. — [12], 153, 160-258 p. ; 12°. — ESTC R215044. — First two words of title in Greek characters. Authorship of the Eik?on basilik?e was originally attributed to Charles I, but according to Madan (pp. 125-33) it was written by John Gauden who probably included some authentic writings of the king. The imprint is false; actually printed in London--c.f. Madan. Printer’s name ffrom Wing. Text is continuous despite pagination. Wing (2nd ed., 1994), E311C. Madan, F.F. New bibl. of the Eikon basilike, 43
Gauden, John, 1605-1662.. Eikon basilike. Vel imago regis caroli, in illis suis ærumnis et solitudine. — Hagæ-Comitis [i.e. London] : typis S.B. impensis J. Williams & F. Eglesfield Londinensium, apud quos væneunt sub signo Coronæ, & sub signo, Calthæ in Coemeterio S. Pauli, 1649. — [14], 272, [2] p., plates ; 12°. — ESTC R209449. — First two words of title in Greek characters. Authorship of the Eikon basilike was originally attributed to Charles I, but according to Madan (pp. 125-33) it was written by John Gauden who probably included some authentic writings of the king. The imprint is false, actually printed in London -c.f. Madan. With a final errata leaf. Annotation on Thomason copy: "July. 20.". Thomason, E.1384[1]. Wing (2nd ed., 1994), E311D. Madan, F.F. New bibl. of the Eikon basilike, 42
Jeanes, Henry, 1611-1662. The vvorke of heaven upon earth: or The excellencie of praise and thanksgiving, in part displayed in a sermon, inlarged into a treatise, preached at Taunton in the county of Somerset May 11. 1648. Being the day set apart for the annuall commemoration of the deliverance o that town, by the reliefe which they received on May 11. anno 1645. By Henry Jeanes minister of Gods word at Chedzoy in the same county. — London : printed by G[artrude]. D[awson]. for Francis Eglesfield at the Marigold in Pauls Church-yard, and are to be sold by George Treagle in Taunton, 1649. — [6], 79, [1] p. ; 4°. ESTC R20545. —
Jeanes, Henry, 1611-1662. The vvorks of heaven upon earth: or The eccellencie of praise and thanksgiving, in part displayed in a sermon, inlarged into a treatise, preached at Taunton in the county of Somerset May 11. 1648. Being the day set apart for the annuall commemoration of the deliverance o that town, by the reliefe which they received on May 11. anno 1645. By Henry Jeanes Minister of Gods Word at Chedzoy in the same county. — London : printed by G.D. for Francis Eglesfield at the Marigold in Pauls Church-yard, 1649. — [6], 79, [1] p. ; 4°. — ESTC R204240. — Also published as: The worke of heaven upon earth. Wing (2nd ed.), J513A
Jeanes, Henry, 1611-1662. The vvorks of heaven upon earth: or The eccellencie of praise and thanksgiving, in part displayed in a sermon, inlarged into a treatise, preached at Taunton in the county of Somerset May 11. 1648. Being the day set apart for the annuall commemoration of the deliverance o that town, by the reliefe which they received on May 11. anno 1645. By Henry Jeanes Minister of Gods Word at Chedzoy in the same county. — London : printed by G.D. for Francis Eglesfield at the Marigold in Pauls Church-yard, and are to be sold by George Treagle in Taunton, 1649. — [6], 79, [1] p. ; 4°. — ESTC R204239. — Also published as: The worke of heaven upon earth. Wing (2nd ed.), J513A
A just vindication of the reputation of Mr. VVhite alderman of the city of Exon, in answer to a scurrillous pamphlet cald the Visihle [sic] vengeance, &c. Wherin is discovered the many falsities and untruths in that relation attested under the hand of his . — London : printed for John Rothwell, 1649. — [2], 6 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3052562. —
Copies: USTC: 6 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
1650. -
Goos, Pieter. De Custen Van Engelant tusschen de twee pointen van Poortlandt en Lezard. — [ Amsterdam : A. Jacobsz, 1650]. — Ma pages ; 530x410mm. — From: De Lichtende Columne Ofte Zee-Spiegel. Sea chart of the English Channel from Lizard Point to Portland. Title contained within decorative cartouche, as is the mileage chart. A galleon, rhumb lines, and compass roses decorate the sea area.
Subjects: Devon.
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. A helpe unto devotion : containing certaine moulds, or forms of prayer... / by Samuel Hieron. — The 21st edition> London : Printed for H. Robinson, 1650. — [18],395 pages ; 12°. —
Copies: WSL: s242.8/GEN/HIE. —
Subjects: Devon. Modbury. Clergy. Hieron, Samuel. Works: Devotional texts. 1650. —
Hopton, Ralph Hopton, Baron. The declaration of the Right Honorable, Ralph Lord Hopton, Liftenant Generall of all His Majesties forces designed for the west of England. To all His Majesties loving subjects inhabiting in the severall counties of Cornwall, Devonshire, Summerset, Wilts, . — [London] : [Publisher unascertained], 1650. — 8 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3063037. —
Copies: USTC: 1 Copy. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hopton, Ralph Hopton, Baron. The declaration of the Right Honorable, Ralph Lord Hopton, Liftenant Generall of all His Majesties forces designed for the west of England. To all His Majesties loving subjects inhabiting in the severall counties of Cornwall, Devonshire, Summerset, Wilts, . — [London] : [Publisher unascertained], 1650. — 8 pages ; 4°. — USTC 3063063. —
Copies: USTC: 3 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Hopton, Ralph. Sir. Letter to divers of the gentry in Cornwall and Devonshire ...> London : Printed for G.H., 1650. — [2],6p Ref. no.: Matchcode HOPLET1650 Notes: Bound with : The Scots remonstrance or declaration. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1650/HOP. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Generals. Hopton, Ralph. Sir. Letters.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. A discourse of the originall and fundamentall cause of ... warre> London : by T.W. for H.Moseley, 1650. — [2],[66] pages ; 8°. — Wing R 158 Notes: Issued in collected ed: Judicious and select essayes ... 1650. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: War.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Excellent observations and notes concerning the Royall Navy ..> London : by T.W. for H.Moseley, 1650. — [2],46 pages ; 8° - Wing R 161 ; USTC 3062465. — Issued in collected ed: Judicious and selected essayes ... 1650. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Navy.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Judicious and select essayes and observations ... London : by T.W. for H.Moseley, 1650. — [6]42[2][66][2]46[2] ; 8°. — Wing R 170. — Parts issued with individual title pages and signatures. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Essays.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The marrow of historie, or an epitome of historical passages from the creation, to the... last Macedonian War... Abreviated by A.R. — London : Printed by W.Du-gard, 1650. — [24],574p ; 12°. — Wing R 172 ; USTC 3063206. —
Copies: WSL: s930/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ancient history.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Maxims of state. Written by Sir Walter Raleigh. Whereunto is added his Instructions to his sonne; and the son’s advice to his aged father.. — London : printed by William Bently, sold by William Shears, 1650. — [12], 78, [4], 28, [4], 15, [1] pages ; 12°. — USTC 3063209. —
Copies: USTC: 6 Copies. —
Subjects: Devon.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Sir Walter Raleigh his apologie for his voyage to Guiana : ..> London : T.W. for H.Moseley, 1650. — [2],69,[1] pages ; 8°. — Wing R 154 ; USTC 3063342. — Issued in collected ed: Judicious and select essayes ... 1650. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Voyages to Guiana.
Rous, Francis. Mella patrum: Nempe, omnium, quorum per prima nascentis & patientis ecclesiae tria secula, usque ad pacem sub Constantino divinitus datam, scripta prodierunt, atque adhuc minus dubiae fidei supersunt. Collegit, &c Ecclesiae in Terris militanti in Coelis conversanti . Franciscus Rous Etonensis collegii Praepositus . Impensis Authoris. — London : Published by for the author, sold by Sa. Gellibrand, 1650. — Autor was MP For Devon in Long Parliament
Subjects: Devon.
The Scots remonstrance or declaration; concerning the restoring of their declared king ... Hopton's letter to ... Devonshire> London : Printed for G.H., 1650. — [2],6 pages ; 4°. — Wing C 27. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1650/HOP. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Wars. Civil War. 1650. —
Statutes 1650. Interregnum. An act for repealing and ordinance and act of Parliament whereby Sir Thomas Fairfax, ... was constituted commander in chief … - London : Edward Husband, 1650. — pp.897-899 ; 2°. —
Copies: WSL: s348.022/1650/PUB. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Generals. Fairfax, Thomas. Sir. Statutes. 1650. —
A warning for married women : Being an example of Mrs. Jane Reynolds (a west-country-woman) born neer Pilmouth [sic] who having plighted her troth to a seaman, was afterwards married to a carpenter, and at last carried away by a spirit, the manner how shall presently be recited, to a west-country tune called, The fair maid of Bristol: Bateman, or, John True. — [London?] : [s. n.], [ 1650?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1/2°. — ESTC: R215930. — Verse - "I here dwelt a fair maid in the west,". Imprint from Wing. -
Copies: British Library: Roxburghe 1.502 ; Oxford University, Bodleian Library (Oxford, England, U.K.). —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Women. Reynolds, Jane. Broadside ballads. [s. n.].
Lessius, Leonardus. Sir Walter Rawleigh's ghost; or his apparition to an intimate friend, willing him to translate into English, this learned book ... — London : Printed by Tho. Newcombe, 1651. — [2],384 pages ; 12° (15cm). — Wing L1180. —
Copies: WSL: s239.7/GEN/SIR. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter. Sir. Literary associations. 1651. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Maxims of state. Whereunto is added, his instructions to his Sonne ...> London : Printed by W.Bentley, 1651. — [8],78,[2],28,[2],15 : port ; 16o. — Wing R 175. —
Copies: WSL: s320.5/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Politics.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Sir Walter Raleigh's Sceptick, or speculations and observations of ... cities. His Seat of government, and Letters to the Kings … - London : W.Bentley for W.Shears, 1651. — [2],150 pages ; 16°. — Wing R186A. —
Copies: WSL: s320.5/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Politics
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Sir Walter Raleigh's Sceptick, or speculations and observations of ... cities. His Seat of government, and Letters to the Kings Imprint: London : W.Bentley for W.Hope, 1651. — 150 pages ; 12°. — Wing R 186. —
Copies: WSL: s920/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Politics
A Great and bloody fight at sea on Monday 16 August, neere Plimouth : between Sir George Ayscue and the Holland fleet> London : for Robert Ibbitson, 1652. — 8 pages ; 4°. — Wing G1642. —
Copies: WSL: sB/PLY 1/1652/GRE. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Sea battles. 1652. —
Mayne, Jasper. A sermon against schisme : or the seperations of these times. Preacht in the church of Wattlington ... September 11 1652 ..> London : Printed for R. Royston, 1652. — [2],22 pages ; 4°. — Wing M1475. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/MAY. —
Subjects: Devon. Hatherleigh. Clergy. Mayne, Jasper. Works: Sermons. 1652. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The historie of the world / Sir Walter Ralegh> London : Printed for R. Best.., 1652. — [58],555,[1],669,[53 ; 2°. — Wing R 163. —
Copies: WSL: sx930/GEN/RAL.
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ancient history.
The world encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, offered now at last to publique view, ...> London : Printed for N. Bourne, 1652. — [2],108 pages ; 4°. — Wing W3586. —
Copies: WSL: s910.4. —
Subjects: Devon. Sea captains. Drake, Francis. Sir. World. Circumnavigation.
Bogan, Zachary. A view of the threats and punishments recorded in the Scriptures, alphabetically composed, with some brief observations ..> Oxford : Printed by H.Hall, 1653. — [22],641,[1] pages ; 8° (12°?) (16cm). — Wing H3442. —
Copies: WSL: s241.1/GEN/BOG. —
Subjects: Devon. Littlehempston. Writers. Bogan, Zachary. Works: Punishment.
Gauden, John, 1605-1662.. The case of ministers maintenance by tithes, (as in England,) plainly discussed in conscience and prudence ... by John Gauden> London : Printed by Thomas Maxey, 1653. — [2],46 pages ; 4°. — Wing G0344. —
Copies: WSL: s080/DEV.PAM.4. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Gauden, John. Works: Tithes.
Keymor, John. Sir Walter Raleigh's observations, touching trade & commerce with the Hollander, and other nations, ..> London : T.H. for Wm Sheeres, 1653. — [8],80 pages ; 16o. — Wing K 391. —
Copies: WSL : s320.5/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter. Sir. Works: Foreign trade. 1653. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Observations touching Trade and Commerce with the Hollander and other nations as it was presented to King James : Wherin is proved that our Sea and Land commodities serve to inrich and strenghthen other countries against our own / by Sir Walter Raleigh> London : Printed by T.H. and are to be sold by William Sheers at the sign of the Bible over against the north door of S Paul's, 1653. — 80 pages ; 8° (12cm). — Date mutilated but checked on BL catalogue. —
Copies: WSL: s382.09/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. International Trade. — ?1618.
Duck, Arthur, Sir, 1580-1648. De Usu Et Authoritate Iuris Civilis Romanorum, In Dominiis Principum Christianorum, Libri Duo. Authore Arthuro Duck, LL. D. — Lugd Batav : Ex Officina Elseviriorum Academ Typograph, 1654. — Born in Heavitree. —
Subjects: Devon.
Nicolls, Ferdinando. The life and death of Mr. Ignatius Jurdain, one of the Aldermen of the City of Exeter; who departed this life July 15th. 1640> [London] : Printed in the year, for Tho Newberry, [ 1654]. — [10],22 pages ; 4°. — Wing N1139. —
Copies: WSL: s920/JUR. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Aldermen. Jurdain, Ignatius. Biographies. - 1640. —
Streat, William. The dividing of the hooff : or, seeming-contradictions throughout sacred scriptures, distinguish'd, resolv'd, and apply'd ..> London : T.H. for the author, 1654. — [36],496 pages ; 4°. — Wing S5942 Notes: the author "Master of Arts, Preacher of the Word, in the County of Devon".. —
Copies: WSL : s220.6/GEN/STR. —
Subjects: Devon. South Pool. Clergy. Streat, William. Works: Bible. Commentary.
Vilvain, Robert. A compend of chronography : containing four thousand thirty yeers complet, from Adams creation to Christs birth> London : Printed by R.Hodgkinsonne, 1654. — [4],20 pages ; 4° (18cm). — Wing V0394. —
Copies: WSL: s221.9/GEN/VIL. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Writers. Vilvain, Robert. Works: Bible. OT. History.
Vilvain, Robert. Enchiridium epigrammatum Latino-Anglicum. An epitome of essais Englished out of Latin : without elucidat explications. ..> London : Printed by R.Hodgkinsonne, 1654. — [10],193 pages ; 8°. — Wing V0395. —
Copies: WSL: s824/VIL. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Writers. Vilvain, Robert. Works: Essays. 1654. —
Vilvain, Robert. Theoremata theologica : theological treatises ... / compiled or collected by Rob. Vilvain> London : Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne, 1654. — 16,262 pages ; 4° (19cm). — Wing V0397. — WSL: s230/GEN/VIL. —
Copies: Devon. Exeter. Writers. Vilvain, Robert. Works. Theology. 1654.
Subjects: Devon.
Nicolls, Ferdinand. The life and death of Mr. Ignatius Jurdain, one of the Aldermen of the City of Exeter; who departed this life, July 15th. 1640> London : Printed for T. Newberry, 1655. — [34],86 pages ; 12°. — Wing N1140. —
Copies: WSL: s920/JUR. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Aldermen. Jurdain, Ignatius. Biographies. - 1640. —
Tickell, John. The sum and substance of religion. — [London] : Printed for Abisha Brocas, bookseller in Exeter, [ 1655?]. — 1 sheet. — Wing1 T1158 ; *Clough.
Subjects: Devon. Christian doctrine
The triall of the honourable Colonel John Penruddock of Compton in Wiltshire and his speech before he was beheaded .. — [London] : : Printed by order of the Gent. intrusted, 1655. — [1],18 pages ; 16x25cm [photocopy]. —
Copies: WSL: 345.0231/PEN/TRI. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Rebels. Penruddock, John. Trials. 1655. —
Jonson, Ben. A strange banquet, or, The divels entertainment by Cook Laurell at the Peak in Devonshire : with a true relation of the several dishes. The tune is, Cook Laurell. — [London] : printed for W[illiam]. Gilbertson, 1655?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. ; 1/2°. — ESTC: R226858. — Verse - "Cook Laurel would have the divel his guest". Anonymous. By Ben Jonson. With woodcuts above text. Wing CD-ROM, 1996 gives a span of dates, 1647-1665?. Imprint and printer's name from Wing CD-ROM, 1996.
Copies: British Library . —
Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Banquets. Broadside ballads. Gilbertson, William.
Larkham, Thomas, 1602-1669.. The attributes of God unfolded and applied ... delivered in sundry sermons, at Tavistocke in Devon : by Thomas Larkham, preacher> London : for F. Eglesfield, 1656. —
Copies: DRO: 482 add 3a/PI2. —
Subjects: Devon. Tavistock. Clergy. Larkham, Thomas. Works: Sermons. 1656. —
Larkham, Thomas, 1602-1669.. The attributes of God vnfolded, and applied. Wherein are handled the 1 Life 2 Perfection 3 Holiness 4 Benignitie 5 Mercy 6 Truth 7 Wisdome 8 Power 9 Justice of God. 10 Love 11 Hatred 12 Anger 13 Independencie 14 Simplicitie 15 Eternitie 16 Infiniteness 17 Immutability 18 Immensity of God. Delivered in sundry sermons, at Tavistocke in Devon: By Thomas Larkham, preacher of the word of God, and pastour of the congregation there. Divided into three parts. — London : Printed for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold at the Marygold in Pauls Church-yard, 1656. — [24], 156; [16], 246 [i.e. 254]; [14], 63 [i.e. 66], [2] p. ; 4°. — ESTC R207649. — On title page items 1-9 and 10-18 are printed in columns and connectected to ’of God.’ - which appears to the right of each column - by three brackets. In three parts each with a separate dated title page that begins: The attributes of God unfolded, and applied. Each part is separately paginated and the signatures begin with A for part 1, AA for part 2, and AAA for part 3. Part three has a slightly different imprint: London, printed for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold at the Marigold in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1656. Leaf 3I4 and final leaf are blank. Part 2 many pages misnumbered beginning at page 237. Part 3 page 66 misnumbered 63. Signatures: [superscript pi]A-C4 B-V4 X²; ²[superscript pi]A4 2a4 2A-3I4; 3*4 3a² ²3A-3H4 ²3I². Annotation on Thomason copy: "Feb: 10 1655"; also the last number of the imprint date has been marked through and replaced by a 5. Wing (2nd ed.), L441. Thomason, E.867[1-3]
Larkham, Thomas, 1602-1669.. A discourse of paying of tithes by T.L. ... ; together with an appendix . — London : Printed by T.R. & E.M. and are to be sold by Francis Eglesfield .., 1656. — [4], 44, [8] p. — ESTC R41027. — Dedication signed: Thomas Larkham. Advertisement: p. [1]-[8] at end. Wing (2nd ed.), L441A
Larkham, Thomas, 1602-1669.. The parable of the wedding-supper explained wherein the offer of salvation both to Jews and Gentiles is plainly and pithily applied : whereunto is added a discourse of the payment of tythes, with an appendix by way of apology for the seasonablenesse of it, very useful for gospel times by Tho. Larkham ... — The second edition. — London : Printed for Francis Eglesfield and are to be sold at the Marigold ..., 1656. — [6], 256, [4], 44, [8] p. — ESTC R42097. — Errata: p. 256. Advertisement: p. [1]-[8] at end. "A discourse of paying of tythes" has special t.p. and separate pagination. Wing, L441B
Moore, Francis (Curate of Highweek). Natures goodnight. Or, A sermon preached in the parish-church of Bovitracy in Devon, at the funerall of the vertuous and godly Mrs. Mary Forbes, the great loss and sorrow of the neighbour-hood. By Fra: Moore, curate of soules at Highweek. — London : printed by J.G. and are to be sold by Francis Eglesfield at the Marigold in S. Paul’s Church-yard, 1656. — [8], 31, [1] p. ; 4°. — R212967. — Signatures: A-E4. Wing (2nd ed.), M2543
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Maxims of state. With instructions to his son, and the sons advice to his aged father> London : for Will Shears Jr., 1656. — [12],202 pages ; 120. — Wing R 176. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Politics.
Smith, Humphry. A warning to the priests, magistrates, rulers ... of Exon ..> [s.l.] : [s.n.], [ 1656]. — 12p ; 4°. — Wing S4585. —
Copies: WSL: s272.9/DEV/SMI (lacks title). —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Clergy. Persecution. 1646-1660. —
Whiddon, Francis. A golden topaze, or, heart-jewell. Namely, a conscience purified and pacified by the blood and spirit of Christ> Oxford : Printed by Henry Hall, 1656. — [28],140 pages ; 8°. — Wing W1644. —
Copies: WSL: s242/MOR/WHI. —
Subjects: Devon. Moretonhampstead. Clergy. Whiddon, Francis. Works: Devotional texts. 1656. —
Ballamie, Richard. The leper clensed, or The redvction of an erring Christian. Being a narrative of Richard Ballamie of Tiverton his falling off to Anabaptism and of his returning to the truth, with the causes and occasions of both. Wherein he is not onely cleared from the Anabaptists unjust excomunicating of him for leaving them, but their unchristian waies and wildes to deceive are also laid open. By him published, to caution young ignorant Christians against the error of that way. — London : printed, and are to be sold by Francis Eglesfield at the Mary-gold in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1657. — 31, [1] p. ; 8°. — ESTC R236924. — In this edition, title page, line 4, reads: ’REDVCTION’; p.5 line 11 has "practices" and line 15 has "sanctfy"; for another edition with "practizes" and "sanctifie" cf. R24725. These two editions not distinguished in Wing. Signatures: a-b8. Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), B606
Ballamie, Richard. The leper clensed, or, The redvction of an erring Christian. Being a narrative of Richard Ballamie of Tiverton his falling off to Anabaptism and of his returning to the truth, with the causes and occasions of both. Wherein he is not onely cleared from the Anabaptists unjust excomunicating of him for leaving them, but their unchristian waies and wildes to deceive are also laid open. By him published, to caution young ignorant Christians against the error of that way. — London : printed, and are to be sold by F[rancis]. Eglesfield at the Mary-gold in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1657. — 31, [1] p. ; 8°. — ESTC R469101. — Signatures: a-b8. In this edition, title page, line 4 reads: ’THE REDVCTION OF’; printer’s initial only (as opposed to full name as in R24725 and R236924) given in imprint. Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), B606
Ballamie, Richard. The leper clensed: or The reduction of an erring Christian. Being a narrative of Richard Ballamie of Tiverton his falling off to Anabaptism and of his returning to the truth, with the causes and occasions of both. Wherein he is not onely cleared from the Anabaptists unjust excomunicating of him for leaving them, but their unchristian waies and wildes to deceive are also laid open. By him published, to caution young ignorant Christians against the error of that way. — London : printed, and are to be sold by Francis Eglesfield at the Mary-gold in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1657. — 31, [1] p. ; 8°. — ESTC R470108. — In this edition, title page, line 2, reads: ’LEAPER CLENSED:’; line 4, reads: ’REDUCTION’; p.5 line 11 has "practices" and line 15 has "sanctifie". Signatures: a-b8. Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), B606
Ballamie, Richard.. The leper clensed, or, The redvction of an erring Christian. Being a narrative of Richard Ballamie of Tiverton his falling off to Anabaptism and of his returning to the truth, with the causes and occasions of both. Wherein he is not onely cleared from the Anabaptists unjust excomunicating of him for leaving them, but their unchristian waies and wildes to deceive are also laid open. By him published, to caution young ignorant Christians against the error of that way. — London : printed and are to be sold by Francis Eglesfield at the Mary-gold in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1657. — 31, [1] p. ; 8°. — ESTC R24725. — Signatures: a-b8. In this edition, title page, line 4, reads: ’REDVCTION’; p. 5 line 11 has "practizes" and line 15 has "sanctifie"; for another edition with "practices" and "sanctfy" cf. R236924. These two editions not distinguished in Wing. Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), B606
Doddridge, John. Honours pedigree, or the several fountains of gentry / by that juditious lawyer, Sir John Dodoredge. (was MP for Barns> London : William Shears, 1657. — 158 pages ; 15cm. —
Copies: NDA: D929/DOD. —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Members of Parliament. Doddridge, John. Works. Nobility.
Morice, William. Sir. The new inclosures broken down, and the Lords supper laid forth in common for all church-members, having a dogmatical faith .. / William Morice of Werrington in Devon, Esq.> London : Printed by W Godbid, 1657. — [16]344,169-314 pages ; 4° (20cm). — Wing M2762 Notes: Sir William Morice of Werrington, 1st Baronet, c.1628 - 1690. —
Copies: WSL: s234.163/GEN/MOR. —
Subjects: Devon. Werrington Writers. Morice, William. Sir. Works: Lord's Supper.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Maxims of state. With instructions to his son, and the sons [sic] advice to his aged father. With many additions thereunto> London : for Will Shears Jr., 1657. — [12],202 pages ; 12°. —
Copies: WSL: s320.5/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Politics.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The prerogative of parliaments in England. Proved in a dialogue ..> London : for Will. Shears Jr., 1657. — [10],122p : port ; 12° (13cm). — Bound with : Maxims of State.- 1656. —
Copies: WSL: s328.3/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Parliament.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh> London : For W. Sheares Iunior, 1657. — [12],202 pages ; 12°. — Wing R0180. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works. Collections.
Reynolds, John. The triumphs of Gods revenge against ... sinne of ... murther> London : Sarah Griffin, 1657. — [267],486p : ill ; 2°. — Wing R1309 Notes: Third ed. 2 copies in UK. —
Copies: WSL: sx241.697/REY. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Clergy. Reynolds, John. Works: Sin.
Harrison, George. An elegie on the death of the Right Honourable Robert Blake, Esq : One of the generals at sea, who departed the 7. of August 1657. on board the George near Plymouth Sound. — [London] : Printed for John Bartlet the elder at the Golden Cup in Pauls Church-yard over against the Drapers, and John Bartlet the younger in Westminster Hall, 1657]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1°. — ESTC: R212052. — Verse - "VVhat means this silence sirs? what's here becom?". Signed and dated at end: Geo: Harrison. Gent., Aug. 11. 1657. Place of publication from Wing.
Copies: British Library . —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Admirals. Blake, Robert. Broadside ballads. Bartlett, John.
Diotrephes detected, corrected and rejected, ... casting of two members out of Mr. Stucleys congregation in Exeter> London : M.S. for Henry Cripps, 1658. — [2],18 pages ; 21cm (photocopy). —
Copies: WSL : pB/EXE/285/DIO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Nonconformists. Stucley's Congregation. 1658. —
Getsius, Daniel. Tears shed in the behalf of his dear mother the Church of England, and her sad distractions ... / Daniel Getsius Minister of the Word at Stoke Gabriel> Oxford : Printed by A.L. Printer to the University, 1658. — [8],144 pages ; 8°. — Wing G0632. —
Copies: WSL: s242/GEN/GET. —
Subjects: Devon. Stoke Gabriel. Clergy. Getsius, Johann Daniel. Works: Devotional texts. 1658. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The Cabinet-Council : containing the Cheif [sic] arts of empire and mysteries of state; discabineted in political ... aphorisms ..> London : John Milton Esq., 1658. — [8],199,[1] pages ; 8°. — Wing R0156. —
Copies: WSL: s920/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Politics
Deloney, Thomas, -1600. The lamentation of Mr. Pages wife of Plimouth : vvho being enforced to wed against her will, did consent to his murder for the love of George Strangwidge, for which fact they suffered death at barstabel in Devonshire. — The tune is, Fortune my foe. — [London] : for F[rancis]. Coles, Tho[mas]. Vere and W[illiam]. Gilbertson, [[ 1658/1663]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R174584. — Place and date of publication and publishers' names from Wing (CD-ROM edition); Wing gives range of dates: between 1658 and 1663 Verse - "Unhappy she whom fortune hath forlorn," Also includes: "The lamentation of George Strangwidge," and "The complaint of Mrs. Page". —
Copies: Glasgow University Library: Euing 192. —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Murders. Broadside ballads. Coles, Francis.
A new Ballad intituled, the stout Cripple of Cornwall, wherein is shewed his dissolute life and deserved death. To the tune of, the blind Beggar of Bethnal Green. — London : Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere and W. Gilbertson , [ 1658/1664]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.). — ESTC: R180855. — Mentions Lord Courtenay and Exeter. —
Copies: University of Glasgow: Euing ballads 241. —
Subjects: Devon. Fraudsters. Broadside ballads. Coles, F.
A warning for married women : By the example of Mrs. Jane Renalds, A West-Country woman, born neer unto Plymouth; who having plighted her troth to a seaman, was afterwards married to a carpenter, and at last carried away by a spirit: the manner how shall be presently recited / To a gallant West-country tune, cal'd, The fair maid of Bristol, or, Bateman, or John True[.. — [London] : for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertson, [ 1658-1664]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R186280. — Caption title. Printer from colophon. Place and date of publication suggested by Wing. In four columns. Opening line of verse: There dwelt a fair maid in the West,. This item also described in The Euing Collection of English Broadside Ballads in the Library of the University of Glasgow. Glasgow: U of Glasgow P; 1971. xxiv, 686 pp. Item 377 Identified as Wing W922 on UMI microfilm set "Early English books, 1641-1700", reel 1319.
Copies: Glasgow University Library. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Women. Reynolds, Jane. Broadside ballads. Coles, Francis.
Allein, Toby. Truths manifest revived, or A farther discovery of Mr. Stucley and his churches causeless excommunication of Mrs. Mary Allein. Wherein the former narrative and observations on Mr. Stucleys sermon, are reprinted and his late scandulous pamphlet, falsly intituled (Manifest truth) answered and refuted. By Tobie Allein of Exon. — London : printed by R.D. for F. Eglesfield, and are to be sold by Iohn Mongwell Iunior, in Exeter, 1659. — 112 p. ; 8°. — ESTC R506939. — Another issue (ESTC R4931; Wing A959) does not have Mongwell’s name in the imprint. Not in Wing. Signatures: A-G8.
Allein, Toby. Truths manifest revived, or A farther discovery of Mr. Stucley and his churches causeless excommunication of Mrs. Mary Allein. Wherein the former narrative and observations on Mr. Stucleys sermon, are reprinted and his late scandulous pamphlet, falsly intituled (Manifest truth) answered and refuted. By Tobie Allein of Exon. — London : printed by R.D. for Francis Eglesfield, at the Mary-Gold in S. Paul’s Church-yard, 1659. — 112 p. ; 8°. — ESTC R4931. — Another issue (ESTC R506939) adds John Mongwell, Junior, of Exeter, to the imprint. Signatures: A-G8. Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), A959
A faithful remembrance and advice to the general council of officers of the armies ... from divers in Cornwal and Devon ..> London : L. Chapman, 1659. — [2],5,[1] pages ; 4° (19cm). —
Copies: WSL: s261.7/WSE/FAI. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Politics. Christian viewpoints. 1659. —
A letter of advice to His Excellency the Lord General Monck, tending to the peace and welfare of this nation> London] : Printed in the year, 1659. — 4°. — Wing J 38. —
Copies: DRO: 4652M/Z13. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Monarchy. Restoration. 1659. —
A letter to General Monck, in answer to his of the 23 of January, directed to Mr. Rolle, to be communicated to ... Devon ..> London : Printed for R.Lowndes, 1659. — 4°. —
Copies: DRO: 4652M/Z14. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Monarchy. Restoration. 1659. —
Morice, William. Sir. Animadversions upon Generall Monck's letter to the gentry of Devon : wherein his arguments for anarchy are considered ..> [London] : Printed in the year, 1659. — 8 pages ; 4°. — Wing M2761. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1659/MON. —
Subjects: Devon. Monarchy. Restoration. 1659. —
Polwheile, Theophilus. Authentis [Greek] or a treatise of self-deniall, wherein the necessity and excellency of it is demonstrated; ..> London : for Thomas Johnson, 1659. — [48],424,[46] pages ; 8°. — Wing P2783 Notes: Author born in Cornwall. Independant minister, vicar of Tidcombe and Clare in Tiverton 1651 and preached in the area until death in 1689.. —
Copies: WSL : s248.272/GEN/POL. —
Subjects: Devon. Tiverton. Clergy. Polwheile, Theophilus. Works: Christian life. 1659. —
1660. -
Bolde, Thomas. Rhetorick restrained, or, Dr. John Gauden Lord Bishop elect of Exeter, his considerations of the liturgy ... considered ..> London : for Tho. Parkhurst, 1660. — [2],29,[1] pages ; 4° (20cm). — Wing B3496. —
Copies: WSL : s264.03/GEN/BOL. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Gauden, John. Polemics. 1660. —
Bury, Arthur, 1624-1713. The mystery of iniquity, discovered to work in the children of disobedience ... Cathedral-lecture at St. Peters in Exon> London : for Francis Eglesfield, 1660. — [8],36 pages ; 4°. — Wing B6198. —
Copies: WSL: s080/DEV/.Pam.4. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Clergy. Bury, Arthur. Works: Polemics. 1660. —
Bury, Arthur, 1624-1713. The mystery of iniquity, discovered to work in the children of disobedience. Whereby the pretended godliness of schismatics appeareth, to be the greatest ungodliness. In a cathedral-lecture at St. Peters in Exon. By Arthur Bury M.A some time fellow of Exon Coll. in Oxon. — London : printed for Francis Eglesfield at the Marigold in St. Paul’s Church-yard, 1660. — [4], 31 [i.e. 36], [2] ; 4°. — ESTC R229905. — P. 36 misnumbered 31. With final errata leaf. Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), B6198
C.E. A letter to the Lord General Monck in answer to his Excellencies letter unto the gentry of Devon; ... - London : [s.n.], [ 1660]. — 1 sheet ; 1o. —
Copies: WSL : LE 1660 ; Barnstaple: Exeter Garland 1 ; Exmouth: Exeter Garland 1 ; Plymouth ; Torquay.. —
Subjects: Devon. Church and state. 1660.
Cleland, Thomas. by Thomas Cleland, Minister of the Gospel at Chivelston in Devon> London : printed by D. Maxwell, 1660. — 23[1] pages ; 4° (20cm). —
Copies: WSL: s252/CHI/CLE. —
Subjects: Devon.
Crofton, Zech. Analysis anelython, [in Greek] The fastning of St.Peters fetters ... against the doubts ... of Dr. John Gauden's ... questionist> London : Printed for Ralph Smith, 1660. — [12],159,[1] pages ; 4° (19cm). — Wing 6982. —
Copies: WSL: s262/GEN/CRO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Gauden, John. Christian doctrine.
Gauden, John, 1605-1662.. Eikon basilike, or, the true pourtraiture of ... Charles II> London : Brome & Marsh, 1660. — 3 vol in 1. — Wing L2640. —
Copies: EXR: o1660. —
Subjects: Devon. Not local. England. Monarchs. Charles II.
Gauden, John, 1605-1662.. nalysis. The loosing of St. Peters bands; setting forth the true sense and solution of the Covenant in point of conscience so far as it relates to the government of the Church by episcopacy. By John Gauden, D.D. London : printed by J. Best, for Andrew Crook, at the Green-Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660. — 26,[2] pages ; 4° (21cm). — Wing G 340. —
Copies: WSL: s262.12/GEN/GAU. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Exeter Diocese. Bishops. Gauden, John. Works. Sermons. 1660. —
Gauden, John, 1605-1662.. The religious and loyal protestation of John Gauden, Dr. in divinity against the ...destroying of our Sovereign Lord the King...> London : for Richard Royston., 1660. — [4],9,[1] pages ; 4°. — Wing G 369. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1660/GAU. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Gauden, John. Works: Letters. 1660. —
Gauden, John, 1605-1662.. A sermon preached in the temple-chappel, at the funeral of ... Dr. Brounrig late Lord Bishop of Exeter ..> London : J. Best for A. Crook, 1660. — [32],245p, ; 4°. — Wing G 371. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/GAU. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Brownrigg, Ralph. Funerals. Sermons. 1660. —
The life and death of Mr John Row, who died, February anno Christi, 1659/60. — [ s.l.] : [ s.n.], [ 1660?]. — Pages 105-124 ; 2º.. —
Copies: WSL: s920/ROW. —
Subjects: Devon. Shobrook. Christian life. Row, John. Biographies. —
Monk, George. 1st Duke of Albemarle. A letter from His Excellencie the Lord General Monck, and the officers under his command, to the parliament 11 of Feb. 1659> London : Printed by Iohn Redmayne, [ 1660]. — 4°. — Wing A 847. —
Copies: DRO: 4652M/Z12. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Monarchy. Restoration. 1660. —
Monk, George. 1st Duke of Albemarle. A letter from His Excellencie the Lord General Monck, and the officers under his command, to the parliament; ..> London : Printed by John Macock, 1660. — [2],15,[1] pages ; 4°. — Wing A 854. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1660/MON. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Monarchy. Restoration. 1660. —
Monk, George. 1st Duke of Albemarle. A letter of General George Monck's, dated at Leicester 23 Ian. and directed unto Mr. Rolle to be communicated unto the rest of the gentry of Devon : occasioned by a late letter from the gentry of Devon dated at Exceter 14 Ian. And sent by Mr. Bampfield to the speaker to be communicated unto the Parliament. Read in Parliament Ian. 16. — London : Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater noster row, 1660. — 7,[1] pages ; 4°. — Wing A 861. —
Copies: WSL : sDEV/1642/CIV Tr 15 ; Barnstaple: B1642/MON ; EXRAMM. —
Subjects: Devon. Members of Parliament. Reinstatement. 1660. —
Parliamentary > The parliamentary intelligencer, comprising the sum of forraign> London : J.Macock & T.Newcombe, 1660. — 351-358,329-336 pages ; 4°. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/1660/PAR. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Monarchs. Charles II. Allegiance of citizens. 1660. —
Blake, Martin, 1594/5-1673. An earnest plea for peace and moderation in a sermon, preached at Barnstaple in Devon to the ministers, and others, occasionally there assembled, Octob. 17. 1660. By Martin Blake B.D. — London : printed for Francis Eglesfield, at the Marigold in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1661. And are to be sold by Christopher Hunt, bookseller in Barnstaple, [ 1661]. — [8], 24 p. ; 4°. — ESTC R172986. — Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), B3133A
Blake, Martin, 1594/5-1673. An earnest plea for peace and moderation in a sermon, preached at Barnstaple, in Devon, to the ministers and others, occasionally there assembled, Octob. 17. 1660. By Martin Blake, B.D. ... — London : Printed for Francis Eglesfield, at the Marigold, in St. Pauls Church-yard, ... and are to be sold by Christopher Hunt, bookseller in Barnstaple , 1661. — [8],24p ; 4°. — *Dredge p.3 (Barnstaple Literary Institution); Sheaves 3 p.485; cf Wing2 B3133 (Francis Eglesfield only). —
Copies: NDA: D252/BLA. —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Sermons. Blake, Martin. Texts. 1661. —
Blake, Martin, 1594/5-1673. An earnest plea for peace and moderation: in a sermon, preached at Barnstaple in Devon to the ministers, and others, occasionally there assembled, Octob. 17. 1660. By Martin Blake B. D. — London : printed for Francis Eglesfield, at the Marigold in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1661. — [8], 24 p. ; 4°. — ESTC R25930. — Wing (2nd ed., 1994), B3133
Brownrig, Ralph. Fourty sermons / by the late Right Reverend father in God, Ralph Brownrig.> London : Tho. Roycroft, 1661. — [20],683,[5] pages ; 2°. — WingB 5204. —
Copies: WSL: sx252/GEN/BRO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Sermons. Brownrig, Ralph. Texts.
Copleston, John. Moses next to God, and Aaron next to Moses subordinate and subservient : opened, in a sermon preached at St. Peters in Exon> London : W.Godbid for R.Thrale, 1661. — [8],34,[2] pages ; 4°. —
Copies: WSL: pB/EXE/252/COP. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Cathedrals. Saint Peter. Sermons. Texts.
Du Bouchet. Histoire généalogique de la maison royale de Courtenay : iustifiée par plusieurs chartes de diuerses eglises, arrests du Parlement, titres du tresor du roy ... et autres preuues dignes de foy / Par Monsieur Du Bouchet ... — Paris : Iean du Puis, 1661. — [24],400,262 pages ; 2°. —
Copies: WSL: sf929.2/COU. —
Subjects: Devon. Families. Courtenay family.
Gauden, John, 1605-1662.. Considerations touching the liturgy of the Church of England> London : J.G. for J. Playford, 1661. — [2],44 pages ; 4° (20cm). — Wing G 348. — John Gauden, Bishop of Exeter 1660 - 1662. —
Copies: WSL: s264.03/GEN/GAU. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Gauden, John. Works: Liturgy. Revision. 1661. —
An ignoramus found upon the last article of the ... presentment of the grand-jury of ... Devon, at the Assizes held at Exon, ..> [London] : Printed in the year, 1661. — 8 pages ; 4°. —
Copies: WSL : p272.7/DEV/IGN. —
Subjects: Devon. Roman Catholic Church. Persecution. 1661. —
Mercurius publicus, comprising the sum of foraign intelligence..> London : R. Hodgkinsonne, 1661. — 833-346 pages ; 4°. — Bound with The Parliamentary Intelligencer.- London : J.Macock. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/1660/PAR. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Gauden, John. 1661. —
Pierce, Thomas. An annyversary sermon on the 29th of May ..> London : R. Norton, 1661. — [ ],38 pages ; 4°. — Wing P2198 Notes: Lacks gathering A. —
Copies: WSL: s252/HAL/FIT. —
Subjects: Devon. Clergy. Pierce, Thomas. Works: Sermons. 1661. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Aphorisms of state, grounded on authority and experience ..> London : for Tho. Johnson, 1661. — [6],199[1] ; 8° (14cm). — Wing R 153. —
Copies: WSL: s320.5/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Politics.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The prerogative of parliaments in England. Proved in a dialogue ..> London : for Will. Shears, 1661. — [10],122 pages ; 12°. — WingRI 78A Notes: Issued with: Remains ..London : 1669 and Remaines.. London :1661. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Parliament.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The remains of Sr. Walter Raleigh; viz. Maxims of state. Advice to his son : his sons advice to his father. His sceptick. ..> London : for William Sheare, 1661. — [10],264,[10]122 pages ; 12°. — Wing R 181. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL.
Subjects: Devon.
Rich, John. Verses on the blessed and happy coronation. — London : Printed for and are to be sold by John Ratkliffe in Plymouth, 1661. — 2°. — Wing1 R1352. — Clough. -
Subjects: Devon. England. Monarchs Charles II Coronations. Poetry 1661. —
Hooker, Richard, 1554-1600. The works of Mr Richard eight books... with an account of his life by Dr.John Ganden.... — London : J.Best, 1662. — various pagings ; 2º. —
Copies: WSL: sx262.9/GEN/HOO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Theologians. Hooker, Richard. Works. Church law.
Hooker, Richard, 1554-1600. The works of Mr Richard Hooker...vindicating the Church of England.. with an account of his holy life ... by Dr. John Gauden. [London] : [s. n.], 1662. —
Copies: WSL: sx262.9/GEN/HOO
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Theologians. Hooker, Richard. Works: Church law.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The marrow of history or, an epitome of all historical passages from the Creation, to the end of the last Macedonian war. 1662. —
Copies: WSL: s930/GEN/RAL
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ancient history.
Royston, Richard. Books lately printed for R.Royston in London, and sold by Abisha Brocas in Exeter; and Christopher Hunt of Barnstable, booksellers. — [London] : [R.Royston] , [ 1662?]. — 1 sheet ; 1/4°. — DRO: Pasted into 1238M add 2/PZI
Copies: Devon.
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Booksellers. Brocas, Abisha. Publications. Lists. 1662. —
Statutes 1662. Public ; 14 Cha 2 c. 28. An act for the regulation of the pilchard fishing in the counties of Devon and Cornwall. [London] : [s. n.], 1662. —
Copies: WSL: sx348.022/1662/PUB
Subjects: Devon.
The West country lovers : See here the pattern of true love amongst the country blades, who never can delighted be, but when amonst the maids / Tune of, Philander. — [London] : Printed for J. Bonyers [sic, i.e. Conyers] at the black raven in Duck-lane, [ 1662/1688]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R234058. — Place of publication from and date range "[1662-88]" suggested by Wing; Bodleian Library ballads database suggests "between 1662 and 1691". Verse - "Now Sols bright shining light". Wing has "Conyers".
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Conyers, J.
Vilvain, Robert. Theoremata theologica : theological treatises. Octo theses theologicae: eight theses of divinity. ... Compiled or collected by Rob. Vilvain. — London : Printed for the author, and are to be sold by Michael Hide, bookseller, in Excester , 1663. — 4°. — Reissue of 1654 edition with new titlepage. — Wing1 V398; *Dredge p.7; DUL 72450.
Subjects: Devon.
Deloney, Thomas, -1600. The lamentation of Mr. Pages wife of Plimouth : who being enforced to wed against their will, did consent to murder for the love of George Strangwidge, for which fact they suffered death at Barstable in Devonshire. — The tune is, Fortune my foe, by [Deloney, Thomas,. — [London] : Printed by F. Coles, T. Vere, W. Gilbertson and J. Wright, [ 1663/1665]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1°. — ESTC: R33444. — Anonymous. By Thomas Deloney. Publication place and date range suggested by Wing. Verse - "Unhappy she whom fortune hath forlorne". Includes Deloney's "The lamentation of George Strangwidge" and "The complaint of Mrs. Page.". Identified as Wing D957B on UMI microfilm "Early English books, 1641-1700" reel 1548. —
Copies: Harvard University Houghton (Cambridge, Massachusetts). —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Murders. Broadside ballads. Coles, Francis.
Deloney, Thomas, -1600. The lamentation of Mr. Pages wife of Plimouth : Who being forced to wed against her will, did consent to his murther, for the love of George Strangwidge, for which fact they suffered death at Barnstable in Devonshire. — The tune is, Fortune my foe. — London : Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and I. Wright, [ 1663/1674]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1°. — ESTC: R235055 ; Wing D597A Anonymous. By Thomas Deloney. Range of suggested imprint dates from Wing. Verse - "Unhappy she, whom fortune hath forlorn,". Includes "The lamentation of George Strangwidge, who for the consenting to the death of Mr. Page of Plimouth, suffered death at Barnstable" and "The complaint of Mis. Page, for causing her husband to be murthered, for love of Strangwidge, who were executed together". In this edition "Pages" and "Plimouth" in line 1 are in italics. Identified as Wing D597A on UMI microfilm set "Early English books,
Copies: Houghton Library: EB65 D3833 689? ; Harvard University ; Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Murders. Broadside ballads. Coles, Francis.
Jelinger, Christopher. South Brent. Heaven won by violence : or, a treatise upon Mat. II. 12. ... containing very nigh the whole body of practical divinity, also A New and Living Way of Dying ... London : [s.n.], [ 1664]. —
Copies: WSL: s242/GEN/JEL
Subjects: Devon.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The prerogative of parliaments in England, proved in a dialogue between a Counsellour of State and a Justice of Peace. 1664. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Parliament.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The remains of Sr. Walter Raleigh; viz. Maxims of state. Advice to his son : his sons advice to his father. His sceptick. ... 1664. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL
Subjects: Devon.
Jellinger, Christopher. Heaven won by violence: or, a treatise upon Mat. II.12. > containing very nigh the whole body of practical divinity; > - London : [s. n.], 1665. —
Copies: WSL: s242/GEN/JEL. —
Subjects: Devon. South Brent. Clergy. Jelinger, Christopher. Works. Bible. NT. 1665. —
Wade, John. Amorous Bettys delight: or, No name can compare unto sweet William : This maid hath chosen, she doth think, the best, yet other mai[d]ens may do what they will, sweet William's the man she loves, she doth protest, and of kisses plenty he shall have his fill. To a new west-country tune, or, The watermans delight. By John Wade. — [London] : Printed for R[ichard]. Burton, at the Horseshooe in VVest-smith-field, [ 1665?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R216098. — Date of publication and publisher's name from Wing CD-ROM, 1996. Verse - "Come all you pretty maids". L copy at Rox.III.124, cut and mounted; 'd' in 'Maidens' failed to print.
Copies: British Library . —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Burton, Richard.
Hieron, Samuel, 1572-1617. Fair-play on both sides or, the surest way to Heaven. Discovered in a dispute between a Roman-Catholick, and a Protestant. [London] : [s. n.], 1666. —
Copies: WSL: s230/GEN/FAI.
Subjects: Devon.
Hooker, Richard, 1554-1600. The works of Mr.Richard Hooker ... in eight books of ecclesiastical polity ... / Richard Hooker. — London : T.Newcomb for A.Crook, 1666. — 579 pages ;35cm. —
Copies: WSL: sf/262.9/GEN/HOO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Theologians. Hooker, Richard. Works. Church law.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The historie of the world, in five books. 1666. —
Copies: WSL: sx930/GEN/RAL
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ancient history.
Ward, Seth. A sermon preached before the peers, in the Abby-church at Westminster : October 10th, M.DC.LXIV. By Seth Lord Bishop of Exon. — The third edition. — London : printed by E.C. for James Collins, and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas bookseller in Exon, 1666. — [4],31,[1] pages ; 4°. — Wing1 W829. — Dredge p.93. —
Copies: WSL: s080/DEV.PAM.4
Subjects: Westcountry. Exeter Diocese. Bishops Ward, Seth Sermons 1666. —
Cleland, Benjamin. The saints encouragement or a treatise wherein is handled, how we may ease our troubled hearts, by believing in God and His son Jesus Christ : as also, by considering our future happpiness in Gods house in heaven, with the means by which we may come to be partakers of it, and marks to know, whether or no we are such as shall be inheritors of it. Together with the comforts arising from Christ's second coming, and our being with Him in heaven. By Benjamin Cleland, M.A., minister in Devon. ... — London : Printed by John Redmayne for Walter Dight, over against the Guildhal in Exon, 1667. — 8°. — Dredge p.8 (Dymond).
Subjects: Devon. Christian life Devotional texts
Fullwood, Francis. The general assembly : or, the necessity of receiving the communion in our publick congregations, evinced from the nature of the church, the word of God, and presbyterian principles. In a sermon lately preached in the Cathedral Church of Exeter. By Francis Fullwood, D.D. ... — London : Printed by E.Cotes for James Collins, and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas bookseller in Exon , 1667. — iv,30p ; 4°. — Wing2 F2503. — Dredge p.61; Sheaves 1 p.522.
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Holy communion Sermons 1667. —
Polwheile, Theophilus. Of quencing the spirit. The evill of it, in respect both of its causes and effects discovered / by Theophilus Polwheile. — London : [s. n.], 1667. — [38], 288, [22] pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s230.22/GEN/POL. —
Subjects: Devon. Tiverton. Clergy. Polwheile, Theophilus. Works. Christian life. 1667. —
Ford, Thomas. [ Autokatakritos. Greek types] or, the sinner condemned of himself ; being a plea for God, against all the ungodly, proving them alone guilty of their own destruction; and that they shall be condemned in the great dy of account, not for that they lacked, but only because they neglected the means of their salvation. And also, shewing how fallacious and frivolous a pretence it is in any, to say, they would do better, if they could; when indeed all men could, and might do better, if they would. By one, that wisheth better to all, than most do themselves. ... — London : Printed for Edward Brewster, and are to be sold by Anne Dight, bookseller in Exon , 1668. — [14],256p ; 8°. — Wing2 F1511. — Dredge p.93. —
Subjects: Devon. Christian doctrine Sin
Hughes, George. Sure-footing in Christianity examined / by. G. H.. — London : [s. n.], 1668. — [32], 311 pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s230.3/EN/HUG. —
Subjects: Devon. Tavistock. Clergy. Hughes, George. Works. Christian life. 1668. —
Mall, Thomas. The axe at the root. — London : for John Weeks in Tiverton , 1668. — 4°. — *Wing2 M328a.
Subjects: Devon. Christian life Devotional texts
Mall, Thomas. Of holy living. First a serious exhortation theretunto. Secondly choice directions therein, both for every working, and for every Lord's-day. ... — London : Printed for William Grantham at the Black-Bear in Westminster-Hall, and are to be sold by Robert Eveleigh, bookseller in Exon , 1668. — [10],118 pages ; 12°. — Wing2 M334; *Dredge p.93 (Bodleian).
Subjects: Devon. Christian life Devotional texts
Mall, Thomas. A serious exhortation to holy living. By Thomas Mall. ... — London : Printed for William Grantham at the Black-Bear in Westminster-Hall, and are to be sold by Robert Eveleigh, bookseller in Exon , 1668. — [10],118 pages ; 12°. — Wing2 M335; * Dredge p.93. — Section title for: Of holy living.
Subjects: Devon.
Stoddon, Samuel. The voice of the rod, or God's controversie pleaded with man. Being a plain and brief discourse on Mich. 6.9. By L.N. [Philomathes. Greek type]. ... — ... By Samuel Stoddon, Minister of God's word. ... — London : Printed for the author, and are to be sold by Robert Boulter, at the sign of the Turks-head in Bishops-gate-street, near Gresham Colledge , London : Printed for Walter Dight, bookseller in Exeter , 1668. — [ 48],288p ; 8°. — Wing1 S5715; * Dredge p8; Sheaves 2 p.354-5. Variant author statement and imprint: ... By Samuel Stoddon, Minister of God's word. ... — London : Printed for the author, and are to be sold by Robert Boulter, at the sign of the Turks-head in Bishops-gate-street, near Gresham Colledge ,
Subjects: Devon. Christian doctrine Punishment
Wetenhall, Edward Misereri cleri. A sermon London 1668. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Clergy Sermons 1668. —
Wetenhall, Edward. Miserere cleri. A sermon, presenting the miseries of the clergy, and assigning their true causes in order of redress : preached before the Right Honourable Sir John Vaughan knight, Lord Chief Justice of His Majesties Court of Common Pleas, and Sir John Archer knight, one of the justices of the same court, in the Cathedral of Saint Peter, Exon, at the assizes, on Sunday, July 26, 1668. By Edw. Wetenhall, one of the prebendaries of that church. — [London] : In the Savoy, printed by T.N. for James Collins, and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas bookseller in Exon , 1668. — [2],25,[1] pages ; 4°. — Wing1 W1505; *Dredge p.8; Sheaf 5 p.595.
Subjects: Devon.
Coven, Stephen. Militant Christian; or, the good soldier of Jesus Christ, > - London : [s.n.], 1669. — [8],254 pages ; 8º. — Author not named on title page.. —
Copies: WSL: s242/GEN/COV. —
Subjects: Devon. Sampford Peverell. Clergy. Coven, Stephen. Works. Christian life. 1669. —
Flavell, John, 1630-1691. Husbandry spiritualized: or, the heavenly use of earthly things> / By John Flavel minister of the gospel in Devon. — London : Robert Boulter, 1669. — [32],264,[10] pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: s242.68/GEN/FLA
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Flavell, John. Works. Devotional texts.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The prerogative of parliaments in England, proved. In a dialogue between Counsellour of State, and a Justice of Peace. 1669. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Parliament.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh : maxims of state ; advice to his son .... [London] : [s. n.], 1669. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL : s824/RALr
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works. Collections.
1670. -
Hole, Matthew. Our Saviours passion. — London : For Richard Royston, to be sold by Abisha Brocas in Exon, 1670. — 4°. — Wing2 H2411. — Clough.
Subjects: Devon. Christ Passion
Stucley, Lewis. A gospel-glass representing the miscarriages of English professors or a call ... / By Lewis Stucley, late minister in Exeter. — London : Printed for the author, 1670. — [22],495,[1] pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s243/GEN/STU. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Clergy. Stucley, Lewis. Works. Polemics.
Walton, Isaac. The lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert / written by Izaak Walton. — London : Printed by Tho.Newcombe, 1670. — [12],88,79,[1],140,104 pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s920/HOO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Theologians. Hooker, Richard. Biographies.
Bowne, Tobias. Tom and Rogers contract: or what Devon-farmers use to act : Two farmers lately met in Devon-shire, and so by chance they drank a pot of beer; and since it was within the month of May, I will declare to you what they did say. Tune of, hey boys up go we / By Tobias Bowne. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby in Py-corner, [ 1670/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R233894. — Publication date range from Wing. Verse - "As Tom met Roger upon the road".
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library (Cambridge, England); Oxford University Bodleian Library: Pepys 4.18. —
Subjects: Devon. Farmers. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
A looking-glass for a covetous miser: or, Comfort to a contented minde : Being a serious discourse between a rich miser in the west country, and a poor husband-man, as they accidentally met upon the way: their dispute being so tedious, and of so great concernment, a neighbour of theirs hearing them, took pains to write down the subject of their discourse, after he had heard what had befallen to the rich-man; he sent a letter to a friend of his in London, and desired that he would get it printed for an example to all unthankful men / to [sic] the tune of, the Fair angel of England; or, the Tyrant, by [Jordan, Thomas,. — London : printed for W[illiam]. Thackeray, T[homas]. Passinger and W[illiam]. VVhitwood, [ 1670/1677]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R227252. — Signed at end: T.J. [i.e. Thomas Jordan]. Publication date range from Wing. Verse - "Come listen kind neighbours with heart and good will,".
Copies: British Library ; Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 2.19 ; Harvard University Houghton (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Misers. Broadside ballads. Thackeray, William.
The secret lovers, or,jealous father beguil'd : Loves passion is not easily put under, nor faithful lovers to be keptasunder; [sic] because you know the proverb it is so that love will creep when as it cannot go / To a west-country tune; or, Alack for my love I must dye. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby at the Golden Ball in Pye-corner, [[ 1670/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R234426 Verse - "A dainty spruce young gallant". Wing reports title as "The secret lover". Another edition has imprint which differs slightly. Place and date of publication from Wing. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 3, p. 127.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library . —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
True love exalted: or, A dialogue between a courteous young knight of the city of London, and a searge weavers daughter of Devonshire : Shewing how the young knight was travelling in Devon-shire, and fell in love with a fair maid there: how he courted her to be his miss, bu she not yielding to his lascivious desires, he was so much in love with her vertue, that he marryed her, and made her alady [sic], and carryed her to the Kings court at London, where they now live in joy and happiness / The tune is, Tender hearts, &c. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby, at the Golden-Ball in Pye-corner, [ 1670/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R227401. — Publication date range from Wing. Verse - "In the west in Devon-shire.". Another edition has "The une [sic] is, Tender hearts, &c."
Copies: British Library ; Harvard University Houghton (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland: Crawford 688 ; Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript (New Haven, Connecticut)] . —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
True love exalted: or; A dialogue between a courteous young knight of the city of London, and a searge weavers daughter of Devonshire : Shewing how the young knight was travelling in Devon-shire, and fell in love with a fair maid there: how he courted her to be his miss, bu she not yielding to his lascivious desires, he was so much in love with her vertue, that he marryed her, and made he alady [sic], and carryed her to the Kings court at London, where they now live in joy and happiness / The une [sic] is, Tender hearts, &c. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby, at the Golden-Ball in Pye-corner, [[ 1670/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R234456. — Verse - "In the west in Devon-shire.". Place and date of publication and publisher's name from Wing CD-ROM, 1996. Another edition has "The tune is, Tender hearts, &c." Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 3, p. 256.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library . —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
A warning and good counsel to the weavers : Tune of, The country farmer. Or, The Devonshire damosels / This may be printed, R.P. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, in Pye-Corner, [[ 1670/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187709. — Verse - "You gentlemen all come listen a while,". Place and date of publication suggested by Wing. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 356.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 4.356. —
Subjects: Devon. Weavers. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The west country vvooing, or,merry conceited couple : In pleasant terms, he lets her know his mind, and fairly wooes her, for to make her kind: at first she seemed coy to his perswasion, and put him off, with many a sly evasion: but finding at the last his love was constant, her heart she did resign from that same instant / Tune of, When Sol will cast no light: or, My pritty little rogue. — London : printed for W[illiam]. Thackeray, T[homas]. Passenger, and W[illiam]. Whitwood, [ 1670/1677]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R227474. — Publication date range from Wing. In two parts. Verse - "My joy and only dear:".
Copies: British Library ; Glasgow University Library (Glasgow, Scotland); Harvard University Houghton Library: 25242.67 2.211 ; National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Thackeray, William.
The west country wooing: or, the merry conceited couple : In pleasant terms he lets her know his mind, and fiarly wooes her, for to make her kind: at first she seemed coy to his perswasion, and put him off with many a slye evasion: but finding at the last his love was constant, her heart the [sic] did resign from that same instant. To the tune of, When Sol will cast no light: o[r], My pretty little rogue. — [London] : Printed for B. [sic, i.e. P.] Brooksby, at the Golden-ball, in West-smithfield, [ 1670/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R186377. — Publication date range from Wing. In two parts. Verse - "My joy and on'y dear,". Wing has "West country vvooing".
Copies: Glasgow University Library (Glasgow, Scotland); Harvard University Houghton (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The West-country revell; or, the jovial crew of lads and lasses : Who being all together met, were jovial, brisk and merry, and to the lasses gave green gowns till they were all a weary / Tune of, Moggies jealousie. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby at the Golden Ball in Pye-Corner, [ 1670/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R234139. — Verse - "All you that in mirth do delight,"
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
Monk, George. 1st Duke of Albemarle. Observations upon military and political affairs. [London] : [s. n.], 1671. —
Copies: WSL: sx355/GEN/ALB. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The historie of the world, in five books. 1671. —
Copies: WSL: sx930/GEN/RAL (moved to EXL Cage)
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ancient history.
An answer to the dairy maid's tragedy : or, The sad overthrow of two west country lovers, William and Susan, whose deaths are so much lamented (by a worthy 'squire) who had the hard fortune to behold this double tragedy / To the tune of, The Ninghtingale's [sic] song. — London : printed for J. Deacon, at the An[gel] in Giltspur-street, [[ 1671/1700]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcut) ; 1°. — ESTC: R172355 Date of publication conjectured by Wing. Verse - "The dairy-maid's tragedy when I beheld,". At end of text: Licensed according to order. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 3, p. 321.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library . —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Deacon, Jonah.
The farmers son of Devonshire : being the valiant coronet's return from Flanders, who endeavoured to persuade his brother Jack to forsake the plow, and to take up arms the next spring; which he refused to do, because he was loath to leave his sweet wife Joan. Tune of Mary live long / Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for J. Deacon, at the Angel in Gilt-spur-street, without Newgate, [ 1671/1704]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R215742. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1671 and 1704"; Wing suggests "[1689-95]". Verse - "Well met brother Jack,".
Copies: British Library ; Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland: Crawford 1259 ; Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Deacon, Jonah.
Susan's courtship : or, Sweet William woo'd by the farmer's daughter of Devonshire / To the tune of, The bonny grey ey'd morn. Licensed according to order. — London : printed for J. Deacon, in Guilt-spur-street, [[ 1671/1704]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187202 Date of publication from Wing. Verse - "Sweet William, prithee tell me, wilt thou wed,". Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 3, p. 24.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library . —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Deacon, Jonah.
Welch> The Welch vvedding : betwixt Ap-Shinkin and Shinny. With all the mad merriment which was performed on the wedding-day / To the tune of, the Devonshire frolick, or, the country farmer. This may be printed, R.P. — [London] : Printed for J. Deacon, at the sign of the Angel in Guiltspur-Street, without Newgate, [ 1671/1704]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R234056. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1671 and 1704"; Wing suggests "[1685-88]". Verse - "Now sweet Shinny wilt thou be wed,".
Copies: British Library ; Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library (Cambridge, England); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Devon. Weddings. Broadside ballads. Deacon, Jonah.
The West-country frolick: or, buxome Kate's merry intreague : Shewing how she served Robin the faint-hearted miller, who was afraid to encounter with her maiden-head / To the tune of, Fond boy. Or, Love's a sweet passion. — [London] : Printed for J. Deacon, at the Angel in Gilt-spur-street, [ 1671/1704]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcut) ; 1°. — ESTC: R235640. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1671 and 1704"; Wing suggests "[1682-88]". Verse - "Pray did not you here [sic] of young frolicksome Kate?". In three columns with the woodcut and title above the first two; the columns are not separated by rules. The woodcut depicts a man and a woman sitting on a bed, kissing.
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Deacon, Jonah.
The West-country frolick: or, Buxome Kate's merry intreague : Shewing how she serv'd Robin, the faint-hearted miller, who was afraid to encounter with her maiden-head / To the tune of, Fond boy, &c. Or, Love's a sweet passion, &c. — [London] : Printed for J. Deacon, at the sign of the Angel in Guilt-spur-street, [ 1671/1704]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1°. — ESTC: R186373. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1671 and 1704" for a very similar edition; Wing suggests "[1682-88]". Verse - "Pray did not you here of young frolicksome Kate?". This edition is In two columns and is not illustrated. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 5, p. 161.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 5.161 ; National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Deacon, Jonah.
The West-country squire: or,beautiful lasses honour : and honestly crown'd with true love, and lasting happiness / Tune of, Liggan water. Or, Nanny Oh. Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for J. Deacon, at the Angel in Guiltspur-street, [[ 1671/1704]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187723 Verse - "Early in the morning fair,". Place and date of publication from Wing. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 62.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library . —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Deacon, Jonah.
The West-country wedding. Betwixt Roger the plowman, and Ellin the dary-maid : With the sorrowful moan of twenty [or] thirty forsaken damosels, whereof fifteen being with-child, [ ]oundd forth their sorrowful lamentations on Rogers wedding-day / To the tune of, The [ ]rat[ ] miss, or, Moggies jealousie. — [London] : Printed for I. Deacon at the Angel in Guilt-Spur-Street, without Newgate, [ 1671/1704]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187725 Verse - "Now listen and be not mistaken,". Place and date of publication suggested by Wing. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 108.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library . —
Subjects: Westcountry. Weddings. Broadside ballads. Deacon, Jonah.
The young damsels lamentation : or, Their dreadful outcry against the late punching, which has crack'd above four hundred and fifty west-country maiden-heads / To the tune of, The Scotch hay-makers. — London : printed for J. Deacon, at the Angel in Giltspur-street [sic], [[ 1671/1700]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187777 Place and date of publication from Wing. Verse - "Here's a lamentation that's spread abroad of late,". Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 3, p. 287.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library
Subjects: Westcountry. Seduction. Broadside ballads. Deacon, Jonah.
Cowell, John. The interpreter - New edition by T. Manley. [ 1672].
Copies: WSL: sx340.3/GEN/COW
Fullwood, Francis Toleration not to be abused by the independents. — London : For John Martyn, to be sold by Abisha Brocas, in Exeter , 1672. — 4°. — Wing1 F2518 (under Fullwood); (Wing2 under title); *Clough.
Subjects: Devon. Nonconformists Toleration 1672. —
Fullwood, Francis. The doctrine of schism fully opened. — London : By S.C. and B.G. for James Collins, and sold by Abisha Brocas in Exon , 1672. — 8°. — * Wing2 F2501a.
Gould, William Domus mea, domus orationis. A sermon London 1672. — 4°. — Wing2 G1439. — Clough; Plymouth Public Library L1186.
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Cathedrals Saint Peter Sermons
Hughes, George. An analytical exposition of the whole first book of Moses, called Genesis ... second book called Exodus. — [ s. l.] : [ s. n.], 1672. —
Copies: WSL: sx222.1077/HUG (second book called Exodus). —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Hughes, George. Works. Bible. OT. 1672. —
Rowe, John. Heavenly-mindedness, and earthly-mindedness. In two parts. With. — London : by J.C. for F.Tyton, 1672. — [8],256 pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s242/GEN/ROW
Subjects: Devon. Crediton. Clergy. Rowe, John. Works. Christian life. 1672. —
Sparrow, Anthony. A rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of Englan By Anth. Sparrow, D.D. now Lord Bishop of Exon. ... — London : Pr.for Roebrt Pawlet, 1672. — [14],353,[27],[2],52 pages ; 1 2º. —
Copies: WSL: s264.03/GEN/SPA. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Sparrow, Anthony. Works. Common Prayer Book.
Crums of comfort for the youngest sister : The youngest sister in despair, at last did comfort find, which banisht all her grief and care, and eas'd her troubled mind, a kind young man did promise her that she should married be, she answered him again kind sir, thereto I'm wondrous free / To a pleasant new west country tune. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby at the Golden in Ball [sic] West-Smithfield, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R235409. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1672 and 1696"; Wing suggests "[1680]". Verse - "I have a good old father at home,". In this edition line two of title is in black letter and the woodcut over column 3 is of a woman.
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
Crums of comfort for the youngest sister : The youngest sister in despair, at last did comfort find, which banisht all her grief and care, and eas'd her troubled mind, a kind young man did promise her that she should married be, she answered him again kind sir, thereto I'm wondrous free / To a pleasant new west country tune. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby at the Golden in Ball [sic] West-Smithfield, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R235408. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1672 and 1696"; Wing suggests "[1680]". Verse - "I have a good old father at home,". In this edition line two of title is in black letter and the woodcut over column 3 is of a man.
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
Crums of comfort for the youngest sister : The youngest sister in despair, at last did comfort find, which banisht all her grief and care, and eas'd her troubled mind, a kind young man did promise her that she should married be, she answered him again, kind sir, thereto I'm wondrous free / To a pleasant new west country tune. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby at the Golden in Ball [sic] West-Smithfield, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R227069. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1672 and 1696" for a very similar edition; Wing suggests '[1680]". Verse - "I have a good old father at home,". In this edition line two of the title is printed in roman type and the woodcut over column 3 is of a man and over column 4 of a woman.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library (Cambridge, England); Harvard University Houghton (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Yale University, Sterling Memorial (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
True love rewarded with loyalty: or, mirth and jo[y] after sorrow and sadness : This young man he did walk in pensive manner being a souldier under Cupids banner, in loving terms he did express his mind still fearing that his love will prove unkind but she to ease him from all future pain did chear his heart & grant him love again[.]To a new West-country tune called, O hark my love, or Flora farewel. — [London] : Printed for J. Clarke at the Bible and Harp in West-Smith-field, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcut) ; obl. 1/2°. — ESTC: R233968. — Publication date range from Wing. In two parts. Verse - "As I walkt forth to take the air". Includes: The maids answer.
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Clarke, J.
The vvest-country damosels complaint: or, the faithful lovers last farewel : Being the relation of a young maid who pined her self to death, for the love of a young-man, who after he had notice of it; dyed likewise for grief. Careless young-men, by this a warning take, ho you kind virgins (when they love) forsake; least the same fate o're-take you, and you dye for breach of vows, and infidelity. Be kind but swear not more than what you mean, least comick jests become a tragick sceen / To the tune of, Iohnny Armstrong. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, at the Golden Ball, in West-smithfield, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R235636. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1672 and 1696"; Wing suggests "[c. 1680]". Verse - "When will you marry me William,". Another edition includes "neer the Hospital-gate" in imprint.
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The vvest-country damosels complaint: or, the faithful lovers last farewel : Being the relation of a young maid who pined her self to death, for the love of a young-man, who after he had notice of it, dyed likewise for grief. Careless young-men, by this a warning take, ho you kind virgins (when they love) forsake; least the same fate o're-take you, and you dye for breach of vows, and infidelity. Be kind, but swear not more then what you mean, least comick jests become a trajeck scean / To the tune of, Johnny Armstrong. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, at the Golden-Ball, in Westsmith-field, neer the Hospital-gate, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R228645. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1672 and 1696"; Wing suggests "[c. 1680]". Verse - "When will you marry me William,". Another edition omits "neer the Hospital-gate" from imprint.
Copies: British Library ; Glasgow University Library (Glasgow, Scotland); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The west country delight: or, Hey for Zommerzet-Shire : Lively delineating how jocund they be, that jerk it, and ferk it, under the green-wood tree / To a new tune of, O how they did firk it: or, Salengers round. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby, next the Golden Ball by the Hospital-Gate in West-smith-field, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R231933. — Publication date range from Wing. In two parts. Verse - "In sommer time when flowers do spring,". In this edition, line 2 of title has 'Zommerzet-Shire'. (Note 3rd syllable).
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The west country nymph or the loyal maid of Bristol : The flower of Bristol doth complain for the absence of her love and vows she constant will remain like to the turtle dove / Tune, Young Jammy. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R228647. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1672 and 1696"; Wing suggests "[1680-95]". Verse - "Come all you maidens fair".
Copies: British Library ; National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England); University of Leeds Brotherton Library (includes most of Cathedral Coll. from Ripon) (Leeds, England); Williams College, Chapin Library (Williamstown, Massachusetts). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The west-country delight: or, Hey for Zommerset-Shire : Lively delineating how iocund they be, that ierk it, and ferk it, under the green-wood-tree / To a new tune of, O how they did firk it: or, Salengers ronud [sic. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby, next the Golden Ball by the Hospital-Gate in West-smith-field, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R231934. — Publication date range from Wing. In two parts. Verse - "In summer time when flowers do spring,". In this edition, line 2 of title has 'Zommerset-Shire.' (Note 3rd syllable).
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The west-country dialogue: or, A pleasant ditty between Anniseed-Robin the miller, and his brother Jack the plough-man, concerning Joan, poor Robin's unkind lover : To the tune of, O folly, desperate folly, &c / Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby, in Pye-corner, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R227468. — Publication date range from Wing. Verse - "VVell met my loving brother Jack,".
Copies: British Library ; Harvard University Houghton (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The west-country jigg: or, Love in due season : A longing maid which had a mind to marry, complaining was, that she so long should tarry; at length a brisk young lad did chance to spy her, and liking of her well, resolv'd to try her: and courting her, and vowing to be constant, they there clapt up a bargain in an instant / To a pleasant new tune, called, New Exeter. With allowance. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby, at the Golden-ball, near the Hospital-gate in West-smithfield, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R227469. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1672 and 1696"; Wing suggests "[ca. 1680]". Verse - "When Soll with his beams,".
Copies: British Library ; Harvard University Houghton (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England); Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The west-country maids advice : Here is a song I send to you, fair maidens every one; and you may say that it is true, when I am dead and gone / To the tune of, Hey boys, up go we / [Bowne, Tobias.. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby, at the Golden-Ball, near the Hospital-gate, in West-Smithfield, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R235488. — Anonymous. By Tobias Bowne. Publication date range from Wing. Verse - "Fair maids draw near to me a while,". In this edition there is a full-stop at the end of line 1 of title, and there is a structure in the background of the woodcut above column three.
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The west-country maids advice : Here is a song I send to you, fair maidens every one; and you may say that it is true, when I am dead and gone / To the tune of, Hey boys, up go we, by [Bowne, Tobias.. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby, at the Golden-Ball, near the Hospital-gate, in West-Smithfield, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R227470. — Anonymous. By Tobias Bowne. Publication date range from Wing. Verse - "Fair maids draw near to me a while". In this edition there is a semicolon at the end of line 1 of title, and there is no structure in the background of the woodcut above column three.
Copies: British Library ; Harvard University Houghton (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland: Crawford 372. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
Wit out-witted, or, the cheater cheated : It being an account of John who got Jone with child, and then would have sent her away to Virginia; he having gotten her aboard: but by the help of the master, he himself was trappan'd and Jone set on shore / To the tune of the Devonshire frollick. — [London] : Printed for P. Brook[s]by in Pye corner, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R234132. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1672 and 1696"; Wing suggests "[1685?]". Verse - "John and Jone in one house did dwell".
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Devon. Seduction. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The vvitty damsel of Devonshire: or, A dialogue between a mother and her daughter : concerning Robin the miller whom the daughter hated, and resolved to marry William the plowman whom she dearly loved / Tune of Here I love, there I love: or, The two English travellers. Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby, J[onah]. Deacon, J[osiah]. Blare, and J[ohn]. Back, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R227481. — Publication date range from Wing. Verse - "Dear daughter come hither and hear what I say,".
Copies: British Library ; Harvard University Houghton (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The young-man & maidens fore-cast : shewing how they reckon'd their chickens before they were hatcht / To the tune of, The country farmer. Or, The Devonshire damosels- This may be printed, P.R. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, at the Golden Ball in Pye-Corner, near West-Smithfield, [ 1672/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R186951. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1672 and 1696"; Wing suggests "[1680?]". Verse - "I'l tell you a jest of a provident lass,". Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 371.
Copies: British Library ; Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library (Cambridge, England); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
Flavell, John, 1630-1691. The fountain of life opened: or, a display of Christ in his essential and mediatorial glory ... By John Flavell. — London : Rob.White, 1673. — [32],630,[14] pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: s232/GEN/FLA
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Flavell, John. Works. Christ.
Fullwood, Francis Humble advice to the conforming and non-conforming ministers.- London : For J.Collins and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas in Exon , 1673. — 8°. — *Wing2 F2508a.
Subjects: Devon. Nonconformists 1673. —
Gale, Theophilus. The life and death of Mr. John Rowe of Crediton in Devon. — London : Pr.for Francis Tyton, 1673. — [22],127,[5] pages ; 1 2º. —
Copies: WSL: s920/ROW
Subjects: Devon. Crediton. Christian life. Rowe, John. Biographies.
Hearne, Nathaniel. The case of Nathaniel Herne relating to his election at Dartmouth in Devon. — [ London] : [ s.n.] , [ 1673]. — 1 sheet ; ½º. —
Copies: WSL: LE 1673
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Elections. Corruption. Petitions. 1673. —
A sermon preach'd on May the 29th, 1673. In one of His Majesties licens'd meetings in Devon. — London : Printed by T.P. and are to be sold by Michael Hide, bookseller in Exon , 1673. — 4°. — Wing1 S2640; *Dredge p.9.
Subjects: Devon. Nonconformists Sermons 1673. —
The batchellors happiness. Or John's kind reply to the west-country maids delight : Wherein he shews his royal love and true affection; to his dear Kate who hath his heart in subjection: whatever doth betide he vows he'l never leave her but for to maintain her hel [sic] d his best endeavourTo a dainty rare new tune, much in request or my love he's fine and fair. — [London] : Printed for J. Clark at the Harp and Bible in West-Smithfield [ 1673/1686]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1/2°. — ESTC: R172556. — Publication date range from Bodleian Library ballads database; Wing suggests "[1675]". Verse - "Well met my own dear honey".
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Clark, J.
Brownrig, Ralph. Sixty five sermons / by the Right Reverend father in God, Ralph Brownrig, late Lord Bishop of Exceter. — London : [s. n.], 1674. — 2 vols. —
Copies: WSL: sx252.03/BRO U. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Sermons. Brownrig, Ralph. Texts.
Chillingworth, William. The religion of Protestants, a safe way to salvation. : or, an answer to a book entituled Mercy and truth .... [London] : [s. n.], 1674. —
Copies: WSL: sx230.8/CHI. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
Flavell, John, 1630-1691. Husbandry spiritualized: or, the heavenly use of earthly things. By John Flavel minister of the gospel in Devon. — 3rd ed. — London : Robert Boulter, 1674. — [30],266,[8] pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: s242.68/GEN/FLA
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Flavell, John. Works. Devotional texts.
Gould, William Conformity according to the canon justified ; and the new way of moderation reproved : a sermon preached at Exon, in the Cathedral of St. Peter, at the visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Anthony by divine permission Lord Bishop of Exon. By William Gould. — London : Printed by A.Maxwell, for R.Royston, bookseller to his most sacred Majesty, and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas, bookseller in Exon , 1674. — 53p ; 4°. — Wing2 G1438. — Dredge p.93-4. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Religious toleration Sermons 1674. —
An humble defence of the Exeter bill for uniting the parishes... by way of a letter to a member of... honourable House of Commons. — London : Printed for John Martyn, 1674. — [2],29,[1] pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: pB/EXE/254/HUM. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Parishes. Amalgamation. Proposals. 1674. —
Prince, John. A sermon preached at Exon, in the cathedral church of St. Peter, at the visitation of the Right Reverend ... Bishop of Exon. — London : A.Maxwell, 1674. — [6],45,[1] pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/252/PRI ; BAR: 252 /BX:EXE/PRI. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Cathedrals. Saint Peter. Visitations. Sermons. 1674. —
She is bound but won't obey; or, The married man's complaint in choosing a wife : Desiring other young-men to have a care, and to look before they leap / To the tune of, The west-country-delight. — [London] : Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke, [ 1674/1679]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcut) ; obl. 1/2°. — ESTC: R184047. — Publication date range from Wing. At end: With allowance. Verse - "I am a poor married man truly,".
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Marriage. Broadside ballads. Coles, Francis.
Burthogge, Richard Causa Dei, or an apology for God London 1675. —
Subjects: Devon. Christian doctrine Punishment
Burthogge, Richard. Richard Burthogge, M.D. — London : Imprinted for Lewis Punchard bookseller in Totnes in Devon, and are to be sold by F.Tyton at the Three Daggers in Fleet-street , 1675. — [20],422 pages ; 8°. — Wing2 B6149; *Dredge p.38; Sheaves 3 p.486.
Subjects: Devon.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The remains of Sr. Walter Raleigh; viz. Maxims of state. Advice to his son : his sons advice to his father. His sceptick. ... [London] : [s. n.], 1675. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL : 828 /RAL
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works. Collections.
Rowe, John. The saints temptations, wherein the nature, kinds, occasion of temptation, and the duty of the saints ... are laid forth. — London : for Francis Tyton, 1675. — [2],431 pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/ROW
Subjects: Devon. Crediton. Clergy. Rowe, John. Works. Sermons. 1672. —
Dyer, William Christ's famous titles, and a believer's golden chain. By William Dyer, preacher of the gospel. — London : Printed for the use of private families, especially his friends in Devon, 1676. — [4],382p ; 12°. — Wing2 D2940. —
Subjects: Devon. Christ Devotional texts
Glanvill, Joseph. Seasonable reflections and discourses in order to the conviction, and cure of the scoffing, and infidelity > - London : R.W. for H Mortlock, 1676. — [16],212 pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s239.7/GEN/GLA. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Clergy. Glanvill, Joseph. Works. Sermons. 1676. —
Gould, William. The generosity of christian love / by William Gould. — London : J.Gover for R.Royston, 1676. — [2],40,[2] pages : 4º. —
Copies: WSL: s252/HAL/FIT. —
Subjects: Devon. Kenn. Clergy. Gould, William. Works. Sermons. 1676. —
Hooker, Richard, 1554-1600. The works of that learned and judicious divine Mr Richard Hooker, in eight books of ecclesiastical polity ... his life and death. — London : R.White for Rob. Scot, 1676. — [10],552 ; 2º. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Theologians. Hooker, Richard. Works. Church law.
Quick, John, 1636-1706.. Hell open’d, or, The infernal sin of murther punished. Being a true relation of the poysoning of a whole family in Plymouth, whereof two died in a short time. For which horrid fact, the malefactors were condemned before the Lord Chief Justice North at Exceter, the last Lent assizes. The one to be burnt, the other to be hanged. With an account of the several discourses and religious means used by divers godly ministers to bring them to repentance. Published for a warning to both young and old, to flie iniquity, and exercise themselves in the practice of godliness. By J. Q. minister of the Gospel. — London : printed for Francis Eglesfield, at the sign of the Marygold in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1676. — [18], 3-96 p. : ill. (frontis.) ; 8°. — ESTC R11200. — The epistle signed: John Quicke. Advertisement on p. [16]. Signatures: A-G8. Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), Q207. Arber’s Term cat., I 245.
Quick, John, 1636-1706.. Hell open'd, or the infernal sin of murther punished, being a true relation of the poysoning of a whole family in Plymouth. — London : for Francis Eglesfield, 1676. — [14], 96 pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: sB/PLY 1/1676/QUI. —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Murder. 1676. —
Sparrow, Anthony. A rationale upon the Book of Common-Prayer of the Church of England. By ... Anthony Sparrow, Lord Bishop of Exon. — London : Printed for Robert Pawlet, 1676. — [14],365,[24],3,31,[7] pages ; 1 2º. —
Copies: WSL: s264.03/GEN/SPA. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Sparrow, Anthony. Works. Common Prayer Book.
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. Madam fickle : or the witty false one. A comedy .... 1677. —
Copies: WSL: s822/DUR
Subjects: Devon.
Flavell, John, 1630-1691. A saint indeed: or, the great work of a christian opened and pressed; from Prov.4.23. ... By John Flavell M. of the Gospel. — London : Printed by W.R., 1677. — [16],221,[1] pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s242/GEN/FLA
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Flavell, John. Works. Devotional texts.
Izacke, Richard. Antiquities of the city of Exeter. Collected by Richard Izacke,. — London : E. Tyler and R. Holt, 1677. — [6],64,191,[63] pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/0001/IZA. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. History. -1677. —
Long, Thomas. The history of the Donatists / Thomas Long . — London : for Walter Kettilby, 1677. — [16],159,[1] pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s273.4/GEN/LON. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Clergy. Long, Thomas. Works. Christian doctrine. 1677. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The history of the world, in five books. 1677. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ancient history.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The history of the world, in five books. 1677. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Ancient history.
Shirley, John. The life of the valiant & learned Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight. With his tryal at Winchester. 1677. —
Copies: WSL: s920/RAL : s920/RALr
Subjects: Devon.
Sprat, Thomas, 1635-1713. A sermon preached before the King and Queen, at Whitehal, on Good Friday, 1690. / by Thomas Sprat, D.D.. — London : for Henry Brome, 1677. — [2], 37, [3] pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/SPR. —
Subjects: Devon. Talaton. Bishops. Sprat, Thomas. Works. Sermons. 1676. —
Sprat, Thomas, 1635-1713. A sermon preached before the King at Whitehall, Decemb. the 24th 1677 / by Thomas Sprat, D.D.. — London : for Henry Brome, 1677. — [2], 37, [3] pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/SPR. —
Subjects: Devon. Talaton. Bishops. Sprat, Thomas. Works. Sermons. 1676. —
Cary, Robert. Palaeologia Chronica. : a chronological account of ancient time in three parts. [London] : [s. n.], 1678. —
Copies: WSL: sx930/GEN/CAR. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
Flavell, John, 1630-1691. Divine Conduct. — London : printed for R. White, 1678. — Flavel was minister in Dartmouth.
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Flavell.
Lamplugh, Thomas. A sermon preached before the House of Lords on the fifth of November in the Abby-church at Westminster. 1678. —
Copies: WSL: p252/GRN/LAM
Subjects: Devon. Exeter.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The Historie of the World, in Five Bookes. 1. Intreating of the Beginning and first Ages of the same, from the Creation unto Abraham. 2. Of the Times from the Birth of Abraham to the destruction of the Temple of Salomon. 3. From the destruction. — London : Printed for Tho Basset, Ric Chiswell, Benj Tooke, Tho Passenger, Geo Dawes, Tho Sawbridge, M Wotton and G Conyers, 1678. —
Copies: EXL: Cage. —
Subjects: Devon.
Reynolds, John Vituli labiorum or a thnaksgiving sermon London 1678. —
Subjects: Devon. Thanksgiving Sermons 1678. —
Reynolds, John. Vituli labiorum. Or, a thanksgiving sermon. — London : for Tho. Cockeril ; and Walter Dight in Exceter, 1678. — 4°. — Wing1 R1318. — Clough. —
Subjects: Devon.
Sprat, Thomas, 1635-1713. A sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons at St. Margarets Westminster, January 30th 1677/8. — London : M.C. for Henry Brom, 1678. — [2], 38 pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/SPR. —
Subjects: Devon. Talaton. Bishops. Sprat, Thomas. Works. Sermons. -1678. —
The fair lady of the west: and the fortunate farmers son : Relating, how a gallant young lady in the west-country, being courted by many persons of quality, refused them all, and cast her affections upon a farmer's-son; to whom she discovered her love; and having neither father nor mother living to contradict her, they were privately married to both their hearts desire: and now, live in joy and happy content / London : printed for VV. Thackeray, T. Passenger, and W. VVhitwood, [ 1678]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R234871. — Imprint date from Wing. Verse - "A beauteous lady of comely carriage,". Another edition has a comma after "Tune of" and "W. Thackeray" in imprint. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 3.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library (Cambridge, England); Williams College, Chapin Library (Williamstown, Massachusetts.). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Thackeray, William.
The fair lady of the west: and the fortunate farmers son : Relating, how a gallant young lady in the west-country, being courted by many persons of quality, refused them all, and cast her affections upon a farmer's-son; to whom she discovered her love; and having neither father nor mother living to contradict her, they were privately married to both their hearts desire; and now, live in joy and happy content / London : printed for W. Thackeray, T. Passenger, and W. VVhitwood, [ 1678]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1/2°. — ESTC: R215737. — Imprint date from Wing. Verse - "A beauteous lady of comely carriage,". Another edition lacks the comma after "Tune of", and has "VV. Thackeray" in imprint.
Copies: British Library ; Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Williams College, Chapin Library (Williamstown, Massachusetts). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Thackeray, William.
Jonson, Ben. A strange banquet: or, the devils entertainment by Cook Laurel, at the Peak in Devonshire : with a true relation of the several dishes. The tune is, Cook Laurel. — [London] : Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, I. Wright, J. Clarke. W. Thackeray, and T. Passenger, [ 1678/1684]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1/2°. — ESTC: R235695. — Anonymous. By Ben Jonson. Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1678 and 1680"; Wing suggests "[1681-84]". Verse - "Cook Laurel would have the devil his guest". Wing has "divels" in title.
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Banquets. Broadside ballads. Coles, Francis.
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. Squire Oldlapp : or, the night-adventurers. A comedy .... 1679. —
Copies: WSL: s822/DUR
Subjects: Devon.
Fullwood, Francis. Roma ruit. The pillars of Rome broken: wherein > pleas for the Pope's authority > By Fr.Fullwood, D.D. Arch-Deacon of Totnes. — London : Pr.for Richard Royston, 1679. — [30], 288, [8] pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s262.9/GEN/FUL. —
Subjects: Devon. Totnes. Archdeacons. Fullwood, Francis. Works. Polemics. —
Great and horrible news from the west of England or, a true and full account of a tradesman that hanged his apprentice ... 1679. 4652M/Z15. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
The present great interest both of King and people ... — [s.l.]. London [s.n.] , 1679. — Signed: F.K. — *Burnet Morris; Wing2 K8 (giving -
Subjects: Westcountry. England Politics 1679. —
Quick, John, 1636-1706.. Hell open’d, or, The infernal sin of murther punished. Being a true relation of the poysoning of a whole family in Plymouth, whereof two died in a short time. For which horrid fact, the malefactors were condemned before the Lord Chief Justice North at Exceter, the last Lent assizes. The one to be burnt, the other to be hanged. With an account of the several discourses and religious means used by divers godly ministers to bring them to repentance. Published for a warning to both young and old, to flie iniquity, and exercise themselves in the practice of Godliness. The second edition. By J.Q. minister of the gospel. — London : printed for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold by Walter Dight bookseller in Exceter, 1679. — [20], 96 p. ; 8°. — ESTC R222022. — J.Q. = John Quick. Head-piece. Advertisement on p. [20]. Signatures: [pi]2 [A]8 B-G8. Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), Q208
Sands, Dr. A proposal of union amongst protestants, from the last-will of the most reverend Doctor Sands … - London : [s.n.], 1679. —
Copies: WSL: Ephemera? —
Subjects: Devon. Clergy.
The tryal of Edward Coleman, Gent. 1679. —
Copies: DRO: 346 M/26
Subjects: Devon.
1680. -
Flavell, John, 1630-1691. A saint indeed: or, the great work of a christian opened and pressed; from Prov.4.23. ... By John Flavell M. of the Gospel. — London : Printed by W.R., 1680. — [16],206 pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s242/GEN/FLA
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Flavell, John. Works. Devotional texts.
Long, Thomas. A sermon against murmuring: preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter Exon, on the xxixth of May, 1680. By Thomas Long, B.D. one of the prebendaries of that church. ... - London : Printed for Richard Royston, and are to be sold by George May, bookseller in Exon , 1680. — [8],27,[1]p ; 4°. — Wing2 L2982; *Sheaves 4 p.590; Clough; Term catalogues, Trinity 1680 i,403; DUL 44910.
1680. —
Long, Thomas. A sermon against murmuring: preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter Exon, on the xxixth of May, 1680. By Thomas Long, B.D. one of the prebendaries of that church. ..> London : Printed for Richard Royston, and are to be sold by George May, bookseller in Exon , 1680. - [8],27,[1] pages ; 4°. — Wing2 L2982 ; DUL 44910. Sheaves 4 p.590; Clough; Term catalogues, Trinity 1680 i,403. —
Subjects: Devon.
Roger, the West-Country lad : set forth in his proper shapes, or, The West-Country lasses sweet-heart described, in answer to the well-shap'd country lass / To the tune of Cavalilly man. Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for James Gilbertson, and G. Conyers, [[ 1680/1695]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.). — ESTC: R41666. — Place and date of publication from Wing. Verse - "Hie hoe, pray what shall I doe?". Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 5, p. 218.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 5.218 ; National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Gilbertson, James.
Roger's delight: or, The VVest-country christning and gossiping. — To an excellent new tune: Or, Cold and raw. Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, at the Golden Ball in Pye-corner, [ 1680?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1/2°. — ESTC: R182781. — Verse - "When Sol had left his weary teams,". In four columns in black letter. Date of publication from Wing.
Copies: British Library . —
Subjects: Westcountry. Christenings. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
Virginity grown troublesome: or, The younger sister lamentation for want of a husband : Being a most pleasant and delightful new song much in use, &c. Each age grows riper, love does still prevail, and maiden-heads at sixteen now are stale; young girls to mothers will be turn'd e're they know what it means, slie Cupid does betray, fires them with love, and then there's nothing can cure their distemper, unless oyl of man. to a pleasant new west-country tune. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby, at the Golden-Ball, in West-smithfield, [ 1680]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R227454. — Verse - "I have a good old mother at home,". Place, date of publication and publisher's name from Wing CD-ROM, 1996. —
Copies: British Library ; Harvard University Houghton (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
Ashwood, Bartholomew. The best treasure, or, the way to be truly rich. Being a discourse on Ephes.3.8. .... 1681. —
Copies: WSL: s242/GEN/ASH
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. Sir Barnaby Whigg : or, no wit like a womans. A comedy as it is acted by their Majesties servants at the Theatre Royal. 1681. —
Copies: WSL: s822/DUR
Subjects: Devon.
Fullwood, Francis. Leges Angliae. The lawfulness of ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the Church of England. By Fran.Fullwood > Archdeacon of Totnes. — London : Printed for R.Royston, 1681. — [22], 78, [2] pages ; 8º. — Wing2 F2509a.
Copies: WSL: s262.9/GEN/FUL. —
Subjects: Devon. Totnes. Archdeacons. Fullwood, Francis. Works. Church law. —
Izacke, Richard. Remarkable antiquities of the city of Exeter. — London : for Rowland Reynolds, 1681. — [6]64,191,[63] pages : 8º. — Fold. map reisuue of 1677 sheets. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/0001/IZA. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. History. -1681. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. Remains of Sr. Walter Raleigh : viz. Maxims of state. Advice to his son: his sons advice to his father. His sceptick. ... 1681. —
Copies: WSL: s824/RAL
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works. Collections.
Treby, George. Sir. Truth vindicated : or a detection of the aspersions .. cast upon Sir Robert Clatton and Sir George Treby, Justices ... — London : for Rich. Baldwin, 1681. — 38 pages : 4º.. —
Copies: WSL: s941.066/GEN/TRE. —
Subjects: Devon. Plympton Saint Maurice. Justices. Treby, George Sir. 1681. —
The Devonshire ballad. To the tune of 1642. — London : printed for the assigns of F.S., 1681]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1/2°. — ESTC: R26489. — Verse - "NOw all old Cavaliers now or ne'er stand to it;".
Copies: British Library ; Cambridge University Library; Guildhall Library (London, England); Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts); Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England); Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library (New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.). —
Subjects: Devon. Wars. Civil War. Broadside ballads. S., F., assigns.
Flatman, Thomas. The Parliament dissolv'd at Oxford, March 28. 1681 : From Devonshire / [London] : [s. n.], 1681. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1/2°. — ESTC: R40062. — Verse - "Under 500 kings three kingdoms grone:". Imprint from Wing.
Copies: British Library ; Duke University (Durham, North Carolina); Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts); Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery (San Marino, California); Lincoln's Inn Library (London, England); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.); New York Public Library (New York, New York); Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England); Pierpont Morgan Library (New York, New York); University of California, Davis, Library (Davis, California); University of Pennsylvania Van Pelt-Dietrich (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania); University of Texas (Austin, Texas); Yale University, Sterling Memorial (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Devon. Parliament. Broadside ballads.
Flatman, Thomas. The Parliament dissolv'd at Oxford, March 28. 1681 : From Devonshire. — Edinburgh : re-printed in the year 1681]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1/2°. — ESTC: R181465. — Attributed to Heraclitus Ridens [i.e. Thomas Flatman]--National Library of Scotland. A poem.
Copies: National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland). —
Subjects: Devon. Parliament. Broadside ballads. [s. n.].
Jonson, Ben. A strange banquet; or, The devils entertainment by Cook Laurel : at the Peak in Devonshire; with a true relatiou [sic] of the several dishes / Tune is, Cook Laurel. — [London] : Printed for J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, [[ 1681/1684]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R188352. — Verse - "Cook Laurel would have the devil his guest". Place and date of publication suggested by Wing. Attributed to Ben Jonson by Wing. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 284.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys Ballads 4.284. —
Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Banquets. Broadside ballads. Wright, J.
The tune of the Devonshire cant: or, an Answer to the Parliament dissolved at Oxford. — London : printed for T[homas]. Rawe in London-yard, near St. Pauls, 1681]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1/2°. — ESTC: R185353. — Publisher's name from Wing (CD-ROM edition). In this edition, line 8 of verse ends: 'scorn to have,'.
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Devon. Parliament. Broadside ballads. Rawe, Thomas.
The tune to the Devonshire cant: or, An answer to the Parliament dissolved at Oxford. — London : printed for T. Rawe in London yard, near St. Pauls, 1681]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1/2°. — ESTC: R12503. — Verse - "The safety of the King and's royal throne,". Line 8 of verse ends "scorn to have,". Also identified as Wing V266.
Copies: British Library ; Cambridge University Library; Duke University (Durham, North Carolina); Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts); Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery (San Marino, California); Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England); Pierpont Morgan Library (New York, New York); University of California, Los Angeles, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library (Los Angeles, California, U.S.); University of Pennsylvania Van Pelt-Dietrich (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania); University of Texas (Austin, Texas); Yale University, Sterling Memorial (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Devon. Parliament. Broadside ballads. Rawe, Thomas.
The tune to the Devonshire cant: or, an Answer to the Parliament dissolved at Oxford. — London : printed for T[homas]. Rawe in London yard, near St. Pauls, 1681]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1/2°. — ESTC: R235582. — Publisher's name from Wing (CD-ROM edition). In this edition, line 8 of verse ends: 'strove to have,'.
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Devon. Parliament. Broadside ballads. Rawe, Thomas.
Crompton, William. The justice of God asserted, in seeming contrariant providences : and vindicated from the cavils of corrupt men under them. ... — London : Printed for Benj. Alsop, at the Angel and Bible in the Poultrey ; and are to be sold by James Cowsey, bookseller in Exeter , 1682. — 95[i.e. 65]p ; 8°. — *Dredge p.42; NC0800275 (bound with: Soveraign omnipotency).
Subjects: Devon. Christian doctrine God. Omnipotence
Crompton, William. Soveraign omnipotency the saint's security in evil days. Discoursed and concluded from Rom. IV. xvii. / By William Crompton. ... — London : Printed for Benj. Alsop, at the Angel and Bible in the Poultrey ; and are to be sold by James Cowsey, bookseller in Exeter, 1682. — 101,95[i.e.65]p ; 8°. — Wing2 C7032a. — The justice of God asserted (65p) at end. Dredge p.42; NUC NC0800275. Term catalogues Michaelmas 1682, i,504.
Subjects: Devon. Christian doctrine God. Justice
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. Butler's ghost : or, Hudibras, the fourth part with reflections upon these times. [London] : [s. n.], 1682. —
Copies: WSL: s821/DUR
Subjects: Devon.
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. The injured princess, or the fatal wager : as it was acted at the Theatre-Royal by His Majesties servants. 1682. —
Copies: WSL: s822/DUR
Subjects: Devon.
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. The reformed wife etc.. London : [s.n.], [ 1682]. —
Copies: WSL: s822/DUR
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. The royalist. A comedy; as it was acted at the Duke's Theatre. 1682. —
Copies: WSL: s822/DUR
Subjects: Devon.
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. [ Songs]. — [London] : 1683?]. —
Copies: WSL: s784/DUR U
Hooker, Richard, 1554-1600. The works of ... Richard Hooker, in eight books of ecclesiastical polity ... with several other treatises by the same author .... [London] : [s. n.], 1682. —
Copies: WSL: sx262/HOO U
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Theologians. Hooker, Richard. Works: Church law.
Hooker, Richard, 1554-1600. The works of ... Richard Hooker, in eight books of ecclesiastical polity ... with several other treatises by the same author .... — London : Robert Scot, 1682. — 555pages. —
Copies: WSL: sx262/HOO U. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Theologians. Hooker, Richard. Works. Church law.
A key to catechisms. — London : for Richard Chiswell , to be sold by Robert Eveleigh in Exon, 1682. — 8°. — Wing2 K385. — Clough.
Subjects: Devon. Christian doctrine Catechism
Quick, John, 1636-1706.. The test of true godliness. A sermon preached at the funeral of Phillip Harris late of Alston in the county of Devon ... By J.Q. — London : Pr.for Nathanael Ranew, 1682. — [6],29,[1] pages ; 4º. -
Copies: WSL: s252/HAL/FIT. —
Subjects: Devon. Bere Alston. Gentry. Harris, Philip. Funerals. Sermons. 1681. —
A true and impartial relation of the informations against three witches, viz Temperance Lloyd, Mary Trembles and Susanna Edwards. — London : Printed by Freeman Collins, 1682. — [4],40 pages ; 4º. -
Copies: WSL: s345.0288/BID/TRU. —
Subjects: Devon. Bideford. Witches. Trials. 1682. —
Sir Walter Raleigh Sailing in the Low-lands. Shewing how the famous Ship called the sweet Trinity was taken by a false Gally, and how it was again restored by the craft of a little Sea-boy, who sunk the Gully; as the following Song will declare. To the Tune of, The Sailing in the Low-lands. — [London] : Printed for J. Conyers, at the Black-Raven the first shop in Fetter-Lane next Holborn , [ 1682/1685]. — 1 sheet. — ESTC: R18546. — Verse: "Sir Walter Raleigh ha’s built a ship". Wing CD-ROM, 1996 gives range of dates: 1682-1685. At end: This may be printed R.L.S.
Copies: Magdalene College Pepys 4.196. —
Subjects: Devon. Sea captains. Raleigh, Walter, Si. Broadside ballads. Conyers, J.
West-country Tom tormented, or, Vexed to the heart by the news-mongers of the town : He vow'd he'd neither talk nor prate, [ ... ]ws would give, concerning the affairs of state, but would at quiet live / To the tune of, Lilli borlero. — [London] : Printed for J. Blare, on London-Bridge, [[ 1682/1700]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187724. — Verse - "I am a lad that's come to the town,". Place and date of publication suggested by Wing. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 322.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 4.322. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Broadside ballads. Blare, J.
The West-country wedding: or, Honest Susan's good fortune : who resisting the temptations of her aged master the baker, became his careful bride, and mistress of all his treasure / To the tune of, If love's a sweet passion, &c. Or, Fond boy, &c. — [London] : Printed for J. Blare at the Looking-glass on London-bridge, [ 1682/1700]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187726 Verse - "Come all you old bakers, attend and give ear,". Place and date of publication from Wing. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 113.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library . —
Subjects: Westcountry. Weddings. Broadside ballads. Blare, J.
Witchcraft discovered and punished. Or, The tryals and condemnation of three notorious witches : who were tryed [at] the last assizes, holden at the castle of Exeter, in the county of Devon: where they received sentance for death, for bewitching several persons, destroying ships at sea, and cattel by land, &c. — To the tune of, Doctor Faustus: or, Fortune my fee. — [London] : [s. n.], 1682]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC R228715 ; Wing W3138 . — Verse - "Now listen to my song good people all,". Imprint from Wing CD-ROM, 1996. —
Copies: British Library: Roxburghe 2.531. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Witches. Broadside ballads. [s. n.].
An essay on hypocrisie. — London : Printed by J.C. and Freeman Collins, for Charles Yeo in Exon , 1683. — 4°. — Wing2 E3288 ; *Clough.
Subjects: Devon. Hypocrisy
Fullwood, Francis. The case of the times discussed: being a serious exercitation of two cases grounded upon Romans 13 ... By Fr.Fullwood, D.D. in Exon. — London : for Jonathan Wilkins, 1683. — [30],124,[4] pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s241.621/GEN/FUL. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Clergy. Fullwood, Francis. Works. Obedience.
Hall, Joseph. A plaine and familiar explication ( by way of paraphrase ) of all the hard texts, etc. — [ s. l.] : [ s. n.], 1683. — 1 volume. —
Copies: WSL: sx220.7/HAL U. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Hall, Joseph. Works. Bible. 1683. —
The London gazette. Numb. 1830, May 31 to June 4 1683. 1683. —
Copies: LE 1683/05/31 EG 1 : Exeter Garland 1 : Exeter Garland 1 : I/S : I/S
Subjects: Devon. Topsham.
A narrative of the demon of Spraiton. In a letter from a person of quality in the county of Devon to a gentleman in London, ... — London : for Daniel Brown, 1683. — [2],9 pages ; 21cm (photocopy).. —
Copies: WSL: s133.1/SPR/NAR. —
Subjects: Devon. Spreyton. Ghosts. 1683. —
A resolution, with the advice of the Bishop of Exeter to give for the beautifying of the chapel in the Castle of Exeter £10, and £6 yearly to anyone whom the Bishop shall appoint, to read divine service, and to preach a sermon, exhorting to obedience; in the said chapel on the first day of the sessions, to begin precisely at eight in the morning ... — Exon : [s.n.] , 1683. - 1 sheet ; 2°. —

Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Castles Rougemont Castle Chapels. Restoration 1683. —
A pleasant new song called The cony barber, or,young ladies delight, how she trim'd her maid, when she was on the straw asleep : To a pleasant new West-country tune / [London] : printed for P. Brooksby, 1683?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R228113. — Verse - "Yea females draw near, some news you shall hear". Imprint from Wing CD-ROM, 1996. — 1996. Wing CD-ROM, 1996 gives range of dates: 1680-1685.
Copies: British Library ; National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Women. Broadside ballads.
Bookseller: Brooksby, Philip.
The undutiful daughter of Devonshire : the careful kind indulgent fathers entreaties for her to forsake her lover a spend-thrift, and to embrace a farmers hopeful son / The tune is, How can I be merry or glad. Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, J. Deacon, J. Blare and J. Back, [ 1683/1696]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R233010. — Place of publication from Wing, which suggests publication date of "[c. 1690]"; Bodleian Library ballads database suggests date range "between 1683 and 1696". Verse - "Behold I am an aged man," Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 3, p. 388.
Copies: British Library ; Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 3.388 ; Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England); Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The west countrey maids lamentation for the loss of her maiden-head : A maiden-head being lost and gone, is hard to get again; which is the cause this country lass so sadly doth complain / To the tune of, Over hills and high mountains: or, Cloris awake. This may be printed R.L.S. — [London] : Printed for J. Blare, at the Looking-Glass, on London-Bridge, [ 1683/1706]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1/2°. — ESTC: R234085. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1683 and 1706"; Wing suggests "[c. 1685]". Verse - "Long time I lamented,".
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Seduction. Broadside ballads. Blare, J.
Long, Thomas. A compendious history of all the popish and fanatical conspiracies against the established government in church and state. — London : Printed for D.Brown, 1684. — [16],239,[1] pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s282/GEN/LON. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Clergy. Long, Thomas. Works. Polemics.
Reynolds, John. Schechinah: or, the saint's love unto the house of God > being the first sermon preached in the body of the Cathedral-Church > - London : for W.Dight in Exon, 1684. — [8],24 pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/252/REY. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Cathedrals. Saint Peter. Sermons. Texts. 1684. —
Sparrow, Anthony. A collection of articles, injunctions, canons, orderd, ordinances and constitutions ecclesiastical,... of the Church of England ... — London : Printed for Blanch Pawlet, 1684. — [14],406,[12] pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: s262.9/GEN/COL. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Sparrow, Anthony. Works. Collections.
Sparrow, Anthony. A rationale upon the Book of Common-Prayer of the Church of England. By ... Anthony Sparrow, Lord Bishop of Exon. — London : Printed for Blanch Pawlet, 1684. — [10],365,[24],3,30 pages ; 1 2º. —
Copies: WSL: s264.03/GEN/SPA. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Sparrow, Anthony. Works. Common Prayer Book.
Deloney, Thomas, -1600. The lamentation of Mr. Pages wife of Plimouth : Who being forced to wed against her will, did consent to his murther, for the love of George Strangwidge, for which fact they suffered death at Barnstable in Devonshire. — The tune is, Fortune my foe. — [London] : Printed for I. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, [ 1684/1686]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1°. — ESTC: R234355. — Attributed by Wing to Thomas Deloney. Place and date of publication from Wing. Verse - "Unhappy she whom fortune hath forlorn,". In three parts, printed side by side. Part two has caption title: The lamentation of George Stangwidge, who for consenting to the death of Mr. Page of Plimouth, suffered death at Barnstable. Part three has caption title: The complaint of Mrs. Page for causing her husband to b murthered, for the love of George Strangwidge, who were executed together. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 2, p. 170. —
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library . —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Murders. Broadside ballads. Clarke, I.
The west-country wonder: or, William the serving-man's good fortune in the marriage of an ancient lady : whom he got with child when she was threescore and six or seven years of age, tho' she had ne'er been with child before, to the joy of her, and the admiration of others / Tune of, The ginea wins her. Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for J. Blare, at the Looking-glass, on London-bridge, [[ 1684/1690]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1°. — ESTC: R234504. — Verse - "Attend to this relation,". Place and date of publication from Wing. Another edition lacks "at the Looking-glass" in imprint. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 5, p. 235.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library . —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Blare, J.
Devon. Quarter Sessions. Devon ss. Ad general quarterial session. ... sexto die octobris. 1685. — London : [s.n.], 1685. — 1 sheet. —
Copies: WSL: OE 1685/10/15
A further account, of the proceedings against the rebels in the west of England ; who on the 10th of September, 1685.... [London] : [s. n.], 1685. —
Copies: WSL: pxWES/1685/FUR. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
The London gazette. Numb. 2025, July 16 to July 20 1685. 1685. —
Copies: LE 1685/07/20 ; EG 1 : Exeter Garland 1 : Exeter Garland 1 : I/S : I/S
Subjects: Devon.
S.T. An account of the proceedings against the rebels at an assize holden at Exeter on the 14th. of this instant September, 1685. — London : Printed by E.Mallet, 1685. — 2 pages ; 2º. —
Copies: WSL: LE 1685/09/25 EG 4 ; BAR: Exeter Garland 4 ; PLY ; TOR. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Rebellions. Monmouth Rebellion. Rebels. Trials. 1685. —
Sprat, Thomas, 1635-1713. Copies of the informations and original papers relating to the horrid conspiracy against the late King ... and the government. [London] : [s. n.], 1685. —
Copies: WSL: sx920/MON. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
Sprat, Thomas, 1635-1713. A true account and declaration of the horrid conspiracy against the late King, his present Majesty, and the government ... [London] : [s. n.], 1685. —
Copies: WSL: sx920/MON. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
The Devonshire damsels frollick : Being an account of nine or ten fair maidens; who went one evening lately, to wash themselves in a pleasant river, where they were discovered by several young men being their familliar acquaintances who took a way their gowns and petticoats, with their smocks and wine with good chear; leaving them a while in a most melancholly condition. To a pleasant new play-house tune; or, Wher's my shepherd? This may be printed R. P. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby, at the Golden Ball in Pye-corner, [ 1685?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts), music ; 1°. — ESTC: R234620. — Place and date of publication suggested by Wing, which gives imprint dates: [1685-88]. Verse -- "Tom and William with Ned and Ben, in all they were about nine or ten; near a tickling [sic]". Another edition has "trik-" at end of first line of verse. The first three lines of verse accompanied by printed music. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 19.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 4.19. —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The Devonshire damsels frollick : being an account of nine or ten fair maidens, who went one evening lately, to wash themselves in a pleasant river, where they were discovered by several young men being their familiar acquaintances who took away their gowns and petticoats with their smocks and wine with good chear; leaving them a while in a most melancholly condition. To a pleasant new play-house tune: or, Where's my shepherd? This may be printed. R. P. — [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby. at the Golden Ball in Pye-corner, [ 1685?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts), music ; obl. 1/2°. — ESTC: R215997. — Place and date of publication suggested by Wing, which gives imprint dates: [1685-88]. Verse -- "Tom and William with Ned and Ben, in all they were about nine or ten; near a trik-". Another edition has "tickling" [sic] at end of first line of verse. The first three lines of verse accompanied by printed music.
Copies: British Library: Roxburghe 2.136 ; Cambridge University Magdalene College (Cambridge, England); Glasgow University Library (Glasgow, Scotland); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England); Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
Down-right Dick of the West. Or, the plow-mans ramble to London : to see my lord-mayor and the rest of the vine volk of the city, with what hapned while he there remained / To the tune of, The country farmer. This may be printed, R.P. — [London] : Printed for J. Deacon at the angel in Guiltspur-street, [ 1685?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R41360. — Publication date suggested by Wing. Verse - "I pray now attend and give ear to the jest,". In this edition, line 4 of title ends: "re-"; "R.P." is printed in black-letter.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 4.273.. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Migrants. Broadside ballads. Deacon, Jonah.
Down-right Dick of the west; or, the plow-mans ramble to London : to see my Lord-Mayor and the rest of the vine volk of the city; with what hapned while he there remained / Tune of, the country farmer. This may be printed. R.P. — [London] : printed for J. Deacon, 1685?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R228191. — Imprint from Wing. Verse - "I pray now attend and give ear to the jest,". In this edition, line 4 of title ends: "hapned"; "R.P." is printed in italics.
Copies: British Library ] . —
Subjects: Westcountry. Travellers to London. Broadside ballads. Deacon, Jonah.
The shoomakers delight. Or. A new dialogue betwixt a west country shooemaker & his love : Who after five years travel for her sake he back return'd and she amends did make, for after he to her had told his mind she seemed not at all to him unkind, young men & maids then read these lines and see how they in love did lovingly agree / To the tune of, When soll will cast no light. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby at the Golden Ball in VVest Smithfield, [ 1685?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1/2°. — ESTC: R216976. — Place of publication from Wing; Wing gives dates: 1670-96. Verse - "On midsummer day as I".
Copies: British Library ; Cambridge University Magdalene College (Cambridge, England); Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript (New Haven, Connecticut)] . —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The true lovers glory: or, an amorus [sic] meeting betwixt Thomas and Mary : Which may a pattern be to lovers true, when they their old affections do renew; to yield obedience unto cupids darts, and never to divide united hearts / To a West-country tune, or, The tyrant, &c. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, at the Golden-Ball, in pye-corner, 1685]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1/2°. — ESTC: R233962. — Verse - "Of late as I walked by a sweet greenwood side,".
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The west-country weaver: containing his sorrowful lamentation for the hardship which he undergoes by a proud imperious wife : together, with his resolution to reclaim her by the well-approved oil of holly / To the tune of If love's a sweet passion, &c. Licensed according t order. — [London] : Printed for C. Bates, at the White.Hart [sic], in West-Smithfield, [ 1685/1714]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1/2°. — ESTC: R234105. — Bodleian Library ballads database suggests publication date "between 1685 and 1714"; Wing suggests "[1690 or later]". Verse - "Good people I marry'd a turbulent wife,".
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Weavers, Broadside ballads. Bates, C.
Grenfield, Henry. God in the creature. Being a poem in three parts, viz. a song of praise in contemplation of the works of creation and providence in general ; with a debate touching providence in particular, by way of dialogue. ... With several other poems and odes. By H.Grenfield. — Exeter : Printed for J.May , 1686. — 8°. — *Dredge p.42 (Bibliotheca Cornubiensia); Wing2 G1936 (London : For George May).
Subjects: Devon. Creation Poetry in English
Kendall, Nicholas. Sermon preached at the assizes held for the county of Cornwall, at Launceston, 18 March, 1685. By N.Kendall, A.M. — London : For R.Royston ; sold by Geo. May, Exeter , 1686. — 4°. — *Dredge p.9 (Bibliotheca Cornubiensia); Wing2 K288a.
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Booksellers. May, George. Publications: Sermons. 1686. —
May, George.
Seller, Abednego. The devout communicant, assisted with rules for the worthy receiving of the blessed Eucharist. By Ab.Seller rector of Combentynhead. — London : Printed for R.Chiswell, 1686. — [24],201,[3],252 pages ; 1 2º. —
Copies: WSL: s234.163/COM/SEL
Subjects: Devon. Combeinteignhead. Clergy. Seller, Abednego. Works. Eucharist.
True love rewarded with loyalty : or, mirth and joy after sorrow and sadness. This young man he did walk in pensive manner being a souldier under Cupids burmer, in loving terms he did express his mind still fearing that his love will prove unkind, but she to ease him from all future pain, did cheer his heart & grant him love again / To a new West Country tune called, O hark my love, or Flora farwell. — [London] : Printed for W. Thackery, and T. Passenger, [[ 1686/1688]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcut) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187541 Place and date of publication from Wing. In two parts, printed side by side. Verse - "As I walk forth to take the air". Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 3, p. 146.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library . —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Thackeray, William.
A warning for married women : Being an example of Mrs. Jane Reynolds (a west-country-woman) born neer plimouth who having plighted her troth to a seaman, was afterwards married to a carpenter, and at last carried away by a spirit, the manner how shall presently be recited To a west-country tune, called, The fair maid of Bristol: Bateman, or, John True. — [London] : Printed for W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, [[ 1686/1688]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187710. — Verse - "There dwelt a fair maid in the west,". Place and date of publication suggested by Wing. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 101. —
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library . —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Women. Reynolds, Jane. Broadside ballads. Thackeray, William.
The west-country wonder: or, William the serving-man's good fortune in the marriage of an ancient lady : whom he got with child when she was threescore [sic] and six o[r] seven years of age, tho' she had ne'er been with child before, to the joy of her, and the admiration of others / To the tune of, The guinnea wins her. Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for J. Blare on London-bridge, [ 1686?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R228656. — Verse - "Attend to this relation,". Wing CD-ROM, 1996 gives a range of dates: 1684-1690. Place and date of publication from Wing CD-ROM, 1996. Another edition has "at the Looking-glass" in imprint.
Copies: British Library ; Glasgow University Library (Glasgow, Scotland); Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Marriage. Broadside ballads. Blare, J.
Jordaine, Joshua. Duodecimal arithmetick: viz notation, addition, > duodecimally performed, > By Joshua Jordaine of Exon, philo-accomptant. — London : John Richardson, 1687. — [30],304 pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s513.56/GEN/JOR. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Mathematicians. Jordaine, Joshua. Works. Duodecimal system.
The surprized lord & lady : or, The couragious west-country serving-man / To the tune of, I often for my Jenny strove. — [London] : Printed for R. Kell, at the White-Hart in West Smithifeld, near Pye-Corner, [[ 1687/1694]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187201. — Verse - "Of late we hear, in Devon-shire,". Place and date of publication suggested by Wing. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 293.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 4.293. —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Kell, R.
Burnet, Gilbert. The expedition of His Highness the Prince of Orange for England. .... [ 1688]. Signed: N. N. —
Copies: WSL: pxDEV/1688/NN : pxDEV/1688/NNr
Subjects: Devon.
England. Monarch 1685-1688. James II. By the King, a proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Exeter Fair, and other fairs thereabouts, for some time. — London : C.Bill, Henry Hills, 1688. — 1 sheet ; 1o. —
Copies: WSL: LE 1688/11/16 EG 4 ; BAR: Exeter Garland 4 ; PLY: Ex. Garl. 4 ; TOR: Exeter Garland 4. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Fairs. Proclamations. 1688. —
Flavel, John. The balm of the covenant applied to the bleeding wounds of afflicted saints. By John Flavel, preacher of the Gospel at Dartmouth. — London : Printed for J.Harris, 1688. — [16],174,[2] pages ; 1 2º. —
Copies: WSL: s242.4/GEN/FLA
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Flavel, John. Works. Devotional texts.
A form of prayer. — Exeter : Printed by J.B. , 1688. — 4°. — Wing2 F1570; *Clough; Allnutt. Exeter [J. B. ?], 1688. — 4°. — Wing2 F1570; *Clough; Allnutt.
Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Subjects: Devon. Christian life Prayers
General association> General association of the gentlemen Exeter [J. B. ?], 1688. — 1 sheet ; 1/2°. — Later edition dated 1689 reset, corrects misprint "Almlghty" in line 6. — Wing2 G488b; Dredge p.62 (Bodleian); Davidson p.91; Allnutt; State papers 31/4 fol.221 (Calendar of State Papers Domestic p.369); *Guildhall Lib. Bs.7.75.
Subjects: Devon. Gentry Allegiance 1688. —
Impeachment> Impeachment ... against Chief Justice Exeter [J. B. ?], 1688. — 1 sheet Letter to Lord Preston 5 Dec. 1688 (HMC 7th report p.420).
Subjects: Westcountry. England Lord Chief Justice Impeachment 1688. —
Impeachment> Impeachment ... against Lord Chancellor Exeter [J. B. ?], 1688. — 1 sheet Letter to Lord Preston 5 Dec. 1688 (HMC 7th report p.420).
Subjects: Westcountry. England Lord Chancellor Impeachments 1688. —
A modest vindication of the petition of the lords spiritual and temporal for the calling of a free parliament. — [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , 88 [i.e. 1688]. — 1/2°. — Wing2 M2376 (Imprint: [London, 1688]). —
Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Copies: WSL: LE 1688/11/21 ; BAR (Photocopy Exeter Garland 4) ; EXM ; PLY ; TOR ; Guildhall Lib. Bs.18.61
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Parliament Petitions 1688. —
Rymer, Thomas. An epistle to Mr Dryden. — Exeter : [s.n.] , 1688. — 1 sheet ; 1/2°. —
Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Subjects: Devon. Writers Dryden, John Satirical verse 1688. —
Speke, Hugh. Sir. The Prince of Orange's third declaration. 1688. —
Copies: WSL: LE 1688/11/28 ; BAR. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
A third collection of papers relating to the present juncture of affairs in England ... I. The expedition of the Prince of Orange. [London] : [s. n.], 1688. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1688/THI
Subjects: Devon.
A true and exact relation of the Prince of Orange his publick entrance into Exeter. — [ London or Exeter] : [ s.n.], [ 1688]. — 1 sheet ; ½º. —
Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Copies: WSL: LE 1688/11/26 EG 4 ; BAR: Exeter Garland 4 ; PLY ; TOR. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Royal visits. William III. 1688. —
William Henry, Prince of Orange. The declaration of His Highness William Henry, ... Prince of Orange &c. of the reasons inducing him, to appear in armes ... 1688. —
Copies: WSL: LE 1688/10/24 EG 4 : Exeter Garland 4 : Exeter Garland 4 : I/S : I/S.
Subjects: Devon.
William Henry, Prince of Orange. A letter, &c. Gentlemen and friends, we have given ... — [Exeter ?] : [s.n.] , [ 1688]. — 1 sheet. — Signed: W.H.P.O. — Wing1 O12; *Clough; State papers 8/2/ pt. 2 fol. 62 Calendar of State Papers Domestic p.369).
Subjects: Devon.
William Henry, Prince of Orange. The speech of the Prince of Orange to some of the principal gentlemen of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire on their coming to joyn His Highness at Exeter the 15th of Nov. 1688. — Exeter : Printed by J.B. , 1688. — 1 sheet. — Wing1 W2480; Dredge p.62 (Caxton exhibition); Davidson p.90; *Allnutt.
W. K. Sessions
Copies: EWP archives. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. England. Monarchs William III Speeches 1688. —
William Henry, Prince of Orange. The speech of the Prince of Orange to some of the principal gentlemen of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire on their coming to joyn His Highness at Exeter the 15th of Nov. 1688. — Exeter : Printed by J.B. , 1688. — 1 sheet. — Wing1 W2480; Dredge p.62 (Caxton exhibition); Davidson p.90; *Allnutt.
W. K. Sessions
Copies: EWP archives. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. England. Monarchs William III Speeches 1688. —
William Henry, Prince of Orange. The speech of the Prince of Orange to some of the principal gentlemen of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire on their coming to joyn His Highness at Exeter the 15th of Nov. 1688. — Exeter : Printed by J.B. , 1688. — 1 sheet. — Wing1 W2480; Dredge p.62 (Caxton exhibition); Davidson p.90; *Allnutt.
W. K. Sessions
Subjects: Devon.
William III Letter, &c. Gentlemen and friends Exeter 1688. — 1 sheet
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. England. Monarchs William III Letters 1688. —
William III Speech of the Prince of Orange Exeter 1688. — 1 sheet
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. England. Monarchs William III Speeches 1688. —
A full description of these times, or The Prince of Orange's march from Exeter to London : and Father Peters and the rest of the Jesuites put to flight. The Pope and Jesuit[e?] are undone, they could not England overcome to bring it into popery, though very boldly they di try; until a prince came o're the main, and blasted all that they had done; and now there is no more to be sed [sic], they run all away and hide their heads Tune of, Packingtons pound, Countrey farmer, or Digby's farwel. — [London] : Printed for A.B., [ 1688/1689]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1/2°. — ESTC: R215797. — Place of publication from Wing, which suggests imprint date "[1688]". But since O copy at Wood E 25(115) is dated in MS "Jan. 1688", according to Lady Day dating (since William wasn't in Exeter until Nov. 1688), a 1689 publication date is also possible. Verse - "Now let all true Protestants ever rejoyce,".
Copies: British Library ; Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 2.257 ; Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Devon. Invasions. Glorious Revolution. Broadside ballads. B., A.
Well-shap'd> The well-shap'd West-country lass : set forth in her proper shapes and qualities. She is so fair in her degree, that most she does surpass, I fear that many now will be in love with this fair lass; to the tune of, Cavalilly man / Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, J. Back, [[ 1688/1692]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R186357. — Place and date of publication from Wing. Verse - "Hi-ho, my heart it is light,". Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 3, p. 281. Wing reports "J. Back" in imprint mispelled "J. Black".
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 3.281 ; National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The west cuntrey [sic] crafty maid, or,lusty brave miller finely trappan'd. ... by John Wade, by [Wade, John,. — [London] : Printed for W[illiam]. Thackeray at the Sugar loaf in Duck-lane, [ 1688/1689]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R186138. — Publication date range from Wing. In two parts. At end of imprint: With allowanc [sic]. Verse - "You millers and taylors".
Copies: Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Thackeray, William.
The west-country lawyer: or,witty maids good fortune : who wisely maintain'd her virginity against the golden assaults of the lawyer, who at length married her to her hearts content / To the tune of, The baffled knight. Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for J[onah]. Deacon, at the Angel, in Gilt-spur-street, [ 1688/1689]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R227472. — Publication date range from Wing. Verse - "A youthful lawyer fine and gay,".
Copies: British Library ; Harvard University Houghton Library: 25242.67 2.208 ; National Library of Scotland: Crawford 1466. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Deacon, Jonah.
The west-country miser: or, An unconscionable farmer's miserable end : who having hoarded up his corn in hopes it would rise to a higher price, was disappointed so that he fell into despair, and died at last by the fright of an apparition / Tune of, Love's sweet passion: or, Fond boy, &c. — London : printed for J. Wolrah, in Holbourn, [ 1688/1689]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R227471. — Publication date range from Wing. Verse - "Let al loving people be pleas'd to attend,".
Copies: British Library ; Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library (Cambridge, England); Harvard University Houghton: 25242.67 2.209 ; Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England); Yale University, Sterling Memorial (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Misers. Broadside ballads. Wolrah, J.
West-country Tom tormented, or, Vexed to the heart by the news-mongers of the town : He vow'd he'd neither talk nor prate, or any news would give, concerning the affairs of state, but would at quiet live / To the tune of, Lilli borlero. — [London] : Printed for J. Wolrah, [[ 1688/1689]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R186376. — Verse - "I am a lad that's come to the town,". Place and date of publication from Wing.
Copies: National Library of Scotland: Crawford 545 ; Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Politics. Broadside ballads. Wolrah, J.
Bent, James. Bloody Assizes. : or, a complete history of the life of George, Lord Jefferies from his birth to this present time. [London] : [s. n.], 1689. —
Copies: WSL: sWES/1685/BLO. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
The dying speeches, letters and prayers, etc. of those eminent protestants who suffered ... West of England ... Justice Jeffery. [London] : [s. n.], 1689. —
Copies: WSL: sWES/1685/DYI. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
Fullwood, Francis. Agreement betwixt the present and the former government. — London : Printed for A.C. and are to be sold by Charles Yeo, in Exon , 1689. — 4°. — Wing2 F2495 ; *Clough.
Subjects: Westcountry. England Parliament Proceedings 1689. —
The general association, of the gentlemen of Devon, to his Highness the Prince of Orange. — Exon : Printed in the year , Printed 1689, 1 sheet ; 1/2°. — Wing G490. —
Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Copies: Guildhall Lib. Bs.7.79
Subjects: Devon. Loyalty Declarations 1689. —
The general association, of the gentlemen of Devon, to his Highness the Prince of Orange. — Exon : Printed in the year , Printed 1689, 1 sheet ; 1/2°. — Wing G490. —
Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Copies: Guildhall Lib. Bs.7.79
Subjects: Devon. Loyalty Declarations 1689. —
Long, Thomas. A full answer to all the objections that have yet appear'd, for for not taking the oath of allegiance to their present Majesties. — London : R.Baldwin, 1689. — [4],83,[1] pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: s342.08/GEN/LON. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Clergy. Long, Thomas. Works. Allegiance. Oaths. 1689. —
Long, Thomas. The historian unmask'd; or some reflections on the late history of passive-obedience; etc. — London : [s. n.], 1689. —
Copies: WSL: Devon and Exeter Instn. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Clergy. Long, Thomas. Allegiance. Oaths. 1689. —
Seller, Abednego. The history of passive obedience since the Reformation. — Amsterdam : Printed for T.Johnson, 1689. — [12],135 pages ; 21cm. — Author vicar of Combeinteignhead and Charles, Plymouth, a nonjuror. —
Copies: WSL: s342.805/COM/SEL
Subjects: Devon. Combeinteignhead. Clergy. Seller, Abednego. Allegiance. Oaths. 1689. —
Strange and wonderful news from Exeter, giving an account of the dreadful apparitions that was seen by Mr.Jacob Seley .... 1689. —
Copies: WSL: sx133.
Subjects: Devon.
Trelawny, Jonathan. Account of the proceedings of the Right Reverend ... Jonathan Lord Bishop of Exeter in his late visitation of Exeter College... 1689. —
Copies: WSL: s262.9/GEN/TRE
Subjects: Devon. Exeter.
Whittle, John. An exact diary of the late expedition of His Illustrious Highness the Prince of Orange, ... By a ... chaplain in the army. 1689. —
Copies: WSL: sDEV/1689/WHI : sDEV/1689/WHIr
Subjects: Devon.
William Henry, Prince of Orange. The Prince of Orange's letter to the King. — Exon : Printed , 1689. — 1 sheet. — Wing2 W2354; *Clough.
Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Subjects: Devon.
William Henry, Prince of Orange. The Prince of Orange's letter to the King. — Exon : Printed , 1689. — 1 sheet. — Wing2 W2354; *Clough.
Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Subjects: Devon.
William Henry, Prince of Orange. The Prince of Orange's speech to the Lords, &c. concerned with him. — [Exeter] : Printed at Exeter , 1689. — 1 sheet : 1/2°. —
W. K. Sessions
Copies: EWP archives. —
Subjects: Devon.
William Henry, Prince of Orange. The Prince of Orange's speech to the Lords, &c. concerned with him. — [Exeter] : Printed at Exeter , 1689. — 1 sheet : 1/2°. —
W. K. Sessions
Copies: EWP archives. —
Subjects: Devon.
William III Prince of Orange Exeter 1689. — 1 sheet
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. England. Monarchs William III Letters 1689. —
True love rewarded with loyalty; or, Mirth and joy after sorrow and sadness : This young man he did walk in pensive manner being a souldier under Cupids banner, in loving terms he did express his mind. Still fearing that his love will prove unkind, but she to ease him from all future pain, did cheer his heart & grant him love again / To a new west country tune called, O hark my love, or, Flora farewel. — [London] : Printed for W. Thackery, J. M[illet]. and A. M[ilbourn]., [[ 1689/1692]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcut) ; 1°. — ESTC: R185663. — Verse - "As I walkt forth to take the air". Publishers' names and place and date of publication from Wing (CD-ROM edition).
Copies: National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Thackeray, William.
1690. -
The account examined. : or, a vindication of Dr. Arthur Bury, rector of Exeter College, from the calumnies of a late pamphlet ... 1690. —
Copies: No Exeter copies. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
Flavel, John. Vindicae legis and faederis; or, a reply to Mr. Philip Cary's solemn call wherein he pretends to answer all the arguments > - London : for M. Wotton, 1690. — [28[,140 pages ; 1 2º. —
Copies: WSL: s234.1612/GEN/FLA
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Flavel, John. Works. Polemics.
Great news from Tingmouth, Torbay and Exon. Giving an account of the several actions of the French invaders ... 1690. —
Copies: WSL: LE 1690 EG 4 : Exeter Garland 4 : Exeter Garland 4 : I/S : I/S
Harrington, James. An account of the proceedings of the Right Reverend Father in God Jonathan Lord Bishop of Exeter ... visitation of Exeter College. — Oxford : Printed at the Theatre, 1690. — [2],58 pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: pB/EXE/378.1/ACC. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Trelawny, Jonathan. Colleges. Visitations. 1690. —
Sprat, Thomas, 1635-1713. A sermon preached before the King and Queen, at Whitehal, on Good Friday, 1690. / by Thomas Sprat, D.D.. — London : Printed by Edward Jones, 1690. — [2], 42 pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: s252/GEN/SPR. —
Subjects: Devon. Talaton. Bishops. Sprat, Thomas. Works. Sermons. 1690. —
Trelawny, Jonathan. Account of the proceedings of the Right Reverend > Jonathan Lord Bishop of Exeter in his late visitation of Exeter College> - Oxford : Printed at the Theatre, 1690. — 58 pages ; 20cm. —
Copies: WSL: s262.9/GEN/TRE. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Trelawny, Jonathan. Ecclesiastical law.
W., J. A letter from Exon to his friend, Mr. T. Wills, in London, concerning the landing of the French, July 26 ; with the particulars of the burning the town of Tingmouth, &c. — London : Printed by H. Hills, 1690. —, accessed February 2021
An answer to The merchants son of Exeter : shewing how he fell in love with a young damsel, and after he solemnly protested to be her loyal love, wis7ent the sea might be his grave, he proved falce, yet after all left her, and married another. With an account how he was distracted in mind for his falce hearted disloyalty, and met at length with his wisht for destiny. To the tune of O how can I be merry or glad. Licensed according to order / [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, J. Back [c. 1690?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R235036. — Place and date of publication from Wing. Verse - "Disloyal lovers listen now". Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 3, p. 366.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library . —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Love. Broadside ballads.
Bookseller: Brooksby, Philip.
The couragious soldiers of the VVest. Or,undaunted country-mens resolution in taking up arms : in the defence of King William and Queen Mary, together with the Protestant religionTune is, Lilli borlero. Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for J. Deacon [at the Angel in Guilt-spur-street], [ 1690]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcut) ; 1/2°. — ESTC: R174351. — Horizontal chainlines. Verse - "The martial drum no sooner did beat". Printed in black letter in three columns. In two parts; probably printed side by side. Date of publication from Wing.
Copies: British Library . —
Subjects: Devon. Invasions. Glorious Revolution. Broadside ballads. Deacon, Jonah.
The Devonshire boys courage and loyalty to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary : in defending their country from the invasion of the French. To an excellent new tune; call'd The Devonshire boys delight: or, The liggan waters, &c / [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, and J. Back, [ 1690]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R228200. — Verse - "Brave Devonshire boys made haste away,". Place and date of publication from Wing (CD-ROM edition). "The Devonsire damsels frollick" (Wing D1237) printed on the verso.
Copies: British Library: Roxburghe 2.137 ; Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library (Cambridge, England); Glasgow University Library: Euing 233 ; National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Rebellions. Western Rebellion. Broadside ballads.
Bookseller: Brooksby, Philip.
The merchants son of Exeter : shewing how he courted a mercers daughter whom he pretended he dearly loved, yet after faithful vows and solemn engagements, he left her and marri'd with another, which was the cause of her languishing to death. Tune is, O how can I be merry or glad / Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, and J. Back [c. 1690?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R188564. — Place and date of publication from Wing. Verse - "Susan a mercers daughter dear,". Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 3, p. 365
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 3.365. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The perjur'd youth: being an account of a Devonshire young man : who courted a damsel for pure love, which when he had obtained the same he importuned her to lye with him before marriage, which she obstinately refused, but he wishing that he might break his neck, if he wa not true to her, and having obtain'd his ends, he forsook her, and soon after broke his neck, according to his wish, as a just example for his villany / Tune of Valiant jockey. Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, J. Deacon, J. Blare and J. Back, [c. 1690?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187304. — Publication date suggested by Wing. Verse - "Let falsehearted lovers now,". Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 3, p. 376.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 3.376. —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The ploughman's love and loyalty; or,downright wooing betwixt honest Harry, and his beloved Joan : two west-country lovers / To the tune of Ile often for my Jenny strove Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for, P. Brooksby J. Deacon, J. Blare J. Back, [ca. 1690?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187310. — Verse - "Sweet Joan my joy and hearts delight,". Place and date of publication suggested by Wing. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 69.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 4.69. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
Roger's delight: or, The west-country christning, and gossipping : To an excellent new tune: or, Cold and raw / Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, J. Back, [ca. 1690?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187252. — Verse - "When Sol had left his weary teams,". Place and date of publication from Wing. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 290.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 4.290.. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Christenings. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The unconstant maiden, or,forsaken young-man : Shewing how a Devonshire-damsel marry'd another, while her lover was come to London, to his great grief / To a pleasant new tune. Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, J. Back, [ca. 1690?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.). — ESTC: R187637. — Place and date of publication from Wing. Verse - "Farewell my dearest dear,". Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 5, p. 163.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys 5.163. —
Subjects: Devon. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The west-country jigg: or, A trenchmore galliard : See how the lads and lasses flock together, a merry makeing, like birds of a feather; here's Sam, and Sawny, gentle James and jonny [sic], with Moll and Moggy, and those girls so bonny: where they had store of mirth, and mickle laughter. Therefore observe it for the best comes after. — To a merry Scotch tune, or: Up with aley aley, &c. — [London] : printed for P. brooksby [sic], 1690?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1°. — ESTC: R228646. — Verse - "Iack's a naughty boy". Imprint from Wing CD-ROM, 1996. —
Copies: British Library : Roxburghe 2.502-503 ; Glasgow University Library: Euing 385 ; Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts); National Library of Scotland: Crawford 722 ; Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). -
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The West-country lady: or,true pattern of love and loyalty : being the resolution of a wealthy lady in Cornwal, to marry a schollar for pure love / Tune of, Merry and glad. Licensed according to order. — [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, and J. Back, [ca. 1690. — 1690?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R187722. — Verse - "Young lasses now of beauty bright,". Place and date of publication suggested by Wing. Catalogued from Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Pepys Ballads, facsimile volume 4, p. 14.
Copies: Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library Pepys ballads 4.14. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Brooksby, Philip.
The west-country lawyer or,witty maid's good fortune : who wisely maintain'd her virginity against the golden assaults of the lawyer, who at length married her to her hearts content / To the tune of The baffled knight, [sic. — [London] : [s. n.], [ 1690?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R228750. — Verse - "A youthful lawyer fine and gay". Imprint conjectured by cataloguer. Date and place of publication taken from Wing W1404. Wing CD-ROM, 1996 gives range of dates 1688-1695 for Wing W1404. Cf. Wing W1404 which has "Licensed according to order" in the title.
Copies: British Library . —
Subjects: Westcountry. Marriage. Broadside ballads. [s. n.].
The west-country weaver: containing his sorrowful lamentation for the hardship which he undergoes by a proud imperious wife : together, with his resolution to reclaim her by the well-approved oil of holly / To the tune of If love's a sweet passion, &c. Licensed according t order. — [London] : Printed for C. Bates at the Bible ..., [ 1690?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R228653. — Verse - "Good people I marry'd a turbulent wife,". Place and date of publication from Wing CD-ROM, 1996. Wing CD-ROM, 1996 gives date: 1690 or later.
Copies: British Library: Roxburghe 2.513 ; National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland); Oxford University Bodleian Library (Oxford, England). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Weavers, Broadside ballads. Bates, C.
Bury, Arthur, 1624-1713. The case of Exeter-Colledge, in the University of Oxford related and vindicated. [London] : [s. n.], 1691. —
Copies: WSL: pB/EXE/378.1/CAS. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. Love for money : or, the boarding school, a comedy as it is acted at the Theatre Royal. 1691. —
Copies: WSL: s822/DUR : s822/DURg
Subjects: Devon.
England. Monarch 1688-1702. William III. A proclamation requiring all seamen and mariners to render themselves to Their Majesties Service. [London] : [s. n.], 1691. —
Copies: WSL: LE 1691/02/09 EG 4 : Exeter Garland 4 : Exeter Garland 4 : I/S : I/S. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
Flavell, John, 1630-1691. Mr. John Flavell's remains : being two sermons, composed by that reverend and learned divine. — London : Pr.for Tho. Cockerill, 1691. — [32],140,[4] pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s252/DAR/FLA
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Flavell, John. Works. Sermons. 1691. —
Harrington, James. A defence of the proceedings of the right reverend the visitor and fellows of Exeter College in Oxford. London : [s.n.], [ 1691]. —
Copies: Not acquired WSL : Univ.Ex. Cred.Lib.pam 1691/HAR. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
House of Commons. The votes of the House of Commons, Mercurii 9. die Decembris, 1691. — London : Thomas Braddyll &c;, 1691. — 2 pages ; 2º. — Includes referral of petition from Exeter on woollen manufactory. —
Copies: WSL: LE 1691/12/09 EG 13 ; BAR: Exeter Garland 13 ; PLY ; TOR. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Wool industries. Petitions. 1691. —
King, Peter. An enquiry into the constitution, discipline, unity and worship of the Primitive Church ... / By an impartial hand. — London : For Jonathan Robinson, 1691. — [16],238 pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s281.1/GEN/KIN. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Statesmen. King, Peter. Works. Church. Doctrine.
Wetenhall, Edward. A letter to a friend, occasion'd by the surrender of Mons, shewing how unreasonable it is .. to wish success to the French arms. — London : Printed for T. Parkhurst, 1691. — [4],30,[2] pages : 4º. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/239/WET. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Clergy. Wetenhall, Edward. Works. Polemics. 1691. —
[ Apprenticeship indenture]. — London : Freeman Collins, 1692. — 1692. —

Devon Record Office
Copies: Devon Record Office. —
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. The marriage-hater match'd : a comedy acted at the Theatre Royal bu. 1692. —
Copies: WSL: s822/DUR
Subjects: Devon.
Easton, Thomas. A sermon preach'd at the funeral of John Melford, Esq; of Nymet Episcopi, in the Diocess of Exeter. ... — London : for Tho. Bennett, 1692. — [4],27[1] pages ; 4º. -
Copies: WSL: s252/BIS/EAS. —
Subjects: Devon. Bishop's Nympton. Clergy. Easton, Thomas. Works. Sermons. 1692. —
England. Monarch 1688-1702. William III. A proclamation, requiring all seamen and mariners to render themselves to Their Majesties Service. [London] : [s. n.], 1692. —
Copies: WSL: LE 1692/01/08 EG 4 : Exeter Garland 4 : Exeter Garland 4 : I/S : I/S. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
Great news from Dartmouth in Devonshire. Of the wonderful escape of divers French Protestants from Charente near Rochel, and their safe arrival at Dartmouth, the 24th of March. — London : Printed for Richard Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1691 [i. e. 1692]. — 1 sheet. —, accessed February 2021
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Huguenots.
Meeth. Parish. To the Right Reverend Father in God Jonathan Lord Bishop of Exon > petition of the > inhabitants of the parish of Meeth > - London : F.Collins for C.Yeo, 1692. — 1 sheet ; 1o. —
Copies: DRO: Meeth 2388A/PW5 ; WSL: LE 1692/07/12 (photocopy). —
Subjects: Devon. Meeth. Churches. Towers. Petitions. 1692. —
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The arts of empire, and mysteries of state discabineted. In political and polemical aphorisms .... 1692. —
Copies: WSL: s320.5/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: Politics
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. An introduction to a breviary of the history of England with the reign of King William the I. entitled the Conqueror. 1692. —
Copies: WSL: s942.021/GEN/RAL : s942.021/GEN/RALr
Subjects: Devon. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter, Sir. Works: England. History.
Southcomb, Lewis. A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Mr. John Culme, vicar of Knowstone and Molland, in Devon. December 2. 1691. — London : Printed for H. Bonwicke, 1692. — [4],30,[2] pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: s252/KNO/SOU. —
Subjects: Devon. Knowstone. Clergy. Culme, John. Funerals. Sermons. 1691. —
Bush, John. The necessity and reward of a willing mind. A sermon preach'd at Exon before an assembly of ministers of the counties of Devon and Somerset, April 16, 1693. By John Bush. — London : Printed for Mich. Hyde bookseller in Exon, 1693. — 4°. — Wing2 B6231. *Dredge p. 10;
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Nonconformist meetings Assembly of Ministers Sermons 1693. —
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. The Richmand heiress : or, a woman once in the right. A comedy acted at the Theatre Royal by Their Majesties servants. 1693. —
Copies: WSL: s822/DUR
Subjects: Devon.
Flavell, John, 1630-1691. Husbandry spiritualized: or, the heavenly use of earthly things > / By John Flavel minister of the gospel in Devon. — London : for T. Parkhurst, 1693. — [32],327,[15] pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s242.68/GEN/FLA
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Flavell, John. Works. Devotional texts.
Hallett, Joseph. Christ's ascension into heaven asserted and practically improved in several sermons ... — London : Printed for John Salusbury , and Robert Osborne, bookseller near the Bear in Exon , 1693. — [20],106,[2] pages ; 8°. — Wing2 H450; DUL 32213.
Copies: DEI. —
Subjects: Devon. Christian doctrine Christ. Ascension
Mayne, Zachary. Sanctification by faith vindicated : in a discourse on the seventh chapter of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, compared with the sixth and eighth chapters of the same Epistle. Written by Zachary Mayne, M.A. To which is prefixt a preface by Mr. Rob. Burscough. Licensed, Sept. 11th, 1693. — London : Printed by W.O. for John Salusbury, and sold by Walter Dight in Exon , 1693. — [2],vii,[1],viii,43,[1] pages ; 4°. — Wing2 M1486; *Dredge p.62 (Bodleian); Sheaves 1 p.538.
Subjects: Devon. Christian doctrine Faith
Pitts, Thomas. A new martyrology. : or, the bloody assizes: .... [London] : [s. n.], 1693. —
Copies: WSL: s345.0231/WES/NEW. —
Subjects: Westcountry.
Shower, John. Sacramental discourses on several texts, before and after the Lord's Supper / by John Shower. — London : Printed for Abr. Chandler, 1693. — [14],336,[8] pages ; 1 2º. —
Copies: WSL: s234.163/GEN/SHO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Nonconformist ministers. Shower, John. Works. Holy communion. 1693. —
Shower, John. Sacramental discourses on several texts, before and after the Lord's Supper. 1693. —
Copies: WSL: s234.163/GEN/SHO
Subjects: Devon. Exeter.
Trosse, George, 1631–1713. The pastor's care and dignity, and the people's duty. A sermon preach'd at the assembly of ministers at Taunton, the 7th September, 1692. By G.T. — London : Printed for John Salusbury, at the Sun in Cornhil, and R.Osborn, bookseller near the Bear in Exon , 1693. — [2],ii,60 pages ; 8°. — Wing1 T2304; WSL; * Dredge p. 10. —
Copies: WSL: s208/GEN/TRA
Subjects: Devon. Taunton Nonconformists Assembly of United Ministers 1693. —
Burthogge, Richard. An essay upon reason, and the nature of spirits. — London : for John Dunton, 1694. — [6], 280 pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s133.1/GEN/BUR. —
Subjects: Devon. Totnes. Clergy. Burthogge, Richard. Works. Soul. —
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. The comical history of Don Quixote, as it was acted. Part 1. 1694. —
Copies: WSL: s822/DUR
Subjects: Devon.
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. The comical history of Don Quixote, as it was acted. Part the second. 1694. —
Copies: WSL: s822/DUR
Subjects: Devon.
Lake, Edward. A sermon preach'd at the anniversary meeting of the sons of clergy-men in the church of St Mary-le-Bow, on Thursday, December the 7th. 1693. 1694. —
Copies: WSL: p252/GEN/LAK
Subjects: Devon. Exeter.
Stoddon, Samuel. [ Poimne phulakion. Greek types]. The pastors charge and the peoples duty. A sermon (for the most part) preached at the Assembly of Ministers at Exon, June 7. 1693. By Samuel Stoddon. ... — London : Printed for Jonath. Robinson in St. Paul's Church-yard ; and are to be sold by Robert Osborne bookseller in Exon, 1694. — [6],162 pages ; 12°. — Wing1 S5714. — Dredge p. 10; Sheaves 2 p.355. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Nonconformists Assembly of United Ministers Sermons 1694. —
Deloney, Thomas, -1600. The Lamentation of George Strangwidge, who for the consenting to the death of Mr. Page of Plymouth, suffered death at Barstable. — [London] : [s. n.], [ 1695?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.). — ESTC: R171474. — Tune: Fortune my Foe. —
Copies: National Library of Scotland: Crawford.EB.792. —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Murders. Broadside ballads. [s. n.].
Deloney, Thomas, -1600. The lamentation of Mr. Page's wife of Plimouth : who being forced to wed him. Consented to his murder, for the love of G. Strangwidge; for which they suffered at Barnstable, in Devonshire. — The tune of, Fortune my Foe, &c. — [London] : Printed by and for Alex. Milbourn in Green-Arbor-Court in the Little Old-Baily, [ 1695?]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1°. — ESTC: R171731. — Verse - "Unhappy she whom fortune hath forlorn,". Place and date of publication from Wing. With two additional caption titles: "Mrs. Page's complaint for causing her husband to be murthered for the love of George Strangwidge." and "George Strangwidge's lamentation for consenting to Page's death for the love of Ulalia, Page's wife." -
Copies: National Library of Scotland: Crawford 1227; Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript (New Haven, Connecticut). —
Subjects: Devon. Barnstaple. Murders. Broadside ballads. Milbourne, Alexander.
The merry wooing of Robin & Joan the West-Country lovers : To the tune of, The beginning of the world, or, Sellingers round, or, Great boobe / [London] : Printed for J Conyers at the Raevn in Duck-lain, [c. 1695]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; 1°. — ESTC: R228442. — Publication date suggested by Wing. Verse - "O mother thave been a Batchellor".
Copies: British Library Roxburghe C.20.f.8.343 ; Cambridge University Magdalene College Pepysian Library: Pepys Ballads 4.15. —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads.
Bookseller: Conyers, J.
A warning for married women: being an example of Mrs. Jane Reynolds : (a west-country woman) born near Plymouth, who having plighted her troth to a seaman was afterwards married to a carpenter, and at last carried away by a spirit, the manner how shall be recited / To a west-country tune, call'd The fair maid of Bristol: or, John True, &c. — London : printed by and for W[illiam]. O[nley]. and are to be sold by the booksellers, [ 1695/1700]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcuts) ; obl. 1/2°. — ESTC: R186281. — Verse - "There was a fair maid in the west,". In four columns with two woodcuts above the first two columns. Printer's name and range of publication dates from Wing CD-ROM, 1996. —
Copies: Glasgow University Library (Glasgow, Scotland)] . —
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Women. Reynolds, Jane. Broadside ballads. Onley, William.
Leslie, Charles. A religious conference between a minister and parishoner ; concerning the practice of our orthodox Church of England in baptizing infants and pouring water on their faces orsprinkling them; and in confirming them by the Bishop when they are come of age to give account of their faith: proving all three lawful by the authority of the holy scriptures ..> London : Printed for A.and J.Churchill, and sold by John Pearce bookseller in Exon , 1696. — 32 pages ; 4°. — Wing2 L1145 Term catalogues, Hilary 1696/7 iii,1 (A. & J.Churchill only). —
Copies: WSL: s080/DEV.PAM.4
Subjects: Devon. Baptism Christian doctrine
Newte, John, 1655?-1716. The lawfulness and use of organs in the christian church. Asserted in a sermon preached at Tiverton in the county of Devon upon the 13th of September, 1696. On occasion of an organ's being erected in that parish church. By John Newte, M.A. rector of Tiverton in Devon ; sometime fellow of Baliol Colledge in Oxford. — London : Printed for Freeman Collins in the Old Baily, and are to be sold by William Rogers at the Sun over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet ; and by Humphry Burton bookseller in Tiverton , London : Printed for Freeman Collins in the Old Baily, and are also to be sold by William Rogers at the Sun over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet; and by Humphry Burton bookseller in Tiverton, 1696. — 64 pages ; 4°. — Wing2 N1040; *Dredge p.57 (A.Iredale)., accessed February 2021
Subjects: Devon. Tiverton. Organ music Sermons 1696. —
A sermon preached in a congregation in the city of Exon, on the Thanksgiving-day, Thursday, April 16, 1696. By a minister of the gospel. — London : Printed for Robert Osborne, bookseller, near the Bear in Exon , 1696. — [2],28,[2] pages ; 4°. — Wing S2638; *Dredge p.94.
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Thanksgiving Sermons 1696. —
Shower, Bartholomew Sir. The Master of the Temple as bad a lawyer as the Dean of Pauls is a Divine. .. about the law-part .. of the Oxford decree. — London : E.Whitlock, 1696. — [2],26 pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/340/SHO. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Lawyers. Shower, Bartholomew Sir. Works. Law.
Chilcot, William. A sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter in Exon. April 4. 1697. Being Easter-day and Assize Sunday. By William Chilcot, M.A.- London : Printed by Freeman Collins for Philip Bishop, bookseller in Exon, 1697. — [4],28p ; 4°. — Wing2 3847a. — Dredge p.10; Sheaves 4 p.560. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Assizes Sermons 1697. —
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. The intrigues at Versailles : or, a jilt in all humours. A comedy, acted by His Majesty's servants at the theatre in Lincolns-Inn. 1697. —
Copies: WSL: s822/DUR
Subjects: Devon.
D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653?-1723. A new opera, call'd Cinthia and Endimion ... — [London] : [s. n.], 1697. —
Copies: WSL: s822/DUR
Subjects: Devon.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1554-1618. The secrets of government, and misteries of state, plainly laid open in all the several forms of government in the christian world ... — [ London] : Printed in the year, 1697. — [2],238 pages ; 8º. —
Copies: WSL: s320.5/GEN/RAL. —
Subjects: Devon. East Budleigh. Statesmen. Raleigh, Walter. Sir. Works. Politics. —
An excellent new playhouse song call'd, The west-country fairing : or, Dicks present to Doll under the barly mow / London : printed and sold by T. Moore in Black-Fryers, 1697]. — 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1/2°. — ESTC: R13921. — In verse; first line: "Twas when the sheep were shearing,". Four stanzas In two columns. Caption title.
Copies: Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts). —
Subjects: Westcountry. Love. Broadside ballads. Moore, T.
[ Apprenticeship indenture]. — Exeter : Printed by Sam. Darker, for John Pearce,bookseller in Exon, 1698. —

Devon Record Office
Copies: Devon Record Office:3326A/PO5/1/10. —
[ Apprenticeship indenture]. — Exeter : Printed by Sam. Darker, for John Pearce,bookseller in Exon, 1698. —
Devon Record Office
Copies: Devon Record Office. —
[ Apprenticeship indenture]. — Exeter : Printed by Sam. Darker, for John Pearce,bookseller in Exon, 1698. —
Devon Record Office
Copies: Devon Record Office. —
Chilcot, William. A practical treatise concerning evil thoughts. Wherein are some things more especially useful for melancholy persons. By William Chilcot. M.A. ... — Exon : Printed by Samuel Darker, for Charles Yeo, John Pearce, and Philip Bishop, 1698. — [6],276,[10]p ; 8°. — Wing2 C3847. —
Copies: WSL: s241.3/GEN/CHI : s241.3/GEN/CHI.
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Clergy. Chilcot, William. Works. Sin.
Church of England. A form of prayer for married persons. — Exeter : [s.n.], 1698. — 8°. — Wing2 C4136. — Clough.
Subjects: Devon. Married persons Prayers
Dunning, Richard. Bread for the poor : or, a method shewing how the poor may be maintained, and duly provided for, in a far more plentiful, and yet cheaper manner than now the are, without waste or want. ... — Exeter : Printed by Samuel Darker, for Charles Yeo, John Pearce, and Philip Bishop, 1698. — [4],28p ; 4°. — Wing2 D2613 Dredge p.94 (T.N.Brushfield); Davidson p.24, supp. 1n (Secktor Lib.); Plymouth Athenaeum p. 16. —
Subjects: Devon. Poverty relief Proposals 1698. —
Flavell, John, 1630-1691. The fountain of life opened: or, a display of Christ in his essential and mediatorial glory ... By John Flavell. — London : for Robert Parkurst, 1698. — [16],572,[24] pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: s232/GEN/FLA
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Flavell, John. Works. Christ.
Flavell, John, 1630-1691. Pneumatologia. A treatise of the soul of man: wherein the divine original, .. and immortal nature of the soul are opened > - London : J.D. for T. Parkhurst, 1698. — xx.424 pages ; 4º. —
Copies: WSL: s233.5/GEN/FLA
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Clergy. Flavell, John. Works. Christian doctrine.
Incorporation of Weavers Fullers and Shearmen, Exeter. The names of several persons trading in and depending upon the manufacturing of serges within the city of Exon, and parts adjacent, lately removed from thence into the kingdon of Ireland. — [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , [ 1698?]. — 1 sheet ; 1/2°. — Certified ... this 12th of March, 1697/8. — *NUC NE0219332; Wing2 N127a (Imprint [London?, 1698]).
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Serge manufacturers Emigration to Ireland 1698. —
King, Josiah. Mr. Blount's oracles of reason, examined and answered, in nine sections in which his many heterodox opinions are refuted, the holy scriptures and revealed religion are asserted, against deism & atheism. By Josiah King, M.A. and chaplain to the Right Honourable James Earl of Anglesey. — Exon : Printed by S.Darker for Ch. Yeo ; J.Pearce and Ph. Bishop, booksellers in Exon, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster , 1698. — [16],236,[2] pages ; 8°. — Wing2 K512. —
Copies: WSL. (Variant). —
Subjects: Devon. Atheism Polemics
A letter to a friend in the country, concerning the use of instrumental music in the worship of God ... answer to ... Newte. — [ s. l.] : [ s. n.] , 1698. —
Subjects: Devon. Tiverton. Sermons. Texts. 1698. —
Select hymns : each fitted to two tunes. To be sung in churches. ... — Exeter : Printed by S.Darker, for Philip Bishop, bookseller, over against the Guildhall, Exon , 1698. — 46 pages ; 8°. — Dredge p.94 (Dr. William's Library).
Subjects: Devon. Christian church Hymns
Shower, Bartholomew, Sir. The substance of what Sir Bartholomew Shower spake at the Guild-Hall Exon, August 19th, 1698, upon declaring the poll for the burgesses of that city elected, to serve in this present parliament. — Exeter : printed by Sam. Darker, and Sam. Farley, for Charles Yeo, John Pearce, and Philip Bishop, booksellers in Exon , 1698. — 2 pages ; 1/2°. — Wing1 S3659. Davidson p.24; Calendar of State Papers Domestic p.377-9. —
Copies: WSL ; DEI. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Parliamentary elections. Campaign literature. 1698. —
Smith, Humphry. A sermon preached in St. Saviour's Church in Dartmouth, July 24th, anno Dom. 1698. Together with some reflections on the opinion of those, who affirm, that the only difference between the church and the meeting-house, is that of a few ceremonies. In a letter to a friend. By Humfry Smith, M.A. — Exeter : Exon : printed by Sam. Darker and Sam. Farley, for Charles Yeo, John Pearce, and Philip Bishop , 1698. — 4°. — Wing2 S4086. — Dredge p.62 (Bodleian). —
Subjects: Devon. Dartmouth. Nonconformists Sermons 1698. —
Little reflections … - [ Exeter] : [ s.n.], 1698. — Burnet Morris (Calendar of State Papers Domestic p.377-9). An attack on Sir Bartholomew Shower referred to in "The substance of what Sir Bartholomew Shower spake" as being posted at the Guildhall, probably unprinted. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Parliamentary elections. Campaign literature. 1698. —
Queries ... — [ Exeter] : [ s.n.], 1698. — Burnet Morris (Calendar of State Papers Domestic p.377-9). An attack on Sir Bartholomew Shower, see note to "Little reflections" above. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Parliamentary elections. Campaign literature. 1698. —
Avant, Philip. The way of all the earth. Sermons preach'd at Salcomb-Regis, in the county of Devon. By Philip Avant, vic. ibid. — Exon : Printed by Sam. Darker, and Sam. Farley , 1699. — [8],106+p ; 8°. — Not in Wing2; *WSL (copy lacks all after p. 106). —
Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Subjects: Devon. Salcombe Regis. Clergy. Avant, Philip. Works. Sermons. —
Burscough, Robert. A discourse of schism : address'd to those dissenters who conform'd before the toleration, and have since withdrawn themselves from the communion of the Church of England / By Robert Burscough, M.A. — London : printed for Tho. Bennet, at the Half-moon in St. Paul's Church-yard : and Charles Yeo, bookseller in Exeter, 1699. — 231, [1] pages ; 8º. — Wing2 B6136. — Dredge p. 11; Term catalogues Trinity 1699, iii,134; Plymouth Public Library L3851.
Copies: WSL: s262.8/TOT/BUR
Subjects: Devon. Totnes. Clergy. Burscough, Robert. Works. Schism. —
Chandler, Samuel. An impartial account of the Portsmouth disputation. — Exon : Printed by Sam. Darker and Sam. Farley, for Philip Bishop, 1699. — 4°. — Wing2 C1932. — Clough.
Subjects: Devon. Portsmouth Christian church? Controversies?
Exeter. Diocese Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical, exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men, of every parish, within the Diocess of Exeter, at the visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Jonathan, by divine permission, Lord Bishop of Exeter in the year of our Lord, 1699. — Exon : Printed by Sam. Darker and Sam. Farley, for Charles Yeo, bookseller , 1699. — [4],18p ; 4°. — Not in Wing2. —
Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Copies: WSL: p262.03/WES/EXE.
Subjects: Westcountry. Exeter Diocese. Episcopal visitations 1699. —
Gascoyne, Joel. To the right honourable, the nobility, the honourable, the gentry, of the county of Cornwall. May it please your honours, I have, with indefatigable pains ... compleated the map of your county of Cornwall ... — Exon : printed by Sam. Darker, and Sam. Farley, for Charles Yeo, bookseller in Exon , 1699. — Bs. — Reproduced in: *Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries, v.32, p.34. — Original in Cornwall Record Office. — Not in Wing2.
Subjects: Cornwall Maps Publication 1699. —
Gilbert, John A sermon preached at St. Andrews, Plymouth, January 30th, 1698/9. By John Gilbert, M.A. vicar there; and canon of Exeter. With a preface defending King Charles the Martyr, and the observation of his day, against the libels, and practice of such, who are enemies to both. — Exon : Printed by Sam. Darker, and Sam. Farley, for Charles Yeo, bookseller , 1699. — 4°. — Wing2 G710; *Dredge p. 1699. — 11; Term catalogues Trinity 1699, iii,134 (for T.Bennet and C.Yeo only); DUL 29470.
Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. England. Monarchs Charles I Sermons 1699. —
Gilbert, John. A sermon on the sin of stealing custom. — Exon : printed by Sam. Darker, and Sam. Farley, for Charles Yeo , 1699. — 4°. — Wing2 G709; *Clough.
Subjects: Devon. Tithes? Sermons
Mason, William. Art's advancement. 1699. —
Subjects: Devon. Exeter.
[ Saints groans for a perfect deliverance from the body of sin and death : being the sum of several sermons on Rom.vii.24,25]. [ 1699?]. —
Copies: WSL: s233.2/GEN/SAI
Subjects: Devon.
Saunders, John. A catalogue of choice and valuable books .. the library of ... John Saunders, school-master of Tiverton. — [ s. l.] : [ s. n.], 1699. —
Subjects: Devon. Tiverton. Teachers. Saunders, John. Libraries. Sale catalogue. 1699. —
Whinnell, Thomas. The best portion. Being a sermon preached at the funeral of Mrs. Mary Steed, in the city of Exon, November 16th, 1699. By T.W. a lover of peace and truth. — Exon : Printed by Sam. Darker and Sam. Farley, and are to be sold by H.Chauklin, bookseller in Taunton, and at Joshua Machie's, tobacconist in Exon , [ 1699]. — [4],34p ; 4°. —
Westcountry Studies Library, Devon Heritage Centre
Copies: WSL: sB/EXE/252/WIN : sB/EXE/252/WINr
Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Funerals Steed, Mary Sermons 1699. —
This page last updated 13 February 2021